The Story of Tracy Beaker 11 Programnr: 21305tv11

THE STORY OF TRACY BEAKER EPISODE 11 Based on the book by Sändningsdatum: 3 april 2003

MIKE: Hiya, chicken. How you feeling? Duke's made you something to eat.

TRACY: You are a rubbish nurse. You mustn't leave sick people on their own, in case they get any worse. My Mum never left me alone for a single second...

TRACY: ...when I was ill. She'd wrap me up in my poorly blanket...

... she'd bring flowers and fruit to cheer me up and sit by me for hours and hours.

TRACY: Mum? Mum!

TRACY: I wish my Mum could look after me now.

DUKE: Shouldn't we wait for Mike?

JENNY: Well, if we both pick one, he gets what's left.

DUKE: You go first.

DUKE: Let's see that one.

... Best of three?

JUSTINE: I didn't bite him! He made me jump, when he stuck his fingers in my mouth.

LOUISE: And you kicked his nurse.

JUSTINE: She shouldn't have been standing so close. Now pack it in - I don't want to talk about the dentist.

DUKE: Guess what, Justine? I'm on Dentist Patrol with you this afternoon.

ADELE: Take your shin pads.

JUSTINE: La, la, la, la, la, la, la.....

MIKE: Someone mention the "D" word?

DUKE: It's alright, I got the short straw.

MIKE: Hah hah!

1 The Story of Tracy Beaker 11 Programnr: 21305tv11

DUKE: Hah hah hah!

MAXY: Is Tracy going to die?

MIKE: No, Maxy. It's only a bug. Y'know, like a tummy ache or a headache or... Oh, gosh...

MAXY: Dizzy.

DUKE: Looks like it's catching.

ADELE: What? I don't want to catch his germs!

JUSTINE: I can see spots on the back of your throat. Go 'hhaaahhh'.

TRACY: Aaaaah.

JUSTINE: No! Go Hhhaaaaah.

TRACY: Hhhhhhaaaaah.

JUSTINE: Again! But louder this time!

RACY: Bog off, you're making me dizzy.

LOUISE: Leave her, Justine. It's never going to work. She's trying to get the bug, so she doesn't have to go to the dentist.

TRACY: Get away from me, Justine Littlewood...

TRACY: ...they're my germs, not yours.

Don't you dare try and steal them from me!

JUSTINE: You think you're so special 'cos you're ill...

... but you're not!

LOUISE: Don't shout, Justine, I've got a headache. I'm going to bed.

JUSTINE: That is SO unfair! Come back here and breathe on me, Louise Govan!

PETER: I feel ill.

MIKE: Oh, come on, come here.

JENNY: I've just spoken to Doctor Patelli - apparently this whole area's been hit by the virus.

ZAC: Jenny - Ryan's caught the bug. 2 The Story of Tracy Beaker 11 Programnr: 21305tv11

JENNY: Okay, be right there.

MIKE: Oh, thanks Jen. You ok?

JENNY: Just feel a bit dizzy, that's all. I'll be fine.

PETER: There's no room on the sofa.

JUSTINE: you: "a" tell an adult; "b" post a photo of yourself in a chat room, or "c"...

LOUISE: Justine, please...the noise is doing my head in.

I didn't mean you have to go! Don't you want to get the bug?

JUSTINE: Forget it! If that's how ill it makes you, I'll find another way out of the dentist.

ADELE: You're about to pollute a germ free area - go away!

JENNY: Could you give me a hand? Everybody's going down with it. Including me.

ADELE: Is there a sign over my head, saying "emergency backup?"

JENNY: Adele, I'm desperate.

ADELE: All right. But I refuse to enter any infectious zones.

TRACY: Hello? Hello?!

ADELE: What?

TRACY: Adele? Is that you?

ADELE: What d'you want?

TRACY: I'm a bit thirsty. Can I have a drink?

ADELE: Great - now I'm doing room service.

MAXY: Jenny's not answering her phone 'cos she's sick. Mike said Tracy's dying. Now we've all got it.

JENNY: Stowey House. Oh... hello, Elaine. Nobody's dying — we've all come down with the bug. Could you lay on some temporary help? No... no, really. Honestly, we'll manage. You stay where you are... Elaine? Hello?

ZAC: Nearly there — you'll feel better when you lie down.

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JENNY: I'll lie down now, then you can have a turn.

DUKE: But I got here first.

JENNY: Well I'll toss you for it.

DUKE: Heads.

DUKE: How come I never get to beat you?

Oh, Zac, Zac. I think I'm going to faint.

ZAC: No, No, Nooooo!

ADELE: There you are. What took you so long?

ELAINE: Morning, Adele. I do have other responsibilities, you know.

I was on the phone to Sylvan Lodge — they've all gone down with it too.

ADELE: Yeah, whatever. Anyway, they're all asking for drinks, so I've made some more. Jenny's in bed. And I'll be in my room if you want me.

ELAINE: Don't worry about me...I can manage... Oh.

