
arXiv:2012.10470v1 [.-ph] 18 Dec 2020 Contents II Acknowlegements VIII. I.Conclusions VII. I.Eprmn:Na odcollision cold Near Experiment: III. I plcto:Cetn lrcl ultracold Creating Application: VI. collision Cold Experiment: IV. .Eprmn:Utaodcollisions Ultracold Experiment: V. collisions molecular of Theory II. .Introduction I. .Tre collision Target D. .Eaoaiecooling Evaporative A. excited Vibrational A. cooling Buffer A. beam molecular Crossed A. surface energy Potential A. .Mlclrsynchrotron Molecular C. cooling Collisional C. .Gon tt molecule state Ground B. beam molecular Merged B. collision Intra-beam B. theory Scattering B. .Smahtccooling Sympathetic B. .Etra field External 2. Field-free 1. molecules Feshbach between Collision 3. molecule diatomic Heteronuclear 2. molecule diatomic Homonuclear 1. theory defect Quantum 3. laws threshold Wigner 2. theory capture Quantum 1. ASnmes 41.x 42.b 42.j 34.50.Lf 34.20.Gj, 34.20.-b, 34.10.+x, numbers: PACS of regime, nature nanoKelvin the the molecules. to exploring ultracold Kelvin for the autho studies from the ranging these and peratures of achieved, review been a already mech has provide quantum interest field the the in of in deep capabilities advances explosion explored experimental be recent fu to of collisions the progress the molecular degree, dramatic studying large by sparked a for To experiments physics. cutting-edge provided have nteps w eae,tervltoaytcnlge fc of technologies revolutionary the decades, two past the In 1 colo hsc n srnm,SnYtSnUiest,Zhu University, Yat-Sen Sun Astronomy, and Physics of School oeua olsos rmNa-odt Ultra-cold to Near-cold from Collisions: Molecular agLiu Yang Dtd eebr2,2020) 22, December (Dated: 1, 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 21 19 18 17 17 16 16 14 11 10 2 1 9 8 4 4 2 ∗ n eLuo Le and ercl,1 cold, near precision for with opportunities [ comparing exciting measurements level offered energy have internal , the of complexity hmsr [ iei nryi ntergm fro eprtr or temperature wavelengths room Broglie de of the temperature, regime relative these the At i.e. in higher. energy, is collision the energy studies, kinetic such of most in [ in we terminology details, technical subtle colli- the with rich adopt temperature the low at categorize physics better sional To perspective. exper- cold from imental near-cold, article molecules in associating this collisions progress ultracold recent field, and review developing to motivated rapidly is this of troduction chemistry[ quantum and [ to collision stud- beam related been crossed-molecular have using collisions ied Quantum reaction and matter. chemical of phases exploring novel precision and efficiency, collisions reaction, energy chemical improving these measurement, controlling of for important nature is quantum the chemistry. and physics, Understanding molecular mat- and condensed , physics, nuclear ter in role pivotal a play tion Introduction I. u optto [ computation tum with regimes ultracold and [ cold atoms the -cooled to extended were cindnmc o ipeao-oeuesse,such system, H + atom-molecule H re- as simple of for information dynamics precise techniques obtaining action in beam success great crossed-molecular with with studied exten- been have sively collisions reactive molecular when 1970s nrcn er,cl n lrcl oeue,det its to due molecules, ultracold and cold years, recent In olso rcse oendb nr-atceinterac- intra-particle by governed processes Collision h tde fmlclrcliincnb ae akto back dated be can collision molecular of studies The References n hoeia ehd,wihpermit which methods, theoretical and ncllmt rmnosexperimental Tremendous limit. anical swl sfrapiain fproducing of applications for as well as oeua olsosocriga tem- at occurring collisions molecular 2 s rma xeietlperspective, experimental an from rs, 1, ntemlclrcliin a been has collisions molecular the in etn odadutaodmolecules ultracold and cold reating [ dmna hnmn fcollision of phenomena ndamental 4 27 K

To begin, geometry optimizations on the relevant elec- the coupled cluster level with RCCSD(T) method. The tronic states are carried out, for example employing a triplet and singlet states described with multrireference restricted-spin coupled-cluster method with single, dou- wave functions and the exchange splittings between the ble and non-iterative triple excitations RCCSD(T) potential surfaces were calculated with CASSCF method [47], and/or complete-active-space self-consistent-field{ } followed by second or third order perturbation theory. (CASSCF) [48] multireference internally contracted con- Full potential energy surfaces were computed as a func- figuration interaction (MRCI) methods [49]. Basis tion of the four intermolecular Jacobi coordinates, with sets such as augmented correlation-consistent polarized- an aug-cc-pVTZ basis on the N and H atoms. The an- valence triple-zeta (aug-cc-pVTZ) [50] are used in such alytical representation of these potentials was given by optimizations together with the frozen core approxima- expanding their dependence on the molecular orienta- tion [51]. Thus, minimum-energy geometry and relative tions in coupled spherical harmonics, and representing electronic energies of the specific electronic states are the dependence of the expansion coefficents on the inter- computed. In addition, different basis sets can be used molecular distance R by the RKHS method. A following to investigate the effects of basis set extension to the study presented new RCCSD(T) calculations, which cor- complete basis set (CBS) limit and core corre- rected the erroneous behavior in the long range due to lation on the computed quantities (namely, equilibrium a lack of size consistency in the open-shell RCCSD(T) geometrical parameters and relative electronic energies). method [61]. 3 Currently, MOLPRO programs [52] has been popular for Another example would be O( P) + H2 [62–66], which perfoming these calculations. is the object of theoretical study for many years due to 3 Then, ab initio potential energy functions for the rel- the importance of the O( P) + H2 OH + H reaction evant electronic states can be obtained by fitting the in combustion and its role as the prototype→ elementary 3 polynomial to calculated ab initio electronic energies insertion reaction. Early, PESs for O( P)+H2 were cal- [53, 54]. Several methods can be used to give reason- culated for investigation of the structure and reaction 3 1 1 ably accurate fits to ab initio data, such as rotating Morse dynamics of O( P D S) doped in solid H2/D2 [62]. The spline (RMOS) [55], the reproducing kernel Hilbert-space calculations were of the MRCI variety and CASSCF cal- (RKHS) interpolation method [56], the distributed ap- culations were carried out to optimize the orbitals us- proximating functional method [57], many-body expan- ing the MOLPRO program. Subsequently, Millard H. sion approach [58], and the generalized London-Eyring- Alexander determined the PESs for both H2 and D2 us- Polanyi-Sato double-polynomial (GLDP) method [59]. ing CASSCF supplemented by MRCI calculations [63]. These fitting methods should satisfy three criteria: the Stephanie Rogers et al. performed a study for chemi- fitting procedure should be simple, the resulting surface cally accurate ab initio PESs [64]. CASSCF internally should be smooth and agree with the ab initio data, with- contracted configuration interaction (ICCI) calculations out oscillations between ab initio points, and the math- [67, 68] using correlation-consistent basis sets [50] were ematical form should be physically realistic in order to performed, and the electronic energies of the lowest 3A′ minimize the number of ab initio geometries needed to and 3A” electronically adiabatic states were computed for obtain a surface with the correct features and topology. 951 geometries using MOLPRO. The PESs have chemical In the above calculation, the uncertainties can come accuracy about 0.3 kcal/mol, and are devoid of apparent from various sources, which are the level of ab initio the- unphysical features. ory used to approximately solve Schr¨odinger’s equation, Jo˜ao Brand˜ao et al. built a new potential surface for 3 3 the size of basis set employed in the calculations, the di- the O( P)+H2 system in the lowest A” state, using the mensionality of the PES, the number of grid points used same ab initio data and the double many-body expan- (i.e. the number of ab initio calculations performed), and sion formalism [65]. They found a deeper van der Waals the accuracy of the analytic fit to the computed energies. region would translate into a four times higher cross sec- Since an accurate PES is the first ingredient for an ac- tion than that of [64], which reflects the importance of a curate scattering study, it is therefore very important to correct description of van der Waals forces on potential control the uncertainties from various sources to obtain energy surfaces, especially for low-energy collision stud- optimal accuracy of the PES. ies. Sule Atahan et al. reported PESs determined by The calculation of PES for NH NH would be exem- RCCSD(T) calculations with an aug-cc-pVQZ basis [66]. plary. The PES can be used to determine− the cross sec- In addition, the relative contribution of the electrostatic, tions for elastic and spin-changing NH NH collisions, exchange, and dispersion interaction to the overall O H − 2 which in turn determines the feasibility− for the evap- van der Waals interaction, as well as the effect of the ortive cooling process. Guillaume S. F. Dhont et al. spin-orbit coupling on the position and depth of the van constructed four-dimensional ab initio PESs for NH NH der Waals minima were investigated by an open-shell im- complex, which correlate with two separate NH molecules− plementation of symmetry-adapted perturbation theory in their 3Σ− electronic ground state [60]. The poten- [69]. The studies has been extended to similar system 1 tial surface of the quintet state (S=2) was calculated at of S( D) + H2/D2, which also provides the prototype for 4

around room temperature and higher [78]. However, it become hard to implement at very low collision energies, because the time evolution of a wavepacket is very slow and propagating it until it reaches the asymptotic region takes very long time. Furthermore, it is difficult to con- verge wavepacket calculations at very low scattering en- ergies and it tend to cause unphysical reflections. Thus, time-independent methods are preferred to handle the low-energy collisions. In the following, we will give a de- tailed review on a few of the well-developed theoretical approaches, including quantum capture theory, Wigner threshold laws, and quantum defect theory. FIG. 1. Figure adapted from [74]. K-KRb potential energy surface for collinear geometry. A two-dimensional cut through the energetically lowest 2A′ adiabatic potential energy surface 1. Quantum capture theory of the KRbK trimer as a function of the K-Rb and K-K bond lengths along the collinear geometry. Quantum capture theory is a modification of calssical capture theory [43]. In the classical capture theory, tra- jectories are assumed reactive when the energy is above the centrifugal barrier, and nonreactive otherwise. In hydrogen-atom abstraction and exchange-reaction stud- quantum , tunneling may lead to reaction at ies, and play an important role in combustion and atmo- energies below the barrier, while reflection may occur spheric chemistry [70, 71]. even if the energy is above the barrier. For a system con- Using the atom-dimer scattering formalism [72], which sisting of two molecules in a certain rovibrational state uses adiabatically adjusting, principal axes hyperspher- n = vijimi (i = A, B), the asymptotical scattering ical (APH) coordinates, J. F. E. Croft et al. present |wavefunctioni | i at large r can be written as [79] exact quantum-mechanical calculations [73] within the close-coupling scheme for the KRb(1Σ+, v =0, j =0)+ SC 2π ′ −1/2 Ψn ≈ n vn′ Yl′m′ (ˆr) 2 1 + ′ ′ 2 l K( S) K ( Σ , v , j )+Rb( S) [74]. iknr ′ ′ ′ | i 2 g Xlml Xn lXm They map→ out an accurate ab initio groud state potential l −i(knr−lπ/2) (1) [ e δn′nδl′lδm′ m energy surface of the K2Rb complex in full dimensionality × − l l n − ∗ and report its quantum-mechanical reaction dynamics, as i(k r lπ/2) ′ ′ l ˆ + e Sn l′m ;nlml ]i Ylml (k) , can be seen in Figure 1. l As the system become more complex (i.e. involving Solving the time-independent scattering problem, is to polyatomic molecule), the calculations become challeng- find solutions of the Schr¨odinger equation that satisfy ing due to the high dimensionality of the PES. The main the S-matrix boundary conditions for large r, difficulty lies in the more efficient and accurate fitting 1 ′ −1/2 Ψn,l,m = n vn′ Yl′m′ (ˆr) technique with much less number of the calculated ab ini- l r | i l 3N−6 Xn′ lX′m′ tio electronic energies than 10 required by available l (2) −i(knr−lπ/2) fitting methods [53, 54]. There has been great progress [ e δn′nδl′lδm′ m × − l l in the developing fitting methods, leading to the develop- n i(k r−lπ/2) ′ ′ + e Sn l′m ;nlm ]. ment of PESs for polyatomic systems with up to 10 atoms l l [75, 76]. Subsequently, quasi-classical trajectory calcu- These solutions are called partial waves, and the metrix ′ ′ lations on the Cl + CHD3 HCl + CD3 reaction using with elements Sn l′m ;nlm is called the S-matrix. The → l l the global PES thus attained achieve excellent agreement scattering wave function can be reorganized into an in- with experiment [77]. coming plane wave plus an outgoing spherical wave

