sheetthe News, Views & Culture of the Eastern Sierra Larissa French was all smiles at the Husky Club’s “Fun with Police and Wheels BBQ” this past Tuesday.

Saturday, June 22, 2019 FREE Vol. 17, No. 25 TIOGA PASS ROAD WILL ALLOW OPEN THE DOOR, LIMITED ACCESS STARTING JUNE 21 AND LET TIOGA INN Press Release Will Mono County ring bell for new hotel development? osemite National Park Flat Junction and at Tioga for all backpackers to be aware By Gorman announced Thursday Pass. of the timing that the road is he Mono County Planning Robertson then asked a series Ythere will be limited Visitors are encouraged to open and closed and to plan Commission met Thurs- of questions about the hous- access to Tioga Road (Highway plan their trips over Tioga their trip logistics accordingly. Tday to discuss a massive ing. She was concerned that 120 East) for visitors interested Road in advance and to Any backpacker who misses- new development proposed at there was no stipulation for rent in crossing the Sierra. prepare for the restricted ac- the road open period will need the junction of Highways 395 control on the units. Through- Tioga Road will be open to cess and no access to visitor to be prepared to spend an and 120. out the plan the 150 new units all vehicles, including bicycles, services. The road will remain additional night in the wilder- The Tioga Inn would include are referred to as “workforce from 10-11 a.m. and from 3-4 closed outside of these times ness. All wilderness regula- a 120-room hotel with banquet housing units,” not “affordable p.m. No parking will be al- to allow for continued road- tions will remain in effect. hall, retail space and coffee housing units,” and she said that lowed on Tioga Road and day work and snow clearing. All motorists should drive shop; a 100-seat restaurant and she wanted to make sure that use recreation is not permit- Cyclists traveling over Tioga with caution and be aware of lounge; and 100 units of work- these units are affordable for the ted. There is no visitor parking Road will need to be prepared possible hazards in the road- force housing (150 rooms) with community that rents them. available at either end of the to cross over the full length of way, including rocks, debris, a daycare. Domaille said that he cur- road closure. Tioga Road during daylight and water. Tioga Road may be It has been proposed by the rently houses employees of the There are no visitor services hours. Tioga Road is closed to impacted by incoming storm owner of the Mobil Mart, Den- Mobil and their rents are deter- available along Tioga Road. overnight camping. activity, including snow and nis Domaille. mined based on what they are The Tuolumne Meadows Visi- Backpackers planning trips icy driving conditions, over the Such a development may paid and what they can afford. tor Center, Wilderness Center, in the High Sierra will be able next several weeks. Tioga Road also trigger some measures to “I need employees. Employ- and the Tuolumne Meadows to be dropped off and picked may temporarily close due to support it, for example, a stop ees, in theory, need a job and a Campground remain closed. up at trailheads along Tioga weather and unsafe driving light at the intersection of 395 place to live … I am not going to Opening dates for the 2019 Road. All backpackers will conditions at any time. and 120, a bike/pedestrian path make the rents so high that the between the hotel and neigh- units stay empty.” season have not been deter- need to pick up their wilder- For updated 24-hour road boring Lee Vining, and a deer Domaille said that he houses mined. ness permits in advance and and weather conditions for passage under 395. an employee currently who pays Restroom facilities will be have a bear canister in hand. , please The development is currently no rent simply because he is so available 5 miles east of Crane It is strongly recommended call 209-372-0200. in the public review period. valuable to Domaille. The public has 60 days from Robertson then asked if there THE LEE VINING LOBBY June 14 to August 13 to submit will be criteria for who can live comments on the current plans, in these units since there are too which can be found on the many for Tioga Inn employees Mono County website. to fill them all. The planning commission Domaille said that anyone meeting Thursday was purely living in this housing must be informational. The commission- employed in Mono County. ers had a chance to ask ques- “This is not for backpackers to tions about the plans submitted use as a base camp for the sum- by the developer. mer,” he said. Commissioner Patricia Rob- This led Commissioner Scott ertson opened up the question- Bush to ask what will happen ing. She asked, why build a day- to a resident who loses his job. care and how will the daycare Domaille said that there are no be managed? terms in this document for that Domaille said that he has a event. lot of young couples working The plan proposes that the for him, and especially a lot of property be broken up into four young hispanic families, who he separate parcels with the inten- said often have more children, tion that each could be sold so a daycare is necessary. He individually. Commissioner said it would hopefully be run Roberta Lagomarsini suggested by local mothers and that it that Domaille was likely plan- would be licensed. He also said ning to sell the hotel to a larger Lee Vining H.S. students attended the Citizens Climate Lobby conference in Washington, D.C. earlier this month. that it would be open to the company like Best Western From the Capitol steps, top row, left to right: Ben Trefry, Caelen McQuilkin, Sophia McKee, Eva Francaviglia. Bot- greater Lee Vining community, that could manage it more ef- tom left to right: Sabrina Cisneros, Fiona Godoy, Andrea Santillan, Ellery McQuilkin. See Trefry’s story p. 13 not only his residents. ficiently. Soulstice ‘Scopes The Grow JLB = 5 Trail of Hope Mill v. Wilson

p. 18/ p. 2/ p. 10/ p. 8/ p. 6/ 2 I THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019

the Ted Carleton...... Jack of all Lunches 760.937.4613 / [email protected] “THEBelow right are theGROW” marijuana plants being grown behind Mammoth Nursery, in plain view. June Simpkins...Jack of everything else We told Nursery owner Jenny Bouwman that we’d been alerted to the plants, and 760.937.3967 / [email protected] that they are in violation of Town Ordinance 18-02, which states that outdoor cultiva- sheet Tim Gorman ...... Writer tion of cannabis is illegal within town limits. In effect, she told us to pound sand. News, Views & Culture of the Eastern Sierra [email protected] But it got us sand-pounders to thinking. The reason the Town’s so rudderless right Melissa Maddux ...... now, and never mind Paul, is that we can’t seem to find any common ground on our Writer “Si enim yogurt tibi fundo fructus vel [email protected] various ideas. commotior?” So what if we combine them all? -Stephen Baldwin Charles James ...... Contributor Forget The Parcel. Too many hero-ball playing bureaucrats to make that happen. 760.614.0546 Forget the MUF. Too In-Tents. And rest in peace, Billy Buck. How about The Grow? Housed inside a 25-acre translucent tent at Shady Rest Par- Clouds McCloud ...... Ass-trologer cel. And we’ll grow marijuana there. Which we’ll sell, and become the wealthiest and most notorious ski town in America. JACK LUNCH Spike Todd ...... Beverage Consultant And we’ll place cots next to the rows and have the Town’s pizzerias deliver on an PUBLISHER hourly basis, so we’ll fix the housing problem while we’re at it, and boost small busi- ness. P.O. Box 8088 But as I get rolling on this idea, Gorman informs me that it’s been done before. I’ll Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 let him take the keyboard from here. For a subscription to The Sheet contact Lunch 760.924.0048/[email protected] Stephen Baldwin and Pauly Shore did it in the 1995 movie Bio-Dome. at his above e-mail address, or call the office. The plot: Shore and Baldwin accidentally enter a giant dome while looking for a An adjudicated paper of general circula- Issues are mailed out bi-weekly. Cost is $75/ place to pee and get sealed into a closed-door, dome experiment with five environ- tion. ©2019 The Sheet, all rights reserved. year. mental scientists for one year. They proceed to eat all the food too quickly, get pizza delivered to the dome, destory various experiments and grow “Purple Sticky Punch.” Shore and Baldwin do a better job during the movie of explaining the plant’s ben- efits than we ever could. Shore: “I know what you’re thinking, ‘Illegal! Illegal!’ But the value of Purple Sticky Punch goes way beyond just toking it. Ain’t that right, Professor Johnson?” Baldwin: “That’s correct, Professor Macintosh. Purple Sticky Punch, or hemp, is an excellent source of paper. It makes a fine rope. It can even make a contaminant- free fuel. But the greatest value to us Bio-Domers is its rapid rate of photosynthesis, which means more oxygen for everyone.” Speaking of bio-domes ... The Mono County Planning Commission unanimously approved a use-permit for a company called BASK Ventures to grow 10,000 square feet of cannabis in a building in the Sierra Business Park across from the Mammoth Yosemite Airport. BASK Ventures is made up four friends who have lived in Mammoth Lakes season- ally; Brian Herman, Ames Ressa, Steven Kent, and Kyle Paben. The proposed indoor grow-house would be 21,858 square feet. A 10,000 square foot

cannabis canopy was approved. The building will have no windows or signage, and the odor will be mitigated to be no more obnoxious than other industrial facilities. Brian Herman stood before the commission as the proponent of this project. He said that BASK hopes to grow about 2-3,000 square feet of canopy in its first year with only one grower and the four owner-operators on staff. It will not distribute, but will sell its product to a distributor. BASK hopes to grow its operation to eventually operate as its own distributor and cultivate the maximum 10,000 square foot canopy. Since BASK will not be a distributor it will not have a say over whether its product will be sold at retailers in Mammoth Lakes. Commissioner Scott Bush asked purely out of curiosity how cannabis is priced and if there is a commodity market for it. Herman said that there are essentially three tiers: outdoor, greenhouse, and indoor, indoor being the highest quality. From that baseline, exact pricing is worked out be- tween the grower and distributor. Roberta Lagomarsini said that this farm seems like, “the perfect location.” No op- position was voiced during the hearing from the public and no letters of opposition CATCH ALL were submitted. BASK now must receive an operating permit from Mono County Supervisors and a THE ACTION license from the state. BASK hopes to build its facility this summer. Mammoth Motocross is the summers’ best spectator sport where the energy and adrenaline are contagious. With seven days of thrilling competitions, this event cannot be missed. JUNE 21–30, 2019 • MAMMOTHMOTOCROSS.COM Motocross Special - Show Your Pit Pass and Save Big! Season Passes on Sale at the Pro Shop!

“COME AND HOOK EM” We are Planting Fish throughout the season.

