Enjoy the Presence of the Shepherd KEY VERSE —Lift your Heart Song to God, No. 4 Pastor Bryan Austring October 20, 2019 :6 Let everything that has breath

Sing Song of Suffering (Psalm 22) (last week) praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! Struggle with God’s response (22:1-11) Grapple with God’s silence (22:1-2) Remember past deliverance history (22:3-5) Grapple with present shame (22:6-8) Remember past trust amidst present trouble (22:9-11) Application Question: Am I connecting with God in life-changing circumstances? Struggle with suffering’s stunning reality (22:12-18) How do we connect with God in inevitable life Accept existence of personally troubling times (22:12-13; 16-18) Admit debilitating disturbances of deep suffering (22:14-15) changing moments? Am I ignoring reality of suffering’s impact on my life? Strengthen thru Savior recognition (22:19-31) Recognize God’s answer of ultimate deliverance (22:19-21) Psalms: Lift your Heart Song to God Respond thru perspective-filled praise (22:22-31)

-personal, God’s people, God’s world, God’s eternal provision Am I redeeming present suffering thru praise? Walk the Path of Righteousness () Am I preparing for future suffering thru present praise? —————————————————————–————— Cry the Voice of Obedience (Psalm 19) Enjoy the Presence of the Shepherd () Sing Song of Suffering (Psalm 22) Trust God cares for your well-being (23:1-3a) “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” (23:1) Enjoy the Presence of the Shepherd (Psalm 23) Follow his “everything I n_____” shepherding (23:1) Enjoy his p______presence (23:2-3b) restoration/refreshment Confess thru Family Forgiveness (Psalm 51) Am I settling for spiritual f___ f___ or seeking full c_____ meals?

Trust God commits to you in hard times (23:3b-4) Voice the Medley of Thanksgiving (Psalm 100)

“He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” (23:3b) Celebrate the Impact of God’s Word (Psalm 119) Recognize his life g______for you (23:3b) Enjoy his p______presence (23:4) comfort Receive Help for the Helpless (Psalm 121) Do I trust God’s r______as I follow Him?

Trust God crafts relational space for you (23:5-6) Catch the Rhythm of Life (Psalm 139) “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (23:6) Life Response: Accept his invitation to receive welcoming p______(23:5) Transform every life circumstance into an Enjoy his p______presence (23:6) commitment/communion Do I run a____ from or t______God’s open arms? opportunity to worship God wholeheartedly.

Next week--Confess thru Family Forgiveness (Psalm 51)