The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 315–326 & 2010 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/10 $32.00 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Community shifts of soybean stem-associated responding to different nodulation phenotypes and N levels

Seishi Ikeda1, Takashi Okubo1, Takakazu Kaneko2, Shoko Inaba1, Tomiya Maekawa3, Shima Eda1, Shusei Sato2, Satoshi Tabata2, Hisayuki Mitsui1 and Kiwamu Minamisawa1 1Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; 2Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Kazusa-kamatari, Kisarazu, Chiba, Japan and 3Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Amamiya-machi, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

The diversity of stem-associated bacteria of non-nodulated (NodÀ), wild-type nodulated (Nod þ ) and hypernodulated (Nod þþ) soybeans were evaluated by clone library analyses of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Soybeans were dressed with standard nitrogen (SN) fertilization (15 kg N ha–1) and heavy nitrogen (HN) fertilization (615 kg N ha–1). The relative abundance of in Nod þ soybeans (66%) was smaller than that in NodÀ and Nod þþ soybeans (75–76%) under SN fertilization, whereas that of Gammaproteobacteria showed the opposite pattern (23% in Nod þ and 12–16% in NodÀ and Nod þþ soybeans). Principal coordinate analysis showed that the bacterial communities of NodÀ and Nod þþ soybeans were more similar to each other than to that of Nod þ soybeans under SN fertilization. HN fertilization increased the relative abundance of Gammapro- teobacteria in all nodulation phenotypes (33–57%) and caused drastic shifts of the bacterial community. The clustering analyses identified a subset of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at the level in Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria responding to both the nodulation phenotypes and nitrogen fertilization levels. Meanwhile, the abundance of Betaproteobacteria was relatively constant in all libraries constructed under these environmental conditions. The relative abundances of two OTUs in Alphaproteobacteria ( sp. and Methylobac- terium sp.) were especially sensitive to nodulation phenotype and were drastically decreased under HN fertilization. These results suggested that a subpopulation of in soybeans is controlled in a similar manner through both the regulation systems of plant–rhizobia symbiosis and the nitrogen signaling pathway in plants. The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 315–326; doi:10.1038/ismej.2009.119; published online 19 November 2009 Subject Category: microbial population and community ecology Keywords: autoregulation; community analysis; Glycine max; nitrogen; stem

