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View Point” Dept a Ccc RASHTRASANT TUKADOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY “(Established by Government of Central Provinces Education Department by Notification No.513 dated the 1st of August, 1923 & presently a State University governed by Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994.)” : NOTIFICATION : No.: RTMNU/Ph.D. (Cell)/11/1126 Dated : 28 July, 2016 It is notified for general information that the following candidates are hereby declared eligible for the award of D.Sc. / Ph.D. / M.E. by Research Degree in the faculty mentioned against their respective names: Sr. Name and Address of Candidate Date of Date of Degree Faculty Subject Title of Thesis/Treatise Name and Address of No. Registration Thesis/ Supervisor Treatise Submission 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Dr. Jayant Pandurang Modak 26.06.2010 29.06.2010 D.Sc. Engg. & Mechanical “Human Powered Flywheel Motor Self A/6, Mukund Apartment Tech. Engineering : Concept, Design, Dynamics and Shraddhanand Peth Applications” South Ambazari Road Nagpur 2. Shri Nilesh Gopal Choudhary 15.01.2011 17.12.2004 Ph.D. Medicine Pharmaceutical “Formulation and Evaluation of Dr. (Mrs.) Jasmin G. Awari Near Balaji Temple Sciences Tableting of Coated Pellets as Detp. of Pharmacy New Town Drug Delivery System” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Badnera Nagpur University Dist. – Amravati Nagpur Page 1 of 22 3. Shri Nilesh Shaligramji Wagh 15.01.2011 31.10.2014 Ph.D. Medicine Pharmaceutical “Pharmacological Evaluation for Dr. N.J. Gaikwad Plot No. 107 Sciences Anticancer Activity of Crataeva Dept. of Pharmacy L.I.G. – 226 Nurvala Buch Ham and Acacia Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Mhada Colony auriculiformis A. Cunn.” Nagpur University Wardha Nagpur 4. Ku. Sushma Jagdish Bahekar 30.12.2009 28.07.2014 Ph.D. Home Extension “Water Crisis under watershed Dr. Aparna Dhoble At Post – Adasi Science Education development programme and its Dept. of Home Science Ta. – Gondia impact on rural women‟s (With Sewadal Mahila reference to Gondia Block of Mahavidyalaya Gondia District, (MH)” Nagpur 5. Ku. Lalita Laxman Sawarkar 13.01.2010 12.01.2015 Ph.D. Science Botany “Biodiesel production from Algae Dr. P.B. Nandkar Ward No. 12 of Vidarbha Region” Dept. of Botany Back ride of Masjid Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj At Post – Kalmeshwar Nagpur University Dist. – Nagpur Nagpur 6. Ku. Supriya Eknath Urkude 14.07.2008 19.06.2013 Ph.D. Science Botany “Physiological and Phytochemical Dr. D.P. Gogle Opp. Dhuniwale Temple Studies on some vegetables Dept. of Botany Nagpur Road enfluenced by colours of Light” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Gitai Nagar Nagpur University Gopuri Nagpur Wardha Page 2 of 22 7. Shri Dipak Kumar Nath 11.07.2008 30.05.2013 Ph.D. Science Biotechnology “Studies on modulation of Redox Dr. Sunil Pande South Haiborgaon status and Anti-inflammatory Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Lakhinagar, Lakhimipath effects of Fagonia Cretica Linn, Centre Nagaon Tinospora Cordifolia and Rubia Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Assam – 782 002 Cordifolia” Nagpur University Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. Saibal Biswas Dr. Ambedkar College Deekshabhoomi Nagpur 8. Ku. Vaishali Jaideo Badwaik 14.01.2010 28.11.2014 Ph.D. Science Zoology “Ultrastructural studies on the Dr. B.D. Barsagade Ashtavinayak Nagar appendages, ovary and hormonal Dept. of Zoology Plot No. 5 control of Vitellogenesis in Red Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Jaitala