SC −1/2 iknr Ψn ≈ n vn e | i ikn′ r B. Scattering theory ′ −1/2 e (3) + n vn′ fn′←n(ˆr; kˆ), Xn′ | i r Quantum scattering calculations of atomic and molec- ular collisions, in particular atom-diatom chemical reac- where the scattering amplitude is given by tions, have traditionally been performed using both time- 2π ′ ′ ˆ l−l ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ˆ ∗ fn ←n(ˆr; k)= i Yl m (ˆr)Tn l m ;nlml Ylml (k) . independent and time-dependent quantum-mechanical ikn l l lmXl′m′ approaches. Time-dependent wave packet methods is l l popular for handling molecular collisions at temperatures (4) 5 where T-matrix is related to S-matrix by T = 1 S. The The capture cross section for incoming channel n is − state-to-state differential cross section for a particular in- π ˆ n n cident direction k is given by σ (E)= 2 P lml (E). (13) kn Xlm 2 l σn′←n(ˆr; kˆ)= fn′←n(ˆr; kˆ) . (5) | | In the study of effect of rotational excitation on the So far, quantum capture theory has been widely used reaction rate [80], Ayelet Klein et al. performed close- in atomic and molecular collision studies, and a number coupling quantum scattering calculations [81] for colli- of variations of the method has been developed in scat- ∗ sions of He with both para-H2(j=0) and ortho-H2(j=1), tering treatment for different collision systems at various using a two-dimensional potential energy surface calcu- energy scales, such as coupled channels capture theory lated by the CCSD(T). As shown in Figure 2, the cal- and quantum adiabatic capture theory. We will briefly culation results demonstrate that collisions with para-H2 describe these methods in the following paragraphs. are not sensitive to the anisotropic part of the interaction potential, while the rate coefficient with ortho-H2 is very a Coupled channels capture theory sensitive to the anisotropy, and will shift the position of the orbiting resonance, in stark contrast with para-H . In quantum capture theory it is assumed that the capture 2 This sensitivity of quantum resonance to small changes cross section can be found by solving the Schr¨odinger in the interaction again emerge when comparing calcu- equation in a restricted region that is located entirely in lation results to experimental data. The interaction po- the reactant arrangement, and the scattering calculations tential obtained with CCSD(T) in an aug-cc-pV6Z basis can be performed using the coupled channels approach set with additional set of mid-bond functions account- [79]. The Hamiltonian can be written as the sum of the ing for the dispersion interaction, erroneously predicts radial kinetic energy operator and the remainder, a low-energy resonance for para-hydrogen and two low- ~2 d2 energy resonances for ortho-hydrogen. Including the full Hˆ = r−1 r + ∆H,ˆ (6) −2µ dr2 configuration interaction (FCI) in an aug-cc-pVQZ basis set allows for agreement down to collision energies of a and the Schr¨odinger equation in the reactant arrange- few hundred mK. Further improvement of the interaction ment is written as potential is achieved by uniformly scaling the correlation ~2 d2 energy by 0.4%, resulting in better agreement with the r−1 rΨ = (∆Hˆ E)Ψ. (7) 2µ dr2 − measured resonance positions and the overall behaviour of the rate coefficient. The wave function is expanded in channel function n′ , | i −1 ′ b Quantum adiabatic capture theory Ψ = r n U ′ (r). (8) n | i n n Xn′ At low temperatures the collision time is long compared By substituting the expansion into the Schr¨odinger equa- to characteristic vibrational and rotational timescales tion and projecting onto the channel eigenfunctions, a set in the colliding molecules. This allows us to intro- of coupled equations is obtained duce an approximation [82–85] analogous to the Born- Oppenheimer approximation, which explots the differ- U”(r)= W(r)U(r), (9) ence in time scales of electronic and nuclear motion. Solv- ing the Schr¨odinger equation for the fast motion amounts where the coupling matrix is given by to diagonalising the coupling W(r) matrix on a grid of r

2µ ′ points. For each molecular state asymptotically allowed Wn′n(r)= n ∆Hˆ E n . (10) ~2 h | − | i at an energy E, the capture probability is computed by solving the one-dimensional quantum capture problem. U The boundary condition (r = 0) = 0, together with the This is done exactly as the coupled channels equation. coupled channels equation, defines a linear relation In an early review on fast chemical reactions, D. C. U′(r)= Y(r)U(r), (11) Clary gives a full description of quantum capture the- ory [86], especially rotationally adiabatic capture theory where Y(r) is the log-derivative matrix. By properly which requires less computing power. The prediction of propagating the log-derivative matrix, we can obtain the rate constant for reaction such as He*+HCl He+HCl+ relation between the S matrix to the log-derivative ma- has been compared to experimental measurements,→ and trix. Then, the capture probability for a given incoming the agreement is excellent in the measurement temper- channel can be found by ature range of 27 - 300 K. The N+NH N +H re- → 2 2 action has been investigated by adiabatic capture theory Pnlm (E)=1 Sn′l′m′ ;nlm (E) . (12) l − | l l | over the temperature range 2-300 K using an existent nX′l′m′ l potential energy surface, but the resultant thermal rate 6

the collision is with ortho-H2. Debarati Bhattacharya et al. incorporate complex potential energy surfaces into AVT, thereby reducing the multidimensional scattering process to a series of uncoupled 1D problems [92, 93]. By applying this approach to the case of Penning ioniza- 3 tion of He(2 P) with para/ortho-H2 and HD, remarkable agreement between calculation reaction rate coefficients and experimental measurements has been achieved. It is shown the presence of the single electron in the ex- cited p-orbital of the He atom changes the entire system and resulting spatial polarization brings in a pronounced anisotropic effect in the interaction potential. Mariusz Pawlak et al. have studied the effect of non- rigidity of the H2 molecule on the profile of the scattering resonance using AVT [94], and show the calculated reac- tion rate coefficients are in excellent agreement with the experimental data after proper inclusion of the flexibility of the molecule into the interaction potential, eliminat- FIG. 2. Figure adapted from [80]. Experimental and theo- ing the need of empirical adjustment of the interaction retical Penning ionization rate coefficients of H2 molecules in potential to match the calculation with the experiment. ground and excited rotational states by He*. The black dots This finding demonstrates the importance of the flexibil- represent the experimental rate coefficient, the green line rep- ity of the interacting molecule, which may be crucial in resents the calculated rate coefficient using the interaction po- cold chemistry. tential obtained with [CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV6Z + mid-bond], the blue line represents correction of the interaction potential by including the FCI/aug-cc-pVQZ, and the red line repre- c External field control sents further correction with a scaling factor. External electric and magnetic fields distrub the symme- tries possessed by the colliding system, and induces cou- plings between states of the total . constants are significantly larger than the experimentally The projection of total angular momentum of the col- derived rate [87]. liding molecules on space-fixed quantization axis, rather than itself, is a good quantum number in the presence Timur V Tscherbul et al. have used both quantum of an external field. Krems and Dalgarno [95] suggest and classical adiabatic capture theories to study reac- the use of a fully uncoupled space-fixed basis representa- tion of Li +CaH LiH + Ca [88]. The calculated re- tion of the wave function. The complexity of the collision action rate agrees→ well with the measured value at 1 K theory in the fully uncoupled representation does not in- [89]. Mariusz Pawlak et al. develop an adiabatic the- crease with the number of internal degrees of freedom ory for cold anisotropic collisions between slow atoms and the evaluation of the matrix elements of all terms in and cold molecules, using two alternative theoretical ap- the Hamiltonian is straightforward. proaches, i.e. first-order adiabatic perturbation theory The Hamiltonian for two colliding particles A and B (APT) and adiabatic variational theory (AVT) [90]. The in an external field can be simply written as calculation results with maximum angular momentum lmax = 30 from both theories are compared to reaction Hˆ = Hˆ0(ρ)+ Vˆfield, (14) rate of He* + HD He + HD+ +e– , and good agree- ments have been found.→ It has also been found that the where ρ represents the Jacobi distance between the cen- couplings between the projection states of the rotational ter of mass of the colliding partners, or the hyperradius describing the collision complex. The field-free Hamil- motion of the atom about the molecular axis of the di- ˆ atom are enough to introduce the effect of anisotropy tonian H0(ρ) includes the kinetic energy of the relative motion and the potential energy of the collision complex. and play a crucial role in reproducing the shape and po- ˆ sitions of scattering resonances. The authors further ap- The term Vfield describes the interaction with an exter- ply AVT to the Penning ionization involving both rota- nal field assumed to be independent of ρ. Expanding the tional ground and excited states [91]. It shows that the full wavefunction of the collision system in a space-fixed anisotropic long-range interactions cause dramatic dif- uncoupled basis, typically the field axis, the uncoupled basis functions are written as products of the eigenfunc- ferences in the measured reaction rates. In collisions of 2 tions of the operator J and JZ , metastable helium with para-H2, the isotropic potential term dominates the dynamics, while the anisotropic in- Ψ = R−1 F (R) JM , (15) | i i | i teraction play an important role in the dynamics when Xi 7 where J is the total angular momentum of the collision weak-field-seeking states can be suppressed by two or- system, and JZ is the component of the total angular ders of magnitude with modest fields of few thousand momentum along the field axis [95–99]. The full Hamil- gauss, in contrary to get enhanced in external electric tonian is diagonal in M, but the blocks of states corre- fields [104]. sponding to J and J ′ = J 1 are coupled by the matrix For paramagnetic molecules, Alexandr V. Avdeenkov ± elements of Vˆfield. This basis set expansion, when substi- and John L. Bohn has made a detailed analysis for the tuted into the Schr¨odinger equation, leads to a system of singlet, triplet, and quintet potential energy surfaces, and coupled differential equations. These close coupled equa- then using them to investigate collisional properties of tions at a fixed field strength and total energy E can be ground-state oxygen molecules at translational energies written as [95, 100, 101] below 1 K and in zero magnetic field [105]. Both elas- tic and∼ spin-changing inelastic collision rates for differ- d2 ent isotropic molecules are calculated in the framework [ +2µE]Fαlm (R) dR2 l of a rigid-rotor model. The rotational degrees of free- ′ (16) ′ ′ ′ ′ dom is found to be crucial in determining the ratio of =2µ H ′ ′ Fα l m (R), αlml;α l ml l 17 ′ ′ ′ αXl m elastic and inelastic rate constants. O2 is shown to be l a good candidate for evaporative cooling since its elas- with the boundary conditions of tic collisions strongly dominate spin-changing loss colli- 16 sions at low temperatures, while O2 is unlikely to sur- αlml F ′ ′ ′ (R 0) 0, vive evaporative cooling. Michal Hapka et al. generate α l ml → → 3 new interaction potential curves for the He( S) H2 and αlml F ′ ′ ′ (R ) δ ′ δ ′ δ ′ exp[ i(k R πl/2)] 3 − αα ll mlm α He( S) Ar systems, using both coupled cluster levels of α l ml → ∞ ∼ l − − supermolecular− theory and symmetry-adapted perturba- kα ′ 1/2 ′ ′ ′ ′ ( ) Sα l m ;αlm exp[i(kα R πl /2)]. tion theory (SAPT) [106], and then compare the obtained − k ′ l l − α elastic cross sections to the experiment [107]. (17) With an interaction potential of the He CaH(2Σ+) − Numerically solve these equations yields the scattering van der Waals complex computed with the partially S-matrix, from which the cross-sections for elastic and RCCSD(T), N. Balakrishnan et al. have shown that even inelastic collisions are computed as small spin-rotational interaction significantly modify the rate coefficients for rotational quenching at low temper- π tures [108]. R. V. Krems et al. have performed a series σ ′ = δ ′ δ ′ δ ′ α→α 2 ll mlml αα kα ′ ′ | of calculations on atom-molecule and molecular collisions XM Xl Xml Xl Xm l (18) in a magnetic field, using the same ab initio potential ex- M 2 ′ ′ ′ Sαlm ;α l m . panded in a Legendre series. They have shown that in − l l | low energy collisions, spin-flip relaxation in rotationally For polar molecules in an electric field, John L. Bohn ground-state 2Σ CaH molecules is induced by collisions have studied their collisional stability in electrostatic with 3He atoms through coupling to rotationally excited traps using a model that emphasizes long-range dipo- molecular levels, and are determined by the spin-rotation lar forces, whose potential have the threshold form interaction in the rotationally excited molecules [109]. It 3 2 2 C3/R + ℏ L(L + 1)/mR qΛN(N + 1) [102]. The is concluded that the collision-induced spin-flip will be −rate constants for collisional losses− are shown to vary sub- least efficient for the diatomic molecules with large rota- stantially as a function of molecular parameters, such as tional constants and small spin-rotational constants γ. mass, the splitting of the molecular Λ doublet, dipole Similarly, with accurate ab initio calculations of the moment. The ratio of loss rate to elastic collision rate is potential energy surface and bound energy levels of shown strongly dependent on the externally applied trap- He NH(3Σ– ) van der Waals complex using a super- ping electric field. Taking OH molecules as an example, molecular− approach, the effects of the atom-molecule in- the electric field exerts a strong influence on both elas- teraction potential and the external magnetic field on tic and state-changing inelastic collision rate constants, the collisionally induced Zeeman relaxation are presented nonetheless the scattering properties at ultralow temper- [110, 111], using a formalism for quantum-mechanical atures is independent of the details of the short-range close coupling calculations of cross sections [95]. Cross interaction, owing to avoided crossings in the long-range sections for elastic and Zeeman relaxation of NH by 3He adiabatic potential curves [103]. In general, evapora- at different magnetic fields are given, and their ratio tive cooling would only be viable in an extremely lim- of rate constants in magnetic fields from 0 to 3 T and ited range of temperature and electric field. The situa- collision energies form 10−4 to 1 K is explored. It is 2 tion becomes quite different for Π3/2 ground state OH shown that both the rotational constant of the diatomic molecules trapped in a magnetic field. Christopher Tic- molecule and the anisotropy of the interaction potential knor and John L. Bohn find that inelastic collisions of have a strong influence on the rate constants for Zeeman 8 relaxation. with Ef < Ej , This is confirmed by an experiment where the effect of molecular rotational splitting on Zeeman relaxation σ (E )= σ(j f, E ). (20) j j → j rates in collisions of different NH isotopologue with he- Xf lium atoms in a magnetic field have been determined When the initial relative velocity goes to zero, all the l = at low temperatures [112]. The measurements support 6 2 0 partial waves stop contributing to the scattering, and the predicted 1/Be dependence of the collision-induced Zeeman relaxation rate coefficient on the molecular rota- the collision enters into s-wave regime, where a complex scattering length aj = αj iβj can be defined. The elastic tional constant Be, and rate coefficients in collision with − 3He are much larger than the coefficients with 4He, which and total inelastic scattering cross-sections at zero energy is due to a shape resonance in the incoming collision chan- are hence given by nel. σel =4π a 2, j | j | in 4πβj (21) σj = , 2. Wigner threshold laws kj

