What you may not know about... MScientific classificationoths Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Photography and article written by Milena LaFranca order: Lepidoptera
[email protected] At roughly 160,000, there are nearly day or nighttime. Butterflies are only above: scales on moth wing, shot at 2x above: SEM image of individual wing scale, 1500x ten times the number of species of known to be diurnal insects and moths of moths have thin butterfly-like of microscopic ridges and bumps moths compared to butterflies, which are mostly nocturnal insects. So if the antennae but they lack the club ends. that reflect light in various angles are in the same order. While most sun is out, it is most likely a butterfly and Moths utilize a wing-coupling that create iridescent coloring. moth species are nocturnal, there are if the moon is out, it is definitely a moth. mechanism that includes two I t i s c o m m o n f o r m o t h w i n g s t o h a v e some that are crepuscular and others A subtler clue in butterfly/moth structures, the retinaculum and patterns that are not in the human that are diurnal. Crepuscular meaning detection is to compare the placement the frenulum. The frenulum is a visible light spectrum. Moths have that they are active during twilight of their wings at rest. Unless warming spine at the base of the hind wing. the ability to see in ultra-violet wave hours. Diurnal themselves, The retinaculum is a loop on the lengths.