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6-14-1866 Portland Daily Press: June 14,1866

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»a. /«». *• ~ JUNE ^ PORTLAND, THURSDAY"MORNING, 14, I860. 7s P„annum,jn 777777 *ur. >'•»*: u put»ii«h«d vvnr, Uy.tSu.i flf Street, New Kschangc Advertisements. PORTLAND AND P'*m«a 1, N. A. Kuikl, l*lW|n .«i»r. THE VICINITY. Lectures on Natural History.—The of Oxford ice and snow very FENIANS. County—report tialorder aQ,i witli Ticaun: —Might IMlarr a year in advanc HY hall of the Portland flying banners, but strag- New AArcrtiMuMMt Society of Natural Histo- common on the sides of the hills. While at a TELEGRAPH, TwDir r.‘ demoralized mob, thefr cause hope- TO THE DAILY entertainment column. was well filled afternoon a Wilson’s Mills found a well froxen over, THE MAIMS BTATK PKKSS, to pOHdudat the PRESS. Proclamation to the ry yesterday by they aimIess- *«* — Grand with"tunii^<-;!,:iarm'1 Trotting Puree. let down a remo|istrances of their hear the lecture of the first course of bucket. In tho extreme northwes- eers An offi- MMAOXOUA.-Th. the Army. NEW ADVERTISEMENT initiatory prettiest tiling, Thursday Morning, June 14, 1866. COLUMN. tern Kites or Apt—TiMi»o.«—One inched spare,m "wccfc?!gibing, and the most of It C»r the leant the season, delivered by Mr. Edward S. Morse, portion of the State the trees were just >i ooMiuia a**»*ttiare,** money. It overcomes the of fwatoqa Spring Water. column, odor perspiration; solt- to leave on of libi week; 75 » as and adds A FRESH CAMPAIGN TO BE of this of the which beginning out, the last days May. per square daily cents per delicacy to the skin; is a dehghfftil per- *■8iming*- city. The subject lecture, •♦•■k continu- fume, XXXIX FoT3±*^rRobert —The River and Harbor to leave ours alter; threeiaMriMW,«eIwa,$1.M; allays Itcadacbe and inflammation, and is a CONGRESS—1st Session. was of course in Improvement first neoessai INAUGURATED. Wanted—Situation. somewhat introductory its blllj and^- ing every other day after week, 50 cents. y «-<>ni|>ank>n in Ibe sick room, in the nur- which the onlAiJSfaSTddi* Insertion*or Wanted, passed House of Representatives Jlalt square, three lcaa, 75 cent*; one upi>n tho toilet sideboard. If can be ob- character, was the lower forms of animal Auction & life, some six ®«ek.9!.ou; ho cent* per week alter. tained everywhere at one dollar bottle. June 13. Sale—Henry Bailey Co. weeks ago, was taken up and passed swsrafi ‘ per Washington, Examination of Apply as &c. The the which was I n I t he »•! of $2.00 ner sold Fenian OIDcerx. Now—Manufacturing Business. Sponges, Sea Anemones, Corals, the line, marked *b "Awcubm—t*,* square Spring Water, by all Druggists. SENATE. by Senate on with some amend- “2 Congressional Convention. Monday, in p»*r week: three insertions or less, #1.50. JSarmtoga next lecture and bearing r-osed letters the inwrinrinn The resolution to print 4000 of the State Pension. will be upon Jelly Fishes, ments to which inscription, ,#s»*e« iai. Notices," $1.25 square first inser- copies it is expected.the House will of per of the Sierra Moreua will be “Treaty 1812.” tion and‘ifi cU. j*er square for each subsequent in- report Commissioner of Patents was Buffalo, N. Y„ June 13. Molasses—George S. Hunt. delivered next Wednesday afternoon) agree. The Maine appropriations in the bill Among lue lirst officers whom we aoii.wi; all a squan*, $1.00 firstiusertlon, 15 cts. adopted. Head Centre of has encoun- Peep O’Day, Buffalo, at 4 1-2 o’clock. The is the are as : each subsequent insertion. The following opening follows For the improvement of the tered was Colonel Conlri, who a few resolution calling upon the President returned from New York and applied to Gen. MUNICIPAL days be- AdverUsemonls Inserted in the “Maine State COURT. portion of Mr. Morse’s the whole of Kennebec between Point fore hail advanced with four S.T.-IMO.-X.-Thc amount for information as to the of Austrian for a return of tho arms and ammuni- lecture, River, Sheppard’s hundred dis- Pulls'*(which has u large circulation in every ]>ar- of Plantation Bit- departure Barry before recorder morris. mounted ters sold in one is tor was which was and for cavalrymen—as hardy and a oi the State) lor $1.00 i*er square tor first insert ion* year something startling. Thev troops Mexico passed. tion seized here. O’Day claims the arms as extremely interesting: Augusta, $20,000; continuing the re- dashing six feet Wednesday.—Charles F. Reynolds pleaded guilty set of fellows as ever drew sabre. This and 50 e-Mits )»er square for each subscqnent inser- Broadway high, men the Pork to The bill to grant bonds in aid of the con- and said he had made advan- Ladies and pair of the piers in the Saco for was Mil idroot.**J< Drake’s is private property, to the larceny of worth of Gentlemen:—The Portland So- River, $40,000; tlie best tion. mauuflictorv one of the insli- struction of the Kansas and $160 clothing irumthe equipped regiment of the lutioni. in hew Vork. Tt Is said Washington Val- ces on them as auctioneer and commission ciety of Natural with a desire to the breakwater at Portland expedition, C if JOB PRINTIMO, ol every description, exe- that Drake painiod dwelling house of Gen. Shepley, and in default of History, pop- extending Harbor, ail having aud of them Hi the Eastern States with ley liailroad was discussed and merchant. Gen. that he was ularize the of sabres, many pistols cuted witli dispatch; and nil business to :* ^ his cabaliBtic postponed. Barry replied bail in the sum of for study Natural History in our $105,11105. and carbiucs. pertaining and then the old The $600, his appearance at the Ju- They lacked, however, rather tin* Office or i'ajicr transacted on applicur 4 got granny legis- Legislative Appropriation bill was then only the custodian of the arms and had seiz- and to promptly later, to a law term of midst, promote an interest in all —The an essential on as altnve. ]«s.s the face ly theS, J, Court, was committed to jail. things Machias Republican learns that Alon- part of a outfit— if ol “preventing disflsuriri!; taken up. a ed them order of his officer. to the cavalryman's nature, whloh him a by superior E. pertaining welfare of the Society horses. gives monopoly. We do not The amendment George Stray ton was brought up charged with itself, zo and William Kinston of Only twelve had been dur- know bow ( his is, lint we do know from the House bill relative The Board of Trade subscribed the of certain Crosby Whiting, captured that Plantation yesterday the above have, through efforts members, mg their raid. Milters as no to bounties and receiving articles, or a portion of a bear in a on the 5th 8J5LI. other article ever did. They colored soldiers was concurred $ furnish supplies or transportation to them, instituted three courses of .lectures to be de- trapped “dead fall,” iust., are used all classes of in. know ing them to be stolen. moment’s observation satisfied us that Entertainments. by the community, and are destitute Fenians. about 16

• • should not suflbr down the the principles now at stake coast, giving eacfo section the proper Politicus, or, Universal Suffrage made Safe uni SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. from dissensions. supply. Easy; a review of The Lost Tales of Miletus Business Cards. Business Cards. The before the And again,— question us, only question, and anarticle on the Reform Bill, DAILY PRESS is, whether or not this little navy yard at When we hear a man continually Lands. J. G. LO S. P. BROWN & SON, harping with acres of New Music. Horace Sale of Public VEJOY, PORTLAND. about in the of Philadelphia only twenty ground Waters, New York corruption politics, packing shall be a transferred from its present locality three new THE Wholesale Dealer in and the of wires, we know publishes pieces arranged Mrs.E PERUVIAN SYRUPS Land June caucuses, pulling distance of three miles down the river to by Office, Bangor, 1,1866. Commission so far ol law as in Sec- Merchants, just where to find the man who will as A. Parkhurst. These are “Sunlight Polka,’ IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE pursuance defined Chapter 5, June 1866. League Island. That, I say, is the only ques- tion 32, Revised Statutes, Public Notice is hereby 465 Ninth D. 0. Morning, 14, lie is able all sorts of political cheat- for the a nc IN Street, Washington, Thursday practice tion. if the from Penn- arranged piano; song, “I’ll marry PROTOXIDE OF IRON, that the following Schedule of Tracts and Par- L’'me, Cement and Plaster, and Indeed, gentlemen given __--- ing, humbugging, villainy. man if he and a lov- cels ot Lands will be ottered tor sale on Saturday, the attention the sylvania think that this House, in determin- drinks,” “Oh, you must be A New in 33 TiT* Particular paid to sale ol Discovery Medicine, which first of at 12 noon, at Commercial Street, calls to mind this of is the er.of the Lord!” anew day September next, o’clock, Anthracite and Cumberland Coal, Lumber, Granite, T« Correspondeuti** iiy the by, this little aphorism ing change location, governed by adaptation, with chorus, in at a acre not less STRIKES A1 THE ROOT OF DISEASE, the Land Ofiice Bang >r, price per Lime, Cement, Slate, Bricks, 11 ay, l'otnioeu, Corn, idea that by establishing at League Island of the familiar “Ana 1 a soldier of the than the minimum fixed in the advertised list. foutlasd, me. Juneltl &c. will l>e unless accom- a communication which appeared in Monday’s hymn, Oats, &c., published, for By supplying the blood with its or The sale to be Sealed in Vo communication their Philadelphia yard it Itself cross ?” vital principal, by J’roposals conformity Mercantile Collodions made in this and address of the writer. \V o the pledges lile City, tlie name and “Soldat,” containing follow- element—IRON. with- the of the foregoing Chapter and our iu all of naniod by Sta^ signed years to come to devote a considerable share This provisions A. N. through parts t).e to return communica- is the secret oi the wonderfal success of this which require that ten per centum of the NOYES .1- SON, United of undertake rejected astonishing remark: “It is unnecessary of the revenues ot the Government to Section, States, Highest*Kates Freight* obtained fannot ing surplus remedy in curing minimum price of the township or part, shall accom- for vessels with or di*j>atch. tions. comment the manoeuvre build up that as a rival to Portsmouth SPECIAL NOTICES Liver pany each which sum shall constitute a No. 35 1'Uehanae V All Claims the Government ___ here to upon by Dyspepsia, Oomplaivt, Dropsy, Chronic Di- proposal, Street, 5 against promptly and the other navy- arrliOM, Nervous and Fe- part of, and be allowed in, the cash payment to be collected. caucuses were so Cherbourg European Rods, Affections, Chills which the ward packed long made the or tract PORTLAND 8. P. Union State Convention. yards, they are greatly mistaken. This Con- vers, Humors, Loss qf Constitutional Vigor, upon township purchased, MAINE, Bitoww, Late Navy Agent. A. P. Drow n. before tiic usual time.” We should think sot Bondholders’ Meeting:. Diseases qf the Kidneys and BUuhler, Fe- Payments required to be one tldrd cash, remain- J une 1—ebt* collected JAMES G. BLAINE. cumstances, has only to look* at the extract to transfer it But for the next suffering strong, 10.540 acres, 40 In the several States by prompt and Philadelphia may he made respecting extension and ultimate pay- healthy ami happu men and women; and invalids reliable JAMES M. STONE, of a the Remainder South half 3, R. 4, do., Sole Agents In Portland for the Celebrated correspondents. quoted above, to see what a real who quarter century strong probabilities ment of the bonds. cannot reasonably hesitate to give it atrial. A. POSTER, soldier, 10,611 acres, 50 OFFICE, 12)1 MIDDLE STREET. N. are that we shall need but little development A pamphlet Of 32 pages, containing certilicates ot G. HARLO" saw service under thinks of him. June Magee Furnaces and stovos* aP-tf 3m E. Grant, Our resources for uses Portland, 12,1800. cures and recommendations from some of the most PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. LEE STRICKLAND, of our Navy. present the oi the St. John Smith, William eminent physicians, clergymen and others, besides Sections No. 4, 5, 23 & in Town- H B. PRESCOTT, Everybody knows that sentiment are We have forty or fifty iron ves- Willis, 6,12.17, 24, tfi** Orders ti-om the Country respectfully solicit- ample. J. B. Brown, Nathan much other valuable and interesting matter, will bo ship No. 2, U. 11, W. E. L. 4288 40 A. JOSIAH MERROW, sels us all Cummings, S., acres, ed. Job Woftk done to order. augddti C. DENISON & Republican voters of this is overwhelm- capable of protecting against for- Byron Greeonugli, sent free to any one us their name and resi- ElliotBVILLE— Lots CO., • S S MARBLE, Union State city Joseph Walker, sending No.4&5R.1:4&5 aud if can be more James L. Farmer, Canal National dence. R. R. and 1250 T It. S1MONTON, Committee. in favor of eign assaults; anything Bank, by 2; 2, 3, 6,7, 8, 3; Gore, ingly Mr. Spring. Everybody H. J. Ia6f“ See that each bottle MILLIKEN, ludicrous than any other one thing in the fu- Libby, W. W. Thomas, Pies't. has ‘‘Peruvian Syrup” acres, 25 WILLIAM A. PEARCE, ELIAS that this aid P. F.ben blown in the glass. Paper WRIGHT, knows the delegates from city it is the or or Barnes, Steele, AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Manufacturers, JAMES ture, idea that England Prance C. E. Geo. E. J, HALE, there was Barrett, Warren, Westbrook, For sale by all Druggists and by unanimously in his favor, because ltussia, or combined, will ever make a H. N. 9, R, 6, W. E. L. S. Sections No. 4.10,14, PLUMBE R! Office 151 Commercial HIRAM RUGGLES, singly Jose, SETH W. Street, naval attack ns. John C. FOWLE & SON, 18 TremontSt, Boston, 16, j of 5, and jf of 11, 3244 acres, 25 EUGENE HALE, no of the name. If a “large upon Brooks, L. MAKES OV opposition worthy William J. P. 36 New York. R. 2 being S. W 4 and other parts re- U P CHARLES B. PAINE, And if they do not attack us, shall we go Kimball, Dinsmobe. Dey St, STAI It S. do favor another --- maining 8423 30 proportion” of the electors Wm H. Wood, y. unsurveyed, acres, Force EBEN WOODBUItY, and attack them ? And if neither attack the C- R. 2, W. E. L. S. at the minimum Pomps and Water »l»t« II J. llaley, price Closets, _ after ample notice, did they cents acre May 1, 18®6-_ candidate, why, other, how is war coming? They will soon June 18—dtd. lhy*ty i>er lor tie Town- There cents for either ISO FORE M. not appear and manifest their choice? see a specimen of our ironclads in ship; fifty quarter; ST., PEARSON, European and seventy-five cents for selected sec- Convention- waters. No Standish. Union Congressional are soldiers in the delegation from this city doubt they will examine the Mi SCROFULA. tions. Proposals deemed most favor- PORTLAND. ME. able in the Gold and Silver First District. antonomoh with the most The of are aggregate will bo received. there are soldiers in other delegations, who intelligent curiosity. Republicans Standish requested to meet DR. H. ANDERS’S IODIDE WATER Plater, It no 22,080 acres. AND will hy means increase their desire to at the Town House in town on voters of the First Dis- said Saturday the 16th r.. n. VV. Li. Li. s. Warm, Cold and Shower Wash The Union Congressional will support Mr Spring. There axe soldiers make Will cure SCROFULA in all its manifold forms. 