4 I THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 LETTERS Pursuing the Green dream Board, the Planning Commission and Stop playing God sors chose to do nothing but wash the public should recognize that many their hands of this issue. It is absolutely Dear Editor, others in this community support this Dear Editor, within the Board of Supervisors’ power proposal, and a substantial majority of to take urgent action regarding this mat- I am writing in support of the Tioga voters in this community voted in favor Growing up on the north shore of ter. It is absolutely their responsibility to Green proposal for a cannabis dispen- of the laws allowing this type of busi- with both Wilson and Mill prevent things like this from happening, sary on the outskirts of Lee Vining. In ness. creek in my backyard, I have fond and to be counted on to protect Mono November of 2016, voters Of greater concern to me is the num- childhood memories of playing in the County and all its resources. passed proposition 64, allowing for ber of buildings in Lee Vining which watersheds of both creeks. Yet their constituents are left without cannabis use, and allowing for local formerly housed businesses, that now I am very concerned that if not given adequate representation, while they jurisdictions to develop appropriate sit empty and have for more than a de- equal attention and immediate protec- placate these agencies and special inter- regulations to address commercial cade. A vibrant community should have tion, Wilson Creek will be irreparably est groups. They emptily promise and projects. Mono County staff, Board of a variety of businesses, which employ damaged. The birds, fish, and other superficially encourage collaboration Supervisors and Planning Commission people and provide tax income to sup- wildlife are suffering, while large popu- between all concerned parties, but do have been working diligently in each port county services. lations of shorebirds will be forced to nothing to facilitate such collaboration, community to come up with appropri- It is not my intent here to re-litigate leave their Wilson Creek Delta home, ultimately leaving important resources ate ways to implement the state guide- all the pros and cons of the marijuana and relocate to other sources of water. such as Wilson Creek in the power of lines. issue. This has already been discussed Resident brown trout, whose home was these agencies. State voters approved Proposition 64 in many forums, and the voters locally on the lowest portion of the creek, have What potentially serious conse- by 57%. Mono County voted at an even and at the state level have made their already been killed. As a 4th generation quences will this have on places such as greater percentage than the state in wishes on the matter clear. Now that lo- resident of the , what dis- Wilson Creek while more bureaucratic favor of Proposition 64, at 62% in favor, cal regulations are in place, they can be turbs me most, is how over the course lip service continues? Another 20 years and voters in District 3, which includes fine-tuned with experience. There are of my lifetime, the local special interest of meetings and discussions while our June Lake and Lee Vining, voted 64% in many levels of security and zoning com- “environmental” groups have used their natural resources are being improperly favor. Voters in the Lee Vining precinct pliance built into the process, which are platform and influence to supposedly and irresponsibly managed by agencies voted in favor at 65.42%, higher than stringent and not easy to meet. Given “protect” and “restore” the resources with nothing but financial concern? It’s any other precinct in Mono County out- California and Mono County regula- of the Mono Basin, but only the natural time that Mono County does something side of the Town of Mammoth Lakes. tions, this is the only site in Lee Vining resources of their choosing. While they to actively protect the uniquely special Recently I have become aware that that could accommodate this type of play God, other natural resources are resource of Wilson Creek. some business owners, but by no means business. As business owners know, it being ignored, simply because they do all, in Lee Vining have been circulating will be difficult enough to succeed with not provide a source of income or create Hillary Hansen Jones petitions, and speaking out in various our seasonal economy. The proponents enough controversy for them to fund- Mono Lake ways against the Tioga Green proposal. of the project have a right to pursue raise over. Some of those signing these petitions their dream just as any other citizen do not even live or vote in Lee Vining, or does. After attending yesterday’s Mono Mono County. In any case, everyone is County Board of Supervisors meeting, entitled to their opinion and to repre- Steve Barager I was shocked and disappointed that sent their point of view, however the Lee Vining the Mono County Board of Supervi- THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 LOCAL NEWS I 5 LOCAL BRIEFS Mono County CAO Finalists Body found on Whitney Back-country conditions can still be ing factor. For example, a vehicle death hazardous this time of year with snow in- where the person may have had opioids After an extensive, nationwide search SEQUOIA AND KINGS CANYON stability, ice, rock slide areas, and more. in their system at the time of the acci- which resulted in the receipt of 45 ap- NATIONAL PARKS, Calif. June 19, 2019 - For current trail conditions please visit dent. plications, Mono County is pleased to The body of missing hiker Ling Dao was our website announce that it will be interviewing located Tuesday afternoon on the north Darts, Spaghetti, Mud three finalists next week for the position side of Mt. Whitney in Sequoia National “Good news. We’re slow” of County Administrative Officer. The Park and transported to the Ash Moun- The only other agenda item of note finalists are: tain Helibase in Sequoia National Park, You know you’re in trouble when the was an update provided by Planning Di- where he was turned over to the Tulare most compelling part of a public meeting rector Cathreen Richards regarding the Stephen Barwick was most recently County Coroner’s Office. Cause of death is the update from the Coroner’s Office, latest Pumped Storage project proposal. City Manager for the City of Aspen, is under investigation. but … that said, we’ll tell you what hap- The proponent, Premium Energy Colorado. He served the city for nearly Dao was reported missing to the Inyo pened at Tuesday’s Inyo County Board of Holdings, initially floated the idea for a 26 years, beginning in 1993, when he County Sheriff’s Office on Friday, June 14 Supervisors meeting. project at Wheeler Crest. This was denied started there as Assistant City Man- after not reporting for work. As Board Chair Rick Pucci said jovially because part of the proposed project was ager, and he was City Manager for 19 According to the reporting party, Dao when the Coroner’s agenda item came located in a wilderness area. years. Prior to his time at Aspen, he was flew into Las Vegas on Tuesday, June 11, up, “Only good news from the Coroner’s Richards said FERC (Federal Energy Finance/Administrative Services Direc- had planned to summit Mt. Whitney on Office.” Regulatory Commission) has also just tor for the Town of Vail, Colorado, from June 12, drive back to Las Vegas after To which Coroner Jason Molinar re- shot down a Premium Energy proposal 1985-1993. Mr. Barwick has a Bachelor summiting and catch a red-eye flight joined, “Well, right now we’re slow.” north of Haiwee dam on similar grounds. of Arts degree and a Master of Public back home, to be at work on Thursday, “It seems Premium Energy is just Administration degree, both from the June 13. The Stats throwing darts at the wall,” observed University of Colorado, Boulder. The Inyo County Sheriff’s Office Richards. Todd Bodem has 20 years of city/ contacted the rental car company that There were 270 deaths in Inyo County “Darts, spaghetti, mud,” chimed in county management experience and Dao used and was advised that Dao had last year. 175 required investigation, be- Supervisor Jeff Griffiths. he was most recently City Administra- returned his vehicle at 10:00 a.m. Friday, cause a doctor wasn’t around at time of There is an existing application for a tor for the City of Sand City, California, June 14, but after continuing calls from passing. The Coroner’s Office performed preliminary permit to study a site in the where he served for four years. His prior family regarding Dao, the sheriff’s office 35 autopsies. White Mountains which is not located in management positions have been in decided to contact the rental company Inyo County holds the dubious dis- wilderness, but that application has not Minnesota and include County Admin- again, at which point differing informa- tinction of leading the state in opioid reached a stage where public comment istrator for Waseca County, and City tion was provided. deaths per capita. There were three last would be solicited. Administrator positions for the cities of A vehicle description and license plate year; one deemed a suicide and two ac- *Look for an update on the Pumped Big Lake, Jordan, Belle Plaine and Red information was requested and provided cidental. Storage issue next week. Lake Falls. Mr. Bodem has a bachelor’s to the sheriff’s office, and later that day However, Molinar pointed out there -Lunch degree in Local & Urban Affairs from St. the rental vehicle was located in the were other drug-related deaths which Cloud State University, and a master’s Whitney Portal parking area, prompting were not necessarily labeled as opioid degree in Urban & Regional Studies from search and rescue efforts to begin early deaths, but opioids were a contribut- Minnesota State University. on Sunday, June 16. William Wasson just recently retired Sequoia and Kings Canyon National from McLean County, Illinois, having Parks’ staff was contacted to assist with been County Administrator for the past 8 search operations on Sunday, June 16. years. He started with the county in 1985 Park staff confirmed that day that Dao as a Park Manager and served in posi- was not listed in the Mt. Whitney register. tions including Director of Parks & Rec- Search efforts were halted on June 17 reation, County Administrative Services due to unsafe weather conditions. On Director and Assistant County Adminis- June 18 park staff received notification trator before becoming County Adminis- that the point last seen for Dao had been trator. Mr. Wasson has a Bachelor of Arts the summit of Mt. Whitney, at which degree in Organizational Management point search by aircraft continued in & Development, and a Master of Public the area, and the body was found and Administration degree, both from the recovered. University of Illinois. The search area was approximately 30 square miles of high mountain terrain. Two events will be held in Mammoth The search teams included staff from (to accommodate candidates’ schedules) Inyo County Sheriff’s Office, Inyo Search and one event will be held in Bridgeport and Rescue, Mono Search and Rescue, as follows: China Lake Mountain Rescue, and aerial • The first Mammoth event will be reconnaissance from CHP- Inland Divi- Sunday, June 23rd from 6:00 to 8:00 pm sion Air Operations, as well as Sequoia in the Board of Supervisors’ meeting and Kings Canyon National Parks. room on the third floor of the Sierra Cen- ter Mall, located at 452 Old Mammoth Road. • The second Mammoth event will be Monday, June 24th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in Suite Z, located at 437 Old Mammoth Road. • The Bridgeport event will be Mon- day, June 24th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at the Memorial Hall, located at 73 N. School Street. Light refreshments will be provided at all events. For further information, please contact interim County Administrative Of- ficer David Wilbrecht at 760.932.5414 or County Counsel Stacey Simon at 760.924.1704. -Press Release 6 I LOCAL NEWS THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 SUDDENLINK HAS TERRIBLE CAN TWO CREEKS MAKE IT CUSTOMER SERVICE WITH ONE PADDLE? Is this news to anyone who’s dealt with the company locally? By Ben Trefry By James uesday’s Mono County Board of “Mill Creek has developed over recently posted others, at best, give it 3 stars. Supervisors meeting featured a thousands of years and, when healthy, an article regarding an annual Unexplained price and fee increases Tdecades-old water battle reignited provides a home for fish, wildlife, wa- survey that rates the customer are often among the most common ... the split of water between Mill and terfowl, and migratory songbirds that is T Wilson Creeks. service of various cable and broadband complaints made by consumers. Sud- rare amidst the dry sagebrush habitats companies. den increases in a cable bill are often On one side: the Mono Lake Commit- of the region,” said Geoff McQuilkin, Among the companies surveyed was never explained to the consumer, tee, advocating for more water for Mill executive director of the Mono Lake Suddenlink (Altice USA), which is the which is interesting consider that most Creek, at the possible expense of the Committee. only local cable and broadband service of the companies have the word “Com- lower portion of Wilson Creek. Bellomo’s proposal at the Board available to most residents in Inyo and munications” in their title. On the other side: People for Mono meeting was for the County to obtain Mono counties. The most disgruntled customers Basin Preservation (PMBP), a local a temporary injunction (restraining It will not come as a surptise to many often cancel their television service group founded by Katie Bellomo in order) that would force Edison to bring local Suddenlink customers that the with cable companies and use satellite 1996, asking for the reverse. diversions from Mill back to what they company received the lowest score companies such as DirectTV or DISH Both creeks are tributaries of Mono were before what she refers to as the for its subscription television service, or learn to stream the shows through Lake, and both flow into the lake at “experiment” of using a return ditch to showing the largest drop in customer the Internet that they wish to watch. roughly the same spot. Their water put the hydroelectric facility’s outflow- satisfaction of all companies surveyed. The overall average industry rating comes from the same place (Mill Creek back into Mill Creek instead of Wilson. Out of a possible 100 points, Sudden- for Internet Service Providers is 62. above Lundy Lake), and they both sup- Then, she would ultimately like to link scored a 55, a drop of 5.2 points in Only three had ratings above average: port diverse ecosystems. bring the matter in front of the Mono just the last year. Verizon FiOS (70), AT&T Internet (69) One important difference: while County Superior Court and resolve this Walk into the local office in Bishop and Altice (63). Mill Creek is natural, and has fed into issue through litigation. with a problem and they'll invariably At the bottom of the rankings: Fron- Mono Lake since long before any of the “[A temporary injunction] prevents hand you a slip of paper telling you to tier (55), MediaCom (56), and Wind- ranches or developments in the north- irreparable harm, and the beauty of call a customer service representative stream (57). (Suddenlink is owned by ern Mono Basin came to be, Wilson is this is it doesn’t harmany of the par- located somewhere else. Altice, but the level of service provided essentially a diversion from Mill Creek’s ties,” said Bellomo of this proposal. Poor customer service is a common can vary between different regions of watershed, and would not exist without Steve Parmeter of the California topic in the communities of the Eastern the country). the outflow from the Lundy hydro- Department of Fish and Wildlife said Sierra, as it is in many parts of the Streaming video sites such as Netf- electric facility operated by Southern his department’s goal is to restore Mill country. noted that the lix, Hulu, and Amazon routinely have California Edison. Creek, and keep permanent flow in latest American Consumer Satisfaction higher customer satisfaction ratings. However, it is a long-established Wilson Creek at least as far as Decham- Index showed that ISPs and cable pro- In response to cable/ISP customer diversion that has developed a natural beau Ranch. viders continue to see the worst cus- complaints, the above companies offer ecosystem of its own. “I can’t stand here and tell you tomer satisfaction scores in America. lower prices and more flexible channel Water has flowed through Wilson there’s enough water to do much more And a quick survey of many popular bundles. Unlike cable operators, pro- Creek for more than 100 years, and it than that,” he said. online review sites such as Yelp! show viders of streaming content must com- supports a brown trout population as Parmeter also recommended honor- a score of barely 1.5 stars out of 5 for pete on price, whereas cable compa- well as willows and other aquatic plants. ing established water rights (meaning, Suddenlink’s internet service, while nies like Suddenlink simply don’t. Most Mill Creek has a brown trout popula- more water to Mill Creek). communities have no choice when it tion too, and studies have suggested This isn’t really an issue of reallocat- comes to truly high-speed broadband that there is insufficient water in the ing water rights to individual users, but service that could foster pricing com- Mill Creek watershed to support healthy of whether to preserve at-risk parts of petition that might lead to incentives brown trout fisheries on both creeks. Wilson Creek by giving it water that is to improve cable company customer Significant environmental impacts beyond what’s provided in the water service or offer better products. to Mill Creek have occurred as a result rights decree, and that prevents Mill The news is not all negative for of diversions into Wilson and other Creek from receiving the historic flows RE OP WE A EN! Suddenlink (Altice USA). uses; the previous multiple channels that the Mono Lake Committee and listed Suddenlink as the third fastest of Mill Creek near Mono Lake have others want to restore. ISP it tested in 2018. Thanks to fiber consolidated into just one, much of the McQuilkin pointed out that Bel- optic cable increasingly being installed vegetation has been lost and the fishery lomo’s proposal to put water back into nationwide, broadband speeds have has been affected. Wilson Creek would take more water been doubling and tripling. The evolu- On May 13, while on a walk with from Mill Creek than is allowed tion of the Internet will likely continue her husband, Bellomo discovered by established water rights, and would at a faster pace as fiber optic cable is that lower Wilson Creek had dried up bring water levels further from the installed directly into homes and busi- (besides a few standing pools of water, historical, natural flow the Mono Lake nesses. Gigabyte service is now consid- which contained only dead fish). Committee wishes to restore. ered the goal for many customers, and Bellomo brought the matter to the as more and more home devices and County’s attention during public com- County Supervisors didn’t vote on BAKERY • CAFE • COMMUNITY an increase in consumer electronics ment at the June 4 Supervisors meeting. or approve any action beyond writing dependent on the Internet are created, *Note: Wilson Creek isn’t completely a letter expressing concern and asking more is better. dry right now, and the flow varies sig- for collaboration and inclusiveness in nificantly day to day. The dry parts are future debate. further down, past DeChambeau Ranch. Board members seemed hesitant to (DeChambeau, under the ownership pursue any action, because they felt of the Forest Service, is another user of that much of what they were being Wilson Creek water.) asked to do was outside of their pur- New 2019 Season view. With the above as backdrop, these “I see the County’s role [as] con- Sat. Prix Fixe Dinner & Live Music Events were the respective pitches at Tues- tinuing to convene discussions,” said By Reservation $40/Person day's Board meeting. Supervisor Stacy Corless, while Super- Chicken & Beef Teriyaki The Mono Lake Committee wishes to visor Fred Stump noted that it’s not the Dinner: 6:30pm/Music starts at 6pm Saturday night menus TBD - visit Facebook! return water to Mill Creek and work on Board’s place to choose one creek over Tempura • Tonkatsu restoration. the other when both have value. Drinks, desserts and walk-in menu options available Members of PMBP weren’t particu- during Sat. events, around reserved seating. Sukiyaki • Calamari • Sushi larly pleased with that outcome. “I Dinner-MUSIC Lineup! Full Service Cocktail Bar & Lounge think there’s too many special interest groups on one side versus just some July 6 - Good Livin' 760-872-4801 people on the other, and I don’t think July 7 - Sara McConnell 1-2:30pm follow us! the County is taking the people seri- July 20 - Double Coyote @EastSideBakeShop OPEN AT 5 PM 635 N. Main St. in Bishop ously ... They’re not doing anything Hours: 6:30am-3:30pm, Thurs-Mon besides giving us lip service saying, oh, 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (760) 914-2696 • 1561 Crowley Lake Dr. JAPANESE RESTAURANT & SUSHI BAR see CREEKS, page 19 presents 42nd Annual Summer Festival David Cubek, Conductor Friday, June 28th at 7:30 pm Music of Vivaldi, Southers, and Haydn Saturday, June 29th a 7:30 pm Music of Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Brahms ...featuring 2019 Horton Kohl Young Artist, Avery Tracy St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 58 Ranch Road Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546

