It is our desire that while we cannot meet together physically, we can continue to grow together in our homes. Use this Family Talk guide to dive deeper into the weekly messages and further discuss the weeks ahead in your personal time with God.

Key Verses: LUKE 24:1-12

When you hear the word impossible what comes to mind? When you have the mindset that something is impossible what is your natural reaction? Do you give up? Try harder? Don’t even attempt? Become discouraged?

Have you ever experienced something that you thought was impossible but it became possible because of God? Share.

In Matthew 19:26 is explaining that it is impossible for anyone to enter the kingdom of God without God. He explains to the disciples, “with God all things are possible.” Unpack this a little more. Does Jesus really mean all things? Why are things possible with Him versus things we can do on our own?

Read Luke 24:1-12.

In this moment all hope was lost. Jesus was dead. Why do you think the disciples didn’t go to the tomb? When the women got to the tomb and found the stone rolled away what were some of their thoughts? (i.e. perplexed, frightened, worshipped)

Look at verse 11. When the women told the disciples of what they had seen, why didn’t the disciples believe? What did this show about their faith? Have you ever doubted or questioned God’s Word?

How did Peter react to the news of an ? Why do you think he was the one to run to the tomb?

Read Luke 9:21-22. How was the empty tomb part of Jesus’ plan? Why didn’t they remember Jesus saying this? Can you recall any passages of Scripture where Jesus referred to His resurrection (see :21, 17:22-23, and 20:18-19 for examples)? On Sunday Wayne said, “Our confidence in life and our hope in death are in Christ alone.” What did he mean? How does the resurrection give us confidence and hope more than any other thing in life?

We often think of Christ’s death alone as our salvation, why is the resurrection necessary for our salvation?

How can you use the resurrection of Christ as a tool when you share your faith with others? How can it show others that with God all things are possible?

Praise God for being one who can make all things possible. Thank Him for making it possible to receive salvation through Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Pray for reminders this week that our sinful natures died with Christ, and that we were raised with Him to live in new freedom.

Want to be prepared for next week’s message?

A great tool to use for studying the is what is called a H.E.A.R journal. The acronym H.E.A.R. stands for Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond. Each week, read the specific passage and use the following space to journal how God speaks to you through your personal study time.

Read the passage. During your reading, HIGHLIGHT one or two verses that stand out and speak to you.

At this stage, you will EXPLAIN what the text means. By asking some simple questions, i.e. Who wrote these verses? Who is this written to? What is being communicated?

Now APPLY this text to your life. As before, answer a series of questions to uncover how these verses apply to you personally, questions like: What does this mean today? What is God saying to me? How can this help me?

The last step is to RESPOND. Your response to the passage may take on many forms. You may write a call to action, describe what will change in your life, something you learned, or simply writing out a prayer to God. READ :1-23