where kj is the wave vector of the collision. The essential idea is to divide the configuration space For a partial wave with l> 0, the effective potential is into an inner and an outer region in the three-dimensional governed at long range by the centrifugal and dispersion scattering calculations, depending on the distrance be- terms, tween collision partners. In the inner regior where there is a strong repulsive potential of the colliding complex, ~2l(l + 1) C V l(R)= 6 , (22) the wave function is described by the Wentzel-Kramers- 2µR2 − R6 Brillouin (WKB) form. In the outer region, the wave function is described by the asymptotic form. Generally, where C6 is the dispersion coefficient. Then, the total for a collision with an effective potential barrier Vb, the inelastic cross-section and rate coefficient can be given the scattering process can be described by the Bethe- by Wigner threshold laws [113, 114] when collision energy C6 Ec < Vb. While for Ec Eb the collision probability, σ (E)=3π( )1/3, ≥ in 4E many quenching rates, the loss rate or chemical reac- (23) tion rates are well described by the Langevin’s classical C 2E 3πC1/3E1/6 k (E)=3π( 6 )1/3( )1/2 = 6 . capture model [115], which assumes unit probability for in 4E µ 21/6µ1/2 chemical reactions and/or hyperfine state-changing col- lisions if the molecules have surmounted the barrier and Clearly, the reaction rate coefficients can be analytically become close enough to react. estimated from the threshold laws. However, they do In quantum threshold model (QT), the molecules will not yield product resolved reaction rates, or discriminate tunnel through a centrifugal barrier with a given proba- between multiple product channels if they are present. bility, which varies with energy according to the Wigner According to Wigner threshold laws, Marko T. Cvitaˇs threshold laws. By floating the value of the tunneling et al. have performed a series of full quantum dynamics probability at the barrier’s peak, the QT model is able calculation on ultracold Na + Na2 [116, 117] and Li + Li2 to describe the chemical reaction probability in an ana- collisions[118–120]. Formalism based on body-frame hy- lytic way, even in the presence of an external field [21]. perspherical coordinates and the Arthurs-Dalgarno for- Given a particle in a well-defined initial quantum state malism is used in the inner and outer region, respec- j and a collider at very low energy with relative angu- tively. For ultracold collisions between spin-polarized lar momentum l, we have two types of processes, elastic Na atoms and vibrationally excited Na2 molecules, the collision where the internal state of the particle does not Wigner threshold laws are followed for energies below −5 change and inelastic collision where the particle relaxes 10 K, while vibrational relaxation processes dominate −3 −4 to a lower quantum level f. The dependence of the cross elastic processes for temperatures below 10 10 K [116]. In the Li + Li collision complex consisting− of sections on the initial relative velocities vj (and collision 2 fermionic atoms, there is no systematic suppression of energy Ek) for each process is given by the vibrational relaxation rate coefficient for low-lying vi- el 4l 2l brational states [118]. Moreover, it is found that reactive σj vj Ek , 7 6 7 7 6 ∼ ∼ (19) scattering can occur for Li + Li Li and Li + Li2 sys- − l−1/2 σin v2l 1 E . tems even when the molecules are in their ground rovibra- j ∼ j ∼ k tional states [119]. Goulven Qu´em´ener et al. also carry The total quenching cross-section σin is a sum over all the out a quantum-dynamical study of vibrational deexcita- state-to-state cross-sections to all the accessible channels tion and elastic scattering for the bosonic and fermionic 9

FIG. 4. Figure adapted from [129]. Reactive rate constants FIG. 3. Figure adapted from [122]. Quenching cross section 39 39 calculated using QDT theory (blue line), including contribu- of K + K2 as a function of the collision energy for the tion from l = 5 (dotted line) and other partial waves (dashed partial wave L = 1 − 5. Solid lines represent a full quantum line) for the collision of Ar with He* , are compared to exper- calculation while dashed lines using the quantum threshold imental data (black points) taken from [107]. model.

Li + Li2 system, with Li2 molecules in high vibrational rates for systems with strong long-range interaction, their state [121]. The inelastic rates show a strong and irregu- validity is questionable at ultracold energies. Recently, lar dependence on the vibrational state of the molecule. there has been considerable interest in developing for- Qu´em´ener and Bohn combine the classical capture the- malisms based on quantum defect theory (QDT) [125]. ory with the QT laws to give an analytical estimate of the The basic idea of QDT is to solve the Schr¨odinger equa- chemical quenching cross sections and rate coefficients of tion accurately for the long-range potential and use an two colliding particles at ultralow tempertures. They approximate description at short range, by taking advan- apply this method to indistinguishable fermionic KRb tage of the large disparity in energy scales for the relative molecules in an electric field, and calculate the reaction motion in the incident channels and the deep potential 2 3 + rates for K( S)+K2( Σu , v =1,N = 0), as a function wells that drive rovibrational transitions and chemical of collision energy at low temperatures [122]. Figure 3 reactions. Compared to the depth of the potential wells 39 39 presents quenching cross section of K+ K2 as a func- which typically range from 100 to 50000 K for many colli- tion of the collision energy for the partial wave L =1 5. sion/reaction systems, the energy variation in the initial − Universalities in ultracold reactions of alkali-metal po- channels are very small for discussed collisions in this re- lar molecules are proposed based on QT model to explore view, usually in the range from 1 µK to 1 K. Therefore, the dependence of reaction rates on various parameters, these two regimes can be described differently and the which is most of bosonic species of heteronuclear alkali- accuracy of this method can be improved by treating the metal molecules haring a universal reaction rate in a suf- short-range dynamics more accurately. ficiently large electric field [123]. Paul S. Julienne et al. Especially, a multichannel quantum defect theory also characterize the universal reactive and inelastic re- (MQDT) approach [126, 127] successfully replace the laxation rate constants in 3D and quasi-2D planar geom- short-range physics by suitably parametrized boundary etry for alkali-metal polar molecules in the near-threshold conditions, that acknowledge both a scattering phase limit of ultracold collisions [124]. shift and the probability of chemical reaction [128]. The boundary conditions are matched to highly accurate so- lutions of the long-range scattering, which are carefully 3. Quantum defect theory characterized analytically, allowing for simple analytic formulas for scattering observables. Full close-coupling calculations of ultracold collisions Paul S. Julienne and Frederick H. Mies propose a new including external field effects are a formidable task, and approach for analysis of quantum threshold behavior, there is intense interest in developing simplified models the MQDT [125], due to the problem of applying close- base on long-range theories. While Langevin type cap- coupled scattering approach to ultracold collisions in op- ture models can provide qualitative estimates of reaction tical traps. Zbigniew Idziaszek and Paul S. Julienne pro- 10 pose a general model with a complex potential for thresh- tential surface and ultimately react with a probability old molecular collision rates based on MQDT [128]. The [140]. Krzysztof Jachymski et al. [129] develop a general model is based on the separation of the effects of long- quantum theory for reactive collisions from the ultracold and short-range parts of the intermolecular potential for to the high-temperature limit using the formulation of a given scattering channel [130]. The reactive or inelas- QDT by Mies [141, 142], and applies it to the case of Pen- tic part of the short-range collision is characterized by ning ionization of argon by metastable helium measured a dimensionless parameter 0 y 1, which depends using merged molecular beams [107]. Good agreement on dynamics at short range and≤ is≤ related to the prob- with the the experimental data has been achieved by fit- ability of irreversible loss. While the long-range poten- ting at energies below 1.4 K, as can be seen in Figure tial determines how many partial wave is transmitted 4. to short range. The model gives universal rate constants In another merged molecular beam experiment, Justin for s- and p-wave collisions that are independent of short- Jankunas et al. use MQDT to obtain both the reaction range dynamics, if the probability of reaction in the short rates and cross sections for reactions of the Ne* + NH3 range is high. It predicts a universal rate constant of and Ne* +ND3 from 0.1 to 100 K, all of which agree well 1.1(1) 10−10cm3/s for the reactive s-wave collision of with experimental results [143], as shown in Figure 5. 40 × 40 87 3 K atoms with K Rb molecules, close to the mea- The application of MQDT formalism to He( S1) + NH3 sured value of 1.7(3) 10−10cm3/s for the reaction of Penning ionization with the same experimental setup has 40 87 40 × K Rb + K[22]. also achieved good agreement with experimental data Bo Gao also derive from MQDT a universal model [144]. However, when applying QDT to the reaction of 3 of exoergic bimolecular reactions or inelastic processes He( S1) + CHF3 [145], there is a large deviation from for a wide range of temperatures [131]. The quantum experimental data when the collision energy is smaller threshold behaviour given by the theory agrees with the than 2 K. From the comparison, the effect of inelastic classical Gorin model at higher temperatures, connecting collisions on rate coefficient is also evident. The rota- between the ultracold chemistry and regular chemistry. tionally inelastic collisions suppress the reaction rate for 3 In between, the reaction rates first decrease with tem- He( S1) + CHF3 from 10 to 100 K collision energy, while 3 perature outside of the Wigner threshold region, before Ne( P2) + NH3 reaction does not show this signature rising after a minimum is reached. Piotr S. Zuchowski˙ [143], which indicates that the magnitude of the rota- and Jeremy M. Hutson investigate the energetics of tional constant may be critical for this effect since large trimer formation reactions involving pairs of alkali-metal number of inelastic collision channels may be open when dimers, such as KRb + KRb K + KRb2 or K2Rb + Rb the rotational constant is low. [132]. They demonstrate that→ trimer formation reactions are always energetically forbidden for alkali-metal dimers in low-lying singlet states. III. Experiment: Near cold In order to explain the fast loss of rovibrational ground state molecules from the trap, which is found not only in collision chemically reactive KRb [21, 22, 133], NaLi [134], triplet Rb2 [135], but in nonreactive NaRb [136] and RbCs [137] In the dense molecular clouds of the interstellar due to unfavourable energetics, Michael Mayle et al. pro- medium, which are at the origin of star formation, gas pose a sticky collision hypothesis by formulating a the- phase chemistry are characterized by ultralow gas density ory within the framework of MQDT that incorporates all and low temperatures, typically the temperature of the possible rovibrational Fano-Feshbach resonances in a sta- cold cores could reach as low as 5-10 Kelvin [146]. The tistical manner [138, 139]. They argue that for nonreac- Boomerang Nebula, one of the Universe’s peculiar places, tive molecule, the large number of available rovibrational has a temperature of 1 K [147], falling below the temper- states of the molecule involved in the ultracold collision ature of the cosmic background radiation T=2.8K. Typ- support a dense manifold of Feshbach resonances and ically, gas-phase reactions involving two neutral species long-lived two-molecule collision complex can be formed possess activation energy barriers, and reaction rate co- by resonant collisions. A further collision between the efficients k are giving by the Arrhenius expression: collision complex and a molecule then lead to the ejec- tion of all three molecules from the trap. k(T )= A(T ) exp( Ea/T ) (24) A universal behaviour charactering ultracold collisions − or reactions involving ultracold molecules has also at- where T is the temperature, Ea is the activation energy tracted considerable interest. Zbigniew Idziaszek et al. in K, and A(T) is a weakly temperature-dependent term present a unified formalism of MQDT and QT, in order known as the pre-exponential factor. However, atom- to describe chemical reaction rates for trapped ultracold and radical-radical processes occur rapidly with molecules, which reduces the scattering to a propaga- Ea = 0 and pre-exponential factor approaches the so- tion of the reactant molecules along the long-range po- called collision limit. It has often been assumed the rate 11

wave averaging. For rotational excitation of simple molecules of astro- physical interest such as CO, O2, OH, NO by inelas- tic collisions with H2 molecules or He atoms, quantum- mechanical studies of these fundamental collision pro- cesses occurred in dense molecular clouds could estab- lish the existence of shape and Feshbach resonances [149– 151]. The exploration on such molecular collisions, both ex- perimental and theoretical, can be separated into a few branches, the first is in supersonic beam condition, such as crossed molecular beam technique pioneered by Lee and Herschbach in late 1960s [1]. The second takes place inside a beam, where both collision partners are seeded and collide along the propagation following appropriate initial preparation. The third is under in-situ condition, which is typically in an isolated manner and use cryo- genic technique, such as collisional cooling [152], matrix isolation [153] and helium nanodroplets [154]. The last is target collision, where the trapped samples are bom- barded by the incoming beam. In the following, we will focus on some main subbranches for each branch instead of give a detailed review of all the branches.

