The Quimby Manuscripts THE QUIMBY MANUSCRIPTS by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby Edited by Horatio W. Dresser New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company [1921] [Scanned, proofed and formatted by John Bruno Hare at, October 2007. This text is in the public domain in the US because it was published prior to 1923. These files may be used for any purpose.] [Typos corrected and formatted for easy reading in PDF 5/15/2009 by
[email protected] -- Enjoy!] Publisher’s Note The book as a whole contains an adequate statement of Quimby’s original theory as found in his manuscripts, 1846-65. The volume also contains the writings, hitherto inaccessible, which Mrs. Eddy borrowed during her stay in Portland as Quimby’s patient. The editor is a son of Mrs. Julius A. Dresser, who was the most active of Quimby’s followers at the time Mrs. Eddy was under treatment and who loaned Mrs. Eddy the copybooks which made her acquainted with the Quimby manuscripts. Editor’s Preface to the Second Edition For many years a mass of documents of interest to Christian Scientists and to their critics as well, has been withheld from publication, although earnestly sought. These documents were written by Dr. P. P. Quimby, of Portland, Maine, and contain his views regarding mental and spiritual healing. They be- came familiar to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy when she visited Dr. Quimby as a patient, and it has been charged by her critics that many of the ideas later promulgated in her teachings were born of the Quimby theories.