Developmentbrief Nov 05.Indd

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Developmentbrief Nov 05.Indd Development Brief Land At Moreton Road, Buckingham Prepared on behalf of Aylesbury Vale District Council November 2005 DEVELOPMENT BRIEF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Purpose of Brief 2. Policy Framework 3. Site Analysis and Constraints 4. Development Strategy 5. Urban Design, Form and Landscaping 6. Recreation 7. Transportation and Traffic Considerations 8. Infrastructure and Services 9. Planning Application Requirements Appendix A: Buckingham Design Guidelines Figures Fig.1 Site location Fig.2 Existing Features of Site Fig.3 Indicative Masterplan Fig.4 Landscaping Plan 1 DEVELOPMENT BRIEF 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF BRIEF 1.1 This Development Brief has been prepared jointly by Aylesbury Vale District Council, Buckinghamshire County Council and Taylor Woodrow Developments Ltd., the prospective site developer. Its purpose is to provide a coherent framework to guide the future development of land at Moreton Road, Buckingham, as shown in Figure 1. More specifically, the role of the Development Brief is to: augment the formal policies and proposals in the Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan; provide a structured framework for comprehensive development across the site; outline the distribution of proposed land uses across the site through the use of an Indicative Masterplan; define the character of the development and give clear guidance on what will be considered acceptable to the Local Planning Authority; and identify on- and off-site infrastructure requirements. 1.2 The District Council undertook a comprehensive period of public consultation on the brief. The approach of the consultation fully accorded with the Council’s Community Involvement and Consultation Strategy, and the minimum requirements set out in Figure 1. Site Location the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. 1.3 Following this consultation the brief has been amended as necessary and will be used by the District Council to guide development of the Moreton Road site. 2 DEVELOPMENT BRIEF 2. POLICY FRAMEWORK - provision of land in accordance with NPFA standards for the laying out of and the maintenance of sports pitches and associated 2.1 The development of the Moreton Road site is included in the Aylesbury changing rooms; Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP). Policy BU1 proposes: - provision of land in accordance with NPFA standards for children’s play areas and the provision of equipment, including their maintenance; a minimum of 200 dwellings; - the provision and safeguarding of land within and around the periphery of the developed area of the site for open amenity land; formal sports facilities; - providing for a mix of housing types and sizes, including in particular at least 10% as low cost market housing, and providing amenity land; and for a minimum of 20% and up to 30% as affordable housing. The Council will assess the circumstances of the site and of the particular any social or community facility that may proposed development, taking into account the considerations set reasonably be required. out in GP 2 above and also the local need for low cost housing. The Council will also wish to ensure that the affordable dwellings The policy reads as follows: are occupied initially by “qualifying persons” and are retained for “The Council proposes that land at Moreton Road, Buckingham (as successive “qualifying persons”; defined on the Proposals Map) be developed for housing subject to - the provision of a satisfactory means of access, adequate sewerage the following: and land drainage, and other physical infrastructure necessary to - any development shall be based on a planning brief that shall serve the site; and be the subject of public consultation and subsequent approval as - the provision of any other social or community facility that may Supplementary Planning Guidance; reasonably be required.” - built development shall be restricted to a part of the site to be determined through the brief, to the south of Park Manor Farm, 2.2 Policy GP2, referred to in the above policy, sets out the Council’s capable of accommodating 200 dwellings; requirements for the provision of affordable housing. The Council’s - the proposals shall not prejudice possible development beyond strategy for the provision of affordable housing is outlined in the 2011 on the remainder of the site; supplementary planning guidance ‘Delivering Affordable Housing’ - an equitable contribution will be sought towards the revenue costs adopted in August 2004. during the first three years after occupation of the first dwelling for public transport bus improvements in Buckingham; - an equitable contribution will be sought towards improvements to 2.3 In 2001, the Buckingham Town Design Group (a project group made local education facilities based on generated pupil numbers; of Buckingham Town Council, the Buckingham Society and various - the development shall take account of a comprehensive local amenity groups) published a Vision and Design Statement for landscaping scheme based on a tree and hedgerow survey, Buckingham. Included within the Statement