People of All Genders Welcome Here The Campus Culture Project – Series II (Rape Culture) Overview of the Semester The Campus Culture Project is a series of lesson plans designed to teach sexual assault awareness in Rhetoric courses. If you plan on using the Campus Culture Project in your class, you should contact IDEAL (
[email protected]) as soon as possible to receive adequate technical and instructional support. IDEAL is available to assist instructors with each step of the lessons, including preparation and lesson planning, troubleshooting technology issues, and making student work public. Unit 1 - Confronting the Rhetorics of Rape Culture (What is Sexual Assault?) Lesson 1 - Rhetoric in our Campus Community: Instructors introduce the Campus Culture Project and students discuss the role that rhetoric plays in influencing their college expectations Lesson 2: Rhetoric Surrounding Sexual Assault: Rape Culture In this lesson students will be introduced to the emergent cultural conversations centered on so- called "rape culture" in order to situate the Campus Culture Project within this larger dialogue. Lesson 3: Redefining Sexual Assault Students confront their assumptions about sexual assault through considering how it impacts people of different genders ("it's not just a woman's issue"). They leave with a definition of sexual assault that brings together everything from the unit. Unit 2 - Communication, Consent, and Community (What is Consent?) Lesson 4: Gender Norms, Power & Rape Culture Today, students will be focusing on the issue of hegemonic masculinity (and femininity), and how such gender norms help to produce a rape culture. They will strive to articulate how such norms are culturally embedded in and learned from the rhetorics that surround them, and how we might re- think these norms in order to dismantle rape culture.