Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 49 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813

Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama Herramientas Lean Manufacturing en las industrias de Tundama Diego A. Carreño Dueñas, Luis F. Amaya González, Erika T. Ruiz Orjuela Key words: Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Management, Process Palabras clave: Mejora, Lean Manufacturing, Gestión, Proceso

ABSTRACT methodology which facilitates its adoption at the organizations’ core, possibly to improve the With the advantages brought by the productivity of the industrial corridor in the implementation of tools and philosophies for Tundama province. the improvement of business productivity, in the following investigation, carried out in the RESUMEN province of Tundama between 2016-2017, 13 of the most representative companies of the Con las ventajas aportadas por la province registered in the local Chamber of implementación de herramientas y filosofías Commerce were analyzed. This province is para la mejora de la productividad empresarial, made up of the municipalities of Belen, en la siguiente investigación, realizada en la Buzbanza, , Corrales, Floresta, , provincia de Tundama entre 2016-2017, 13 de Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Tutaza and the capital las empresas más representativas de la municipality of , which has an area of provincia se registraron en la Cámara local de 2232km2 and has in the region of 200.000 Se analizaron los comercios. Esta provincia está inhabitants. It is located in one of the most compuesta por los municipios de Belén, important industrial corridors in . Buzbanza, Cerinza, Corrales, Floresta, Paipa, The methodology used in this study begins Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Tutaza y el municipio with the design of the data collection capital de Duitama, que tiene un área de 2232 instrument (opinion survey), where a pilot test km2 y tiene una región de 200.000 habitantes. was carried out in three companies with the Está ubicado en uno de los corredores purpose of validating the questions and industriales más importantes de Colombia. La analyzing the language convenience and use. metodología utilizada en este estudio comienza Following this, ten companies were selected to con el diseño del instrumento de recolección de conduct the survey, in order to determine the datos (encuesta de opinión), donde se llevó a level of awareness of Lean Manufacturing cabo una prueba piloto en tres compañías con tools. The objective of implementing one or el propósito de validar las preguntas y analizar various of these tools is to achieve continuing la conveniencia y uso del idioma. A improvements in any type of organization, continuación, se seleccionaron diez empresas thereby eliminating unproductive activities. para realizar la encuesta, a fin de determinar el After a survey analysis, the current panorama nivel de conocimiento de las herramientas de of the region was established in relation to the Lean Manufacturing. El objetivo de status of Lean tools. The result of this will, by implementar una o varias de estas way of future investigations and projects, allow herramientas es lograr mejoras continuas en for the design and implementation of a cualquier tipo de organización, eliminando así

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 50 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 las actividades improductivas. Después de un implementación de una metodología que análisis de la encuesta, se estableció el facilite su adopción en el núcleo de las panorama actual de la región en relación con el organizaciones, posiblemente para mejorar la estado de las herramientas Lean. El resultado productividad del corredor industrial en la de esto, a través de futuras investigaciones y provincia de Tundama. proyectos, permitirá el diseño y la


In the last decade, the Colombian economy series of tools that over the years have been has attempted to engage in an expansionist demonstrated to support organizations in dynamic of its markets, establishing free improving their productivity, above all in trade deals with other countries such as technical areas, production plants and in Mexico, the United States and Chile, among human resource departments. This set of others, this engagement creating a tools are grouped under the philosophy of globalized business environment which is lean manufacturing (lm), the beginnings of more accentuated every day. From this which were seen in 1950’s japan, a country perspective, small and medium businesses that, after the attacks in Hiroshima and which are the majority in the county, must Nagasaki and with a scarcity of natural get involved in the changes and trends resources and space, began a trend that used by international companies with eliminates waste with the slogan of “zero which Colombia establishes commercial defects, zero inventories, zero delays and nexus, most importantly in what is referred zero disregard for people”. According to to as management and operational Sipper (1998), production philosophy effectivity practices. This environment passed from “push” to “pull”: sell first, demands great efforts to be made for then produce. This means that flow adjusts growth, the improvement of the quality of to demand allowing for the reduction of products and processes, as well as inventories through the “just in time” productivity and thereby competitivity. system. All this is combined with the The ability to reduce operational costs and underlying satisfaction of the clients, reduce lead times with the aim of increase in the added value of the products, improving brand positioning and market the participation of the employees in reputation represents the challenge that improvement processes and the rise in such organizations should take on if they profits for investors (Sipper & Bulfin, 1998). want to remain economically active (Lopez, In the last five years, the Boyaca Avila & Mendez, 2011). department and especially the industrial Coinciding with the above, the business corridor where the Tundama province is and academic world have developed a located, a lag in terms of development,

