Egbert Haverkamp Begemann Rembrandt the Holy Family, St
REMBRANDT THE HOLY FAMILV, ST PETERSBURG PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED H.W. Janson, Form follows function- o-r does it? Modernist design themy and the histmy of art (The First Gerson Lecture, held on October 2, 1981) D. Freedberg, Iconoclasts and thei-r motives (The Second Gerson Lecture, held on October 7, 1983) C. H. Smyth, Repat-riation of art from the collecting jJoint in Munich afte-r WoTld Wa-r ff (The Third Gerson Lecture, held on March 13, 1986) A. Martindale, Hemes, ancesto-rs, Telatives and the biTth of the jJoTtmit (The Fourth Gerson Lecture, held on May 26, 1988) L. N ochlin, Bathtime: Reno iT, Cezanne, DaumieT and the p-ractices of bathing in nineteenth-century Fmnce (The Sixth Gerson Lecture, held on November 2 1, 1991) M. Warnke, Laudando Pmecipere, der Medicizyklus des Peter Paul Rubens (Der siebente Gerson Vortrag, am rS. November 1993 gehalten) EDITOR'S NOTE The 5th Gerson Lecture was held in 1989. Its final text was made available to the Gerson Lectures Foundation in 1991 . At that moment, an unhappy coincidence of circumstances made publication without further delay impossible. We regret the fact that we had to disappoint the supporters of ow- Foundation for such a long period. Now at last, we are able to publish this lecture, thanks to the generous sponsoring 'in kind' ofWaanders Uitgevers. The Fifth Gerson Lecture held in memoryofHorstGerson (1907-1978) in the aula of the University ofGroningen on the 16th ofNovember 1989 Egbert Haverkamp Begemann Rembrandt The Holy Family, St Petersburg Groningen T he Gerson Lectures Foundation 1995 l REMBRANOT The Holy Family, 1645 4 REMBRANDT THE HOLY FAMILY, ST PETERSBURG Horst Gerson was a remarkable art historian and a remarkable man.
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