Orbital Data for the & Dwarf Planets

Planets Distance Orbital Orbital Inclination From Period Speed Eccentricity of Period of (AU) (in (km/s) (e) to (in Earth to Orbit ) (°) days) (°) 0.3871 0.2408 47.9 0.206 7.00 58.65 0 0.7233 0.6152 35.0 0.007 3.39 -243.01* 177.3 Earth 1.000 1 29.8 0.017 0.00 0.997 23.4 1.5273 1.8809 24.1 0.093 1.85 1.026 25.2 5.2028 11.862 13.1 0.048 1.31 0.410 3.1 9.5388 29.458 9.6 0.056 2.49 0.426 26.7 19.1914 84.01 6.8 0.046 0.77 -0.746* 97.9 30.0611 164.79 5.4 0.010 1.77 0.718 29.6 Dwarf Planets 2.76596 4.599 17.882 0.07976 10.587 0.378 ~3 39.5294 248.54 4.7 0.248 17.15 -6.4* 122.5 43.335 285.4 4.484 0.18874 28.19 0.163 ? 45.791 309.88 4.419 0.159 28.96 ? ? 67.6681 557 3.436 0.44177 44.187 > 8 hrs ? ?

* Most planets and dwarf planets rotate in the same direction that they revolve around the Sun. Negative values of the shown on this chart indicate that the or rotates in the direction opposite to that in which it the Sun. This is called retrograde rotation.

The distance from the Sun is given in units of the Earth's average distance from the Sun (93 million ). This distance is called an AU (). Looking at the chart, for example, you will see that Neptune is about 30 times more distant from the Sun than the Earth is.

Orbital periods are given in units of the Earth's one .

The eccentricity of a planet or dwarf planet's orbit is a number which measures how elliptical (oval shaped) the orbit of that planet or dwarf planet is. If the eccentricity of a planet or dwarf planet's orbit is 0, the orbit is a . Most planets and dwarf planets have eccentricities less than 0, so their orbits are elliptical.

This chart modified from a chart created by Randy Russell for Windows to the at https://www.windows2universe.org/.

Event Manager's Note: Participants will not be responsible for knowing individual pieces of data from this chart. However, they will be responsible for understanding the meaning of the column headings. IE., what is an AU; or, what does mean?