Introduction systems (Carroll et al., 1985; Meixner et al., 2007), the effects of the autoregulation systems on the other Diverse microorganisms live as endophytes and plant-associated microorganisms in the phytosphere epiphytes of plants in nature. However, many remain unclear (Parniske, 2000). Recent studies questions regarding the driving forces and eco- have shown that the wild-type and symbiosis- logical rules underlying these relationships remain defective mutants of legumes such as Medicago unanswered (Saito et al., 2007; Hardoim et al., truncatula and Glycine max have different microbial 2008). During their evolution, legumes developed community structures, and certain microbes associ- nodulation and mycorrhization systems to attain ate preferentially with nodulated or mycorrhizal mutual symbiosis with rhizobia and mycorrhizae root systems (Offre et al., 2007; Ikeda et al., 2008a). (Harrison, 2005; Stacey et al., 2006). Although Furthermore, transcriptional analyses revealed that plants are known to control the degrees of nodula- both nodulation and mycorrhization systemically tion and mycorrhization of roots by rhizobia and induced a series of defense genes in a host plant and mycorrhizae, respectively, through autoregulation consequently increased its disease resistance (Liu et al., 2007; Kinkema and Gresshoff, 2008). These examples indicate that genetic alteration in the Correspondence: K Minamisawa, Graduate School of Life nodulation or mycorrhization signaling pathways Sciences, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, can in turn alter the accompanying plant microflora, Miyagi 980-8577, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] aside from rhizobia and mycorrhizae. Received 15 June 2009; revised 5 October 2009; accepted 9 The autoregulatory mechanism in plants occurs October 2009; published online 19 November 2009 through long-distance signaling between shoot and Community shifts of proteobacteria in soybean S Ikeda et al 316 root (Oka-Kira and Kawaguchi, 2006), and a heavy supply of nitrate to the roots of leguminous plants inhibits nodulation through autoregulation (Carroll et al., 1985; Okamoto et al., 2009). Thus, there is a possibility that nodulation phenotype and host nitrogen status may affect the structure of the microbial community in shoots, as observed earlier in roots (Ikeda et al., 2008a). However, the culture- independent analysis of soybean stem-associated Figure 1 Time table and design of the field experiment. Basal fertilization was supplied for both standard and heavy nitrogen microbial communities failed because of serious (HN) fields with 15 kg N ha–1 of a commercial fertilizer. The HN interference by plant DNA in the PCR amplification field was also supplied with nitrogen fertilization as urea four (Ikeda et al., 2008a). To overcome this problem, times (N1 to N4; 150 kg N ha–1 for each fertilization). GE1 to GE4 a method was recently developed for enriching represent the days on which soybean growth indexes (Supple- the bacterial cells collected from soybean stems mentary Figure 1) were measured. GS1 and GS2 indicate growth stages 1 and 2 for measuring dry weights and nitrogen contents of (Ikeda et al., 2009). The enrichment method allows soybean tissues (Supplementary Figure 2). The sampling for the the construction of a clone library of the bacterial DNA extraction was carried out at GS2. 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, which provides better resolution for examining the microbial community structures compared with the limited analyses in previous studies based mainly on since 1997. The field soil was classified as gray fingerprinting methods (Offre et al., 2007; Ikeda lowland soil (pH(H2O), 5.9; pH(KCl), 4.3; total et al., 2008a). carbon content, 1.21%; total nitrogen content, –1 In this study, the effects of nodulation phenotypes 0.11%; Truog phosphorus content, 69 mg P2O5 kg ). and nitrogen application levels were examined on Soybeans of each nodulation genotype were grown the stem-associated bacterial community including in two neighboring fields (standard nitrogen (SN) both epiphytes and endophytes in field-grown soy- and heavy nitrogen (HN) fields). The SN field was beans. Clone libraries of the 16S rRNA genes were dressed with SN fertilization (15 kg N ha–1) as a basal constructed in conjunction with the method of fertilization, and the HN field was also dressed enriching bacterial cells from soybean stems, and four times with HN fertilization (N1 to N4 in the bacterial diversities in different nodulation phe- Figure 1; each application 150 kg N ha–1 as urea, total notypes were evaluated based on 16S rRNA gene 600 kg N ha–1) in addition to the basal fertilization. sequences.

Materials and methods Growth evaluation and sampling To define the environmental factors that are relevant Plant materials and field experimental design to changes in bacterial community structures, the The plants included cultivar Enrei (wild-type plant growth stage was monitored by measuring nodulating cultivar, Nod þ ), lines En 1314 and En vegetative and reproductive indexes, plant dry 1282 (non-nodulating mutants derived from Enrei, weights, and nitrogen contents in plant tissues NodÀ; Francisco and Akao, 1993) and lines En 6500 (GE1 to GE4 in Figure 1) and in field soils. Plant and Sakukei 4 (hypernodulating mutants derived growth stages were evaluated according to the from Enrei, Nod þþ; Akao and Kouchi, 1989; criteria of Fehr et al. (1971) four times throughout Matsunami et al., 2004). Mutations in En 1314 and the growing period (GE1 to GE4 in Figure 1). Dry En 1282 soybeans were found in the NFR1 gene, weights of shoots, roots, and nodules as well as the which is known to be responsible for a LysM-type number of nodules were measured twice during the receptor kinase for Nod factor recognition (Radutoiu growing period (GS1 and GS2 in Figure 1). Total et al., 2003 Masaki Hayashi (National Institute of nitrogen of soybean shoots at GS1 was analyzed by Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan), personal the Kjeldahl method. Two plants were processed as communication). A mutation in En 6500 was found a composite sample for measuring the N content of in the GmNARK (NTS1) gene (Nishimura et al., soybean shoots. The nitrogen content in soils under 2002), which mediates systemic autoregulation of the SN and HN fertilization conditions was also nodulation (Searle et al., 2003), and Sakukei 4 is a measured three times before the additional fertiliza- descendant with a hypernodulating phenotype tion of the HN field (N2, N3 and GS2 in Figure 1). that was derived from En 6500 (Matsunami et al., Soil was air-dried and sieved through a 2-mm mesh. 2004). Dried soil was extracted by shaking with 2 M KCl The seeds were planted on 10 June 2008 in solution for 30 min and then filtered through a filter the experimental field at Tohoku University paper (No. 2, Advantec, Tokyo, Japan). Contents of þ À (Kashimadai, Miyagi, Japan), which has been culti- NH4 and NO3 in the filtrates were determined by vated with a rotation of rice (paddy field condition) titrimetry after steam distillation (UDK127, Actac, and soybeans (upland field condition) every year Tokyo, Japan).