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 51 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 economic growth and business commonly used tools in the country are competitiveness has been shown in highlighted. These tools are also comparison with other regions of the documented in the study by (Espejo & country. In the (Sarria, Fonseca & Moyano, 2007). Bocanegra, 2017) study, it is mentioned that This paper aims to provide an overview of developing countries such as Colombia the knowledge and possible adoption of need the adoption and use of new these techniques and tools in companies in management tools, including the Lean the industrial sector of Tundama province philosophy since its adoption and use by and which are registered in the chamber of organizations has been shown to commerce of the city of Duitama. The strengthen and boost their operations. The initiative is based on the document “Plan importance of this study is highlighted Estratégico Departamental de Ciencia, since the analysis under this approach Tecnología e Innovación – PEDCTI” applied to the Boyaca organizations is not (Provincial Science, Technology and documented. Innovation Strategic Plan), where the Within the methodology of the present question arises as to how productive units work is the design of the survey, allowing adopt and develop better forms of to characterize and diagnose the current production that would enable them to be state of the companies in this region to more efficient and competitive. As such, it identify the problems that reduce becomes necessary to transform productive productivity to companies. In the study by factors urgently and profoundly, and (Velez et al., 2008), these problems are initiatives or studies that emerge from the related to Management Systems and academic world play an important role in Human Resources, and the most this process.


To support the present study and the improve and optimize the operational results of the documentary review, the processes of organizations, independent of following set of tools was found within their size (Womack, Jones, and Roos 1992). those most representative, and made up of All of these techniques were included in Lean Manufacturing and all those what was initially known as "Just in Time" production tools or practices and their or TPS (Toyota System Production), which complementary parts. Initially Lean was contributed to by authors including Manufacturing (LM) is defined as the set of Shigeo Shingo, Edward Deming, Juran and techniques developed by Toyota after Crosby. World War II. These techniques help to

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 52 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813

At first, this set of techniques became products which may be in process or known as a tool for reducing inventories, finished. without explaining that it is a tool for the SMED Quick Change Method: This tool is reduction of waste including: inventories, used to reduce model change times or times, defective products, transport, machine or production line set-up times for storage, machinery and even people. LM's units of time under two digits, whether in goal is to reduce costs, improve production, hours, minutes or seconds (Socconini, increase system efficiency, increase 2008). production, improve supplier and vendor Total Productive Maintenance or TPM: This is relationships, and stabilize work, thereby a method used to maximize the availability satisfying both employees and customers. of manufacturing equipment and In LM, a series of tools are proposed in machinery, avoiding unexpected failures which their use allows the proposed and possible defects generated (Nakajima organizational objectives to be reached. In 2007). this sense, it is not a question of applying Total Quality Approach: In addition to the all the tools together or one by one, but ISO 9001 or SGC system it is very important rather it is a question of remembering that that there is a total quality culture with a the improvement of the parts does not focus on creating value for the customer or imply the improvement of the whole, in as client. much as the cause-effect relationship is Zero Quality Control Method: This consists of directed towards a specific purpose. replacing a visual inspection at the end of Among the most important or the most the work for several, distributed along the used in the industry are: production line with the aim of reducing Andon or "visual aid": Signaling systems defect levels to parts per million. that allows for the delivery of the right Manufacturing cells: These are used to order or service at exactly the right time reduce processing times and resource use, (Hirano, 2011). having to do with performing operations Kaizen or 5 S's: This is a series of techniques under the ‘just in time’ philosophy. used to improve work areas (Gemba or Manufacturing waste (MUDA): This is workshop floor), for the purpose of defined by everything that is not the facilitating the flow of materials and minimum amount of equipment, materials, people, allowing a company to correctly supplies, parts, locations and times of locate material inputs etc. (Shaikh et al. machines or workers, which are absolutely 2015). essential to add value to the product or Kamban: In general terms and as shown in service. The seven classifications for waste work (Gross & McInnis, 2003), this tool is are described below (Barón & Rivera 2014). utilized to facilitate the signaling of the Overproduction: Of all types of waste, this is flow of materials, information and the most significant and depends mostly on

