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Transcript of Mr PROTECTING THE TIMELY DELIVERY OF MAIL, MEDICINE, AND MAIL-IN BALLOTS HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION AUGUST 24, 2020 Serial No. 116–113 Printed for the use of the Committee on Oversight and Reform ( Available on: or U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 41–938 PDF WASHINGTON : 2021 COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York, Chairwoman ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, District of JAMES COMER, Kentucky Ranking Minority Columbia Member WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri JIM JORDAN, Ohio STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts PAUL A. GOSAR, Arizona JIM COOPER, Tennessee VIRGINIA FOXX, North Carolina GERALD E. CONNOLLY, Virginia THOMAS MASSIE, Kentucky RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI, Illinois JODY B. HICE, Georgia JAMIE RASKIN, Maryland GLENN GROTHMAN, Wisconsin HARLEY ROUDA, California GARY PALMER, Alabama RO KHANNA, California MICHAEL CLOUD, Texas KWEISI MFUME, Maryland BOB GIBBS, Ohio DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Florida CLAY HIGGINS, Louisiana JOHN P. SARBANES, Maryland RALPH NORMAN, South Carolina PETER WELCH, Vermont CHIP ROY, Texas JACKIE SPEIER, California CAROL D. MILLER, West Virginia ROBIN L. KELLY, Illinois MARK E. GREEN, Tennessee MARK DESAULNIER, California KELLY ARMSTRONG, North Dakota BRENDA L. LAWRENCE, Michigan W. GREGORY STEUBE, Florida STACEY E. PLASKETT, Virgin Islands FRED KELLER, Pennsylvania JIMMY GOMEZ, California ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, New York AYANNA PRESSLEY, Massachusetts RASHIDA TLAIB, Michigan KATIE PORTER, California DAVID RAPALLO, Staff Director AARON BLACKSBERG & CANDYCE PHOENIX Chief Counsel ELISA LANAIER Clerk CONTACT NUMBER: 202-225-5051 CHRISTOPHER HIXON, Minority Staff Director (II) CONTENTS Page Hearing held on August 24, 2020 ........................................................................... 1 WITNESSES Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General, U.S. Postal Service Oral Statement ................................................................................................. 11 Robert M. Duncan, Chairman, U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors Oral Statement ................................................................................................. 12 * The prepared statements for the above witnesses are available at: INDEX OF DOCUMENTS The documents listed below are available at: * USPS Service Performance Measurement PMG Briefing August 12, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * LA Times - ‘‘Like Armageddon: Rotting food, dead animals and chaos at postal facilities amid cutbacks’’, article; submitted by Chairwoman Malo- ney. * Courier Journal - ‘‘Postal Service’s cost cutting is frustrating Kentuckians - and raising election concerns’’, article; submitted by Chairwoman Malo- ney. * NY1 - ‘‘Some Mail Is Delayed Five to Six Days in NYC, Postal Workers’ Union Says’’, article; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Rep. Mucarsel-Powell Letter to Chairwoman Maloney Re: USPS Over- sight Hearing, August 21, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Letter to PMG Louis DeJoy from AARP, August 17, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Letter to Board of Governors Urging Resignation of PMG Louis DeJoy, August 19, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Rep. Steven Cohen (TN-09) Statement for the Record, August 24, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * CREW Testimony for the Record, August 24, 2020; submitted by Chair- woman Maloney. * DI-DIFAD Letter of Support of Delivering for America Act, August 21, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Letter of Support for Delivering for America Act August 21, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * NALC Letter of Support for Delivering for America Act, August 19, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * NARFE Letter of Support for H.R. 8105, H.R. 6800, and S. 4147; sub- mitted by Chairwoman Maloney. (III) IV Page * The Navajo Nation Letter of Support for H.R. 8105, August 20, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * NCPSSM Letter of Support for H.R. 8015; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Secure Democracy Letter of Support for H.R. 8015 Delivering for America Act; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Voting Rights Lab Letter of Support for H.R. 8105, August 19, 2020; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group Letter of Support for the Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act, August 21, 2020; submitted by Chair- woman Maloney. * USPS - Kentucky Mail Processing Closing Announced; submitted by Rep. Massie. * USPS - Ashland Mail Processing Operations Moving to Charleston, WV; submitted by