News from the FOSSIL Project Vol. 4, Issue 1, Spring 2017
[email protected] @projectfossil The FossilProject Inside this issue: FOSSIL PROJECT UPDATES SPRING 2017 Featured Professional: by Eleanor Gardner James R. Thomka Personnel Updates Amateur Spotlight: We are proud to announce that Linda McCall, president Malcolm W. Bedell, Jr. of the North Carolina Fossil Club, has joined the FOSSIL Project’s steering committee. She will serve on the committee Featured Organization: through December 2017 and help to keep amateur interests Georgia Paleontological represented as the FOSSIL Project enters its final 1.5 years of Association funding. After her term is up, Linda will aid us in identifying another representative to serve on the committee. Linda has Horse Teeth and California already provided many excellent ideas and feedback, and we Crocs appreciate her continued commitment to the Project and the myFOSSIL community. Megalodon Tooth Deformities Linda McCall News from the Paleontological Society Dealing with a Fossil Estate As a member of the Paleontological Society Executive Committee, Bruce can report that we now have more than 50 members who have opted for the new amateur New Characters in Big Horn member category. The PS is very excited about this response so far, and we look Basin Paleontology forward to a continuing increase in representation from amateurs. We hope that the benefits of the PS will make membership attractive and also result in a continued California’s State Dino positive and supportive spirit of working together to advance the study of fossils and paleontology. DPS Releases “Guide to Fossil Collecting” Every year the PS receives nominations for the Strimple Award given to an amateur who has made sustained contributions to paleontology.