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 53 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 those responsible for strategic and tactical 2004). This generates unnecessary costs and decision making. Overproduction refers to can make idle people lazy and lead them to scheduling the use of resources at a time underperform when they eventually go and in quantities that are really not back to their task. Wait times are due to required to satisfy the consumer. poor leveling of workloads, failures in Stock: Its prolonged and excessive upkeep programming or in equipment and the is detrimental. It is divided into raw absence of 5S. material, in process and finished product. It Unnecessary Processes: Made up of activities generates storage and handling costs, leads that exist because of the design of to obsolescence, defects and a "feeling" of inefficient or weak processes, or because of low capacity. the presence of defects. For example, the Transportation: This can be the reprocessing of a part, after inefficient displacement of various "elements", be it quality control of the supplier (Browning & materials, finished product, people or tools. Sanders, 2012). During that period of time the organization Defects: This refers to accepting, producing is not modifying the form or substance or sending products that do not meet characteristics of the product for which the customer specifications, either internal or customer is willing to pay. external. In turn, this generates Unnecessary movements: Workplace layouts unnecessary processes. The costs of this are sometimes ineffective, forcing the staff lack of quality include a waste of valuable to carry out movements that are not natural time and a detrimental effect, not only on for the limbs, obliging them to bend down the productive or economic aspect, but to pick up a substance or tool and, among even on customer satisfaction, be that other activities, to bend and stretch, internal or external (Sipper & Bulfin, 1998). thereby putting their health at risk and Poka Yoke (Error-Proof): This is a generating an unproductive environment mechanism that helps to prevent errors (Hirano, 2011). A disorganized workplace before they occur, or failing that, it leads to this kind of waste, for example, highlights the error so that the operator when necessary elements are mixed with corrects it in time. those that are not, several actions being All the aforementioned tools are but a needed to find what is required (Rajadell & sample of all those found in the literature. Garriga, 2005). However, a special recommendation is Wait times: This represents the event that, at made that, it is presumed, guarantees the any given time, resources that should keep correct adoption of these tools, initially moving through the production process, being the correct documentation or design do not do so. For example, when a unit of processes that aids the personnel or leaves a work center and must be there a human resources of the organization in period of time for it to be processed (Liker, carrying out the operations that are

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 54 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 documented, thereby cementing the also acting as a way to maintain continuous standardization of operations. improvement with the premise that "that Furthermore, the authors that were which is not measured cannot be controlled consulted insist on the need to establish and if it is not controlled it cannot be measurable parameters that facilitate the improved" (Najar & Álvarez, 2007); evaluation of the course and performance (Arbeláez & Alberto, 2006). of the production process in all its stages,


Initially a context is developed evidencing Processes: the scope of processes and the a need to analyze the production processes relationships between them is unknown. of the companies under study. In this case, There is a large number of activities we can say that in Colombia, for example, without value to the client. They present Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) levels of productivity lower than represent more than 90% of economic units international standards. and concentrate around 60% of Human Resources: there is no awareness of employment (Montoya, Montoya and the role played by the worker in the Castellanos 2010). production and efficiency of the company, However, despite their importance, there little or no training, scarce conditions for are sources providing figures that between the worker to release their human 60% and 90% of these companies disappear potential. less than 5 years after beginning operations Information: absence of reliable indicators (Nieto et al., 2015). In addition to this, SMEs to define objectives and goals, monitor face several problems that impede their their achievement, and make decisions sustainability, among which are problems based on data and facts (Velez et al., 2008). of access to markets, technological barriers, This provides an overview where it is difficulties to obtain credits and difficulties possible to state that only those SMEs that in terms of internal operations. The wish to remain in the market will be following presents these shortcomings in prepared to face changing markets and a their structural aspects, identified by horde of highly competitive new products (Velez, 2008). with quality at a good price and above all, Management systems: ignorance of on time. This fact has led to the continuous customer needs and environmental trends, increase of productivity becoming a key lack of strategy planning and deployment, condition for any manufacturing or service a reactive approach to action ("putting out industry that wants to remain competitive fires"). in the market and it is within this remit that