1, Bath*, York and Cumberland the attack. Her presence in the of at 4 P. Sections No. 1 Manufacturer of Silver triet, of Maine,—comprising Eng- day June, 1866, o’clock, M., to select dele- 17; Lots See. 18: 2 Sec. 18; liowln, Brow Si Silver Plated Cecks* War*', mvite and reouested to send who will Gen. Chamberlain. lish Channel will be worth more to us acres. Counties—are hereby support They than gates to attend the State Convention to be holden at ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM, 12P2 30 238 to a Convention to be held at the Town Sec. 4 Congress Street, opposite City Building, Delegates be found as the Star has “to enter- all Admiral and a num- 3; Lots3,Sec. 4; Sec. 4; 1 Sec. 10; of Water Fixtures for will said, Goldsborough’s, large on the 21st also to choose and it has been used with success in description Dwel- Hall, in Saco, at 11 o’clock, A. M., on Tuesday, Bangor instant; delegates astonishing 2 Sec. 10; 3 Sec. 10; 4 Sec. 10; 1 Sec. 1C; Houses. XI. ber of Mr. Seward’s thrown in. I cases of EVERYling Hotels, Public POBTLAND, lor the of nominating a can- a of on this as on dispatches to attend the First District Rheumatism, Consumption, Fe- 2 Sec. 3 Sec. Sec. Buildings, Shops, Jnne 96th, 1866, purpose tain diversity opinions,” oth- Convention at Saco oq Dyspepsia, 10; lt>;4 10; 3 Sec. IS; arranged and set up in the best and ail to and transact- am in these views. do male Complaints, H Liver aud 4 Sec. 2851 manner, M»y 19—dly didate for Representative Congress, right What, then, you the 2Gth inst. :art, Kidney Diseases, 15. acres, 40 orders in town or country executed. Ail business tliat come be- er subiects. -We deny utterly, in justice to want of &c. S No. It. 3. W. faithfully ing any other may properly your great ironclad navy-yard? What i 2, E. L. S. Kinds ol* JOBBING promptly attended to. Constant- Convention. Per order of Town Committee. Circulars will be sent free to any one Lots No. SOMERS SE fore the the citizen soldiery of this the unfound- are to have for it to do ? sending 84, 85, 86, X7,88, 30, 90, 91, 92, 93. SHKKT LFAD and WALL, will be as follows: Each State, you their address. Price $1 a or 6 for BEER The basis of representation Standish, June Cth, 1S6G. JelM&wUl bottle, $5. 94, 95. 96, 97. 103, 104, 108, PUMPS oi all descriptions. DEALEB IB and Mr. would like to ask the Dr. fl. 105,106, 107, apr9dtt City and Town will be entitled to one Delegate, ed imputation that they are banded together Wright—I gentle- Prepared by ANDERS, Physicians and 109, 86, 22X9 acres, 30 votes man a Chemists. sale EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN one additional for seventy-five single whether this bill Fog by It. W. E. L. S. Delegate every or are to band to question: says Caucus. 11, 6, cast fbr Samuel Cony at the Gubernatorial Election disposed together proscribe a word about an ironclad ? SETH W. FOWLE & SON, 18 Tremont Street, Section No. G; Lots N.W. to an single navy-yard and 10, 19, 23; 1 Lamb & of 1864. A fraction or votes will be entitled civilians—to men who like Mr. Boston, by all Druggists. Sec. 17, 1105 Tyler, Co., FANCY forty oppose Spring, Mr. Pike—Not a if there was The Union voters of Harps well ore requested to Feb acres, 30 GOODS, additional single word; 19, *66—SNeodx,T&8&weow Reserving the of Sec- Delegate. above have are their I would not vote for meet at Johnson’s on June the privilege withdrawing Yankee Notions, The Committee will be in session at the Hall always been and still most it. The bill is simply in Hall, Saturday, 16th, tion 6. Stationery, Ac., indicated at 10 o’clock, A. M., to receive Credentials. its effect a transfer of the front at 4 o'clock P. M., to choose delegates to attend the SOMERSET COUNTY. NO. 302 CONGRESS Cities faithihl friends, simply because they have nev- navy-yard ARMY ITCH. STREET, The of Delegates to the Several three miles MANUFACTURERS, apportionment Philadelphia down the river to State Convention to be held at Bangor on the 21st 6, R. 17, W. E. L. S. Me. and Towns in the District is as follows: er worn _may23dti_ PORTLAND, shoulder-straps. not the Government a inst. Also to choose DR. DUPONOI’S LOTION. S. W. J, 5870 acres, 00 and wholesale dealers in YOBK COUNTY. League Island, costing delegates to attend the First CUXBEBLAND COUNTY. S. E. j, remainder, 4325 acres, 50 R E 3 copper. District Convention at Saco on the 26th inst. M O V A i7: Baldwin * Acton League Island. POSITIVELY ISAAC R. CLARK, J It stands then, in brief, in this way: wheth- Per Order of Town Udtd Brldgton 8 Alfred Committee. June Land Agent. Boots, Shoes and Brunswick 7 Berwick 4 er or not we will sell the Philadelphia navy- Harpswell, June 9th, 1666. jel2d&wtd An Infallible Cure for Itch! Rubbers, Dr. W. R. 6 Biddeford 10 UR.' pier’s reharks in the house of bep- Cape Elizabeth yard and receive for it, it is said, a million or IN ANY FORM. Johnson, 2 Buxton 0 Patent SOLE AND UPPER BESENTATIVE8. a million and a half of and Manufactured by B. F. M Bronze Metal LEATHER, 3 Cornish 3 dollars, accept in New Gloucester. BRADBURY, Bangor, Sheathing! Cumberland Agent for Portland, H. H. Hay, Druggist. -and- 4 lieu of it from the city of as a DEISTTTST, Falmouth Dayton Philadelphia, The Union voters of New Gloucester are request- Mar 1)—SNeod A w 3m MANUFACTURED BY THE C Elliot We give herewith Mr. Pike’s statement of free gift, some six hundred acres of IIm Rcnuiedliia 0«ce lo 13 1-2 Free Si. Freeport land, ed to meet at the Town in said on Gorham 6 Hollis 4 House, Town, FINDINGS, Second Houscfrom II. the League Island case, as it appears in the which has cost that city $300,000, and with DR. DI C KNELL’S SYRUP! IT. Hay’s Apothecary 3 Kennebunk 5 SATURDAY, 16th inst., at 5 o'clock P. M., to choose JYew Co. Store. Gray the money received from the sale of the old Bedford Copper 31 AND maylO d&.wtt llarpswell 3 Kenncbunkport Congressional Globe of the, 8th inst Hr. Delegates to attend the Union State Convention to be THE GREAT fH 33 UNION at as or as STREET, Harrison * Kittory yard Philadelphia build large small tbe manufacture of Yellow Metal it Pike thinks it quite to the title held at Bangor on the 21st inst. and the Congressional CHOLERA Sheathing, U Naples 3 Lebanon possible accept a on League Island as may be necessary. REMEDY, INhas been the universal practice hitherto, as it still PORTLAND, UNE. yard District Dli- DAYEIS New Gloucester 4 Limerick 3 to Convention at Saco on the 26th inst. Ls with other to immerse 10—d2m League Island as proffered by the city of I have no doubt forty acres of land high above Also, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus. Sum- manufacturers, the sheets^ May North Yarmouth 3 after all is in an acid bath. The Limington of as use tor a as Peb Order Town Committee. mer or in Stomach or rolling done, effect BAS BEMOVED TO HIS 3 and refuse to pay the tide, capable good navy-yard Complaint,Pain Cramp Bowels, and Ot infield Lyman Philadelphia, expected Sick or Sour sought, obtained, by this process, is to give the 3 acres in this can be June 11—d&wtd Stomocb, Painter’s Colic. Ac., and is AUG. F. Portland 38 Newtield a any forty country, produc- metal the tine color to which it owes its dis- YOltK, 3 equivalent by building up great ironclad warranted to cure or no pay. is purely yellow Pownal 3 North Berwick ed on Island for a sum not vegetable, tinctive name. NEW OFFICE 13 1-3 FREE ST. League exceeding without a particle oi opiate or narcotic. aro- 2 Parsonsflcld 4 navy yard there. We agree that it is Highly But this effect of attended Merchant Raymond possible, oue hundred and thousand dollars. 1 Caucus. matic, very pleasant to the but sure in its Is, necessity, by results Tailor, 3 Saco 10 fifty taste, mild, to the Office hours from o’clock Scarborough but it is If the worms and the acts injurious metal. The hard aud highly polish- 104 MIDDLE 11} A.'M. to 1 P. M., and 2 3 exceedingly unlikely. Phila- have satisfied my mind that a considera- The Union voters of Elizabeth are effects, strengthens system, like ed ST., PORTLAND. Sebago Sliapleigh very Cape requested a surface, formed on the sheets by successive heat- 3 tod P. M. 4 Sandibrd 4 sum charm, affording almost immediate relief, aud a lam now prepared to exhibit entire Standuh terms is the bly less would do it. We should then to meet at the Town on the 16th and and the action oi the is re- my Spring and 4 delphia accepted Philadelphia House, Saturday, taste ol the article will satisfy the most incredulous ing cooling rolls, Summer of Westbrook 8 South Berwick have acres and a surfbee left in its Importations Fine Woolens: also several forty in place of twenty, and the at"5 o'clock P. M., to choose to at- of these facts. Sold all dealers in moved, stead—bright, indeed, lines of choice Windham 6 Waterboro’ conditions will ultimately be to follow. inst., Delegates by medjdtne.— and American Fancy Goods, made ex- attention to likely remaindar of the send tor circular and it. ED- butrou»li, pimpled unequally corroded, and con- for Special given the Diseases and 4 Wells 8 island would he open tor im- tend the Union Convention to be held at Ban- try Prepared only by softer pressly Merchant Tailors’ use. Yaimouth Mr. Pike State WARD siderably than the surface removed. the to which the —- said,— SUTTON, Providence It. I. GEO. C. Operations gf Eyp, morning hour will York 8 provement. Can there be any doubt of the N o one can doubt that sheet of Gutting personally attended to. aplC—d6m gor on the 21st inst., an! the Congressional District GOODWIN & CO., of Boston General Agents. H. any given sheath- bo devoted, 134 Mr. Speaker, I to but a few wisdom of the no one sin- ing metal must be better with a smooth sur- exclusively june4d*wtt propose say bargain ? There is at Saco on the 26th inst. H. of Portland. hard, 114 114 Convention HAY, juno2eod&w6m8N face than with a softer LBA words on this subject. It has been perhaps gle advantage that the present yard has over and rougher surface. BERRY, JR., Per Order of Union Town Committee. This improvement in the art of has but there is one one established at while sheathing ships Whole No. Delegates 348 fully enough discussed; point League Island; at Jane 1866. been secured by Letters Patent ol the United States I wish to make. The from Con- aside from Cape Elizabeth, 9, junelld&wtd REMOVAL. Notice. M. A. Blanchard, Portland, 1 gentleman League Island, the immense space, to the New Bediord Copper Company. Copartnership wants a commis- The of tnis metal is WATCH-MAKER, S. A. Holbrook, Freeport. Union necticut, [Mr. Brandegee] •treat enough tor all the possibilities of the fu- The establishment of composition exactly the same Notice. William A. Pearce, Plumber, as that of the or AT C. H. FARLEY’S. undersigned have this formed a Geo. Westbrook, sion to examine the different sites for are yellow Mnntz metal, the sole differ- day copart- Libby, JTn«trirt “ navy- ture, the numerous which have is removed from Exchange street to No. 180 Fore THE under‘the firm of H. advantages The Union Voters of Cumberland are to ence being In the surface finish. It is believed that nership Gro. Knowlton, Alfred, yards. The point I wish to make is that been out In requested street, at the foot of Exchange street, where he will Edwin B. Committee. this; already pointed my judgment this is very important and will add months to the Smith, Saco, moot at the Town House in 6aid on be to see all his old customers and new No. 39 Exchange BURTON, THOMES * we already possess all the statisti- the House would be unwise to re* Town, Saturday, happy many wear of the metal. Street, CO„ John Wentworth, Kittory, knowledge, exceedingly ones. or J une 16th, at 5 o’clock P. M., to choose Delegates to june9BNlw ! The Bronze Metal is sold at the same as Tel- PORTLAND. NO. tan COMMERCIAL, June cal, geographical, topographical, which can fuse this munificent gift, and I cannot believe price March __ STREET. 4,18C6._ attend the low Metal. 17—d3m* be obtained by any commission to be sent out, will do it. State Convention to be held at Ba.igor, A* Merchandise Brokers and Commission Merchant.-,. they A Card. Samples and a moie particular at the and this House is os well to June 21, lor the purpose of nominating a candidate description A. M. BUKTON, The Maine State Press, to-day prepared office of act The lor I liOSS & K. C. THOMKS. on a proposition for a navy-yard as any Fenian Man-of-Wab.—A New York Governor. have returned from New York and shall remain & E'IjEN y, this contains the McGilvery, Ryan Davis, April 30,1866. mayltt Published morning, latest House of Representatives will be in the whole paper furnishes the following facts and rumors Per Order Union Town Committee. in Portland until September. This willhe my last tide of time. in to the Agents of the New Bedford Copper Co., dispatches respecting the Fenian movement, coming regard Fenian man-of-war, which is Cumberland, J une 9th, 1866. jelld& wtd visit to the “Forest City” for several years as I return PLASTERERS, Notice. inese sites nave all been said to be let loose to Copartnership letters from Montreal and from Canada West, examined. League prey upon British com- to New York in September to remain until next May. tGl Commercial Street. