H¡sto¡la Omnlum Legum

VICE.PRESIDENT Paul L. Murphy Department of H¡story University of M¡nnesota

SECRETARV.IREASURER lvichael de L. Landon Department of History University of N/ississippi

EDIIOR Robert J. Haws Department of History Un jvers jtv, MS 38677

C, Elizabeth Propes-Editorial Assistant r¡E 25, NO. I SUMMER 1994 rSBfrNc¡ 9ESg¡ON

f{ÀgHINOÍON !;Ëion of U s Àlch¡v1sE on Dêctassificå€ion Budqêr fô! NEH. ." ãt congtuu. êuide to Àfricân-Àmericâô Maherjals .";s f,jbrà!1an äÈ the Librãly of congÍess. Boâ¡:d ÀPPotnEnenca :fJïte r""r" at Àrcbives I¡

¡¡EI{s ,;,"r Meetinc of thê Àcl-s ;'ôrect HiÉto!1c ,\rLeri ca ilnaer¡ir¡ Pri zewinner at Rutse!s-cãmdên SiUdert Paper Prize -' #ïËi';;i,i.-*'laå. . . . : . . . . . Lalr Flrm Seeks Àtchive Infomacion ll'fl Ànerican LegaI Studies Àsaociåtion '!.1::,: Legal HiÂtorY cenEe! aE chicago ir,:. iì;fublic Record office c!tsi .l-li,,iËããni s"ro"" soclery Publlcat1ôn. . ...:. .,:::Í{srorical Manuscripls Commissio¡ publ.r,cè!ions :.ì"ì.íâw in lliscoly f,l-¡t Þ!og!åm aÈ l,ancaÉce!.

NO CONIERENCES ' |{arren CourÈ Conference a€ TuIaå , , , ¡alt for Paper€: '¡¡!e Many Legalilies of Early À¡erica caII for PâPers, Missis6lPPi Ê1ve! confelence. MlsBourl valley Eistorical confelence. ¡I¡E ¡NFORI¡ÂÌ(ION l¡ånguage and Bibliography À NaEional archlvea NewÊleL€e! Narional Àrchiveg New Guide to Record l

:.]:iiófçc."e! lL'rsc,sa :::i.iitende¡s of the ÀbDual l'leeLinq Hhó ranL ro visit the UniLed srâres ùÉt Ilùseùm bec(een Lhe lLenà¡y session (eDdjng at lrOO on Friday, Lhe and clìe sup¡eme cou¡L f,eceptiôù (5 00) shôùId ôbr¡iD rickers ro do so ü adva¡ce of Lhe codfe¡ehce. Tiokêcs åre f¡ee bur câr' o¡ty be obLãined de of Lìre dày of the visiL Lh¡oùgh'IickeltrìasLer, whiclì cha¡gej (âs of ¡ $3.00 'convenieDce fee,' Calle¡s f¡om ourside of WâshiDoLo¡ ånrl c shou..l aið r aoo qc SE^T --tters a'oì FÀ -lmorc.t,ôu o ur:- 410

!191,441sa1 MeeLils l¡he fiocieIy,s 1995 t\rùuàÌ Meering will be hetd, ocrobê! 19-21 an ón, Texas, lhe Lôcal ÀrrangcNenLs chairnìa¡ ir cRÀIc .toycE, ùnivers)ty of 9.D law ceDte¡, IIôusroD, tx 7't2a4-63tr, Te): 113,743-2r2't, The p¡ogrârf !¡ìan¡ìan vi.llvj.ll bê uoNÀLD c,G, NIjìMJ\N,NIjìMJ\N/ RoltììR,tROltììR't COI,TRoLCOI'TROL (RuLge¡s(RuLqe¡s C¿i¡deD,C¿j¡deD, LåwtLåw) ,. JoycÈJOYCÈ glll {Bentìey), DBEN MoCLIìN (Co1ùhbiå, LaH), (Dãthousie), /Cdrr,o,nr¡, cyNTHrà NEVTLLB, v S.Hl lLllP U.,kñtÞy,. JUDì¡ìt S 'I|^I-DI. ,1JtJn^. rLtur lìn/ llute) . se¡.1 FroÞosal.s t!¡ individutrì papers ånd corìpteLe sessioDs ai ihe i¡9, lncrudingìcluding abstracrsabstracts of ÞaÞelspaÞels and cur¡icutuj¡cur¡icului¡ vitae of Þa¡riclDants,pa¡riclÞants, i Nier¡411, ÀSL¡I Plog¡am chair, ÞeparLùenr of IllsLory, 120 r'¡iltiãms lng c¡een stâte unlve!si[y, Bowli¡g G¡ccn, olìjo 43403 (re]ephone: l,lhele À!e Vle ? "- 4 16) 92 l6al À look ac rhe lisr of che 1165 iñdivrdual meñber8 of ÀsLH Às ..:...,1 - of 19e3 (those who hàal paid 1e93 o¡ 1994 .luès) shows .¡a"g"-i"_Ëxli^ç t¡Ét .i"""a ii'.^ãiriåi::i "" foreign::l:i::"^i:::::*.'"" countries, lt does, howeve!, shoq àn::;::^::_:l:-:;;;Ëã..;;.ii!'å;¡,:l encou¡aqi.nq o*"t",r .4"" rhe inclease is noe fairry ai.tiiu".àJ ;;;;;;;-ìiórt "* parencheses). we appear ¿o""""iy have-recruited very succêssrully ";¿;i;'å,:¡!!i" ÀÀ è..c.o".t ioi'iru losiDs ou¡ cr¡e coasi, 'u-ål-'n9l "t.t.", eround "^ "esr

cenÈ!â1 DC= 47

New \tersey 2? -- È". bêen frequently stàted (and Ehe secreÈÀlv-Treasurer ' s office = ¡noul¡eis) th¿L the individual nembershjp of Àsl,H ja màde uP of :Irl v,i:::i."-'jii" plolessols, Þennsylvânià = 39 ,;.;êlv one.;" thirdthitd hisÈotvhisÈoty þlofessols,professo!8, one Ehi!d lâw Plofesaols, ànd lÏ-i,"å¡i.l"c lavyers and judses ' À count ot Èhe "Professional vi.si"i, shows the ,¡,1']. "".r i_1_-_ ii"i; .oa".6hown on the leel meúbershtp lrsL, houever, rhdL (213) a rittte more comPricaced than hhât *tl 'Iocal - 267 ;i;Ë;;" i" actuallv ai:i 4+;:k'" # or members: t"r"r rri-ìtu.r '**'*nraqe itri': = 30.9t Midwest !9C! 24 ,2t llllnois = 5s câlifo¡nia = 100 1A* 2.rl

{10) {09) 0,5& isr (oB) 0,13$ soubh Dakoca = 2 ogisb (o?)

îo€al = 142 {153) Hhât Inre.esÈs us? NortheasE Southwest îhe ,Prôfessional lnÈerest" codeB indicabe thal, while nost Ôf us are i inbelessed in Alnericån and/o! Brirish lesal historv, our areas ot connecbicub 21 qiihin those broâd a¡eas vary enormôusty, and some of us are = in o€her parts of che wôr1d aB well: Masaachuselbs = 5? New Hanpshire 9 Professional Iotere€!s = petcentagê Rhôde Island = 2 Àccording !o of menbers Tobâ1 = 66 169) (02) 69.4t Legå1, Profession (2a) 10 3* Totãl = 99 (99) lsh ( o1) 50.?$ civrl (22) 9.2\ 48. ?R àr¡ctent (09) a.4t Northwes! ÞuelcoRlco=1(1) 46-at Roman (23) a-4* 34,98 Canadran (04) 6 4& 34-2* Canon (21) 6,4t 26,6\ Fomen and lhe Lâw (2?) 6,4t f,{a'hane€on_:_ 26.6\ commelciåI (25) 3.6t l1_ _ - 27.8 Australlan (05) 2,4\ Totâl = 3a (35) I epeciaf 't¡raúk yo!ì to our five "Spon6o!1Dg' MerìrbeÈs Pflvåte {1r) 2\,1\ hrernational (26) 2 .2\ Clininat (18) 1?.4t ÀsiÂn (o?) "¿rV sixEeenth Centuly (11) 15.4t Latin Àmerica (OB) Hilliam t4. wiecek Sêvehtêenth cenhu¡y {12) 15,4* Mìddìe Ànerlcå (06) continentaÌ (03) 11.0t Àfrj,can (23) 0. r3{ is mùch âPP'eciated Miscellaneous fnberests àen"'""icv r924 Lâw and Râce Relations _-.êDorrcJ i.n Lhe Idst js3ùe ol Lhc NEIISLETTEP (l,|inLer, r994), r.be,, Legal Educatioh History 'fiicü,i o tt- .h.r' Admiral EylMariÈime , :"i-o_:l: ^1""r:nq l"ec- 'rsMt.xot-z year in Memphis,^*:¡:: lhar "::he Þôúld:::19 be:l dppolnrrnglll::l:::r al' Àmerican l?leEc NaÈive Àmerican ,'l-i"""i0", lrôs ¡rsl.H Niqhf usêlully co-operàLe wiLh rhe 'H-Låa' À¡Èi-Truse and Trade Neq Yolk côùrcs and ¡ra! been o¡sdnized oD rne lnre'net 6ystem. rhe -;hichii r,aa tc.e"-ly is hdrrêd bY L!9 IIIEIIç1 191'ì" !."".ì rnd ¡Iso iñcrúdes chiDese ;;M^x (HoLsrr¡ Ldw), rERr4lT ltaLL (ohio sLáLe', vrcToPrA A, sa¡ER Civil Rights Histo¡y .na the sêc'etary-lreasu!et {e' orfj.io); hàve been Þolitical Theôry i,1..:,."r iã"u. ôn. ¡r'oEhe! by e-nàjl ånd ,s nou clo6e Lo dpp¡ovins a Crieical Legal Theo¡y ,i" ":t¡¡rn rcpolL Lo be pJesenled Lo rhe BoaÍd jn Nàsh.ingron in Economi cs / trego - Economics Procedu !e !i."".s"f tte "".mjLtee re,nbeÍs tlraÈ H-Làw.ould be usÞd ro Fedê.al .tudicial Histoly Publlc fand Law communicdLiôn'" ànd coope¡drion bcrseen the socieLy 6 orlicers History of l"ledicine ancl Lâw Pussja ìl^,"^l;ser ana.o.'rtLee ch.I!s. belveen Lhe so.iety's ofti.- and iLs Hjscôry of PoÌlution Law Vilg1nia ;i--ãnO ..""q th' ledrership itsett. thereLole, Lhey uould lj.ke to Irlsh world Legal Hisboly 'iL',a" -1"" .'.,..,,i',.-!:":t!l:-:::p":::l::^::9-.:iff:::^rî: f l.fô¡e networt' s cllrrent lloderaEo!, c¡lRlsTolHER I,¡ÀLÞREÞ (Eàscern!l: 1L: mÞmbcr ånd, ir åll goes sell, 1L intended means ¡¡4aiof ConC¡ibutors \ iE dn ÀsLH is by of ir: íåroaa ¡ot¡ rhir issuc ot Lhc Nlws]'ErrEp. and r.he jnforrnarion ìi.: r for rhe ocl¿be! Ànnuãl r,4eetin9 rnlo Lhe network. meiÞe' 5 Lho have ac.ess to t¡re rntelnet (an subscribe Lo H Lâw by :;t. ing: Listse¡v@uicw,bitnet or cfcrw@Lrxa, Êcr,bgu. edu, To , 6end rhjs ne6sð9e: sUBscFrBE H LÀr,r fif,srname surnème insLiLurron for à subscriPtion. ?t:: Gregory E. Àlexande! ¡,inda K. (ertJer no chè¡9e c. Blalne Bake! ì.:i f,qilliåm D. Beard Geolge U. ¡(uehn è:.1: ¡ìrichal R. BelknaP ¡{!lliam P. La Piana Barbarâ À, Black Mlchael de L. Landon (a.k.a. L¿. "creab lcestotm o 1994 to Mississippians as Ehe 'fce scorm Måxwell H. Bloomfleld ,fanet S. Loengard occurred F ruâry 9-10/ and lef! a larqelarge area of Northern í:ì Henry J. Bourguignon Cha¡leÊ Lofglen :èntury") p, ppi {aPpàtencly unn iced by mosb of hhe lesr of rhe counrry) wìthout Donald Brev¡sÈer JoÊeph l{, McYùighE wate! for ånyLhinq à day !o a veek and çithout electricihy for :l:1 Bruce À, Canpbell Judqe Pàmela B. Minzner ¡ froh sevelat hourE irl some communicies, as ]ông ae four seeks, Stånley Chodorow t insbirution, the iÞy of Mississippi, Dâs closed down for flve 1.i) Forrunâtely/ bhe $¡ sue of Lhe NEWSLETTER had aIleady been tjæed l:i: Fenry N, Ess frr Qalter F. Pratt, .lr, David B. Flåbe!ëy slephen B, Pres6er !1.:.1 CharIeE W, Fournier RaÊhr)a T. Preyer N.aa:. IJawreDce M. FrÍedman li.r' RoberE M. coLdmân Donal-d M. Roper Robe!! w, cordon Lionel M. schoolê¡ Chãrles M, cray Dàvid J. SeípÞ r replâcemenl. consequeÞtly, the Õtfice was alnost i.o.ç.eEBu!.içe.d9 for Thonaa À, creen Herbert 1. sllsby ll ne monltr, and we apologize to nerìbera and others whôse côt.espondence ¡(ermiÈ t. Håll À,I,1, B, SiRpson chrouqh mosl of Feb¡ualy and March, Das nôt bandled $ith ou! rìsual HendÈik À, HarÈog Raynån L. solomôn À. Lêon Higginbochåm Enily F, vanÈasse1 Michael ¡r, ¡roeflich Sue Sheridàn l?lalke! A senior hisi:ôry major, and the seudent Dj.recbor of the ùniversity Ruth G. Wedgviood Program, she plans, afte! graduaÈion next yeár/ to move on Co some Dennis ,t. Hutchinsôn seephen tlemiel ÈhaE has a slrong gladuaEe program in Russiân sbudiee. For technlcal Håro1d M. r¡ynan Bradley flilliars , she is wotking for us as a studeot employee ¡aÈher chan as a part- HêrbêrL JôlDsôn iversity slaff ¡¡êmbÊr. Elizabech,6 Ârrival has coincided i{ith oìrr Mårthå À Ziskind onbo Ehe .Intelratìonal hformation supê¡hìghway.,, The office now has n separabe leLephone line, a modem hook-up ¿ô l¡terne! and ¡t-Law, and 1994 ELECTIONE

