
A Primer on Reconsolidation and its psychotherapeutic use as a core process of profound change

by Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic and Laurel Hulley

Adapted for The Neuropsychotherapist from Unlocking the Emotional : E Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation

by Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic and Laurel Hulley Routledge, 2012

82 The Neuropsychotherapist issue 1 April-June 2013 ktsdesign/Bigstock.com motional learnings underlie and and their clients, yet this extraordinary du- drive the vast majority of un- rability appears to be a survival-positive re- wanted behaviors, , sult of natural selection, which crafted the and somatization ad- brain such that any that occurs in dressed in . For the presence of strong —such as example, consider a man in his core beliefs, constructs and coping tactics Eearly 40s suffering from pervasive social formed in the midst of childhood suffer- anxiety, who seeks relief in therapy. He is ing—becomes locked into subcortical im- guided by the therapist to bring plicit memory circuits by special synapses into what he is actually experiencing emo- (see for example LeDoux, Romanski & Xag- tionally and somatically when among peo- oraris, 1989; McGaugh, 1989; McGaugh & ple, and for the first in his life he be- Roozendaal, 2002; Roozendaal, McEwen, & comes explicitly aware of expecting harsh Chattarji, 2009). rejection from others if he were to “say or And it appeared that natural selection do anything wrong.” This previously non- had not created a key for that synaptic lock. conscious but fear-generating expectation After more than 60 years of research on the had wordlessly defined the world of people extinction of acquired responses in animals for as long as he could remember. His emo- and , neuroscientists had concluded tional brain had learned this implicit model by 1989 that the consolidation of a learning Eof how beings respond from many, in emotional memory was a one-way street, many frightening interactions with his ex- making consolidated learnings indelible, plosively angry, rejecting father in child- unerasable, for the lifetime of the individ- hood, plus a few sizable reinforcements by ual. Acquired emotional responses could two schoolteachers, male and female. certainly be suppressed temporarily in vari- His autobiographical memory and con- ous ways, such as when an exposure proce- scious contained much about dure suppresses fear learnings through the suffering his father’s anger, but nothing process of extinction, or through methods about the generalized model that he car- of affective regulation (for example, teach- ried into all social situations, so his social ing relaxation techniques to counteract anxiety had been for him a mysterious af- anxiety or building up resources and posi- fliction. With the shift from implicit to ex- tive thoughts to counteract depression). plicit knowing of what he had learned to However, the research had shown that expect, his anxiety now made deep such counteractive measures do not actu- to him as the emotion that naturally ac- ally dissolve or erase the original, problem- companied his living knowledge of how atic emotional learning (Bouton, 2004; Foa people respond. These learned constructs & McNally, 1996; Milner, Squire, & Kandel, had never appeared in his conscious expe- 1998; Phelps, Delgado, Nearing, & LeDoux, rience of anxiety. Such implicit constructs 2004). Rather, they only create a second, and models formed in emotional learning preferred learning that competes against are well-defined, yet rarely show up in con- and can regulate or override an unwanted scious themselves, much as a response under ideal conditions, but usu- colored lens just in front of the eye is not ally not for long under real-life conditions. itself visible. Relapses are almost inevitable, particularly A vast range of miseries is maintained by in new or stressful situations. No wonder non-conscious emotional learnings, such as therapists and clients often feel they are depression that is really the deeply forlorn struggling against some unrelenting but in- state of having learned from cold, critical visible force. parents that one is unworthy of love. Be- Indelibility implied that despite their ing completely unaware of one’s own most limitations, counteractive methods were life-shaping learnings is remarkably com- the only possible psychotherapeutic strat- monplace. Unfading across the decades, egy for reducing symptoms based in emo- emotional learnings display an inherent te- tional memory. Their extreme durability nacity that is the bane of psychotherapists makes negative emotional learnings one

ktsdesign/Bigstock.com www.Neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 83 of the biggest causes of suffering in human es in the final step of the natural process life, and it seemed we were forever stuck of synaptic unlocking and relocking, but with them. it can also refer to the overall process of unlocking, revising and then relocking the synapses a specific memory. The The reconsolidation breakthrough intended meaning is usually clear from the From 1997 to 2000, however, a major context.) breakthrough occurred in our understand- The pivotal research that guides use of ing of how emotional memory works. Sev- reconsolidation in psychotherapy came eral studies by neuroscientists showed when Argentinian neuroscientists Pedrei- that the brain does come equipped with a ra, Pérez-Cuesta and Maldonado (2004) key to those locked synapses after all (Na- showed that memory reactivation alone der, Schafe, & LeDoux, 2000; Przybyslaw- was not sufficient for unlocking the syn- ski, Roullet, & Sara, 1999; Przybyslawski apses encoding a target learning. They & Sara, 1997; Roullet & Sara, 1998; Sara, identified a critical experience, described 2000; Sekiguchi, Yamada, & Suzuki, 1997). below, that is required in addition to the ex- Working with animals, researchers had re- perience of reactivation in order to unlock a activated a target emotional learning and target learning. This full map of the brain’s then found that its locked neural circuit had built-in process for unlocking an emotional temporarily shifted back into an unlocked, learning, allowing new learning to funda- de-consolidated, labile, destabilized or mentally unlearn, rewrite and eliminate it plastic state, which allowed the learning during the labile period, is of momentous to be completely nullified, along with- be significance for the psychotherapy field. havioral responses it had been driving. The It’s now clear that the consolidation of labile circuit soon consolidates once again, emotional memory is not, as had been be- returning it to a locked condition, which is lieved for a century, a one-time, final pro- why researchers named this newly discov- cess, and that emotional learnings are not ered type of neuroplasticity memory recon- indelible. Rather, neural circuits encoding solidation. (The term “reconsolidation” is an emotional learning can be returned to a used by neuroscientists in two ways, how- de-consolidated state, allowing erasure by ever. It can denote the relocking of synaps- new learnings before a relocking—or recon-

