TIIE PIIIL\P AND MURIEL BERMAN MUSEUM OF ART URSINUS magazIne• jllf/y(1Ji(,IIf,O Ursinm Magazine .. Volume XCV No.3 Fall 200 1 {\'m'U'I'OrN by Third class postage paid al Southeastern Pa. 19399. ,\1,,'1 /;1l~IIIOSJII Ursinll~ Magazine is pub l i~hed three times a year. lIIulj{/(I!"r{rIl Moor,. Copyright 2001 by Ursi nus College. Cdilorial correspondence and submissions: "n,.'rr All i" II". Smll' &111 ", 2()(){) URS INUS MAGAZINE I ~O. Box 1000, Collegevi lle, PA 19246-1000 Spmyffliitrylir & oil pmm, (610) 409-3300. "I. 2329; (610) 489-0627 FAX 11ppli'lIl', nllbroid")'. 111111 E-mail:
[email protected] lls.ed u SlIItKk;IIg 011 ji,brk. 2J n.>: 29" ColI«tiollo!,h,lIrrisr Editor (//ul"Nd/('Uoo,1rrrs Wendy Greenberg Ph% " DOIIlI/d WOod"uII/ ContribulOTS Colleen Boyle 2003 Colleen Callahan 1995 Jill Fennimore 2000 Molly Jennings 2000 An ne·Marie McMahon 1994 Carl yn Skipwort h 2002 PLACES: PAINTINGS BY LEE COHEN Photograph)' O ri ginally from Sourheasrern Pennsylva nia and currently of Texas, Lee Wendy Greenberg. Sieve Falk, Jim Roese, Cohen began her painting career later in life and studied at the George Widman, Sally Widman Pennsylva nia Academy of Fine Arts. H er compositions of rhe landscape are Design approached with unusual vantage po ints and a focus on natural patterns. Northlighl Adverti~ing Inc. (Rick Miller 1972) Upper Gall ery through Dec. 2. The mission of Ursinus College is to enable students to become JUDY CHICAGO'S "REsOLUTIONS: A STITCH IN TIME" independent, res ponsible, and thoughtful indi\,iduals through a program of liberal education.