June 2021

Dear Parents,

On Monday 19th July we are planning a trip for all of Year 5 to visit Hole to celebrate their efforts during this exceptional year, on working hard and behaving well.

Pupils need to arrive in school at 8.15am and go into the Hall, we will be leaving 8.30am. We will be back at Oakfield before 3pm, for pupils to catch transport home if necessary. Pupils should wear school uniform and trainers are advisable for when we are exploring the caves. Pupils will need a packed lunch and drinks. Pupils on free school meals will be provided with a lunch, please let us know if you would like one for your child or wish to provide your own lunch, they will need to be supplied with sufficient drinks for the day out.

The cost of this trip is £20 per child. If you would like your child to participate please give your consent and make payment via Parentpay. Kindly click on Pay for other items and WOOKEY HOLE will take you to the appropriate section.

There is a gift shop at Wookey Hole, we suggest optional spending money for the trip of no more than £5.00.

The deadline for this lovely trip is Friday 2nd July. We reserve the right to remove a pupil from this trip if attitude or behaviour falls below our expectations.

Kind regards,

Mrs E Green Head of Year Five

Head Teacher: Miss Emma Wilkes ǀ Chair of Trustees: Ms Kate Hellard

Oakfield Academy, Oakfield Road, , BA11 4JF

T:(01373) 462539/463832 E:[email protected] W:www.oakfieldacademy.co.uk

Oakfield-Academy Oakfield School Academy Trust, Oakfield Road, Frome BA11 4JF. Company number:07694044 registered in . Frome @OakfieldAcorns