this yeà/ the soclely-berms needs to elect flvo n6w r€hb€lB to 6ervê ô ¡".'a olí..t".", wr¡oge uill_!un from,ranua'y_t, tsst .r,iÀu!¡ì"l 11, 199?;"i and a.!so two r6w h€bb6rs of the Nonln.llng côtur1t6., who;È ;-.Jì. shc r1 vrrrin9 rmpålt ôr Iore,9n iikÊ,srse uill ¡un frôm Jånuary l i99s rhlough Dêcenbe! 31, 199?. ii, rr u.s. cjv)l rrghcs ÞolIy. she re¡elvcd Ll'a scholar's'erêL,ons ThÌs year's Nominating committee côn6isting of saNDRÀ,VÀN BlrRkLEo. t'"" r¡" rl.r,y s. TrJmdn Ljb,d,y lnsr irur., ¡ .hatlortc IJ. SLaLe, HrsÈo!y, Chèjrwonan), NORMÄ BASCH (lutgels-Newa¡k, Hrstory), JOy( îÌilirå"i¿ ii-; iu. t)ôådrôq \'ri riôn Ferrovsì'ip !ou,,dc, 1on, ånJ (U.N,C,,(u.N,c Làw),Law), and JoHNJOHN ¡¿ÀrcolMrrÀLcol¡4 {Benrley(Bedtley col1e9ê),collegê), Jo¡lNJoHN v. _oRTHoPTH , .and !¡(tNÞEn::1!¡uNÞEà li". rion u¡'" EiseDhouer HorId at,àjrs rnsLiLùLe ¿nd Lhr am.¡1c¡n (Neblaska, Histoly), have subnitred che state. ot cancllclales Ìi8Eed bêIa$:.ti: "iiilÉt"t'.'. Her leqal histo¡y .or b.ief infolmational statemênts vere supplied bv Ehe candrdates thehsetve.t ';;e civjl krqhrs r'4ovemenL ¿nd.ivil pishrs r.'w, and lvlodern À Eeår-batloL sheet rs inseÌted aE. Lhe cenLe! of this NElqSLETtEi counted, ballôts musÈ be leceived bãck In the socL€tv's Offlcô no lÀt6. octobsr 6, 1994. BOÀID OF DIRECTORS ,11 js Dc-n of rlte college of Hum-niLies dnd ¡'rôles:o¡ of iljsrory wìie,c Ie Leache€ unoergrâouaEe,underg'âdudte, glacluaÈe,q¡dduaLe, ånd Richård À. Co.grovê ^ scaEecr¡Le univcrslty¡univ^,u1Ly, !n Àmerican Co¡1sbi¿uLional ând Legal Hiscoty. Ile hô1ds â doctoral Richard A. Côsqrove has selved as â henber Ôf the Eistoly depa!€hent at i. re un:""rslty of lvljnnnsoLJ (r9't) dnd ã fldsr''r.in iihc studY of Univelsicy of Àrizona since 1967, and holds bhe rank of p.ofessor' He.e iar¿ raw sc¡ool (1980) Proiessor' ll-11 !duglrt dl vdnde!bilt að E,s. deqreede¿ree fro¡nfrom Hôly cross college iû 1962 and theEr1e M¡1 A-4- {l"e6.rl(1"963) and Ph.rPh r,la r¡ìc s-are universrry rlq?b leaor, rhÞ unjv^rsiry oi Èis books i,-1jgt"-tr,"¡,'tgaO-tgt..), (1e5?) f!óm the unive!ÀiEy of californìa at Riverside, includèì "nd ch- UnjversiLy of lùliä, b-fo'e ¿.ccpLing Lh. pì,]ê of Lâu: Àlbe¡b venn Dicev, Victorlah J!415! (unìve¡siEv of NoÌbh cã;; ;r hú.ànjLj"s ãL Lhe ohró stâte universlty. 1930)/ :^ .h- rcrilo! in chref ol rhe oxf o¡SjaDpq¡4¡-lp, !he:5!!¿arlta,]la!!:: iËgil , rÞccrvêd,hê ¡-",,."":,¡¡,",r, ¡.*¡¿oc r", .ãrãi.q "i,i.¡n.t.,".-" l,llolk or .!992.' '¡he New vork Public I ibrêty",, s Àuard ;ÉÞEr R.f.¡ence Nôrk ôr 1q"3,' The TÞxas Fâ¡ asso_iêt.jon's awlrd fo! Book on bhe sùPteme courc in 1992,' The Àmelican Bat Assôc1ahìoD's di fo! 19e:1,1993, aùd tâs a mãi¡¡ setecbiôn of theÈne HistotyHrsEotY Book club fot 1992 and che Dook of the r,4onhÌr cluþ in Ma¡ch 1993, He is â]so Lhe EngÌish Jurisp¡udence f¡ôm Blacksbo¡ê tÕ Ha¡L ônã1 and LÊqãl HrsLorv (" vols., KréLs, r9U4. 199 coln€ILa HughqE DayÈon y .hor.e ds .n ouLsLand.inq acddernic Look fol ìo3c ànd l¡rlLàm l'Jrccek, AmÊric¿I lÊqél llisr.or v: cãses {D ElY, Jr, ì ¿ 1990)

éèr¡, 1e92) . :,1¡e is cô ÞIetins a caÊe hlstory óf U9.4-I9:\ Tioee v. sullivan unde¡ the Heed Thci¡ Rrsjnq voices, ro be publjshêd by r,1¡cråw-Bi ll jn 1995, ðnd i5 Elre Þt.Ñ;;ti"" E.he oaf;'d comÞdn,;n to añericqn Lau. Lo be áhed"Gt"q by Oxfo¡d univêrsity"f pless in 1996 ?rofesBor Èa1I has been â Fulbrigh! scholar in FÌnland and a visiting a! the Ìherican Foundatioa; he has also held grants and ìÞs froh the Nabional science FouÈdatlôn, the Nâtional Endomenc fo¡ unexptìêd term on the soclety's Þoa¡d of Þìrêcto¡s. bies, Ehe American council of Learned societies. tbe Exxon FouDdàtion, bhe Rockefelle- Foundalron, thè Û.s. DeparEment of ¡lary L, Dudzl6h , ând the Peç Charitable Trusts. lle has lecÈured and conducÈed on che American ]egal system, legal educacion, and legãÌ hiscôry in l"la¡y L. Dudziak is Professor of Law aE the univê¡sicy of lÓwa College Ôf rh^ L¡w ir. u.rgl¿rd rirs,olì, r'ô), 4'r.c cs oi¡ srill ll-","*,g.r. aut ìrc ca.dì.cJ,)otr, r'i,, r¿,ha, ., lJv ìr¡.r". ¡"o viå orfo¡d lehele he sas 20 years a Felloa of Penbroke ¿::-;á;k, I i,,q. Lorr a PLdrdnLr i,, ¡,a.d,cv-l l ,ql¡"1 rr,'30. he y¡âr 'j;-^sLH rner.inq) êxtolnd-d rl'-,-' y ìdu o, vi. lclndaL rn d qdy LL-L i-r-,oclv ., ir i.isn'. s)D ñ rl" D hê hd, ¡xpro'.cr !'.. socjdl ":c¡t"aLh,-uJrt ¿ ùo.ú)n¿Lion oi legdl ,,.1'¡^o:ìosy rno 'ulru¡àl 1r-i¡ã l¡" _,3J._ flofessor Hè11 sàs nominàred by ¡¡cljdcnE Bjtl ctiñron ahd ¡¡^. Illl,'nc sc novca,o.ôrn^.1novca io 'ôrn^L¡ inìn )oJ. lllI .5 cu!'.r.,cur'.r.i Look Posesposes Blood reulreuJ the senaLe to serve on Lhe À6sassinàtron çecords Revlev e""¡¿. rhÀ i _:.-,,ir..Ïl r"o:i.s¡ dr¡hrv,5 rron fl¡^ lo_h rh¡oÙdh )rrh.'¡rJrie. uith chärgêd qirh review-ng dnd makjng dvdrÌabl.e ro rhÞ Àmericân pcoÞfe r;; Pàn.ôr d Pe-ôn. rlidLior': V:olc'r_a ri irs vor_v¡rio,'s, rn ¡eco¡ao s¡itt hetd in-secrer by íarrous ãeencies of .¡" u"irãã-ãÊi"åi""P -liiãåi :-,. íiã,i' "w""4l,,d^., .n.l off.,¡ 1n^w r'ês ànd.ord-¡.Þ/ripê.rivr i"í oriq.ins"",.rr':v.x (lr'esoabs. appedl -f relony. eL..) Jnd rhe b'rrh of ãcr,.V ¡ I:n"1"¡¿ HÞ l'ès r'¿rvôd vdJ roL. lêàr'r'@d s^ i.r i.s o -ñi rlees aùd Posrtrons

PeEer chatles Hoffe. recerved his Ph.D, from ltârvard Universihy in 19?o reburnêd tô Hârvard r-aw s.hôôl âq a tiberal À¡Ls Fellow in 1986, He has taught ab che. oh_io ståte Universlty, bhe. Uoivetsiry of Noele Dane, Bloôl Cotlege and the ùniversily of ceorgia, where he is currencty researctr -ii professôr of histof,y. ne has held fetlowstrips from rhe NarÌonal Dndoe(en! phitosôhhiõ.1 tlÌe ûuhanitìec, bhec]1e Al¡e¡icðna¡e¡1cðn Bar Foundabion,Foundabjon, the Ànelican philosophicat ..._ society, the Ford Foundallon, ard Plojecr ,B?, anong ì,.s t\ri¡í been a colieb Fellow ar New yò¡k Universicy Lao school,"th.rs, f,tiEh ""aÞtôfessô¡ å:i su1l, he published N:; l'a:r, lÞ!!:_l!!l (l9sìr and rmÞeåôhment in ameÌjcd. )6rs-laos ijs-al, àDd;; :ï;r the series Landmalk Lds cdscs ånd Ãnrericèn SocjeLy lo! rne UûivelsiÈv !1", Xdnsas, Hrs orner books 1nc-!ucle Revoluriôn ând Rêoênêråriôñ, r,ìrÞ.i,. {1lrjl

its À¡nuaf [,eeting 1s l,"n64omc p,orca.or of l.¡w ¡L fbc UDivñrsi-y of Vicro¡1a t¡¡.Corumbia, ahe¡e iìe l:eaches Legàl HistÒry. Hê received his 1e9a1 âÈion aL Lhe Unive!srty of Sr. A¡drews, Londo¡¡ Unjversity and the Rylh€ rlolt e;91ty of r"lichigan. Hii ¡esearch rntereshs 1ie i¡r the history of vice Law tilà entorcement, and Llìe histroly of nacial and eLhnic discrimìnacion- He Wybhê Holt is Unlversj-ty Research P¡ofessor of Law at the Universicy ôf so i{litben on che hisLoly of environmêntàl law aùd ¡egulabion. He Alabama, whêre he has taughb since 1966, He received the B.A. from Ànùer€t ly co-edited with Hamar Foscer a¡d chet orLoff ã pioneer book of eEsays college and che .t.D. and thê rh.D. (Àme¡ican HisÈo¡y) from che nnive¡siry oial .rlega1 history of wesLern Nô¡bh Ãme¡ica/ Lak fôr the_ËleÞhant. Lawjþ! virsinia. He has beeD a nembe! of the Àmerican sôciety fo! Lega] Histort fo; ètC!, published by the Ninth Jùdicial circuiE ¡liGEorical sociely and lhe twenby-tqo yeals and hag aelved as chair of rhe |rember6hip cômmìtbeê, .,,1 1ãnan Cenc!ê fôr Þlâìhs Resealch. lìr thar coDtexr, he invesbiqatedinvesbigated the Plofessor ¡lolt's articles ând leviewrêview esgayEes6av€ havehâvê beehbêên publishedDul]l i nhê.1 ini¡ l|jrsj!¡!À..lVìrõiniå , ence of the jurisp!ùdence of f@deral. courbs in càlifô¡niâ aûd o¡e9o¡1 on puke Lav Ltou¡nal, oEqoode HalI Lâe Jôurnal, tabor Higrorv, !4!-gj jûdqe6 iD ânLi chiûese disclimlnahioÞ cases. John Mclaren,s current work Hlsborv Review, and virqinia Maqazine of gisrorv and Bìoq¡aÞhv, among orhers, ù.'.,lche:.lche legalleqal treatmenh of Lhe Doukhobors,Doukhobofs, a groupqrouÞ of Þacifisb,pacifisb, communâlisbs He has edited or coedited three arEicle collections ând fiilfred J. Rirz/Ê .::: iÈ'itÈled in qestern cânada in che late hinet;entÈ cenÈury. se is also co Reçritinq bhe Hisbô¡v of Che ,fudiciarv Àct Õf 17€9, ge published vi¡qinia's :ir¡g Essavs in the Histô¡v ôf qê44dù¡ !ê!¿: 8Èiti6h Colurìl,ia an¿l the Yuko¡ Conscitutiohal convêntion of 19ot-02 in 1992 and is ar work on a hiseory of 'È¡e g;goode sæje¡y. HêTs th"@ the origiDÉ ôf our national courb 6ystem, t{e ceaches Àmerican Legal Bisrori ". ffi#,ï:Î,Ìi"^:;"3iîff"i:';::":1 rhe Lûqãr Hisro¡): of Norrh Aheric;

Hår¡y N, Sch61b6! .,:--"n r.c.rved h)s Pb,D, L(om Iìice UniversrLy !n l9?s. He js ::-:i"rÉ", hjsto¡y ånd chàjr of rhe HrstoÌy Depà¡rmenL at Boqling Harry N, Scheibe! is rhe pisscnfeld p¡ofêsso¡ ot Lâw ànd Hisrñ-,, .. 1'Í1i".¡s¡LvP^;;iv.rsiLy"x i5 chdjIn9chdjr rn9 tl'e ptog¡añprog¡añ cormrLrcccorm,Lrcc aor rhÞ Amcli.anamcli.an or callfornjå àt Berkeley. and in te94.tee5 is åtso char¡ ;;å Í ilá"t n:rt"ty'n'nd ìr95 rêeLin9. Duijng Lhe r990 t991 dc-clenlc yeà! Àcadem:c señdcc. He holds rhe À.0. rrom coturìbia .nO r¡u r¡.¡."r ^:l i--iúe p¡n:": ¡4. Lyuni P,ofessor of HisLo,y dL sroo!1!a¡ Lollcsc, ¿ree¡ees rrom colnerr, and ara pó"ra.åiãi.ì"åiü;",i"i.;l;riiå ."i:rïLì.:".Ì'L i:.;- ôf Ncw Yo!k. hds been d Golieb relloq at New vork cenLer for advan.êd sf\ìdy in Lhe Behåviô,dt t"" and has'¡e hcld fcllowshlps f'om tne am'ricàD Bà) sciãnccs. Þ!ro! .; ì:i::I -ii,¿iiuå.t Berkeley faculty in 1981. he held p¡ofessorships of Àmericàn tri.¡i,i.'."119., _rh.¡'e¡ic"" "¡ coDncrl oL Leclneo socjeL,ei. Lhe Àmericd" IIj.Lo,,cdl DàrtmouLh College dnd ¿L Lhe Lhjve¡siry of Cãtitornia, s¡n oieo" -'.i., NJLjôna.l Er'domcnL for ihc llu'.ôniijc6¡ and,Arncrjcan served as Fulbrishr D:srjn9úisìred senro! LecLu!er ¡" ¡us.rarial ,"¡"i^n of SLârè an¿l f,ocaÌ ¡'liaLoly, Booka iÞc1ude cuggenheim, NEH, ssRc, Rockefelle!, and acr,s f"r Lerkeley, srheìbe, teãches Àermrcån tegdt ¡nd-fetlowsh1p" consrrruiionat hi;i;;:,":";.;;;.ijê¡ unders¡aduaEe and law schoot plograms; has servect as chai! of a;;-'v ¡n

:; ånt hol oq y. a, Ì ì.àn _ a4e¡ i ¡ån L 1, Þ- 11! l¡9_l9gl_Ell]:!pè!-i9i1 cu!)iencly/ he is complehrng a book on black political Power rhe posr'c1.dnc.ip.tioo South, Ii. ia especidlly interested in -i.".r'"nq.--r,,ioe ¿¡,onqdù,oñg ì-qalì'qal hisro!iénshisroliéns uho so¡ß in h:story àno Þôljrpôljri.ål 'å.;,',r""',. raw s^lrools ãnd ouL.ide ¿cãderiâ.

