Easement Decision Under ORC Scrutiny Ontario Realty Ment Was Registered on the Title of the Property As a Condition of Clos- Reviewing City’S Ing

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Easement Decision Under ORC Scrutiny Ontario Realty Ment Was Registered on the Title of the Property As a Condition of Clos- Reviewing City’S Ing The Pickering 36 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 ROLE MODEL CASH CRUNCH CAST A GOOD TALE Perdita Felicien tells Women’s shelters Ajax author casting kids to persevere promised funds a good read Page 23 Page 3 Page 24 SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Easement decision under ORC scrutiny Ontario Realty ment was registered on the title of the property as a condition of clos- reviewing City’s ing. The easements were signed by change to ag preserve the City, the Region of Durham, the ORC and the owner; the City retained the sole right to remove By Danielle Milley the easements, which were to be Staff Writer in perpetuity. At a meeting of the regional plan- PICKERING — The Ontario Re- ning committee last week, Ajax alty Corporation is looking into Mayor Steve Parish tried to have the City of Pickering’s decision to the Region’s lawyers look into the remove agricultural easements deal and bring background docu- from some properties in the Duf- ments to committee and council, Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo fins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. but the attempt failed when two PICKERING — Volunteer settler Brandon Gelbard uses a hatchet to cut down and move a tree that “At this point we haven’t taken a councillors abstained from voting. fell across the walking path at Pickering Museum Village. A settler’s trail has been set up for visitors to position yet, we are reviewing it,” Mayor Parish believes since the discover what life was like in the 1800’s. said ORC spokesman Jim Butticci. Region signed the easements too, “We’re considering our legal op- it should protest the City’s actions. tions and reviewing the decision Pickering, which endorses de- of the City.” velopment in the southern portion In 1999, the ORC began selling of the preserve based on its growth the properties in the agricultural management study, reached the Region looking at six-per cent hike, preserve on behalf of the provin- deal with developers who own cial government, which expropri- land in the preserve to avoid a ated the land about 30 years ago. maybe more as talks continue Once the land was sold the ease- ✦ See Pickering, Page 4 Police only budget Durham Region taxpayers will be sented with a $7.2-million, or 6.8- ® hit harder than that. per cent, increase from 2004 at Introducing not reduced so far The Region’s $825-million bud- budget meetings this week. Coun- the get — $327 million of which comes cil had asked for a 6.5-per cent Touareg By Carly Foster right out of property taxpayer increase. Staff Writer pockets — is a tight document that “And that’s where, from a staff Race Relations DURHAM — Finance Com- once again saw departments come perspective, fairness comes into Make a molehill out of a mountain. SERVICE NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 9-4 Forum missioner Jim Clapp called it the back to the table with cuts. Each play,” Mr. Clapp said. • S A L E S • S E R V IC E • L E A S IN G hardest year he’s ever had to meet department did, except police. The police budget has jumped • R E N TA L S • B O D Y S H O P Wednesday, March 23 the six-per cent tax increase set by Their $112.7-million budget, from $42.9 million in 1990, to $71.9 P IC K E R IN G V O L K S W A G E N IN C . Pickering City Hall council. which makes up 33 per cent of 503 Kingston Rd., Pickering (905) 420-9700 cityofpickering.com And it’s still not known whether all regional expenditures, was pre- ✦ See Chairman, Page 4 w w w .p vw .co m “Try T h e B est” The The NewNew OshawaOshawa BuiltBuilt 20052005 BuickBuick AllureAllure BBUICKUICK Standard Features Include: BBRUCERUCE PPONTIACONTIAC • 3800 V6 engine • 4 speed overdrive automatic • Power windows, door locks, mirrors and seat LLTD.TD. • Remote keyless entry • Tilt steering BBISSELLISSELL • Cruise Control • OnStar and much more 683-6561 Allure’s refined 4-wheel independent 201 Bayly St. W., Ajax, Ontario: suspension results in a smooth, controlled (between Westney and Harwood) www.bissellbuick.com ride. Ingenuity abounds, all without sacrificing the comfortable and quiet ride that is a Cash price is plus freight, license, tax & admin. long-standing Buick tradition. From A/P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 3 A/P Capital costs only half the battle for local shelters Advocates say $2M means it will assist facilities that ‘It’s a pretty expensive Guinty government introduced a has a deaf client, the person would need to fix security systems or put three-per cent operating raise after know a phone is ringing. in government funding in new windows... things like that,” operation. We rely on the being elected, cost-of-living in- The shelter is “a pretty new build- doesn’t bridge the gap she explained. “That’s a good thing community for donations for creases absorbed most of that. ing,” Ms. Carney-White noted. and we appreciate it. But on the 20 per cent of our budget.’ “We have to fundraise between This year, Herizon House re- By Jillian Follert flip side, it’s not operating dollars, CATHERINE CARNEY-WHITE $100,000 and $140,000 every year ceived a three-per cent increase Staff Writer which is what we need most.” to cover our share of operating in operating funds. “It’s the first in- Ms. Leeder said the government costs... and that’s just to maintain crease shelters have had since 1995 DURHAM — This week’s an- would have done better to simply fleeing violence to spend more the status quo,” Ms. Leeder said. “In or 1996. The world is a whole lot nouncement of $2 million in gov- let agencies decide how to use the time providing counselling and Durham Region it’s getting more more expensive now than then.” ernment funding to help women’s money, instead of designating it for care, and less time trying to find difficult for us to do that, with the The agency receives $900,000 shelters make capital improve- capital projects only. the money to fix the fridge, the roof new university, the cancer centre a year to operate and being fully ments was greeted with equal help- In her address March 8, Commu- or the furnace,” she said. and all the other agencies.” staffed and all 25 beds for women ings of praise and criticism from nity and Social Services Minister Ms. Leeder noted that staff at Y’s Catherine Carney-White, execu- and children occupied. local advocates. Sandra Pupatello said the funds Wish will still spend a lot of time tive director of Herizon House in “It’s a pretty expensive operation. Wendy Leeder, shelter services will help 98 shelters make building fundraising, as the challenge in- west Durham, said, “There are a We rely on the community for do- director at Y’s Wish in Oshawa, said repairs and install safety features creases to scrounge up their share couple of things we could access. nations for 20 per cent of our bud- the $304,000 earmarked for agen- like parking lot cameras, bullet-re- of annual operating costs. Part of the building is renovated get,” Ms. Carney-White stated. “I cies in the central east region, falls sistant doors and motion sensors. According to the Ministry, shel- (and could use upgrades).” think all shelters are in pretty much short of addressing the real gap. “These funds will allow people ters are responsible for about 20 She said replacing heaters would the same way. Our core funding is “It’s capital funding, which who help women and children per cent of their operating costs, cost about $40,000 and there are pretty much the same as 10 years which include everything from “safety items to the shelter” that ago. I can’t imagine how much the hydro and water bills, to food and could be added, such as installing inflation rate has gone up.” Zero tolerance in traffic crackdown employee salaries. While the Mc- flashing lights so that if the centre - with files by Keith Gilligan DURHAM — Zero tolerance is will also be watching to make sure the theme as Durham Regional students adhere to rules, using Police continue to crack down on crosswalks and obeying intersec- speeding and other traffic infrac- tion signals as they walk to school. tions throughout the region. The first phase of the effort, con- Phase 2 of Operation In The ducted in early January, resulted Hop on Down Zone begins March 21 and will in more than 1,330 charges. focus on school and community Durham police are working with safety zones. Officers will take an OPP, bylaw officers and transpor- approach of zero tolerance toward tation ministry officials as they for your photo with the aggressive and unsafe driving, and conduct the blitz. Easter Bunny! Saturday, March 12th ‘til Saturday, March 26th on the lower level near Sears EASTER BUNNY HOURS Monday to Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm Saturday 10:00am - 6:00pm Sunday 12 noon - 6:00pm FREE! Kids’ Easter Activity book with Madison from Pickering every with the Easter Bunny visit! ALL OF LI FOR F E’S ST A G E S pickeringtowncentre.com 557070 WWESTNEYESTNEY R RD.D. S., IN GIANT TITIGER GER PLAZAPLAZA (990505) 4428-018828-0188 P PAGE 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com Discrimination essay winners speak March 23 My kind of Pickering celebrating Alliance on Race Relations.
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