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Island baa been examined a merce. It is well known that such a I then have formed a by commission. boat Caucus. go to Europe It is needless for me to inform ^p^Snits of Yellow or Bronze Metal de- ! undersigned copartnership a frill account of the Sheathing STUCCO under the firm name proceedings preliminary New London lias been examined left some time and livered at convenient AND MASTIC THE of thoroughly. Brooklyn ago, proceeded to The Union voters oi Yarmouth are to you what I can do for old chronic compl tints that have any port. june4dtf WORKERS, of Jefferson the Full forth in sea of lequested to the trial Davis, Congress- reports setting detail every im- by way Long Island Sound. When ever baffled all other modes of treatment. All Oak and L. DANA & meet at the Temperance Hall in said town, on Thurs- seek- Street, between, Congress Free St*., SONS, of the aginable and are be- near Sands Point she took on a full For ional news ofthe week, the report Com- advantage disadvantage crew aid should do so as in the transaction ol a day, the 14th inst, at 7$ o'clock P. M., to choose Del- ing my immediately my stay NEW GOODS! MB. fore the House. I have no doubt members of men, a full set of officers, several cases PORTLAND, mittee of with the usual va- to attend the Union State Portland is unavoidably short. Thoso who are not and Fishermen’s Fifteen, together have themselves all of arms and material of war. Off egates Convention to be Grocery Business. possessed ftiUy of the Newport able Coloring, Whitening and White-Washing Outfitting market re- held at on to pay for treatment will be free prompt- riety of domestic and foreign news, these she stood out for sea. Bangor the 21st inst., and the Congress- treated every MBS. J. W. y attended to. Orders trom out ol town solicited. LUTHER DANA, knowledge concerning important points Communication has afternoon. EMERY, ional District Convention at Saco on Friday My treatment is original with my- May 22—dti LUTHER W. ports, shipping news, &c., &c. which has been so amply spread before them. constantly been kept up with her ever since, the 26th inst. DANA, Per sell aud unlike any other now in use, which I will FRANK J, DANA. Doubtless members know the mfinber of feet but she has moved about so that she Order of Town Committee. Cor. of Congress and Chestnut Sts., Feb. It, quietly demonstrate to Personal ref- Fortland, fc22tl and inches ot water a vessel can has been as Yarmouth, June 6,1866. dlt&wtd any intelligent person. BRADBURY <£ 188(1._ The Gubernatorial Oonteet. carry into never reported having been seen SWEAT, erence to hundreds of my former patients. Office in Has Just receive! New Goods in New London or into Philadelphia. They “off the coast.” The iollowing is a descrip- and Copartnership Notiee. Tolman a few Attorneys Counsellors at As the time for the State Convention ap- know all about the Delaware the tion of the steamer: Notice. Place, steps from Congress street, just Law, heretofore existin'- under the river, ebb Ofllce Copartnership above Caseo Street. Hours 9 A. to in Middle Street, name the question of the Republican nom- and flow of the tide, the shoals, the shifting “The vessel in question is an iron side- The Union Voters of Windham are requested to Office from JM. 6 Decalcomania THE of S. K. .IAOKSON SON, proaches, P. will be contlnaod after this date under the of the kind of river the wheel steamer of six meet at the Town in said on M. Dr. HARVEY. Patterns, style for is more and more liars, bottom, number ol hundred tons, O. M., House, town, SATUR- n! Ib PORTLAND, MR. ination governor warmly Portland M.RSW«AT.*’ j JACKSON & days it is obstructed by the ice, in fine, all the and was built on the Clyde. After some DAY, the 16th inst., at 6 o'clock, P. VI., to choose May 26th, 1866. SNd&wtf Plain FERKINS, CO., to that >'V ._ &o. canvassed. It is gratifying observe, difficulties and ol service in Vases, Wholesale and retail dealers In COAL advantages that important British waters she was sent Delegates to the Union State and District Conven- Mb. Sweat will be in alter the 1st of LUMRKK, Washington and Wharl foot of Street. with rare and exceptions the dis- and well-known is the fine out to run the blockade. After to be January, and will attend to any basinets entrusted WUOD, Sawyer's High insignificant position, equally making tions, held the 21st and 26th inst. HASIlEESIl CAND1TJ Also Patterns for Children’s Press- I860—dll' harbor of several to bin), before the Supreme Court of Dec 21, cussion has been conducted in New London and its trips between Bermuda and Wil- Per Order Union Town The ot Court, Claims, perfectly good accessibility. Committee. attention Republic is invited to Hasheesh or any of the Departments. dc20tl I have no doubt they know the whole mington she was and sent to es, Aprons, nnd Under-Clothing. temper and without resort to the dangerous thing. captured June 8—d&w Candy, which is recommended to them os the best Certainly if they do not it is their own fault. Boston fpr condemnation. The Navy De- weapons of crimination and recrimination.— medicine known for the cure ol ail diseases of tlie DA.VI8, HASKELL They possess as means of as partment purchased and on the 8th of Notice. Ladies’ Talmas and Fitted. MESERVE, &0o7~ PORTLAND CITY LAUNDRY large knowledge her, Lungs and Nervous' The Sacqnes It is no to other candidates to she Throat, System. proprie- discourtesy say any subsequent Congress will ever have. Why April 1864, sailed from that Port as a MR. F. TRACY will visit the' towns in Cumber- rp~ FUNERAL Importers and Jobbers qf No. 36 Hanover St. tors, in thus offering it, feel confident that a trial will DESIGNS, BOQUETS, CUT that the choice now to lie betwocn then, 1 ask, when we possess this various in- commissioned United States vessel of and land for the of furnished to appears war, County purpose receiving subscrip- sustain the FLOWERS, &c., order. Junc6d4w will the House was attached to the lolly high reputatiou It has already ac- Goods and Ut. Snwa and Gen. Chamberlain. These formation, send out a new Gulf squadron. She was tions, and collecting arrearages for the Daily’Press Dry Woolenst ot all kinds WASHED and CLEANSED on the quired in various parti of the Uni ted States. Tothose commission over the country to examine all Galveston blockade for a time;— and Maine LINENwithout injury to the tlnc»t fabric*. two were earliest named, nuu imre long State Press. june5d&w3w Arcade 18 Free «m>ntn3l'y the uuu puiuj,-gutug around to In she who let their prejudices always blind their judgment Street, begging people July, 1865, received orders to report at NEW GOODS I F. the and the admis- offer a t is useless to DAVIg. absorbed public attention, site for a naval station to this Govern- where she arrived on the present tacts or arguments, but to oth- GENTS’ LIISTETST Philadelphia, 12th of B3jr~All the worst forms of Rheumatism are and being ers we feel that it will be sufficient sion of this incontrovertible fact is no reflec- ment, deluding them, I may add. with August, 1865; was put out of commission and daily curod by Metcalfe’s Great Rheumatic to Bay that wo offer JUST RECEIVED AT l.*“kfuE,’ PORTLAND, MB Got in the Best Possible the that sold no new or our B. up Manner, tion whose expectation the best one is to be for $19,000. Her career as a United Remedy. This wonderAd medicine never fhi s, and discovery experiment; goods are stand- upon gentlemen friends, present- thousands who have CHAPMAN._noVg'CSdtf adopted. States war vessel terminated in October of suffered excruciating agony for ard. In the East, Hasheesh is the beginning and At Hliort Notice* their names found the years are relieved and soon cured a few J. A. & ing later, ground pre- i believe own that instantly by the end of it is used DAVIS CO~ my State, among others, has year. Subsequently she was towed 1 doses. Junel2sNdlm Medicine; for numberless dis- EASTMAN BROTHERS And Satisfaction Guaranteed in nil C ases. occupied. Both the leading candidates have been presented in this discussion. It is said around to New York to and that it is used keep her clear of the eases, with snccess we need only A choice selection ol 1 Spring and Summer parka: a. that in Maine the Government The Corset Shirt cupporter which is utiiver- our Commission c. been endorsed at as was to QCrc tihaDfe'to slate refer readers to the unlimited of trav- handsomely home, — * X tlie*exact but*Wd relieve testimony Merchants, cjf i\ liy a rrj 4 price’, altentrou ui* Pmr’a. Xt claims over has upon the elers In all Thai N. attention to Bed and be and either of tlirm. Is no better harbor on this continent than $30,000 was paid for her. bo discovered examination. utu -an ages. It should so long have escap- B.—Special paid cleaslng expected, ifriflnr*--*—* upon Dry 04 MICHIGAN STREET, Mattress Tick*. some one near it.— She was as the left Fancy Stores have them. June 14—sndlt science of the Western an DRESS the Convention, will be MtnnrnBously accepted Portland, except, perhaps, just Navy Department MtohTWHfJiSAl Wcrld, Is GOODS! Nov 4—«ltf a with DAVIg A Along coast line of over twenty-five hun- her, magazine, shell rooms, hammock a torm as to make it In such COLBY, ) MILWAUKEE, the pleasaft^itlf prepared comprising all tlie most desirable styles of 84 and 86 La Salle by party. dred miles we have harbors with abundant OT1TENE. Street, [ it is hooks, nettings, breeching bolts, securing fectivo, there can bo no doubt that it is IU. WISCONSIN. With this understanding, perfectly all This excellent Is an infhlliblecure tor destinoU ®fe CAMBRICS, Chicago, J Molasses. depth of water, land-locked, secure, and sur- bolts, &c., complete. She now mounts six Remedy obtain the Feb 24—d6m Clayed the friends of rival confidence of the public, and •-AVY.VS, right and proper for the rounded with land well to a guns in broadside and a car- neta, Discharge from the Ear, and Noises in the especially ol adapted navy- pivot forward; those for whose relief It is er/"k HHD8 barnne “Darld in ries four Head. prepared. Invalids can Clayed Molasses, per candidates to exert their utmost influence yard. But suppose the commission goes to boats, schooner two for side rigged, funnels, be assured that it contains not a particle of ^ORCA^TOkteo. GRAM k Nlcliols,” from Cardenas, by these seven and when she left here she was Tills wonderful Extract has been the oplmu, CHASE, STURTEVANT, honorable to the nomination. Portland, suppose gentlemen, part painted lead Vegetable or all ways, carry anything elBe tbal is in any way injurious to the - POPLINS, of whom are engineers, come back to Congress- color. Her cabins were finished in means of restoring thousands to their hearing, who, „...ALPACCAS, H. I. ROBINSON, We learn without that Gen. Chamber- mahogany system, but that it Is an agreeable and surprise and that Portland is a for a and with The after and bad permanent No. 1 Portland Pier. say capital place upholstered green plush. ward- trying everything everybody, given up _. BRILLIANTS, lain’s friends are active. It is their tonic. Commission very priv- naval station, suppose they pass extravagant room and steerage were also fitted up in ma- oping ever to bear a/ain. TAFFETAS. Merchants, Sent to any address on receipt of price and We trust Mr. Spring’s friends will not encomiums upon it, as they undoubtedly hogany. She has two powerful and It opperates like a charm upon offensive stamps. A loll variety o( Wldgery’g Wn»n, ilege. will, engines discharg- Box SPRIN Gr are we to he deluded with idea are four and under es no Price—Large $1.00, postage 15 cents; Small STYLES! be found the we to boilers, full*steam can make lroin the GAR, matter what may have cansed MOURNING GOODS I Mg, napping. Box 50 0 cents. ocllcdtt have another in Maine? I thirteen and a half to knots or how cents, postage For sale by all Drug- The of ill in navy-yard Sflfc fourteen easily. it, long standing. Also a good lino of single and doable width Cloths _POBTLABD, New Goo— newspaper discussion, Why, Speaker, in the great bay of the foremast. ns ii by magic. Imported solely by the SYL- wear; Doeskins. In VAN sources calculated to alarm. The Maine, with God for its southern head- all respects she is a vessel and a ORIENT COMPANY. 151 129 inspire any Cape superior Price, 82.00 Bottle. For sale by all Druggists; at Washington St., Middle Street. Tailor9 s land, we have now two one with- can, if properly do much mischief. (opposite the Old South Boston. Mass. COUNSELLORS AT Trinuni ngs ! only newspaper which has become editorially navy-yards, handled, wholesale by G. C. GOODWIN & CO., Church,) mayetf EASTMAN BROTHERS. LAW, in my own State. It is perfect nonsense for a She took away a very full complement of W. F. PHILLIPS & CO., Agents for Maine. The beat Stock in the is at for of these utterances coals, No. 38 Hanover St., Boston. OFFICE. city responsible any supports man to talk about another in Maine and our Informant a of fuel left Fob 18 navy-yard says, cargo 21—ssd&wly May 30—SNd&wtojune 64 MIDDLE STREET. the Johnson policy. There is no Johnson nor do the people of Portland expect it. There Elizabethport on Sunday destined for her. 331 131 Middle (Street. is an admirable chance to She has eluded all Opposite Foat Office. faction in Maine. One of our lay up iion-clads.— curious eyes for a much AN INVALUABLE All Congressmen ITCH 1 ITCH I ITCH I SPRING MEDICINE. J. F. of which will bo made to order, and sold at For a small sum of money Government can longer time than could be Congress MILLER. L. B. DENNETT. went to a Cabinet officer the other day, to pre- reasonably expect hare the rare advantage of a dry-dock larger ed, and from this fact it is believed that she Scratch, Scratch, Scratch! Dr. J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor. mayStf Lowest Cash Prices I sent a candidate for a clerkship. “Does he than the of can largest the great docks at Cherbourg. remain incog, as much as be This excellent medicinal was first St, Call and longer may Wheaton’s Ointment compound pre- CHAS. J. examine Goods and Price*. support the President’s policy?” asked the Forty acres of dry-dock can be obtained for necessary to effect her purpose.” pared by Dr. P. in 1847. and was then employed with SCHUMACHER, Will Cure success in expelling humprs from the Portland, 131 Middle official. was the bluff re- $400,000, it is said. Here the iron-clads could the Itch in Forty-Eight Hears. peat blood; Street. smiling “No, sir,” ont in 1848, a medical who was celebrat- be laid free of Also cures SALT friend, quite Fresco up perfectly water, and of course RECENT RHEUM, ULCERS, Chilblains, ed as a in the Maine. and Banner ply, “and I don’t know of a Republican in PUBLICATIONS. physician, especially treatment of hu- Painter, ]V. GO U IA I> could be kept freer of rust than in any other and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For mors, suggested some important improvements, NO. 144 MIDDLE Maine who does.” It is Re- And whether which were adopted, and which have made it the I STREET. Portland, April 14—2m only by dividing way. League Island be accept- Manuap of the sale by all drnggists. (so Evidences of Christiani- poople the for Portland. a can ed or this be say) very Lestiemedy all kinds of hu- Malle. counsels, that Johnson rejected, experiment should tried. ty. For and By sending 00 cents to WEEKS St Sole mors publican party Classes Private Reading. By POTTER, known to “the faculty." This preparation is MADAME It is for the interest of the Govern- G. 170 L. B. Work executed in every part of the State. CARY, be formed. It may reasonably be inferred certainly Stephen Bulfinch, D. D. 12mo. pp. 150.