(with Lae¡ence Friedma¡), leclures¡ q9!s!f!È19441_ t¡ls (ed. À.E. Dick rrouard) , sråres ând Þiã! jn chÊ, lnterndtionc- Economv. HrsLotv in rhe schools..¿ a r"rl;. ìñ from ttre Belkêley semina!€ in FedelalIsm (193r-presenE) on rhe ju¡i6Þ!! hisLôry, and practice of fede¡àlism. He Is aurhor of more rbaD-1oo å;t since 1960 in journals ôf history, law, and social science, and is a .ônt¡rbLLing êuthor.in Lhe EncvclóÞedrå ôf rhe Ameri-ðn consrirurion ã-¡ refelcnce wórks.

NOMINÂÌlNG CO¡{¡'ITTEE EllzâbêLh B. clarkê of Edito¡s of the Lae & ÛisLo¡y Reviev/ frôn 194?-1993 Elizabeth B. Clark leceived a 1aw degree f.om rhe Univelsity of Michigan 1985, and a Þh.D, in Àme¡ican ¡1isEoly f¡om Princeton University in 19ã9,. has been appoinÈed to che laq faculties of cardozo taw school, ûnivelsir.ûnivelsiti,:ò Þennsylvania Lau School, and is cu¡rently on the faculty at Eoston Univei€i qhere i,aw school, she têâches lesal histoly and p!ope!!y; and viêited à! _l Harvard Law school iD 1990-1ee1. h àddirion she hãs hèld rhe legal hi€rói fellowship aE Ehe universicy of wiscoD6in Law schôo1¡ ând fellowEhips âL: f, BÌITI(BR of bùê Yale Law schooL reports: Harvard DivinlEy School and Harva¡d,s charles tJarren cencet for Amenicân. History, She iE the auEhor of seve.at a¡ticles and thè authôr-to-be of à lìîhe ¡ir"c speakef, was OBIÀGELE LAKE, Departmen! of ÀnthtoPology, on relision and rights in nineteenLh-c€¡rtu¡:y Àmerican, which is folEhcômirìÀ tv ol l-w., who djs.usscd "Ihc ìrollLlcal Econômy of CaPrtaIisr4: .ulì the LegaÌ Histó¡y selies flom ûniversiry of NorEh Carolina Þless. i¿)ns tor Àfri.åD l{cpd,åt1ons.' sl,e !eviesed â ôiverÊ1ry of propo-àls è parmenc ot ¡eparations for lhe exploiÈalion ôf Àfrican Labo¡ ôn both cynthtà Har!1Eon ôf- ihe aLlaDtic, i¡ the lighb ôf 'the uniqueness of the Àftican Àme¡Ícan ience and ics arLiculalion wiEh colonialism õnd càpitaligrn " Àmong the clmchia fiaÛison Is chief of the Fede.al .tudrciat Hisbory office, locaLed instaûces are a bill (101Ch Cong., ll,R, 374s), sponsoled by the Federal .tudicial Center in aâshingtôn, D.c./ where she supervisêe sev ,tohn co¡ye¡s, to establish a coùmission to exanine the insLilution projecls on bbe hiscory of the U.s. fedêral côurt system. she is Eh€ autho! ry, its legacy, and apptopriate ¡emedies, a¡d che Àiuba (Nage¡j-a) of On ÀccounE of sex: The Politics of women,s rssues, 1945 !o 1963 (¡Jnivelbl ioD, calli¡s for bhe acknowledsement of guilc by Lhe countries 'ahose lÌill of califolnia press, rsd€t, ãs w¿tl as wiNrEicles, and llre ãditôr, iú c evolucio¡Ì o¡ce depended on slave labor ãnd colonialism" and for Russel R, Wheelê!, of ?he Federal ÀÞpeltaee,Judiciarv in Ehe 21st CentutY l by Lhem, Lo enable dêbtô! countries of lhe lÀfrÌcanl diaspora to !t;*: (Fedelal 'the 114:l .tudicial ce.te!/ 19€9) . h her câpaciby âs chief of the FrHo, sbe: f¡ee fo! self developmenE and from immediate and indi¡ecb economic has beeD wolking wrth the Nalional Àrchives, plivare repos:ito¡ies, ând Che: ion." NoLins tlÌaL Lhe aùthors of Ehese ãnd ôbhe! Proposals fo¡ ì;'ll fedelal judiciaÌy to preserve bhe historically signlficant records of the l: .:,].] NEI,IS FROùI TìÀSHINGTON rcPdrarions'hrvê Dor lr.^n Jbl. ro f¡cc rbomsÞlvos from rhe caÞi!"t idposed ob lhem f¡où the ues!/¡ Dr. Lake urged thàr 'rêparaÈro;s m;;;"!loi^, ,,; opp¡o¡.h.d fron a Dro¡d p.,spc.trvc uhich 5ecÌs Lo chdngê Èhe slÒbat-""c oi' p¡ôdùction which have- conilnuea .- ilipràii ¡rii..; . pã9e PucñM Mlt16r, Dj.re(to¡ of fhe Nàt.ondI coordinariñg Con,mjLree #;e;;'"i-;;å'.åilì: jon or HI6Lo,y rcÞor-s: Mdy ir ðppcårêd HoLs! and in the Þiaspora, " å,orár 'In rh¿r rhe ì.rhi-. "1hc sccond spedLe, wdi ¡4ÀRYKÀ Oi4ÀTSU, Pro!incrdl .ourt ro ¿ cle^ision on the seleclioD o,: à U.S, and rir-r Lhe ruô ,'RepalaLtoDs of líã"A.tr" r", the position ucle Riclúld Xohn, ^!ùhrvijrfolmer chief or rhe office onta¡iô, eirose su¡rjecr- aas !o¡ Lhe ¡orced Reùoval e¡d lnreù¡ glsro¡V and or Jàpànese Cànàdiàns durrnd l'o¡ld t'Jar ll,' à prog!¡h wiEh which sne "i".c. ^úrre!.LIy P)ofcssor of HisLo!y dL Lhc UnivcrsiLy o, k chdpel Hilì, and JohÌ) MiIton coopñ!, Prolessor of itlsLãrv åL u""o"liotua as lesaÌ côunsel, st¡acesist ana neloriator. sr.. a.".rir,"ã\,;i ""t":in".t wisconsj¡rl,Jisconsj¡r Canada,scåhada,s småIlesl--aûdsmálÌ€st--âûd atât one time most haLed--minorily groupqrouÞ was :::""irv;;"rejry ojof aL M¿dijon and c¡"j,clró.ir ofôf thei:hê.ìÊn"r,-."i deÞdrLmeni. abteãhl- "-to LhdL PrcsjôênF BiIÌ cl:nLon'ôlndllv'ôrr4dlIv would àr mustrer che Þolitical support for a 19aB seLtÌement bhat included ì¡onet Liie rno: "tron. lenct Lhe d-dj.àrlon conp"nsauion, lega1 saf;¡Juards asains! a recù¡re¡c. wwrr .cei"r., i? o/ Arc'rives rT, lhe ñ¿Liondl Â!chrvÊi, nes )ese¿rch fà.itiLv in uft[y raà)yldnd. ¡ncl qoLld dnnoun-e dL r.b1r -1,¡c his nLmin^. estâbÌishment (ùôc yeb coDsummared) of a Race RelatiÕhs."t FoundaE.ion. thê. .-park, ,;) U.s. càmpaign involved tlìe nesspape¡s, îv âùd ôbhe! màss medià, suPpor! i"i_r. thislhis did nornot hdplenjhdppen; ìroweve¡,ìrowcve¡, âà decisìondecision navm¿y beDc hademàde soo¡.soon. r¡ù.lvTructv f¡on o Lhe Depury Ar.hjvrsr, 1s nov bLSjnnlnq Le! sevenr"en-h ethnj.c and minof,icy c¡roupsgroups (esÞeciaLly(especiaLly ca¡ada's chinese,chj,nese, Jêvisb ãnd Mê"-^Me Þc!crso,', monid commùnities), ana iaËor irnions- and ci;il lìbelbariâns, lèadins * at;!'iil* turn in pu)rlic opinioD ìn favo¡ of led¡ess, ,Judge oßatsu poinced ouh conclùsion that she hiqh[hìgh[ be â membe! of Ehe lastÌàsE visible cånâdiän-.tàpdrre iûdate on Declassif icacion: commuDjry, siùce its inte¡nâr¡iage ¡àte is ðbout 9oS"ini¡r" ônd virrually""".4i^"-¡r.]l-^.:ll! no nel' inìmigrãnLs ale arliving from .lapan. 'SHIRLEY CÀSTELN1JOVO, Oepartmenb of PoliticãI science, Northeaster¡ rlliDôis unive¡sity, whose subject vas 'compensatôly 'lusLice and the ImprrsonmentImprisonment ofor Jãpâneset,ãpânese ÀherìcansAhefrcans DurlngDuring Qorld ltar ll, " êrplorêdêfprofêo tùôÈùô aÞptoac¡esrÞÞroac¡es rolo coftÞensaLôrycoftpensaLôry iustice--onejustice--one focusinqfocusins oD judicial ¡emedies foyfôy indlviduàls seekjng led¡css fo¡ their grievances, the other employing a tr compensaLio¡ nìodel." after poinbing ouc Ehe difficuLties that arisê in Þàssìng on indlvidual claims, she exahined che molal and administ!ati\,e feaLures of groùp compen6aLion. she âlso noted Lhâr some plograns- e,g,f U,S. Civil Libe¡ties Àct of 1933, whìcb acknowLedged nEhe fundamental been ä l0 pe/ cenE decJeãse 1n declcssjLrcaEion dcliviry ånd è 1Þe¡ccnt' ;asc 1n clåssifi.åFio,, dcrlvjLy. rr js ¡leà¡ lrom Lhts repo,, rhàr mdry injustice of the evacuàtion and inhe¡lrmene of Japanese Àmericans during -Þaqee Lhe yeår l,rar ll, an¿l also cleated a less well knom ÀleuEian ând Þ¡ibì1ôf rslands in last flscal wete clåssified chan were dèclassified, å ãiscouraging develôpmeÞt is the difficutry rhe Àdrnrnisr¡arron rs fac1n9 Restìtutio¡r Fund -provjded red.ess both to individuals and to bhe ethnic jn9 Jgency cooper-Lion g¡oups to which Ehey belonged.' fôr rhe oecl¿srrfi.aLion af ¿1 m.t11on pdqcs of Wa! 1l â¡ld older materiãr, Plesidênt Clinton,s incenrions fô¡ 'commenrlng on the presentations, toldÀRD VENÀBLE, Neu lork ¡Jniversiti-lr! che opening of Schoot of ¡,aw, observed bhat there is I'a fascinaLing tension" beÈçeen viei¡t;; n9 these documenrs âs a pârE of rhe D-Day atioDs were bhrarled by agency ¡eslstance. Bur acrion on bhese olde¡ âe nay come sonettme this suÌimer.,

lilât Bùdqe¿ fo¡ NEH ì¡Iâglo¡al, Euanle4sÊ A1¡1ånc€ Dl!€ceor, Joh the ÀÞprôÞliacions committee senr torç liEerio¡ a¡d Related Àgencies ÀÞÞropriat ';4602) wich no changes fot cultural ascD In a lefleclion of the vê-y tig tee chair sidney R. Yate6 (D lt st!ãtion's budqeir--He added 51 mi {NEÀ) rrudgec (a move hhåt softened che subsequent ¡êduct l, and he leslored bhe Natlonal caÞiÈal ÀrÈs and Cultura i¡ãnÊ proglam fó¡ major lrashinqton, Dc culrural insrirur il, Ãlthough the NHÀ, the Fedelation of Shate Huha¡ìri€ i!¡ had testìfied and otherqise mâde bhe case for àn iûc ;t'the ¡l¡¡r Uuaget lemained flar. If hhe Senare coDcur6, yea! w1ÈhouL ån conpensation fo¡ bâken for pub1lc pu'Pôses, subjecL lo a increase sbich, or :. funding for stants because i:he agency has ro absorb incr qualificaEion thae the clause does not prevenb the restotation of pYoperty cong.essionally ;ighbs thàt were exri¡guìshed by a govelnmencal !acíally discriminaEorv lldtnsr mandated salary lncleaseê for whicb policv a com.binacion Eha! susgesi Ehat lecenb aparrheid policies mav be iedreÄsed oy ¡epa¡alions Eo thà vrcrlms at the expense of thôse benefitting rhe Library of congreès has jusr puþlished dêdi d ij)l l,= d n,urJ,cI of lhc I.rl'r-¡y ItdirqgerûeuL tcdm. Nhich à_!tb!¡rv of congr-ê4 Rê6ôu!cé Gutdê for lhe studv of B¡ack slsrorv p¡. ni t: i',9ton oD op^ràfions of LlrL' Ljl,,dry. s!s!gre. rhis 3oo-pase vorume n,",ìa;ã.. ,"-. &iËiffiñi; ËiTiJ*". iãli-ïãraines on th; Ãr' ic"n ¡'è' cxper ie¡,cc, .anerns rron '' ì;Ex !e4rd-¿Þ!q!'rit ùè¡ L q bjbliographjcs oD sl¿vc,y ¡nd drs.ogr¡phiÊs'c¡¡¡ ot ronr.mporâly r..oJdino, aes-rpciàns or retevisiån a".".."cãiiãl-á" ú;.';;;;i';i;;¿. ;i;-;;ä"" * - r,,tv r, tr94, Ilålk G, Pônã! join^d rhc lDteÌDãl:1ónèI Resear-h ånd vlc€ P!êstdèñr, rcaponsjblê fo, overrishf ot ¿cådêtr,i. portrayaÌs of Af¡icâD Àmericans in pôpula! films. ":;;";.," -ììut Deb¡a Nehâ¡ Hâh, a specìÀlist in Àfró-Àme¡icàn hìscoty and culture '::,r s -:r4nsjve field offi.. n.-work. rÌom 190C ro 1.991, r,óT¿r l,ibrâry compiled and 'l""ijão"iv rrl,..t"r ¡nd làLcr trccutivc Dj.!eLLor of Lhc Bo¡rct for the Manusclipt Þivisioù al the of consress, èdited_ì,11 q¡'j h govcrDcd nèdjo r¡êe EJ'ope/Rdclro t.jberLy. volume¡ ìncorpo¡arinq information p¡ovided by seven oche¡ speciatists ur.i',:,: ."-ôn¡lli^n¿l Broàd.J5Linj.¡ro¡d.¡¡ring. The qùìde qll lll . ¡1o," Pui.iun Li!c drurc tro(' columlr-ä univcrsiry, ànd hàs hdd familiar wich the côIlecció¡s. reflects che full ¡anqe of and Fúlb¡ight. t4osE receùt:Ly gllest and formats avàilable in the Libra¡y,s collections ."a ri"t" ",,;:iJl!!-ti 'lii.. ¡¡on lRûx he sâs ã scholar at "r..t"n" lllli r¡.' i r'' rôr aôvànced Fussidn sLu rj e: . of sóve¡nment dócùments, hânùsc¡ipts, books, phôtôsraFhs, ¡ecordinss, ;;ä'rpì_irr_: " examine Âf¡icân-Àmêricân âccômplishmêùbs. Exânìples include: il'cer. ¡ì,,r. Be'nådinê .rosetyn ioins rhÞ rrìEx/r,¡o3r.inqron ncddqud,Lers f!1ms Chat tor Þ¡otesBionât r!Âinins Þrog!úd. Follouinq s.x yedrs lnfolmaeiÕD o¡ the sLave trade, domestic alave¡y, ãnd abolition which vå;" ; il, si..r"ti.r among Ehe books Congreas purchased from thomas ,refferson to replace r\e íiiãi,.,"-'" otrr-.r, JoFÞrr1r wàs ¡àmed nr!e!Lo¡ ot rÞrx¡r¡oico" r99.. I'hil. or ìREX/Mos.o\r. Josel),i hês'¡. overseen mony conglessional librðly bulned by che Brirish in Ehe l'rar of 1812r [2] Boôt- i" !cp.'"mì,"r policlmake)s Þlâvs,plâys, neaspapels,neasÞaÞels, maqâzinesmagâzines sheet music, Þrints,prints, Þhôbôq¡aÞhs,phôbôg¡aphs, mapsmàÞs å"^ :l i.," ti":rrin9 p,ooroîq ror i¡ the N4wly lDd.p.nden- s[àEes ana p¡og¡àrrs fô¡ lôcal govemmenL officià]s ånd henbers of the by and abôùt Àf¡ican-Ãme¡icâns dating back co 13?0 that we¡ê deposlted 1.-;"1" rrâiûins jnduscry. Libia¡y of consress fo! copylishhs resistnaEion 13l iaiclofiln of j\r!]": Rú5eiJn bànkrno Jos-l)ar r(c(jvcd - lvlasLer or À!rs deg,ee l¡e r^--r r,onft.m côì,,mìri^côlumbid uDiv-rsiryrrñiwpr