The ISME Journal Community shifts of proteobacteria in soybean S Ikeda et al 317 The aerial parts of soybean plants were harvested Biosystems). Template DNAs were prepared using on 3 September 2008 (GS2 in Figure 1) and an Illustra TempliPhi DNA Amplification Kit (GE immediately transported on ice to the laboratory. Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). A partial sequence of Leaves were removed manually. The stems were the 16S rRNA gene was obtained using the 27F serially washed well with tap and distilled water primer. Sequences were processed with Phred and stored at –80 1C until they were used. Four (Ewing and Green, 1998; Ewing et al., 1998) at a plants were processed as a composite sample for the cutoff value of 0.001 for eliminating low-quality DNA extraction. Three composite samples were regions. Then the 50 region of the 16S rRNA gene analyzed for each genotype as a triplicate. (corresponding to bp 109–665 of the Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene) was used for the sequence analyses. Clone library construction and sequencing Additional cloning and sequencing was carried Stems (approximately 100 g) of a composite sample out for three samples (Enrei of SN, Enrei of HN and were homogenized without surface sterilization to En 1282 of HN) because of heavy contamination of prepare the stem-associated bacterial cells contain- chloroplast DNA. Libraries of these samples were ing both epiphytes and endopytes, and the bacterial screened by PCR with a soybean chloroplast-specific cells were extracted and purified using an enrich- primer set, SCS-F (50-AGGCGGTGGAAACTACCA ment method (Ikeda et al., 2009). Total bacterial AG-30), and SCS-R (50-CAGCGCCTAGTATCCATC DNA was extracted from each bacterial cell fraction GT-30), designed in this study to eliminate clones by the DNA extraction method described by Ikeda derived from the chloroplast 16S rRNA gene. After et al. (2008b). The final DNA samples were resus- the negative screening by PCR with the soybean pended in 100 ml of sterilized water. The quality and chloroplast-specific primer set, 192, 96, and 96 quantity of DNA were assessed spectrophotometri- clones were additionally subjected to sequencing cally by calculating absorbance at a wavelength of for Enrei of SN, Enrei of HN and En 1282 of HN,

260 nm (A260) and the A260/A230 and A260/A280 ratios. respectively, as potentially nonbacterial clones. The triplicate DNA samples were prepared from composite samples for each soybean genotype under the SN and HN fertilization conditions. Sequence analysis PCR clone libraries for 16S rRNA genes were The sequences were analyzed for orientation constructed as follows. Briefly, 50 ng of total and detection of non-16S rDNA sequences using bacterial DNA was used as a template in a final OrientationChecker (Ashelford et al., 2006). The reaction volume of 60 ml, including 90 pmol of presence of chimeras was assessed using MALLARD each primer and 9 U of Ex Taq DNA polymerase (Ashelford et al., 2006). A sequence identified at the (Takara Bio, Otsu, Japan). The universal primers 27F 99.9% and 99% cutoffs or suspected at the 99.9% (50-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-30) and 1525R cutoff as a chimeric sequence was discarded. The (50-AAGGAGGTGWTCCARCC-30) were used (Lane, remaining sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL 1991). Cycling conditions were as follows: initial W (Thompson et al., 1994). On the basis of the denaturation for 2 min at 94 1C; then 25 cycles alignment, a distance matrix was constructed using consisting of 30 s at 94 1C, 30 s at 55 1C and 2 min the DNADIST program from PHYLIP ver. 3.66 at 72 1C; and a final extension for 10 min at 72 1C. ( Three PCR products derived from triplicate DNA html) with the default parameters. The resulting samples were combined into a sample, and the PCR matrices were run in DOTUR (Schloss and Handels- products were resolved by 1% agarose gel electro- man, 2005) to generate diversity indexes. The phoresis in 1 Â TAE buffer. PCR products of the default DOTUR settings were used with threshold predicted size (approximately 1400 bp) were extrac- values of 97% sequence identity for the definition of ted from the gels using a QIAquick Gel Extraction operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Library cover- Kit (Qiagen, Tokyo, Japan) and ligated into the age was calculated with the non-parametric estima- plasmid vector pGEM-T Easy (Promega Japan, tor C (Good, 1953), as described by Kemp and Aller Tokyo, Japan) at 16 1C overnight using a DNA (2004). The reciprocal of Simpson’s index (1/D) was ligation kit, Mighty Mix (Takara Bio). ElectroTen- used as a measure of diversity to evaluate the level Blue Electroporation-Competent Cells (Stratagene, of dominance in a community (Zhou et al., 2002). La Jolla, CA, USA) were then electroporated with The number of shared OTUs between libraries was the ligated DNA using a Gene Pulser (Bio-Rad calculated using SONS (Schloss and Handelsman, Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan). After the transformants 2006). were cultured overnight at 37 1C on Luria-Bertani UniFrac (Lozupone and Knight, 2005) was app- agar plates containing ampicillin (50 mgml–1), 384 lied to examine the differences between clone libra- colonies were randomly selected from each library ries. A tree file generated by CLUSTAL W (Thomp- for sequencing. Sequencing analysis was conducted son et al., 1994) and an environment file, which using a Type 3730 Â l DNA Analyzer (Applied links a file to a library, were uploaded to UniFrac Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) using a BigDye (Lozupone and Knight, 2005). Principal coordinate Terminator Cycle Sequencing Reaction Kit (Applied analysis (PCoA) was performed by using UniFrac