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 55 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 the social function to be exercised by the a pilot study was carried out with 3 academic world becomes a pivotal businesses in the city of Duitama, the facilitator, allowing and aiding the number and sector to which they belong productive community in the adoption of were the result of a simple random sample, the latest trends in tools, techniques and adjusting form and structure of the management models, with continuous information collection tool. to select the 10 improvement that helps to increase and most representative companies of the maintain competitiveness. region that fit the selection parameters The designed survey is based on the belonging to the different economic sectors. methodology implementation proposed by Phases (Sarria, Fonseca & Bocanegra, 2017), which 1. Design of the information collection consists of four phases (Beginning, Setup, instrument: In which the design of the Deployment and Tuning), which are information collection tool was carried out subdivided into the following items: following the methodology described by • Management commitment. (La Fuente and Marin 2008). • Leaders selection. 2. Validation: a test was carried out to • Creation of the Implementation three (3) randomly chosen companies with team. which the structure and content of the • Value Stream Maping diagnostic. survey were adjusted. • Human resource training focused on 3. Application of information Lean tools. collection instrument: which was applied • Creation of waste reduction to ten (10) of the ten companies most indicators. representative of the area of study and that • 5s use. belonged to the different economic sectors. • Pull system deployment. 4. Analysis of results: through a • Use of more representative Lean qualitative analysis, we highlighted the Manufacturing practices (use of the Smed, most relevant results that are specified in TPM, Kaizen and Poka Yoke tools in the following section. customers and suppliers). The research contemplates an exploratory descriptive methodology, in which Initially


The re-written questions led to the knowledge of the individuals surveyed development of the following and the possible application of said questionnaire, made up of 13 questions knowledge to the lean manufacturing tools geared towards determining the level of within their respective businesses.

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 56 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813

Value Stream Mapping The entrepreneurs surveyed stated having 1. Have you ever asked yourself why documents such as process and assembly your clients prefer your products or plans, but nevertheless there is ignorance of services? the technical information pertaining to said All those surveyed stated the importance of process as well as the tools and equipment knowing the factors that set their products being used in it, and relating to the making apart. Nevertheless, none of them have of the products as well as the services being established, documented or designed a provided. procedure that would allow them to know Traceability the preference of their clients for their 4. Are the functions and tasks carried products, which highlights that the out by those responsible for the processes entrepreneurs have not developed nor clearly identified by means of processes implemented value chain mapping of their and procedures manuals? products or services. Of the businesses surveyed, only three Standardization showed as having documentation related 2. Is there any document that guides to job analysis and its respective functions, the production activities within your which were to be found in the organization company? and job description manual. Regardless, This question looks to determine if, within personnel in some operational jobs were the enterprise, there are documents such as unaware of the limits and functions of their a manual for procedures and processes that positions. facilitate the productive and organizational Measurement tasks. All the individuals surveyed stated 5. Does the company measure the that they made use of these type of performance of its activities? documents, however the evidence points to All of the companies surveyed stated that the fact that there is no clarity regarding the they measured the performance of their differences between processes, procedures, production activities and said checklists or manuals (whether for measurements refer to the number of equipment, tools or even processes). The products made or the number of clients survey also highlighted that delivery notes, attended to in a given period of time, work orders and quotes are all included in results cross-referenced by portfolio or by the type of document that actually belongs invoices. This indicator refers to the result to process design. of the process and not to the prior process, Standardization which evidences that there is no rigorous, 3. Is there formal documentation formal and systematic way to carry out within the company pertaining to partial measurements and follow up of the production activities such as diagrams, process before offering a final product or plans and instructions, etc.? service. The fact that there are no partial

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 57 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 measurements of the processes is evidence the tasks carried out by the workers, of the lack of knowledge of the concept of neither are the positions differentiated. constant improvement, even when two of Methods and Times the business surveyed displayed, 8. Have method analyzes been implemented and certified quality developed and measurements made to management systems. determine the workload of the operators? Continuous Improvement Without knowing the lead times, it is 6. In the event of a non-conformity impossible to answer this question, within the process (defects, machinery although three organizations stated that breakdown, bad quality products or prime they had carried out studies to determine materials) or within the service, is there a the work load of their operators or some defined a path of action to avoid said non- such type of study. That stated, none conformity happening again? provided evidence of the existence of said This question sought to find out if the studies and were unaware of the concepts concept of preventative or corrective action of methods and times, which are is understood and internalized by the fundamental pillars to eliminate human business, and in fact the two business that resource related waste. did implement the quality management Value Stream Mapping system demonstrated assuredness and 9. Does the company evaluate the cost were able to evidence documented of waste, whether that be time, products, procedures. The other businesses behave in raw materials, overproduction, etc.? a reactive way, lacking of any method and All of the companies surveyed, although only taking action when non-conformities recognizing some kind of waste inside the arise at the moment of production or at the production process, have not designed or moment that service is provided. implemented a method that allows them to Standardization identify in the first place the waste product 7. Does the company know the lead of their production system, much less the times of its products and the time spent by cost it generates. the operators on each job for each activity Customer Satisfaction assigned? 10. Has the organization established All of the companies surveyed are unaware measurable criteria to determine customer of their lead times, instead using estimates satisfaction with its products? that are the result of the production Only companies that have implemented a managers’ or operators' experience. quality management system stated having Concepts such as leveling of workloads a method for measuring customer and production line balancing are satisfaction, although this mechanism is unknown and there does not exist a not always applied and is limited to standardization of the working times nor of