¡litll i:.r:

I I I L'.l conlinue foÌ che next rwo yca!6. The leôedrch fåcitiLieB ãr Àr^hr.- i, Dou uDCtcr srcgc by lhc NdlL DirD¡y.onrtraDy. Djsncy q specutdLrvc ree4 rhe burr<¡ine Houtr ¿rbrrra¡rty in,posc I wås r;;;ii;"d:åi .fl,cd I.w.iry on d rurdl ::':':.::,:l;5;"J:; Tl."îiåi:- ':;;du,ôdu¡ !ù9 u'båDu,båD sp)àwL f.or,.or mjles JrouDd. rlc ¿musem;nr¿musemênr Þà,I dr rt,urtru dcv.lop¡ìenr Þà,I ^í'l¡"""v , h,,se would be d nasDrr ,ôr adctrrronät NÀÍIONÀL NE'¡S cor,.r.r.¡ar d¡.d oLher d, v.lopmcDr -ll dr¡os3 Lhc .ou¡r,yside. Yì¡ js ::ii,Lç ¡fron¡rr.'"",rnrd would Dê r),e üânåssås b1-rre,ìÞ1.r, Hhrch fcwe! Lt,dn rì'è Drsney srre. $rrhiD 50 toitcs dre ,jve orhc¡.ivr^ !,Jc! iii¿,, à .¡ iLicêl n^cd ndrjrnwidc rrr.nrion: chåncêrro¡svrrrê, Ìhe Tsch ânnuâl neeting, our as!,t¡ oelegàre, RtcnrpD HÊLMHorz.^- j"s, ¡.a"ay",rr. stÂtion, tllne Run,'o! on.l sÞôrsylv¡nlâ courrhousô. Àlso was convened on aprir 28, rsõi,r t¡ã snãiiló" ¡¡åtLi. s"ãräãJ ijiii'i!.!q.¡; ;ã w1r..Dàr.rrerrerdr: Philâdelphia. It besan â tuncheon ar which p!åncls -ii.'l-;..j ",ì." cedå!:1:,:.:lll:l-?l*-:i9î'r":l:9.c,vjr Mounta¡n¡ Bã11,6 Bluff, Àtdi6, Mi¿t¿t1eburg, Upp€,vittê -qirh - --,:i::i o"ri"v,v¡4rcy¡ rhe fne sbur9, hi8torian, forme/ p!esideDt ôf r{illjàñs Colteqe ðnd cur¡ent o¡e¡r¡.-, arê câp ànd R¡ppahånnock Ståtlon. ir'spr¡êd by rhe earjjer uork ol ÀcLs, spÒke briefly. Àfbelwards, lhãE busine;s r¡" ¡"."".i"ã èãiiì'/i-l iônj ¡ ù.ì' ds r¡rc cjvjl lJ]r pound TàLle ÀssocidLes ônct rhê Ndrrondl lay be{ore the DeiegãLe€ took ptâce. thele ue¡e ,.p",.._ ìii'= l{iLro) ). r,eservlrron, ÞrôLecÌ HrsLÒr ic wàs re!er.L1y fôrm.d èrecÈionè1ects1on ".".t.t '"Jin.a ^m.r1.ð orot nek otficer6.ôrricêrê oneo"" -"'¡",martet ofÀi ""¡"iì...-,.,ì--i":-:;:ì::.lf'Ììrsuirsrance was Che ådmissiôh-;:sa r'¡.' constiLuent ñerìbershlp of rhe Dicrionaly socjeEy of NoÌur ÀmeLi;;-''^'" _; nea¡. the h:ctorrr rôk¡ ot l¡ayñd!l'eL. vr!giniå.' abour ics quârificari;ne vas raised, ¡"t i;"; .;;;;,1 -: q'," ;i,e r,¿vc.on:jder-ble in.itral success iu brrnging ro thê naLion,s discover m;ch abour the exacr *"'r å- ""t ""ác",".ãË¡."ðäËràiil'"ti!'f" ion rhe da¡,qêrs posed by Disney's pldn. N.ve¡rhâress, rhàL scrlrhV prln.jpàl wiÈ.h ^ã^Ëã,"Ãip-ãi remains determined to proceed mdrter dedlr at rhe mêerins w"s i mocion ¿" ,".i."""'i.^ qì¡ê ilii .-,p,rv with iLs desr¡ucrive pta¡!. n" À simil¿¡sinila¡ Þ!oÞosålproposal was ¡eiêclêd¡ejecbed tasrlåcl vêå'yea!; rhisT"ì"."-, vear, hosever.h-,.,------^'aE, :-:"'.o ;^,,r hcrp. ånd à5k thú! you erÞ,cqs vour v i è_]v-9 rn leLte¡s ro -hÞ ai¡re'""c å.i'!á"i. ;;å;;;;à ;ã-',å;;';".;';:,';äil"ii'iiå;jt;;*"t"i,: l:...ì.ãual. cited..ireô. t4i,t4r , t'lichãelt'li.hãel ElsDer,Ers¡,e1, chà¡,Tdn,chai¡man, IJàÌLwåtr Dis¡êvDi.ney Conp¿ny,côm¡ânv 5OOcnô s meering. The proposãI";; sdi ted Ehrough. r'Ìre neu dùes Bu Ldnk, cA a.q2l; M¡. F.ôe'ico Pend, sec,.r¿ry, U.s. sÈructure o.o.^olo:-al V:.r, -"""t tLh lÌ*:Ì"î:^T:*:I'..j'^:..î:'+::Y:--1'^::"1Ìl:-3-:lle!: i"",",." r-^triÀ-eði¡¡i ñenr oi'liànspor'arrôn. 400 SLreer¡ N.!J.¡ Uàshi¡9ton, D.C. 2OS9O su¡prlsrngfy, if we coù1d increase our mÊr¡berghìp to mole rhan one rrhous iìår Lii dpp¡rLmènL 'equire Fhe cornplerron of d comÞrehÞnsrve, !ácher ind:vidual memlrers¡ our dues ro Lhe ÀCLS woutd dèct_ne I nvi¡.onmcnL¿r lTp-ct scaFêîenL :n conjun-Ljon wiLh Lhe Djsney in "b6ot"." i; ;mjrc.r, rhere rorlowed a discussion al.)já1.),, 14r.¡,4r. B¡uccBruce Babbirt,BaDÞrrr¡ sec!eÈ¿r)¡SecreÈ¿ry, U,S,u,s, DeparLñebtDepa¡Lñent of Interior,InLerio!, 18491349 C replesenbêd, lr ploduced lamenrs, "rpiãuiãã.-rãàìi!";#"dï;ï;i;;.:"*'very lake Ehose I heard rhe yeã! bêro¡e Nt{, l,dshjrrgton, D.c. 2024o (The NdLlond-t Pd,k 5erv1ce, shi.h about dectininq srandàrds of rechntcal comperence. toss of ."..ó" .""ump¡1 jCèrs ¡na"y civil aar battlefields, ¡esbô¡ed homes of fô.mer presidencs uniting ftembers of various discipìines, ând shorrâges in enproymênr er l¡isLo!ic s1tes. is d unlr ôf Lhe Depårrment of InLerio!) . Finallv oppôrtunrty, This year. discussion cenrered a¡o!ñd cutru¡å1 ¿nrh¡opology. e!jre your señ-Lors dnd PÞpresenLaLives in cônqress. notes show bhat we sêrê insrrùcred borh {bùt nor by che sâme speakè¡l noc use the berm ,multi-cu1Cùralism, because ib ploìnores lhe nocion Ehat."rG

'iat.:iean of students ÊtÀlNE G. DIJSHoFF at Rutgels Univelsiry scbool of ràw- ùÍi.'anr-*ce" chàt MR. \tEssE M- aRNSTEIN oi !¡esc orange,-New,le!sey, is .* rhird À'rhur 1. vand€rb11L pfizê The evenlng 'ras baken up uihh an address by Robê¡! t<. M6rtôh of col ttr r,os.I Hlsrory awarded gnlvêralÈy and an Ànniversary Banquet, t4êrCon qave an eÞterraininq, à¡d io::i:"i: ìnovrng ralk ãboul his eally life. firsr on Lhe souEh sjde of phitåãelphia j.:-:.i.:,i¡e p¡ize, siveD fo! the fi¡st time in re92. was esråblished due ro rhê then in graduaEeqraduaEe school at Halvã¡d,Halvã¡d. lt was cåuse for wonder rharr¡ar hehê ieceiijrê.. ive of longtlme ÀSL¡l menirer NATÀLIE E,H, ÌlULt who is a mehbe! of Ehe Lhe excellent education he drd in che public schôôls in whar was even t¡e¡ i ãE Rucgels-Camden. The prizeeinnêr gees a one-year, paid-up

s!!de!!--Þ!cr--Èù-e .The Sùp¡ehe Hislolicål society is pleased co annôurce a plize for iÊb studenb pape¡ submiÈted a¡nùa]ly, The Hughes-cossebt Àvarat wìlI ta cash sEipend and pubricatioÐ ìn Ehe Joulnat of SuÞleme Courb Histô¡v. The pape¡ hù8t be on sone aspect of bhe Supreìne Courc,s history, and includes instilucional matEers as uetl âs biosraphical sÈudies of i.dual .rusÈices. Because the @.qE!gl is concerned prìmarily with .iêal quesÈions, papers focusins mainly on docrriDat marÊers eill nô¿ bè Àuthors musb be studenls at Ehe bime bhey wriEe che Þâpe¡, and may be unde¡graduate or graduate students or atending lak schoot. paperg be subnitÈed on plair¡ pâpêr, qiÈh apprôpriate annoEatsion; if accepred P¡ôbect Histo):ic Àmerjca Paper shoul,d be aubmìttêd no 1À!e! thån ,ruly 1 êâch y6ar to ,fennifer M Ju6É ücPh€rBon, Þlesident of p!o!ec! Hisroric america- a clblzens, Managing Editorr \tou¡nal of SuÞreme Cou¡r riisrorv, Suprene cou¡r committee/ in a letter âddressed to ÀsLH dated.rune 10, 1994. wrore: ì'Íhe ical SocieÈy, 111 Second Street, r.r.r,, Washingtø, a.è. zOooZ. The ÀÞÞea] of pr, r4ùdd

6-n¿øt tor Conpâ!ativ€ L6gå1 Hi6ro!y l.-r Lcerr esr.,¡blishÞd dt tire :; of.hrcåôo. rl,¡ ¡.DrÞr seck6 Lo inrca¡arê r1,c legdì rrisrori¡èl -Ì1"¿E o' ^ ¡o5, ôru, d(!,.1rtr'L,,Li.o(rJdrrmenca. proqràûì.¡Þroqràk,., ,d_LtLv.,d_LtLy. ¡nã.¡nd sr"¡""r"studcnrs -róL Lhn ./ ôt.l'j.ègo", "".' änd ro prÔmoLp tnLellccc'rrl ånd ins'r'rcLronal i" :¡ ttre Un-Ìed Sr¡r¡s dnd dbró-d. Tneir encoùrâge"irl,,jrjl". the scudy of lav ã¡d legãt insriruLioDs in a Þroad arìd compa¡aeive pe¡specLive. prog¡ams ranqe f¡om rhe ¿teveloÞmenL duqr'c Led^1,:¡q rnaLeLrdls r. ã sÞr i.s o, docLÕrðl ån4 post-d;cLÕ,¡t ,íos .ut-to'rtr'S oI t9lDal r.3.dr!ìr jn la9¡l hlsro'y. Jutius Xi!shn€! irã, ro""t d,o rhF Drrcclo,- Fo, ¡o'c rnfo,m,rron Òn rhejr p,oq,¡rs , Julrur I

NEWS TRO¡I BRITÀIN Ehey Nill lake cale of postage and naiìj.;?