Rep. Massie. * USPS - PMG Louis DeJoy Memorandum on Organizational Structure, August 7, 2020; submitted by Rep. Speier. * Letter to PMG Louis DeJoy from CREW, August 21, 2020; submitted by Rep. Speier. * PMG Louis DeJoy Political Contributions Chart; submitted by Rep. Welch. * Questions for the record: to Dejoy; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. * Questions for the record: to Duncan; submitted by Chairwoman Maloney. PROTECTING THE TIMELY DELIVERY OF MAIL, MEDICINE, AND MAIL-IN BALLOTS Monday, August 24, 2020 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:09 a.m., in room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Carolyn B. Maloney [chairwoman of the committee] presiding. Present: Representatives Maloney, Norton, Clay, Lynch, Cooper, Connolly, Krishnamoorthi, Raskin, Rouda, Khanna, Mfume, Wasserman Schultz, Sarbanes, Welch, Speier, Kelly, DeSaulnier, Lawrence, Plaskett, Gomez, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, Tlaib, Porter, Comer, Jordan, Gosar, Foxx, Massie, Hice, Grothman, Palmer, Cloud, Gibbs, Higgins, Norman, Roy, Miller, Green, Armstrong, Steube, and Keller. Also present: Representatives Quigley, Adams, and Walker. Chairwoman MALONEY. The committee will come to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time. Without objection, the gentlewoman from North Carolina, Ms. Adams, as well as the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Quigley, will be permitted to join the committee and be recognized for questioning the witnesses. In addition, the gentleman from North Carolina, Mr. Walker, will be recognized at the proper time to introduce his constituent. I now recognize myself for an opening statement. Good morning. I would like to welcome Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the chairman of the Postal Board of Governors, Robert Duncan, to this oversight hearing, and I thank you all for being here. In all of our districts, we are hearing from constituents about sig- nificant delays in the delivery of mail, medicines, food, and other supplies. These delays are especially concerning and potentially life-threatening during the coronavirus crisis. These are not isolated complaints. They are widespread. Our of- fices have been receiving thousands of calls and emails about the detrimental effects these delays are having on our veterans, sen- iors, small businesses, and families across the country. When we asked postal leaders about these delays, they downplayed them. They dismissed them as temporary. They dis- counted them as minor unintended consequences of reforms being (1) 2 put in place. But then we saw national headlines describing these delays in much more detail. I have a document here that lists headlines from almost every state in the country talking about these delays. For example, in my home state of New York, I quote: ″Mail is delayed five to six days in New York City, Postal Workers Union says,″ end quote. In Kentucky, Ranking Member Comer’s home state, quote: ″Postal Service’s cost-cutting is frustrating Kentuckians and raising election concerns″, end quote. In California, the home state of our vice chairman Mr. Gomez, quote: ″Like Armageddon, rotting food, dead animals, and chaos at Postal facilities amid cutbacks,″ end quote. This list goes on and on. Last Friday, when Mr. DeJoy was confronted in the Senate with these widespread reports, he said he felt bad about what he called a dip in service. But then, after Mr. DeJoy’s testimony in the Sen- ate, we obtained an internal Postal Service document entitled ‘‘PMG briefing.’’ This is a presentation prepared directly for the Postmaster General. It is dated almost two weeks ago, August 12. According to this document, these delays are not just a dip. This document warns the Postmaster General of significant and wide- spread drops across the board, in first-class marketing, periodicals, and other categories. This document shows that these delays are not a myth or conspiracy theory, as some of my colleagues have ar- gued. These steep declines did not start in April or May, when the corona crisis hit us, but in July when Mr. DeJoy came on board and began making his changes. Our entire country is experiencing these delays as a result of Mr. DeJoy’s actions, such as his decision to restrict the number of trips from processing plants to delivery units. Perhaps Mr. DeJoy thought his sweeping changes would not cause any delays. In my opinion, that would be incompetence, at best. Or perhaps this was intentional. Maybe Mr. DeJoy was warned that his changes would cause delays, but he disregarded those warnings. That would be extremely reckless in the middle of a global pandemic with less than three months before an important election. Or perhaps there is a far simpler explanation. Perhaps Mr. DeJoy is just doing exactly what President Trump said he wanted on national television, using
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