FIG. 5. Figure adapted from [143]. Rate constants for (a) the Ne* + NH3 reaction and (b) the Ne* + ND3 reaction. Pan- els (c) and (d) show the cross sections for Ne* + NH3 and A. Crossed molecular beam Ne* +ND3, respectively. The red symbols are the experimen- tal data and the black lines are the results from the MQDT Since the invention of crossed-molecular beam tech- calculations. The green lines show the rate predicted on the basis of a Langevin model with unit reaction probability at nique, it has become the standard tool for study in- short range. elastic collisions and reactions in both atom-molecule [155] and molecule-molecule systems [151]. Exquisite agreement between theory and experiment in the bench- mark three-atom F + HD HF + D [156–158] and coefficient k for these reactions can be approximated by → F + H2 HF + H [159, 160] reactions has been the hard-sphere relation achieved, where→ scattering resonance features have been fully rationalized. Agreement has also been obtained in k(T )= A(T )= k(300K)(T/300)0.5 (25) high-resolution crossed-beam experiments for prototypi- −11 3 −1 where typical value for k(300K) is 1.0-3.0 10 cm s . cal four-atom HD + OH H2O + D [151] and six-atom × Cl + CHD HCl + CD→ systems [161]. However, for With this assumption, the rate coefficients are consid- 3 → 3 erably small. However, many crossed-beam experiments many years the studies have been performed at high tem- with variable low collision energies in conjunction with perature regime with contributions from many partial ab initio quantum chemical calculations have shown that waves and collision energy large enough to surmount the the neutral-neutral reactions have zero threshold energy classical energy barriers. and proceed via strongly bound energized complexes, Recently, motivated by the interest in the collision pro- which have drastically altered our understanding of the cesses in astrophysical environments, significant progress low temperature interstellar chemistry over the last two has been made in crossed molecular beam studies of decades [148]. Many reactions have been found to have inelastic collisions and chemical reactions. In crossed little temperature dependence or become more rapid as molecular beam experiments, collision parter A with ve- the temperature is decreased, and their rate coefficients locity v1 and parter B with velocity v2 in laboratory 2 can often be fit to a weak inverse power law in temper- frame, will have a collision energy of Ec = 1/2µvr = ature. Although the temperature is still high compared 1/2µ(v2 + v2 2v v cosχ), where µ is the reduced mass, 1 2 − 1 2 to cold regime and collision energy are far above pure vr is the relative velocity, χ is the beam intersection s-wave scattering, this near cold regime will open a re- angle. The minimal relativ ecollision energy is Ec = 2 stricted number of partial waves with which the reso- µv1(1 cosχ) when v1 = v2. Therefore, both small nance signatures are not completely blurred by partial beam− intersection angle and small relative velocity are 12

The theoretical calculation with adiabatical treatment (section II. B. 1) and single potential energy surface agreed well with measurements. Later in a similar study of the S(1D ) + H (j 0) reaction at energies from 0.820 2 2 − down to 0.078 kJ/mol− (i.e. from 98.62 to 9.38 K) [165], normal hydrogen molecule is replaced with neat para hy- drogen molecule in order to facilitate the observation of structures in integral cross sections. Explicit measure- ments of integral cross sections clearly show undulation structures. It is believed that the structures observed at low energy where only a few partial waves contribute, are a signature of the sequential opening of individual channels. However, it also show obvious mismatch be- tween theoretical calculation and experimental measure- ment, which is mainly attributed to the accuracy of effec- tive potential in the calculation and the collision energy spread. In a following study of the S(1D ) + HD(j 0) reaction 2 − at energies from 54.2 meV down to 0.46 meV− (i.e. from 628.97 to 5.34 K) [166], explicit measurements of inte- gral cross sections for the HS+D and DS +H products FIG. 6. Figure adapted from [25]. Experimental crossed and their branching ratios were compared to adiabatic molecular beam setup for study of reaction dynamics with time independent quantum mechanical calculations (sec- tunable angle. tion II. B). Neither the product channel branching ratio, nor the low energy resonance features between 1.5 and 5 meV in the HS + D channel can be reproduced by the- oretical calculations. This discrepancy was attributed required to attain low collision energy in crossed molec- to the restriction of a single adiabatic electronic poten- ular beam experiments. It has been reduced to nearly 4 tial energy surface instead of a full time-dependent quan- Kelvin [29, 30], as can be represented by Figure 6. These tum mechanical treatment considering all four potential experiments have demonstrated observation of quantum energy surface and their nonadiabatic couplings for the effects in molecular collisions, such as orbiting resonance scattering calculations. Soon for the O2 H2 inelastic col- [162] and interferences [163, 164], entering the near cold lisions performed with the same experimental− apparatus regime. [150], with a full quantum close-coupling scattering cal- Chefdeville et al. reported experimental and quantum- culations (section II. B. 1) by using a four-dimensional mechanical studies on the CO(j 0) + H (j 0) ab initio potential energy surface obtained by the coupled − 2 − → CO(j 1)+H (j 0) inelastic collisions− [149]. In the− exper- cluster method while using single and double excitation − 2 − iment,− both beams− were from cryogenically cooled Even- with perturbative contributions from connected triple ex- Lavie fast-pulsed valves, which enable not only good con- citations and large sets of atomic basis orbitals, complete trol over velocity distribution but also quench of most characterization of fully resolved partial wave resonances internal state population to the ground rotational state. and excellent agreement with experimental integral cross The beam intersection angle was also reduced to 12.5 ◦. sections has been obtained in 3.7-20 cm−1 energy range, The integral cross section were measured in the threshold as illustrated in Figure 7. region of the CO(j 0 j 1) transition between 3 and In the last decade, there is another direction which −1 − → − 23 cm , corresponding to 4.32 and 33.09 K, which show replace one of the crossed beam with Stark-decelerated resonance structures but is only in qualitative agreement molecular beam and have achieved many successes. The from close-coupling calculations within the coupled chan- operation principles of Stark deceleration have been ex- nel methodology (section II.B.1), as is discussed in sec- tensively described and reviewed [167]. Its basic con- tion 2. This indicated a more stringent requirement on cepts, similar to the linear accelerator for charged parti- the potential energy surface for completely describing the cles, is that decelerating a molecular beam by using the experimental measurements. interaction of neutral polar molecules with time-varying 1 In the study of S( D2) + H2 SH + H reaction [29], electric fields. A narrow velocity distribution of the orig- which is consider as a prototype→ insertion reaction and inal molecular beam will be selected and decelerated to has no barrier, Berteloite et al. measured absolute rate any desired final velocity while maitain its narrow veloc- coefficients and relative integral cross sections down to ity distribution and particle density, with specific tim- 5 K collision energy with normal hydrogen molecule. ing sequence of the electric field. Because the process ∼ 13

FIG. 7. Figure adapted from [150]. Collisional energy de- FIG. 8. Figure adapted from [31]. Comparison of the mea- pendence of the integral cross sections for O2 excitation sured (data points) and calculated (solid curves) relative |N = 1, j = 0i → |N = 1, j = 1i. (A) Experimental data with cross-sections dependence on the collision energy. para-H2. (B) Theoretical results with partial waves J = 2,3,4 (solid lines), partial waves J = 1 and J = 5 to 7 (dashed lines), integral cross section (dashed-dotted line). deep understanding of the collision dynamics in these systems have been achieved. Besides, this approach is also a useful tool for imag- is quantum state specific, the collision process can be ing the scattering resonances in atom-molecule collisions. studied with very high quantum state purities. Thus the Using a combination of Stark deceleration and velocity- main advantage of this approach is the exquisite level of mapped imaging technique, the fingerprints of scattering control over both velocity and the quantum state purity. resonances in differential cross-sections (DCSs) for inelas- In the first scattering experiment with the Stark- tic collisions between NO radicals and He atoms are ob- 2 decelerated molecules, a packet of OH (X Π3/2,J = served [34]. In this experiment, the slow He beams from 3/2,f) radicals was decelerated and its velocity was a cryogenically cooled Even-Lavie valve crossed with the tuned between 33 and 700 m/s, then scattered with a Stark-decelerated NO beam at an angle of 45◦, result- pulsed beam of Xe in a crossed-beam geometry with a 90◦ ing in collision energies as low as 12.5cm−1, equivalent intersection angle [31]. The state-to-state integral scat- to a temperature of 12.0 K. The relative velocity vec- tering cross-sections were measured and calculated as a tor was chosen amost perpendicular to the He propa- function of the collision energy between 50 and 400 cm−1 gation direction, which resulted in an optimal energy with an energy resolution of 13 cm−1. Figure 8 shows a resolution of 0.3 cm−1 at collision energies near the resulting comparison of the collision energy dependence resonances. With∼ these experimental configurations, the of the measured and calculated relative cross-sections. scattering images were measured at collision energies be- Clear threshold behavior in the cross-sections was ob- tween 13 and 19 cm−1, which has been pridicted as where served where collision energies were resonant with the scattering resonances take place by high-level quantum- rotational energies of a specific rotational state of the OH mechanical scattering calculations. As shown in Figure radicals. Moreover, the measured relative cross-sections 9, striking variations in the angular distributions were were in excellent agreement with that derived from cou- observed when varying the energy in small steps over the pled channels calculations (section II. B. 1) of ab initio resonances. As seen from the Figure 9, the diameter of calculated OH-Xe potential energy surfaces. Soon the the images for the J = 1/2,f J = 5/2,f scatter- measurement has been performed with other molecule- ing channel is approaching| zeroi when → | the collisioni energy rare gas systems [168, 169], and even with molecule- reach the thermodynamic threshold of the channel, which molecule systems such as OH D2 [170] and OH-NO [33]. reveals a clear threshold behavior. In general, the mea- These measurements provide− a very sensitive probe for sured DCSs agree very well with that obtained from the the theoretical potential energy surfaces, from which a ab initio calculations. Since scattering resonance is very 14

B. Intra-beam collision


There are a few types of collision studies can be viewed as intra-beam collisions, where collisions between different collision partners can be studied inside single molecular beam. The first one is CRESU, which is the abbreviation of the Cin´etique de R´eaction en Ecoulement Superson- ique Uniforme. In the CRESU apparatus, a continuous, uniform supersonic flow of constant density and temper- ature is generated by expansion of gas from a reservoir at moderate pressure through a convergent-divergent Laval nozzle [39]. Its schematics is shown in Figure 10. At the exit of the Laval nozzle, as there is no further expansion downstream, the flow parameters (i.e. temperature, den- sity, pressure and velocity) do not exhibit any axial and radial variations in the centre of the jet, where the flow is isentropic for several tens of centimeters. The diffusion velocity is always negligible with respect to the bulk ve- locity therefore avoiding the condensation problem with the use of cryogenically cooled cells. As a consequence, in FIG. 9. Figure adapted from [34]. Experimental and simu- lated images at selected collision energies for channels of such expansions, heavily supersaturated conditions pre- |J = 1/2, fi → |J = 3/2,ei (left) and |J = 1/2, fi → |J = vail. 5/2, fi (right) in inelastic collisions between NO and He. Typical gas density as large as 1016-1017 cm−3 in the uniform supersonic flow ensures that frequent collisions take place during the expansion and subsequent flow, maintaining thermal equilibrium. Therefore, such uni- form supersonic flows provide an ideal flow reactor for the study of chemical reactivity at low and very low tempera- sensitive to the potential energy surface [149], this could ture, where the kinematics, most obviously the rate coef- be a promising method to provide key information for ficients can be measured. Notice, in the crossed-beam ex- the theoretical models. periment, the concept of temperature is not really valid, and the supersonic flow is inhomogenius, more impor- To conclude, crossed-beam experiment is an excellent tantly the time scale for reaction to happen does not tool to study the collision/reaction dynamics, obtaining exist as single collision event dominates. Consequently, integral cross sections, product angular distributions and only dynamics instead of kinematics exists in the crossed- product translational energy distributions. But it is diffi- beam studies. cult to identify each of the peaks in the structure of cross section and assign them to the contributions of specific The first measurements of rate coefficients down to 20 partial waves at near cold regime where almost all par- K were reported in 1984 [171, 172]. The CRESU ap- tial wave channels contribute to the total integral cross paratus provides a versatile method for measuring rate sections. Besides, the theoretical calculation of integral constants and have been applied to many neutral atom- cross section at few Kelvin range becomes highly sensitive molecule and molecule-molecule reactions involving rad- to even small inaccuracies in the potential energy surface, ical species in the 1-100K range [173–175]. The lowest thus challenge and push the theorists to further improve temperature in a CRESU experiment have achieved 7 K the accuracy of the ab initio calculation on the poten- so far [176] with a precooled reservoir by liquid N2. De- tial energy surface and of scattering calculation methods. spite great success, it also have few disadvantages: the Nevertheless, by further reducing the crossed beam angle supersonic flow is uniform for only tens of centimeters, to zero degree and precisely control the relative velocity which restricts the available hydrodynamic time (i.e. the between both beams, the collision energy can be tuned to observation time scale of change in concentration for a cold regime, thus only few partial waves come into play reagent) to few hundreds µs, and new nozzle for each set in the collisions. We will discuss it in the subsection of of conditions, requirement of large pumping capacities, merged molecular beam. as well as limited range of total gas densities [174]. 15

FIG. 11. Figure adapted from [178]. Time-of-flight distribu- tion of rotationally relaxed HD (v = 1, j = 1).

