Patrick Smyth, Executive Director of Media Relations ([email protected] / 303-264-5536) Rebecca Villanueva, Media Services Manager ([email protected] / 303-264-5598) Erich Schubert, Media Relations Coordinator ([email protected] / 303-264-5503)



On his first few days in Denver “It’s been great just getting in the weight room, out there running around, doing our conditioning, getting in shape, just getting a feel for the team and how they operate around here and learning my away around the facility. I’ve been out there throwing with [QB] Peyton [Manning]. He looks great. I see why he’s such a highly rated .”

On the difference between catching passes from QB Andy Dalton and QB “It’s a big difference. The quarterback had to get adjusted to us [last year], but instead, Peyton is leading us. He’s showing us all the drills we need to do. He’s ahead of everybody, and he’s just our leader. Being with a rookie last year, our leader was on the O-line. This year it’s the quarterback. He’s leading everything that he does.”

On if Manning organizes the workouts “He’s literally leading everything. He’s setting us up, putting us in the right positions. He’s not running the drills— definitely he and [WR Eric] Decker go hand-in-hand with that— but he’s pretty much the leader in everything else.”

On WR Brandon Stokley “He knows the building. He knows Peyton. They’ve got chemistry, and just by being in the meetings, you know he’s got a good grasp of the offense. He’s been through it playing with Peyton. He’s just a leader. He can tell you a lot of things that I haven’t seen in my career. I’ve only been playing for four years, so he’s seen a lot more, and he’s got a lot more knowledge than I do, and it’s great to learn from somebody like that.”

On Manning’s health “He looks great. He looks ready to go. I’d go to war with him any day right now, so he looks fine and healthy to me.”

On Manning’s offense “You get a sense that that’s coming along. We’re in the beginning process, but you can tell by the way they’re installing the offense that it’s going to be a lot more difficult, and he’s going to be back to doing what he did in Indianapolis.”

On what the offense focuses on in practice “We’re getting very detailed, working on four or five routes a day, getting very detailed and in-depth with everything. That’s the main basis, and we just add on every other day.”

On his comfort level in Denver “You’re spinning a little bit, because you don’t know where to go. You don’t know the gate code. You don’t know anything. You don’t know the guys; you’re just getting comfortable with them. You want to be able to prove to them that, ‘I’m worthy of being out there on the field with you all,’ so you’re trying to impress and put on the best that you have.”

©2012 Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club. On being a Denver Bronco “It feels great. I was in a great place in Cincinnati. I’ve got no negative things to say about them, but I just feel at home here. I feel great. Everybody’s worked hand-in-hand from the top to the bottom, I’ve got a good feeling about how things are going so far.”

On his role in the receiving corps “I bring a lot of speed. I feel I’m a speed receiver, but I can also get a lot of yards after the catch. I feel like wherever they put me—they’ve got a great group of receivers right now—and just putting me in there is something to add. I can do some extra things to help this team make a push for a championship run.”

On comparing WR to WR A.J. Green “Demaryius is a lot bigger guy. He’s a muscular, strong guy. A.J. is a taller, lanky guy [with] not too much muscle. But when the ball is in the air, you can tell they know how to go up and get it and come down with it. The only difference is probably the size aspect and muscle and strength. Other than that, they’re both big-time game players and playmakers.”

On adjusting to the altitude “Obviously, being in Florida, I can’t prepare for the altitude, so that’s something I’ve got to get accustomed to while I’m out here. I trained for a no-huddle offense actually, just running sprints after sprints after sprints with very little rest so that I’m accustomed to it. It’s just the breathing and the atmosphere that’s a lot different.”

On running a no-huddle offense at altitude “It’s going to be great, because I played here last year. I ran the no-huddle offense at Cincinnati, and I was dead-tired, so I’ve got a feel for how the defense will react to it and how they will be feeling.”

On what he can improve in his game “Just to become a more precise route-runner coming in and out of breaks, getting more knowledge of the game and improvement on all aspects of my game. Nobody’s perfect. Nothing’s perfect about what I do, and I can improve in every area of my game.”

©2012 Denver Broncos Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club.