The ISME Journal Community shifts of proteobacteria in soybean S Ikeda et al 318 with the abundance-weighted option (Lozupone and Table 1 Accession numbers of sequences deposited in the DDBJ Knight, 2005). Genotypes N fertilization levels

Phylogenetic analysis SN level HN level The phylogenetic composition of the sequences in each library was evaluated using the Classifier Enrei AB482224–AB482598 AB483853–AB484222 program of RDP-II release 10 (Wang et al., 2007), En 1282 AB482599–AB482867 AB484223–AB484583 with confidence levels of 80%. BLASTN (Altschul En 1314 AB482868–AB483207 AB484584–AB484930 En 6500 AB483208–AB483518 AB484931–AB485234 et al., 1990) was also used to classify the clones and Sakukei 4 AB483519–AB483852 AB485235–AB485589 to identify the closest relatives in the GenBank database. Abbreviations: HN, heavy nitrogen; SN, standard nitrogen. For the phylogenetic analysis, sequences were aligned using the CLUSTAL W program (Thompson Phylogenetic diversities of stem-associated bacteria et al., 1994). The neighbor-joining method was used with different nodulation phenotypes under standard for building the trees (Saitou and Nei, 1987). The nitrogen fertilization condition PHYLIP format tree output was obtained using the The assessment of phylogenetic compositions bootstrapping procedure (Felsenstein, 1985); 1000 using RDP Classifier revealed that proteobacteria bootstrap trials were used. The trees were con- was the most dominant taxon (88.7–96.5%) in all structed using TreeView software (Page, 1996). libraries at the phylum level under the SN fertiliza- tion condition (Figures 2a). In proteobacteria, the Accession numbers of nucleotide sequences relative abundances of Alphaproteobacteria and Nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA genes for the Gammaproteobacteria varied according to either clone libraries have been deposited in the DDBJ nodulation phenotype, whereas the abundance of database under accession numbers shown in Table 1. Betaproteobacteria was relatively constant in all libraries constructed under these environmental conditions (Figure 2a). The ratio of Alpha/Gamma- Results proteobacteria in NodÀ and Nod þþ soybeans (4.6– þ Soybean growth 6.1) was higher than that in Nod soybeans (2.9; The soybean stem-associated bacteria including Figure 2a). endophytes and epiphytes at the reproductive stage Further analyses of phylogenetic compositions at (GS2 in Figure 1) were subjected to clone library lower taxonomic levels revealed that three genera analyses. The growth indexes revealed no difference (Aurantimonas, Methylobacterium and Rhizobium) in the stages of the reproductive growth phase among in the order Rhizobiales for Alphaproteobacteria the soybean genotypes or nitrogen treatments (Figure 2c) and three orders (Pseudomonadales, throughout the growth period, although slight Xanthomonadales and Enterobacteriales) for Gamma- variations were observed for the vegetative growth proteobacteria (Figure 2e) were mainly responsible stages among the soybean genotypes in the early for the community shifts of Alpha/Gammaproteobac- phase of growth (Supplementary Figure 1). At the teria under the SN fertilization condition. sampling time, the reproductive growth indexes The results of PCoA showed two tight clusters for þþ À were R6 (pod-maturing stage; Fehr et al., 1971) for Nod and Nod soybeans distinctly separated þ all samples in the SN and HN fields, and the vege- from Nod soybeans, suggesting that the commu- tative growth indexes ranged approximately from nity structures of stem-associated bacteria were 12 to 15 for most samples. Thus, we concluded that mainly dependent on nodulation phenotype under the effects of soybean growth stage on the commu- SN fertilization (Figure 3). In addition, the overall þþ nity analysis would not be significant among the structures of the microbial communities in Nod À genotypes examined under the SN or HN field and Nod soybeans were more similar to each other þ conditions. than to that of Nod soybeans under the SN fertilization condition (Figure 3). Clustering analysis of 16S rRNA sequences Statistics of clone libraries allowed the identification of the OTUs responsible The statistics of the clone libraries are summarized for the population shifts of Alpha- and Gammapro- in Table 2. The library coverage ranged from 87.8 to teobacteria at the species level. Two OTUs (AP6 and 94.9%, showing a relatively high coverage for all AP30) noticeably increased the ratio of the Alpha- libraries. Under the SN fertilization condition, proteobacterial population in mutants of both NodÀ Nod þ soybeans (Enrei) showed the highest number and Nod þþ soybeans compared with Nod þ soy- of OTUs and slightly higher diversity for all indexes beans under the SN fertilization condition (Figures 4 compared with those of mutants, whereas no clear and 5). The representative clones for these two effect of nodulation phenotype was observed for the OTUs were identical to Aurantimonas ureilytica number of OTUs and diversity indexes under the (DQ883810) and Methylobacterium chloromethani- HN fertilization condition. cum (CP001298), respectively.