Àpril 19, r994, ÀSL¡I lnìmediatc Past ÞresidenL RtcHÀRD E, HEI-tfUOLz, ,)oNAliuB, JR., u.s. T¡easùre¡ for the sclden sôciety, ând DBt,t,oyD J. D!, Dêborah S, Gårdn€!, who lecently complered a bicentennial hi Icaradian freàsure! fo¡ the se].den SocieLy, âdd¡êsse¿t rhe fol.lowihq CâdwaladêE, wìckê!Èhe, e rafÈ, the oldest law firm in the naciôn ¡Ãa! ,Ìhey ir:t¿o all North atre¡icân ùìêmìrels of chê selden sôciery. have ãsked I?92), is currently c¡eaEiùg an archives ac the firm. She woùld like tô .i:Átso.Álso beþe draqn Loco the atEentionatEentlon o! Lheir fetlowfellow men¡¡ergùenrbers oiot ¡sl¡,ÂsLH: f¡oB anyone uho has been permirced to use c:iienE filc6 o! suir legisrets 1930-1931, sêveral hund¡ed No¡Lh Amelican members existing firms or compataÞ1e reco¡ds depôsiEed èt lirrraries o¡ archives. ¡r bobh of Lhe setde¡j quesrions ..and of che Àùelj.can Society for ¡,cga1 Histoly, i¡cluding numêrous is pa¡ticularly interested in lealning abou¿ hou of privilege j iirnqrnq and ,judqes, wroLe individuat lerrers tô rhe rhenrhÊ¡ Lo¡dt,o,.l cohfidenciâlity were handled. she soùld also ]1ke Eo hea! åbôur âny iÀa Lo¡d Halisham of st. Marylebone, rhar has es¡ablished àn åÌ.hjves. she .ån be ¡eached àr .ådud-åder. I!or, urging a hatL tro ctosule of ry Ldôe 1rd lo r¡-nsier or al- medi-vrl ànd Legat !e.ords co r/Þw Wickelshâm 6. l'af!, 100 Maiden Lane/ Neq York, N.Y. 10038. Tel: 2r2-so4-6266: 5. th. ldte Þondld sucner.ànd wolked wirh D-Lloyd culh Lo coordlnåfÞ tioTr, aDd it helped ro keep those pôLìcies ar bày unrll nôw,' il4e hâve ¡ecent, auLhÕritaEive word rhac all Chancery Lane lecords vit: ?dd bo Kev¡ lry the end of 1996. the decision f,esulrs itomftom an'"¡ti"i",ran oefficienr Thê Àrericàn Lêga1 StudlêÊ ÀsÊoclârlon is a non-profit p¡ofessional':.i y,' underbaken by the Þrime assoêiation establiêhed cô prÒhoLe huhani6cic, criLical and i¡terdisciplL¡l rlinisLer's efficiency unir, ttre Lorrl tor,s DeparthenE, and bhe PRO in 1990. ThaL decision is now research and teacbing in Lega] shudies. Member'ship ÌD A.L.s.À. is open rô sible, hâving been annôunced in the ¡{ouse of anyone shariDs Ehe association,s concer^ for encouragemenc of scholaishìp Lolds bv rtre r,ôrrl Xlo!,lor. LoidLo¡d ùackayÞla.kay ôfô1 Clashfern(lashrcrn tliqnsa¡d(¡13.!S"{¿d, 1r tvayr¡"" 1991,rssr ¡p.s2s;.. s5O) .. about law and legal institutions, Most nembers of the Association â!e r'The ÞRO obtained funds for its new bùitdlng ãt xew, affiliated with côl1ege ând univelsiÈy pÈos!åns in legal studies, buE ããntingenr on À.rl ng chancery Lane. lihen it ope¡s ar rhe en¿l ôf 1996, chàt 'ãhnex" uì11 includes many nenbels with other occupations/ including the ptactìce of 1áì:Ì ê rhe p¡esenr sEorage càpaclty ar Kew, bur Lhe chaDcely Lane col.tec!ìons and sêrvice in the civic a¡d public secrorE. : i€ke more Ehan half of thah. The 'scluciny' ¡ccommen¿àd, and rhe ÞRo The Leqal studles Forum, irhe officiat joumal of bhe Àmericân Ì,esa]. tj¡ll 'èed, Þo ìnaintain â microfìlm reading ¡Òom !'cenrral Studiès Ãssôciâtion, is published promot.e in ¡ron¿tôôtr Þut irs ro hunanistic, cliÈical and l not yêt idenhified. similally/ ttre futù¡e use of thê chancely Lahe inberdisclÞlinary nesearch ând teachìng in legal sEudies, wirh a nôn excluei:J published t r has notnoi beeni.een detêrùinê.1detennined. ÀrÀÈ leasL1Þãcr bênhên pe¡cenr of Ehe tobat pRo focus on coñmon law, quâ¡terly and employing a blind ¡evie{ ....ì s are alleady seen on microfìlm (e_g,, preroqabive CoulL of CanLerburv selectiôn process, the !9!g$Forum ple;enEsplesenEs imãsinativè,imaginative, provo"ati."provocaLlve ôrlicles tùdltlatl the decenni å ì census. eLc.)¡ approach t-he sbudy of tfr;--I;sãl sysbem frõm a ûon-b¿cbnicâl and vâlue- ì Àmalgamarion of alL records at l{ew ca¡¡ies â pno promise co improve cónscioìrs wieapoint, ÀrÈicles are predominaÈtly essays aboùE the legal .ì.:.ì fac:ilities (ãllhough anyone planniûg -may pedagogy to Nork rhere in 1995-6 face systeìn, bur space is allocated Eo articles abour lega] in non- r':':.ì led selvices caused by the moves) . Exrended openlng hou¡s poisitte pxofessional 1ègâ1 sbudiês p¡ogrâns. occasiônâl bhemabic issues address .-ìl are oliù e'Pno's Pno's superbsuÞerb srdttstaff Lib¡ã¡yLib¡àlv ârât l(ev/,l(êvr. conLäin)nóôonhâiniñd ou.iôvê. rc¿rso,ooo ô¡ô t¡i1".Èrlr-- ìopics in the Fórum's range_of-inEerest6; recent symposia have included ed srnce rbc t35o,s, has been promised ro be ¿pened ro,cdders and Ehe Soueh Àfrican Legitimacy C¡isis" and Reelism: The Holly1!ood.::: as ot !' "Legal This is d mosLnÌosc comprenenslvecomÞrehensi ve collecrior' ofor ¡etãrence.reterence¡ Dêriô.li.j1periôdicat, Film as Le9a1 '¡ext. Thld Journsl å1so råvlêws rêcêrt books and, raph and sêries publicarions for Enqtish Ànd BriEish sruAies. occaslonÀllyr ôt,he! forns of publlcalio¡ thãt ãêek !o ÞrsÊsnt philôsoÞhlcdù 'scruEiny, àlso !equired rhc pRo excmlne Lhe quêsrjon ÀDd p€rBÞectivèa on and op€lalIon -r'The rÒ oI user hldto-ical, lirguiaÈfc, crLtieàl ]óe !hê for lcader dccess roLo rEs. rs collecbions.col tecrions. ThatThdL levies,levies/ weuê d!eâÌe roìd,bold, i6t6 in Èhè 1€gå1 syalen, Àpplicarions fo! ìnenbelship in Ehe À.L.S,À, Éhould be s bùt i¡o de.ision n.s been to suzann R. rhomas-tsuckle, made. Bocduse åoÞ, oximarelv sêvênrv-'ivè DirecÈor, Àûelicõn l,ecall,egal Studies of PRo roaders å'eare fdmily.lamrry, ge¡ealogrcal sãärcr.e,.,aearchers, Ehey would Associatlon, 330 Cu6hlng HaI1, Northeasteln Universily, Boston, MA 0211s, ta¡gets sLnealogrcal 'iov ¡ube r¡the (including for such a scllemer but schotãrs, as more regùtar- readers,""r,1á coulaì Itembers' dues a copy of bhe.Eg!r¡¡) â¡è $32 for one year, $60 fôI dtsp¡opo!þionarety, unless rhei¡ inEelesrs are disÉìncrty r.."q"i,.a., 'Ou, puLpos¡ rD writrng )s Lo àìe!r you ro Lhese devetopmc¡rrs -_. ùrqe you)u ro w!iLew!r!e,rrrecrty ürrectly ro Lord r{f,ck¡yMf,ck¡y of clåsh'eÌn.ctåshreÌn. nelle s)¡ou1d,.:-.sr¡ou1d b;',: --.rch roonl. new Roydl NalranE iu 19s9 entarged its funcrjonê so rsâ¡c ot rhê murùâl inrc!esr rluc exlsrs berveen his counrry s uniLed^ xinsdom s ceDrlcl ãdvisory bódy oD att daEre!6 hisr;ì.._', :,::_'Íi_n"* "¡. preservaLion histor i¡nc. " large numbe¡ of whom livc dnd vork outside Lhc U.k , rbe tocaLion, and use or hisrorjcat manùscriÞts ând "r,lhen-poen you v¡ite,v¡rre, we !ùggcsrsuggêsL rhacrn¿c you b¡ieflyDrrÞ'ry ¡egisterregrsrer you!your via¡,^viêuÈ lj"åurstae rl'e public recôrds. rL pubtjshes a wjde ranse or ebilecì the needs fo!: (a) a maintênance of reade!s accessrble facrlrties i; : ã ':-1è^àãrÐ, gurcles¡ drreclor1es, and advi6o!y ÞubllcarjôDs, an pltnt London,' pleferâbly ih chãncery Lane, ¡s berng essenriåt ro -"e cuffcnEly a¡e: E ån.r cat€n¿tara-- sê¡iêa c- as j.c is io EnslaDá,s la'yers å"0 ¡"às.. i"ir, ãriã""iriliil i;;:'i;;;l fvãiume 1r, 160?, Edir..d--Ñ r!ì eipånded rpening hôù¡s for !cadÞrs år"¡ã yÞsi r.) ""ãlulI reader àccê;-' ããpe ¡n¿ u. 196s, 664pp, rsBN 0-lì 44015?-a, o!de) No. rno srirr liuràryriuràry aiy reu; ana, d) ;;¿,;¿1;;exernptlon ftorûi'";',ii atr ;"¿;-i;;,*;;:":,c"use! i;;'-;;;":.È" S!,Ooj Volure 22: 1612-16É8, Edjted by c. Dyfnallr osen, 19?Ì, 60]Þp, !!teftde scholàrsschoràrs ãnd reseâlch .r"a""c",stuaencs. wiL¡ o! ;;;;";;-";;;;-;';;vlthout å;;rìil'ìii,iiì' l;4oote-e, oracr No. Hryoo-r99, 5r:,00, votume 2J: Àdden¡a rsa:_r¿oi', your lerrrer shout.t be a¿ldrêssed dilecLly"rii-ãi ro: 11. Risr'.""i....ri- n""""'årià'ii*ut í C, pyfnrl:t Owen, l9?r, 294pp, ISBN 0-tt.44o042.j, O!der No, chancellor, Hôuse of Lolds, t,o¡doD, Enqianal, u.x. Sr,li¡ Opt¡ ¡¡u L /tr9,00. ser¡es 53 NldnuscrjpLs of -he M¿lquesi of Båch Volume io.¡'"t pàper€ 5: "r'¡e have every ¡easôn Lo belleve-È¡ar,, as rn rsao-tser,'ciÀ_iå.i-' D,jdrey ¡nd DFv.reux 1513-rb59, Edrred by c. DyfDdllr owen chancello¡ remains sensitive tÕ .he continuins needs of feltov taçy;;;." ;;ô. lsBN 0 ì)-44o092 Ì, o¡der¡de¡ No,No. HMo92x,HM092X, S19.00.glq.oo. serlesSelies 7r7) histô!icaI sclrôlârs,' volume 4, t6e2 and Àddendã 16õõ- 169-1, Edibed i-É Ercktey. .9Þs, 626pp, lsBN 0--11-44or4o r, order No, H¡40)401, iã:u*. r, ,eg¡ dnd secreL selvice ¡apers -16eì.r6ei, Edire¿t by i¡dnc1s .ñd Sonia Þ. andersôn¡ ForÈhcominq All plices are inclusj.ve of dispatch costs to members if pa),¡nenr.Í -_^; n-unshire-volume 4: laDÊrs ôf leceived ìn advânce: sir John sainty, t(.c,8.. Th6 JudqsE of Engtànd, i2i lSupplemenLd¡y Se¡ies, voLlO). l¡llLrid ìr. PresL, Thè Diõry of S1¡ Ãl:h, ¡luÈlon (supplêmenba¡y selies, vol.9), Pere! SLein, Thê Toåchinq--Jl;.'";i.:*:1ì of Þ;:_1r in reêrfEh-èenrury eirgland (éuppremånr";v-À!'r"", i,.ila t . Legal MaruscrlÞ16 tn thê uûtt6d sÈãÈês. pã¡! rr: Ellzaberh r to ttre pl---ll À Cene€nÀry Culde !o the PubticarionÊ of rhê s61dê4 Soctêty.

To: David natrington, c/o seÌden socieby,ruu!ëLy¡ ¡ra¡vaÈdddrvdlu Lawldw schôôt,òuluol, G¡fDridgÞ'ìcañbri ' 021.33. edlred by À.C,S_ Ha11 Send he: . .i.ì: $8. oo. ++g!g¡q- - The P¡ime ",qinisters, PaÞe)is 1801-1902 by John _ côpies of SainÈy, ùu¿lg€s ot EDglÀnd @S40 _ ISBN 0-11-440151 5, Older No, HMB?68, S5,oo. E:!_ _¿9!SÞj9.S!ep4!S4 EdiÈed by ,rôhn Brooke and Ma¡y sofenson/ t9?1, _ copies of Prest/ DÌary of RlchaÉd l¡t¡tlon @$45 _ o-11-440015-6, O¡dêr No, ¡tll00rs6, S1O.0o. t{.Ê. G]âdsroae ft: lcar r4emo, dndä .eìr.1a4h ¿urleuEdrr.ed by!y Jonnrôhn e¡oõke;;d r.lüyMafy sdsô.ens. son, copies of Stein, T6achlng of RoÀan úaw (òSss ISBNN 0 11-440033-4, Orde! No, ¡.¡M00334.¡.¡M00334, Stogto.oo, o.l Q,D. cladstone hicàl Menofanda 1845 1866 Edired by .rohn groote and J,larv ._--_-_copies ôf Bâkèr, Ergllsh Lègål MãnuscrlplÉ! 3O9pp 1SBN O.rr-44OOab 5. OrdeL No, Hr,loos65, g¡o.oo. !iE- Ediled by .roho Blooke and ¡ No, HMo1136, $10, O0. copies of ce¡lanåry cuid6 rsBN 0 11-44005r-2, Order No, irMo0512

Þlease invoice me autômâ!ically when subsequent Supplementary Selies $so.00. appea! (check 'ryes ') YEs _--_ ¡oge! RuÌ len and 9M01853, $50.00. rdaLed by Levr Fôx/ ttiEh rbe 'Society, 1965,20spp ¿, orde! No. HM01292, Ss.00. 9!89¡9:!d-!¡4 Iâ¡m lnvenrolies i¡ oxfÕrdshire 1ss0 !590, Ediced by M.À. nr l,iich rhe oxfo¡dshire Record sôciety, 196s, 36spp, lsEN o-11-440131- ¡ No, HN101ll4, SC.00. No.¿0 Nells cãrh:drãt chaÞter Àcr aook 1666-1633 byD.s.ù,ii^y. w:r¡r@- 41-5, Orderordêr No.Nô HM004r5,HMon4r F $5,00,A< n. No, 24 the Kniveron Leiqer, Edi¡ed by The Royã1 ComlsÉlon oD l¡tslorlcàL MåruscllFÈó was èsbablished in 1l r, r{íth the Derbyshile Àlchâeologicat socieby, t9??, 3sopp, tsBN bo locace colleccions of manusclipts of value to the study of B¡iti8h hlÊl ¿, order No, Hr'i006s2, $19.00. No.25 visiÞations of rhe and has been pubÌiÊhlng reporEs on rhem since 1870, In 1945 it seÈ up th! -qf_l!3ll9Iq_l!2-9:Lg-{1, Edited by David Robinsôn, riiÈh rhe NaLional Regisber of Àlchives co bring cogeche! furthe! ùnpubllshed listÞ: catalogs, búese anaì the conputerized índeies to them may b'e consulÈed inr:i l1-lll 109pp, llardlra.rk, ISEN 0-11-4401.22-5, Order No. Hi1373

ordcÌ No. HN12û?, s 1935,30pp, hã¡dba. UPCOMING CONFERENCEB Nô lJr'1495. Sl2 0o

Ir.rrri.io'..i {Dô.. -ì.J r¡rõ pJpLr- of /0! -r.d vomen whô qêLe ècÈ\,- LriLi.l, lil,. 'rn Ioliri..rl ¡nd.or.ftÞnôDfs rllÞ ririr volune ,,, rhc =c,,^i covers cabineL minishers. À Hide selecrion ôl Fð) ljåùeùta¡y and ."r;:' Þa¡liamcDLary ÞoÌiLiciãns is inclùded, ¡ãnqiDq¡ârlgiDSJ frorìtrorj ptominentpromine¡t orr¡.,"-'i-office to pàrLy m¡nage¡s ánd leade¡s of radical movemeDts.) 1.939, 125pp, Ha lsIlN 011 44022:l X, OldeÌ No. Ilt'1223X, $25/00. No-a Recôrds of Briti