ZAC: Duke? My tummy hurts. Duke! Get up!

RYAN: Did you get the bug too?

ZAC: No — Duke fell on me.

ELAINE: Mike? Mike!


ELAINE: Having a nice sleep, were we? Aaah. Just wanted to let you know that I'm here, looking after everything. Have this...'s important to drink lots of fluids, to flush out the system.

TRACY: Argh!

ELAINE: How are you feeling, Tracy?

TRACY: I was feeling better, now I'm not so sure.

ELAINE: Even when you're ill, you've still got such a lovely sense of humour. I've got a nice cool flannel. Would you like a rub down?

TRACY: Try it and I'll report you to Social Services. 4 The Story of Tracy Beaker 11 Programnr: 21305tv11

ELAINE: All right, you. It was just a thought, 'cos everyone's running such high temperatures.

TRACY: Has everyone got it?

ELAINE: That's why I'm here. Elaine Boyack to the rescue!

TRACY: Great — a social worker on a mission. Well shouldn't you get on with it, then? Instead of standing around chatting.

ELAINE: Oh right. Better get back to my patients.

TRACY: Good idea — oh, don't forget your flannel.


TRACY: They don't stand a chance. Better do some rescuing of my own.

JUSTINE: Elaine, I got the bug.

ELAINE: I know. Poor thing.

JUSTINE: Honestly, I am sick. It's nothing to do with the dentist.

ELAINE: Don't worry, Justine — there's no dentists here...

ELAINE:'re probably a bit delirious.

ELAINE: Anything else I can do for you?

JUSTINE: Go away.

ELAINE: Of course. Sorry.

Oh, forgot my flannel.

PETER: What if she decides to come and keep us company?

MIKE: Tracy!

PETER: Elaine the Pain's looking after us!

TRACY: Don't worry, Men — I'm already onto it.

TRACY: By the time I'm finished with her...

...she'll think that she's the one who needs looking after.

ELAINE: I'm making lunch. Thought I'd make boiled eggs and soldiers.

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TRACY: You'd better label the plates, then.


TRACY: Because it's very complicated. Maxy eats hard eggs; Ryan only has soft; Justine has to be able to dip her soldiers in the yolk but hates the wobbly bits but Zac hates the....

ELAINE: Tracy! I'm quite capable of making a few boiled eggs.

TRACY: I was only trying to save you trouble later.

ELAINE: That would be a first.

TRACY: I'm trying to be helpful, 'cos you look a bit poorly. Are you sure you're okay? You seem very hot.

ELAINE: Probably just the heat of the cooker.

TRACY: Are you sure? I hope you haven't caught our bug — it's very catchy.

TRACY: Let me know if you start to feel ill...

...because I'm very good at looking after sick people.


LOUISE: There's no marmalade on my soldiers!

ELAINE: You have marmalade with boiled eggs?

TRACY: Don't be too hard on her, Lou.

I think she's coming down with the bug.

LOUISE: You are looking a bit peaky. Are you feeling all right?

ELAINE: I'm absolutely fine. Sorry to disappoint you. Tracy.

TRACY: Rats! She's not going for it. I'll have to think of a Plan B.



RYAN: No, I have two and a half cap fulls of squash. And he...... has just below the top ridge of the cap.

ELAINE: Marmalade for Louise, two and a half cap fulls for Ryan...

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ZAC: ...and just below...

ELAINE: ...the ridge for Zac. Got it.

ELAINE: Er, what's that?

TRACY: Louise's marmalade. Ryan and Zac's juice and Justine's ketchup.

ELAINE: But she hasn't asked for any.


Hey! There's no ketchup.

TRACY: I told you it was complicated.

ELAINE: I don't know how you do it, Tracy.

TRACY: Well you sort of pick it up, if you eat with the same people three times a day, seven days a week.

ADELE: Tracy!

ADELE: Is there anything to eat? I'm starving, but I ain't coming out if Elaine the Pain's still smarming round.

TRACY: You'd better wait then — she's in full on, Social Worker Rescue Mode.

ADELE: Oh, why'd she have to come here? Why couldn't she have gone to Sylvan Lodge instead?

TRACY: Why would she do that?

ADELE: Well, she said they'd all gone down with the bug as well.

TRACY: Plan B is in the bag! Gotta go, Adele — have to have a word with Maxy.

ELAINE: How are you feeling, Jenny? Well enough to eat a nice bit of soft boiled egg?

MAXY: I'll tell her.

ELAINE: Er, you should always say "goodbye," Maxy.

MAXY: Goodbye.

ELAINE: Not to me. I'm not going anywhere.

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MAXY: Yes you are. Sylvan Lodge they're dying. Now they need your help.

ELAINE: Here...

ELAINE: Oh, erm, Tracy, I've got to go, but are you sure you're going to be able to manage without me?

TRACY: It won't be the same... but I'm sure we'll struggle through.

TRACY: Rescue mission accomplished. Ladies and Gentlemen, it's safe to come out now, Elaine the Pain has left the building!