All performances are free and open to the public. CORLESS continued from page 2

8 I THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 OFF THE SLOPES OWENS RIVER WATER TRAIL INCHES CLOSER TO REALITY By Lunch ennifer Jacobus of Environmental Science Associates briefed Inyo JCounty Water Commissioners on Monday on the Owens River Water Trail Draft Environmental Impact Report. The bottom line conclusion of the 400- page report: No significant impact. The 45-day comment comment period on the DEIR ends this Friday for the proposed Water Trail project. The 6.3 mile trail would extend from just north of Lone Pine to the intersec- tion of Highway 136 (which branches toward Keeler south of town). As Supervisor Matt Kingsley, who represents Southern Inyo County, said this week, the project “would fulfill the dream and vision of the new Owens River.” The DEIR and the comments it elicits represent just one more hurdle for a project that has been in the conceptual stages since 2013. But it’s already come further than The Vision referenced a potential Water Trail, the Resources Agency visited in 2015, their many had envisioned, thanks to the catalysts for action were the familiar vision was a trail along the river, but as enthusiasm of user groups and healthy As Larry Freilich, the Inyo County names of Dick Noles, Randy Gillespie Randy Short recalled, Eastern Sierra Wa- financial support from the State Re- Water Department’s Mitigation Manager and Randy Short, who had founded terways flipped the question on its axis: sources Agency and the City of Los who manages the LORP (Lower Owens Eastern Sierra Waterways with the idea “What about a river as a trail?” Angeles, which paid $540,000 for the River Project) said in a phone interview of providing more wilderness access for And the possibilities got people ex- environmental study. this week, while the County put together the disabled, particularly veterans. cited. Short recalls then-Inyo County a Draft Recreation Use Plan in 2013 that As Freilich explained, when the State see TRAIL, page 9

Summer Village Movie Night Specials

100 Canyon Blvd #229 - The Village ~760-934-5200 ~ THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 OFF THE SLOPES I 9 TRAIL continued from page 8 CAO Kevin Carunchio turning to him at $540,000 on the Environmental Impact one point during an event and saying, Report. “When have you ever been in a meeting Kingsley credits L.A. Department of trying to build something and every- Water and Power Commissioner Chris- one’s in favor it?” tina Noonan for garnering her agency’s A rare, rare circumstance indeed. support. And when do so many diverse part- And Short says Marty Adams, who ners who’ve disagreed so long about so was nominated by L.A. Mayor Eric much come togeth- Garcetti to become er to do something the next General very special for a Manager of LADWP, “ There’s no way to user group that “has always been merits every ounce protect it once you let supportive of Dick of their attention? Noles and what The State Re- people in there. we’ve done. He sources Agency? clearly wants to sup- It was convinced. -Kathy Bancroft port the project and It threw down wounded warriors.” Some parts of the Trail need a little bit more work than others. $500,000 in grant visitor, and not a destination amenity in Freilich said, “The area’s in a flood money. But ... it’s never and of itself that will draw people. plain. The place has been scoured over *Part of the ” quite as easy as it The draft EIR forecast 4,400 annual and over again. Most stuff is either reason it was con- sounds, and there launches on the Water Trail (which gone, or it’s deeply buried. The odds of vinced was due to are certainly plenty could vary 20% higher or lower accord- finding items of significance are pretty the efforts of Friends of the Inyo, which of potential obstacles. ing to Freilich). The river flows at a rate low.” has hand-cleared 3,000-feet of river via At Monday’s meeting, Kathy Bancroft of between 1 and 3 miles per hour in And while some are concerned about volunteer events over the past several of the Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone tribe this section. increased visitation, others are pleased. years. expressed concern about the sheer im- Freilich said the Trail as envisioned “The Lone Pine Chamber is excited,” “The project couldn’t have gotten as pact of inviting more people to the area. will accommodate canoes, kayaks and said Freilich. “They’ve had their backs far without volunteers hand-cutting “There’s no way to protect it once you stand-up paddleboards. to the river for 100 years. Now they tules and opening river,” acknowledges let people in there,” she said. There are And as Friends of the inyo Execu- might be able to turn and look at it and Freilich. people misbehaving everywhere, she tive Director Wendy Schneider says, “It use it ... Lone Pine can now be a river The State Boating and Waterways added. can provide a wilderness experience city. How can we benefit from the new Commission (of which Short was a Nancy Masters of the Owens Valley for those who can’t hike on the trail ... recreational capacity?” member) offered another $110,000 in Committee also raised the question and this section of the river feels very To read the draft EIR and/or to sub- grant money. of the cumulative impact of increased remote.” mit last-minute comments, visit www. And the Los Angeles Department of visitation in Southern Inyo. And to address another of Bancroft’s Water and Power? It offered the largest Freilich said the Trail is viewed as concerns regarding threat to archaeo- bounty of all, spending an estimated an additional amenity for the typical logical or paleontological resources,

Plan The Parcel! ¡Planifique The Parcel!

TAKE OUR ONLINE SURVEY RESPONDE NUESTRA ENCUESTA EN LÍNEA We invite you to be a part of the Mammoth Lakes community housing solution! ¡Te invitamos a formar parte de las • The Parcel is a Town-owned 25 acre vacant soluciones para la vivienda de la comunidad site zoned for Affordable Housing de Mammoth Lakes! • The Parcel es un loteo vacante de 10 Join our conceptual Land Use Planning • hectáreas perteneciente al pueblo y Process: Housing, infrastructure, public destinado a la vivienda accesible. amenities, and recreation • Únete a nuestro proceso de planificación Public workshops to be held Jun-Dec 2019 • temprana sobre la distribución de espacios: Viviendas, infraestructura, servicios y área • 4-day design charrette Aug 20-23, 2019 de recreación pública. • We’re building on the strategies outlined • Talleres abiertos al público se llevarán a in the Community Housing Action Plan cabo de junio a diciembre del 2019. Stay Informed and Involved • Habrá una asamblea de cuatro días en • THE PARCEL WEBSITE agosto 2019. • Estamos construyendo sobre las • NOTIFY ME email and text message sign up estrategias delineadas en el Community Housing Action Plan

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For questions or more info, contact Grady Dutton Para preguntas o más información, comuníquese con Grady Dutton [email protected] 760.965.3659 CORLESS continued from page 2

10 I THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 BUSINESS A “SUPER AWESOME” FIVE YEARS By Gorman riday, June 21, June Lake Brew- something like this: the number one skeptical locals. They would host par- ing (JLB) celebrates five years of natural resource in June Lake is water, ties and invite over the town to try their Fmaking “Super Awesome Beer” in water is the main ingredient in beer, beer and see that beermaking wasn’t so its warehouse in June Lake. Though the and there was only one brewery within smelly or loud as to be disruptive. brewery has been in operation for five 130 driving miles of June Lake, so the “In that process we got the backing of years, the story of JLB, the first brew- market was wide open. most of the people if not all of them in ery opened in unincorporated Mono The pair saved their money for two town,” Justin said. County, begins over ten years ago, when years with the vision of a brewery in They targeted the old bank building owners Justin and Sarah Walsh decided mind. When it was time to move to underneath the general store for their that they wanted to leave Southern Cali- June, Justin spent thirty days as an un- brewery. Justin was on a phone call with fornia and raise a family in June Lake. paid apprentice at his buddy’s brewery. the owner, Eric Drell, trying to negotiate June Lake reminded Justin of the way “I learned everything front to back for the bank building when Drell said, his childhood had been in Encinitas: about production brewing,” Justin said. “You know what, that building is just play outside when it’s light out, come The original location Justin and Sarah a pile. Have you seen my warehouse? home when it gets dark. had in mind was the building that cur- Would that work for you?” The pair saw a promising lifestyle in rently houses The Lift at the entrance of Justin had to bite his hand to hide his June Lake, but they didn’t see many op- June Lake. They had the loan all lined excitement. After a brief pause to gain portunities for gainful employment. The up and the deal to purchase the build- composure, Justin said, “You know Eric, Walsh’s had backgrounds in marketing ing settled when the owner asked for I’d really have to look inside it, I don’t and sales. They considered working more money at the last minute. Justin Justin, Sarah and Atlas Walsh even know if there’s any infrastructure for June Mountain, but it didn’t seem and Sarah had to back out. that, and we had the money saved up in there.” realistic. “We said, ‘Sorry, we’re not indepen- personally, liquid, to be able to do that Already he was planning his new “They are much more of an accoun- dently wealthy. We’re financing this.’” 100% on our own without financing,” business model. This new space could tancy based company, as well as, to The Walsh’s moved into their house and Justin said. produce ten times as much beer as he a certain extent, an operations based spent six months knocking down doors “If you think its difficult to find a place had planned to make. He would have to company,” Justin said. “And I wasn’t seeking any space that could house to live in Mono County, try finding a pivot to a bigger plan: greater produc- gonna go learn how to be a gnarly lift their prospective brewery. The original place to start a commercial brewery.” tion, more financing. guy in my thirties.” plan was to have an operation similar in While searching for a place, he and “We knew at that point that we They decided that they would have to size to Black Doubt, A three barrel brew Sarah were home brewing at their needed to get some money.” start their own thing to be successful. system. garage in June Lake in order to perfect The Walsh’s rented the space. They The logic for starting a brewery went “We couldn’t find anything even to do their craft and also to win over any see JLB, page 11

