Movies!! Sacred Dnim
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HIBIT • KSII^-:!! ¥• ^/ey culture^ tradition The Institute ofTexan Cultures focuses on the Tiisss Ctilnsss cWMisn oslsbnsls HsIloiwssn hi tWs photo from "CslsbiilHoHdaysls . Cslsbrts Ethnlcltyr at TlM mslluls of Tman OuMurss. TMs ooNsctlon of Vltginia WonQ. different edsuc g|oaps wil show how over Seder, is cekbnSed also, in dus phoiQgnvhic archives. "Cdebnte H(rii- ethnic •ey bridge dw cslhire gap-hy revering phoio, a JewMi fimiity congregates to daysl Cddwaie Edaudtyl" is fiee and the old and participating m dienew. oeMnsedifeemncipadonofdKirhaaie- open lo tte public. Tte eifaftit is divided aoooadhig to tand fiom emfdan nde. In Ite Lower Galleiy, "Tte Tigua: season. On tte widi featnosg summer fhnng dialWinter season. nuBV His l*nddo faidians of Texas" wdl te on rootsof holidays, iiere are; nuny phdlos repre- panic hoUdqrt are celdMaied in Texas. diqday durou^ Mardi 27. aenting Western European oddwaticns. One photo recognizes Mexico's greatest The Tigua trite has (xmtiniioiidy lived some (tf tte better plaitos inclnde one of rdii^ous fieslival, dw Fdot at Our Lady in El Paso since 1860, longer than any a Czech community in soutteast Texas of Guadahipe. This hoiiitey celebiales odwr ethnic group in dw state. This pho Texas celebrating tteir coamry'slndependeaoe dw appearance in Deoeaober IS31 of tographic exhibit by West Texan BiU Day. Many of dw photos indsde an his Viigin Maiy to an Indian called Juan Wri^ provides an inqrartant historicd torical anecdote or capti(m beneath them. Di^o. Odwr photos include dw Free ieoo(dofdieir(dnngiiig culture andserves On this particdar photo, it was included dom March on Martin Lather King Day as his effort to contribute to and honor By Stsphsn Spivsy dial England and many S(»Klinavian and a large idioto' dqncdng Jewish chU this resilient Ameri(»n culture. AAEEditor countries celebrate dw American Inde dren in a Hamikkah service. Tte gdleiy is lined widi bi(ignq;riiicd pendence Day. but Czechoslovakia (toes Several photos dqpicting Asian cel photos of die trite members. Tteir his The Institute of Texan Cultures not Another photo showed Polidi immi ebrations during tte Fall round out this tory and culture are displayed as tte proudly di^lays two new photo exhibits. grants celebrating dwamiiversary of their exhibit. In one photo, a Vietnamese com Indians discuss timeless rituals and aged "Celebrate Holidays! Celebrate c(Mistituti(m. munity celebrates tte New Year. One of teliefs. Tte {rfiotos reved tte sense of Edinicityr will be (mdi^iUy in the Photo During tte Spring, Easter is celebrated tte best photos is of twoChinesechildren cohesi(m and pri(fe diat unite dwm. Gallery throu^ Febiuaiy 14. as far away as Japan. In one photo. Japa wte are dressed up as c towns on Hallow A display case at tte rear of tte gd In such a culturally diverse state as nese-Amoican children hunt fat Easter een, tte lAexxasi teliday Diecisds de leiy contains many of the trite's coemo- Texas, children have often grown up eggs. Pritw to dw Civil War, Easter was Septiembre is also rqiresentedinaphoto nid items. Tte mania, a type of dress observing dw ethnic holidays passed celebrated in neither tte US. or tte Far featuring childrai diuicing with die Bd- worn by Tigua women, is elaborate and down by their parents and grandparents, East. After tte War, tte idea of resunec- letF(riklorico. decoradve.Braceletsandiwcklaoes,made as well as American holidays. In this ti(m be(»nw (|uite popular. All (rf tte photos for diis exhiMt were of sUver and tunpKHse, are on display as exhiMt of 37 images, children ftom 14 One important Jewish htdiday. Pass selected fiom dw Institute's extensive well as an assortment of bows and ar rows, nwdiciiwpqws, and medicine bags. Tte most visuidly qipealing oi these ON-Ciuyipus items was a replica of Juandiido, tte MODEL SEARCH Free Movies!! sacred dnim. It wasoonsliuctedby Manny PROMOTIONS PARIS PETITES Just write for tte A & E section (rflte Silvas and Marty Silvas, War Captain ci in Beverly Hills is coming to Paisano and wateh all tte B-movw dw Tigua trite. These exhibits are definitdy worth San Antonio at the pictures you can stand. Operators are standing by f(v your caUI! Ask seeing tefore they disappear. The • Flexble Hours Airport Hilton for Steve. Institute's vast anay of cultuid and his on Sunday February 6th The Paisano toricd artifacts makes these exhibits, as • AN Wori( On Campus at 12:00.2:00. 