Planning for an Uncertain Future

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Planning for an Uncertain Future DCCUMENT EESUME ED 143 288 w HE 009.206. AUTHOR Eshelman,James N., Ed. TITLE Planning for an Uncertain Future. INS TITU'FION Council of graduate.Schools in the Washington, A D.C. PUB DATE Dec 69 . NOTE _ 162p.; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States (9th, Washington, December 4-6, 1969) ,AVAILABLE FROM Council of .Graduate B'.Chools in the United States, 1 Dupont Circle, WaSliington, D.C. 20036 .($2.50) o ED%SPRYCE MF-$0.83 HC -$8.69 Tlus Postage. DESCRIPTORS College Acalty; *College, Role; *Conference Reports; Decision Making; Grading; *Graduate Students; *Graduate Study; *Higher Education; Interdisciplinary" Approach; Sudett College Relationship; Teacher, Administrator Relationship 4 IDENTIFIERS *Council.of Graduate Schools ABS- TRACT Presentations ok both the plenary sessions and' the business meeting are included in 'tilt proceedings. Topics covered include: reassessment of the function of- graduate education; dimensions of graduate study; faculty and student power and roles in decision-making; interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and polydisciplinary: programs; and grading. (LBH) a A ********************************************************t,************* Docdments ac wired by ERIC include many informal unpublished , * materiels not available from other sources. ERIC makgs every effort * * to obtain the beSt copy available. Nevertheless', items 'of marginal *= * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality *. * of the'microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available .* * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). is not * responsible the quality of the original documentReproductions * * supplied by EDRS.are the best that can be made from the original. ****************************************************************0**** " so Proceedings' of the Ninth Ali nu1.1Meeting C. COUNCIL OF GRADUATESCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES Theme PLANNING FOR AN UNCERTAINFUTURE F 45.7,4 '.'F Or 7 Washington, D.C. December '4-6, 1969 The Stotler-Hilton ,Edited by James N. Eshelman ti F e Price: $2.50 per copy, postpaid . '4 J CONTENTS '- I.hrst Plena r),Sesston A. Chairman's Address: The Roote and Riseof the Same ALVIN H. F,'RbcroR, Kansp State College of Pittsburg ' ,..." 7 B. A Reassessment of the t unction of GraduateEducation 1.Psyche's Seec4, HERBERT .,1.-[SINGER, State Uniersity` of New York at ' . Stony Br ok .4 A 4. J .. 1,3 2., The Relancy- of Graduate Education- ... / . H. HAD EV HARTSHOR5:, Teeas SouthernUniversity '....,22 ...4 3. 'A Ca ibalistic View of Graduate Education . Nfi-ct AEL J. BRENNAN, Brown University ....4 k... -..,...-. -25 4. The' University and Society: On Biting tfie handthat ' ----- /Feeds Us- - 1 LAWSON CROW.E,' University of Colorado.... 34 . ,' . II. .Second Pienary.Session ,,-- - - ..., . Keynote Addressl The Dimensions of Graduate Study REV. ROBERT JOHN HENLE, S.J., Geor.getown Unkveisity.. 41 III. Third Plenary S'esston 1. Faculty Power Versus StudentPower STEiHEN H.-SPuRR, University of Michigan 49 . 2. The Relative Roles of Faculty and Studentsin Academic-. Decision-Making .- MICHAEL J. PELCZAR, University of Maryland 53 .3. Hennes and Apollo W. W, BErrs, JR:, Indiana University ofPennsylvania., 58 4; Planning Students' Roles in EmergingUniversities , E. S. CARTER, University of Nebraskaat. Omaha 64 4 / 5. ^Graduate Students and \,Academic Affans D.12rt. E ROTH, George?_Washington URiyersity 69 . 4 .7 It Fouith-Preiiiiy-j) Sessron 1. The Role and Sti uctureof)literdisciplina,ryand Multi- disc .Reseal (11 Centers 1) k \ila..1t PFRT.' ei sits of Illinois 75 2. The Stip-poKt of Intel discipli Italy and Ti ansdisciplinary Programs B1. \ CE L CakwoRD, JR .4..nly CI Sit\ Of Minnesota 81 3. The Rationale for Poly disciplinary Progrdms LatGFi SECRET, Texas Chi 'snail University 87 Intercltsctplinat) Scholarship S. AkoNoFF, Boston College .. 90 '11k V. cif th Plenary Session' . 1.Conterning Grading and Other Forms of Student Evalua- I tiOn WESi EN' J. DALE, link ersity of Missouri at Kansas City . 97 2. Grading andStudent Evaluation hA, IL/4. SPARKS, Ulli% eTsity of Maryland ..' ..... 101 3. Graduate Grading Systems WiNsToN W. BENsol:, .Mankato,State College 106. I'- Traditional Graduate Grading and the Gold:Star Syn- I drome LEO \ tRD J. cKENT, Chico State College 110, 5. Grading the Graduate Student: A Student Perspective ToNi I kDAROL k, GCCirgCtOW11 Unketsity 111. VI: Business Meeting A. President's Report ... 119 B. Committee Reports .1 .The Committee vi Preparation orCollege Teacher's. 124 '2. The Committee on Cdsts of Graduate Education 133 3. The Committee on Policies, Plans, and Resolutions 115 C. New Business 1." Dues jngease 136 2.Resolutions 137 3.Election of officers 137 , N7II. Chairman's Address 1968:Planning Graduate. Education Josr'n L. McCART4v, University of Washington 140 V111...'±tatemeni, cif Cash Receipt, and Di shinsements fot the N ear Ended December 31, 1969 11.S and Comniittee. for the Neal '19;0 . 