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He brewer at Mammoth Brewing, and head Justin is now working on the develop- all they could from the three F’s: friends, wanted to create a hop-forward brown brewer at Refuge Brewing, and Stadium ment of that land full-time. Gordo’s and family, and fools. Then it took six ale, and now Deer Beer is by far his Brew Pubs. the lot next to it will become the new months of construction to get running biggest seller by volume. A new 50-bar- “Hiring a head brewer has been the general store. Construction slated for water and electricity into the ware- rel tank in the brewery is dedicated plan since day one,” Justin said. 2021. house. All the contracting was done by exclusively to Deer Beer, which Justin Morris’s first two beers as head The current general store is planned the Walsh’s or by friends for the cost of said is smooth enough to bring craft brewer will be released at Friday’s an- to be torn down in 2024. materials or for dinner and beer. beer skeptics into the fold but hoppy niversary party. The “Changing of The Justin said it’ll likely be ten years be- The only aspect of construction that enough to turn beer-loving tourists into Guard” IPA is named after a joint tour of fore JLB can expand its beer production wasn’t done cheaply was the installa- JLB-loving tourists. the bands Slayer and Lamb of God that enough to grow distribution substan- tion of brewing equipment. Four state- JLB only distributes to a thirty-mile Justin attended in the early ‘00s. Morris tially. of-the-art, 30-barrel fermenters were driving range from the brewery. It does described it as a “true west coast IPA… The tasting room will be moved up to installed, much larger than the 3-barrel not have the size to negotiate favorable the type of stuff you would see in San the highway level to have views of Gull system that the Walsh’s envisioned. terms with a distributor, so it distributes Diego all the time.” and June Lakes. A new building will The brewery opened on the summer itself. While Deer Beer is the largest The second, Juice Rooster Hazy be built on the lower level for brewing, solstice of 2014 with Sarah as CEO and seller in the area, JLB’s largest sellers at IPA, is the first hazy beer that JLB has and will connect to the tasting room Justin as Maker-of-Beer and Doer-of- the tasting room are its India Pale Ales. produced meaning it is not filtered via a sky-bridge. Justin hopes that these Things. Hoppy beers are currently the rage and hops are added late in the brewing structures will be built in the 2024-2028 in craft beer. According to the Brewers process. timeframe. The Growth Association for Independent and Small Part of the reason that the Walsh’s Despite all this development, Justin Craft Brewers, India Pale Ales make up brought in a head brewer at this time is and Sarah detest the notion that they To start, Justin did all the brewing and about 45% of the craft beer sold in the because JLB is shifting into a property are responsible for June Lake’s recent Sarah managed the tasting room. There U.S. Tourists from Southern California development company. When they ne- growth. were no other employees. love IPA’s, and so do the Walsh’s, so that gotiated their lease on the brewery they “A lot of b*llshit has been bandied All the original beer recipes came has been what the taproom at JLB has were given right of first refusal on sale of about over the years about how Sarah from Justin. He had no education in focused on. the property. and I are responsible for the resurgence brewing, but both he and Sarah had Sarah said a big part of JLB’s success Eric Drell and his family decided they of June Lake and that’s just not true,” been home brewing for years. Sarah had has been bringing in the right employ- wanted to sell not just the warehouse Justin said. “It was a confluence of been brewing with her father since she ees. In five years, JLB has only lost two that the brewery is on, but all the land socio-economic events in this country was a teenager. employees, and it has created 8 full- they own in June Lake. JLB had cash on and in the west in general where people JLB relied on the familial relation- time, year-round jobs with benefits. hand because it intended to increase its changed their discretionary spending ships between brewers for its success. The newest employee is a head-brew- capacity, so it took out a supplemental habits … And we got all our friends and Justin would run his recipes by brewer er to replace Justin. loan and bought all the land the Drells’ families to help us make it happen.” friends of his, and he would borrow John Morris is the “game-changer” had to sell. “It’s just not our program,” he said. a bag of grain here and there when that the Walsh’s hope will bring their That includes the property the brew- *Check out the schedule for June Lake needed. beer to a new level. He was brought into ery is on, the June Lake General Store, Brewing’s 5 year anniversary party on One of Justin’s first brews, the Deer the fold in May 2018 and has taken over Gordo’s Mexican Restaurant, and the lot page 15. all production. 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Currently transforming locals, second homeowners & visitors. For information or to sign up for a FREE introductory class: [email protected] 760-716-8773 126 Old Mammoth Rd. Suite 104 12 I LOCAL NEWS THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 BERNASCONI CELEBRATION NOBODY LEFT BEHIND - PERIOD amily and friends are invited to leaving the group and heading for the Fattend a Celebration of Life for orchard. Kathleen Bernasconi (1955-2018) on “Where are you two going?” inquired June 29 at 2 p.m. at the Shady Rest Park Peter’s father. Pavilion located about a half mile north “On a hike to talk about getting mar- of Shady Rest Campground off Sawmill ried and having four children,” quipped Cutoff Road in Mammoth Lakes. Kathleen. Kathleen was married to her long- That is exactly what the future held time sweetheart and friend, Peter, for for the couple. 41 years. After attending school in San Luis The two met while attending Owens Obispo, and living in Benton City in Valley Junior High School. A favorite Washington state where Kathleen story told by family is when Kathleen graduated from Columbia College, and Peter were attending summer Ventura, and eventually settling in Band Camp at the now “Bernasconi Mammoth Lakes, they did, in fact, have Outdoor Education Center” in Big Pine, four children! The No Runner Left Behind awarded eight $500-$750 scholarships to Mammoth High they were “caught” by Mr. Bernasconi, Kathleen worked as an RN for over School seniors who are planning to attend colleges and universities in the fall. Pictured from thirty years and had just recently re- left to right: Tomas Rodriguez (Sponsor), Lucas Strazzere, Tyler Goodwin, Lexi Craven, Coach tired from Mammoth Hospital, where Anna Strathman, Jacob Schroder, Guy LaBorde, and Robin Romagnino. These students par- she was well-respected in the Emer- ticipated in Cross Country and Track & Field during their four years at MHS. Mammoth High School Principal Chris Powell awarded the Principal Scholarship to Melissa Cook and Jose gency Room. She was a hard worker, Solorio Cruz (not pictured). both in and outside of her career. She In addition, Tomas Rodriguez and the Rodriguez Family Trust have created the “No Stu- was an excellent cook and baker, often dent Left Behind” Scholarship. This award was created to financially assist seniors who were referred to as the “Martha Stewart” of not fortunate enough to receive a scholarship for whatever reason. the family. To apply, contact Kim Dudley, the MHS scholarship coordinator or contact Tomas Rodri- Most of all, Kathleen loved her family guez at [email protected] or call 310-629-7263. If you’re a graduating senior and plan and life, in general. Her weekends were to attend college or a trade school, “No Student Left Behind” will award you $250-500 towards your education. most often spent with family work- ing and playing in the mountains. She Kathleen is survived by her four chil- taught the proper use of a shovel, rake, prided herself with having enough dren and their spouses: hatchet and various other necessary wood in the pile to last at least 3 win- Katrina and Travis Alison, of Ventura; tools while camping at Pismo Beach ters! Peter Gabriel and Kristin Bernasconi, and the desert. *For more, see a nice article in the of Bishop; Brian and Coreena Ber- She is also survived by her brother Mammoth Lakes publication of “The nasconi of Ventura; Louis and Meryl Daniel of Independence, and her two Sheet News” dated February 1, 2019 Bernasconi, of Reno. sisters-in law, Melva of Mt. Vernon, in the featured section, thesheetnews. Kathleen is also immeasurably WA., and Jayne Ellen, of San Luis com/2019/02/01/Kathleen-bernasco- missed by her seven grandchildren, Obispo, nephews Reese Cooney, Matt ni-1955-2018/ Kylee, Kiera, Kayla, Evan, Aubrey and Simon Larson, Josh Ottum, and In addition to her husband, Peter, Rose, Leo, and Ava, all of whom were niece Britany Couch.

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760.924.4084 THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 LVHS I 13 ALTERING THE CLIMATE IN D.C. Lee Vining students attend Climate conference By Trefry n Saturday, June 8, armed with than just a climate conference, but a way Besides telling others about our experi- climate action, and planning events at suitcases, notebooks, and a desire to bring people from all different back- ence, upon our return, we’re planning to school to raise awareness about the ef- Oto protect our environment and grounds together,” said Sophia McKee of work on getting more students interested fects of—but also solutions to—climate our future, myself and six other students her experience. in protecting our environment, and change. from Lee Vining High School headed for On the subject of diversity—young making our community more sustain- The size and energy of Citizens’ Cli- Washington D.C. to learn about climate people. Last year when I attended the able. This includes helping with recycling mate Lobby’s organization, plus their change and meet other climate activists same conference, I recall there being very programs at our school, asking the school overwhelming positivity, has inspired us at the Citizens’ Climate Lobby National few people under 50, and the majority of board to pass a resolution in support of all to do more. Conference. attendees were retired. This was counter- We flew overnight from Reno to Dulles, intuitive, given that young people are the logging less than four hours of sleep be- ones who will have to live with the reality SPEAKING OF LVHS ... fore heading straight from the airport to of climate change. the conference on Sunday morning. This year, that totally changed. As soon Those of us who attended last year as we walked into the conference, we (myself and Sophia McKee) immedi- noticed how many more young people ately saw some familiar faces, while the there were. newcomers of our group were introduced Both this year and last year, two stu- to the unique philosophy and strategy of dents’ travel was paid for by California Citizens’ Climate Lobby. chapters of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, For starters, the Citizens’ Climate but this year 350 Mono Climate Action, Lobby is non-partisan. It doesn’t donate another local climate action group, raised to campaigns or endorse candidates for extra money to supplement this. office, a breath of fresh air compared to “It was empowering to see how even the groups on both sides that have po- though I’m from a small town, I was liticized climate change. This welcoming able to be heard in the big city, in the big atmosphere made an impression upon House [of Representatives],” said Andrea all of us, and although the activists at the Santillan, a conference rookie. convention were predictably (mostly) The solution to climate change ad- liberal, there were also plenty of conser- vocated by Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a vatives who might not have joined most carbon fee-and-dividend plan, which other climate action groups. would put a fee on carbon emissions, “One of the most important realiza- then split up the money collected from Lee Vining’s graduating class (of six) submitted the following for publication. From left to right: Sophia McKee will be attending the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton in Can- tions I had while at the conference this the fee and return the same amount to ada next year, where she will be studying philosophy and interdisciplinary leadership. Daisy year was during a conversation our each US resident monthly. This way, 7 Calderon will be attending the University of California, Merced and majoring in sociology. group had with the founder of [Citizens’ out of 10 families would come out ahead Jonny Clark will be working in June Lake and considering applying to a community college. Climate Lobby]. While we were talk- financially (especially poorer families), Julia Aleman will be attending West Los Angeles Community College and working at LAX ing, Marshall Saunders explained that differentiating this plan from a tax that airport. Caelen McQuilkin will be attending Amherst College in Massachusetts and studying he formed CCL with the basis of love. would take money out of the pockets of English and literature. Rachelle Sandoval will be attending Cerro Coso Community College in I understood then that this was more low-income families. Mammoth, and pursuing a degree in engineering. shelter distilling

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MADE IN MAMMOTH LAKES, CA Summer Specials: Taco Tuesdays $2 Tacos // Asada, Chicken & Shrimp Free Spirit Tasting 2-3 & Happy Hour 3-5 Sunday - Thursday // Open 11am - 11pm Every Day 100 Canyon Blvd In The Village At Mammoth // SHELTERDISTILLING.COM 14 I THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 calendar of events