all azimuthal angle φ,

dσ 2π dσ FIG. 10. Figure adapted from [177]. Schematic diagram of (j =2 j = 1) = sin θ [( )j=1,mf =0 3 dθ → Z0 dΩ the CRESU apparatus for the study of C( P ) reaction kinet- (26) 3 dσ dσ ics. The C( P ) atoms were created by photolysis of C3O2 + ( )j=1,mf =+1 + ( )j=1,mf =−1]dφ, at 193nm and observed by laser induced fluorescence in the dΩ dΩ vacuum ultraviolet. where dΩ gives the differential solid angle, mf refers to the the z-axis projectio of the angular momentum vector j of the scattered HD (v = 1, j = 1). For each outgoing channel(designated by a given value of mf ), the scat- b SARP tered angular distribution for V-SARP results from the interference of the scattering amplitudes associated with three input channels, The Second is coexpanding in a mixed molecular beam following Stark-induced Adiabatic Raman Passage dσ V ( ) = 3/8q → (SARP) [178–180]. This method prepare both colliding j=1,mf j=2,m=+2 j=1,mf dΩ |p partners in a single coexpanding supersonic beam, thus 2 1/2q → + 3/8q − → , − j=2,m=0 j=1,mf j=2,m= 2 j=1,mf | bring the collision temperature down to 1 Kelvin, re- p (27) stricting scattering to s and p partial waves. With coher- ently transfer the population of one partner to an excited while for H-SARP, the differential scattering cross section state and alignment of the molecular bond axis paral- is given by lel/perpendicular to the relative velocity of the colliding partners using SARP, HD molecules are prepared in spe- dσ H 2 ( ) = q → , (28) cific m states of a rovibrationally excited energy eigen- dΩ j=1,mf | j=2,m=0 j=1,mf | state. Thus, full stereodynamic control of the scattering event can be achieved. In Figure 11, the time-of-flight The angular distributions can be extracted from exper- spectrum of scattered HD (v = 1, j = 1) demonstrates imentally measured time-of-flight distributions of scat- remarkably stereodynamic effects. When the molecular tered HD molecules. Figure 12 show the angular dis- bond axis is aligned perpendicular to the relative velocity tribution of the scattered HD (v = 1, j = 0) for HD of the colliding partners (V-SARP), the time-of-flight dis- molecular bond axis aligned parallel and perpendicular tribution of HD (v =1, j = 1) is nearly three times strong to the relative velocity between HD and D2. Therefore, compared to that when the molecular bond axis aligned the full stereodynamics in molecular collisions are well studied for HD H and HD D systems using measured parallel to the relative velocity of the colliding partners − 2 − 2 (H-SARP). This can be understood by the partial-wave four-vector correlations [181] and partial wave analysis. analysis of the time-of-flight distribution. c Cryofuge Assuming the quantization z axis oriented along the relative velocity of the colliding partners, which coincides The third method is the cryofuge [182], which uses cen- with the lab-frame molecular beam axis as well as the trifugal force to bring cryogenically cooled molecules dσ time-of-flight axis, then the angular distribution dθ of to kinetic energies below 1 K in the laboratory frame. inelastically scattered HD (v =1, j = 1) as a function of In the experiment, clear collisional losses are observed the polar angle θ is obtained by integrating the differen- due to attained density higher than 109cm−3 and inter- dσ tial scattering cross section dΩ , per unit solid angle over action times longer than 25 ms for samples of CH3F 16

temperature-variable environment. Frank C. De lucia et al. studied pressure broadening coefficients and ro- tational inelastic cross sections of various molecular col- lisions like CO-He and CH3F-He with millimeter wave [152, 184–186] in the late 1980s and 1990s. This enables many molecular collision processes, espe- cially of astronomy importance to be studied at temper- atures far below the limits ordinarily imposed by their va- FIG. 12. Figure adapted from [179]. The angular distribution por pressures. Recently, David Patterson group studied of the scattered HD (v = 1, j = 0) derived from time-of-flight measurements of the REMPI-generated . conformational dynamics of large polyatomic molecules [187]. In the experiment, the conformational relaxation of 1,2-propanediol in collisions with helium in 6 K cryo- genic environment is observed directly using microwave spectroscopy. However, due to the limitation imposed by the cur- rent cryogenic technology, the lowest temperature is min- imally 300mK and it suffers from the disadvantage that any gas would condense on the cold walls of the refrigerated-cooled cell. As we can see in section IV. A(buffer gas cooling), with the capability of in-situ mag- netic trapping, the collision energy has directly been brought down to cold regime, opening many new pos- FIG. 13. Figure adapted from [182]. Depletiion from molec- sibilities in studying molecular collisions. ular collisions in the centrifuge-decelerated beam for both (a) CH3F and (b) ND3. D. Target collision and ND . In Figure 13, the collisional loss depen- 3 Early Target collision studies was made immediately dence on the molecular density n and the longitudinal after capability of trapping molecular samples was re- velocity v of the guided beam are investigated. In a z alized. An example of the very first measurement is guided beam, the collisional loss modifies longitudinal −klossnL OH N2 total scattering cross section at ambient 295 K velocity distribution according to P = P0exp( ), − vz in a magnetic trap, where OH molecules are loaded from where k = σ v is the loss rate coefficient. Thus, loss loss rel a Stark decelerator [188]. This is recently followed by a the ratio for two longitudinal velocity distributions can −αkth∆nL collision study of magnetically trapped CH3 with ambi- be explained by an exp( ) model, where kth is vz ent H molecules [189]. In such experiments, the mea- the theoretically predicted loss rate coefficient and den- 2 sured corss-section is an average over background gas sity difference ∆n = n n . Using the semi- high low with broad Boltzmann velocity distribution, since they classical eikonal approximation− and the Langevin cap- are at room temperature. ture model (section II. B. 1), the theoretical loss rates CH3F In order to reach lower collision energies, Sawyer et are estimated to be k = 7.7 10−10cm3s−1 and th × al. have measured OH-He and OH D cross sections ND3 −9 3 −1 − 2 kth = 1.3 10 cm s at 0.8 K and 1.1 K collision by using a liquid-nitrogen cooled supersonic beam of He energy, respectively.× The values are about 40% and 60% or D2 to bombard the target, i.e. magnetically-trapped larger than theory, which reveals the imprecision of the OH molecules [191]. The experiment reveals a strik- Langevin model. Additionally, the ratio of the loss rate ing feature in the OH D2 collisions, a pronounced peak coefficient agrees well with the semiclassical calculations in the cross section at− 305 cm−1 emerges, which sug- [183], which predicts a rate coefficient k d2, where d is ∝ gests resonant energy transfer possibly contributing from the dipole moment of the molecule. J = 3 J = 1 transition or collision-induced decay of 1 ←+ the Σg D2 molecule. Following this, the collision en- ergy is further lowered using a slow ND3 beam, which C. Collisional cooling was buffer-gas-cooled and subsequently velocity filtered by a 90◦ bent hexapole guide, colliding with magnetically Collisional cooling, typically constrain the candidate trapped OH molecules [190]. The experimental assembly gas in a vapor cell with preferentially cryogenically is illustrated in Figure 14. The absolute trap loss cross cooled helium gas, making it possible to study gas phase sections are measured and electric-field enhancement of collisional processes under equilibrium conditions in a collision cross sections have been observed. 17

the de Broglie wavelength associated with relative veloc- ity becomes comparable to or even greater than the size of the reactants [195]. It is also an ideal platform to obtain precise information of interatomic interaction po- tential and to study cold chemistry. Moreover, it can be used to test various state-of-art ab initio calculations on molecular potential energy surfaces, and different scat- tering theories in obtaining integral and differential cross section. Despite of its importance, it have been out of reach for many decades in atomic and molecular collision stud- ies. The success of laser cooling and trapping render full ability to studies of cold collisions, however the researches have since been mainly focused on ultracold atomic col- lisions where collisions can be studied in complete quan- FIG. 14. Figure adapted from [190]. Illustration of the com- tum regime with only the lowest partial wave exist, re- bined experimental assembly for study of low energy collision ducing the complexity of the related researches. While of ND3 and OH. most of chemically interested species cannot be cooled by the laser, since laser cooling technique is limited to alkali and alkali-earth metal, or atomic species whose electronic configuration bear striking resemblance. Nonetheless, a In a similar fashion, elastic scattering between Li atoms few techniques have been developed so far, and in the fol- and SF6 molecules is studied [192]. In this study, the Li lowing we will discuss three main techniques, which are atoms instead of molecules are confined in a magneto- buffer gas cooling, merged molecular beam and molecular optical trap (MOT), while SF6 molecules are released synchrotron. from a nozzle mounted at the tip of a fast-spinning rotor [193, 194], which enable the tuning of velocity through varying the rotating frequency of the rotor. By detecting A. Buffer gas cooling the trap loss of the Li atoms out of the MOT and scat- tering products in the direction of the molecular beam, multiple rainbow features are resolved, revealing a rich This method relies on the elastic collisions between structure of orbiting resonances. the target molecules and cryogenically precooled he- Such target collision experiment has an inherent ad- lium/neon gas. It is a universal technique and in princi- vantage: it can directly measure the absolute collision ple can be applied to any kind of molecule. In late 1990s, cross section by using trapped molecules as the scatter- coupling in situ magnetic trapping enabled by supercon- ing target [191]. Furthermore, the technique has a high ducting magnets with cryogenic cooling, group of John sensitivity to the trap loss and to elastic differential cross Doyle and Jonathan Weinstein are able to study Zeeman sections, allowing for direct measurement of the differen- relaxation rate and cross section in cold collisions of many tial cross section in a trap of variable depth. However, molecules with helium, including CaH [196], CaF [197], because the trapping potential requires a minimum en- and NH [112, 198, 199]. ergy tranfer for an elastic collision to eject a molecule In Figure 15, the CaH molecule is produced from laser from the trap, the observed trap loss cross section is the ablation of a solid lump of CaH2 inside the cryogenic sum of the inelastic cross section and some unknown frac- cell with temperature up to 1000K. Successively the tion o fthe elastic cross section. molecules exchange energy with∼ the cold bath of 4He at a temperature of 800 mK or 3He at 240 mK. Typical gas density of 4He is about 1016cm−3 and cross section IV. Experiment: Cold collision for elastic scattering is assumed to be on the order of 10−14cm2. After about 100 collisions, the molecules are cooled to the same temperature of these buffer gas and In the community of atomic, molecular and optical subsequently be trapped by a superconducting magnetic physics, chemical physics and , there is al- field positioned outside the cell and arranged in an anti- ways a great desire of studying cold molecular collisions, Helmoltz configuration, whose strength is about 3 T, cor- because they are ideal to observe the quantum nature responding to a trap depth of 2 K for CaH molecules. of molecular collisions since the angular momentum be- The molecules are excited through B2Σ+, v′ = 0 comes severely constrained, eventually reaching the limit X2Σ+, v”=0 transition and detected| using rotationali ← l = 0 where only s-wave scattering could take place and |transition N ′ =0i ,J ′ =3/2 N”=0,J”=1/2 from | i ← | i 18

FIG. 16. Figure adapted from [198]. Schematic diagram load- ing NH beam into the magnetic trap.

FIG. 15. Figure adapted from [196]. Schematic of magnetic trapping of CaH molecules collisionally cooled by He, which in term cryogenically cooled by dilution refrigerator.