was a set of design and safeguard significant natural features, including trees and guidelines for the town, which were adopted by Aylesbury Vale hedgerows; District Council as Supplementary Planning Guidance in April 2001. - the provision of improved pedestrian and cycle linkages and These are reproduced as Appendix A to this brief. facilities, where reasonable and practicable, within the site, between the site and the town centre, and elsewhere; 3 DEVELOPMENT BRIEF 3. SITE ANALYSIS AND CONSTRAINTS 3.1 The site is situated approximately 1 km to the north of Buckingham Town Centre, to the west of the A413 Moreton Road. The southern and eastern boundaries of the site adjoin the built up area of Buckingham. To the west is land in agricultural use and Buckingham Rugby Union Football Club (BRUFC) lies to the north. 3.2 The site (refer to figure 2) is roughly rectangular in shape and comprises two fields in agricultural use, the northern one being in arable use and the other comprising improved grassland. The Manor Farm complex which separates the two fields is excluded from the development proposals. The site slopes down evenly from its north west corner to the southern boundary. The field south of Manor Farm contains a subtle valley running south across its centre, marking the route of a small watercourse which is currently channelled underground. 3.3 The site is generally well contained by buildings and mature vegetation to the east and south, and by tree and hedgerow vegetation to the north and west. The hedgerows are generally well structured, and comprise native species of predominantly Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Elm, Elder, Sycamore and Sallow. Brambles and Wild Rose are also present. A number of mature trees are located within the hedgerows, most notably the western hedge in the southern part of the site, the northern boundary with Chackmore Farm Lane, and the southern part of the Moreton Road boundary hedgerow. The trees are predominantly Ash but English Oak, Elm, Field Maple and Lime are also present. 3.T A public footpath crosses the site from the playing fields to the north in a south westerly direction via Manor Farm to join Moreton Road just north of its junction with Highlands Road. Chackmore Farm Lane, which runs along the northern boundary of the site, doubles as a bridleway. A storm water sewer runs south-west to north-east across the southern part of the site, and a maintenance strip of 3 metres on either side is required to be kept free from development. Figure 2. Existing features of site 4 DEVELOPMENT BRIEF 3.5 The ecological assessment concludes that the site is of moderate to low ecological value and is typical of much of the intensively farmed English lowland landscape. Opportunities will be taken to improve a number of these habitats through appropriate management and create new habitats through hedgerow and landscape planting using native species of local provenance. 3.6 An archaeological assessment has established that although the site contains no remains recorded on the Buckinghamshire Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) it has potential to contain Roman and mediaeval remains. A detailed evaluation will be required prior to View looking towards Moreton Road from Existing houses set back behind hedges along Moreton Road development in order to clarify the presence, nature, extent, survival within site and significance of any archaeology present, in accordance with the requirements of the County Archaeologist. Boundary along Western edge of site Existing housing backing onto site 5 DEVELOPMENT BRIEF 4 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 4.1 The Illustrative Masterplan (Figure 3) shows the proposed distribution of 4.3 In accordance with Policy BU1 of the AVDLP around 200 dwellings land uses, and has been guided by the site analysis and consultation will be provided in a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced between the District and County Councils and the prospective houses and flats. The precise housing mix, to accord with Policy GP.1 developers. The broad aim of the development strategy is: of AVDLP, will be agreed in consultation with the Developer, and “To create a sustainable residential development that is linked to a wide choice of housing types will be included to encourage a public transport, places an emphasis on quality and designing broad mix of socio-economic groups helping to create a balanced places for people, and makes the most efficient use of land; and to “community”. This will include a range of house types from low cost meet the community’s need for recreation space.” / affordable housing to more highly priced detached family units. The District Council is committed to providing affordable housing for 4.2 The primary objective of the brief is to steer development proposals local people in housing need. In accordance with Policy BU1 of the so that they are appropriate and sensitive to local context and AVDLP, and SPG ‘Delivering Affordable Housing’, the District Council will needs, providing, in summary: require at least 10% of the dwellings to be low cost market housing and a minimum of 30% as affordable housing.
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