690-9301 well as tte rest of them, interesting and worth-white. • Eam Approximately 4:00, or 6:00 p.m. $8-1(yhr. Women 5"0 - 5*7. Men5"0-5"11. GREEKS AND CLUBS EARN ALASKA n f r.lPLOYMENT • NoExperienoe ISO-$290 FOR YOURSELF Fisheries - Many earn $2,000+/mo. in Necessary Eam up to $250 an hour. dm UP la SSOO for vour rinhi This canneries or $3.000-S6,(XM'f/ino. on Ashing fundraisar costs nottiing and lasts vessels. Many employers provide room £ Part time or Full time. board k. Iransporlalion. Over 8,000 openings. Cal1-800-3S9-6676 ona wask. Cal now and racsiva a No experUacc ascssssryl Male or Female. x41S6forinro. No experience necessary. frM gHL 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65. For more information call: (2061 4S-415B ext A8B57 aw PAMANO -FEBRUARY 1.19S4 MUS IMother Earth 'digs' out of the tunnel of obscurity ByStsphon Sphrsy that varies fiom one song to tte next. AAEEditor Tte range of influences on "Dig" qMUis severd decades. Many of gdlaristJagori I Mother Earth may te dw next band Tanna's fluid, subdued leads are highly to dominate radto airwaves. IbiUng fiom reminiscent of Pink Floyd. However, Toronto, Canada, tte band combines a tracks such as "Levitate" serve to rein potpoam of muswd flavon into a styfe force tte influence (tf Seattfe in their that is c(miptetely unique. Here tte music. psychedeliaandpoelryofTteDoorsineet Odwr tracks have SDCoessfidly merged tte power and aggression (rf Nirvana. a variety ci styka. "Badwdtad" opens L TO R: Jagort Tanna, Bnics Gordon, Christian Tanna, Edwin. Thsh- rscoid dshut,'Dig/MghHghts a vast srray of hifhisnoss. However, dial is just one of r jiy mu widi a fever-pitched boss hne that is soon sicd contradictions that characterize tte accompanied by a banage ot Latm per atyk (tf I Modwr Earth. Tte tracks on dwir cusston, including congas. Capitd Records detet, "Dig," ue also V(Kaiist lidwm keeps 19 Witt au llw r 1 sprinkled with elements of fiink and jazz, changes in styte. Ife is aMe to push his Is Stats Class Harder Than with just a touch of (liss(nance. Even tte votoe when necessary, yet te pulls back influence of induslrid music has not es and sings good harmony on "And tte You Thought? caped dwm. Experience." Then Come to: Tte resdt of this mixture is an dbum Tte tempo is kqM unstable with funky that trdy defies all musicd parameters. I bass lines and syncopated, tribd drum Mother Earth has taken tte defining ele ming. Tte ihythm secd(m on "Dig," fea ments d difierent musicd genres and turing bassist Bruce Gordon and drum combined those sounds into a styte that is mer Christian Tanna (brodwr of Jagori). not ody uni(|ue, but destined to te heard. effectively transcends aO changes in "Rain Will FaU," one of dw album's tempo in tte tradition of Tte Red Hot strongest tracks, highlights wailing gd ChiU Fqipers. BOOKSTORE tars and Afikan polyriiythms. "So Gendy I Mother Earth has been capdvadng We Go" features a la^, hallucinogedc audiences since its first show. Tteir stage TheFX-115D ihythm, and "Tte Universe in You" is a stew, which is as unpre(tetabte as tteir 10 Digit Scientific Calculator dynamic, finestyte jam anchored by psy- music, has included poetry readings and 154 Functton "scientlfto catoulator with che(telic rhythms and Middle-Eastern live aitists. This band may soon te on its solar plus (retains memory In comptete guitar lines. way to stantom, so check dwm out if dw CASIO dart^ness). Features include: LCD Each track is refreshingly unpredKt- opportumty knocks. display, true algebrato logto, basto aUe, and no two songs sound dw same. Each of dw 12 tracks on "EHg" are functtons, standaid deviattons, HYP/ Most af dw backs tm "Dig" are distin difiierent firom each other. This prolifera ARC. X< >Y/X< >M. memory, R< >P, guished not by a difiierent chord or key tion of musical styles is sure toeam them WfSWMi ENG, auto power-off, 105 functtons, signature, but rather by a defining styfe ategion(tf'fims. 10 digit mantissa, 2 digit exponent, ab/c, 6/c. FIX, SCI, RND, RAN#, base converston/ catoulattons (binary, octal, hexadecimal), togtoal operattons. "Computing with the Sctentif to Catoulator booktet Included. r Coming in 10% off n February Any Calculator ['M(«Mid^fvdM ") Valid only at L&M - UTSA location. I sTdnCiWiM tha Mn Spirit nialo dMlast FX-ldLS D •llssd$$$hradisalP llafhntwate$1000scholarsli|pa 10 D iglt ScieniJfi c In - stock Items only. Expires February 7,1994 I I sw PAISANO - FEBRUARY I. 1994 ^ VIES Despite action, *Bllnk* seems underdeveloped ndghlwr. not sd^i very wdL Ceairibadag Writer Tte detective aidgwd to this case is hfichad Aptod. wto John Halblron (Aidaa Qumn). wto is a directed tte thriller -VXiak' iakx^aaaakaamaOaWa, good detective, but te's also an obnox 'Hhnndeiheait." fiwuaed but shat on sdbetance aad drama. ious, vulgar womadaer. He first saw on every aqwct in thd Whik bstiiaoed and visoaUy exdt- Emma when te ship teased fiy her in a movie. hii. it's no iBore dian a good dtsoount bw where ste was playing.