Þ¡inciþal l-amilv and EsLaLe colleccions l¡o¡thcoming. À11 of Lhê ab ôf Tulsa col.lege of Làw, Tytônê B¡ôm, a¡e avaiLaÞ:l.e troi¡ UNIPUB, 4611-F Àesenìb1y DrÌve, l,anìram, MD, 20t06 g¿rnald schûâlbz, univêlsiby ¡J00-274-43Aa (U.S. ) , A00-233-0504 (Cànadâ) . Fâx: 30r-459-0056

p¡ograù¡ court of Àppeats; David J. Gaf,ros, aurhor, Rearlnq the cross and Lancaatèr ÙnlverBicy is offefing a neu LaughL Masters the.:¡ ând serùàrrrvi Dåvid Hålb-rslaú, ÃùFhôr, ThÞ Fifti.-s; anthô¡y Iewis, of iLs ki¡d, on LAN lN HISToRY. -:ì' rhe a paper prepared The p):Ògraûì p¡ôvides the ôppôrtùr1ity to acqùi¡e â brôad inEÈoducÈiói ta!e__Ijsg-c. confereÈce will conclude wlth by and advãnced ttaining in the histo¡y of ]aq, legal insEil.uEions and soc Ic poliLical Inforñ.rìonal bÍochures on rhe confê¡^ncê wÞ¡e mailed out ro ÀsLH examines Lhê economic, and culLu!â] significance of law iD ';é in ¡lay. For mótê info.malion, concacÈ t¡e conference côô¡dinalo!, sociecy, aDd Lhe inrpolcance of lêgal ideas, ideôlôgies and instituhiôns ùt 918-631-2430. conference ¡ates a¡e availabte for the full ar'¡d beyoDd the legal comùìunity. Particular åtcention is àfforded che totà iìrminqh"*, 1ãç aDd lawyers in the coDsblucbion and policing ôf gendêr, :,: ôÌ slng1e day âttendâ¡ce 'lhe côùrse if plefaced by a thorough g¡ounding in tlLe theo¡ies and mebhods of ulllins ,,law and sociecy,, h!sto!1e6. Thls is foltoaed by a s Òf moduLes offe.incoffe.ing Ehe oÞÞÕreuDityoppÕreuDity ho investìqateinvestìgate toÞicstopics such as: crimecrime, Punisllment and Pollcinq' l,aboi and Èhe Ì,aw; l,aw, Gender aìÌd the Formation Thê l¡Btitutô of Eâr1y ÀÃelican HIBtory åhd cslturê and the In6!I!u!6 Itl or R1ghl6 traw aùounce a confereoce on La{, ãnd Ea¡1y Àhe¡icâ, c. the Môder¡r stãte; LegâI Insbibubions, Lauyers and À]re¡naLives to Lêgâl pill and Law; 1r?5, scheduled fo¡ lbe fall of 1996. lhe conference assess the Regulation; capitalisn commelcial and the BlsÞory of continental òf curlenE resea¡ch on the meaÞ1ng and explession of lâd ând in European l,aw ând iEs lnflueDce on the Comùon taa, turelicå and debale Ehe feasibillty of consErucEing a paradignatic studer'Lts are encouraged tÒ utili?e the extensive collections of pr tô secondary ûotabLy, The Laù sÒciety'ê ive fôr early Àñerican 1egal hiatoly, Fou! l:hemes have þeen selecced and sources available at l-ancaste!, È1¡!e these enquiries: [1] Ìhô L€gåIÌclês of 9êLt1ê4€nt, covering 6uch fiisLory cotlecLìon ând the LegaÌ Histoly Àrchive, as well as the Pub]ic s as indisenous lesal cultures and rhe role of law and idêôlôgies of offices of Lancashi¡e, r4ànchester and cumbríâ, The DepalEment can ofter ityty in E!ìlopean and j.ndiqenousj.ndigenous discourses of contacb, inle¡action, supervisioh over side aÌeas of E¡glish, Àme¡icân and côntìnental legal sÈ, and colonizalion; I2l Cultù!68 1n Fonallon, denotÍng analyses of role in projec¿ing European gocial and Ìhaterial circumgtance onco À strong visiling speakers program is enhanced by an annuat lredeu i.èan envi¡onmeûbs, of the dl,ramics of interaction lìebween different legal Memorial lectule in Eistory and Ì,aa. Þlevious Iledell Lectù¡els have incL seÈ.llemenE flontiers, and of the valying conpositioD of early tawlence stone, .t-c,À, Pocock and Quentin skinner, Fo¡thcominq lredell R€ploduccton Le.Lures sjll be delrvered by Dôuglde Hày (r994) Ndtàlje zeamon Davis ican legal cullules; [3] îh6 of s6rt16r socl€tles, e.s., -nd 1,3i3 ôf Ehe leqal conslrucbaon of key social, economic aDd ideoloqical rles of individual and group idencicy (age, gender, !âce, erhnicity 1¡rc Ndrjôndl a,.hjv.s P-9rônàì -nrvcs r¡ aLl ¡nr¡, .hjcoqo k¡- àre also considerins Lhe poss y of making available oh rhe c:ry. åDô Fó¡r t¡o'!h, rn ùolldborJr io,r^r ur-h U^ivers.ity or v"*pní- liiii le'srs on acdessionsacdessrons anda ÔpeDings rial khich now aÞÞeals io ',Ness - ùytr'po-jum on "Th6 Mis8isdlppi Rive! ånd Her pêople,r 1ñ ¡rêbÞhis, T;: in ¡4ârchI,târch 199s rheT.e themer.eme ofôr Lhjs .onfe¡ehce._j.s rtì¿ inpacr ;^.,--- 1" v'.invibc i nvlLc suggestlonssuqqest ions âbouc chê foÌmar and contenrs of the .onr)ot ^Ê ;.";il;il/ neNslecbe¡ devclopnenL. à¡d rÊ 'u o!jon uf Lt'e M:.si5srp¡i Rlvcr.-"f The; il oJ ILdLUr.s and r.qulèr secLiôn. would you .tike co.eeî tt Lhev p'opôs;ts ror pape'e, ÞaDet;¡ or orrrer presenLàrr;;'.';" ;.;;;."';;',,i:l! _roprovjde ral-crid¡ .¡d openjngs on.Line, would reådê;s r,4,..is..ipÞr Piv-¡ crd rne peoptc ¡ì'. livñ, or tivcd, alo¡q iLJ bdnk;' scp â sjmjlar se,Lrons in The Recold? scrd atl comnenls Lo: lbe êspecially encouraqe submissio,ls thaL focùs on FederàL governmenr i ¡ub11chllc aL,êirsarfêirs 6T!ff6r'aff (NX-),(NXl), NàtjonalNà archlvês ànd Rê.o'.1ç in Lhe axea or that make use of Federal ¡ecords. rhe piogram is r¡riôn. r'Jåshin.lton, D,C. 20409 inceldisciplj.nary, inctuding ropics in hisro¡icat pe¡speciiv", as veÌ1 ås those of co¡tempof,a¡y inberest. submissions shoul.d fu¡rher Ltìe undê;;,..__'.1|':! of the ìelationshìp beEqeen rhe ¡ive!, Ltìe gove¡nmenr, o"O t¡. p."prã. sussesLed tôÞics include: floods and floôd conrrolj rri,toiv ÀcÞing A¡chlvis! of Lhe itnited SLaLes, D!. lru¿ly s. Þêr€rBon, has àr !¡u.¡i.ijl .Gu1dê and areas aLo,rsaLo,rq the rive¡, t¡an€ÞoÌråriont¡an€porrârion and rccreaLiôùjrecreabiô¡l; suUle"issu¡re.i. in;--,.*^.* tìè: d publrc"Lion of Lhe to R6cold R€rènrion RêqulrensnrÊ in rhe areâs of geológy, geoglaphy, ethnôgraphy, demôgraphy, sociotogy, sêdêrÀ1 RegulaÈ1ôn6, !ev:sed as oJ JàDud!y.!. 1994, The "r e.onõ rhc 'Cuide'. lesal macte¡s of admllalty o¡ ¡ipa¡ian ¡ighrs, environhe¡r"r òòncerns; . putìlished by Nationdl aÌchivcs offlce or Lhe ¡ede,dl Regisre., ¡egiona} plahniDs; and lesources for reseãrchins Eopics ¡etaÞing ro rúe I ;uÞlished,n 1992. À supp.emenL wcs pùbtjshed in t993. dnd rhe pêop1e. ,.:550-page .cuide" is a digest of Fêderal legutarions bhat relabe to Thê d€ad1lnê for ploposalÈ is oceobo. 1. 1994. papers ùitt be timì enancc of records by thê public- Àctivities i:o 20 mlnuLesrminuLesr Þanels (chree Þat)e.spape.s Þlusplus oprionaLoÞrionaL conìmenL) a¡d ocheroLhcr by individùâls, busihesses and olsanizarions for which recold P!eienrati.ons will be aIlorLed yo mrnures. SuLnr-r dn dbsLr.cc ot vôLr o! session along ,irh ¡.u¡ri.ulun viLd ror e¿ch palci.jÞànr to otl eeu watkins, Natio¡al Àrchives-clcaE Lakes Region, ?359 s. Þulaski Road, Ch II! 60629, rel: 312-531-?816. Fa¡: 312-35¡-1294, e hâi1: [email protected],qov

The 33th Annual Missouri valley Hisrory conference wiÌl be hetd in .tì osuhå. Nêbradkå¡ March 9-11. 1995- Þrôposal; fo¡ pape¡s and sessrôns in ati The rcuider Ís avàilable fô! $2o,oo (srock No, 069-ooo,ooo56-s) f¡on the areas ôf hislo¡y are welcome. sucìr proposals, accompanied wiLh ône pase....:r.j of Docuaencs, covê!nûent Pr inLing Ofrice (cÞOt, orders mu6r åbstrãcc and vitae, should be senE by ocÈobêE 15. 1994, cônracr: Þa1e- rìitl tÊompã¡red by ¡emilcance {check¡ money ôrder, cÞO Deposit Àccount/^.LI VISÀ, Daedde.b chair MVHC, rJniversiry of Nèb!àska ar omaha, omaha, Ne¡ras¡

The ,rD€!1cån Eô! ÀsBoclarlon,s Commiseion on Cotlege and Unive.srÈy loincidlng sith hhe sobh annivelsary of D-Day, bhe New york srate Legal sÌùdies has ¡ecenrly published Lån@åqè à¡d Lsw: À Blbtj.oqrêÞhtc Gu les and Records Àdminiscrari.on is ¡eieasing a-rindins aid ro irs holdíngs . recolds of the New York srate hone fronr during Wo¡Ia war I¡, rtrev at". .rhc -Û95\) d¡ca seLB â¡e avallable Èo rhe pùbtic àt lhe cosr

ln¿ctive Recô'ds sro¡àqe Faci.lifv. .lnformrrion fôr sLãc.. ASenLy Rs_: r{ànàgerrên- offi.crs hds ãlsô been expànded srth che tdLesr bookter-;: SráLc uorernmenL Records Manageme'¡L Se'ies, cù)dÞl1nes fo! rhe Leoåi" A.¡êÞràn.ê ut ¡ubl;- R^.ôrrì. ir' ãn ìrmerqina DlecLlonrc Lnv1, ón¡-ì- New York stâte À¡chiva:Ì Guides The Nêw Yo!k Ståte Àrchivêd hàs oevelop.d us.r friêndly quirì.- siqDlfr.anr ñ:l..crror'ic ,ccoÌdr -erjes. L¿ch guide i tcorpo,.re"-livã_ re"LU,es Lo slnpliry éccess Lo tì,e dàFà: a rÞ^hni^ðl t"qri...,"..tÀ"i .ummdrrzjng rhe fjlê sfru.rurc, 6ror¡9e lorrdt, ¡e¡o¡a n.ii software s¡ecificatio¡; the hlsLoricat development .n.-rv...."",¡., "na*il1èi,l des.!rbes r).e orì9inàl usec fo¡ rr¡. ddr¿j d de5cr ipclon"r ol dard colrê. me-hodF; .odôbooÌ6 dcrining dl, oat, elemente; ,"d 1, 1"y".;;; ìiii:i: the st¡uccule of each record. '" Imat€ cÂêê Rêcôlds: lh, D^p-'LTenL o, co!¡ecrlonal à p-ñ.h-.ard b-s-d .inmdre hirroly jnfo!mâL:oì sysrÞù frôT -9!6-1973. reco¡¿ls ¿lescribe each inmabe in fine deÞail -citr¡g Lhe i¡maLe/s cônv sLarrus, Êenteûce/ p¡iÒr convictioDs, and psycl¡iartic classificatioD, ;; âs bhe inmate's aqe, sex, edùcaLion statùs, nìlitâly , ¡el.igion,.r sLaLus, and drus addlctìons. lersonal identifiers, such as nam" anA i"" securiry number have been suppressed to ensure ptivacy. Ìhe voluhinous records- each annual file contains betueen 10,11? and 19,062 recorats,.¡ stôred ôn 18 reels of magnecic tape ltl IBM sLandard lãbel EBcDIc. Th; cuide provides Lhe resea¡che¡ qith the standard teclnÌical- and bâcks¡ouùd j.nformatìon needed Lo access the dâtà. It also suides che resea¡che! tÀ the numlre¡ of sr.ructural and conterll chanqes that uele made tô tecord l over a twenty-yea! period and ålelts the user to missing and rnvÀIid was not idenLifìed in the ôriginal documenLarion. clr€vâncê T!åckinq sy6!êm: The Governo¡'s Office of Employee crealred Ehe clievånce lracking SysLem to collect ìnfo.maLio¡ o¡ g¡i rgate disserLaLions available from Univ€lgi¿y lúi,crofl1n, g.ieved dìsciplines from all New Yolk sbàte ¡lxecucive Blanch agencies f 1984 ro 1990. The system conEains two nâsber fì1es, bhe Grievànce Data and the Discrptine Data t'ile. Þersonâ1 idenEifiers have been supP¡essè eâch file Lype, Tbe 14 ânnual fìIes âte availåÞÌe in lvo formahs:4ine l]niversity óf TexaÉ àt ÀustiD, nìasnehic hâ¡¿ in IBf.l stândal'd label EBcDlc and 3.s" flopPy discs iD ÀscII by Thomas Baliman formab. r'he user's cùide describes the daLa collection method, illusciãg tùe compóne¡ts of the dâtâbâse, and defì¡es each daEa elemene uhilized bi syscem. IL also famìliâ¡izes the user wibh the contlac! and disciplinaF/ procedures of New York Slate, ,:: C6n6us DâÈâ: lhe New York stâte Data Cenle¡, a ùnìt wi.thi¡ Lhe staiê Þh.D., Yale unive¡sity Depârtùrenc of EcoDoFic Develophent, is pa¡t of a Dationaide netwotk Ôf Stâ Log! anà reqionar dÀtå cenlers tha_t ¡eceive;nd ¿list¡ibule offictal census datÀ producbs. The New York State archives Dou holds the 19?0 HÔusing and : ì,opulacion Summa¡y counts 1-6 fol New York shalre. These ale mâi-ntained 1n Ì ¡eèt""gurar fì1es_in hierarchical solc seque¡ce- Each file contains rllQ order any of the ticles listed above, readers may catt ro11 free at ê2I-3042. F¡ôm Canada, call 1 000-52r-0600, ext, 3?s1, To request â lubject catâlog, calt 1-aoo-5?1-06oo¡ êxt. 3?36. Þricing fo! e;ch ver paper copy is 536.00 for acâdemic cusrome¡s (schoot liblarìes, ls, eEc.) ahd 955.00 for non-academic cusrômers. catÌ for pricing on background ihfo¡hacion to undersband and use the otiginal documentacìon These userrs guides can be obtained by conÈactitlg bhe Research se Ûnit, Nes York sLate Àlchives, 11D40/ cEc, Empire state Þlazá, Àlbany, Nv llrc Hl6toly conpuÈêll2åÈion Prôjéct now olf.ri fÌ6s kô¡ksho. _ prlntêd tutorlÂI ôh tùe use of compuLãr ddLabase mdnàeen,enl f"'';i:,3,S. research, vriIinq, ônd cataloqinq. Thôdê unâb16 rô ârtênd ihÁ -^-, -:'r|c 6till ob¿åin Èh6 ào-pâsø sork;ho; tutoriål by nait. rl,a )s (1êwe! pubri6he,B ""rk"r';;;^Ï::¡ i;?Íf,\1."'',.".,'..ribu, Àcadehic *oup. c rro¡1êl djvÞ ô¡qån:zårjoDs åDd ¡è5èàrchôr5 - 'l,"nce ro sce hoq c;.;'':, i-iã ¡"t -re Àcôrd srd, rvn,' itunÒr,dn,. i.4a o/olB oì5ß¡ us¡. 1..-ì, Lo bu-rd dn r,iÞLo¡ icdr d"L-r^se. -L^no^c.s: ¡,;;1"¿r.. !e1: 617^3?t-6600 sÞonso¡ed by rhê Rêslonàl Histo¡y Cent6r of îl^":llgl:l?'1.:thê UnlvsrtrlÈy -rr,-S""rh¿;;:l cålifohiå J¡d r.h^ Los À¡gêIea city Hl€tolicaI socl€¿y, iÞ "rr/ùildinô:' Hr6hôry rnromscion Nereork rhloush exchaDõe i'fonrarion. rhc Los ÀìÌõeles"h'.h'."¿.;.h¿;;';"ã';på.iËlji,l:¡t ßibtros¡àÞhy Þr"l..r i'"; .;::::,c daLaba;e of sóurce ù,areriârs and ã d1rêcÈo!y ór iiir".ié"r *p;"iiãii!q,ì plojecLs eùFloy the History Dacabase proeÌ¡iì, ruDnjlrs on tut 'i,è-"àü"'i"ì cofrpure¡s. rhe pé' computer crase¡oon rn¿,ruåes io r¡¡r -"*.i,ãa-i"*i'il datãbase. The cou¡se texLbook, Dai:abase Deslqú: ADôl1càt1ór1s." tr.. "l

