National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Alaska Park Science Alaska Region Science in Alaska's Arctic Parks Volume 16, Issue 1 Beaufort Sea Chukchi Sea Alaska Park Science Noatak National Preserve Volume 16, Issue 1 Cape Krusenstern Gates of the Arctic National April 2017 National Monument Park and Preserve Editor in Chief: Leigh Welling Managing Editor: Nina Chambers Kobuk Valley Arctic Circle Bering Land Bridge National Park Editor: Stacia Backensto National Preserve Guest Editors: Jim Lawler, Andrew Tremayne Design: Nina Chambers Yukon-Charley Rivers S K A National Preserve Contact Alaska Park Science at: L A
[email protected] A Gulf of Alaska Bering Sea Alaska Park Science is the semi-annual science journal of the National Park Service Alaska Region. Each issue highlights research and scholarship on a theme important to the stewardship of Alaska’s parks. Publication in Alaska Park Science does not signify that the contents reflect the views or policies of the National Park Service, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute National Park Service endorsement or recommendation. Alaska Park Science can be found online at: Table of Contents Alaska’s Northern Parks: The Wonder of the Applying Wilderness Character Monitoring Collaborative Conservation of the Rare Arctic ...............................................................1 in the Arctic .................................................37 Alaskan Yellow-billed Loon ........................79