Clerk –Margaret Hebb, Dunvegan, Pudding Gate, Bishop Burton, HU17 8QH. Tel: (01964) 551315. Email:@[email protected]

12 March 2018 Official Notice of a Parish Council Meeting to be held on Monday 18th March 2019 at 7.30pm in Bishop Burton Village Hall

Public are invited to attend this meeting. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. 3. Open Forum - matters of concern to be forwarded to the Chairman prior to the meeting. 4. Minutes of previous meetings – Full Council Meeting of 15th January, as previously circulated. 5. Matters Arising: a. Bin for seat near Garths End – ERYC are now emptying the bin fortnightly. b. Village Task Force Survey – Survey has been completed and returned c. Renewal of Yellow lines in the village – Now completed d. Christmas lights – they have now been insured for £1,000. No increase in premium this year. Will increase annual premium by £20. e. Bollards on triangle by Garth Ends Road - update f. Handyman – update g. Blocked gully – Finkle street near A1079 – now cleared h. WWII plaque – update. i. Ambulance Service Defibrillator – update. j. Footpath from Bishop Burton to – ongoing. k. Garage at back of Pudding Gate – ongoing. l. Listing of ice houses – ongoing. 6. Johnsons pond – Condition of pond. 7. Public Consultation – Parish Council comments circulated. No other matters to report. Any changes between publication and the meeting will be reported at the meeting. 8. Neighbourhood watch a) No cold calling update b) speed awareness initiative update 9. Town & Parish Council Communication Panel Review - agreed actions circulated – any comments/action? 10. Bus stop area for school bus – Cllr Ellerington 11. May Elections – key dates 12. Opus Energy – October invoice £100.51, paid £59.80. 13. Lambing Sunday 14. Village seats – to agree when and who to put out. 15. Parish Open Meeting – 15th April – to agree format and publicity. 16. Village Spring clean 17. CPRE membership -to approve renewal - £36.00. 18. Light - Old School House 19. Dog Kennel Lane and Bridleways – Cllr Gray 20. Hornea Four Offshore Windfarm meeting – Cllr Gray 21. Bishop Burton Parish Council – Facebook page – Cllr Hoddinott. 22. and Joint minerals local plan and main modifications consultation – Cllr Hoddinott 23. Playground a. Weekly inspections – No matters to report b. Cleaning of Playground equipment inc. seats and the pathways from Callas to Pudding Gate. RS Cleaning agreed fee of £160. 24. Planning The following planning applications have been received: None The following planning applications have been approved: a. 18/03998/PLF – Erection of summerhouse and greenhouse, Rowan house, Road. b. 18/03739/PLF – Erection of extension to side and rear, The Old Vicarage, Bishop Burton. 25. Finance – year end accounts to 31 March 2019 i. Main account - To review and approve the receipts and payments account to date and bank reconciliations. (as circulated). ii. Internal Auditor – To approve the use of Richard Dixon as internal auditor for 2018.19, at a fee of £340 + mileage (2017.18 - £325 +£9) Chairman: Cllr D Oxtoby, Burton Raikes Farm, Bishop Burton, Nr Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8QA 01964 550346 or 07889 730753


Clerk –Margaret Hebb, Dunvegan, Pudding Gate, Bishop Burton, HU17 8QH. Tel: (01964) 551315. Email:@[email protected]

Finance – other To Pay:From main account Clerk overtime and expenses (cheque 101572) £939.39 Yorkshire Water (cheque 101573) £11.82 CPRE (cheque 101574) £36.00 C.Charlton (Gritting) (cheque 101575) £300.00 C.Charlton (Grass) (cheque 101575) £315.00 M.Gray (seasonal grass)(cheque 101576) £700.00 M.Gray (style, bulbs, Church side, memorial tree, Bin by Garths End) £615.00

Paid – direct debit: Opus energy (9 January) £122.30 Opus energy (11 February) £124.19 Received: nil 26. Correspondence a. Attendance at 20th May meeting of Hamish and Diana Stewart. b. Gritting – a number of people have written as well as verbally thanked the Council for gritting the paths this winter. c. E-Yard – letter circulated – interested?

Date of next Full Parish Council meeting 20th May 2019 7.30pm Bishop Burton Village Hall. Note: Parish Open Meeting is on the 15th April 2019 7.30pm Bishop Burton Village Hall.

Signed…………Margaret Hebb Date: 12 March 2019

Chairman: Cllr D Oxtoby, Burton Raikes Farm, Bishop Burton, Nr Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 8QA 01964 550346 or 07889 730753