Àracrue jê e new inle!dj.s.jÞlrnår) joLrndl , publrshed tvrôe yeà¡ty LaùreDti.an UDive.siry Ín sudbuly, ontario¡ Cðrrâdè. FôithcómiDg ðrrrct;s include 'of lr¿r and Folg6cÈingr LiÈê!óÈule, EÈhic6, and l-egal Judsê¡¡ê;;Ì: pAUL GooDRIcH, The edicors uelcôùe submrssaÒrrs àpp¡ôp¡rêrê to r¡; o¡i;l of che joù¡nal. They requesÞ Lba[ you subnìir Ehree copiea of you¡ r¡ai¡u¡ and, if possible, a diêkeEl:e châL contains the subrûj.ssion. Manuscrlpts, no¡ma1ry shouLd not exceed ?,000 sords, arc to Þe dÒuble spaced rtìroigh; rn lJd,ng texL, êxtr-r15, quoL¡rjons, cDdnol.., dr,d ¿ cÕmplcrê Ij.r oi ! ciLed, SubmisÊioDs are accepced on the urdersLanding thaL Lhey have not td on rh. M¿ll i¡ r'rdshingror', D..., rt¡e cer,in¡ à*-!ds doÞ) oxin,årêÌv p¡eviôusly publisbed and that they are noc uDder consrderaLion for pubtì tåt fê))-owshipg €åch yeðr for Ãdvancêd ¡€Êêarch i¡ rhê i¡;aniri6É elseuhere. ro subscribe ($20 yearly) , conLact arachne, Laurêrltiân univel eclonces- ¡4en ånd uomõn llorn any counrry dnd ê qide vdrieÌy sudbu¡y, ontario, CÀNÀDA p3E 2c6. tiax: ?05-675-4387, È-rnail: nds {jncludi',q.9overna-nr, the. -orFo'¡rê world,'roE Lhe prolessrons, arachDe@nickel., I aurencian. ca éÌùe) nray apply. Àpplicânrs mùsb hotd â docrÕlare or have equivatent ónàl âccomplislhe¡ts, FelloqE Àre provided offìces, acôess'ro rhe 'ì.i! congress, cÒmpuEers or manuscripr rr,pinq se¡vices. and resêãr.h Italian sLudies i¡ Law i9!. .,Tì':-9.:!::-i"llli:l*_::+:.'s9 sorks Þ¡irben år rhe cenre¡ tìlroush l-!ôr¡ tqilson center P'ess. ¡etloq,€tìips are nÒrmalty ¡", ." .c.ã.*i. Drartinus NijhofÉ is pleased Lo announce a nev yearbook contain:.nSj.ì Íl-deberminiDs sEipends, rhe cenEer fôltows previ;us year,s sata¡y seleccion of studies of Italian 1âw ediced by the lLalìan l\ssociation ófìil in no,dse cdn Lhe ccnÈer,s sLrpend ex.êed g59,ooo. Trèvel eroånscs Compa.atlve Laa entitl.ed lbaliân Studieqi4 !ê!. ..,,.: es ând rhêr¡ irnrcdicLe dep.ndenr s dre Þ,ovjdÞd. Vôlùme l-1991 CônLêntss Àpplicatiôn deadllDê t€ Ocrob€r t, 1994. !.o¡ applicatlon mareriats !ê!¿L M. caÞpelletti Fellowships office, l,roodrow ÍritsoD Cenrer, looO'Sefferson D¡i;; - Guastini. vìttoriô E t¡4Rc 022, washi¡gton, D,c, 20560, TeIt 2a2-3s,t 2a4r

eê; À, Þizzorusso crossi. conÊtan! NpH CollâboraLive ÞroìecLs Þroqran - Éel)o.hirs-fo¡ rix to ruelve ho¡rhs o! suppórl (mdximum SJo,ooot 'tl¡e CollaboraLjve Prolects Þlogrqm oI Lhc Nqtiondl IndohreDt G^- Kol sub'ecr on Hhi¡h Lhe socÍety h¿5 srrong holcrrngs. Not Hunånrrjes uel..omcs ¡ppljc¡tionÊ for prol6ct8 oÉ broåd Bcholãrlv å.;": li.'ion "¡vn.rio.ars (excepr Ehose uho hàvè Þeen ¡esldenE jn Lhe U.s. fo! 61sn1f1cànc6 ln th€ huånltÌ6s thaÈ ênLålI tbê collaboratlon or'r;:*^lì¡ Ïii.Élii"É v".t.'v".r.l ôr to desree candjddLei. Kãre B. ènd Hà11 J. Petelsob scholôra for pêrlôds of 1 to 3 yôars. Al I rôprcs in the -: one to thlee months suppo!E (måxrmum hum,niti";-:_ c¡ê ll_. f"r $2,s50) fo! leseårch ellgible; collabórative p¡ôjects ale expected to lead to -^---.aior s"r.ril='' for which rhe society hds sLrons holdings. DisserLaLron _;]ü 5Þ.,r j ÞubllcaEions, awards usualty lange Ilom slo,ooo ro about $tso,ooo i,i¡- t"r.;s" naÈionals å¡e eligible. r\as-ame¡ cdn socierv for 15, 1ee4, Lor p!oiecrs beqrnninq .',ri., Lr,.n jif, for ône tô twô ¡êsi.ìen.c t;å"Ì:i: i:,::.*"' "" ,-iænd $i,"00) by pe¡sons volkjng jn ãny ¿reå 'nonths'of Àmerìcàn -^i" Deqree _- . Fo! applicÂtion maÈerials and furrher. informariion r:.'1.::' urv stua:es. candidàtes àre noL eligible. sLephen collabolativc Plojc-ts/r nierprcEi ve Re6ea, ch, Divi sion ô(".ic. nesear.¡-i'-^ "t "arr¡ ;:;;hiE-å - ror up r" i"o monchs' resr¿ìence rmax:;um stip;;ã-3ll:oor Rooh 314, 110o Pe;nsylvânìa ìr""""., m, wastrington, DC rOs06. T;i,';;: in rhe hjstôryhistôry olor lh€rh€ book 1n Amerjcdn culLUre, -rcr)rjng Âll-,,.rkinc feìlow.hips, Èho d€àd11n6 fôr rêc€lpt of coDpl6têd n6, ^Àsincludlng t6tÈè!B of !êcoMêndàtion, 1s Januâly 15¡ 1995 jii"s or t¡e a{alds aill be made by abouc March 15¡ 1e95. Àr feasr rwo '?errovst,¡ps will be ¿qarded, LoseLhc, uith thirteÞn to srxLeen shorÈ- the ñâtlonal Endomont lor Êh6 Huànlti6. Rêtê!ênc€ Måt6E1a1B supporFs p)ojecrs to pÌepè¡e reference sôrks rhãr wil I improve program -- Àerails âbouL Ehe ÀÀs felloashìp and info!ùation abouc the iDfolmation and lesources. supporÈ is ôvai1dLlc aor t)'e creãLion"..e""-;:'* ot 'i-co:lecL.ons, diong with appÌ1.ation fo)ms, mèy be oblalned tJy dicLionaries, hisLoLical o! lrnquisrrc€ àrlàses, encyclôpediãi. conco¡dcncr jo¡n g. s"nc¡, Directo¡ of Resedrch ànd PublicaLion, pooh A, Americån lefercnce srahnàrs, daràbasÞs, rexEbases, lnd orrhcr p,ojccfF rl,-c srlì .iâr, socreLy, l3h salisbùry sE!ÊeL, l/{o!cesLef, r.4aÊsdchusetLs 01609. Èoord q0a essenriar ;chô1a¡li rô¡ rhe.a""".à.."r or resåùË¡ ¿;;;;-suiåiál$ . þy LelephonjDg 509 ?52 5gr i or ?qs c?2 . reference pu!pose6. G!dnLs also may supporL p)ojects rhèt vlll Àssisi - schotars and reseârchers bo locate information abou! humaníLies dôô,'.;-;:::,1 Such projects lesulh in scholarly gùidåÊ thât allów ¡eseaf,chers ro detÊ the usefulness or lelevance of spêclf1c materlâls. for bheiy. uork. Eligt rhe CENTFO ÞF ESILIDIOS PUERTORP1QUENOS at Hunte! Col.Lege, CU¡¡'f, will fo¡ supportsuÞÞort arê such Þroiecbsprojecbs as bi.bliooraÞhies.bj.blioqraphies, biblioo.aÞhícbiblios.aÞhíc darabå;Ë;îdârir--;.-- .." ¡urr-rrn" poEÈdocÈo!a1 Rock€f€l)e! FêIlosshtÞa ro å.ådemr. ànd catalogues raisonnés, othe! catalogùes, indexes, union lisc., ana otne¡.;;i"! iàent schora¡s in Lt95 6. Rockefeller fellÒÐs will join centro scholars to maEe!ìalÊ in tl¡e humanibies. Ì¡1 þoth a¡eas, supporb ìs aleo availabÍËl ;¡cinq compàrèE.ive criLical analyses on Thê cultu!åI Polltlcs of projecls Èhah address inpolEant ìssùes ¡elated_Lo che desig¡ **"riÑ of reference works. Th6 aÞÞlicatlonaÞplicatlon d6ådlin6 iE SêÞteEbêrsêpteEbêr 15,- 1994 fó;:...::?f^- y, d!'s fellouship sjll (ocus on t.he contêsEed ter!dir or I¡j9he! projecbs begibning afbêr July 1, 199s. For more infolmaLion wrire hor..,ì: a¡d .ommunlcy educatlon in Lhe u.s., ôr in oche! countlies Reference Mãte¡iaLs, Roon 314, NEH, Washingtoû, D.C. 20506. i Lng inc¡easing hecerogeheiby aÊd dêc¡easing rhe goal ìs !ând hov colleses, unÍversities, or altehâblve educacional ionE reflect, lespond Lo, and affirm ideôlôsies of divelsity. d wll.l be giveb Lo dlnanics and shlategies of escablished, newly Àn€rl.¡D À¡tiquàr1sn Soci€Èy (ÀÀs), ìÞ otde¡ to encoulage rq,, and LradrcionallyEraditionally subo¡dinàtedsubo¡dinated groups in nÊgobtaÈingnÊgo!iàLin9 spdcespace withlnwlt e and produchive research tn iEs u¡1pâ¡alLeLed liÞla¡y colleêti âdeny or in brilding educattonal alLernarives. istory and cultu¡e rhlough 1376, will awald Eo qualified schol rhe centro invjres àpplications from scholars who åre erplôrine jssues sholt- and lông-terR vlsttlng Rêðêalch FêllowdhÌpô duling Lhè. ,. class, êthniciEy and gende¡ in education f.on the perspectives of 95 May 31, 1996 , ¿ì cômmunit.ies in tbe U,s., Latin Àmelicån and the caribbêân, Àfrice, ór itidusbriali,ed and (im) miqrânt countries. À11 fello s musL be in full-time ¡esidence a! the ceDtro. Full slipend ',OOO and up to $3,000 fo! extra costs of relocalion and health benefibs. may be conrbined wil:h â sabbaeical, Proposats for hãlf-yeãr eh United stâtes, câ¡ , and other former Britiah Þosaeasiors. Theae p$j.Þs may also be considered. collections are of pt irent quâ1ity bh¡ough the year 1320 and a¡e Ih6 dêÂdI1ne for aPplicàtloDs Lf ùsnuåry 15, 1,995, For furrher exceptaonallyly strongsffong Èhrough Lhe year rÊ?6,Ia?6, TheyIhey cover allal-L aspeci:saspectss otof âÈion a¡d applicabion requests contact P¡ogr:am co-directo!6: Dr. Rina Àhericân ]lre wìrhin Èhis chronolostcal limitalion. Thê 1ib¡a¡y is aell ór ând Dr, ÀnlonioÀnronio Làuriã, centro de Estudios Þue ltor ¡iquéno s , Hunter suibed fo¡ research on þôEh qene¡al and híqh1y specialized topics. ÀÀs 695 pa¡k Avenue / Box 548, New YÒrk, NY 10021, aelepho¡e: 212-?72 212-712 4696. lãx: 212-6EA-1671