the radiative decay of B2Σ+, v′ =0 X2Σ+, v”=1 . | i → | i By ovserving the time evolution of the molecules, the dy- FIG. 17. Figure adapted from [107]. Schematic of Penning namics of the loading and trapping process can be stud- ionization reaction setup with merged atomic and molecular ied. beam. The supersonic beam of metastable helium (blue) mov- Except for the in-situ loading by the laser ablation, ing along the curved magnetic quadrupole guide merges with the molecules can also be loaded using a molecular beam another beam of H2 or Ar (red) at the exit of the guide. [198, 200]. As in Figure 16, the NH radical beam, which is converted from ammonia by room-temperature glow discharge, enter the cryogenic cell through an ori- fice. The molecules are detected by laser induced fluo- aspects of the and chemistry, where rescence and absorption spectroscopy on the A3Π, v′ = molecules cooled by the buffer gas cooling are used as 0 X3Σ−, v”=0 transition. They are trapped| with ideal samples for deceleration of the molecular beam 1i/e ←lifetimes | exceedingi 20 s [199]. Cold N-NH collisions [182, 206, 207], laser cooling [208, 209], opto-electrical at a temperature of 600 mK is also studied [201]. The (or Sisyphus) cooling [210, 211], precision microwave and N + NH trap loss rate∼ coefficient attributing to inelastic optical spectroscopy [212–215], measurement of the elec- relaxation is measured, and the ratio of their elastic-to- tric dipole moment of the electron [216, 217], and cold inelastic collisions is large enough over the temperature ion-molecule reactions [218, 219]. range 10 mK - 1 K from ab initio quantum scattering calculations.∼ Moreover, the formation and dynamics of van der B. Merged molecular beam Waals molecules [202], including Ag3He(2Σ+)[203], 7Li4He [204], and 48Ti4He [205], have also been studied. As we have seen in the previous section, the rela- In these experiments, the formation of weakly bound He- tive collision energy is in near cold regime or even high- containing van der Waals molecules through three-body temperature regime in typical crossed molecular beam recombination is confirmed either by their dynamics such experiments. In order to reduce the relative collision en- as spin relaxation in the magnetic trap [202], or by laser ergy to cold regime, different proposals using supersonic spectroscopy [204]. expansion technique have been made. Qi Wei et al. pro- Currently, buffer gas cooling is not only used for the posed merging slowed beam from counter-rotating noz- collisional studies, it is a widely used technique in many zle with pulsed molecular beam such that the scatter- 19

with the E1/6 scaling law down to 30 K, below which follows scales with E1/10 until becoming∼ a constant value when the collision energy is less than 0.04 K, which is con- sistent with the Wigner threshold laws (section II. B. 2) . 3 By comparison, the reaction of ortho-H2 with He(2 P2) 3 is faster than the reaction of para-H2 with He(2 P2) due to emerging anisotropic quadrupole-quadrupole interac- tion in the effective long-range potential for rotationally excited molecules. FIG. 18. Figure adapted from [107]. Reaction rate measure- 3 3 ment for (A) ( S)He* and H2, (B) ( S)He* and Ar. In panel Following this research, the effect of anisotropy on A, red solid line is the calculated reaction rate by using the shape resonances in cold Penning ionization reactions 3 Tang-Toennies potential. In panel B, the solid black line is a of He(2 S1) with molecular hydrogen in the rotational guide to the eye. ground and first excited states have been demonstrated [80]. Only when the molecule is rotationally excited does the scattering resonance at the collision energy of kB 270 mK appear in the Penning ionization. The isotropic× ing angle approaching zero, and relative velocity can be potential dominates the reaction dynamics when molec- smoothly tuned to ultracold collision regime by adjust- ular hydrogen is in the ground rotational state, while for ing the repetition frequency of the counter-rotating noz- 3 He(2 S1) + ortho-H2 the contribution of the anisotropic zle and the condition of supersonic expansion for pulsed part of the potential reduces the well depth with total molecular beam [220]. This idea of beam-merging has angular momentum J = 3, thus raises the bound state been first realized in a typical He* + H He + H + 2 → 2 above the dissociation threshold by 270 mK which is ac- Penning ionization experiment [107], where metastable cessible via tunnelling in scattering experiments. Except helium generated by dielectric barrier discharge is guided the effects mentioned above, the possible outcome of a by a curved magnetic quadrupole guide with a small an- chemical reaction, namely the branching ratio, could also gle and large curvature, and merge with a pulsed beam be affected by the collision energy [223]. In barrierless of molecular hydrogen at zero degree. systems such as Penning ionization system Rg* +Ar(here The schematics is shown in Figure 17. Their relative Rg represents rare gas), the reaction is governed by long- velocity can be finely tuned from 350K to the lowest col- range interactions. The branching ratio is sensitive to lision energy of 10 mK. With this ability, they have ∼ collision energy and its dependence on collision energy observed orbiting resonance features in the reaction rate. can be used for better understanding the reaction dy- More importantly, this method enables the investigation namics and reconstructing interaction potentials. In the of cold collisions of atomic/molecular beams with colli- measured collision energy range, the change of two or- sion energy spanning up to 6 order of magnitude, as is ders of magnitude in the branching ratio is observed for shown in Figure 18. It thus bridges an enormous en- both Ne(3P) + Ar and He(3S) + Ar systems, as Figure ergy gap between conventional studies of crossed molec- 20 shows. Similar behaviour can be expected in chemical ular beam collisions and ultracold collision studies, which reactions involving molecules. have been beyond of reach for many decades in collision The merged molecular beam technique has also studies. been extended to study cold collisions with polyatomic With this technique, the isotope effect on the reaction molecules. The Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lau- rate has been studied [221]. Partial waves of collision sanne (EPFL) group have studied a set of Penning ion- with different isotopologues causes scattering resonances izations, such as Ne* + NH3, Ne* + ND3 [143, 224], at different collision energies, leading to clearly differ- 3 3 He( S1)+NH3 [144] and He( S1)+CHF3 [145] from 0.1 to ent reaction rates for different isotopes in the collision 100 K. In their experiments, the supersonic beam of am- temperature range from 10 mK to 100 K. For the same monia molecule and metastable noble gas is injected into isotope of hydrogen molecule reacting with helium, the 3 curved electrostatic guide and curved magnetic guide, re- reaction rate constant with He(2 P2) is more than two 3 spectively. Each beam perfectly overlap with each other order of magnitude than reaction with He(2 P2). It also in space and time when they exit the guide. show significant dependence on the rotational state [222], as is shown in Figure 19. Reaction rate constant of para- 3 H2 molecules with He(2 P2) follows theoretical universal C. Molecular synchrotron Langevin prediction (section II. B. 1) with the E1/6 scal- ing law down to 0.8 K, below which the rate constant falls below E1/6 scaling and eventually slow by more than 50% Molecular synchrotron can be viewed as a variation at 10mK lowest collision energy. While the reaction rate of crossed-beam apparatus with 0◦ (i.e. merged beam) ◦ constant with rotationally excited ortho-H2 is consistent or 180 angle [225], and is similar to the fashion of a 20

FIG. 20. Figure adapted from [223]. Reaction rate measure- FIG. 19. Figure adapted from [222]. Reaction rate measure- ment of associative ionization (red) and Penning ionization ment for hydrogen molecules in (a) ground and (b) excited 3 3 3 (blue) in reaction Ne( P)+Ar (a) and He( S)+Ar (b). The rotational states with He(2 P2) from 10 mK to 300 K. solid lines denote numerical simulations.

slow molecular beam colliding with particles in a trap, which is discussed in section 3.4. One difference is that molecular synchrotron can store molecular packets for molecular packets can be continuously loaded, producing many round-trips, they can interact repeatedly with their large number density of molecules. As an arena for low- collision partners at well defined times and at distinct energy molecular collision studies, molecular synchrotron positions. The longer the packets are stored before de- offers multiple desirable advantages. First, collision part- tection, the more molecules are lost due to (in)elastic ners can move in the same direction, resulting a small collsions accumulate over the collision events, thus colli- relatvie velocity and thus a low collision energy. If we sion signals are accumulated and the sensitivity to col- choose beams that move with the same speed as the lisions will be strongly enhanced. It increases linearly stored molecules, in principle, zero collision energy can with the number of collision events. Considering there be attained. are n packets revolving clockwise with the same speed in Second, since the cross sections of collisions involving the synchrotron consisting of N segments, each packet neutral molecules or atoms are small (typically below of molecules collide with copropagating injection packet 500 A˚2) and molecular densities are low (typically 108 once every round trip. After m round trips, it would have molecules/cm3) from currently available deceleration or interacted mn times. With an additional factor √n due cooling technique, a sufficiently large sensitivity is highly to summed intensity of the n packets, the total gain in demanded for studying cold molecular collisions. Since sensitivity is mn√n, which could amount to a factor of 21

FIG. 21. Figure adapted from [227]. Schematic view of the synchrotron and beam line. Supersonic packets of Ar FIG. 22. Figure adapted from [227]. Integrated collision cross (green) from a cooled Even-Lavie valve encounter copropa- section for ND3 + Ar versus collision energy. The measure- gating probe ND3 packets (red) stored in the synchrotron on ments are fit to a theoretical calculation [233]. every round-trap, while reference ND3 packets (blue) provide a simultaneous measurement of the background loss.

V. Experiment: Ultracold collisions

100 - 1000 [226]. Understanding collisions involving molecules at the quantum level has been a long-standing goal in chemical The molecular synchrotron was demonstrated by physics. As elastic, inelastic and reactive collision cross- Heiner et al. [228, 229], which breaks a molecular storage section are sensitive to the details of both short-range and ring [230, 231] into two half-circles and switches the volt- long-range part of the molecular interaction potential, ul- ages on the hexapole electrodes such that molecules are tracold molecular collision offers an ideal probe of the po- bunched together as they fly through the gap between tential energy surface, in other words, the measurement the two half rings. In this way, the molecular packets of scattering resonances provides an accurate probe of the are both transversely and longitudinally confined, thus potential energy surfaces. In this perspective, ultracold avoiding spreading out along the flight direction and molecules offer great opportunities to study molecular maintaining sufficient density to perform collision experi- collisions in the quantum regime, because the de Broglie ments. In this prototype synchrotron, the molecules were wavelength of the collision partners is much larger than kept together for over 100 round trips, and injection of the range of molecular interaction potential at ultracold multiple molecular packets was demonstrated. With an temperature and thus only the lowest partial wave of rel- improved synchrotron consisting of 40 straight hexapoles ative orbital angular momentum dominates the collision placed in a circle [232], molecular packets of ND3 pos- process. Since the first association of ultracold atoms sessing both small velocity spread ( 10 mK) and widely [234], the collisions between the molecules and the atoms ∼ tunable velocities (100-150 m/s), were stored over 150 have been studied extensively. round trips (over 13 s storage time) and up to 19 packets All of the ultracold collision studies involving molecules were hold simultaneously. can be divided into second categories, first is collisions with unstable highly-lying vibrational excited molecules Recently, the collisions between ND3 stored in a 50 such as Feshbach molecules, second is collisions with rovi- cm diameter synchrotron and Ar atoms in copropagating brational ground state molecules. Until creation of rovi- supersonic beams are studied [227]. The schematics of brational ground state molecules [235–237], studies on ul- the experiment is shown in Figure 21. In this study, tracold collisions belong to the first and the last one. The the collision energy are tuned by varying the velocity of molecules are prepared by association of two ultracold the stored ND3 packets, by varying the temperature of atoms [238], e.g. using magnetically tuned Feshbach res- the pulsed valve for Ar atoms, and by varying the timing onances [239]. Such a scattering resonance occurs when between the Ar beam and ND3 packet. Figure 22 shows a free colliding atom pair energetically coincides with a the total cross section obtained from the measured loss bound molecular state. The formation of molecules near rates and agrees well with the quantum close-coupling Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases has been reported calculations [233]. for bosons [240–243] and fermions [244–246]. 22