The ISME Journal Community shifts of proteobacteria in soybean S Ikeda et al 319 Table 2 Statistical analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries derived from soybean stems

Libraries SN condition HN condition

Enrei En 1282 En 1314 En 6500 Sakukei 4 Enrei En 1282 En 1314 En 6500 Sakukei 4 Nodulation phenotypes Nod+ NodÀ NodÀ Nod++ Nod++ Nod+ NodÀ NodÀ Nod++ Nod++

Statistics No. of sequences 375 269 340 311 334 370 361 347 304 355 Library coverage (%)a 89.3 91.1 91.2 91.1 94.9 90.5 87.8 92.5 92.1 90.1 No. of OTUsb 75 52 60 60 57 71 91 56 55 71

Diversity indexes Chao1 153.0 86.5 114.4 97.8 88.7 130.5 143.6 110.2 85.7 130.5 ACE 158.7 83.5 110.2 101.1 75.3 132.3 164.0 95.6 87.9 132.3 Shannon index 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.8 3.2 3.2 3.4 Simpson index (1/D) 19.7 12.5 11.0 15.6 14.5 16.9 27.4 14.8 15.2 16.9

Abbreviations: HN, heavy nitrogen; OTUs, operational taxonomic units; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; SN, standard nitrogen. a CX ¼ 1À(n/N), where nx is the number of singletons that are encountered only once in a library and N is the total number of clones. bOTUs were defined at 97% sequence identity.