society, Þhile the oÈhe¡ càcegorieÊ provide one Eo chree monLhs' suppolc,' ty of chj.càso is sponsô¡iDg â one-yearr post dôcboral felloNship fo¡ Resealch ÀssociaLe sLaEus (aithout Etipend) vilt be avâilâble to qualified -5 acadehìc yea¡. Àpplicants specializing in modern Ëuropeâ¡ 1egâl ãpplicants, Th¡ough an a¡rangement with the NewbeÌry Library, ÀÀs êncoura are prefe¡red. scholars from abroad ale especially enco\¡raged bo ãÞÞÌicationsãppÌications for iointjoint Ehort-têrh fellowshìÞfellowshìp tenure in boch chicâqochicâgo and.'and rhe fetlowshiÞ is lntended to suÞporh resealch and w.icinq in leqal y al an early atage in a scholar's caree!, STIPEND: $?0,000. DUTIES: FellowEhips offered âre ãs follows: ÃÀs-Natìônat En¿loment fôr Ehe -.ì.:.::ì e teaching one quarter-long underg!åduate coulse in bhe Law, !,eLte!s, t y P!ôgran ib the coLlege and participatiô¡ iû a cradùate ¡,lorkshop ìn Coñparatjvc Lrgèr Hi.ro!y. Àr IêàsL Lwo.ihirds of rhe Fettou,q àvàiìdble Lor !eseâ,ch dr,d w¡irinq, ELTcrsrIrITy: pt¡.D ro¡ "r. !ill jn ".,,r.,:l'l'. unive'sirv of Michlsan âL Ànn HisLory. Law ôr rhe sociat sclences dnd p¡oficiency Enslró;."';:l:l.rî í;;--" À¡bôÌ experience â¡d pubticaEionB a¡e p¡efer¡ed out not necessaiy. a" lllSl{-¡ Êhould be currenrty ensagèd ìn a majo¡ Iesal-hisrolicar ."Àêarc; ::1.'rç¡ r(:ion åùd community: Ilontgomery, Dirminghâh, and lruly 2s eåd ¿h6 1994 ¿tê¡dltn6. Enq;iries abouÈ. che f"It;;-Í::lec! r940-65\ be addressed to Julius ¡(irsh¡er of HiÌt1am Novàk ât Ehe c",rê, ;i Ë::-!l Legdl HicrÕry, 1126 E. sqrh aL, Chicdgo, IItinors, b06ì?. Tcl.-ìrr- Fàx: 312-t02-?550. E-mdil : novg@midwày.uc¡icàqô.edu. of r¡e Pellow ànd associaÈes ale Crpper universiÈy of No¡th Ca¡olinâ at Chapel Hitl FuIler i The Public Yealsi

:Citnê cohên ¡Jniversity ôf califo¡niâ, SanEa Ba¡bará .tÌe1en .tewetc Murder: sexuâliEy in Jacksonia¡

'The Polirics of Þubtic AlE Ín Tqenbieth CentuÈy Àme¡ica' Ev€!9¡È6s llesler n r4¿r yland 'o I lege in rhe county of cbampagne, Àndles F. Guêlrê.o FaculLad Latìno-Àmericana de Ciencias soê Àrisroc¡acy lloo-1300'

"lhe plobtem of ELIìÞic ÀdmiÞistraEion: Froh colo¡iãl ;clough saiDE David's university collêge 1¡ibuLary hdians, to ,Indian subjects, of the Natìonal Sta Teâchers and che civil Rights Movemento EcuadoÌ (1830-1930) . "

ÈBånuêl Gyinåh-Boadl unìversity of Swazìland 'The Search fo¡ a viable staLe and Strong civil SocieLy in Àft cåry Lt. .tacobrohn r,¡illiams College univelsity of califo¡nia, !¡tddlnsÉ. Davis {Plenary uTlre SecLLla¡ Constitueion ln CompaÌative PelspecLive: Indià, sesslon speaker at the 1993 ÀsI-H a¡nual ¡4eeEing) Is¡ae1, and the ûníted scates" aphy of Ida B. l4e11s" Davld M. Rabban ûniversity of Texas a! Àustin ûniversiey 'Free Speech in its Folqotten Years' .it. trårliÊ of North Carolina aÊ Chãpel Hill ,.ió!.NobÌe ¡l$€116 O. Rorgy Mounb Holyoke Collêgê and Gencle Birth, Enqlish Àristôc¡åcic r'ronen i¡50-r550. ' r'Îhe Ãdvanlages of Monal Dìversity: Negociation and Morâl coDfti¿Éìì Liliå Fl,odorovnÀ Sh.€aovå ltloscow BulgariaÍ Àcâdeny of Sciences À Mode¡nization unfulf ilIêd' "posc-commu¡ìist Russia: PiEfaÌls and vicious circles of Transformation., o'Bri6n Dublin, Ireland Þ6ter N. Sksrly úniversiLy of Califolnia at LoE À¡]gelea ç.+irô .lLÎhe Foundinq Farhers of the French Revotution¡ ',u,s. lmmigration policy and Potitics in the 1990s" And¡ew q. SÈårk University of loronho Schr.ck€r Yeshivaûnivelsity ;.¡Sr¡bve!slve acbivi!.ies: À¡ricômmunism anit Þo1itìcal lepression during the 1940s and 1950s,' Àr¿ld€d Recordd llànâgêûên! clant. subìè.r ro Lhe 'fhe ÀEpên lndrlÈurê,s Non-P!ofjL secLo¡ Fùnd grãDts mådo -rf ' ¡es3.^, 9'.il .sy¿ !9.5 buJgeL, dnJ !ubrequenL Divirjoñ ol aùd9cr .¡pplovâì of included: l^i'J""r""roiLrre plan. l,ocal covernûrcnr Rp.ord5 r'1ànã9êrcnt ,l'i,,"¿_crr"ro LoLà11!¡9 slJ.6 million sill suppo,r.53? prolc.ts ÀÌea ôf lnÈerest: Democlacv .t; n'-lii" r. irûptove lo¡àl Sovernn'ent re.ords n,d¡,a9emenE rn ree4 !ee5. ¡equÞsfinõ s/o.? 1ììrron eÞre sulmiLted. hy 2o F¡êd6rlck Hârr16 Nortbwêstern University !,liii¡" "ppt,c".:"ns . .:.t 'Ëvp;':l lliiirr" r...,¿",l:::1":-:ìli"l';lî;,.il ri.,of i !ùrns. "1;:,?:-:':"::::f'::::,i'l::ll"l,:-:"dû!.h1vå¡ ró.ords, edu.àr io,,dl uses "someLhing Njthin: Rel19ion as a ¡4obilizer oL AL¿icàn- *""'¿" dnd Lsrnq tech¡)roey tL s-rv= reco,ds rands.m¡nl Àmerica¡ì Þoliticâl ¡{ccÍvism' qåiãi"..", ùu1iugIhonvbêr6I'niversiryofTexasàcAustÌn 'Nonprôfit orgânizations ând civil sôciety in aflica: A ..r stùdy of the DeveÌopme¡t ând Rote of :cso civil Liberties organr zat ions 1n Nrgerià' edited by SùD SHERIDT\N ÍÌÀLKËR

Chårtea Hoytng university of No¡ch Carolina àãn.a". c".triu,."ri ¿nd Lheir ropics w.!^ "r.tidow ¡nd F.marrl¿gc ;ijcrs ånd The.ir Resolution rn cldssical cdnun Ldq'JA¡4Es A. ¡Civil Elites, Civic InscicuLions, ând lbe Ulban Growth i"-ì

noffhei ìer, ,'r,,Q,c, Lama!, r825-1893,' Mi€sissiÞpi Law .tou¡na1 63 StÀ!ê À¡chlvès O-ant Llnks LocèI Gov€r86ntã El€ctrottclLly, SÀ¡À 931 : 5-106 awarded a $150,000 g!an! to Hudson vaLley communlLy colfese Èo besin thè:J phase of â project ro create a relecommunicaclons netwôrk anong IocÂl -::.:tl foffheiner, rThe common IJaw of Edqard chriscian,' câmbrldoe Lau governheEts Ehac wiÌl connèct chem to each oÈhe!, Êo state govetnment,_a ::53 (March 1994): 140-163, ultrnarely, Eo hhe info¡matioû superhighway. r'¡hen the cwo-yea! plojêct' complece, up bo 5oo locat governnenhE from ãrôùnd bhe sÈaÈe wilt be ¡blê ¡r; J(alse¡f ed. @, Los transfe! docùments etectronlcâIty, conmunicaEe thlough e mail, and 'j Challes schlacks, ,lr,, Publlshe!, 1992, infolmahion thâh vrill fosber r.mproved records nanasemen€. Funds to tbis ÞlojecÈ comê frôm the Locat Governnent Records Manager¡ìent hpt ¡(lalmân, 'B¡om, Racial Chanqe, and Ehe Civil Riçrh€s ¡4ovenenÈ, o S0 {Fe¡xuary 1994) : 7-ls0 Mr(liqul Kl1)û'êD. J,!ou¡, v. Bo¡rd ôj t.:Ju. åLjqlt: Fa¡.rj dnd ro.Iiri..r correcLùeEs,'¡ virqinia Lak RevleÞ do {rþb^r y 19941: rs5..tt;.__" ,ai - riferjme or lealnrng. Sad sas a master ediÈo!. He never forgor tairhàcl yl.rr'1dn. ¡Jlou pðcc p.tatrons: Broq! CDqnqeo rh¡ Aackt-çr,."---__ rDcsis, 11,?,; i;t' "t :" ::::::"Ì:^.î"::::ï:"", :.1:-":::^T:l::,"::":r l:...: Jou,n-l ol I sl {J l99a) : st.tls. ' 'l;;.'.'. understånd tt was undelsLood by those vho ^n'.',.J¡¡ ',e t¡". '*. requi¡es rhe imasinarrve êltorÈ ot setcing jnlo Lhe "åii. í¡*:;t*:å 3i"E;"'... sån was  counciror or rhe ser¿,en sociecy, a :- fellou of Lhe Britjsh Àcademy, and felloq of the r4edieval ;;e'icð. tre 1::9:":9:d:l !3"::':Y LL.D.--¡ìv camblidse unjversity Dd\id r4Jy r. "1ro crn!r..rur.onåt :l!,ouqt,r ur .hon,ãc Jê,Ierso¡ J"s reme''berea at the church of Halvâld vnivels1Èy ôn Mây rs, bur cì'rrl-LLcsv,1l-: unive!ciLy r,^.i ãi v.,eini", ioiì.- pubrjc.ized memorj¿I .ôccurred on 'sixLy Minutes' just after his íoi,ra nu". appreciated the irony of thåt Leqdl Icr sDecLive. rrslì-rnrn C}IÀRLES DONÀTUE 1994. fiarvard Låu schôôl Sanìuel t\ralker. Ìiate SÞeech: The l.lj.srôrv of an Àhe¡ican controve¡sv. Universj.[y ô¡ Nebrâskã Þress, 1994,

'ihe Fdll ro9, i!src o, LhL NL!.rùi.t,lTEp conld,ncd dn ,Ju¡lr rh s ì'der e, s r ^aÊ,,r boÒt . lhe .nr r.., t rsl-¡ b;i;; ltùdìth Kellehc! schâèfer âte unaverslty Þress

satluLt EDJ,4ûNL'tHO/NE, ån hoDô,dry-- ,etlow o,. rhe so-lelv. dieil ôn ?, ree4, i¡r hls eishLy-.evenrh y.., . é.;-;;;;"";"à i,ãi'Ëìií r¡1Ì11l,r Ldv schoor ,,, reio. From.ir¡¡"åiï1"3'^Ì ."-ìgì'â :î1.1";,,,:.r,:,-:!..,11:,,!rl:Lãught làw at NorLhwestcln Unive¡siEy, Du¡anq ¡he wrt t. ,.r".a ," ií -. r gis, j;i;å; ?:"¡. :Ì If.",i,I:';,n n. .;;-;;;";i'; ;; .;; ;;i¿ ;";"":;:.1 prores3or o, tàÈ. ln 19s6, he join.d rhe tdcutLies of 1d\, of â¡ts and sciences a! Harvard as proressor ór tesat hrsrory .;ã ;;.Ëå; DnqIish !ônsr'-uriônàt r,^sLoLy, qhe,e hc sprvêd ,nii_ ¡,o ,uii,e..'ni-rn l..is rerirc'nenL he .onr.n,rÞd reachinqFêechrnq ànJànLl ¡ese¿rch,,ei.¿rch, bourbo r àLâE H-;và¡dHarva¡ ^'Le,at [he lau schóole of Norrhweste¡n unrversiry and or lndiãna U"i..;;ily sam Thorne vas a greab schotar. rr now - _ is ha¡d ro imagine fo¡ hoi sam rhorne uorkecr virru¡lly õlonc._ sâm playeat a c¡ucial ,otã in Erim;1¡ rnLeLest rn .ìegãl hlsro¡y, pã¡ricutarty Dnglistr legat hisrory. He did.i courre,courre¡ throughrhrough hishrs seudenLs, but he atsoaLso did ir by aliEinqaliEing Þrovocârivar.provocariveìy shoNed how the received ei.sdoft of rlairtand, r.toldsworrh, anã Þru"tneti to be reexamiûed, hou rhe woltd of English Ìau, pÂrtìcùtarty medìe.àt ;;ã_:""it êàrly modern j:ngl1sh làq rn-y hdve been quir" djriêrent r,oú shdr Ehose;ho lookÊ(l bâck on it from the varÌtage poinc of rhe 19Eh cencu¡y saw_ ::::.,1 PelhapsP.j_haps Sam'sSdra's mosLrûost-p!ovo.êfivñ provocaLive piècepjÞ.ê w.swâs '!Dnqtish.Engt_sn reuãa1ismIcud¡lism a¡tìand EÈtatirstal r¡ Land,', the first Marrlà¡d lecLure, given ar Cãmbiidge, England, in 19i!.1¡ thaL bhe lectùre stimulated a generàriôn ôf uoÈk thar has r!ãnsformed ôù¡j.:ri ùtrde¡standins, of rhe deveropnenr.of Enstish law in rhe cìiEicat perioa f.!óìil rlen¡y rr Eo lhe end of ,¡ohn;s reiqD sam's uork on sir t¡dwar¿l Colie a¡d on the 16rh century musr bè sce¡ havinq laid the g¡oundwork fÒ¡ bhê recenL explôsion of i.nrèlest in thar . Pe¡iod. somê of Sam/s work in Ehar period/ s\rch aE his essay on'rÞ!. Bo câser ard the one on English law and rhe nenalssance, âre now so well Àc Lhat iE is ha.d Eo inagine rhat thele was â Lime utren ttrey were uoc cte orthodory. some of that wo!k, such âs hi6 widely scarre!ãd uolk on rhê iDcelp¡ecahion of staLuEes, srilI hâs nor been còmpteEely absô¡be¿t. lhe fou¡ vô1une6 of editìons of readìngs ând moÕcs ahd of rhe foùr volumês of cranslation (lealIy a reedj.rion) of tsracron sLand as àn endur