ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building apps for Angular

ANDY GUP @agup ALLISON DAVIS @araedavis

What's the plan today? Learn how to use ArcGIS API for JavaScript with Angular CLI ArcGIS API for JavaScript modules with esri-loader Async patterns Angular Component Dev Kit (CDK) Services Routing State management ArcGIS API for JavaScript modules with Angular 6+ ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x Getting started

1. Download our repo ds2020 2. Follow along as we work with Angular sample apps ./sample_apps/app-scaffolding ./sample_apps/esri-loader ...and more... App Scaffolding

Basic building blocks Angular CLI "esri-loader" esri­map.component.ts esri-loader

Reliably load (or lazy load) ArcGIS modules using our AMD loader Control which ArcGIS modules when/where you want, à la carte It's EASY and very lightweight Sample application esri-loader import { loadModules } from 'esri­loader'; // `loadModules` dynamically injects a