Brooklyn Borough President Recommendation CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 120 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10271
[email protected] INSTRUCTIONS 1. Return this completed form with any attachments to the Calendar Information Office, City Planning Commission, Room 2E at the above address. 2. Send one copy with any attachments to the applicant’s representatives as indicated on the Notice of Certification. APPLICATION 737 FOURTH AVENUE REZONING – 200029 ZMK, 200030 ZRK Applications submitted by 737 Fourth Avenue LLC, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter, for a zoning map amendment to change the eastern side of Fourth Avenue between 24th and 25th streets from M1-1D to R8A/C2-4, a zoning map amendment to extend the existing Special Enhanced Commercial District (EC-1) to this block of Fourth Avenue, and a zoning text amendment to designate the rezoning area a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area. Such actions are intended to facilitate a 14-story, mixed-use development with 142 dwelling units and ground-floor retail, in Brooklyn Community District 7 (CD 7). Approximately 35 units would be affordable to households at 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI) pursuant to MIH Option 1. The building would also provide approximately 45 below-grade accessory off-street parking spaces. BROOKLYN COMMUNITY DISTRICT NO. 7 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN RECOMMENDATION APPROVE DISAPPROVE APPROVE WITH DISAPPROVE WITH MODIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS MODIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS SEE ATTACHED December 31, 2020 BROOKLYN BOROUGH PRESIDENT