BARS & MUSIC BARS & MUSIC MAMMOTH LIQUOR Happy Hour/ play a free concert at the Black Sheep in Austria Hof. Happy Hour 5-7:30 p.m. Bishop 6:30 p.m. Beer lovers’ candy store Daily. Taco Tuesdays and Poki Taco Selection of more than 300 beers Thursdays. More info: See ad p. 9 Sunday, June 23/ FOR THE LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR, The Liberty Sports Bar and Grill. Sunday Brunch @ Gomez Restaurant PICK UP A SOL-SIX Happy hour 3-6 p.m. (3-8 p.m. on and Tequileria in the Village at Mondays and Thursdays). More info: see Mammoth. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. DJ Rodney O ad p. 11 and Mimosa/Bloody Bar. 934.6260 Main St. Next to Rick’s Outlaw Saloon Happy Hour Mon-Fri., Derek Olson plays the Mobil Mart in Happy Hour from 4-6 p.m. Lee Vining. Free. 4-7 p.m. Morrison’s Happy Hour Sun-Thurs., Groove Crater Method plays Black 5:30-7 p.m. Doubt Brewing, 7-9 p.m. The Mogul Happy Hour Sun.-Thurs. Daughters Rea plays Mammoth from 5:30-6:30 the bar with food Brewing Company. 4-9 p.m. Free. and drink specials. Mammoth Rock ‘N’ Bowl Monday, June 24/ Mon. DJ 9:00 p.m Bowling & Bowling and Beats at Mammoth Beats,Thurs. DJ 10 p.m. Latin Night, Rock and Bowl. Live DJs Magaly and Saturday DJ 9 p.m. Info: See ad p. 3 Chronfuscious and drink specials. More Clocktower Cellar Happy Hour: 4-7 info: See ad. p. 13 p.m. daily. $6 dollar menu items, drink specials. Info: See ad p. 7 Tuesday, June 25/ Petra’s Bistro. Happy hour 5-7 p.m. Team trivia at Mammoth Brewing Co. Signature cocktails. Wine by the glass. Time: 7 p.m. Free. See happy hour menu p. 7. Roberto’s Happy Hour: 4-6 p.m. daily. Wednesday, June 26/ Famous Slocums Happy Hour Tues.- In the Biz Wednesdays @ Mammoth Fri 4-6 p.m.; Sat.4-5:30 p.m. Closed Rock ‘n Bowl. $1 games and $1 shoes Sun./Mon.Dining at 5pm, daily, “No after 9 p.m. Reservations, just come on in.” Boyz in The Woods plays Liberty Sports T-Bar Social Club in June Lake. Bar and Grill. Genre: Trip Hop and Soul. Entertainment virtually every night. Free. Time: 9 p.m. More info: Giovanni’s Happy Hour daily 4-6 p.m. Thursday, June 27/ Large pizza and a pitcher of beer gets Pizza ‘n Bowl @ Mammoth Rock ‘n you free wings. See ad on this page. Bowl. $10 one-topping large pizzas and Shelter Distilling Happy Hour 3-5 p.m. $4 drafts. every day and all day Wednesday: half Bicicletas Por La Paz play the Mobil off all drinks. Free Spirit tasting flight Mart in Lee Vining. Time: 6-9 p.m. 2-3 p.m. daily. $2 tacos and half priced agave cocktails on Tuesday. See ad, p. June 28-29/ 13. Black Market III plays Liberty Sports Bleu Daily Happy Hour 5-6 p.m. Bar and Grill. Genre: Rootsy Border $5 Beer, Wine and Small Plates. Blues. Free. Time: 9 p.m. Devils Creek Distillery tasting room hours. 3-6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Location: Industrial Park (off of TOWN STUFF Meridian). 123 Commerce Dr. Info: 760.793.7131. June 21-22/ Black Velvet Coffee happy hour 4-6. Mammoth Jazzfest @ the Village at Wine tastings on Wednesdays. Mammoth. Free. More info: See sidebar Side Door. Check out t-go discounts column next page. on Village movie nights, Sundays and Thursdays. See ad p. 8 Friday, June 21/ Summer Solstice Celebration at the June 21-22/ Tri-County Fairgrounds. Enjoy the Jason Petty: Hank Williams - The longest day of the year. There will be live Lonesome Tour at the Edison Theatre. music including Hurricane Hoover, Bob Jason Petty brings Hank Williams’ Snow, Andrew Webber, and more. Free. music and story alive in his one man 4 p.m. until sundown. show. Time: 7 p.m. Tickets: $20 general Bachar Lives! party. 6-9 p.m. Location: admission. Mill Creek Station. Potluck. Camping available. Saturday, June 22/ The Novelists play T-Bar Social Club. Saturday, June 22/ AUTO - HOME - COMMERCIAL - HEALTH Genre: harmonies and four part Bishop Summer Kickoff at the Bishop melodies. Time: 9 - 11:30 p.m. Tickets: City Park. 11 a.m. ‘til 3 p.m. Music, $7-$19 with shuttle from Mammoth. dancing, crafts, raffle, food, more. Info: June Lake Brewing 5th anniversary [email protected]. party featuring four bands and Bishop Creek Canyon Opens. The complimentary shuttle service to and roads will be open to Lake Sabrina, from Mammoth. Time: 11 a.m. ‘til 9 p.m. North Lake and South Lake. More info: See ad p. 3 and sidebar Learn About Reptiles at the ESIA column next page. Campfire Program. Time: 7-9 p.m. Free. 4th Annual Music and Moonshine @ Location: Old Shady Rest Campground Hayden Cabin. Andrew Webber Blues Ampitheater. Band plays. Drinks from Mammoth Brewing and Shelter and Devil’s Creek Sunday, June 23/ OWNERS/BROKERS Distilleries. BBQ and desserts available. “The Great Race” Lunch Stop in Time: 5 p.m. Tickets: $12, kids under Bishop. This old car rally will bring Eric Olson Alicia Olson twelve free. 120 of the world’s finest antique LIC # 0783148 LIC # 0I19200 Driftwood Creek plays the East Side automobiles to town. The participants Bake Shop as part of its prix fixe music in the event will cover more than 2,300 [email protected] and dinner Saturday series. Special miles from Mission Inn in Riverside, event with optional winemaker pairing California to Tacoma, Washington over 625 Old Mammoth Rd, Mammoth Lakes starring David Scheidt. More info: See the course of 9 days. Location: Bishop ad p. 6. City Park. Time: 12 -3 p.m. CALL 760-934-2200 The Red Steppes from Brooklyn, NY THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 I 15 calendar of events

Lakes Basin opening delayed for Saturday, June 22 from 11 a.m. 'til TOWN STUFF TOWN STUFF 12:30 p.m. at the Lee Vining Library, Mammoth's Lakes Basin camp- which is ADA accessible. Address: 51710 grounds will remain closed through July Sunday, June 23 (cont.)/ their El Camino Sierra book tour with a Highway 395. 4. The Lake Mary Road gate is expected Mammoth Half Marathon and 5k. stop at the Inyo Council for the Arts, 137 For more info or to RSVP, please con- So. Main St. in Bishop. Time: 7 p.m. to remain closed until July 1. There is Start at Horseshoe Lake and finishes tact Deanna at EasternSierraMSgroup@ still no official opening date for the in downtown Mammoth. Register at June 28-29/ Basin. The Village Summer Jam at the Village Monday, June 24/ at Mammoth. Line-up: Mestizo Beat, Mammoth Motocross Mammoth Jazzfest TEDD Fitness: Experience the benefits Jelly Bread, Gene Evaro Jr., The Lique, of a community adult group training & Jake Castillo Trio, Michelle Lambert, June 21–30, is the summer's best specta- This is a collaboration of Contempo- conditioning classes. Free Introductory Smokey The Groove, and Pidder Padder. tor sport with 7 days of competitions. rary, Fusion, Latin and other genres of Workout Class: Monday, June 24 and Time: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. both days. Info: Riders have ventured to 6 qualifying Jazz music. Friday night starts with a Wednesday, June 26, at 5:30pm.Limit 661.998.7106. locations around California during the 42nd annual Eastern Sierra Symphony wine walk that raises money for local of 4 adults per class. RSVP your spot: Road to Mammoth race circuit and are [email protected] See ad. p. 11 Summer Festival. Free concerts. More more than ready to bring home a cov- High School musicians. Saturday is a Elder Abuse Awareness, Health info: See sidebar column this page and melting pot of many types of jazz bands. and Resources Fair in Lone Pine. ad p. 7. eted Mammoth Bear trophy. The Event will be infused with eclectic Demonstrations, a blood pressure foods and interactive activities. screening, health education, an "Ask Friday, June 28/ Saturday, June 22: 4–8 p.m. One location, The Village at Mam- the Doctor" table, and raffle prizes. Free Social Ballroom Dance. Free, informal The Village Plaza Stage: Live Music moth, June 21 & 22, 2019. This is a non- lunch served. Location: Statham Hall, dancing. All are welcome. Location: in The Village at Mammoth. Bring your ticketed, free event. 138 Jackson Street, Lone Pine. Time: 10 Bishop Senior Center. Time: 7-9 p.m. dancing shoes and get down to live a.m. - 2 p.m. music. E.S. Symphony Summer Festival June 29-30/ Monday, June 23: 4:30 p.m. June 24-26/ Open Tournament at Bishop Country Club. Entry: call the pro shop @ Mammoth Rock 'n' Bowl: Americore Bishop Country Club hosts a Junior SMX Rock N'Bowl Tournament Present- The 42nd annual festival takes place Golf Clinic for kids ages 7-17 from 760-873-5828 or by email @ steve@ at St. Joseph's Church, 58 Ranch Road, 8:30-11:30 a.m. each day. Cost: One ed by Lucas Oil. Teams will go head-to- Mammoth. All performances are free child $40. Two or more: $35 each. head for swag prizes, custom Americore and open to the public. Info: steve@bishopcountryclub. Saturday, June 29/ SMX-made trophies and Championship Friday, June 28th, 7:30-9 p.m.: com/760.873.5828. "The Folk Collection" fundraiser rings. Antonio Vivaldi: "Spring" and "Sum- concert at The Nazarene Church Friday, June 28: mer" from The Four Seasons. Leroy Thursday, June 27/ in Bishop. Famous '60s folk songs. Motocross Track: Podium Bash Pre- Southers: Serenade for Double Wind Bishop Paiute Community Market. Tickets: $25 @ sented by Kawasaki. Come for the Moto, Local produce, artisan goods, food Location: 900 West Line Street. Time: 7 stay for the party. After the awards, stick Quintet. Franz Joseph Haydn: Sympho- -9 p.m. vendors, live music, and activities. around the track for live music from The ny #103 (Drum Roll). Free and open to the public. Location: Trout Fest at Hot Creek Hatchery. Saturday, June 29th, 7:30-9 p.m.: Owens Valley Paiute Shoshone Cultural Learn to tie, cast, clean and cook. Free. Sundowners. Felix Mendelssohn: Die Schöne Center, 2300 West Line Street. Location: 121 Hot Creek Hatchery Road. Saturday, June 29: 6–9 p.m. Melusine. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Business After Hours at Bishop Time: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Village at Mammoth: Pit Bike Violin Concerto #3 featuring 2019 Co-Work. Enjoy complimentary Tintabulations handbell ensemble Challenge & Village Summer Jam. Rid- Horton Kohl Young Artist, Avery Tracy. appetizers, no-host beverages and performs @ the First Ubnited Methodist ers get down for the annual Pit Bike Johannes Brahms: Symphony #4 meaningful conversation. Time: 5-7 Church, 205 N. Fowler St. in Bishop. Challenge on Canyon Boulevard then a p.m. Location: 180 Home Street. Time: 7 p.m. lineup of live bands will rock The Village Bachar Lives Party How To Train Your Dragon III at The Summer Jam, plus plenty of food and Village at Mammoth. Free screening at outdoor bars for all. June 21. 6-9 p.m. Mill Creek Station. sunset. Saturday, June 29: 9 p.m. continue 10-year anniversary. Potluck. Camping David and Gayle Woodruff 53 Kitchen & Cocktails: Motocross available. Afterparty. The official Motocross after- party with drink specials and live music. JLB turns 5 AT THE MOVIES Kids Tennis Camps We are turning five and want you to party with us! There is no cover charge Kids Tennis Camps start this Monday because this is June Lake Brewing. Beer, June 24th @ Snowcreek Athletic Club Live Music (four bands), Food, Beer, Time: 1-3 p.m. Fun and a FREE BUS from Mammoth Days: Monday-Thursday. (*Friendly reminder, no pets allowed) Ages: 7-12 years old. When: Friday, June 21 (11 a.m. to 9 Includes tennis instruction and swim- p.m.) ming pool activities. Where: June Lake Brewing, 131 S. Tennis rackets provided at no charge. Crawford Ave, June Lake, CA June 24th-27th Yummy Food: Provided by Ohanas July 8th-11th 395 & Gordo's Mexican Food July 22nd-25th Beer specials: Release of Chingona July 29th-Aug.1st Amber Lager. All beers will be $6 Need more information? Check Mam- or give Russ a call at FREE BUS FROM MAMMOTH!! 760.709.1737 Mammoth Bus will depart from the Village stop #18 (across the street from Old New York Deli)

*Mammoth to JLB/JLB to Mammoth 11:30 12:15 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 5:30 6:15 (last bus)

This message is Berto the Borracho Bumble Bee approved.

