Calc. Var. 11, 361–393 (2000) Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s005260000042 Towards the Willmore conjecture Peter Topping University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK (
[email protected];∼topping/) Received April 26, 1999 / Accepted January 14, 2000 / Published online June 28, 2000 – c Springer-Verlag ! Abstract. We develop a variety of approaches, mainly using integral ge- ometry, to proving that the integral of the square of the mean curvature of a torus immersed in R3 must always take a value no less than 2π2. Our partial results, phrased mainly within the S3-formulation of the problem, are typically strongest when the Gauss curvature can be controlled in terms of extrinsic curvatures or when the torus enjoys further properties related to its distribution within the ambient space (see Sect. 3). Corollaries include a recent result of Ros [20] confirming the Willmore conjecture for surfaces in- variant under the antipodal map, and a strengthening of the expected results for flat tori. The value 2π2 arises in this work in a number of different ways – as the 3 volume (or renormalised volume) of S , SO(3) or G2,4, and in terms of the length of shortest nontrivial loops in subgroups of SO(4). Mathematics Subject Classification (1991):49Q10, 53C65 1 Statement of the problem, and opening remarks Let v : R3 be a smooth immersion of a compact orientable two dimensionalM →surface. Giving the metric induced by v, and considering the mean curvature Hˆ : MR defined to be the mean of the principal M → curvatures κˆ1 and κˆ2 at each point (which is defined up to a choice of sign) we may consider the Willmore energy of the surface, defined to be W = W ( ) = Hˆ 2.