— Agents, Washington St., Boston, It will be for- composed wholly ot vegetables, among which are FOLLETTE, ment to do so. But that is entirely aside from Boston: William V. ward cd ot to Sarsaparilla. Yellow Dock, Burdock, Noble _luneldtf then that a which advocates the Spencer. by mail, flee postage, any part ot the Pine, The Great Fortune Teller, paper openly the matter under discussion. Mandrake, Senna andBloodroot. Suffice it to say. United States. the HOSIERY AND The author of this little book in his “Doctor” is used in hundreds of families as a GLOVES, Will be In this for a short President’s policy would not be unwillinq to The truth all these navy-yards were lo- says pre- city time, and may l>o is, Oct 25.1865.—SN dttwlyr general medicine. Unlike many other rem- ROLLINS & found at face, that, at the when re- popular LEWIS, BOND, tee tuck a divition. It’s course at rate is cated intelligently Along the shore of New present timo, many edies. it is very grateful to the taste. size HOOP SKIRTS any Large bot- AND CORSETS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF north of we a ject altogether the claims of and tles 75oenta. at the New Ekolsnd NO. 19 PEARL. STREET. iD harmony with that design. England, Cape Cod, have dis- Christianity, Prepared Bo- entirely STEVENS, HASKELL A CHASE, tamio Depot, Boston. ap22— 3m trict which produces more sailors and ship- many who love and reverence it have very in- Corner of Pearl and Congress Streets, On such a and on its JOBBERS OF Ladies’ & paper correspondents, than section of this definite ideas of Children’s wrights any equally large the authority with which it Underflannels, Made from 9 A. M. till 8 P. M. She has astonished thou- is thrown The har- » Heady all remonstrance away. We have two of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Clothing, sands her country. navy-yards capable comes to there in his a Colgate's Aromatic by wonderful Art. Will tell tho us, is, view, special call BOOTS, SHOES, BUBBEBS, Vegetable Soap. KMar 16—dtf A|««l for Past, of the is what they ap- doing most excellent work. According to the PniSEKT and Eutpbe correctly. mony party precisely for some clear and brief statement of what are OF ALL A Toilet statistics of the work is DESCRIPTIONS, superior Soap, prepared from refined |hP~No Gentlemen admitted. Ladlea 50 cents, care least about. with- Navy Department, Patent parently Happily by held as the evidences of its divine ori- over Vegetable Oils in combination with Gray’s Enamelled Collars, mayltf done cheaper at the Maine navy-yard than at leading 64 St 68 Middle St., Woodman, Trie St Co’s, Glyceriae, LANCASTER themselves from its and the use HALL! • drawing sympathy they anv other In the country. gin. His sense of this pressing want has led J. C. Stevens, ) especially designed for of Ladies and lor the M. E. S for the have diminished their to disturb Now, that was the hist section for the to the of the Haskell, PORrLAND. Waeseey. Its perfUme is exquisite, and its J. & C. J. greatly power great preparation present volume* A. E. Chase. received from New York, and for Bale by the STATE OF BARBOUR, ) apl78S3m unrivalled. For MAINE. it. And that claims to be the establishment of navy-yards in this which it has been his washing properties sale by all Drug- JUSTundersigned, a large Invoice ol ORIENTAL, taken of the Reduced yet paper espec- country endeavor to adapt not and other advantage Trice of What was the second ? Island sound gbts. felO’CSBNdly HAVEStock,and purchased a large assortment ol Men's ial representative and protector of the soldiers Long only to the uses of public seminaries and of Bi- PTOmpt* and the bay of New York. That was the TIN- T Y PE8! ble but to the needs of tttufrFTcfug^XStat° of Maine and their rights. The soldiers repu- section of the country which called for such classes, the private in- MAKE YOUR OWN SOAPl Boots and LOOK ! LOOK ! / Nliocs, diated its counsels at the au and there is the quirer. EASY CHAIRS! JVo*. 141 Jt Bangor Convention, establishment; great navy- 85 By Saying and. Waste ~143 Middle St., And otter at Retail of the and there it ine recent invAHtigationa m ocicuce and in Tin-Types for 50 cent*. Using your as we predicted. Soldiers have repeatedly ex- yanl county, always will commercial cd wur have been 85 Gen* 40 cent*. FOR LADIES’ USE. Men** Plain Calf Boot* and Shoe*, be. The metropolis **i«m>gy brought to bear the Ambrotypes, ME. ** their upon PORTLAND, Patent “ a. pressed obligations to the Press, for Its I*-center of our commerce. GREASE, Mar try is there. subject, and the claims of re-ex- 12-dAwtf Canvas* ems the immense Christianity one Box of the Also, Ladies Devon Balmoral*, influence in preventing that Convention from tonnage which is the prop- amined in PORTLAND Bay Sewing Chair, Ladle*’ and Misses the new light thus afforded; the va- PHOTOGRAPHIC OALLERY Congress and Balmo- to R ETTE. fighting political parties, they will be found to demand settles this question as it does necessary for understanding this graceful Lewiston, LAW, many Cents Button AMMUNITION, Re- entertain a of *AJ1 others. and with full tVFIfty per packkge. maylM2ms* Serg Congress Boots! Guns, Rifles, Solicitor of diversity Opinions. good popular game, descriptions of the Tackle and Patonta, UM)! wara volvers, Fishing Sporting UOO POUBRKTT*. soldiers were and are hut do u>eso yards twen- The easiest, and most durable Boot over No. 108 loyal still; they thousand employed proper ground and implements for playing it, prettiest, Goods. Assorted sixes ot Stencil Al- Middle Street. OjJ[jL/.®00 BBLS. ESSEX MILLS P01TD- not entertain the same beliefs. There ty men, them from the CHOLERA J CHOLERA 1 put into the market. For sale at phabets and Figures. Kh ITK. just received and lor sale at political m gathering and valuable hints for the of Portland Ag- shipyards their government begin- Prof. SEAL MAINE. ncullurul Warohonso and and Seed may be occasions when the soldiers will stand respective vicinities. The Bouve’s Atmospheric Purifier. E. T. MERRILL Si. CO’S. TRESSES, Canceling Stamps, PORTLAND, Store, by at ners. and all kinds of Steel Letter Cutting, furnished at Aug 26—<111 for tlieir if great yard had This article has been used ts a * together rights, threatened; hut Brooklyn eight thousand.— extensively Deodor- 23- dtf Boston prices. KENDALL WHITNEY. But the necessities of izing Agent the Governments of May 89 Middle Street. they do not admit that anom- the Government are in- by Egypt, Turkey, G. L. April 17.1866. they occupy any The London Quarterly Review for and France, during the late Cholera BAILEY, SHEPLEY & aplSisddm alous in termittent. lhey can giVe no April epidemic, and is April 5—dtl 42 Street. STROUT, position society. steady employ- the most pcrtect disinfectant extant. It Exchange ment. In time of peace is reoeivod. The articles it contains are nine effectually STATE OF MAINE. The Hancock Journal they emDiov but destroys all noxious gases and etUurla from SUMMER OPENING ! says,— four or five all in viz.: Life of Sir Joshua srtsing thousand, told. VS number, Reynolds, decaying animal or vegetable matter, and lor purify- & Counsellors at Law, We think that those who have been in tbe must locate these ££ ing EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, TT3P TO-WIST Attorneys you yards where the work_ The Judges of England, The Children’s Em- Hospitals, Vaults, Drains, Cess-pools, &c., can- M It S. CO L B army have no cause to fear that not be Augusta, June 8,18CC. Y they will not mea in the neighborhood can The Science surpassed. go and come, ployment Commission, of Lan- For sale by all WEEKS & An OFFICE Would announce to the Ladies ol Portland that sh* be remembered and appreciated as the Druggists. POTTER, adjourned session of the Executive Council will OVER CANAL BANK, by |>olitieians. floating out and in Government 170 Genera] Boot. Shoe & Rubber will oiien on The last desires guage, Coal and Smoke, The Early Irish Washington street, Boston, Agents. be held at the Council in Street* Legislature certainly gives no ground The New 9—SNdirn. Chamber, Augusta, on Store, Middle England yards accomodate the me- May No 333 Congress Street. THURSDAY, May for such an apprehension, it is the convic- chanics north Church, Female Education, Ecce Homo, The Monday, the twenty-flitb day of June instant. 31at, of Cape Cod. New York G. .F SnCPLXY. A. A. at her tion of the that men takes PRESERVE YOUR (iuh19dt0 STROUT. Rooms, people disabled in the the stretch to the of the Reform Bill. HEALTH. Attest: EI’Iir.AIM FLINT, Ja., ■A.T SAMUEL service shall have capes Delaware.— KEI,L>8 No. 4 1-3 Free positions such as are DU. LANGLEY’S • of Street Block, they Philadelphia supplies its own and Nor- Republished in this country by Leonard Scott ROOT AND HER H BIT- Secretary State. he found one ot the tost selected stocks fitted our yard, Milliken a selection of for. Some of eolcmporarles admit folk TERS are a sure for Liver Complaints in June 11—(ltd IK'OTS SUOKS and Deoriny:, & Co,, choice Summer Bonnets, tlio must take the Chesapeake bay including & Co., New York. remedy CAN RUBBERS that can to including but add that the will of the all its forms, Humors of tne Blood and Scrofu- round ill this which will Successors to G. L. Storer this, people is the of no ac Skin, city, be sold at the lowest tf Go,t PAMELA, PRINCKSS, LAMBALLE, large city BalXmore. I make la, cash at .I5J baffled by designing politicians—a of Dyspopsia, Costivcuess, indigestion, Jaundice, price, Congress Street, near Green St JOBBERS OF and all the late French to which species count of the Washington because that is Blackwood’s Edinburgh Leon- Headache and Bilious Diseases, General Ocean H ouse, styles, yuurai iiwitmn resorted to worn out yard, Magazine, Debility,&c. SAMUEL BELL. Is respectnilly solicited. Sodtf complaint by i>oUtical devoted to ard cleanse the the re- „iaj purposes peculiar to it, and has Scott & American is al- They system, regulate bowels, Oct25—dtl hacks. Company’s reprint, store the appetite, tlio the RE-OPENED. nothing in common witli the others. Such so purify blood, strengthen Dry Goods, Woolens, There are men in this State who received. It contains Memoirs of the Con- ™urou|?ll'y prepare It to resist diseases of would re- the 1 out of This trieve their being case, lay view all the inter- federate War au'ilnds House will be open for the reception Advances And Gents’ HOUSE LOTS. political fortune for Part an .of Made. Goods! by encouraging mediate places. New the Hudson Independence, IX.; GEORGE C. GOODWIN & CO., Boston. Sold transient and permanent Visitors, on Furnishing this to weaken the London, article on by controversy; who, power of river, and the river must Gypsies; The and the Ne- all Druggists. June] dimes Manufacturer* ot and Dealer* In VERY ell eslble lot near the head ol State stroet: men distasteful to Patapsco go with the Negro T'™ prepared to make LIHER- them, would not care rest. When we Sir SATURDAY, JUNE 9, jure A sice, 5S by »2, fur have come to have a grophihsts; Brooke Part ADVANCES on hx in hundred Fossbrooke, XII.; Families A, goods transit, store, Also on tnehopeless separation of a million And continue tor the iox or CLOTHING AND CLOAKS, lots Emery and Lewis Streets, nosr Pino We party. people and ten thousand tons of the conclusion ol Miss Season, except Sundays, when sale, shipment. Also on vessels or any other trust our friends will shlp- Marjoribanks; Buridan’s Can at all time* supply themselves with the latest it will be clos* d to all Street. \V. U. STEPHENSON, see that this idle pmg we may to transient company. good security, Agent* for EMPIRE SEWING MACHINES for tuscussipn can begin duplicate our navy-yards or, Liberty and and most fhsbionable styles of Boots Shims, Slippers, »PM—dtl Nntlisial Bank. lead to no and feel that and Ass, Necessity; Scraps of CHAMBERLIN, HILL & CO., State of Maine. _2d good, commencing with Portland we will work Ac.atT. E. MOSELEY & CO.*S, Summer Street, Verse from a Tourist’s Journal _. Proprietors. OHUBOHILL, BBOWMS k MAMSOM. S8 ndd SO work of ; The Abaous Boston. SHdlt Cape June Middle St., PORTLAND, WJob ever, description neatlyexccuU Elisabeth, 0,1858. June8d2m Jan 19—dtt Sept 7-dtf Id at the Frees twice. Poetry. Medical. _Miscellaneous. __ Miscellaneous. Medical. Auction Sales. Tlie Bachelors’ Dreams. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. ONE PRICE ONLY \ STEAM Du- J- B. BY ROBERT BUCHANAN. Coe’s Cure HUGHISs' Special Auction Notice. PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS Dyspepsia CAN PATENT. BE at FOUND AT His rjIHE Sttlu of Furniture No. as Cumberland u».i 1 al the residence of Kev. J. The world is dreary, I am growing old, E. W ulloo, frouiunJ SIB JAMES CLARKE’S The World’s Great REFINED SOAPS ? avoidable will be Wile nor bairn makes glad my cnambor-still, Remedy PRIVATE circumstances, adluurned to i’i Tlio MEDICAL ROOMS. DAY next, at 10 wintry season ALL Whether ol Of busy folk that hurry darkly monthly period with regularitv. guaranteed of CASKS, lone, JfSNfJ" I'art o Mahogany Parlor Setis, such us by? r.ach in existence, and one dose will :b a ii a a. i isr s or Nay!