151 155 NI. S last of \fenibet Institutions' 159 S O 1 6 o First,Plenary4ession A Reassessmentof. the Function of .Graduati Education a Thursday, December 4,'1:30p.m. Pusinixd: Alvin H. Proctor, Chairman, Council of Graduate Schools s a " Herbert Weisinger,State,Universityof New.York at Stony Broak H. Hadley Hartshorp, Texas SouthernUniversity-. Michael J. Brennan, Brozdn University Lawson CrOwe, University of Colorado' Alvin F. Proctor THE ROOTE AND RISE OF THE SAME hen the Council of Graduate Schoolsmet in San Francisco one year ago; can Joseph .L. McCarthy, as-Chairman, spoke"finde topic "Planning ; Graduate Education." He discussed severalmajoR facets of graduate schools and issues and asserted that rapidevolution of our graduate schools;appears tobe called for. His addressestabliskedthe precedent that the Chairman should make a .brief openingstatement at the Arinual- Meeting--,one in which he not onl; comments aboutthose things that concern him most, but also in which heican to someextent point toward possible future develop- ments. One year later it is easier for theto appreciate both his motivation and perspectilve. The Chairmanship isan excellent vantage point, from which. one gains a strong feeling of urgency that graduateissues and problems muste faced 'and solved. Moreover, because of the dedicat41,hard work of m y graduate deans whoserve on the Executive Committee' and other committees, one derives an acutesense of the potential in the Council of Graduate Schools. Through their achievements,and especially through the distinguished leadershipof President Arlt,one becomes optimistically-con- vinced that the graduate schools willtconservp the best features of graduate education to this point in time and Willmove ahead in the the old problems, devegspingnew programs and policies, and grasping firmfy. s : unused opportunities to serve higher education. 7 ' .% 7 t., r r . The 'titlefor 111Nletnatl.s tliis aften10011 is a phrase hum the reface - '%%littenirlys William Iiiadtoid in his -instoty Of Plymouth Plantation. As he cOntemplated his task lecoi ding how the settlement beg,o1 and milieu ed. I , dual., luny the colons s ould cles clop, lie saute that,his puipose in wining %%wild be guided by the e star lards: "And rust of the occasion and intim, ,inents therunto. the %%1 ich that I may u Lilyunfinild, I Must begine at the . ,--. N el N il (rote and use of the tit. The v,lticji I shall eudeas or to manefest in a plainestile, %%ith singulai :..,,lid unto the simple .trueth in all, things, at least asnical as ins slendenjudgments can attaine the same." 1 The propose of in).«ninnews is nut to lei7iew "Ale 100te and Ilse" of the Comic lIsof Goduate Schools, but to «Ailment hi iefh on sonic of the thicgs that base been done le( ently and to indicate what the\111.1\ ponend fur )' 0. unfinished business at hand,,at least as near as in.slender vidgments can, .attaine the saine.' First, ast.itement of perspective. Das id P. Gardner saute in a recent article that 'Unis eisilies in Amenca are at ahinge of histmy; while connected kith their past, they arc swinging in another (lit ection. Chalk Ken's aut,,cu.nimentaly of six years ago, howesei sufficient then, no longer describes adequately the 'evolutional), tna infest., tions of ch.pige in r. the Al iictiu.e ant 1.purpose of higher edlRat1011. The Amen( an Lillis etsity faces today notniekilyi swing in .another dilation' but an unhinging flout its past: ' . President Arlt spoke in this lein to the annual CGS workshop_ for new graduate cleans last ftily: say lug: "Now as.tIley ;the unkei sitiesand colleges] face the 2'1 st century in an increasingly minplex society, they mnst again . radically alter their(hal a( ter. To himyy 110 will lead' the signs, the directions of the;e changes,is'becoming mole distinct." '' He HA lead some of the signs ../ of the times in. an address to the Midwest Confei eine on Gtaduate Study id Reseat di, which met in Chicago ill Mardi; and Dean McCarthy, ,as oted earlier, has, indicated the necessity for rapid eyolution of the graduate c hoots. .. t The Ices %voids ill Dean NElCal 's "1,11)1(1" .111(1 "(2%0111601C .Thisdecade began yvtli ecedentedo expansion' of inns eisity()search and graduate education across the oration, the decade ends holyes et with eon- sidet able confusion, pin kasis, e doubt, and much uncertainty Our magnifiLent educational dillies einents in tlig, past ate at least partially obs6circd 1)y the impact of cu iticistn 611 and off campus. The root and tise of nod' the Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1617, Salmi( I Eliot Nforison, ed. (Nov prk,.1913) Dal, P(,ardncr."rime Powei Snuggle toC. ()mt.' thel"riiei,..itN,"-Educational B.ecord, L. No '2 (Spring. 1969), p113 C,,pstac O Arlt, 1 hi: Fatale Of C4.1(111411 HU( ation," 'Pr orecthngs of the Second Summer kshop for Cqaduate Deans,Or 6-11, 1969,1 tate/11 orekeact, Cali /orlon (1, ash ington, 1) C aimil of Gi.ultiatc Schools, 1069), p.
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