MS Support Group

A Multiple Sclerosissupport group is forming. The first meeting is scheduled 16 I NO CLASS-IFIEDS/NOTICES THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 NO CLASS-IFIEDS Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For Rent Cozy Home in Old Mammoth 2 + 1 , 1 Yr. Lease, Unf., Updated Kit. & Bath. 1100 sq. ft. house on Lg Lot . Wood burning stove, Park- ing , Avail. June 1, $1750 Mo., 818 421-6339 Available - 935 sq ft upstairs corner of- fice with lots of natural light. Common area Best Western High Sierra Hotel Now Hir- Hugs Ice Cream in the Village is look- includes kitchen, restrooms and conference Sierra Employment Services, Inc. is hiring ing Front Desk Supervisor permanent posi- ing for fun, happy people part or full time. room. Utils. included. Claire: 949.877.7123. for the following positions: tion. $14-$18 DOE plus paid vacation. Please Email us at [email protected] if Snowcreek Townhome #79 for rent. stop by at 3228 Main St in Mammoth Lakes Sweeping views of the Sherwins. Step onto Front Office Recruitment Coordinator M you’re interested in being part of the Hugs Mammoth Taxi is accepting resumes for team. Employees receive discounts for Hugs, the meadow from M Bdr Deck. 2bd/loft/2 $14 - $17 full ba, fully furnished, in-unit washer-dryer. Front Desk Medical Clerk B $16 experienceddrivers with great customer Gomez’s and Base Camp Cafe. Production Line Machinist B $12.5 service and clean driving records. We are Experienced server needed. Apply in Ample storage and parking. Available now. General Laborer Plumbing M $18 also looking for office staff for the right person at the Breakfast Club. No phone For summer lease to Oct 31, $2,800 plus General Laborers B/M $15 - $20 person with great organizational skills calls please. security. For one-year lease $2,750/mo. NS. Call 760-924-0523 or 760-873-8599 and customer service background. Please MLTPA (Mammoth Lakes Trails and Pets negotiable. Call/text 818.207.8946. See our full job list online www.SierraEm- inquire with Scottie at 760-914-7433. www. Public Access Foundation) Operations Manager: Responsible for day-to-day opera- Call 760.924.0523 or 760.873.8599 Bleu Handcrafted Foods Now Hiring! tions, budget preparation and management, See our full job list online Looking for food passionate individuals to grant management, and staffing of MLTPA. PUBLIC NOTICES join our BAKING and CULINARY TEAMS! Three years of fiscal, administrative, -ac Baking Team Shifts start at 7am and Culinary counting, office management, information Team shifts start at 10:30am. Based on your technology, HR, or personnel management experience and interests, we will train and experience. Demonstrated familiarity and Notice of Petition place you in the right role at Bleu. Great experience with computer platforms and NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF wages, benefits and coworkers! software, especially Microsoft Office; dem- ANN MARIE DELABAR, Part Time or Full Time Send resumes to the- onstrated familiarity and experience with CASE NO.: PR 192007 [email protected] or call 760.709.6689 online tools including content management To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, Mammoth Rock & Bowl/Mammoth Want to work at one of the most beautiful systems (CMS); cloud based data storage and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will Rock Brasserie has the following positions resorts in the Eastern Sierra? systems; and online employee time tracking or estate, or both, of ANN MARIE DELABAR. A petition available. Bowling Desk Employees, Server, Convict Lake Resort is hiring for the fol- software. Passion for outdoor recreation a has been filed by ELISSA SWEARINGEN in the Superior Bartender, Brasserie Hostess. Contact lowing positions A.S.A.P: Court of California, County of Mono, requesting that plus. Please email resume to [email protected] ELISSA SWEARINGEN be appointed as personal repre- Stephan 760.709.0559, or Ann Ward ext. 221. Cabin Housekeeper. Starting $15.50/hr. sentative to administer the estate of ANN MARIE DELA- Holiday Haus Motel and Hostel Now Cabin Maintenance Technician. Con- BAR. The petition requests authority to administer the Hiring for year round permanent position fident with basic electrical and plumbing estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. This will avoid the need to obtain court approval for for a Front Desk .Excellent pay DOE.Please issues. Must be willing to work any shift. many actions taken in connection with the estate. How- contact Todd Roberts at 760.934.2414 or Starting wage $18.50/hr. ever, before taking certain actions, the personal represen- stop by and see us in person at 3905 Main Marina Personnel. Carrying out daily tative will be required to give notice to interested persons Street in Mammoth Lakes. operations of the marina such as assisting unless they have waived notice or have consented to the proposed action. The petition will be granted unless good Seasons 4 Condominiums Rentals - customers with their rentals. Keep rental cause is shown why it should not be. The petition is set front desk position. FT reservation/guest fleet in optimum condition. Ensure docks for hearing at the Mono County Superior Court, Dept. service position open. Must be computer are well-maintained for customer safety. 1, located at 100 Thompsons Way, Mammoth Lakes, CA literate, enjoy working with guests, + general Starting wage $16/hr. 93546, on July 11, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. office. Fri, Sat, daytime hours, Sun-Tues Store Clerk. Cashiering, Stocking. Must Position: Events Street Team Employee IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you afternoon-evening. Email resume: teri@ be willing to work weekends and late shifts. Employment Type: Seasonal - Hourly should appear at the hearing and state your objections or and we’ll set up an interview. Stop by to speak with Buddy or send me your file written objections with the court before the hearing. Job Functions: Events Marketing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. 760-934-2030” contact information to the email address Job Description: below. Starting wage $13.50/hr. Mammoth Lakes Tourism is looking for an IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the Administrative Assistant. Clerical duties deceased, you must file your claim with the court and energetic and friendly person to promote mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by including: answering phones, assist the events in Mammoth Lakes to our guests and the court within the later of either (1) four months from Reservation Manager. Assist Marketing De- locals. This position will be from July 4 – End the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal partment. Proficient in MS Office. Must have of September, 2019 with primarily day time representative, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section respectable written and communication 58 of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the to early evening hours on mainly Thursday/ date of mailing or personal delivery of the notice to you The Alpenhof Lodge is looking to add to skills. $16.35/hr. Friday. (Approximately 12 Hours Per Week) under Section 9052 of the California Probate Code. its team! We are looking for self-motivated Reliable transportation for all positions is a Key Responsibilities: must. Please email your resume to lcorn- YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are individuals who want to work for an estab- Under the direction of the Director of Spe- interested in the estate, you may request special notice of lished, family-run hotel. Full and part time, [email protected]. You can stop by to cial events, the Events Street Team employee the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or year-round positions are available at our pick up an application. Ask for Lisa. will perform duties that include, but are not of any petition or account as provided in Section 1250 of front desk and with our housekeeping de- Full time retail job in Mammoth and in limited to: the California Probate Code. Apply at Mammoth Mountaineer- partment. Starting wages and benefits DOE Bishop. -Promotion of upcoming events in the Attorney for Petitioner: Gian Carlo Simonetti, Esq. (SBN.: – experience preferred but not required. ing Supply, Alpine Approach, Mammoth Town of Mammoth Lakes by foot. Position is 279468), Wood Law Group, 126 Old Mammoth Road, Please apply in person at 6080 Minaret Rd. Gear Exchange, or to dave@mammothgear. required to wear a 35 lb. backpack contain- Suite 203, P.O. Box 3837, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. com. Pay depending on experience. ing lemonade or other non-alcoholic bever- TS #2019-0124 Mammoth Spa Creations has FT positions Sierra Meadows Ranch and Equestrian ages and distribute flyers and handouts for office/sales associate and in spa main- Center in Mammoth Lakes is looking for promoting events. tenance, offering vacation accrual, benefits that right person to fill our Ranch Operations -Verbal engagement with interested Fictitious Business Name Statement and paid holidays. Experience preferred. Coordinator position. Ranch/Equine experi- people about events. The Following Person Some heavy lifting, a clean background and ence a must. 16-24 hours a week. Email -Filling/Cleaning/Trash Collection of the Is Doing Business As: clean DMV is required. Call 760.924.3091 [email protected] beverages in the backpack. Mammoth Brewing Company or stop by the store at 1401 Tavern Rd. in Crowley Lake General Store 474 S.Landing -Following a designated route set forth Mammoth Rd. Now hiring a baker and prep cook. No by the Director of Special Events on a daily Mammoth Beers, LLC Barista, Bar Back, Lo- experience needed. Crowley Store is a fun 18 Lake Mary Road, P.O. Box 611 Black Velvet Coffee. basis. Mammoth Lakes, Ca. 93546 gistics and Shipping positions available now. and lively community gathering place. We -Wear a baseball cap and shirt promoting PT & FT/AM & PM. Experience a plus. Email have FT/PT positions for morning.Contact: events in Mammoth Lakes. This business is conducted by a Limited your resume to [email protected] Lori (805)218-7718 or email Surfersptven- -Wear an apron or smock containing flyers [email protected] Liability Co.The registrant commenced to or drop one off at the shop today and event specific promotional materials. transact business under the fictitious name Mammoth Chevron Seeking Cashier/ Expanding June Lake business seeking -The successful candidate will be outgoing or names listed above in February 2019. customer service representative. Must be bartenders, lounge servers and food prep/ and enjoy engaging in conversation about This statement was filed with the County honest, fun loving, personable, a dishwashers to join our team. Benefits events in Mammoth Lakes. Clerk of Mono County on June 19, 2019 multi-tasker and enjoy making customers include entry to all events. We aim to be the Qualifications: File Number 19-132 smile. Day and evening shifts available. coolest place to work in the Sierra. Send -Prior customer service experience a plus. 2019-0127 (6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13) Great pay & vacation benefits for quali- cover letter and resume to info@balance- -Ability to walk up to 6 hours daily carry- fied individuals. Apply in person or email ing up to 40 lbs. resume to: [email protected] Absentee Homeowners Service is seeking -Ability to be outside for entire shift, For Sale a full-time employee for year-round work in potentially in inclement weather (i.e. sun, Mammoth. Paid time-off, flexible hours and warmer conditions, cold, wind, precipita- work truck included. Landscaping experi- tion). ence, handy-man skills and/or snow-remov- -Ability to work autonomously. al skills preferred. Bilingual a plus. Please -Compensation: $15 per hour email [email protected] or Contact Caroline Casey at 760.914.0301/ call 760-934-6563 [email protected] to apply. Norco 76 is hiring a Full Time mini-mart clerk cashier. Apply in person. For Sale - Base Camp Café in Mammoth East Side Bake Shop is currently hiring For Rent Lakes. Selling the business name, assets, a baker apprentice(s) for immediate training 4BR/3.5BA Crowley Lake 2,400 SqFt, menus & FF&E. Owners looking to focus on and wholesale work. Accepting line cook 2-Car Garage, Gas Fireplace, Amazing views, other business interests. Great opportunity Rock N’ Dirt Inc. Is looking for those spe- and chef inquiries as well. We hope you 2 Master suites. Grass yard, Located in Sierra to own a local favorite since 1997! For more cially qualified in concrete work. Please call, enjoy quality baked goods, scratch baking/ Springs neighborhood on Larkspur Lane. info email [email protected]” stop by for an application, or drop off a re- cooking and hard work as much as we do. $3,200/mo. Pet-Friendly for add’l $100/mo. sume. Located at 62 Berner St. in Mammoth. 760.914.2696/[email protected] Avail. 8/1. Call Cindy at 703.509.9964. [email protected]/760.934.3091 THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 PUBLIC NOTICES I 17 PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of Petition Notice of Resolution Notice of Resolution Notice of Completion/Availability

