No online items Joanne Kyger Papers Finding aid prepared by Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, California, 92093-0175 858-534-2533
[email protected] Copyright 2011 Joanne Kyger Papers MSS 0730 1 Descriptive Summary Title: Joanne Kyger Papers Identifier/Call Number: MSS 0730 Contributing Institution: Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, California, 92093-0175 Languages: English Physical Description: 22.0 Linear feet (43 archives boxes, 1 records carton, 2 shoe boxes, 2 flat boxes and 9 map case folders) Date (inclusive): 1950 - 2009 Abstract: The papers of Joanne Kyger, an important member of the 'post-beat' West Coast poetry community. The papers document Kyger's life and writing as she traveled through San Francisco, Japan, New York, and Bolinas, California. The bulk of the collection covers the period from 1957 through 2007 and includes correspondence, poetry manuscripts and typescripts, ephemera, photographs, and audio recordings. Creator: Kyger, Joanne Biography Joanne Kyger is a West Coast poet who emerged as the Beat movement was beginning to wane in the 1960s. The daughter of Jacob and Anne Kyger, she was born November 19, 1934. Her father's career as a navy officer led to a peripatetic early life: by the time she was fourteen she had lived in Vallejo, Ca. (where she was born), China, Washington, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Illinois. Her father retired in 1949, and the family settled permanently in Santa Barbara, Ca. Kyger attended the University of California at Santa Barbara from 1952 to 1956, where she took classes with Hugh Kenner and Paul Wienphal both of whom were important to the development of her poetry.