—for a while hand lies in mine, sweet eyes bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Dyspepsia instantly NO. I, standing recently contracted, entirely removing Butts, Ruckers, Chairs, Tables, Divan, What Not, relieve the most attacks of tiie of disease from the and a chamber Shine on me, and a happy maiden cries! stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. aggravated dregs system, making Setts, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture, free— IN OLEINE, perfect and PERMANENT CURE. 141,11 Nay! for m v blood again flows fresh and t’AUTIOIT. Cholera Morbus, hick Headache, anlffi t' Betiding Mirrors, Crockery, Class 1 lie would call the atleution of the afflicted to the ttIul Bhlna '1 o the tailing, falling of the shower that sighs hese Pills should not be tak* n by Females durinn Dysentery, Sickness at Stomach CHEMICAL OLIVE, Ware, Cutlery, Steves, &c., &c. treel the. FIRST fact of his long and well-earned At Around the forest Tint EE MONTHS qf Pregnancy, as they Fever and Ague, Heartburn, Silks, Tliiii Goods, CRANE’S PATENT, standing reputation On*.. iljo'clock, are sure sufheient assurance of his skid and suc- Plan.. to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other Colic Pains. furnishing -?L?^j**rlor Forte. junelldtd cess. And can it time t/u are SODA, AND AMERICAN CASTILE, be so many years ago, y stye. and in fact all diseases proceeding from the Stomach Since 1 her neath the leaves, that summer Every woman knows that the bloom of health must and Shawls, All KHtIlte at clasped Bowels. It is a sovereign andpermanent cure for Cloakinys, of SUPKKIOE QUALITIES, in packages suits- Auctlor ? lade, with the slightest or obstruction ot CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Xv THr,i?r the trade and family use. ’•'"ne Oth, at 3 o'clock P. And were the o words of words ot woe? the menses. These Pills are the woman’s friend and O^uUlienre.nfJ parting, truly Importing direct our chemical*, and using only the Every intelligent thinking person must know Sits she her children far in her hour of and the and Dross that remedies handed out for anil lot on the among away? trial, only sure, positive INDIGESTION AND GENERAL DEBIL Goods, best materials,and a* our good* are manufactured general use should have e.ini’V*^^1',1,'TttI',a|ble Call she hear the sweet and sound? never failing cure and regulator of ol their established well melancholy Suppression under ilie personal supervision of our senior partner, efficacy by tested experience in d from to Doth she sco the hJlining dew drops on tlio nature, from whatever cause. So mild that the fee- ITY the hands of a educated whose J*Cellar. ,V‘ir'7l“{Zy,!Ctalu It htts 12 j,iHxl gwfet ground? who has had thirty practical experience in the regularly physician, looms, with live clost't* ce- Dot h she flutter like the leaves and dream of mo— blest can take ihem with perfect so Woolens, White years studies fits him inente i cellar brick security, yet pow- ! and in instance regulates and restores to a • Goods, business, we therefore assure the with con- preparatory tor all the duties he must floor, cistern* abundance Ird To the oi the rain around erful In their that be every public the is and soft waier. Hilling, tailing effects, they may safely called, j healthy condition a disordered stomach, the > dence that we can and will furnish the mltill; yet country flooded with poor nostrum* gas throughout the and all the The a never enabling and house, murmurous lorest trees? lulling Regulator. patient to take healthy food without danger of dis- cure-alls, purporting to be the best in the worhi. mode™ improvements, lherels ai*, a*8ttt In all cases ot Nervous and Pains Cottons, are not but wood house. The lot is about Spinal Affections, tress from it. It is the most wonderful remedy and m Linens, Bast Goods at the Lowest Prices f only useless, always injurious. The un- 47 x 103 'Ihjs Is a The closes round I am in the Back and Fatigue on fortunate should be valuable on the city me, old, Limbs, slight exertion, j the most speedy in its action, ever known to the PARTICULAR in selecting Ins very proj»erty, fiu^t street in the Yet Palpitation of the Heart. and pnyMcian, os it is a and m«»st 'tismelody from the country lanes I hear; Hysterics, and Whites, ; world No one will do without it in the house that Having recently enlarged erected IjjTEW lamentable yet incontrovert city, is one of the desirubls neu;hborhonald and GO Commercial Street* sniEET, SIMEON DRAPER, V. S. Cotton Agent, then allow only the central ilower stalk to „gray, Females, owing to the peculiar and important re- May 1—dlf Nearly Opposite the United States Hotel Who now has raven ABOUT other course will be sure to de- locks, they say. lations which their be grow. Any lie used tho Ambrosia that they sustain, peculiar organiza- would respectiully announce to the Iling 1M ot a of generate the variety.—Am. Ag. made. tion, and the offices they perform, are subject to Hotel* WHEREcitizens Portland and vicinity, that he hut 3000 Bales Mobile Cotton. permanently located in this city. the three of many sufferings and ailments peculiar to the sex. Furnished and unfurnished rooms to let with During good years wo have been in this wo have cured some these city? The above Cotton baa been doused and This is the the Freedom from contributes in no small degree board at No. 27 Willow Street. ol the worst forms of disease in who have sampled Parson, wlinfhy way, persons by O. W. and may be seen in tbe bale at Married the handsome and to their aud tried other forms oi treatment in and Amory, Has maiden, happiness welfare, for non<5 can be hap- People visiting Portland can have all the conven- vain, curinu the Government Atlantic Dock. The Hour Arrived! in so short a time that Stores, Brooklyn, who arc ill. Not patients the question is ollen py only so, but no one ot •these va- iences of a Hotel at much less at a retired uud and r&ntplc at the Sales Room of tne Auction- To the man once bald and gray. prices, asked, do stay cured? To answer this l»y rious female can be they question eers, No. 112 Pearl two before the sale. But who now has raven complaints long suffered-to run eel Also board tor families and wo that all that do not St., days Look! Bo Astouuhfcd and Wonder! locks, they genl place. permanent will say stay cured, we will J une 8—dtd ■ay, on without the general health of the indi- doctor the second time without involving gentlemen. charge. —————————————-i* Because he used the Cure that Dr. D. has been a practical Electrician tor SEE HOW lay vidual, and ere long producing permanent sickness the Wood’s ITotcl twenty- CHEAP! In the Ambrosia that made. |3r*Kemember place, opposite : one years, and is also a regular graduated physician. Bing and decline. Nor is it premature pleasant to consul; corner ol Middle and Willow Sts. fel2dtf Electricity is perfectly m touted to chrouic diseases in a physician for the relief of these various delicate af- the form of nervous or rich headache; neuralgia pn the or fections, and only upon the most urgent necessity will ~SPRUCE SLAB WOOD. head, neck, extremities; consumption when This is the Bell that rings away In the acute stages or where the lungs are not iully a true woman so for sacrifice her charm os For sale to clear the \To arouse the people sad and gay greatest wharf, by involved; acute or chronic rheumatism, scrofula, hip ) Unto this fact, which here docs lay— t > do this. The sex will then thank us for placing in diseases, white swellings, spinal diseases, curvature Are scl iig their Goods! would not lx* bnld or of the contracted -distorted a If you ffraju their hands simple specifics which will be found effi- Bethel Steam !M!ill Co., spine, muscles, limbs, w Use the Ambrosia that Iling uuidc. palsy or paralysis, St. Vitas’ Dance, deafness, stam- cacious in and .. HEAD OVlt PRICE-LIST! relieving curing almost every one of // «frg,r»i*v for_ mering or hesitancy ol speech, dyspepsia, indigei*- Ttm*, -.-nyjii'.n these troublesome complaints pecul ar to the sex. and liver complaint, piles^-we cure 20 doz..Kid Gloves, 75c pair. ^4.50 per Cord. e/cry case that can be preaenifeur wwfewi, t's, strictures of the chest, and uli forms of iemale 20 doz. Kid Gloves. 100 pair. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU. OFFICE, COMMERCIAL STREET, 20 doz. Kid Gloves, 150 pair. E. *>1.TUBES & CO., Proprietors, Peteroorg’, H.H. complaints. mayTdtf Head Hobson’s Wharf. to the cause no act 20 doc. Silk Taffetas. 75c pair. Hundreds suffev on in silence, and hundreds of pLt.iSANT palate, pain, J. W. PERKINS & CO., Wholesale Agent, Port- By Electricity A promptly, row rqulre increase ol dose, do not 150 doz. Lisle Gloves, 13c to 75 pair. others to and for aiul, Me. junefeeod3m apply vainly druggists and-41*—4—-”u0 ii.IH.TIDD* DEL. The Rheumatic, the the lame and the lazv exhaust, elderly persona, females and child- loo doz. White Cotton Hose, lrc to $1,00 pair. ——-*rnarlhe hope of a cure gouty, are reither tantali^ International with and move with the ren, just the thing. Two taken at mov- 15 doz. Ladies India Gauze Drawers, merely Hotei7~ leap joy, agility and elastic- nigh* ~ worse. I The and the bowels tmee the 110pair. «rpry remedies which make them would many great advantages of these Compasses appear almost incredible to those who have never us- of the heated brain is the frost- next morning. warranted 100 doz. Bells and Buckles (l 35c each. OPPOSITE CITY BUILDING. ity youth; cooled; in all silk) to ed them, but a little experience at sea soon dispels all doubts in regard to their bitten limbs uncouth cases of Piles and of thoitectum. We« 100 doz. Lace Nets as 15c each. &J8hrorts. not wish to assert anything that wouULd^W^atice superiority. restored, the deformities re- Falling (same last) Extra Flour When the vessel is about in a these remain and in and promise a cure lor all of the 6o doz. tbat it rolling rough sea, Compasses perfectly steady, light moved; faintness converted to vigor, weakness to symptoms Dyspepsia, Youths* Merino Vests, 100 each. the b:itAam aW*""*co although smooth weather even This located Hotel has been such as afflicted, they are extremely sensitive—more so than the lightest, wood Compass. The needle is excellently the blind made to the deal to hear and Oppression alter eating, Sour Stomach, Spit- 50 doz. Ladies* Linen Col The snbscribers are Mill from excessive exhaustion of the strength: see, Japanese making at their Vro(Itfeed enclosed in an air-tight metallic cast; and is entirely excluded from the air therefore free from rust. form ting ol IikkI, also, Dizziness, 50 doz. Sets i^ouniirr, oO, ioo,ana and, the palsied to mpvo upright; the blemishes ol Palpitations; Headache, Linen SleeM^ of life, by laborious unwhole- It is also made so that it retains its like a Such a needle could not be used in other tlioroughly and furnished In the Pain in the Back and Yellowness of the Skin IMw powers employment, power magnet. any refitted, youth are obliterated; the accidents of mature lire Loins, eonnrt spring: Wheat Extra Flour, on account of its but here it is almost the and Sick Coated Bilious- 50 doz. Block Lace from 15 to 225. some air and the use ot Compass great weight; wholly supported by buoyancy of the liquid the calamities ot old obviated and an Eyes. Headache, Tougue. Veils, food, profuse menstruation, the most prevented; age Liver Com « 75 to which weight of the card is nicely adjusted. The bouyancy of this liquid prevents tnem from ever be- elegant style, ness, pint tit, Loss oi 100 doz. Modallion Button*, great variety, 50, tea and and childbirth, it is for often- active circulation maintained. Appetite, Debility, White Wheat Graham coffee, frequent coming dull, as it reduces the weight on the pivot to a few Hence tbe trouble and of A aid i. Monthly Pains, and ail and 1.00 per doz. Do., grains. expense sharp- Now Opened to the Public by. LADIES Irregularities, Neuralgia, er caused direct irritation to the mucous ening and is avoided. But more than the from disorder renders them Faintness, Ac. Travelers find the Combe, Toilet Soaps, Poma- by applied “touching” altogether this, exemption Lozenges just Perfamerlua, Brushes, always perfectly reliable at sea. IB. B. IIREW8TEB, Who have cold bonus and feet: weak stomachs, lam- what they needy as they are oo join pact and inodorous tums. Shoris & Chicken Feed, or Wheat membrane of the vagina itself. Screenings. During four years of constant use in tbe Naval and Merchant service, both on steam and sailing vessels arul weak backs; nervous and sick headache; dizzi- thai they may he earned m Vie rest pocket. Price 60 IN When reviewing the.causes ol these not one of them has FORMERLY OF THE SKOWHEGAN HOUSE. ness and In the with cento small boxes STORE distressing been returned, although it is always agreed to take them back if th ey do not give sati, swimming head, Indigestion and per box; 30 cents. For sale by J; IIOOP- complaints, it is most painfui to contemplate the a faction iii every particular. constipation of the bowels; pain in the side and back; S. HARRJSON & CO., Proprietors, NolTremon SKIRTS, 200 Barrels Canada Brewster would be to meet his old of the womb with in- Boston. Will be mailed to anv address Peas, tendant evils consequent upon them. It is but siin Mr, happy loucerrhoja, (or whites); falling Temple, on C. II. FARLEY, Dealer in Nautical Instruments, friends and ternal cancers; tumors, and all that long enclosing 80 cento. July4dly For sale to the to the public generally. polypus, HOOP SKIRTS. by pie justice subject enumerate a few ol the train of diseases will find m Electricity a sure means March 14—eodtf 38 Exchange Street* Portland* Agent for the State of Maine. Portland, Feb. 2,1S«5. dt I E. E. UPHAM & many additional causes which so largely afibet the of cure. For painful menstruation, too profuse HUllRAH! HURRAH OUK OWN MANUFACTURE ! SON, menstruation, and all ol those long line ol troubles BOYS, life, health and happiness ot woman in all classes ot Richardson's Wharf. with young ladies, Electricity is a certain specific, and .Coal, Coal, Coal. acknowledged by compet nt judges, THE LADIES, May 20—y purchasers, parties who will ture lias self-completed their development. licits otherfavors! spacious prepare which it taliCH its name. the States and as a which tlit* v are subjeet.—Thirty-two page build houses of satisfactory character, they will cut- For Female Weakness and Whites or Leu- R. N. THISthroughout Canadas, first pamphlet, Debility, BROWN. class house and in a sealed envelope, free. THE PROVISIONS OP THE vince, \f desired, one fourth oj the cost qf on corrhma, Too ProAisc, Too Con- Manufactured only by PH A YjON & NON. restaurant, after being thoroughly CLOUDMAN & building, Exhausting, Long Portland, September 18,1865. scp20deod*wly cleansed and The Cherokee Pills are sold by all druggists at $1 STEVENS, UNDERWill of the late Thomas V ackav, of New Edin- completion of the house. From parties who build im- tinued Periods, for and o7 refitted, and having secured the services Prulapsus Bearing Down, ot MR. box, or 6ix boxes for $5; or they are sent burgh, the Executors will otter for sale auc- mediately, NO CASH PAYMENTS REQUIRED. we offer the most DANIEL K. REED as Chief de Cuisine, well per by Office No. 163 Commercial by public Prolapsus Uteri, perfect specific free of in an free Street, Up Stain. t a t noon ot every from nino to ten Beware of Counterfeits. THE L.ADIES.