Road eye Bug, Leptocoris Augur Nagpur University Nagpur (Hemiptera : Rhopalidae)” Nagpur 9. Ku. Yogita Vasant Bagde 31.12.2009 31.12.2014 Ph.D. Science Geology “Paleolimnological studies of Dr. Sumedh Humane 128, Adivasi Colony lakes of Ramtek and Umrer Taluka Dept. of Geology Behind Medical College of Nagpur District, Maharashtra Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Paleoclimatic and Paleoecological Nagpur University Reconstruction” Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. Samaya Humane Dept. of Geology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur Page 3 of 22 10. Shri Shashikant Dhondiba Raut 17.06.2010 05.03.2015 Ph.D. Science Geology “Fossils calcareous Algave and Dr. Shyam N. Mude C/o Balakram Bhoge Ichnofossils from the Quaternary Dept. of Geology 5, Bhoge Layout Sediments of Kachchh, Gujarat, Fergusson College Bhamti India” Pune – 4 Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. Pradeep P. Kundal Prof & Head P.G. Dept. of Geology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur 11. Smt. Vaishali Vijay Soman 16.01.2009 23.12.2013 Ph.D. Science Physics “Structural, Electrical and Dr. V.M. Nanoti 81, Vidya Vihar Colony Magnetic Investigations of Mixed Dept. of Physics Ranapratap Nagar Barium Hexaferrites” Priyadarshini College of Nagpur Engineering Hingna Road Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. D.K. Kulkarni Dept. of Physics Institute of Science, Nagpur 12. Ku. Aparna Chandrabhan Bhange 13.07.2012 06.07.2015 Ph.D. Science Physics “Study on magnetic and electrical Dr. Upendra Mahatme C/o Harshwardhan Rangari properties of some conducting Dept. of Physics Plot No. 63 polymers composites with K.Z.S. Science College Din Prajahit Society inorganic compounds” Brahmni Near Santaji Colony Kalmeshwar Narendra Nagar Dist. – Nagpur Nagpur Page 4 of 22 13. Shri Sachin Ranglal Rahangdale 12.07.2012 24.07.2015 Ph.D. Science Physics “Synthesis and Characterization of Dr. U.A. Palikundwar At Post – Salebhata Dosimeters for Lonizing Dept. of Physics Ta. – Lakhani Radiations” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Dist. – Bhandara Nagpur University Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. S.V. Moharil Dept. of Physics Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur 14. Shri Nomdeo Maroti Gahane 13.07.2012 10.04.2015 Ph.D. Science Physics “Effect of Amino Acids Additives Dr. K.G. Rewatkar C/o G.T. Reswatkar on Crystal Growth Parameters and Dept. of Physics 43, Bhande Plot properties of Ammonium Dr. Ambedkar College Umred Road Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals” Dikshabhoomi Nagpur – 09 Nagpur 15. Shri Prashant Ramdasji Chowdhari 15.01.2011 28.05.2015 Ph.D. Science Physics “Study of AFezO4 Manoferrite for Dr. (Mrs.) Smita A. Acharya L A/4, Mhada Colony LPG gas sensor view point” Dept. of Physics Sewagram Road Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj At Post – Sewagram Nagpur University Wardha – 442 102 Nagpur 16. Shri Yogesh Khushalrao More 12.01.2012 24.07.2015 Ph.D. Science Physics “Study of Phosphors for optically Dr. (Mrs.) S.P. Wankhede C/o B.N. Kadoo stimulated Luminescence Dept. of Physics Bhaldarpura Dosimetry” K.D.K. College of Engineering Anjangaon Surji Nagpur Dist. – Amravati Page 5 of 22 17. Ku. Vanita Ganpatrao Wankhede 15.01.2010 13.03.2015 Ph.D. Science Mathematics “Some Investigations in Rosen‟s Dr. S.D. Tade B-20, Shrinath Bimetric Theory” Dept. of Mathematics Sainagar Jawaharlal Nehru Arts, Post. – Parvati Nagar Commerce & Science College Nagpur Wadi Nagpur 18. Shri Bapurao Rodbaji Chide 27.03.2012 15.05.2015 Ph.D. Science Mathematics “Semirings its generalizations, Dr. R.D. Giri 229, Surveynagar their structural properties and Dept. of Mathematics Nagpur applications” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur 19. Shri Jitesh Jeewanchandra Tripathi 29.07.2013 30.07.2015 Ph.D. Science Mathematics “Study of Some Dynamic Dr. G.D. Kedar Flat No. 203, Armors Tower Problems in Thermoelasticity” Dept. of Mathematics New Jagruti Colony Kamla Nehru College Katol Road Nagpur Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. K.C. Deshmukh Dept. of Mathematics Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur 20. Shri Prakashdeep Hanuji Munjankar 21.01.2011 20.07.2015 Ph.D. Science Mathematics “Study of Some Thermoelastic Dr. K.C. Deshmukh In front of Shivmandir problems on Thin and Thick Head Shivaji Nagar Cylindrical Bodies” Dept. of Mathematics Chandrapur Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur Page 6 of 22 21. Shri Nitin Devidasji Vilayatkar 29.12.2012 10.08.2015 Ph.D. Science Chemistry “Comparative Study of Some Dr. P.K. Rahangdale Plot No. 29 Newly Obtained Activated Carbon Dept. of Chemistry Near Hanuman Mandir and Polymeric Resins with special Bhavbhuti Mahavidyalaya Ramnagar reference to Removal of Toxic Amgaon Nagpur Metals from Contaminated Water” Co-Guide Dr. S.M. Gadegone Dept. of Chemistry Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Nagpur 22. Shri Sudhakar Shamrao Shende 07.09.2012 21.05.2015 Ph.D. Science Chemistry “Preparation, Characterisation and Dr. P.K. Rahangadale C/o P.D. Katre Physico-Chemical Studies of Dept. of Chemistry 183, Trikuta Apts. activated carbon derived from Bhawabhuti Mahavidyalaya Flat No. 102 butea monosperma wood and its Amgaon Ramnagar adsorption efficiency evaluation in Dist. – Gondia Nagpur waste water treatment” Co-Guide Dr. S.R. Thakre Dept. of Chemistry Institute of Science Nagpur 23. Shri Avinash Gunwantrao Ulhe 30.01.2012 16.10.2014 Ph.D. Science Chemistry “Applications of N-glucosylimino Dr. B.N. Berad At Post – Taroda isocyanodichloride and N-glucosy Dept. of Chemistry Ta. – Morshi limino chloromethane sulphenyl Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Dist. – Amravati chloride in the synthesis of Nagpur University GNcosyl nucleosides” Nagpur Page 7 of 22 24. Shri Kiran Madanrao Khandarkar 21.04.2010 22.12.2014 Ph.D. Science Chemistry “Synthesis of potent bio-active Dr. J.S. Meshram 2/7, EWS Colony organic moleculers bearing Dept. of Chemistry Vishwakarma Nagar furfular skeleton, their spectral Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Rajkamal Square characterization and screening for Nagpur University Nagpur antimicrobial efficacy” Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. Mudrika Ahmed G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology Nagpur 25. Ku. Soumya Raviprakash Deo 13.01.2012 31.07.2014 Ph.D. Science Chemistry “Structural and optical studies of Dr. Ataya K. Singh C/o Raviprakash Deo some chemically deposited Ass. Professor in Chemistry „Akshada‟ S.T. No. 05 Nanocrystalline solid thin films” Government V.Y.T. Ph Auto Zone - 02, College Behaind Mr. Sharma‟s House Durg (C.G.) Near Maharaja Chowk Co-Guide New Adarsh Nagar Dr. Lata Deshmukh Durg Dept. of Chemistry Dist. – Durg (C.G.) Hislop College Nagpur 26. Ajmal Rashid Bhat 28.03.2013 20.02.2015 Ph.D. Science Chemistry “Synthesis, Charactarization and Dr. R.S. Dongre Mahind Srigufwara applications of biologically active Asst. Professor Dist. – Anantnagar six member annulated uracil fused Dept. of Chemistry Jammu & Kashmir rings” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur 27.
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