A. Vibrational excited molecule

1. Homonuclear diatomic molecule

Dimers of fermions have been observed with life- times far longer than the times scales for elastic colli- sions and thermalization, exhibiting remarkable stability against the atom-molecule and molecule-molecule colli- 40 sions. K2 molecules are created by scan the nearly equal mixture of f = 9/2,mf = 5/2 and 9/2, 9/2 spin state over a| Feshbach resonance− ati 224.21| G− adia-i batically at a ramping rate of 40µsG−1 [244]. The mea- sured lifetime of the molecules have been only 1 ms ow- FIG. 23. Figure adapted from [256]. Measuring the loss rate of the Cs2 dimers. (a) Absorption image of the atom-dimer ing to vibrational quenching, however it dramatically as mixture after release from the trap and Stern-Gerlach separa- the Feshbach resonance it approached, which is demon- tion. (b) Time evolution of the number of atoms and dimers strated in a following experiment [247]. The molecules at 35 G. The loss of dimers is fitted with an exponential decay are created from degenerate 40K atoms in equal mixture curve. of 9/2, 7/2 and 9/2, 9/2 state, and the lifetime in- creases| − from i 1 ms| to− greateri than 100 ms when the magnetic field∼ is tuned to the 9/2, 7/2 and 9/2, 9/2 resonance at 224.21 G. | − i | − i sion partners. However, the two-body decay coefficient for former collision is exceptionally small, more than 10 The Li2 molecules show a similar collisional stability near the Feshbach resonance. Kevin E. Strecker et al. times smaller than the universal predictions, which is ex- plained by the low density of available decay sates in create Li2 molecules in the least-bound v = 38 vibra- 1 + | i systems of light atoms [121]. tional level of the X Σg singlet state from a degener- ate two component Fermi gas 1/2, 1/2 and 1/2, 1/2 In contrast, the dimers of bosons show a quick de- by adiabatic passage through| a narrow− i Feshbach| reso-i cay via inelastic collisions, so that quantum degenerate nance at 543 G [245]. The molecules are produced molecular clouds can only survive few milliseconds [254]. with an efficiency∼ of 50% and remain confined in an op- Roahn Wynar et al. report the creation of state-selected tical trap for up to 1 s. Similarly, J. Cubizolles et al. Rb2 molecules in the Rb Bose-Einstein condensation with coherent free-bound stimulated Raman transitions [255], create weakly weakly bound Li2 molecules by sweeping a magnetic field across a broad Feshbach resonance at 810 whose line shapes reflect the collisional behaviour of molecules and atoms. The inelastic atom-molecule col- G with 85% efficiency [246]. The decay of Li2 molecules show a lifetime 500ms at 689 G, while only 20 ms lisions result in a finite lifetime of the molecules, while at 636 G, exhibiting≃ strikingly different collisional relax- the elastic interactions between the molecule and atomic ation. S. Jochim et al. create pure sample of weakly condensate give rise to a mean-field contribution to the chemical potential of an atom or molecule, which causes bound Li2 molecules from three-body recombination in a 50-50 spin mixture in the lowest two spin states at a the shift of the resonance Raman transition. Both of field of 690 G, and observe a strong coupling between these interaction are responsible of the broadening of the atomic gas and the molecules [248]. The long lifetime Raman transition line shapes. of the molecules represents a large elastic collision rate Takashi Mukaiyama et al. study the inelastic collisions between the particles. Their collisional stability is ex- between sodium condensates in F,mF = 1, 1 state plained by a fermionic suppression of vibrational quench- and Feshbach sodium molecules in| an opticali dipole| i trap ing in molecule collisions [249], and leads to the imme- [257]. N. Zahzam et al. investigate the cold inelastic diate formation of molecular Bose-Einstein condensation collisions between Cs atoms and Cs2 dimers in an op- following evaporative cooling. [250–252]. Tout T. Wang tical dipole trap [258]. The atom-molecule collision is et al. have also observed different collisional behaviour in the dominant mechanism for the loss of the molecules collisions of Li2 in the highest vibrational state with free with a rate coefficient, which shows no dependence on Li atoms, compared to Li2 + Li2 and Li2 + Na collisions the photoassociated state. In a similar experiment [259], [253]. The two-body inelastic decay coefficients for latter the dimers are prepared in high-lying vibrational levels two collisions match with predictions from the quantum (v′ = 32 47) or low-lying levels (v′ = 4 6) in the Langevin model (section II. B. 1) for universal collisions a3Σ+ triplet− ground state by photoassociation− through − 2 of ultracold molecules, which assumes unit probability of v =6 or v = 79 state of the outer well of the 0g ( P3/2) loss at short range and the decay rate dependent only on potential. The storage time of Cs2 molecules at different the long-range van der Waals interaction between colli- atom density are measured, and corresponding loss rate 23 coefficients are equally large for both molecular states in ensembles produced by photoassociation via B1Π, v′ = inelastic collisions with Cs(F=3). S. Knoop et al. ob- 26,J ′ =1 and via B1Π, v′ = 26,J ′ =1 . | i | i serve a trimer state in ultracold Cs Cs scattering, in Bo Zhao group recently have observed state-to-state − 2 the positive scattering length regime where a dimer state atom-exchange reaction AB+C AC+B in an ultracold 40 23 40 → exists [256]. Figure 23 presents the decay of Cs2 dimers K atom and Na K Feshbach molecule mixture near measured from the absorption image. The trimer state magnetic field of 130.24 G [265]. The 23Na40K molecules manifests itself in a resonant enhancement of inelastic are associated from ultracold 23Na and 40K mixture by collisions in the mixture of Cs atoms and Cs2 dimers, a Blackman rf pulse, and is detected by rf dissociation. with loss rate coefficient β of dimers as a function of the Both the atom and molecule product, as well as the reac- scattering length and the magnetic field. They also ob- tion rate coefficient are measured for different magnetic serve an elementary exchange process A +B A+AB fields. The dependence of rate coefficient on magnetic 2 → in the mixture [260], where A represents the lowest hy- field indicates the reaction can be switched on or off by perfine sublevel F =3,m =3 , and B one of the upper fine tuning the magnetic field. | F i F = 4,mF hyperfine sublevels with mF = 2,3,4. The |energetics ofi the process can be magnetically controlled and be tuned from endoergic to exoergic, enabling the 3. Collision between Feshbach molecules observation of a pronounced threshold behaviour in the rate coefficient β for inelastic atom-molecule collisions. There are also studies on ultracold molecule-molecule A. Zenesini et al. study the collisional properties of ultra- collisions. C. Chin et al. observe magnetically tuned col- cold Cs atoms and dimers close to a Feshbach resonance lision resonances for ultracold Cs2 molecules stored in a near 550 G and observe an atom-dimer loss resonance CO2-laser trap [266]. The observed ”double peak” struc- that is related to Efimov’s scenario of trimer states [261]. ture strongly suggests that the existence of bound states of two Cs2 molecules or Cs4 tetramer states in collisions between ultracold Cs2 molecules, inducing Feshbach-like 2. Heteronuclear diatomic molecule couplings to inelastic decay channels. F. Ferlaino et al. study the loss of Cs2 halo dimers due to inelastic Eric R. Hudson et al. observe strong inelastic colli- dimer-dimer collisions in a pure trapped sample of Fesh- sions of ultracold RbCs with background Cs or Rb atoms, bach Cs2 molecules [267]. The dependences of relaxation which lead to dramatic reduction of the molecular life- rate coefficient on scattering length and temperature are time [262]. The vibrationally excited RbCs molecules in measured. Fudong Wang et al. recently report the ob- their a3Σ+ ground electronic state is produced via pho- servation of a dimer-dimer inelastic collision resonance toassociation of laser-cooled 85Rb and 133Cs atoms. The for ultracold 23Na87Rb Feshbach molecules [268]. The inelastic scattering rate constant show a lack of depen- resonance manifests itself as a pronounced inelastic loss dence on molecular binding energy, indicating the details peak of dimers when the interspecies scattering length of the short-range interaction potential are unimportant, is tuned and is attributed to the crossing of the dimer- consistent with the Langevin model (section II. B. 1) . J. dimer threshold with a tetramer state. The loss rate J. Zirbel et al. create ultracold weakly bound fermionic coefficients also show a temperature dependence. When 40 87 K Rb molecules using a Feshbach resonance between a = 301a0, the dimer is deeply bound with a binding Rb 1, 1 and K 9.2, 9/2 atoms at B0 = 546.7G, and energy of 1 MHz, βdd is nearly temperature indepen- investigate| i their| stability− ini collision with bosonic 87Rb, dent, which∼ agrees with the Wigner threshold law. At 40 40 fermionic K, or distinguishable K 9/2, 7/2 atoms a = 596a0 and 1599a0, βdd decreases with increasing | − i −0.42 [263]. It is shown that inelastic loss of the molecules temperature according to the power law βdd T near the Feshbach resonance is dramatically affected by and β T −0.21, respectively. ∝ dd ∝ the quantum statistics of the colliding particles and the The dimer-dimer collision can also be studied in a scattering length. A molecule lifetime as long as 100 reversible fashion and reactions proceed along a single ms suggests that collisions between identical fermionic channel. Daniel K. Hoffmann et al. investigate the reac- molecules are suppressed. tion of 2 AB ↽⇀ AB+A+B with Li2 Feshbach molecules −−−− 6 However, enhanced decay rates for a 1000a0 are [269]. Pairs of F = 1/2,mF = 1/2 , 1/2, 1/2 Li observed when colliding with bosonic 87Rb≥ atoms. Jo- atoms in the two| lowest hyperfine− statesi | of thei elec- hannes Deiglmayr et al. investigate collisions of ultra- tronic ground state are converted into weakly bound Fes- cold polar LiCs molecules and ultracold atoms in hbach molecules by exothermic three-body recombina- an optical dipole trap[264]. The LiCs molecules are cre- tion. Then the temperature is suddenly raised using an ated by photoassociation of caesium and lithium atoms excitation pulse of parametric heating, which is realized the B1Π excited state followed by spontaneous emission by frequency modulation of the dipole trap depth during to the X1Σ+ ground state and the lowest triplet sate a short period and shift the atom-molecule mixture out a3Σ+. The measured lifetime is identical for molecular of equilibrium. The evolution of the system is measured 24 until it reaches a new equilibrium. A strong dependence on the temperature of the reaction dynamics is observed and is consistent with the Arrhenius law. The increas- ing of association rate constant with scattering length a agrees with the low-energy threshold law (section II. B. 2) R ~a4/m, and the data for the dependence of dissocia- tion∝ rate constant on a are raw but in reasonably agree- ment with theoretical prediction C T 3/2a4e−Eb/kB T . ∝

B. Ground state molecule

1. Field-free

The first ultracold collisions between atoms and rovi- brational ground state molecules are first studied by D. S. Jin and Jun Ye’s group [22], where the quantum na- FIG. 24. Figure adapted from [22]. Loss rate coefficient of ture of the relative motion of the reactants is reflected 40K87Rb versus temperature. Experimental data for a single K Rb in the quantum threshold behavior, and the quantum component gas of molecules in spin states |mI = −4,mI = K Rb statistics become unequivocally important. The 40K87Rb 1/2i (solid circles), |mI = −4,mI = 3/2i (open triangles), K Rb and for 50/50 mixture of these two spin states (solid squares), molecules are prepared in mI = 4,mI = 1/2 or are compared with prediction of QT (dotted line) and MQDT mK = 4,mRb = 3/2 hyperfine| − state of rovibronici I I (dashed line) model. A linear fit (solid line) to the |− 4, 1/2i ground| state− X1Σ+, v =i 0,N = 0 . The molecules are | i yields the temperature-dependent loss rate to be 1.2(±0.3) × produced using single step of two- coherent Ra- 10−5cm3s−1K−1. man transfer from weakly bound molecules with an av- eraged density of 1011 to 1012 cm−3 and translational temperature of a few hundred nanoKelvin. When KRb K Rb molecules are prepared in either mI = 4,mI =1/2 temperature normalized reaction rate constants β/T is K Rb | − i or mI = 4,mI =3/2 , the collisions of the KRb-KRb constant above T/TF =0.6, in excellent agreement with is strongly| − suppressed byi the Pauli principle and proceed predicted MQDT value of β/T =0.8 10−5cm3s−1K−1, × predominantly by tunnelling through p-wave centrifugal whereas β/T shows a strong deviation from the Wigner barrier with height of k 24µ K, and loss rate coef- threshold law and MQDT trend at T/TF 0.6, as can be B ≤ ficient dependence on temperature× is shown in Figure seen in Figure 25. The observed reduction of β/T , mani- 24, which yields a temperature-dependent loss rate to festing suppressed collision rate beyond the prediction by be 1.2( 0.3) 10−5cm3s−1K−1. Similar dependence is the Wigner threshold law, is attributed to the reduced also found± in× a degenerate Fermi gas of KRb molecules density fluctuation, i.e. reduced probability of finding [133]. When the molecules are prepared in a equal mix- two molecules within a short distance of each other as ture of the two hyperfine states, the reaction proceeds T/TF is lowered because of anti-bunching, which is the very fast and a temperature-independent loss rate is ob- same physical phenomenon giving rise to the Pauli pres- served, where the loss of the molecules is found due to sure and reduced compressibility of a Fermi gas. barrierless chemical reaction with potassium atoms. Timur M. Rvachov et al. create fermionic dipolar 23 6 To explain the experimental results for reaction of ul- Na Li molecules in their triplet ground state from 23 6 tracold KRb molecules, S. Ospelkaus et al. have used an ultracold mixture of Na and Li [134]. The iso- both QT (section II. B. 2) and MQDT model (section II. lated molecular sample has a lifetime of 4.6 s and two- B. 3) to analyze the loss rate of rovibronic ground state body loss coefficients for NaLi with Li, Na, and NaLi 40K87Rb molecules. The comparison of the calculation are measured. Collisions of the ground state molecule results based on each model to the experimental measure- with Na 1, 1 or Li 1/2, 1/2 yield lifetime τ 2ms. | i | i ≈ ments is presented in Figure 24. The experimental data The molecule-molecule proceed through p-wave scatter- is consistent with the Wigner threshold laws, where the ing due to their fermionic nature and give a low loss rate reaction rate slows down at low temperatures since the K 10−11cm3/s. ≈ tunnelling rate is proportional to the temperature. In a Dajun Wang group recently presents detailed recent experiment [133], the two-body loss coefficients of studies on the ultracold bimolecular reaction KRb molecules follow the predicted MQDT trend closely NaRb + NaRb Na + Rb for both ro-vibrational → 2 2 with temperature T/TF > 0.6, while show strong devi- ground state and the first vibrational excited state ations with T/T 0.6 at all temperatures. Moreover, molecule[136]. For ultracold 23Na87Rb molecules, F ≤ 25

FIG. 26. Figure adapted from [21]. Two-body inelastic loss for fermionic KRb molecules. The dashed line and solid line show the fit to simple quantum threshold model and complete quantum scattering model, respectively. The inset show the calculated dependence of d on the applied electric field.