=aS~ known tp all former habitues of Barnum't as having ■nail, postage, ordinary letter, ion, Apply day except Sunday, known: HelmboUrs Compound Extract o/Buchu. the sole June 1—ollars«viz:— Steamship following rates, in lact all of the wile. No one need apply unless bringing considerable, most desirable brands dent. Jameson, E U Parsons. maintained the opposite opinion, would, until a very in a small at No. 4 United States and State of New-York Falmouth aiul 40 C'obb’sBri Koctland; Willard, short AN family. Inquire Oray Street. good references. Inquire at 282 Congress Street, Ex- Stocks, City, back, Ige & back $] 45 of Extras are sold so the Portland. time, have been looked upon in the light Bank and other St. John. Cumberland Country Spring ahead, that only jnnel2 tf press Ofiiee. Stocks, #4,82,8,585 Eastport, Calais and #0 Danville June. 145 Cld of a boasting pretender. This idea of mtality has re- junelldtf Loans secured Yarmouth little flour offeringspot, or for short future delivery, 11th, brigs Orozlmbo, Gilmore, and Canima. by Stocks and otherwise, 3,330,350 «5 iTotel itoad i'-jc Boston. sulted in the death of an abandonment *• Marshall, thousands, by Premium Notes and Bills Receivable, Real Yarmouth June.*' w> Empire itoad i #5 is nnt desirable, and it Is impossible now to fill largo of all and proper aid; and, at the same time, Lost. and SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Yarmouth ■A^.,cU! luh, bri? Mattapony, Wyman, Savannah timely Estate, Bond Mortgages and othar se- No. 96 Mechanics’ Falls 2.15 satisfac- via Bel: schs this of or ignorance served as a FOR SALE. orders lor Country flouts with any degree of Wilmington, Haunie Westbrook, Lit- phantom prejudice Saturday evening, on the road from the Brew- curities, 3,650,025 Pownal $1,05 Oxford 2.25 tltyohn, F A block in the way of scientific into er to “ Two of our the Portland; Baizley, Crosby, anil Ham- stumbling inquiry ON House Woodiord’s Corner, a light drab United States Gold Coin, ! New Gloucester 135 South Paris •* tion. city mi ls, idle since spring the ot LBS. BOLTS AND 80,460 THREE TRIPS PER WEEK 2.60 burg Sprague, Boston; RlchJ Bullwlnkle, French. true pathology Consumption, which, by the OVERCOAT. The finder, by leaving ital the Preble 7000 SPIKES. Cash in Bank have now are aud we ot true 5000 lbs. new 310,550 After the above date will not freshets, steam in and running, Newburyport energetic efforts the lias demon- Houso, will be rewarded. 3t and second-hand Chain, dif- WITH REDUCED FARE. passengers be allowed fact physician, liberally junelj— ferent sizes™ to travel rrieght trains on that of for a flours. We quote At Delaware Breakwater strated the that Consumption is as curable as Also. Shovels, Spades, Axes, by part the lli.e be- hope larger selection ot City 9th, sch Fanny Fern, fm Hatchets, #12,199,970 Portland and South lor other diseases. Hammers, Camp Kettles. tween Paris. Common Exiras 9 75; Philadelphia Portland; and others. Extras 9 50; Choice Country ;>-< SHELTER The summer arrangement ol trains will tome NEW YOltK—Ar Uth, a me Free WANTED. TENTS—just the thing for Hay On and after MONDAY, June into Double Extra Trade, Foster, and a few A effect on the 28th oi June when tlio Double Extra Spring 10 00; City Spring Remarkable Evidence. Ladies as agents to sell Madame Caps; Tents; all of which are selling TRUSTEES: 4th, the Steamers ol the Interna- 7.00 A. M. train rK Cl?i “aJP ,Talbot> Packard, Pensacola, 8 will run to Montreal and 10 25 10 Doublo Extra Winter 1100® °T, ENTERPRISINGFoy't Corset Skirt in low,at No. Moulton St., (store lormeriy occu- John D. Wm. tional Line will leave Railroad through Quebec. ® 50; Country AL.Utl’fllip8 Shakespeare, Packard, Havre; Val- New York, Jan. 25,1866. Supporter every County *Wm. Jones, Sturgis, C. J. 12 and Su- and Town hi the State. Pay *50 to *100 per month pied by Duran.) Charles K. Wharf, foot ol State Street, every BKYDOES, Managing Director 12 00; Country Superior 12 50 ® 75; City 1 barqUe ® W Uort0"' This certifies (hat for the past two years I have suf- 31-rdlm Dennis, Henry Bogert, H. BAILEY, Local 1). B. SAUNDERS & May G. W. STEVENS. W. H. H. Joshua J. •MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and Superintendent. bbl. for the week, fered severely from a severe lung trouble and for the CO., Moore, Henry, 23d, lhb'O. perior 13 00 @ 13 25 per Receipts Cld 12th, ship North junelldlw 179 Court Boston. Dennis FRIDAY, at 5 o’clock P. M., for Eastport and St. Portland, May may21d*ni American, Woodbury, Balti- past six months previous to Oct, 15th, 1865. my case St., Henry Coit, Perkins, 13,615 bbls. same time, 19,327 bbls. °‘or®> barque Turks Win. C. Jos. John. Shipments) Irovatorc, Carver, Island; brig was considered as <• hopeless case of Consumption. Pickersgill, Gallard, Jr., all the "“ab New House for Lewis Returning, will leave St. John and Eastport same PORTLAND Oats—Have been in good demand week, and k'-fu-by, Crosby, Haven, When the last draft occurred I was drafted and re- Wanted. Curtis, J. Henry Burgy, ” PDBT-Ar 12th. schs Cam- Chas. II. Cornelius days tor Portland, and Boston. bushel. Wc now 37c for Arcade, Munroe, jected in consequence of my severe trouble. I Russell, Grinnoll, have advanced llci>er quote dcn luug GOOD COOK. One who is and relia- OR TO LET. Lowell At Eastport the Steamer will connect lor St. i^hrankhn, James, EUzahethport, have been under the care of several first class capable Holbrook, (J. A. Hand, t^ueen No. 1 in store. Receipts fjr the week, 130,954 bush. 1IOLMLS S HOLE—Ar Bch phy- A ble will learn of a good situation at No. 4s Park It. Warren B. Andrews, Robbinston, Calais and New Brunswick 11th, Challenge, Leigh- sicians aud am compelled to I received more in- Weston, J. Howland, SACO i PORTSMOUTH lor say Street. convenient No. 7 Wllmot Street, to Woodstock and Uoultou R. R. bush. ton, Bangor Philadelphia. from their treatmont than June9dl\v* Houae, Phelps. Benj. Railway Stations, and Shipments, 96,087 jury benefit, and in fact 1 (loo. F. — Royal Balicock, Ar 12th, schs .St NB recently occupied by Talbot, Esq Caleb Bars tow, Fletcher Stage Coaches will connect for Machlas. are firm and and Mary Louisa, Hamilton, John, gave up in despair, and tally concluded that there Price $4,000. Westray, SUMMER Freights—Crain freights higher, for Elvira, Drisko, Jonesboro ®A A. P. Pillot, Robt. B. Min At St. John passengers take E. & N. A. ARRANGEMENT, Philadelphia; fordo; was no for Railway help me, and threw all my medicine out Lost! -It not sold within a week it will be in or- turn, Jr, our companies are giving more atten- Maria, Kennebunk for Ct. put good Wm. E. Gordon W. for Sht'dlac, and from th* nco for Sumnterside and transportation Lane, Milford, of the window. One of my friends who had a severe der and rented for Dodge, Burnham, ('ummeuciug Monday,Miiy 1 till, 1KCG. sciis L M Strout, Judge on Middle or Free stroets, a Ladies’ COLD $400. Apply to Geo. G. Fred’k Charlottetown, P. E. Island, and Pictou, N. also tion to this than to rolling freight. They-are very Sid, Tenney, Challenge, chronic difficulty was very cured Dr. Hobson, Chauncey, S; L W Dyer, Mary Louise, and Elvira. promptly l»y LOSTWATCH.CIIA1N, BELT and BUCKLE. The David James at St. John the Steamer Empress for Windsor and ~a*TO^5n Faeecngor Trains leave Portland f..r rates and then to Mam, Harvey, and hi urged me for an entire week to go finder will JOttJf c. Lane, Low, firm on the they give, prefer charter BOSTON—Ar confer a fitvor and be rewardod PROCTER, James Geo. S. and and wSHCrSKrUoiitoii atg.40 A. M., 2.8U and (i.oo 12th, barque Union, Ulmer. Ron- and see Dr. but in was suitably Bryce. Stephenson, ll&Hfhx, every Tuesday Friday evening, (n- H., my ojnfidence physicians leaving it at PUTNEY’S Or, C. J. BARBOUR. r. vi. for and deck load with flour, rather than fill up dout; brig Mary Ellen, Corson, St sciis M A by Boarding House, corner june8d&wlw Leroy M. Wm. H. Webb for Dlgby every and mornings. prcss) grain, George; wrecked, and 1 would not consent to go. My friend Middle and Willow \Vilcy, Monday Thursday Gould, Trim, Philadelphia; and streets. juneOdtf Daniel S. BP* Freight received on of sailing until lour Leave Boston tor Portland at 7.30 A. M.,3.00 and entirely with flour. The Orand Trunk line give rates Moro, Chadwick, came to me again and took hold Of my arm, and said Miller, days Eldorado, Patten, House and lor John D. President. o’clock P, M. C. C. 7.00 (express, p. M. Eliaabethport ; Hardacrable, 1 must get into his carriage and and see Dr. Har Lot Sale. Jones, RATON, to Portland and Boston 110 on flour, and 36c per New Harriet go 1866.—dtf On ard Gregory, York; Gouida- — Charles Vice-President. May 29, Mondays, Wednesdays the Rogers, Smith, vey; ana to gratify him I wont, and must my TWO Mtorv House. No. Federal con- Denni«, Agent. Fridays Express bush, on 36c on and 18c on oats to Port- boio; Susan Frances, Trenton. say WANTED! street, W. H. II. Vice-Prest. train to and from Boston will run viu Boston A Manic wheat; oorn, Smith, very first of Dr. were very favor- A taining finished of hard Moous,2d Cld sch impressions Harvey eight rooms, plenty D. K. It., stopping at Saco. land and Junction. Other lines rate at 110 and 12th, Concordia, Wheeler, Rockland. able and as after a examination and soft water in the J. Hewlett, 3d Vice-Prest. and exandra,Crosby, for New York: S I) Thurston, Snow, time I was taken sick until cle. Ladies or Gentlemen tor o hcwielon, Augusta Friday July 8, 1864, and wishing a rare chance Freight taken as usua’. intermediate Mtationti on at 8.00 1*. M. New \ork, June 13. Montevideo via Cardiff; 1st lnsf, Eastern Pous- at (his timo 1 had to make should call Surplus, 204,188,40 Saturday only Star, not spoken a loud word (or four money on, or addresss L. Mixed Brain leaves Portland Ibr iiuth Tbe Commercial’* article says gold is lirmer. The ^'m weeks BILLINGS, Agent.^ and iutornic- kelson, Hughes, Glasgow previous to July 8th, 1804—and that 1 on that J. HANKERSON & Desirable Real 18C6-dtf diate station* Persia takes out 14,000,000. Tbe Scotia brought 2,000 ^ia^Ro«aiY^ant^r0 (JO., Estate May 22nd, daily, except Saturday, at 3.1.1 P. M. day commenced treatment with Dr. and Middle Street. witU ■hares of Erie and 3,000 shares of Illinois < 'cutra;, but Off the Wight 30th, to Shields HARVEY, xrNov oo iao $1,204,188,40 lswT.Sa, ,?» Pa**en««r Mtr attached, will Ceres, Humphrey, that on the fourth day I could converse as and J-dtf Maine. On Commercial leave Portland ibr tbe Persia takes out au equal amount of Erie shares. for New York. freely Portland, St., for Sale, Skowhegan ami lute mediate sta- plainly as I ever could. Dr. who examined AiMta Jaa’y 1* 1865* SUMMER ARRANGEMENT l tions The chief however, are made by German Cardiff 29th Thomas H., my in every morning at 7 o’clock. shipments, A1,*4 ult, Lord, Preble, from lungs discovered quite a in Consisting part of the Homestead ot the late Lcm- whose advices Scotia call for large r< Aquilla. cavity my right lung.— uel and Lewiston ore due at Portland bankers, per When I Dyer; this lot is near the Grand at♦ fSi11! ”2* ^ to have no confi- commenced treatment with Dr. I was Trunk Depot, Thi« Co. is the FIRST and ONl.Y Co. ever organ- 9.jq A Ai., and iroiu and mittances. Ehe Germans appear 30th, Richard H., about Hi feet on Skowhegan Farmington cCdSeaford McManus, Poster, from weak, and bad night of the U. S. Commercial Street, extending back daily line and all intermediate are in this matter upon the pre- Shields lorNew very sweats, swelling feet Marshal’s Notice. 95 zed on this with an stations at 2.30 P. M. to connect dence, and acting York; 3!st, Olvira Owen, Kenney, and an i matter feet; a valuable lot for stores or a Continent, with will a war. Private irom legs, raising with specks of tubercle manufacturing BETWEEN trains for Boston. sumption that there certainly bo Baltimore for in it establishment. Also a lot on the Antwerp. like crumbs of cheese. I am to state that United States of northerly side of Stages for Uocklaml advices Scotia say there are many sellers among Off Plymouth happy Amebic a. i Commercial connect at Bath; and for Bel- per 29th, Canada, Wyman, from Nevas- I am now as well as I ever was and District Street, nearly opposite the head of Cns- holders of 5-20’s in Germany. sa for Hull. weigh 144 lbs. I (tf Maine, ss. } tom House !or Solon. Anson, Norndge- private recommend all who aro Wharf, and the site for the new Original (Capital PORTLAND & PENOBSCOT RIVER ^iratAnUk,U8ta’ and market devoid of outside sincerely troubled with Lung adjoining Athens and Moose Head Lake at Stocks dull support. to Monitions from-the Hon. Ashur Custom House, 56 feet and about 50 feet Skowhegan. lor difficulties to apply to Dr. Harvey at os front, deep. and (or East, and North Buyers tot investment are holding ofr lower pri- at Malaga 28th N M for New once, you PURSUANTWare, Judge of the United States Court Also several lota on China, Vassal boro* at Vas- nit, Haven, Hall, will find him a true medical lriend and a District Muiyoy Hill, situated 'on Turn- The splendid sea-going Steamers salboro and for ces. Governments quiet hot Arm. Money dull at 5 yCW gentleman. within and for the District of er street and the Unity ut Kendall’s Mill’s. ANNA G. 127 Maine, I heroby give Eastern Promenade, containing LADY LANG. Capt. F. A. Prince, per cent en call, with exceptions at 4 per cent. Ex- ^ ®a^* 28^ Flora BOYLE, Moody Street, public notice that the Libels about 120,000 feet. and u^. Southard, Morrill, from Mass. following and Informa- square Also one lot of Flats ad- One Million Dollars 1 REGULATOR, Capt. J. A. HATCH, Superintendent* change hasjbeen active for the Persia at 109} for 60 Havre ... Lowell, tions have been filed in said the 104 This is to Certify that we are Court, viz.: joining above, fcetfrontand extending to the will leave Railroad April 28,1SC&—dtf 111 for Cld at Havre personally acquainted An Blanchard, days and 68111} sight. Slst, Myrover, Hughes, Cbaronte and named Anna G. Information against EIGHT HUNDRFD channel; a fine lot for a Yard. foot of State .New York. Boyle, and know the above state- GROSS OF Ship Wharf, street, Port- to be true. Apply to land, every 11 HeteYark Markets. Sid 30 ments, Ahne Carnell. CoUoctor of FRICTIONMATCHES, sSzeSbyThe FIRE DEPARTMENT. evening, (Sundays excepted»at o'clock, th, Samuel Tarbox, for Cardiff and Internal Revenue for the Third District or on the arrival or the 7 o'clock ■» Tarbox, Jake Groves JOHN Express train from New York. June 13. Baltimore. of Maine, on the fifth of March last C. Boston. PORTLAND day past,P at PROCTER, I am preparea to issue policies on Dwelling H ESTE R RR Cotton—drooping; saWlOOO bales. Middling Up- CM at Oottenburg, 2Sth ult, E Blanch- Waterville, in said District. BEAL ESTATE Returning, will leave 4^R0C Sherman, BROKER, a term of and Bangor every morning (Sun- lands at 36 ® 42c. ard, Australia. OKE June Houses for years, also upon EVERY at 5 IDIEt. r thousand GAL- 1—dimLime Street. days excepted) o’clock, touching at Hampden, SUMMER Flour-State and Western and Common 10 HARVEY, seized ARRANGEMENT. dull, ^ ALCOHOL, by the Collector of the SPECIES of INSURABLE PROPERTY at FAIR Winterport, Buck snort. Bel last, Camden and Rock- c Sales bbls. State G 70 @ 8 50 District oi ® 16 lower. 