In contrast, the relative abundance of OTU GP39 and Gammaproteobacteria in all libraries under the in Enterobacteriales was lower in mutants of both HN fertilization condition. NodÀ and Nod þþ soybeans compared with that The results of PCoA clearly showed that HN in Nod þ soybeans (Figures 4 and 6). The represen- fertilization caused drastic shifts of community tative clone of OTU 39 was classified as Enterobac- structures of shoot-associated bacteria for all nodu- ter sp. and was identical to an isolate (AY822505) lation phenotypes from those found under SN that was derived from a plant-associated bacterium, fertilization (Figure 3). PC1 (49.4%) explained the and its closest relative in known species was effects of HN fertilization on the community Klebsiella oxytoca (EU982878) with 99% identity structures. In addition, the community structures (Figure 6). among the soybean genotypes under HN fertilization were far more dissimilar to each other than those under SN fertilization. Comparisons of phylogenetic diversity of Clustering analysis of 16S rRNA sequences iden- stem-associated bacteria between standard tified the same three OTUs (AP6, AP30 and GP39) and heavy nitrogen fertilization conditions that were responding to the population shifts of The HN fertilization condition was designed to Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria between the compare the community structures of shoot-asso- Nod þ soybeans and the mutants (NodÀ and Nod þþ ciated bacteria among different nodulation pheno- soybeans) under SN fertilization were also respond- types by eliminating the bias of nitrogen status of ing markedly to the effects of HN fertilization for all host plants and to suppress the nodulation. When soybean genotypes (Figures 4–6). In addition, OTUs HN fertilization was applied to the soybeans, the GP7, GP37 and GP38 were identified as responsi- effect of nodulation phenotype on the bacterial ble for the increase of the relative abundance of communities was obscured (Figure 2b). However, Gammaproteobacteria in all soybean genotypes the ratio of Alpha/Gammaproteobacteria was drasti- under HN fertilization (Figures 4 and 6). The repre- cally decreased for all nodulation phenotypes under sentative clone of OTU GP7 was classified as HN fertilization (ranging from 0.8 to 2.1) compa- Lysobacter sp. and its closest relative among known red with those under SN fertilization (2.9–6.1; species was Lysobacter koreensis (AB166878) with Figures 2a and b). Further analyses of phylogenetic 96% identity (Figure 6). The representative clone of compositions at lower taxonomic levels revealed OTU GP37 was identical to several Enterobacter that the same taxonomic groups that were respond- spp., including Enterobacter aerogenes (FJ796202) ing to the community shifts between the Nod þ and Enterobacter asburiae (AB004744). The repre- soybeans and the mutants (NodÀ and Nod þþ sentative clone of OTU GP38 was identical to soybeans) under SN fertilization were also respond- several species of Enterobacteriaceae, including ing to the effects of HN fertilization. Thus, three Pantoea agglomerans (FJ603033), Enterobacter lud- genera (Aurantimonas, Methylobacterium and wigii (FJ462703), Enterobacter cloacae (FJ194527), Rhizobium) in the order of Rhizobiales for Alpha- Enterobacter asburiae (EU301774) and Citrobacter proteobacteria (Figure 2d) and three orders (Pseu- freundii (DQ133536). OTUs GP37, GP38 and GP39 domonadales, Xanthomonadales and Entero- were shown to be closely related to each other, as bacteriales) for Gammaproteobacteria (Figure 2f) indicated by clustering in a branch of the Enter- were responding to the population shifts of Alpha- obacteriales (Figures 4 and 6).

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Figure 2 The phylogenetic compositions of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene clone libraries of soybean shoot-associated bacteria in different nodulation phenotypes under standard and heavy nitrogen (HN) fertilization conditions. (a, b) Phylogenetic compositions at the phylum level; (c, d) relative abundance of three genera of Rhizobiales; (e, f) relative abundance of three orders of Gammaproteobacteria. Genotype stand for the name of plant materials: Enrei (e), En 1282 (12), En 1314 (13), En 6500 (65), Sakukei 4 (S4). Nod stands for the nodulation phenotype: wild-type ( þ ), non-nodulated (À) and hypernodulated ( þþ).

Discussion (Figures 2 and 3). The population shifts of Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria under SN fertilization The phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA indicated that the nodulation phenotypes affected gene sequences revealed the striking effects of the bacterial community structures not only in roots both nodulation phenotype and HN fertilization (Ikeda et al., 2008a), in which nodule formation on bacterial communities in soybean stems occurs, but also systemically in shoots.