(section II. B. 3) , which argues that pairs of molecules form long-lived collision complexes and is considered to be the dominant mechanism for the loss of ground state molecules from the trap, Philip D. Gregory et al. experi- mentally investigate collisional losses of optically trapped sample of ground state 87Rb133Cs molecules [137]. The molecules are prepared in a single hyperfine level of the X1Σ+ rovibrational ground state via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. The collisional losses of these nonre- active molecules are measured. The loss of molecules is found consistent with the expectation for complex- FIG. 25. Figure adapted from [133]. Temperature depen- mediated collisions, but the loss rate is lower than the dence of reaction rate constants. (A) The reaction rate con- limit of universal loss. stant β at various initial temperatures. (B) Temperature nor- malized reaction rate constants as a function of degeneracy. Soldi bule points correspond to T/TF ≤ 0.6, and solid red 2. External field points T/TF > 0.6. Solid black, red and blue line represent average β/T for T/TF > 0.6, MQDT calculations and average relative density fluctuations, respectively. The tunability of the chemical reactivity of polar molecules have also been studied under external field. Tetsu Takekoshi et al. observe the onset of hyperfine- changing collisions when the magnetic field is ramped so the reaction NaRb(v 0,J 0) + NaRb(v 0,J 0) that the 87Rb133Cs molecules are no longer in the hyper- − − − − → Na2(v 0,J 0) + Rb2(v 0,J 0) is endothermic by fine ground state v”=0,J”=0,Mtot =5 , and demon- −−1 − − − 47 cm , while the reaction NaRb(v 0,J 0) + strate that the two-body| loss rate coefficienti reduce by − − NaRb(v 0,J 0) Na2(v 0,J 0) + Rb2(v 0,J 0) is an order of magnitude when magnetic field is increased − − → −1 − − − − exothermic by 164 cm . However, they observe very to more than 90 G [270]. D. S. Jin and Jun Ye’s group similar loss and heating for both cases. In addition, demonstrate modest external electric fields can drasti- increasing temperatures give reducing loss rate con- cally alter the dipole interactions between fermionic KRb stants for each case, and loss rate constant is larger for molecules. In the ultracold dipolar collisions, the loss of v =0,J =0 molecules than v =1,J =0 . fermionic KRb molecules due to ultracold chemical reac- | i | i In order to test the sticky collision hypothesis [138, 139] tions KRb + KRb K + Rb , and a power law depen- → 2 2 26 dence of the loss rate on the induced electric dipole mo- realized[275]. Bo Yan et al. have studied spin dynamics ment have been observed[21], as shown in Figure 26. At in a 3D lattice using N = 0,mN = 0 and 1, 1 of low electric field where d < 0.1D, no significant change KRb molecule as two spin| states [17]. Byi employing| − i co- to the loss rate have been observed. For higher electric herent microwave spectroscopy and spin echo technique, fields, loss rate β/T0 rapidly increase well over an order the spin-exchange interaction has been realized by res- of magnitude by d = 0.2D, and the rate coefficient can onant exchange of rotational angular momentum. The p be fitted to β/T0 d , where p =6.1 0.8. The normal- suppression of loss in weak lattices due to a continuous ∝ ´ 2 ± ized fractional heating rate T/T0 n follows the same trend quantum Zeno mechanism has also been demonstrated, with the loss rate, agreeing with a simple thermodynamic which is explained by a following theoretical description model assuming that heating is directly caused by the in- of the dissipative dynamics that nonperturbatively in- elastic loss. The dipolar interaction also show the spatial cludes 3D multiband effects [276]. anisotropy nature from parametric driving measurements Similarly, Johannes Hecker Denschlag group investi- under external electric fields. For the case in which ini- gate the collisional properties of Rb2 molecules in both tially Tz > Tx, Tz and Tx approach each other and the 2D lattice and 3D lattice. Pure sample of 1.5 104 rovi- timescale for the rethermalization decreases steeply as d brational ground state v = 0,N = 0,m∼ =× 0 87 Rb | N i 2 increases. While Tz and Tx do not equilibrate when the molecules are prepared in the rovibrational ground state gas initially has Tz < Tx. This suggests that it is nec- 3 + of the a Σu potential through stimulated Raman adia- essary to protect the molecules from strong inelastic loss batic passage, and are trapped in the lowest Bloch band and heating and confining them in an array of pancake- of a 3D optical lattices with no more than a molecule per shaped traps in a one-dimensional optical lattice configu- lattice site [277]. The lifetime of more than 2 s is ob- ration would be a promising route to realizing a long-lived served and for large lattice depth, the lifetime is affected quantum gas of polar molecules. by photon scattering. By quickly ramping down one di- Dajun Wang group also have studied the dipolar rection of the 3D optical lattice, it is converted into an collisions of ultracold ground state NaRb molecules in array of quasi-1D potential tubes, and molecules within electric fields with induced electric dipole moment up the same tube collide with relative energies on the order to 0.7 D [271]. They observe stepwise enhancement of of µK kB [135]. Each molecule is considered as a wave losses with increasing induced dipole moment due to packet× and collision probability between two molecules is the coupling between s-wave and d-wave induced by taken as the spatial overlap of their wave packets. The stronger anisotropic dipolar interaction. Bo Zhao group lifetime of Rb2 Feshbach molecule, v = 0, R = 2 and recently observes atom-molecule Feshbach resonances in v = 0, R = 0 molecules are measured.| Remarkablyi 23 40 ultracold collisions between 40 K atoms and Na K their| decay followi a similar timescale, which indicate no molecules in the rovibrational ground state [272]. By suppression of the loss rate by coherent population trans- preparing atoms and molecules in various hyperfine ferring to rovibrational ground state of a triplet electronic levels of their ground states, 11 resonances representing state. enhanced loss of molecules as a function of the magnetic field are observed in the range of 43 to 120 G, in 4 collision channels 0, 0, 3/2, 2 + 9/2, 3/2 , 0, 0, 3/2, 2 + 9/2|, 5/−2 , −0i, 0, 3|/2, −2 +i VI. Application: Creating |9/2,−7/2 −, andi 0, 0,| 1/2−, 3 i+ 9/|2, 7−/2 . − i | − i | − − i | − i ultracold molecules D. S. Jin and Jun Ye’s group have also demonstrated that two-dimensional KRb molecules with sufficiently tight confinement can strongly suppress the chemical re- Currently the research of ultracold molecules has actions between molecules [273]. For a dipole moment emerged as a fast growing field due to their potential greater than 0.1 D, the 3D loss rate constant increases application in many different subjects ranging from pre- markedly as d6, whereas the rate constant scaled for the cision measurement of fundamental physical constants to quasi-2D case using β3D = √πaβ2D remains close to the quantum calculation and simulation, to the fundamen- value at zero electric field. At a dipole moment of 0.174 tal test of Charge-Parity-Time symmetry and search of D, the measured suppression in quasi-two dimensions is physics beyond the , and even to ultra- a factor of 60 and the lifetime is approximately 1 s at cold chemistry [24, 26, 39, 40]. However cooling molecules temperature of 800 nK and density of 107cm−2. directly to the ultracold regime from room temperature By loading ground state molecules into a 3D op- or higher temperature remains a major challenge because tical lattice, inelastic collisional loss can be strongly of the complicated molecular internal degrees of freedom. suppressed and thus realize long-lived molecules. For So far, ultracold molecules can be created by association of ultracold atoms [235–237], laser cooling [208, 209, 278– homonuclear Cs2 molecules, lifetime of 8 s has been achieved in a 3D lattice [274]. Similarly, long-lived 280], electro-optic Sisyphus cooling [210]. ground state KRb molecules with lifetime of up to 25 s is Although those methods above mentioned have 27 achieved significant success, they are limited to specific class of molecules due to the features of each method. As- sociated diatomic molecules are commonly through Fesh- bach resonance followed by rather complicated scheme of Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage transfer and lim- ited to alkali atoms and alkaline-earth atoms which can be laser cooled. Laser cooling so far are limited to some fluoride compound of alkaline-earth atom or molecules whose energy level structure and Franck-Condon factor between vibrational energy levels of electronic ground state and vibrational levels of first electronic excited state, rendering the closed optical cycling transition pos- sible, such as SrF [208, 209, 278–280], YO [281–283], FIG. 27. Figure adapted from [295]. Rb atoms are cooled and CaF [284–287], YbF [288], BaF [289], and MgF [290]. trapped at the intersection of laser beams, while supersonic While electro-optic Sisyphus cooling [210] is limited to beam of ND3 molecules is created by a pulsed valve, slowed symmetric-top molecules whose rotational energy levels and trapped using inhomogeneous time-varying electric fields created by array of high voltage electrodes. A pair of anti- having appropriate Stark shift. Thus evaporative cool- Helmholtz coils composing atomic trap are translated along ing or sympathetic cooling of molecules utilizing ultra- a linear translation stage such that the atomic trap overlap cold collisional properties of particles appears to be a with the electrostatic molecular trap. universal method for producing ultracold molecules.

[296]. A. Evaporative cooling

Evaporative cooling of a thermal distribution is in prin- B. Sympathetic cooling ciple reducing the ensemble temperature by selectively removing particles with energies much greater than the Sympathetic cooling is the thermalization of candi- average total energy per particle. In the presence of elas- date species in a heat bath of ultracold particles. It tic collisions, the high-energy tail is repeatedly repopu- has seen great success in cooling both ions [297] and lated and be trimmed, realizing removal of energy at cost atoms [298, 299]. Due to this reason, its application in particle number. Evaporative cooling has achieved to molecules was naturally expected and thus a lot great success in realization of quantum degenerate gases of efforts have been devoted for many different atom- [291], and the applicability to molecules has also been molecule systems by theorists in the last two decades, theoretically discussed. Cold and ultracold collisions of such as NH Rb [300, 301], H -Rare gas [302–304], OH- 3− 2 NH molecules has been investigated with or without ex- Rb [305, 306], NH-Alkali(or Alkali earth) atom [307–311], ternal magnetic field, demonstrating large ratio of elastic N-NH [201, 312], OH-H and NH-H [313], LiH-Li [314], to inelastic cross section and prospects for evaporative CaH-Li and CaH-Mg [315], YbF-He [316], CaF-Li and cooling [99, 292, 293]. However, it is found the ultra- CaF-Rb [317], SrF-Rb [318, 319], SrOH-Li [319, 320] et cold reaction of magnetically trapped NH(X3Σ– radicals al. is driven by a short-ranged collisional mechanism and Typical approach of sympathetic cooling of molecules the magnitude of the reactive cross section is weakly using ultracold atoms would be overlap magneto-optical dependent on magnetic field strength, which indicate trap of atoms with molecular trap assuming favorable chemical reactions may cause more trap loss than inelas- ratio of rate constants for elastic scattering and spin re- tic spin-changing collisions, making evaporative cooling laxation between atoms and molecules. However, large much more difficult [294]. Previous experimental work on optical access of the magneto-optical trap and enclosure both KRb [21, 22] and ND3 [295] molecules suggest that configuration of electrostatic or magneto-static trap for evaporative cooling is unfavourable for these molecules. molecules, as well as small volume of these molecular For OH molecules, despite the open shell configuration trap, poses an significant technical challenge for exper- and large anisotropy in the OH-OH interaction poten- imental realization. So far, only inelastic collisions be- tial, theoretical work find strong suppression of inelastic tween ND3 and Rb has been experimentally investigated collision rate constant between OH molecules in a mag- [295]. Ultracold Rb atoms are prepared in a separate netic field[104]. Benjamin K. Stuhl et al. experimentally chamber mainly due to the need for large access. Ru- realize the evaporative cooling of the OH molecules in bidium atoms are first laser cooled and confined in a the ground-state Λ-doublet structure using so called ra- magneto-optical trap, then they are loaded into a mag- dio frequency knife to successively lower the trap depth netic trap and transferred to the trap region of ND3 28

FIG. 28. Figure adapted from [330]. Measured lifetime of the trapped O2 molecules in the magnetic trap for different trap depths. FIG. 29. Figure adapted from [330]. Measured lifetime of the trapped O2 molecules and Li atoms in the magnetic trap. by moving the magnetic coils along a linear translation stage, as is shown in Figure 27. Good overlap between when loading into the trap without oxygen molecules. ND3 and Rb is an experimental problem, although ap- When lithium is co-loaded with O2 the Li signal shows a proximately 100µm uncertainty have been achieved us- fast non-exponential decay with 1.7 s lifetime, which can ing tricky operations. Besides, the strong electric fields be well described by Li O two-body loss-rate equation. − 2 created by the electrostatic trap would pull Rb atoms The O2 lifetime does not show any change due to the towards electrodes and eventually cause them fall out of addition of lithium, confirming trapped lithium density the trap. is much lower than that of oxygen. Recently, Narevicius group used a different technique - moving trap decelerator [321, 322] - to overlap molecules with alkali atoms. Similar scheme with different coil configuration have also been demonstrated [323]. The VII. Conclusions principle has previously been applied to decelerate po- lar molecules with travelling electric potential well both This article has given a comprehensive overview of on a chip [324–326] and in free space [327, 328]. They experimental and theoretical investigations of molecular simultaneous decelerate supersonic beams of O2 and Li collisions covering a wide range of temperature from few with moving magnetic trap and finally load them into a Kelvins to nano-Kelvin. We have reviewed a variety of static magnetic trap [329], thus circumvent the difficulty techniques exploring collision dynamics in these temper- of spatially overlap atomic trap with molecular trap with ature regimes, especially emphasizing techniques such as reduced complexity, facilitating the studies of cold colli- merged molecular beam, in which collision energy can be sions between molecular and atomic species. tuned over multiple regimes, and external field control for Very recently, the group studies the collision properties collisions with ultracold ground state diatomic molecules, for oxygen molecule alone and for oxygen molecule with etc. These techniques provide a unique testbed of the lithium atom inside a superconducting magnetic trap by universality for a variety of collision theories. We also measuring their lifetimes [330], as shown in Figure 28. discuss interesting features such as scattering resonances The O2 molecules alone can be trapped more than 90 s observed in crossed molecular beam and merged molec- with lifetime τ 52s when they are loaded into a shallow ular beam experiment, chemical reactions in cold and trap of 50 mK, consistent≈ with estimated background col- ultracold temperatures, etc. Currently, the fundamental lision rate, indicating the absence of intermolecular colli- physics underlying molecular collisions for a wide range sions. With increasing trap depth, a clear deviation from of systems have been reasonably well understood. How- an exponential decay has been observed and O2 O2 two- ever, many important issues remain to be explored and body collisions are more and more pronounced.− Approx- addressed, such as many-body physics in molecular colli- imately 9 s two-body lifetime is estimated at 800 mK sions, collision dynamics involving polyatomic and com- trap depth. In Figure 29, trapped lithium atoms also plex molecules, demanding of higher precision in molec- displays an exponential decay with a lifetime of τ 14s ular scattering calculations, etc. ≈ 29

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