6,000 SPOKEN. TREATS AL Passamaquoddy, on the sixteenth day of For land, both ways. For or On and alter Ohio 8 70 13 75. Western 6 70 (u 9 40. March lflAt at Sale. RATES. weight apply yHm Monday. April 30.1SCC. Round Hoop @ past, Lastport, in said i>lstrict. will leuve as sales 400 bbls. at *Up J A Libel The new pasaa^ejriea>e g^ESKKrains follows: Southern easier ior common; New Th0“P*0n' against THE SCHOONER FRENCH "*“'re troJm CHRONIC DISEASES! BARNARD. COTTAGE, Portland, May 10,1866. at Office on Wharf. River lor Portland at 3 3U and too a. m. 19 40 17 00. Canada common 10c lower; sales 300 Yorktotiv^?'1’’ her and and about seven acres of situ- @ ,0n “h tackle, apparel furniture, and Forty hogs- land, 340 v. ». 50. > 7S38> Alligator, of Calais, With the same success. heads ated on the bbls. at 8 65 @13 of Salt, seized by the Collector of the District Cape Cottage road, in MARINE Leave Portland for Saco for scarce bou^Nirth.27’ of INSURANCE. River al 7 13 A. >.,2 00 and Wheat—dull and declining common; Frenchman’s Bay, on the thirteenth of .Cape Elizabeth. The house contain, 0 A) p. M. °* 0ap® ach Dr. H. has returned to and will day March PORTLAND AND MACHIAS and Arm tbr sales 12,200 bush.; Milwaukee natteras. Zicova, steering Portland, remain last past, at Trenton, in said r-i--——Jibnrteen rooms. The sea view is un- good; South* until District. Marine Insurance on HULLS, CARGOES, and The 200 p u train out and the A. n. No 1 2 Winter Red Western 2 49. September. A Libel surpassed. of train lu to fair. 24; against THE BRIO J her Enquire STEAMBOAT COMPAJTY. W * ^ wains new Mixed POLLEDO, FREIGHTS, TAKEN SPECIALLY or upon OrEN ®***b* with passenger cars Corn—2 c higher; sales 134,000bushels; tackle, apparel and furniture, seized by the Collector W. II. STEPHENSON, attached do in store 81 85. If” Office in Tolman Place. of Second POLICIES. will tinil it for their interest Western at 83@84}c; old @ the District of Portland and on Aprils—ti National Bonk. The public Falmouth, the INLAND ROUTE. con"c—dtf Chicago, June 13. and 0E MORPHINE and T EN BARRELS UNITED STATES PATENT RIGHT for Insurance 1 RETURNING, Machiaaport every MON- red, “divert colord' the shade oi which It was lm- £V,L,S5£?E Agency DAY and THURSDAY Flour steady. Wheat declined 2 @ 3c and closed to —AND— Of* *T8H, seized the Collector of the THEMARSHALL’S IMPROVED ANCHOR. MORNINGS, touching poMlble keep the run ot. We have used all man- by For at above named and at for No 1. Corn advanced } @ ||; sale* District of Bangor, on the seventeenth day of May farther particulars enquitWSt or address landings, arriving in Portland quiet 168} dye from “eou-I*race Oenion” down tq No. 32 Street. the some night. at 49 @ 50 for No. 1 and 47} @ 49 for No 2. Oats ac- the “Great<££■«» Balm Exchange bust past, at Bangor, in,eaid District. GEO. L. GRAND TRUNK qr and found them all to KIMBALL, Stages win be In readiness at all tive at 32 32} for No 1, and 30 @ 31cfor No 2. Mess Hungary," A LtM against THE SCHOONER F,rm oi Stevens, Freeman & Co. the landings to RAILWAY, @ equal o the “Balm qf a Thousand Hum- Price* of Ice for the HANNIBAL, xr .. ... FOYE, COFFIN i SWAN. to the v Ol Canada. Pook advanced sales at 31 00 @ 31 25. Sea.on, I860. and Nov. ll*-dtf carry passengora neighboring towns. 25c; TWENTY- This Steamer is bbls. ot 67.000 bushels o ue^about FlyE HOGSHEAD OF No. 23 St. 879 tom* measurement, has large Receipts—6,000 flour, The only thing we have lound in 10 lbs. a from Juno 1st to Oct. 1st. 00 SALT, seized by the Oollec- Exchange the “Hair Afar- day, $6 tor of the and well ventilated State and new Furni- SUMMER wheat, 259,000 bushels of corn. Shipments—5,000 *** 15 00 District of Caatme, on the For Sale. Rooms, ARRANGEMENT. 'nark," was Horace H. Johnton's 8 twenty-ninth ture, Beds and and is in all of flour. bushels ol wheat, bush- *fp. “ «* « last at Deer in Bedding, respects elegant- bbls. 5,000 28,000 Hair whieh in less 20 10 00 May past, Isle, said District. a Naturahzer, than three weeks da,y Chebeque Island, farm containing 1", acres MARINE COMPANIES. ly titled up for passengers,and has room. On and after Monday, els ot corn, 46,000 bushels ot oats. our Which seizures were for breach! of the laws of large Freight nngssan April 9/A, 1866, hair from white — Forty Cents the land changed to Its original color per 1Q0 lbs. ONtillage and 36 acres pneturage and wood Freight forwarded lrom Portland tho MBKtrsi ns will run as follows — And in more set forth in by Boston Milwaukee Market• sympathy to persons who have been humbug- To those who take Ice ior the it will be de- particularly a young and thrifty two Washington. mf New York. and New York Steamers ed and # season, said Libels and that a jmid, orchard, dwelling Morning Train for South Lewiston and afflicted like oursell, we would livered earlier than 1st Juno and Informations, hearing and houses in ppfect Paris, June 14. recommend later than 1st Oc- trial will be thereon at repair, possessing the best of watei Insurance Co. ofNorth America, tV Passengers by the three o’clock and Even- Auburn, at 7 no a u Milwaukee, them to try Horace H. No. had Battgomln sales at 1 83 Johnson, 80 Middle tober, at the same rate per month os the sea- the : a good sea shore «>' of ing Expreoa trains from on their arrival at Mail Traiu lor Flour firm but quiet. Wheat excited; during fourth Tuesday of June current, where persons SSSSJ6®/lor sea Philadelphia. Boston, Waterville, Bangor, (iorham. Island ,hCy Wl" k Ba0sfied wltl1 son. any privilege droesing. Said fhrin is situated on Portland, will be taken to the l 84 tor Nol. Corn steady. Oats firm at 32c lor interested therein and show if Steamer, with their Pond, Montreal and Quebec at l Ml p n “T^Vat^tor”™4 When not wanted the fall may appear cause, any the 8 miles /Fee c. for season, it will be de- can be » T,*??,4 en, ?4 Island, irom and In sight baggage, qf chary This traiu connoots with train for f 0.1. H. shown, wherefore the Baine should not be de- of Portland W ill Express Toronto, .... HOWE, Architect, livered at the rate ol $2.00 month for 10 lbs. a city, be Bold at a great barsain FIRE For freight or to Detroit and New York Stock Market. per c r?od forfeit, «,,! disposed of to law. COMPANIES.. passage apply Chicago. bleeping Cars attached irorn Laiayette St., day. according CHARLES S A W Island to (MunJoy.) at BUS eleventh ot clalIjTgreof Ye“No.^cS^ ABlnn, Of Hartford. ROSS & STL Pond Quebec and Montreal. New York, June 13. june7dti_11 Notice of of If Portland, day June, A. Street, or oi the on RDEVANT, change residence, given at the Office D, Proprietor the premises. No can be received or checked Second Board.—Stocks dull. ljsco. Koynl, Of and London. GENEEAL A Baggage after the instead, of the driver, will always prevent disappoint- may29 dti Liverpool OK.NTS, time above stated. United States coupons 1862,. STODDARD’S ment. F.A. (JCINBY, __ 5-20’s, Continental, Or New York. 73 Commercial Street, Portland. Trains will arrive as follows :— Unito-l States 5-20’s coupons 1865,. U. 8. Marshal, District ot Maine. JPognty For Sale. Arctic, Of 1866. ap20dtt From Bo. Paris, Lewiston and 810 a m Treasury Notes, 7 3-10, (?d series),. CHOLERA New York. 4prill9th, Auburn, From Ac. ... 7 SPECIFIC titled aod corner Montreal, Quebec 215p.m. Treasury Notes, 3-10, (3d series),. A and to^iHxSP^dLftictiou. IT?ljS™,m4aWe Garden, Melbourne Lorlllard, Of New York. IUKTrcvenfive Cure tor the drivers tor careless- AAtngWIUis streets. The Lot is 132x80 Boston Water Power. Complaints against neglect, weU laid out Of or other must be Fnltoo, New York. PORTLAND AND NEW YORK New York Central.... c h o L E h a ness, any cause, made at the Office, VinesandSErtW&uit apdOrnamental Trees, Grape The Company are not responsible for haggle to and will be attended to COAL, a Norwich, Of Norwich. amount Erie.• promptly. inay28d2m COAI7TOAL, ing Home, every waydesirous of pui chan- steamship company. any exceeding $50 in value (and that pcison- Cholera Morbus, da weU to unless notice is and Reading.. Diarrhea, Dysentery, —JLKD- examine this placeTiM'‘lrtS^fiK'^11 People’s, Of Worcester; ai) given, paid for at tho rate ol not* Central...... Summer tbefinest on Hill one lor additional value. till Complaints, Pain in the Another Assortment Munjoy and will be sold at a bar passenger every $500 and Rock I stand. Large SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Chicago Stomneh and IKE COMPANIES. C. J■ BRYDU EX, Manayiny Director. and closed at Bowels, Ac. For Geld advanced to 146} 145}. —OF— W O O I> ! particulars Inquire on the premises of Connecticut Motua,. H. BAILEY, Local Superintendent. Its action Is immediate and -Of Hartford. The suiendfd and test 7.18C6. du efficacious. Its virtues SMITH STATE Portland, April have been tested bv AGENCY OF THE stops D1RICIO, Capt. //. Sherwood, thousands since the Cholera Sea- May i ~ W. MARRIED. son of 1849. Physicians use and reoommend It. All NEW 23—dtf_C.W. -'lealGeneral, Of Hartford. FRANCONIA, Capt. W, admit it to bo STYLE HATS STA»a the best Compound known lor the -wxeN(jt OF THE for which it is designed. —OPENING— New York MAINE CENTRAL R. r7 Complaints Accidental, os n«. K_,, Leave Brown's Wharf, Portland,every WKL'NKS- In this city, Jnne 13, by Rev Mr Walker, Frank STODDARD & BURTON, N. Y. FOBJiALE. Proprietors, Troy, The undersigned. and of the —-.RArCBPAT, at4 PTE. and leave Pier ARRANGEMENT. Willard Libby and Mio* Mary S Churchill, daughter For sale by all and Dealers in Medicine. Agents Attorneys Bast River,view in., ..« Druggists THIS MORNING GEO. GILMAN & desirable House and lot on southwest corner above named reliable wkdnksdaY rpHE tanies with a ol Edwin Churchill, Esq. 3. WEBSTER & N. CO., X of Pine and Oonaf combined and SATURDAY, at 4 o'elook pTV. State streets. CO., Nashua, H„ —AT— The situation is one capital and surplus of more than Train, leave Portland dailv (Grand In this city. June 12, by Rev Dr Carrnthers, Henry may 12—d&w3in oi the most These vessels are fitted up with fine aeeommoda- gupByyfln Traveling Agents. pleasant in the city. The lot is about 40 Sunday. evopted.iur A« p Lord, Esq, T-easnrer, and Harriet K Irish, x ttons’fcr this ths most «— City Head Union 103, aud well arranged and stocked with fruit trees $37,000,000. passengers, making speedy, burn and Lewiston at 7.00 a. m., and lor Bangor am’ ol Portland. are safd and oomfortable route lor both [Corrected.] PERRY’S, Wharf, and shrubbery. prepared to carry the amounts desired in travellers between all intermediate Station,, at 1.10 P. M. In June Rev P Jaques, George H largest York Maine Returning, Winthrop, 12, by nkck w- Marine, Life and Accidental Insurance. New and Passage, in State Room, trains Irom Auburn and Lewiston are duo at and Miss Elmira F ties, taken the stand ; ,FD°T.,rftrti<:ularB app>yto T- rilborn, a. Inland, Fire, $.30 A. of Portland, Jackson, formerly occupied by the ■ *6.00. Cabin *5.f'6. Meals extra. Fabyan, ^ 151 MIDDLE STREET. LIBBY, or to Marine and Inland, as w ell as Fire risks bound at passage M., and from Bangor and all intermediate sUtious. of W ales HAVECONSUMERS’ MUTUAL COAL CO., and are once. Goods forwarded tine line to ami JOHN C. Losses equitably a dtusled and promptly paid. by from Mon- at 2 P. M.,to connect trains for Boston. In Bath, June 9, Francis Levee and Miss Margaret Young men, your attention is called to the new now preparod to furnish the different varieties of PROCTER, and Bows! style apo—tr Lime street. STE, COFFIN & treal, Qaebeo, Bangor, Hath, AugnuU. Eastport and $y Freight trains leave at 8A.M. w «lafly Monroe. Scarf8 M ?0 SwaST St.John. Or* Marine Risks placitd in any Boston or New EDWIN NOYES, Sunt. TAN COLORED York Office desired. are to send their to the Dec 15.1885.* WE OFFER A LARGE AND HATS, Shippers reqnestod freight dc*2:*t( COAL AND WOOD! House for Sale. Portland, Feb. B 1866—. Itf steamers os early as 3 I*. M. on the day that they (the most nobby Ktyle. for the season,) to be found at mHE leave Portland. three-story Brick House No. 70, corner o' _ ELEGANT ASSORTMENT ± For or to _died. joneOdlw I’ERRY’S, 151 Middle Si. OF THE BEST Danforth and Tate Streets. It has all the mod- freight passage apply QUALITY, em improvements and is in excellent condition. GKEUXTlEm^IL EMERY A FOX, Brown * Wharf, Portlar.d. SUMMER EXCURSION In George M Carter, aged.21 -or THE- B. Waterville, May 30, The house can be examined any day. H. CROMWELL A CO.. So. ad West Street, years. Delivered in any part of the city, which we will sell For New York. —AT— William terms, size with line shade •learner through Huron and good trees. To and From Long Whar', Boston,.at 12 M. Michigan.34.00 mediate The house is in fine order any amount, in the most responsible col n- Detroit and return all rail. 2K.(io SIERRA MORENA. Brig Mcrriwa—527 hhda 60 Points, and located on one of the in From Pine St. Whart, 10 A.M. streets of panies Now England and New York Philadelphia,.at Niagara Falla and return all tres 1 bbls molasses, to Geo 8 Hunt. principal the city, in a good neighborhood, City. Freight for the Weal forwarded bv the 00 Returning game Days, and will be sold a Pennsylva- London and re’urn all WINDSOR NS. Sell Renown—100 tons plaster, to J buy I at bargain if applied Ibr at once.