The ISME Journal Community shifts of proteobacteria in soybean S Ikeda et al 321 condition. Thus, the same taxonomic groups that were found in the population shifts of Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria among different nodulation phenotypes under the SN fertilization condition were also responsible for the drastic population shifts of Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria between the SN and HN fertilization conditions, regardless of nodulation phenotype. These results suggest that exogenous or endogenous nitrogen levels could be an important signal for regulating a subpopulation of proteobacteria by activating a plant signaling pathway, such as autoregulation systems in legume– rhizobia symbiosis. The clustering analysis of 16S rRNA sequences (Figure 4) identified OTUs responsible for the population shifts of Alpha- and Gammaproteo- bacteria at the species level. The type strain of Figure 3 Principal-coordinate analysis for the 16S ribosomal A. ureilytica was originally reported as an isolate RNA (rRNA) gene clone libraries of soybean stem-associated from air dust (Weon et al., 2007), but the closely bacteria in different nodulation phenotypes. The ordination was related isolates (AB291857 and AB291900) have constructed using Unifrac distances weighted by the relative been identified on the surface and inside of rice abundances. Each number represents the phylogenetic composi- tion of soybean stem-associated bacteria in different soybean leaves (Mano et al., 2007). The genus Aurantimonas genotypes under standard and heavy nitrogen (HN) conditions. has been recently established (Denner et al., 2003), Numbers 1 to 5 and 6 to 10 were sampled under standard and HN and the biology of this genus in relation to the plant conditions, respectively. Soybean genotypes: 1 and 6: wild-type symbiosis is largely unknown, and needs to conduct (Enrei, Nod þ ); 2 and 7: non-nodulated (En 1282, NodÀ); 3 and 8: non-nodulated (En 1314, NodÀ); 4 and 9: hypernodulated (En further study. Methylobacterium chloromethanicum 6500, Nod þþ); 5 and 10: hypernodulated (Sakukei 4, Nod þþ). is currently considered as a synonym of Methylo- bacterium extorquens (Kato et al., 2005). Several Methylobacterium spp., including M. extorquens, are well-known plant-associated bacteria (Corpe, Surprisingly, further phylogenetic analyses at 1985) as both an epiphyte and an endophyte, and lower taxonomic levels and the results of PCoA the scavenging monocarbon wastes such as metha- revealed that soybeans of two very different nodula- nol in plant tissues is speculated for the putative tion phenotypes, NodÀ and Nod þþ, hosted highly role of this bacterial group (Corpe and Basil, 1982). similar microbial community structures under the Therefore, the population shifts of Methylobacter- SN fertilization condition, even at the species level ium sp. could be considered as an indication for the (Figures 3 and 4). A possible explanation for this change of physiological status in plants. In fact, it may be the absence of mycorrhization in NodÀ has been reported that both the nodulation and the soybeans under the present experimental conditions nitrate sensing in plant activate the autoregulation (data not shown). The rotation of the experimental system that causes the drastic shift of internal field between upland and paddy conditions could hormone balance in plants (Caba et al., 2000; reduce the population of mycorrhizal fungi. In the Okamoto et al., 2009). The representative clones absence of mycorrhization, NodÀ soybeans do not for these OTUs showed high similarity to known need to activate autoregulation systems, whereas the species. Therefore, it would be feasible to isolate autoregulation systems of Nod þþ soybeans were bacteria corresponding to these OTUs and to genetically impaired. Thus, both NodÀ and Nod þþ examine the interactions of these bacteria with soybeans may be considered as hosts with no soybeans by an inoculation test to clarify the activated autoregulation in this study. Therefore, a speculations described above. In particular, it would bacterial population related to rhizobia may be be interesting to analyze the interaction between the passively affected by a part of the autoregulation Aurantimonas sp. representing OTU AP6 and systems for regulating rhizobia. In fact, the three soybeans because of its high sensitivity to nodula- genera (Aurantimonas, Methylobacterium and Rhi- tion genotype and nitrogen fertilization level. zobium) in Rhizobiales found in the present study On the basis of a culture-dependent method, are all closely related to Bradyrhizobium spp., Gammaproteobacteria were reported as the most endosymbionts of soybeans (Gupta and Mok, dominant group of stem-associated bacteria in 2007). Another surprising finding was the high soybeans (up to 94% and 100% for epiphyte and similarity observed for the population shifts of endophyte isolates, respectively), whereas the Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria between two Alphaproteobacteria isolated from shoots were different environmental factors: the effects of geno- shown to be far less abundant (5.9% for epiphytes; types under SN fertilization and the effects of the Kuklinsky-Sobral et al., 2004). Okubo et al. (2009) nitrogen fertilization under the HN fertilization also reported similar results of the strong dominance

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Figure 4 Heat map for the relative abundance of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene clone libraries of soybean stem-associated bacteria under standard and heavy nitrogen (HN) fertilization conditions. Soybean genotypes are as follows: E: Enrei; 12: En 1282; 13: En 1314; 65: En 6500; and S4: Sakukei 4. Nod stands for the nodulation phenotype: wild-type ( þ ), non- nodulated (À) and hypernodulated ( þþ). The relative abundance of each OTU in each library is indicated by different colors: sky blue (o1%), orange (1–3%) and red (43%), with a background of dark blue (0%). The relative abundance for the OTUs described in the main text is shown at the right side.