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 58 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 working only when there is a complaint or However, it is more frequent to do work on grievance. The reason that these surveys the repairs derived from the lack of this are not applied, is due to the awkward type of plans, there being confusion feeling displayed by some of the clients at between the concepts of preventive the moment the surveys are carried out. maintenance and corrective maintenance. 5s Inventory management 11. In the production area, are there 13. In terms of stock management, does scheduled days for the cleaning and the company have a policy that allows for maintenance of equipment, machines and the control of quantity and rotation of raw tools used in the production activities? materials, inputs and finished products? Although a pleasant and orderly The management of stock in all the cases, environment is better suited to carrying out responds to the immediate needs of the tasks or activities, in none of the materials and supplies, with only one organizations is there a defined or company having a rigorous method of implemented - much less documented inventory control. Inventory control is within the processes - preventive associated to warehouse control by means maintenance plan, the maintenance days of the Cardex tool and when it is necessary evidently not being scheduled regularly to replenish what is needed, it is according but rather being the result of other types of to the subjective criterion of whoever is in stimuli. charge of purchases. This often generates a Total Productive Maintenance surplus or shortage of materials and 12. Does the company have, or is there supplies; In the following graphs, Figure 1 defined, a maintenance plan for the and Figure 2, the results of the surveys are machines, tools and equipment used in shown, as evidenced based on the answers production? given in each one of the organizations. Of the organizations surveyed, none have formal defined maintenance plans.


Within this section, it is worth emphasizing the manufacturing process, to then proceed that the main academic objective of this to the application of an acceptable level of research should be to encourage flexibility of the production chains, entrepreneurs in the region to correctly and adapting to the fluctuating demand of the definitively implement the Lean region. Philosophy, starting with the elimination of Many companies are at an advanced stage all those activities that do not add value to of documenting their processes, but

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 59 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813 ideally, this documentation should be the other complex tools, as recommended followed by the leader’s selection and the by (Sarria, Fonseca & Bocanegra, 2017). creation of the documentation and Finally, it is important to highlight the implementation teams who carry out the improvements perceived by the initial diagnosis based on the Value Stream implementation of each of the tools or set of Mapping for each installation. In this way, them, which go hand in hand in achieving the training of human talent in this significant improvements in product philosophy would be fully complied, quality, as is the case of the company Casa which would facilitate the adoption and Mecánica LTDA, with the implementation implementation of the 5s to continue with of 5s and Andon systems at its plant in Medellín, Colombia. (Arrieta et al., 2011).

Figure 1.- Questionnaire results

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 60 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813

Figure 2.- Number of positive and negative answers


With the research carried out, there is From there, future studies can be generated evidence of scarce use and management of that will be the basis for establishing both Lean Manufacturing and continuous indicators that highlight both individual improvement tools concepts, so that the and collective performance, leading to a productivity and scarcity of new better understanding of the concept of production methods is reflected in the continuous improvement, complementing competitiveness of the province of Boyacá, it with master plans of production and where it is necessary for companies in the preventive maintenance and improving the region, whether small-medium or large, to use of resources while boosting develop a competitive advantage through productivity and competitiveness. This the identification of individual strengths will be supported by the implementation of that lead consumers to prefer their Lean Manufacturing tools, leading to a products. It is therefore possible to start need to generate further studies in order to with the characterization and establish the appropriate methodology to documentation of the processes and apply this philosophy, based on real life calculation of the of the plants' capacities, cases that demonstrate the economic which in turn will allow to establish benefits of these tools. measurements to maintain a constant on- time delivery of orders.

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62 Ingeniería Industrial. Año 11, Vol. VI, N° 21 61 Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias ISSN: 1856-8327 e-ISSN: 2610-7813


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Autores Diego Andrés Carreño Dueñas. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. ORCID: Email: [email protected] Luis Felipe Amaya González. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. ORCID: Email: [email protected] Erika Tatiana Ruiz Orjuela. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. ORCID: Email: [email protected]

Recibido: 28-03-2018 Aceptado: 16-11-2018

Carreño et al., Lean Manufacturing tools in the industries of Tundama, p. 49-62