At the Constant Recurrence of Inappropriate Names
M It has frequently been a matter of deep regret - we had almost said disgust - at the constant recurrence of inappropriate names given to new villages or towns in the various colonies of Australia… We submit that in naming a new locality reference should be made to some great feature or peculiarity in the same, and in most cases, not all certainly, the Native Names especially of South Australia, will be found euphonious, at any rate more expressive than those adopted by the settlers. (Border Watch, 10 January 1862) Maaoope - The Boandik people had a word mooeyup meaning ‘edible root’, while the Penola historian, Peter Rymill, says that: One local opinion has it that ‘Maa-ooup’, as it was originally pronounced, was derived from the call of the bullfrog. However, this amphibian (Limnodynastes dumerilii) utters a single, short note, sounding like the ‘bonk’ of a flat banjo string, to which its mate will sometimes reply ‘bonk-bonk’. Another opinion, originating from the Dickson family, is that ‘Maaoupe’ [sic] is evocative of the cry of the bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus); a deep, resonant, two-syllable booming, likened to the bellowing of a bull (as its generic name, Bo[s] taurus, suggests). Incidentally, it is likely that the haunting call of this bird gave rise to the widespread myth of the fabulous bunyip. Dr James Dickson is acknowledged as being the pioneer of Maaoupe [sic] Station, 9 miles (15km) north- west of Penola in 1846. Remembered as a north-countryman, he was probably born into a medical family near Romaldkirk, Yorkshire, in 1809.
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