Request for Qualifications NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF RESOLUTION NO. 19-22 RESOLUTION NO. 19-23 Notice of Completion and Availability JAMES MALCOLM DELABAR, CASE NO.: PR 192008 Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #1992012113) A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Tioga To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Workforce Housing Project and persons who may otherwise be interested in the APPROVING THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR PROCEED- APPROVING THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR PROCEED- will or estate, or both, of JAMES MALCOLM DELABAR. INGS FOR THE LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE INGS FOR THE LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE Project: Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report A petition has been filed by ELISSA SWEARINGEN SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT for the Tioga Inn Workforce Housing Project in the Superior Court of California, County of Mono, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 93-4, ZONE 1(THE BLUFFS)- OLD MAMMOTH ROAD BENEFIT ASSESSMENT DIS- requesting that ELISSA SWEARINGEN be appointed as MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR TRICT NO. 2002-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 Lead Agency: Mono County Community Development personal representative to administer the estate of JAMES 2019/20 Department MALCOLM DELABAR. The petition requests authority to The Town Council (the “Council”) of the Town of Mam- administer the estate under the Independent Adminis- The Town Council (the “Council”) of the Town of Mam- moth Lakes (the “Town”) does resolve as follows: Project Location: The proposed project is located within tration of Estates Act. This will avoid the need to obtain moth Lakes (the “Town”) does resolve as follows: Mono County approximately 0.5 miles south of the unin- court approval for many actions taken in connection with WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Mammoth corporated community of Lee Vining. The proposed proj- the estate. However, before taking certain actions, the WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Mammoth Lakes, California, pursuant to the terms of the Benefit As- ect location is southeast of State Route 120 and southwest personal representative will be required to give notice Lakes, California, pursuant to the terms of the Improve- sessment Act of 1982, Title 5 Division 2, of the California of US Highway 395. The addresses of the parcels included to interested persons unless they have waived notice or ment Act of 1911, Division 7 of the California Streets and Government Code (commencing with Section 54703), in the proposed project are 22, 133, 254, and 264 Vista have consented to the proposed action. The petition will Highways Code, (commencing with Section 5000) (the Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State and the Point Drive, Lee Vining, California 93541. be granted unless good cause is shown why it should not “Assessment Law”) did, by previous resolution, establish Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (Govern- be. The petition is set for hearing at the Mono County the Assessment District designated as: Assessment Dis- ment Code Section 53750 and following) (collectively, Project Description: In 1993, the Mono County Board of Superior Court, Dept. 1, located at 100 Thompsons Way, trict 93-4, Zone 1 (The Bluffs) – Maintenance District No. hereafter referred to as the “Assessment Law”) did, by Supervisors approved a multiple-use visitor commercial Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546, on July 11, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the “Maintenance District”), previous resolution, establish the Benefit Assessment project on an approximately 74-acre site located at the and ordered the preparation of an annual report for the District designated as: Old Mammoth Road Benefit As- junction of US 395 and SR 120, about 1mile south of Lee IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you levy of assessments for the fiscal year commencing July 1, sessment District No. 2002-1 (hereinafter referred to as Vining. should appear at the hearing and state your objections or 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 within such Maintenance the “Maintenance District”), and ordered the preparation The 1993 approvals included certification of a Final EIR, file written objections with the court before the hearing. District; and, of an annual report for the levy of assessments for the and approval of the Tioga Inn Specific Plan which estab- Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. fiscal year commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, lished zoning and General Plan uses and standards for WHEREAS, the Town has retained NBS for the purpose 2020 within such Maintenance District; and, the site. The 1993 Specific Plan was amended in 1995 and IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the of assisting with the annual levy of the Maintenance again in 1997. This third amendment proposes construc- deceased, you must file your claim with the court and District, and the preparation and filing of an annual tion of up to 100 workforce housing units to accom- mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by report; and WHEREAS, the Town has retained NBS for the purpose modate employees of the previously approved hotel and the court within the later of either (1) four months from of assisting with the annual levy of the Maintenance restaurant, plus the addition of a third gas pump island, the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal WHEREAS, there has now been presented to this Town District, and the preparation and filing of an annual a new wastewater treatment system with subsurface representative, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section Council the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Annual Report (the “Re- report; and irrigation, expanded propane storage, replacement of the 58 of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the port”) as required by the Assessment Law; and, water tank, realignment of an interior road, and changed date of mailing or personal delivery of the notice to you WHEREAS, there has now been presented to this Town parcel boundaries and acreages. under Section 9052 of the California Probate Code. WHEREAS, this Town Council has now carefully Council the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Annual Report (the “Re- examined and reviewed the Report as presented, and is port”) as required by the Assessment Law; and, Summary of Significant Environmental Impacts: The YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are satisfied with each and all of the items and documents as Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) interested in the estate, you may request special notice of set forth therein, and is satisfied that the assessments, on WHEREAS, this Town Council has now carefully indicates potentially significant impacts relating to visual, the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or a preliminary basis, have been spread in accordance with examined and reviewed the Report as presented, and is air quality, archeological, biological resources, drainage/ of any petition or account as provided in Section 1250 of the special benefits received from the improvements to satisfied with each and all of the items and documents as absorption, economic, forest land/fire hazard, geology, the California Probate Code. be maintained, as set forth in the Report; and set forth therein, and is satisfied that the assessments, on noise, population, public services, recreation, schools, a preliminary basis, have been spread in accordance with septic system, sewer capacity, soil erosion, solid waste, Attorney for Petitioner: Gian Carlo Simonetti, Esq. (SBN.: WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby declares its inten- the special benefits received from the improvements to toxic/hazards, traffic/circulation, vegetation, water 279468), Wood Law Group, 126 Old Mammoth Road, tion to conduct a Public Hearing concerning the levy of be maintained, as set forth in the Report; and quality, water supply, growth inducement, land use, and Suite 203, P.O. Box 3837, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. assessments in accordance with the Assessment Law. All cumulative effects. objections to the assessment, if any, will be considered WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby declares its inten- TS #2019-0125 by the Council. The Public Hearing will be held on tion to conduct a Public Hearing concerning the levy of Public Review Period: The formal public review period Wednesday June 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm or as soon thereafter assessments in accordance with the Assessment Law. All for the DSEIR will be 60 days, the maximum allowed by as is feasible in the Council Chambers, Suite Z located objections to the assessment, if any, will be considered law, running June 14, 2019, to August 13, 2019, at 5 pm. at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. by the Council. The Public Hearing will be held on All comments received by the closing of the public review Notice of Resolution The Council further orders the Clerk to publish notice of Wednesday June 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm or as soon thereafter period will be considered in the Final SEIR. RESOLUTION NO. 19-20 this resolution. as is feasible in the Council Chambers, Suite Z located A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. Public Hearings: A public hearing by the Mono County OF THE TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES, STATE OF CALI- NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOL- The Council further orders the Clerk to publish notice of Planning Commission is anticipated in November 2019. FORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND LOWS: this resolution. Dates will be posted at COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT planning/page/tioga-inn-specific-plan-seir as they are 93-1 (JUNIPER RIDGE) FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 1.The above recitals are all true and correct. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOL- scheduled. LOWS: The Town Council (the “Council”) of the Town of Mam- 2. The Report as presented, consists of the following: Reviewing Locations: All project documents and a copy moth Lakes (the “Town”) does resolve as follows: (a)Plans and specifications describing the general nature, 1.The above recitals are all true and correct. of the Draft SEIR and all attachments and exhibits are location and extent of the improvements to be main- electronically available on the Mono County website: WHEREAS, the Council previously completed its tained and of the maintenance work; 2. The Report as presented, consists of the following: proceedings in accordance with and pursuant to the (b)An estimate of the cost of maintenance of the im- (a)Plans and specifications describing the general nature, tioga-inn-specific-plan-seir. Printed copies will be on Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Part 2, Division 15 provements for the Maintenance District for Fiscal Year location and extent of the improvements to be main- file for public review at the Mono County Community of the California Streets and Highways Code (commenc- 2019/20; tained and of the maintenance work; Development offices in Mammoth Lakes (437 Old Mam- ing with Section 22500) (the “Act”) to establish the Town’s (c)A diagram of the Maintenance District, showing the (b)An estimate of the cost of maintenance of the im- moth Rd., Suite 220, Minaret Village Mall, Mammoth Assessment District 93-1 (Juniper Ridge) (the “Assess- area and properties proposed to be assessed; and provements for the Maintenance District for Fiscal Year Lakes, CA 93546) and in Bridgeport (74 School St, Annex ment District”); and (d)An annual assessment for Fiscal Year 2019/20 of the 2019/20; I, Bridgeport, CA 93517). Printed copies will be available estimated costs of the maintenance of those improve- (c)A diagram of the Maintenance District, showing the at the following public libraries: Benton, Bridgeport, WHEREAS, the Town has retained NBS for the purpose of ments to be maintained during such fiscal year, assessing area and properties proposed to be assessed; and Coleville, Crowley Lake, June Lake, Lee Vining, and assisting with the annual levy of the Assessment District, the net amount upon all assessable lots and/or parcels (d)An annual assessment for Fiscal Year 2019/20 of the Mammoth Lakes. and the preparation and filing of an Annual Report. within the Maintenance District. estimated costs of the maintenance of those improve- ments to be maintained during such fiscal year, assessing Comments: All comments should be submitted in NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOL- 3.The Report, as presented, is hereby approved, and is the net amount upon all assessable lots and/or parcels writing to Michael Draper, Community Development LOWS: ordered to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Town within the Maintenance District in proportion to the Department, PO Box 347, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. 1.Intention: The Council hereby declares its intention Council as a permanent record and to remain open to special benefits received; together with a formula pursu- Fax: 760-924-1801, email: [email protected] For to levy and collect assessments within the Assessment public inspection. ant to which such annual assessment may be adjusted more information call 760-924-1805. Por favor llámenos, District to pay the costs of the Improvements for the fiscal annually for inflation pursuant to the Assessment Law si necesita información en español. 760-924-1805 year commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020. 4.The Clerk of the Town Council shall certify to the pas- without the necessity for additional assessment ballot The Council finds that the public’s best interest requires sage and adoption of this Resolution, and the minutes procedures. TS #2019-0126 such action. of this meeting shall so reflect the presentation of the Report. 3.The Report, as presented, is hereby approved, and is 2.Improvements: The Improvements include, but are not ordered to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Town limited to: turf, shrubs, plants and trees, landscaping, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of Council as a permanent record and to remain open to Notice of Unclaimed Checks irrigation and drainage systems, graffiti removal, and May, 2019. public inspection. associated appurtenances within the public right-of-ways CLELAND HOFF, Mayor 4.The Clerk of the Town Council shall certify to the pas- SOUTHERN MONO HEALTH CARE DISTRICT PUBLIC or specific easements. Services provided include all NOTICE – UNCLAIMED CHECKS. necessary service, operations, administration and main- sage and adoption of this Resolution, and the minutes tenance required to keep the improvements in a healthy, ATTEST: of this meeting shall so reflect the presentation of the JAMIE GRAY, Town Clerk Report. Pursuant to State of California Government Code Section vigorous, and satisfactory condition. 50050, notice is hereby given by Southern Mono Health Care District that the following checks, not the property 3.Assessment District Boundaries: The boundaries of TS #2018-0118 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of May, 2019. of the District, have been held by the District in the the Assessment District are as shown by the assessment Unclaimed Checks Trust Fund for more than three years. diagram filed in the offices of the Town Clerk, which map These amounts will become the property of Southern is made a part hereof by reference. CLELAND HOFF, Mayor Mono Health Care District if no verified complaint is filed and served by June 30th 2019. Any persons possessing an 4.Annual Report: Reference is made to the Annual Report Fictitious Business Name Statement ATTEST: JAMIE GRAY, Town Clerk interest in this property may inquire at the Southern Mono prepared by NBS, on file with the Clerk, for a full and de- The Following Entity Health Care District Finance department, 85 Sierra Park tailed description of the improvements, the boundaries Is Doing Business As: Road, Mammoth Lakes, Ca 93546, or call 760 924-4144 of the Assessment District and the zones therein, and the TS #2018-0119 proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels June Lake Realty Name of Payee: of land within the Assessment District. Candace M. Logue/Pamela M. Foster Lisa Baca 5.Notice of Public Hearing: The Council hereby declares 2596 State Route HWY 158, P.O. Box 201 Fictitious Business Name Statement Transit Auth. Eastern Sierra its intention to conduct a Public Hearing concerning the June Lake, Ca. 93529 levy of assessments in accordance with Section 22629 of The Following Entity TS #2019-0116 the Act. All objections to the assessment, if any, will be Is Doing Business As: considered by the Council. The Public Hearing will be This business is conducted by an Co-part- held on Wednesday June 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm or as soon ners. The registrant commence to transact June Lake Realty Co. thereafter as is feasible in the Council Chambers, Suite Z located at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, business under the fictitious business name CA 93546. The Council further orders the Clerk to publish listed above on May 23, 2019. Candace M. Logue/Pamela M. Foster 2596 State Route HWY 158, P.O. Box 201 PERSONALS notice of this resolution in accordance with Section 22626 This statement was filed with the County of the Act. Clerk of Mono County on May 23, 2019 June Lake, Ca. 93529 File Number 19-114 In search of ... a date for the Summer 6.Increase of Assessment: The maximum assessment is 2019-097 (6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22) This business is conducted by an Co-part- not proposed to increase from the previous year above Solstice. Because if it’s gonna be the lon- that previously approved by the property owners (as ners. The registrant commence to transact gest day of the year, why not make it the “increased assessment” is defined in Section 54954.6 of business under the fictitious business name longest night, too? the Government Code). listed above on May 23, 2019. This statement was filed with the County I heard you ... signed up for the Mam- PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of Clerk of Mono County on May 23, 2019 moth Half Marathon this weekend. Come May, 2019. File Number 19-114 by my place afterwards to complete it. 2019-096 (6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22) I saw you ... on the Via Ferrata. Wow. CLELAND HOFF, Mayor ATTEST: JAMIE GRAY, Town Clerk How about you meet me this weekend on the Via Como se Llama? TS #2018-0117 18 I THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 HORRORSCOPES PUBLIC NOTICES By Clouds McCloud Cancer: The Stars say that the first in check, the Stars are reporting this Notice of Resolution Notice of Resolution part of this year has been meant to summer will have you feeling more test you and help build your character. emotional and thinking a lot more RESOLUTION NO. 19-24 RESOLUTION NO. 19-25 Now that you have passed this test about your relationships. That’s why A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, and a lucky year is beginning, please this ancient theory will help, “When a APPROVING THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR PROCEED- APPROVING THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR PROCEED- INGS FOR THE LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE INGS FOR THE LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE remember that change is good, that flower doesn’t bloom you cannot fix SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BENEFIT ASSESS- SPECIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT love and getting lucky are what it’s all the flower, you can only fix the envi- MENT DISTRICT NO. 2014-1 (MAMMOTH VIEW) NORTH VILLAGE AREA BENEFIT ASSESSMENT DIS- FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 TRICT NO. 2002-2, ZONE 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 about, and that Hemingway was right, ronment in which it grows.” The Town Council (the “Council”) of the Town of Mam- “The world breaks everyone and af- Aquarius: Some folks say that if moth Lakes (the “Town”) does resolve as follows: The Town Council (the “Council”) of the Town of Mam- terward many are strong at the broken you’re not getting your hands dirty moth Lakes (the “Town”) does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Mammoth places.” every once in awhile during the spring Lakes, California, pursuant to the terms of the Benefit As- WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Mammoth sessment Act of 1982, Title 5 Division 2, of the California Lakes, California, pursuant to the terms of the Benefit As- Leo: The Summer Solstice is always then you’re not living right. So your Government Code (commencing with Section 54703), sessment Act of 1982, Title 5 Division 2, of the California a good time for Leos. The reason is new assignment is to plant some Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State and the Government Code (commencing with Section 54703), Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (Govern- Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State and the because the long days and lack of flowers or a tree. To help, please find ment Code Section 53750 and following) (collectively, Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (Govern- hereafter referred to as the “Assessment Law”) did, by ment Code Section 53750 and following) (collectively, clothing have arrived to help energize motivation from the undeniable fact previous resolution, establish the Benefit Assessment hereafter referred to as the “Assessment Law”) did, by you. It also reminds you to slow down that plants have all the answers and District designated as: Benefit Assessment District No. previous resolution, establish the Benefit Assessment 2014-1 (Mammoth View) (hereinafter referred to as the District designated as: North Village Area Benefit Assess- and enjoy the sunshine, to smell the that Alice Walker nailed it, “If you pass “Maintenance District”), and ordered the preparation of ment District No. 2002-2, Zone 1 (hereinafter referred to roses and to admire the great things in by the color purple in a field and don’t an annual report for the levy of assessments for the fiscal as the “Maintenance District”), and ordered the prepara- year commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 tion of an annual report for the levy of assessments for life like tan lines. So your new motto notice it, God gets real pissed off.” within such Maintenance District; and, the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 within such Maintenance District; and, comes from a Yogi tea bag: “Happi- Pisces: One of the only things that WHEREAS, the Town has retained NBS for the purpose ness is an accomplishment.” holds most Pisces back in life is that of assisting with the annual levy of the Maintenance WHEREAS, the Town has retained NBS for the purpose District, and the preparation and filing of an annual of assisting with the annual levy of the Maintenance Virgo: The Stars report that you they’re always looking for the easy report; and District, and the preparation and filing of an annual report; and should start feeling like a superhero way out. But what they don’t realize WHEREAS, there has now been presented to this Town soon. But that doesn’t mean you is what looks like the hard way can Council the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Annual Report (the “Re- WHEREAS, there has now been presented to this Town port”) as required by the Assessment Law; and, Council the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Annual Report (the “Re- should actually try to leap tall build- often be the most rewarding. That’s port”) as required by the Assessment Law; and, WHEREAS, this Town Council has now carefully ings in a single bound or start calling why it helps to recall this Frank A. examined and reviewed the Report as presented, and is WHEREAS, this Town Council has now carefully out, “Here I come to save the day!” It Clark line, “If you can find a path with satisfied with each and all of the items and documents as examined and reviewed the Report as presented, and is set forth therein, and is satisfied that the assessments, on satisfied with each and all of the items and documents as just means that you should realize that no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead a preliminary basis, have been spread in accordance with set forth therein, and is satisfied that the assessments, on the special benefits received from the improvements to a preliminary basis, have been spread in accordance with you can tackle any problem so long as anywhere.” be maintained, as set forth in the Report; and the special benefits received from the improvements to you balance out work with fun. It will Aries: If Clouds could sprinkle one be maintained, as set forth in the Report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby declares its inten- also help to wear more tight-fitting magic ingredient in the lives of most tion to conduct a Public Hearing concerning the levy of WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby declares its inten- and revealing clothing and to embrace Aries it would include spells of self- assessments in accordance with the Assessment Law. All tion to conduct a Public Hearing concerning the levy of objections to the assessment, if any, will be considered by assessments in accordance with the Assessment Law. All you inner “Captain Libido.” confidence. Even though most Aries the Council. The Public Hearing will be held on Wednes- objections to the assessment, if any, will be considered day, June 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm or as soon thereafter as is by the Council. The Public Hearing will be held on Libra: With so much chaos and know they are exceptional, they some- feasible in the Council Chambers, Suite Z located at 437 Wednesday June 26, 2019 at 6:00 pm or as soon thereafter change going on in the world, you may times have trouble believing it. That’s Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. The as is feasible in the Council Chambers, Suite Z located Council further orders the Clerk to publish notice of this at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. be feeling a little rattled or off-kilter. why your new motto comes from Bette resolution. The Council further orders the Clerk to publish notice of this resolution. Don’t worry, the Stars say that’s how Reese, “If you think you are too small NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOL- you should be feeling and that all you to be effective, you have never been in LOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOL- LOWS: have to add to the equation is some bed with a mosquito.” 1.The above recitals are all true and correct. 1.The above recitals are all true and correct. hope. It might also be good to add Taurus: To celebrate the Summer 2. The Report as presented, consists of the following: some Crosby, Stills and Nash, “What Solstice, please work on getting some (a)Plans and specifications describing the general nature, 2. The Report as presented, consists of the following: location and extent of the improvements to be main- (a)Plans and specifications describing the general nature, heaven brought you and me cannot be good karma by complimenting and tained and of the maintenance work; location and extent of the improvements to be main- (b)An estimate of the cost of maintenance of the im- tained and of the maintenance work; forgotten … you know love can endure being extra kind to other people. Lots provements for the Maintenance District for Fiscal Year (b)An estimate of the cost of maintenance of the im- and you know it will.” of folks are in the midst of changes 2019/20; provements for the Maintenance District for Fiscal Year (c)A diagram of the Maintenance District, showing the 2019/20; Scorpio: This summer promises to be that are challenging but ultimately area and properties proposed to be assessed; and (c)A diagram of the Maintenance District, showing the a full, positive and productive one for positive. That’s why it’s important (d)An annual assessment for Fiscal Year 2019/20 of the area and properties proposed to be assessed; and estimated costs of the maintenance of those improve- (d)An annual assessment for Fiscal Year 2019/20 of the Scorpios. Since the sky’s the limit for that solid rocks like the Bulls of this ments to be maintained during such fiscal year, assessing estimated costs of the maintenance of those improve- the net amount upon all assessable lots and/or parcels ments to be maintained during such fiscal year, assessing you, it would behoove you to spend sign are there for others to lean on. To within the Maintenance District in proportion to the the net amount upon all assessable lots and/or parcels more time staring at the stars and day- help, try sharing lines sort of like this special benefits received; together with a formula pursu- within the Maintenance District in proportion to the ant to which such annual assessment may be adjusted special benefits received; together with a formula pursu- dreaming about what you most want one from Muhammad Ali, “If they can annually for inflation pursuant to the Assessment Law ant to which such annual assessment may be adjusted without the necessity for additional assessment ballot annually for inflation pursuant to the Assessment Law in your life. If it’s money, happiness make penicillin out of moldy bread, procedures. without the necessity for additional assessment ballot or love, all you’ve got to do is realize they can sure make something out of procedures. 3. The Report, as presented, is hereby approved, and is you can make it. That’s why your new you.” ordered to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Town 3.The Report, as presented, is hereby approved, and is Council as a permanent record and to remain open to ordered to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Town motto is, “You’ve got to believe in luck Gemini: In case you didn’t notice, public inspection. Council as a permanent record and to remain open to to get it.” now would be the perfect time to public inspection. 4. The Clerk of the Town Council shall certify to the pas- Sagittarius: To help you embrace this remember to stop and smell the sage and adoption of this Resolution, and the minutes 4.The Clerk of the Town Council shall certify to the pas- of this meeting shall so reflect the presentation of the sage and adoption of this Resolution, and the minutes time of change and romance, please roses. Not only because they should Report. of this meeting shall so reflect the presentation of the remember that all you’ve got to be is be blooming, but also because if you Report. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of yourself, especially since everybody want life to appreciate you more, May, 2019. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of else is already taken. To help you in you’ve got to appreciate it more. So May, 2019. CLELAND HOFF, Mayor the amorous department, listen to please take some admiration breaks CLELAND HOFF, Mayor ATTEST: Foster the People, “Come over here before life has you quoting Shel Silver- JAMIE GRAY, Town Clerk ATTEST: JAMIE GRAY, Town Clerk sit next to me. See where things go stein, “What did the carrot say to the TS #2019-0120 naturally. Just say the word and I’ll wheat? Lettuce rest, I’m feeling beet.” TS #2019-0121 part the sea.” Capricorn: Even though your sign is known for holding your feelings Fictitious Business Name Statement Fictitious Business Name Statement The Following Person The Following Person Is Doing Business As: Is Doing Business As: Body Synergy Ferguson Construction Simply Massage Mammoth, LLC. Russ Ferguson 3325 Main St., P.O. Box 3924 221 Cayon Blvd. P.O. Box 392 Mammoht Lakes, Ca. 93546 Mammoth Lakes, Ca. 93546