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Figure 5 Phylogenetic distribution of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for Alphaproteobacteria of the clone libraries of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes for soybean stem-associated bacteria. The dendrogram (left) indicates the phylogenetic relationships among the representative sequences of OTUs (defined by 97% identity). The table indicates the relative abundance of clones belonging to each OTU in each library and the results of a BLAST search using the representative sequences. The soybean genotypes are as follows: E: Enrei; 12: En 1282; 13: En 1314; 65: En 6500; and S4: Sakukei 4. Nod stands for the nodulation phenotype: wild-type ( þ ), non- nodulated (À) and hypernodulated ( þþ). of Gammaproteobacteria were obtained when cul- for the dominance of Gammaproteobacteria in the turing endophytic bacteria in soybean stems. In culture of soybean-associated bacteria. contrast, based on the culture-independent method Exogenous nitrate suppresses the infection of used in this study, Alphaproteobacteria were the rhizobia and inhibits nodule formation (Carroll most dominant group in soybean shoots under SN et al., 1985; Barbulova et al., 2007; Okamoto et al., fertilization. These differences may simply reflect 2009). Recently, Okamoto et al. (2009) suggested that experimental biases between the culture-dependent a nitrate-induced CLE gene in Lotus japonica is and culture-independent methods used for analyz- involved in autoregulation systems through the ing bacterial communities. By considering the HAR1 gene, which is a homolog of GmNARK in known diversity of plant-associated bacteria, how- soybeans. ever, the phylogenetic compositions strongly and In this study, the HN treatment was initially unusually biased toward to the Gammaproteo- performed to eliminate the effects of nitrogen bacteria are not likely to simply reflect the nature deficiency in Nod– soybeans on the microbial of soybean-associated bacterial communities. As the community and to inhibit nodulation in wild-type relative abundance of Alphaproteobacteria was soybeans (Nod þ ). The HN fertilization increased À increased in nodulation mutants under the SN nitrate contents in the soil (7–10 mmol NO3 per kg fertilization condition in the present study, a plant dry soil), which were four- to sixfold higher than À signaling pathway such as autoregulation systems in those in the SN field soil (1.2–2.6 mmol NO3 per kg the legume–rhizobia symbiosis may be responsible dry soil) throughout the soybean cultivation period

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Figure 6 Phylogenetic distribution of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for Gammaproteobacteria of the clone libraries of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes for soybean stem-associated bacteria. The dendrogram (left) indicates the phylogenetic relationships among the representative sequences of OTUs (defined by 97% identity). The table indicates the relative abundance of clones belonging to each OTU in each library and the results of a BLAST search using the representative sequences. The soybean genotypes are as follows: E: Enrei; 12: En 1282; 13: En 1314; 65: En 6500; and S4: Sakukei 4. Nod stands for the nodulation phenotype: wild-type ( þ ), non- nodulated (À) and hypernodulated ( þþ).

(Supplementary Table 1). Plant dry weights and may have resulted in the low ratio of Alpha/ nitrogen contents showed no significant difference Gammaproteobacteria in wild-type soybeans. between nodulated Enrei and the Nod– mutant It is also interesting that population shifts were under the HN field conditions (Supplementary observed for Nod þþ soybeans under both SN and Figures 2a–d, Figure 2i). Under the HN fertilization the HN fertilization conditions (Figures 2 and 4). conditions, nodule dry weight and nodule number As Nod þþ soybeans do not harbor the functional of wild-type soybean Enrei were also markedly GmNARK gene (Nishimura et al., 2002), the inhibited. GmNARK-mediated nitrate sensing systems could These results suggest that HN fertilization gave not regulate nodule formation (Okamoto et al., rise to nitrate-induced nodulation inhibition 2009). Nevertheless, the effects of HN fertilization through the soybean autoregulation system. Thus, on Nod þþ soybeans occurred systemically, and a GmNARK-mediated signaling pathway may reg- the mode of the community shifts was very similar ulate a subpopulation of Alphaproteobacteria, to those for other nodulation phenotypes (Nod þ which may be closely related to rhizobia, beyond and NodÀ soybeans). Therefore, the GmNARK the regulation of nodule formation by Bradyrhizo- gene is not essential for the population shifts of bium japonicum in soybeans. As a consequence, this Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria responding to

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