Table 1 Symptoms observed dispelled by the reconsolidation process as carried out in Coherence Therapy* Symptoms Dispelled Aggressive behavior Food/eating/weight problems Agoraphobia Grief and bereavement problems Alcohol abuse Guilt Anger and rage Anxiety Inaction Attachment-pattern behaviors & distress Indecision Attention deficit problems Low self-worth Codependency Panic attacks trauma symptomology Perfectionism Compulsive behaviors of many kinds Post-traumatic symptoms Couples’ problems of conflict/communica- Procrastination tion/closeness Psychogenic/psychosomatic Depression Sexual problems Family and child problems Underachieving Fidgeting Voice and speaking problems *An online bibliography of published case examples indexed by symptom is available at http://www.coherencetherapy.org/files/ct-case-index.pdf

84 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 solidation—takes place. Counteracting and Oriented Brief Therapy) and have observed regulating unwanted acquired responses is its effectiveness for dispelling a wide range not the best one can do because emotional of symptoms and problems at their emo- learnings can be dissolved, not just sup- tional roots (see Table 1). That this method- pressed. (There are, however, certain clini- ology was capable of dissolving acquired, cal situations, including severe crises and implicit emotional schemas was later for- emergencies, in which use of counteractive tuitously corroborated by reconsolidation methods remains primary.) research. Neuroscientists have also shown that It is clear, though, that no single school after a learned emotional response has of psychotherapy “owns” the process that been eliminated through the reconsolida- induces memory reconsolidation because it tion process, the individual still remem- is a universal process, inherent in the brain. bers the in which the response We believe this process is often carried out was acquired—as well as the fact of hav- in quite a few of transfor- ing had the response—but the emotional mational change (see Table 2), even though response itself is no longer re-evoked by in most of these the steps of the reconsoli- remembering those experiences. This find- dation process are not explicitly identified ing that autobiographical memory is not within the therapy system’s own of con- impaired by erasure of a piece of emotional cepts, terms and methods. However, carry- memory reflects the well established ana- ing out the steps of the process knowingly tomical separateness of different types of can significantly increase a practitioner’s memory, which allows erasure of a specific frequency of achieving powerful therapeu- emotional learning stored in an emotional tic results, as we have seen in the course of network without affecting many years of training work. the contents of autobiographical, Memory reconsolidation is the only memory stored in a neocortical, explicit known form of neuroplasticity capable memory network. of deleting an emotional learning, so we The critical sequence of experiences may infer that the requisite steps must identified by Pedreira et al. was -subse have taken place whenever therapy of any quently confirmed by many other studies kind yields a lasting disappearance of a (see listing in Ecker, Ticic & Hulley, 2012). longstanding response pattern. With clear The use of this sequence with human sub- knowledge of the brain’s own rules for de- jects can be seen in controlled studies that leting emotional learnings through mem- eliminated operant conditioning in infants (Galluccio, 2005), clas- Table 2 sical fear conditioning (Schiller, Some of the focused, experiential, in-depth psychotherapies Monfils, Raio, Johnson, LeDoux & that are congenial to fulfilling the therapeutic reconsolidation Phelps, 2010), and cue-triggered process heroin cravings (Xue et al., 2012). Psychotherapy Psychotherapists in the early 1990’s had identified the same Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) sequence of critical experiences, Coherence Therapy* (formerly Depth Oriented Brief Therapy*) culling it from many observa- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)* tions of profound change events Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)* in therapy, that is, events result- -Oriented Psychotherapy ing in permanent cessation of a longstanding emotional response Hakomi and associated symptoms (Ecker Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) & Hulley, 1996, 2000a, 2000b). Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB)* Ecker and Hulley developed the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) sequence into a therapeutic Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) methodology (now known as Co- * Therapies for which reconsolidation has been cited as mechanism of herence Therapy, formerly Depth change in publications by founders or leading exponents (see text)

neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 85 roscience, whenever these markers are observed and firmly established in clini- cal work, erasure via reconsolidation is a valid inference. On the basis of that logic, proponents of several psychotherapies of transformational change have inferred that reconsolidation must be the neurobi- ological mechanism of change induced by their methods: Coherence Therapy (Ecker, 2006, 2008; Ecker & Hulley, 2011; Ecker & Toomey, 2008), Emotion-Focused Therapy or EFT (Greenberg, 2010, 2012), exposure with acupoint tapping (Feinstein, 2010), Eye Movement Desensitization and Re- processing or EMDR (Solomon & Shapiro, frenta/Bigstock.com 2008), Interpersonal Neurobiology or IPNB (Badenoch, 2011), and psychoanalytic ther- Memory reconsolidation is the only known form of neu- apy (Gorman & Roose, 2011). In addition, roplasticity capable of deleting an emotional learning the demonstrated effectiveness of an- im ory reconsolidation, therapists no longer aginal reenactment protocol for dispelling have to rely largely on speculative theory, post-traumatic symptoms has been attrib- or luck for facilitating powerful, uted to reconsolidation (Högberg, Nardo, liberating shifts. Hällström & Pagani, 2011). Neuroscientists verify erasure of an emotional learning by observing these dis- How Reconsolidation Works tinctive markers of change: Reconsolidation has been demonstrat- ed with nematodes, honeybees, snails, • Non-reactivation: A specific emo- sea slugs, fish, crabs, chicks, mice, rats tional reaction abruptly and lastingly and humans, for a wide range of different can no longer be reactivated by cues types of emotional learning and memory and triggers that formerly did so or as well as for non-emotional memory, such by other stressful situations. as motor memory and semantic (factual) • Symptom cessation: Symptoms memory, corresponding to memory net- of behavior, emotion, somatics or works in many different anatomical regions that were expressions of of the brain (reviewed in Nader & Einars- that emotional reaction also disap- son, 2010). For clinical purposes, however, pear permanently. we are concerned mainly with emotional • Effortless permanence: Non-recur- memory, so our discussion of reconsolida- rence of the emotional reaction and tion is focused in that area. Happily, it isn’t symptoms continues without coun- necessary for therapists to consider details teractive or preventative measures of brain anatomy because the sequence of any kind. of experiences that launches reconsolida- tion is the same for all regions and types of In therapy too, these are the all-impor- memory studied. tant markers of transformational change— Requirements for de-consolidation: the ideal result of therapy—as distinct from reactivation plus mismatch. As noted incremental change through counterac- above, researchers’ early inference that tive methods that compete against, but memory reactivation alone destabilizes a do not actually eliminate, the emotional memory’s neural circuits was overturned roots of the person’s symptoms. (For more in 2004 by the demonstration, in an animal extensive discussion of counteractive ver- study, that in order for de-consolidation to sus transformational change, see Toomey occur, a critical additional experience must & Ecker, 2009.) According to current neu- take place while the memory is still reac-

86 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 tivated (Pedreira et al., 2004). This second unaware of the well-established mismatch experience consists of that requirement, which may reflect the not un- vividly mismatch—that is, deviate saliently common time lag for widespread recogni- from—what the reactivated target memory tion of all findings in any rapidly emerging, expects and predicts about how the world complex field. functions. Many subsequent studies also Reconsolidation window. After a tar- have demonstrated this requirement of get learning has been reactivated and mis- mismatch for inducing de-consolidation matched, its neural circuits remain in a de- (summarized by Ecker et al., 2012). Inter- consolidated or labile state for about five estingly, the mismatch can be either a full hours, as demonstrated by a variety of ani- contradiction and disconfirmation of the mal and human studies (Duvarci & Nader, target memory or a novel, salient variation 2004; Pedreira, Pérez-Cuesta & Maldonado, relative to the target memory. 2002; Pedreira & Maldonado, 2003; Schiller If the target memory is reactivated by et al., 2010; Walker, Brakefield, Hobson & familiar cues but not concurrently mis- Stickgold, 2003). It is during this “reconsoli- matched, synapses do not unlock and re- dation window” that the target learning is consolidation is not induced (e.g., Cam- directly revisable by new learning and can marota, Bevilaqua, Medina & Izquierdo, be radically unlearned and, as a result, no 2004; Hernandez & Kelley, 2004; Mileusnic, longer exist in emotional memory (without Lancashire & Rose, 2005). impairing autobiographical memory). After In an article reviewing the research, five hours the labile neural circuits naturally Lee (2009, p. 417) wrote, “It is not simply reconsolidate and can no longer be altered that memory reactivation must differ in by new learning, until reactivation and mis- some manner to conditioning.... Instead, match experiences are again created. reconsolidation is triggered by a violation Precision of erasure. When a de-con- of expectation based upon prior learning, solidated memory is unlearned and erased, whether such a violation is qualitative (the erasure is limited to precisely the reacti- outcome not occurring at all) or quantita- vated target learning, without impairing tive (the magnitude of the outcome not other closely linked emotional learnings being fully predicted).” Lee proposed that that have not been directly reactivated. “the existence of a prediction error signal This was shown both in an animal study [from some brain region] might be a crucial using chemically induced erasure (Debiec, pre-requisite for reconsolidation to be trig- Doyère, Nader, & LeDoux, 2006) and in a gered” (p. 419). human study using endogenous, behavio- Despite the many demonstrations that ral erasure (Schiller et al., 2010). Likewise,

After a target learning has been reactivated and mis- matched, its neural circuits remain in a de-consolidated or labile state for about five hours

ktsdesign/Bigstock.com reactivation alone does not induce recon- Kindt, Soeter, and Vervliet (2009) solidation, the early, premature conclusion demonstrated in a human study that eras- that an emotional memory unlocks with ure of a learned fear did not impair auto- every reactivation continues to be prom- biographical memory of the experiences ulgated by journalists and even in which subjects had acquired the condi- some neuroscientists. They appear to be tioned fear response.

neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 87 Reconsolidation versus extinction. Re- ing that contradicts and erases the target searchers have shown that reconsolidation learning (e.g., Monfils, Cowansage, Klan and extinction are neurologically distinct & LeDoux, 2009; Quirk et al., 2010; Schil- processes (Duvarci & Nader, 2004; Duvar- ler et al., 2010; Xue et al., 2012). Robust, ci, Mamou, & Nader, 2006) and that they long-lasting erasure is observed to result, can occur either entirely independently of so it is apparent that the neurological effect each other or simultaneously with a com- created by this special use of “extinction plex interaction. As noted earlier, it’s well training” is not extinction (the creation of established that extinction training forms a separate, competing learning) but rather a separate learning in a physically separate erasure via reconsolidation (the updating memory system from that of the target of the target learning by the contradictory learning, and that the extinction learning learning). If, however, the same protocol is competes against, but does not unlearn or applied after the window has closed, only replace, the target learning. In contrast, re- extinction results. Thus a particular behav- consolidation allows a new learning to act ioral learning procedure can have quite dif- upon the target learning directly, erasing it ferent neurological effects and behavioral if the new learning contradicts and discon- consequences depending on whether or firms the original learning. not it is carried out during the reconsolida- Some studies have used a protocol iden- tion window. “Reconsolidation cannot be tical to extinction training during the recon- reduced down to facilitated extinction” was solidation window to create the new learn- the conclusion of the study by Duvarci and Nader (2004, p. 9269). When the procedure traditionally termed “extinction training” is applied during the reconsolidation window and the result is unambiguously not extinc- tion, the procedure in that instance could more appropriately be labeled “memory update training” rather than “extinction training” to avoid conceptual errors and confusion. Indeed, the beauty of the recon- solidation window is that during that win- dow, to unlearn is to erase. However, the century-old, deeply fa- miliar label of “extinction” has tenaciously stuck with this protocol even in the situa- tion just described where it does not pro- duce extinction. Researchers (and science journalists) typically refer to this procedure as, for example, “extinction-induced eras- ure,” “extinction training during reconsoli- dation,” the “memory retrieval-extinction procedure,” and “erasing fear with extinction training.” We describe this potentially misleading situation here so that our readers may be spared some un- necessary confusion. The extinction train- ing protocol is well suited to research requirements because of its simple, well- defined structured, but it is only one of a potentially unlimited number of forms in

©iStockphoto.com/gilas which new learning may occur during the The beauty of the reconsolidation window is reconsolidation window. that during that window, to unlearn is to erase

88 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 Mismatch/unlock. With reactivation occurring, create an experience that is significantly at variance with the target learning’s model and expectations of how the world functions ©iStockphoto.com/StanRohrer

Utilizing memory reconsolidation listed above, are observed. We refer to this in psychotherapy as step V (for verification) and carry it out in Summarizing the discussion above, we therapy also. now know, from both reconsolidation re- Steps 1-2-3 above, which we call the search and clinical observations, that the transformation sequence, appears to have behavioral process of transformational the potential for a significant enhancement change of an existing emotional learning— of the practice of psychotherapy, because it following the brain’s rules for unlearning is the brain’s built-in core process for trans- and erasing a target learning—consists of formational change of acquired responses. these three steps: Importantly, this sequence is a series of ex- periences defined without reference to spe- 1. Reactivate. Re-trigger/re-evoke the cific techniques for bringing about those target knowledge by presenting sali- experiences. This means that in its applica- ent cues or contexts from the origi- tion to psychotherapy, it can be carried out nal learning. by therapists using their own choices of ex- 2. Mismatch/unlock. With reactivation periential techniques from a range of pos- occurring, create an experience that sibilities that may well be limited only by is significantly at variance with the the inventiveness of therapists. The erasure target learning’s model and expec- sequence is a theory-independent, univer- tations of how the world functions. sal meta-process, and as such it can richly This step unlocks synapses and ren- foster integration within the psychother- ders memory circuits labile, i.e., sus- apy field. In Unlocking the Emotional Brain ceptible to being updated by new we examine case studies from five different learning. experiential psychotherapies with meth- 3. Erase or revise via new learning. ods that differ greatly from one another— During a window of about five hours AEDP, Coherence Therapy, EMDR, EFT and before synapses have relocked, cre- IPNB—and we show that all three steps of ate a new learning experience that the transformation sequence are detect- contradicts (for erasing) or supple- able in the implementation of each therapy ments (for revising) the labile target and appear to be responsible for the effec- knowledge. (This new learning ex- tiveness of each in bringing about transfor- perience may be the same as or dif- mational change (Ecker et al., 2012). This ferent from the experience used for sequence, therefore, may serve as a cross- mismatch in step 2; if it is the same, platform map and shared with step 3 consists of repetitions of step which practitioners, researchers and clini- 2.) cal teachers and trainers can understand and communicate about diverse psycho- After this three-step sequence, re- therapies in a unified, meaningful manner. searchers also conduct an erasure verifica- Dwell with us for a moment on the “new tion step consisting of behavioral tests that learning” that serves to rewrite and erase determine whether the markers of erasure, the target learning in step 3 above. Quite differing forms of new learning have been

neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 89 ktsdesign/Bigstock.com used in the many research studies of en- are accurate knowledge of (A) the specific dogenous reconsolidation. For clinical use, symptoms to be dispelled, (B) the specif- what is clear is that the new learning must ic emotional learnings generating those feel decisively real to the person based on symptoms, and (C) experiences that vividly his or her own living experience. In other contradict those emotional learnings. As words, it must be experiential learning as soon as those three items are in hand, the distinct from conceptual, intellectual learn- transformation sequence is then carried ing, though it may be accompanied by the out. latter. It is often extremely useful to guide As a rule, the emotional learnings main- new learning experiences in , taining a therapy client’s symptoms are taking advantage of the fact that the emo- not conscious at the start of therapy, and tional brain hardly distinguishes between they are areas of deep vulnerability and imaginally and physically enacted experi- some complexity. Retrieving them into ex- ences (as demonstrated empirically by, for plicit for step B typically consti- example, Kreiman, Koch & Fried, 2000). tutes the majority of the therapeutic work. Carrying out each step of the transfor- Various psychotherapies (see Table 2) have mation sequence requires detailed knowl- developed specialized, focused methods edge of the target emotional learning, but for this in-depth retrieval work, and of- a psychotherapist is of course initially com- ten it can be carried out in just a few ses- pletely in the dark about that with each new sions—and sometimes in only one or two client. Neuroscientists, in contrast, know all sessions—though of course the number of details of the target learning because in a sessions increases commensurate with the reconsolidation study they first create the complexity and severity of the case. emotional learning to be erased. Instilling On the basis of knowing the specific that learning in subjects occurs on day 1 of makeup of the client’s retrieved, underly- any given lab study. Then, on day 2, they ing learning, the therapist then begins step make use of their knowledge of the target C, the task of finding a vivid, contradictory learning in every step of the three-step pro- experience to be used both for mismatch cess of erasure—reactivation of the target in step 2 of the transformation sequence learning; creation of an experience of mis- and for new learning in step 3. Finding mis- match of the target learning; and creation match material means finding living knowl- of an experience of new learning that con- edge from the client’s own experience or tradicts and rewrites (and thereby erases creating a new experience that contradicts the content of) the target learning. Re- the target learning. Either can serve as searchers could not carry out these crucial knowledge that contradicts, rewrites and three steps for erasure if they did not know eradicates the target learning. the specific content of the target learning. Thus in the clinical situation, a prepara- It follows, then, that in therapy some tory process consisting of the following preparational steps are necessary in order three steps is needed initially in order to to gain access to the ingredients needed for carry out the transformation sequence following the recipe of the transformation identified in reconsolidation research: sequence. The ingredients that have to be A. Symptom identification. Actively gathered by the therapist from the client clarify with the client what to regard as

90 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 the presenting symptom(s)—the specific The man initially described his problem behaviors, somatics, emotions, and/or as feeling tense, anxious, tight and held- thoughts that the client wants to elimi- back whenever he was among people, with nate—and when they happen, that is, the a long list of unhappy results in his life. This percepts and contexts that evoke or inten- was enough of step A, symptom identifica- sify them. This information is needed for tion, to begin step B, the retrieval of the embarking upon step B efficiently. coherent emotional learnings that were B. Retrieval of target learning. Retrieve necessitating his anxiety around people. into explicit awareness, as a visceral emo- Revisiting a specific recent instance, the ktsdesign/Bigstock.com tional experience, the details of the emo- therapist said, “Some part of you seems tional learning or underlying and to know something about how it isn’t safe driving the presenting symptom. Knowl- around people. You’re aware of feeling edge of this material in turn allows the tightly held back from expressing yourself, therapist to carry out step C, identification so see if you can let this part of you that of disconfirming knowledge. knows and feels the jeopardy finish this C. Identification of disconfirming sentence, without pre-thinking it: ‘I better knowledge. Identify a vivid experience not just say whatever’s on my here, (past or present) that can serve as living because if I did—.’” What arose spontane- knowledge that is fundamentally incom- ously to finish the sentence wasn’t words; patible with the model of in the tar- it was the image of his father spewing an- get emotional learning retrieved in step B, ger. The therapist asked, “Was it with him such that both cannot possibly be true. The that you learned it wasn’t safe to express disconfirming material may or may not be yourself?” He then described a childhood appealing to the client as being more “posi- riddled with bullets of harsh, piercing an- tive” or preferred; what matters is that it ger from his father. Dad would bellow, for be mutually exclusive, ontologically, with example, “How can you be so stupid!” over the target learning. It may be already part even the smallest of mistakes. By the end of the client’s personal knowledge or may be created by a new experi- ence. It will be used to carry out step Table 3 2 of the erasure sequence—the mis- Steps of Process for Clinical Application of match that destabilizes the target Memory Reconsolidation learning. Therapeutic Reconsolidation Process By systematically seeing to the fulfillment of the seven steps, A- I. Accessing sequence A. Symptom identification B-C-1-2-3-V, therapists can bring (preparation) B. Retrieval of target learning about liberating therapeutic shifts (symptom-requiring schema) with optimum efficiency and con- C. Identification of disconfirming sistency. We refer to the full seven- knowledge step sequence as the therapeutic reconsolidation process (see Table 3). II. Transformation 1. Reactivation of symptom-requir- sequence ing schema (B) Case illustration 2. Activation of disconfirming Our example of the man with so- knowledge (C), mismatching symp- cial anxiety can illustrate how the tom-requiring schema (B) process unfolds, though here only 3. Repetitions of (B)-(C) pairing a brief sketch is possible. (For de- tailed case studies, see Ecker et al., III. Verification V. Observations of: 2012.) The therapist in this case was --Emotional non-reactivation a practitioner of Coherence Thera- --Symptom cessation py, which has a methodology that --Effortless permanence explicitly guides steps A-B-C-1-2- 3-V (Ecker & Hulley, 2011).

neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 91 of his first session, with the therapist’s fa- tion and emotion (Held, Vosgerau & Knauff, cilitation the client was lucidly feeling and 2006; Siegel, 1999). This model is created verbalizing his previously non-conscious and stored with no awareness of doing knowledge that “If my own dad hates me so. It does not exist in words, but is no less and rejects me for doing or saying anything well-defined or coherent for that. The emo- wrong, then everyone else will too, because tional brain thereafter actively uses this I’m too stupid to be accepted or loved, and model or schema for self-protectively an- that’s terrifying for me, and my only safety ticipating similar experiences in the future is in holding everything back and staying as and recognizing them instantly when, ac- unnoticed and invisible as I possibly can.” cording to the model or schema, they ap- Once retrieved from implicit to explicit pear to be occurring. Emotional memory knowing, this material may seem obvious, converts the past into an expectation of the but it was very new and emotional for this future, without our awareness, and that is man to face and feel it. The therapist wrote both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing those words on an index card and handed it because we rely daily on emotional implicit to him for daily between sessions— memory to navigate deftly through all sorts a task of integration of this newly discov- of situations without having to go through ered emotional schema, or what is called the slow, labor-intensive process of figuring the emotional of the symptom in Co- out, conceptually and verbally, what to do; herence Therapy, into everyday, conscious we simply know what to do and we know awareness. it quickly. It is easy to take for granted the Emotional learning consists of much efficiency and speed with which we access more than stored memory of the “raw data” and are guided by a vast library of implicit of what one’s were registering and knowings. Yet our emotional implicit mem- what emotions one was experiencing dur- ory is also a curse because it makes the ing an original experience. Also learned—in worst experiences in our past persist as felt implicit memory—is a constructed mental emotional in the present. model, or schema, of how the world func- The therapist, familiar now with the tions, which is the individual’s abstracting specific make-up of the client’s symptom- and generalizing of the raw data of percep- generating emotional learning, could begin step C next, the search for contradictory, disconfirming knowledge. This man’s- im The man initially plicit learning with Dad had generalized to described his all other people, as is often the case. So, problem as feel- early in the second session, the therapist ing tense, anxious, said, “I wonder if we could find any expe- tight and held-back riences you’ve had where you made a mis- whenever he was take that was visible to the other person, among people, with but he or she didn’t respond in an angry, a long list of unhap- rejecting way like Dad would do. Which of py results in his life. those experiences really stand out, in your life?” The man remembered a few and This was enough of mentioned them in a detached, off-hand step A, symptom manner. With that information complet- identification, to ing the A-B-C preparatory work, the thera- begin step B, the pist could now carry out the 1-2-3 process retrieval of the of reconsolidation and transformational coherent emotional change, as follows. learnings that were The therapist began, “Let’s review now, necessitating his for a few minutes, the whole range of your anxiety around experiences with making mistakes—and it people. would be good if you could allow the feel- ings of what we’ll revisit, along with the ide- iophoto/Bigstock.com

92 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 as.” With a somewhat softer, slower voice the therapist then led step 1, the reactiva- tion of the target learning, by saying, “On The completion of one side is all those many when dad step 2: became so angry and rejecting over some mistake you made, and that was so pain- The mismatch that ful and so scary for you, and you really ex- juxtaposed his pected, ever after, that most everyone else expectation of would also reject you harshly for any mis- harsh rejection side- take, as though it was apparent to every- by-side with his one that you are too stupid to be accepted clear experiences or loved. Can you feel that expectation in of non-rejection for your body?” The man, who was gazing at making a mistake. the floor as he allowed the experience be- ing guided, simply nodded. He had never before The therapist then rolled seamlessly into held those experi- step 2, the mismatch by contradictory living ences next to each knowledge, by saying, with a slight pause other, in the same after each sentence, “Ok. And on the other field of awareness. side, what you actually have experienced is all sorts of people who remain friendly and relaxed when they see that you’ve made a mistake. The store clerk was friendly and iofoto/Bigstock.com relaxed when you returned the book be- For step 3—the new learning that will re- cause you’d bought the wrong one. Your write and replace the target learning—Co- co-worker was friendly and relaxed just last herence Therapy simply repeats the same week about your mistake of sending him juxtaposition experience from step 2 sev- the May figures when he had asked for the eral more times during the rest of the ses- April figures. Yourtwelfth grade teacher was sion. This can be done as a structured tech- friendly and relaxed about the mistake you nique of reguiding or in a more naturalistic made about the structure of the final -pa manner by simply expressing empathy for per. Your college advisor was friendly and or interest in the juxtaposition experience relaxed about your mistake over the mate- itself—for example, by saying, “I’m won- rials he needed from you. All these people dering, how is it for you to be in touch with have been so different from Dad.” both sides like this—your deep old expecta- This completed step 2, the mismatch tion that most everyone will react harshly that juxtaposed his expectation of harsh like Dad to any mistake, and your own ob- rejection side-by-side with his clear expe- servations again and again that most peo- riences of non-rejection for making a mis- ple don’t react like Dad to a mistake you’ve take. He had never before held those expe- made, and instead they stay friendly and riences next to each other, in the same field relaxed? How is it for you to be in touch with of awareness. According to reconsolidation both?” That natural query guides the client research, that juxtaposition, with each of once again to bring attention to and to feel the two experiences feeling very real while both at once, for a repetition of the juxta- also feeling that both cannot possibly be position experience. Then, in the course of true, is what accomplishes the neurologi- continuing to debrief the experience, the cal marvel of unlocking the synapses of the therapist can easily find more opportuni- target learning. ties to yet again guide the client’s attention The therapist now asked, “What are you to resample the juxtaposition. After some feeling?” The man said he was feeling “sort three or four repetitions, the 1-2-3 transfor- of surprised, and sort of relieved.” This was mation sequence is complete. an initial indication that he had experienced The therapist again prepared an in- the juxtaposition in the intended manner. dex card for daily reading, this time with

neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 93 words that would keep recreating the jux- unconsciously. Successful erasure is not taposition experience: “I really expect that purely a bottom-up, mechanistic or neu- my saying or doing something wrong will rological process, but rather is governed in mean to everybody what it always meant a more top-down manner by the personal to Dad—that I deserve angry rejection for meanings and feelings involved. being so stupid—and yet, look at all these As a short, basic illustration, our case people who stayed friendly and kind and example was free of various types of com- didn’t react like Dad.” plication that develop with some clients at The next session began with the thera- any of the steps A-B-C-1-2-3-V. (For more pist asking how it had been to stay in touch complex case studies showing such com- with what was on the card and how his plications, see Ecker et al. (2012).) Yet even anxiety had been. He explained that in both this simple vignette indicates how the ther- his weekly group meeting at work and at apeutic reconsolidation process differs in a friend’s birthday party he had felt only a some fundamental ways from how therapy “mild edginess that’s maybe about normal” is usually done. Throughout the process, and was able to participate, if somewhat the therapist guided the client to be as ful- awkwardly, in conversation, instead of be- ly as possible in touch with the underlying ing silenced by anxiety. The absence of material causing all the trouble, rather than his symptoms in these two situations that to oppose it, get away from it, interrupt it, formerly triggered them were key markers override it. The therapist also empathized that began to accomplish step V, verifica- equally with both sides of the juxtaposition tion of erasure of the target learning, his and did not indicate one side as being more generalization to all people of Dad’s re- valid than the other—because for the thera- sponses. pist to take sides would be to foreclose the Dissolution of the target learning isn’t emotional brain’s own process of determin- always the end of the therapeutic process, ing what to regard as false, and would set however, because the unlearning of a model up a counteractive process that only sup- in one area can have direct ripple effects on presses the target learning rather than a models in other important areas of person- transformational process that dissolves it. al meaning, with emotional consequences that need to be resolved. This kind of pro- cess was indicated when the client added, The Emotional Coherence “But it wasn’t exactly a walk in the park like Framework I thought at first it would be because, well, The convergence of neurobiological and if everybody isn’t like Dad—if most people clinical knowledge described above allows aren’t like that—now Dad looks really mean. us to assemble a unified account of: Now I feel like I have this cruel father, and I’ve been pretty agitated about that.” The • Emotional learning and memory, with next several sessions moved through the emphasis on its adaptive, coherent man’s feelings of anger, a need for account- nature and the specific content and ability from his father, and grieving, all of structure of symptom-generating which arose from his shifted of emotional implicit learnings his father. • The unlearning and deletion of emo- Clinical experience has shown us that tional implicit knowledge through the when significant emotional issues emerge sequence of experiences required by in response to erasure, it is the resolution the brain for memory reconsolida- of these emotional issues that allows eras- tion ure to hold. In other words, in the domain • The therapeutic reconsolidation pro- of the complex emotional learnings created cess, which is the entire set of steps by humans, an existing model of reality is needed for putting into practice the allowed to dissolve, or not, depending on required sequence of experiences in whether the emotional results feel toler- psychotherapy sessions able to the person both consciously and We call this unified body of knowledge

94 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 the Emotional Coherence Framework, and in our own clinical practices we have seen its value for facilitating liberating therapeu- tic breakthroughs consistently. New learning always creates new neu- ral circuits, but transformational change occurs only when new learning radically unlearns, unwires and replaces an exist- ing learning, rather than merely forming alongside existing learning and competi- tively regulating it. The use of new learning to erase an existing, unwanted learning is precisely what the therapeutic reconsolida- tion process achieves. It consists of steps frenta/Bigstock.com that guide therapy yet allow an extremely specific meaning-making and modeling of broad range of techniques to be used for the world is innate and begins very early guiding the key experiences, so a thera- in life. For example, infants three months pist’s individual style of working continues old form expectational models of con- to have great scope of expression. It in- tingency and respond according to these volves richly experiential work that utilizes models (DeCasper & Carstens, 1981), and a therapist’s skills of emotional attunement 18-month-old children can form mental and focuses the placement of empathy models of other people as wanting things so as to cooperate closely with the brain’s that differ from what they themselves want rules for accessing and dissolving the emo- and will give the other what he or she wants tional learnings at the root of the clients’ (Repacholi & Gopnik, 1997), and can form presenting symptoms. Major, longstanding models that distinguish between - symptoms, entrenched negative reactions, al and accidental actions (Olineck & Poulin- insecure attachment patterns, unconscious Dubois, 2005). core schemas, and emotional wounds can The timeless persistence of underlying, cease as soon as their very basis—a cluster symptom-generating learnings across dec- of particular emotional learnings—no long- ades of life, long after the original circum- er exists. stances that induced their formation have When a person in therapy retrieves his ceased to exist, is often taken as meaning or her emotional learnings into awareness that they are “maladaptive” and that the experientially, these learnings are always symptoms they produce signify a “dysregu- found to be both specific and completely lation” of emotional brain networks. The coherent: they fully make sense in of emotional brain—particularly the subcor- actual life experiences and are adaptive in tical emotional brain or limbic system—is how they embody the individual’s efforts likewise often described as “primitive” and to avoid harm and ensure well-being. In “irrational.” However, these pathologizing the clinical field there is already much rec- and pejorative terms prove to be funda- ognition of the importance of coherence in mentally at odds with what research has an individual’s conscious narratives of life revealed about the inherent durability of experience. That, however, is neocortical emotional learning and its astute, experi- coherence. The emphasis in the Emotional ence-driven modeling (discussed at length Coherence Framework is on the coherence in Toomey & Ecker, 2007). The faithful re- of the emotional brain—subcortical and triggering of one’s early learnings is, in fact, right-brain coherence, the coherence that exactly what natural selection crafted the is intrinsic to implicit emotional learnings brain’s emotional learning centers to do, and, when retrieved into conscious aware- not a faulty condition of disorder or dysreg- ness, creates new autobiographical coher- ulation—unless one is prepared to say that ence most meaningfully and authentically. it is a dysregulation of evolution itself, not The emotional brain’s implicit yet highly of the individual.

neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 95 Memory research and clinical observations thus Conclusion support a non-pathologizing, coherence-focused, Reconsolidation research has revealed—for per- top-down model of symptom production in the haps the first time in human —the process wide range of cases where symptoms are gener- that commutes the life sentence of problematic ated by emotional implicit memory. This is the emotional learning. The seven-step therapeutic re- central perspective of the Emotional Coherence consolidation process represents the direct transla- Framework. Some symptoms have causes other tion of this research to psychotherapy in technique- than learning and memory, of course, such as the independent and theory-independent terms. It is a genomic causes of autism spectrum conditions or map of the facilitation of the brain’s built-in process the biochemical causes of hypothyroidism-induced for dissolving existing, operative emotional learn- depression. Viewing symptom production as dys- ings, and it stands outside of all particular systems regulation may be accurate in such cases. and schools of psychotherapy. Beyond enhanc- The tenet that a person’s unwanted moods, be- ing the effectiveness of individual therapists, the haviors, thoughts or somatization may be gener- therapeutic reconsolidation process has rich rami- ated by unconscious emotional learnings or condi- fications for the psychotherapy field that include a tioning has figured in many forms of psychotherapy unified of diverse therapies of trans- since Freud’s day, but the approach within the Emo- formational change, clarification of when insecure tional Coherence Framework is new, firstly, in guid- attachment learnings are, or are not, involved in a ing swift and accurate retrieval of those emotional given client’s problem, and a serious challenge to learnings, bringing them experientially into direct nonspecific common factors theory by identify- awareness, and, secondly, in its non-theoretically- ing the role of specific factors in transformational based, research-corroborated methodology for change (see Ecker et al., 2012). What fertile ground prompt dissolution of those retrieved learnings at for the emerging field of neuropsychotherapy! their emotional and neural roots through memory reconsolidation.

Bruce Ecker and Laurel Hulley are the originators of Coherence Therapy (coherencetherapy.org) and coauthors of Depth Oriented Brief Therapy: How to Be Brief When You Were Trained to Be Deep—and Vice Versa and the Coherence Therapy Practice Manual and Training Guide. Ecker is codirector of the Coherence Psy- chology Institute, has taught for many years in graduate programs, has been in private practice near San Francisco since 1986, and is on the Panel of Experts of The Neuropsychotherapist website and magazine. Hulley is director of education and paradigm development of the Coherence Psychology Institute and co- founder of the Julia Morgan Middle School for Girls in Oakland, California.

Robin Ticic is director of training and development of the Coherence Psychology Institute and is in pri- vate practice near Cologne, Germany, specializing in trauma therapy and clinical supervision of trauma therapists. She has served as a psychologist for the Psychotraumatology Institute of the University of Co- logne for many years, provides a low-fee counseling service for parents, and is author of the parenting guide How to Connect with Your Child, published in English and German.

96 neuropsychotherapist.com issue 1 April-June 2013 Bruce Ecker Laurel Hulley Robin Ticic


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By Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic, Laurel Hulley

“Ecker’s, Ticic’s, and Hulley’s Unlocking the Emotional Brain, like some earlier classics, draws from, adapts, and integrates the very best of the best currently available and techniques into a powerful and accessible psychotherapeutic method. What sets this book apart is how these elements are mixed, matched, and delivered to each individual client. Packaged in a highly engag- ing read, psychotherapists of all sorts will find many resources which will enhance as well as ease their work.” —Babette Rothschild, MSW, LCSW, author of The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment

“Unlocking the Emotional Brain is one of the most important psychotherapy books of our generation. It brings the recent ground- breaking brain research on memory reconsolidation to the mental health field…. This is the first psychotherapy book to delineate the sequence of experiences the brain requires to heal. This is big, important information that is applicable across many treatment approaches. No matter how good a therapist you already are, reading this book will make you better.” —Ricky Greenwald, PsyD, founder/director, Trauma Institute & Child Trauma Institute, and author of Child Trauma Handbook and EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment

“Drawing on the latest developments in neuroscience, Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic and Laurel Hulley provide an innovative approach to psychotherapy that is very much of the 21st century. In this book filled with both groundbreaking neuroscience and provocative case examples, they describe how to tap into the reconsolidation process in therapy. If you want to know what’s happening that is new in psychotherapy, this is the place to start.” —Jay Lebow, PhD, clinical professor of psychology at Northwestern University and editor of Family Process

“A major contribution to the field and a must read for any therapist interested in the process of transformation and healing. Beauti- fully written, the authors present an elegant integration of neuroscientific findings and psychotherapy technique, resulting in a step by step method for relieving longstanding symptoms and suffering. Even the most seasoned clinician will be inspired to learn from these masters.” —Patricia Coughlin Della Selva, PhD, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UNM School of Medicine and author of Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Theory and Technique

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