Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2016 No. 24 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was In the United States, we often take erage industry, for example, that have called to order by the Speaker pro tem- those conditions for granted. But as a keen interest in maintaining water pore (Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia). has been demonstrated recently in infrastructure would, on a voluntary f Flint, Michigan, we do so at our peril basis, pay a miniscule fee. In exchange, because we have serious problems right they would be designated as supporting DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO here in the United States. It is not just the clean water trust fund. TEMPORE Flint, Michigan. There are up to 10 mil- It is estimated that this could gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- lion lead water lines that remain where erate up to $7 billion annually in new fore the House the following commu- even a slight change in the water revenue that could go to State and nication from the Speaker: chemistry, even from just repairing it, local governments as grants and loans, WASHINGTON, DC, can damage lead pipes enough to start which in turn could leverage even more February 10, 2016. contaminating people’s water. What is money. I hereby appoint the Honorable JODY B. underground and out of sight is actu- This legislation would also give di- HICE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ally in worse condition than our crum- rection and resources for the EPA to day.
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