— nia Railroad, and to Baltimore and rail. 24.00 your HOUSE Can be examined Washington by Quebec and return a!! master. WARDS packages and parcels of goods and CLOTHING, any day. Possession can be had at Stocks of Goods, on Canal or Railroad, frecot commissions. rail... ig.oo Buildings,Vessels Stocks, Montreal and Paper and FIRmoney to all parts ol New Brunswick, Nova once. Apply to For freight, apply to ictum all rail. 15.00 Prince Edward's and EMERSON & BURR W. G. Ac., lie., Gorham and return all rail. 5.0O j Scotia, Island, Newfound- _ CHADBOURN. SPRAGUE, SOULE & CO., DEPARTURE OF OCEAN STEAMERS. land. and Drafts and all 18—dtf Ticket, good to return up to November I at. I Bills, Notes, collected, ex- a llr8t"da" May Office 81 Middle St. in ike molt Reliable Fire Nov 22—dlyr 9 T Whart. Boston. Envelopes business EEADY- Companies. For further information ,.n round ticket via HAMS FROM FOR DATE. press attended to with care and promptness. trip J Hmade^lotW*1 a«—■^ Boaton, New Northern Light_New York. .Aspinwall.. .June 11 A special Messenger accompanies each Express, HULLS, CARGOES, AND FREIGHTS, York, Niagara Falij, Ac., apply nt tho Moro Castle.New York. .Havana.Jnne 13 fi Jr'Office 282 Congress St., under Lancaster Hall. Valuable Beal Estate D. GENTS’ FURNISHING UNION TICKKT Persia.New York. .Liverpool... .June 13 IdbessIr«s j junel2dtf H. BLANCHARD, Agt. GOODS, in Marine Co’s of veil known OFFICE, -on- responsibility. York.. Bremen.Tune 14 W£«h*ngoSt. £ 282 Baltic.New -AND- And they respecttully solicit the attention oi aU de- CONGRESS STREET. Corsica.New York. .Havana.June 16 Congress, North & Cumberland Sts, siring insurance. Another Home Edinburg.New York.. Liverpool... .June 16 HAT AND CAP STORE, Manufactory! E. P. BEACH, WM. FLOWERS, Hibernia.NewYork. .Glasgaw.June 16 REFRIGERATORS, General Agent. Eastern Agent. York. .Bremen... .June 16 FOR Hansa.New MANUFACTURED At No. SALE, COLBY & D. II. BLAYCIIARD, Etna..New York. 16 317 Congress of that TWOMBLY Agent. .Liverpool—June Street, part desirable property 22 de Cuba. .New fork..Calilornia... .June 20 to the Exchange St, over Merchants’ jtmclldtf Santiago Where COMPRISINGformerly belonging Dyeb Estate, and Exchange. FACTORY AND WHALE OIL AND may be found the finest, cheapest and BEST some of the We take Africa.Boston.Liverpool_June 20 embracing most eligible building lots on pleasure in referring the public to the SUMMER STOCK of GOODS In this bought just at tho HUT. Tlds New York.New York. .Aspinwall.. .Juno 21 city, property is now offered for a well known Gentlemen and business. Arms THROUGH best time, when Gold was at the lowest it has been Munjoy TICKETS City of Paris..New York. .Liverpool... .June 23 FOR SALE short time at private sale, on term favorable to followinf or four years, ns to sell from ! enabling purehatert. Apply to Hon. Israel'Washburn Jr. Messrs. Lynch, Barker SOAP! Under-Shirts & AUG. P. Hon. Jr. Drawers. BY 85 to 30 per Cent, leas then mmj other FULLER, Beq).Kingsbury, & Co. TO THE WEST! Miuiaure Almanac.Jams 14* 281 Congress St., opposite tho Preble House. C. M. Itlce, Esq. Messrs. Dee ring, MllHken BEST and at a dealers ia Maine. Extra Refined, Chemical San row.4.22 I Moon sets. 9.07 PM GOODS, Fair Price, at Mor- Apr 13—dtf Isaac Emery, Esq. & Co. Family, $6 lean than any other route, via tho THE•on Block, CONGRESS STREET. John Sun seta..7.3$ | High water.11.35 AM M.C. Don’t tail to call and examine the D. Lord, Eim. Messrs. Yeaton A Hale. MERRILL, To Let. Messrs. W.4C.S, M1IM- Messrs. Chas. E. Jose & Co OliyCy and Erosive Grand CHARLES CUSTIS ken. Trunk Railway! * CO. Splendid Stock of Goods! a 51 Ualoa Street. private house, within live minutes walk of the Mar 24—d«m. J uno 9—dlw Post Which fur and finish cannot be IN Office, a large, pleasant front parlor. Terms Also tickota all routes Coster marine news style excelled, to be reasonable. SOAPS. by principal through found at tbe UP TOWN CLOTHING References required. Address M B or New York from Portland to the North and Also lor sale at HOUsi, Press Office. West, may25dtt South-West. For reliable information or tickets call * SUMMER RETREAT! PORT OP PORTLAND. MECHANICS' GEANITE fine shirts at the Union Ticket Office, opposite the Preble House. SOUTH SIDE OF PEAK’S ISLAND. 53, Next Door Above. BUILDING. REMEMBER! No. 31T Fop Sale. HENRY M. BRACKETT, Proprietor, tar Congress Street. D. II. BLANCHARD, A«rnt. W<4*nfar,jIae 13. ay^Uilrcrent Sizes made to Order Two-story Brick House usd Lot, No. 2 Deer MADE TO ORDER! ARRIVED. lor Genteel Boarders—three miles from Port- S. EMERSON, Portland, April 13. apr!7dtf f Y'EN 1—-dtf M. THEStreet, at a a beat bahuaie. TROWBRIDGE & within rod* of the ocean—with May L. BURR. PATCH, Steamer New Brunswick, land, Me., thirty Mar For particulars, enquire of Winchester, Boston tor good for Sea and 30-dtt THE BE8T COTTONS AND LINENS and St John NB. oiijwrtuniWos Pishing, Bathing, _ BENJ. KNIGHT, Eastport water Excursions. The steamer Gazelle leaves Burn- MANUFACTURERS, to Travelers Brig Merriwa, (of Portland) Ingorsoll, ICE PITCH octl8dtt Atlantic Wharf. Are used, and a Important SiCITa Mo_ ham’s Wharf, Portland, fonr times daily tor this E RS! NOTICE. rena via Havana. Island. Sell Windsor NS. Junel3dlm PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. tot.. Renown, (Br) Smith, JUST RECEIVED AT House, Lot and fop At Corn ir of and Brackett amm Sch John THE THE TRUSTEES of Westbrook Shop Sale, Factory, Vaughan Boynton, Reed, Philadelphia. Seminary are here- Elizabeth Sch Campbell, Soule, Philadelphia. X by notified that their annual meeting will be held Cape Ferry. A good house and lot, We»t, South, North-West and the Canada*. Sch Thoa New York. MILLINERY STOCK on the 26th Inst., at ATwithlmprovementa, within 3 minutes walk of the Street*, Hix, Hall, AUCTION STORE Tuesday, theBeminary building at head Sch Wm H Mailer, Randall, Boston. In Westbrook, for tbe transaction of the Ferry. Shop of FerryWharf. Inouire ol following Shirt to Sch EUen, Winchcnbach. Waldoboro. FOB SALK. 109 business: U Patterns, they offer those Sosps, 'he trade and W. D. LITTLE Lady Federal Elizabeth, market Sch E K Dresser, (new) Reed, Boothbay. rT'HE entire stock of and Goods, Street, First--For the choice of officers for the ensuing Cape April29, IMS.' may24dfw*L" WHEREoonsumers, at lowest prices, and they Millinery Fancy CUT warrant all their to he to offered in for all the Leading Routes to Chica- Sehs Northern chief, Love, and Bonaventure, Reed, the at No. 49 Middle is A LOT yoar. FROM MEASURE, Soapa oqual any T8 Agent great, fixtures, Street, OF market. Cleveland Detroit. Boothbay. Second—To fill vacancies that occur in the this 1 "M, Clnfcinniitl, Milwaukee, b*r*aiu> Any person wishing to may Valuable Real Estate fop Sale In St. 1’aul, Lacrosse, Sch Monticello, engage tnr«^aLa Board ol’ Trustees. CHARLES CU8TI8 A C»~Thoir WHALE OIL .SOAP is offered os a su- Unleha Oshkosh, linen Bay, McClintock, Boothbay. oorLunltv will And this an excellent cp- By CO. LouisvIJlo. Soh Addle tb^,bhsine«s Third—To see if the Trustees will article for Tr> iss. Scrubs and Loni., Indianapolis, Cairo, Emma, Johnson, Harpswell. fa1111®1 particulars as above. amend or chance Westbrook. perior Washing Plants, Quiuoy’St. ** enquire SILVER PUTEO June 9—dlw 293 to and their I. to furnish Through Ticket* Cox- for ^juncl3d*tfFor ICE PITCHERS the on CONGRESS ST. destroy Insects, Dogs, &c., FACTORY So an’l prepared Bangor Plymouth. By-liaws. subscriber, account of poor offers te nil the Citin' Sch see health, SOAP lor and Portland principal and Town* Elisabeth, Tainter, Winterport for Boston. Of the best and latest Fourth—To what measures shill be taken in THEhis FARM lor sale,-situated in cleansing Wool, Felts, Fulling from qu&'ity style, reference to aid for the Westbrook,three Blankets, and ether manoihctn 1. the lev*l fltatee and the l anadas, at tha CLEARED. w estern giving building of a church miles from Portland, half mile from Morrill’s Comer. ring purposes. Corn. on the Seminary grounds. Post Railroad LIVERY May 34—T T*Stf OF Steamer Chesapeake, New York—Emcrv Office, Station, Horse Cars, and West- STABLE^ lowest RATES FARE, Johnson, FOR SALE VERY LOW. Fifth—To see what measures shall be taken in re- brook This & Pox. 3ABS Seminary. Farm contains one hundred WESTERN MIXED for sale spect to tbe erection of “Hersey Hall.” acres or more of choice And all needful information cheerfully furnlulled. Lewis St John CORN, land; cut the past season H. L. TAYLOR & Brig Clark, Bartlett, NB—master. 15 Junelt dtf Sixth—To see what measures shall be taken for about tons CO., Sarah Bernice, tbe seventy-live ot Hay; lias plenty of Wood, Tu a. vai.Lana will find it greatly to thetr advantage Brig Proctor, Philadelphia—master E* establishment ol a and to estimated at two Brig Monies, Mitchell, m-HAM * SON. Professorship, transact any thousand cords. Fora MILK Have replenished their Livery Stock and. until their cottonT)uck, to procure Through Tickets at the Bangor—master. Jane 9—dlw other business that may legally come before them at FARM it is second to stable on SchiTracy Jane,(Br) Landry, NS. none in Westbrook. Exchange street is completed, they will oc- Bayfield, ATLANTIC HOUSE ! said meeting. GRENVILLE M. For is the Stable &c. Portland Ticket Office, 31 Ei- Chas Clialoner. STEVENS, Early Gsrirninglt unsurpassed, it be- cupy CHAPAS, ANCHORS, Railway SAILED—Ships Secretary Board of Trustees. ing so near a good market. It will be Bold in lota of 92 The subsr manutacturers and sob' Street, lap stairs., Sierra Morena “9CARBORO BEACH,” Westbrook, June 11,1866. June 12—dtd. twenty-live or fifty acres or the whole to F1BDERAL STREET, rtbera, Launched—At South Bristol, 21st Molasses. fturm, salt the sale o'. ..LAWRENCE” and “OLD ult, from the purchasers. This is a rare chance for capitalists for assortment of A & M a of 25 ; formerly occupied, Q. H. Babcock, where Cotton Do now have a foil W. D. LITTLE, A yard damage, sloop tons, called the ME. Vessels Wanted. it so near the by they ok and Twine, Rent. owned H E Wells & HMDS. ) SIERRA MORENA MOLAR. OAK HILL, investment, being city. are prepared to furnish the best of Horse# and on Rising Sun. by Brothers of 11 fid u u Roonv Car- hand; likewise:— NB. 'Vi SES Just resolved p,r sci, To load Lumber and Laths at St. nages to their old customers and as Pas tag* Ttok.ts for California, by tho Old Lira Oreenport, J John. many others os Pi# Ravens Duck. 28 TIERCES E. for and Westbrook, May 26,18 B» les 2 and 3 thread Flax Sail nt this oCoe. schr of about 115 tons, named the Wm Will open permanent ,and Deals for Europe, Also vessels want- orders left at the office for Hacking will be Raveua.£*?"*• Duck.n by early application Pislter,owned Iuneld2w Jane 14th. MB/ Ues Stout and LlghtRussie Chas Trefethen, and others, of Portland. Bolb of GEO. S. HUNT. Thnrsday, ed to freight Coal from Lingan, Cowbay, promptly attended, to by carefhl drivers. March marSQd&wtl these vessels are of line model (uud and other Nova Scotian to New HOUSE HR. E. F. RIP HEY. Vote rinery *0.18«t._ ereditablu io the P. closed to all transient company on ports LOTS Surgeon can be ™ 1 assorted colors. builders. A schr of about 50 tor S.—Positively York, and other Also vessels to take lum- found at tho 'i^es tons, parties in the Sabbath. ports. Fop office,92 IfedoralStreet,atailtanredtu? MO EngUshAochorBun^nk,to. to 1} FO _ ber at for Sale, the chain Cables, i Rockport, Mass, is being built in the some yard. R AX, E! Bangor Baltimore, Philadelphia, Prov- Stevens’ mg in. LEGAL GHJNNISON & CO., Plains, near the Horse Railroad — juneiadgw M« Tons Coil Chain, 3i»“-Ml1} INSTRUMENTS. At a flue sebr of about 100 _S idence, &c. Apply to Boothbay, recently, ON Enquire of A. L. day.___ W arranted American Anchors. tons, called the K K Dresser, and intended lor the hand press for sale RICHARDSON, cheat Proprietors. LITTLEJOHN & CHASE, April 11—dtf On the For Bale at 23 ft 33 Commercial St., Boston. attention given to fishing business. She is owned by E K Dresser, of fcr BO(,n- sl*e o' Platen 20x28. No. 3 Moulton premises. drawing Wills, Inquire In P. O. St., opposite Head ol Long Wharf. Deeds, and ol kind of Portland, aad parties in Boothbay, and is to lie com- person at, or address liy mall Address, Oak Hill, Mo. Junell(12w Dr. Fred A. 1 FEARING,THACHEB ft CO. PARTICULARContracts, legal paisTs.— May 30,1866-dtt Prince, oay4—il3m Also examining titles to real estate, manded by Oapt Chas Reed. PItESS 0FF1CE’Portland, Me. _* For Sale. by _Pcbi3_dtf 2j STORY House, situated in the eastern II. P. DKA.VK, EXEC HANTS EXCHANGE. O part Dentist, FBOR "n TICE. 2000 Bushels A of the City, suitable for two families. Canbe Molasses. At *t Nbtice. Oats, Clayed AT Mataaaaa 2d inst, barque Mary C Pox, Ross, rented for *200 per year. A capital chance lor In- No. 11 COUNSELLOR LAW, * CIDER Is wanted and u Clapp’s ess Portland; seb Ruth H Baker, Knight, do; 3d, arque will Im r«i>«lTAfi OKA LED Proposals will be received for building a vestment. Price only *1500. Terms Block, Congr tft, Rachel, 100 BblsCrolden Fleece easy. U7 Middle Street. Mitohell, do; brig J C York, York, do; acb - OSctaool House in near Woodford’s Cor- Flour, Kate Iks Westbrook, To Let. P'JRTLANIJ.ME. HHDS. 1 PRIME QUALITY CLAY- October, I860. Carlton, Bowden, do" .treat. ner, until June 30th at the Oflce of Mr* 750 mnySodlf at Cardenas AprU 18, 1800.—dtf inst., 8ept lOO ED MOLASSES, cargoes ol Ar Id, harques Deney, Smith, and H P PsHell, Architect* No. 137 1-2 Middie St.. Southern White Seed Corn, The 2d and 3d stories of a block of 29—eodt't TIERCES, i L ird. Pinkbam, stares, centrally Bsrk and from Cardonas, brig, Portland, where and fuieelfications seen. FOB SALE BT located, suitable for a “Deney" Brig "Mechanic,” Caution. Delmont Porttandf; Atege, itSynoida, plan maybe manufactory. for sale do; Locke. Cochrane, WtBcasset. JABEZ Offices for Surgeons, and by Board. TRUE, Dentists, responsible par- Oor ,r Plates and Nr.Htbers. are forbiddon to land on GREAT er S1J 2d, brig Alfcratta, Blither, Portland; Amos M JOHN J. CHENERY, H. BUBOIN & 1 ties constantly on hand. Inquire of persona Rob Sierra EBW’D CO., amortment ol A LITTLE HOO ISLAND with or tluns, trie, Doak, Morcna; 4th, barque Jane C CLEMENT PHINNEY. PATTERSON & SILVER PLATKD , LYNCH, BARKER CO., ALL Doga TS Ho. 120 Commerciftl Street. CHADBOUPjf ASHOI^ki PLATES & be had at without permission of the proprietors. Ulchols, Blanchard,-. Cumberland'ffiStS&SX __ Building Committee, Estate Agents, ,**** NUMBERS may street* June I3-d3nt 82} Exchange Street. ISO Commercial Street. All person, trespassing on said island, will be lia- Westbrook, June 8,1888, June9eod2w* may3Q W may22eodtf1 Mar^et Squar e, up »talr». 'tEfiS> I June 8, lew-tr ble to prosecution. JuneUdlw