This business is conducted by an Limited This business is conducted by an Individual liability Co.The registrant has not yet begun The registrant will begin to transact busi- to transact business under the fictitious ness under the fictitious business name business name listed herein. listed herein. July 01, 2019. This statement was filed with the County This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Mono County on May 20, 2019 Clerk of Mono County on June 07,2019 File Number 19-111 File Number 19-119 2019-0106( 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29) 2019-0122 (6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6 ) THE SHEET I Saturday, June 22, 2019 LOCAL NEWS I 19 ONE ROOF AT A TIME County to sell unit to IMACA for transitional housing By Ben Trefry or quite some time, Mono County get in the way of good." has been looking into various Or as Supervisor Fred Stump said Foptions for selling its Birch Creek Tuesday, "If we waited for perfect, we’d Condominium (located at 40 Willow Ave be right where we are today, forever,” #5 in June Lake). At its own board meeting last week, Last June, Mono County Supervisors Eastern Sierra Continuum of Care (a announced an intent to sell the condo- coalition of service providers in Inyo, minium, most likely with deed restric- Mono and Alpine counties, which part- tions that would keep it “perpetually ners with IMACA) supported IMACA affordable” for low income families. purchasing the unit and agreed to After discussion at its regular meet- commit funds for the purchase when it ing Tuesday, it appears the Board will moves forward. sell the unit to Inyo Mono Advocates for Of course, that may not happen for a Community Action (IMACA), a non- while, as it will likely be time-intensive profit. for the County Counsel and other de- IMACA plans to use the unit as transi- partments to work out the details of the tional housing for those at risk of home- sale. lessness, meaning tenants would stay According to Peterson, the purpose 3-12 months while they seek permanent of bringing this proposal in front of the housing. Board on Tuesday was just to see what Katie Bellomo’s photo of Wilson Creek, taken May 13. The Birch Creek Condominium was they thought of it. CREEKS acquired by the County in 2002 as Fortunately for IMACA, every Board continued from page 6 housing mitigation for the Highlands member present was supportive, with that they ‘want to encourage collabora- the then-defunct return ditch going development. Selling it to IMACA for only minor caveats. tion’ but collaboration has supposedly back into Mill. transitional housing would still fulfill The biggest caveat: more public been happening for 20 years and yet, Now that they’re moving forward that requirement. outreach to prevent neighbor hostility here we are,” said Hillary Hansen, a with the return ditch, McQuilkin sug- Kathy Peterson, Director of Mono toward the low-income families who will concerned local. gested that the needs of both creeks County Social Services, noted that the ultimately occupy the residence. Bellomo also felt that PMBP has could be better met by coordinating location of the condominium is not Board members were very optimistic thus far been excluded from the whole the release of water from the hydro- perfect for transitional housing about getting ESTA to provide some process. Example: a “collaboratively electric facility with the amount of Eastern Sierra Transit Authority form of transit in and out of June Lake, developed” spreadsheet based water Wilson’s water being pulled out for (ESTA)currently provides no transpor- making the condominium a more viable management system that was touted at irrigation. tation from the condominium’s down- option. the meeting had never been shown to This kind of management can likely canyon location. “I’m really excited,” said Carolyn Bal- PMBP. reduce the chance of future fish kills, But it appears need trumps logis- liet, chair of IMACA's Board of Directors. However, the return of water to Mill but the fact remains ... there is only so tics, and as Alterra Resorts' CEO Rusty “There’s plenty of people out there that Creek is hardly a complete surprise; much water, and some concrete deci- Gregory likes to say, "Don't let perfect can be helped by this.” it’s consistently been one of the Mono sion needs to be made Lake Committee’s objectives, and in One thing for certain: You’ll be see- 2011, Edison obtained an order from ing a lot more of this issue in the weeks the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- and months to come mission (FERC) that required the facil- PUBLIC SERVICE ity to return almost all of its outflow to Mill Creek; the only water that goes to ANNOUNCEMENT Wilson being to satisfy the water rights held by Mono County, the United State Forest Service and others. McQuilkin also said that even before TRAFFIC & TRANSIT ADVISORY – SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2019 the decision to move more water to Mammoth Mountain Ski Area (MMSA) would like to notify Mill, the lower portion of Wilson Creek motorists and guests of the scheduled traf c control had dried up several times in the past measures and route changes on Saturday, June 29 for the - even when Mill Creek was getting Monster Energy Mammoth Motocross Village Bash produced significantly less than what the estab- by MMSA. Below is an outline of the scheduled traf c and lished water rights said it should. transit impacts taking place as a result of this event.

Since obtaining that order from TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES FERC, Edison and the Mono Lake Lower Canyon Boulevard will be closed between Committee have been exploring op- A sample of dead fish Bellomo collected Lake Mary Rd. and Hillside Dr. from 11AM–10PM. tions to return the water, and repairing on her May 13 outing. TRANSIT ADVISORY – MAMMOTH BIKE PARK SHUTTLE New Route: Down Minaret Road, turn around near Sierra Star Golf Course, stop across from the New York Deli in The Village.

LAKES BASIN TROLLEY New Route: Lake Mary Road to “The Voodoo Chute,” turn on Lakeview toward Canyon Blvd., crossing on Hillside to reach Forest Trail and then stopping on Minaret in front of The Village below the Main Plaza.

TOWN TROLLEY New Route: Main St to Minaret Rd., wrap around The Village on Forest Trail and Hillside, then up to Canyon Lodge and down Lakeview. A NEW HOME FOR FAMILY FUN CREEKHOUSE WELCOMES 14 NEW FAMILIES THIS SEASON.

All information subject to change. The Snowcreek Property Company. CalBRE #01812140. © 2019. All rights reserved. Another Luxury Development by The Chadmar Group

NEW BUILDING RELEASE SHOWCASING HOMES AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER 2019 MOVE-IN Luxury Mountain Retreats with Alpine Golf Course and Athletic Club at Mammoth Mountain.


All information subject to change. The Snowcreek Property Company. CalBRE #01812140. ANOTHER LUXURY DEVELOPMENT BY THE CHADMAR GROUP 2019. All rights reserved.