A Preliminary Risk Assessment of the Former Police Station, Buckley
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A PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE FORMER POLICE STATION, BUCKLEY ISSUE 1.0 TE1143PRA1.0 11 JANUARY 2019 Prepared for: Prepared by: Stephanie Dodd Tier Consult Tier Environmental Ltd Richmond House, Chadwick House, Chester Business Park, Birchwood Park, Chester, Warrington, CH4 9QZ WA3 6AE DOCUMENT CONTROL Project No. : TE1143PRA1.0 Report Status: FINAL Issue No.: v1.0 Project Engineer: Stephanie Dodd Date of Issue: 11/01/2019 Signature: This report has been prepared by Tier with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, within the best practice and guidance current at the time of issue within the scope of works which have been agree with the client. This report is confidential to the client and Tier accepts no responsibility whatsoever to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof is made presented, unless this is formally agreed in writing by a Director of Tier Environmental Ltd before any reliance is made. Any such party relies upon the report at their own risk. Tier disclaims any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the agreed scope of the work. Issue No. Description of Issue / Revision Date of Issue Reviewed By Author Initial 1.0 Final 11/01/2019 AR SD Tier Environmental: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6AE January 2019 Project No : TE1143PRA1.0 Page No : i of iv Stephanie Engineer: Dodd A PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE FORMER Date: 11/01/2019 POLICE STATION, BUCKLEY CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1 2. SITE DETAILS AND DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 3 3. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ............................................................... 4 3.1. Site History ............................................................................. 4 3.2. Geology ................................................................................. 5 3.3. Coal Mining Risk Assessment ......................................................... 6 3.4. Hydrogeology .......................................................................... 7 3.5. Hydrology............................................................................... 8 3.6. Ecological Features ................................................................... 8 3.7. Landfill and Waste Management Activity .......................................... 8 3.8. Local Potentially Contaminative Activities ........................................ 9 3.9. Radon Risk............................................................................ 10 3.10. Summary ............................................................................. 10 4. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATION FINDINGS .................................................. 12 5. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .............................................................. 13 6. PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL MODEL ................................................... 14 6.1. Justification .......................................................................... 14 6.2. Uncertainties ........................................................................ 15 7. REGULATORY APPROVALS............................................................... 17 8. REFERENCES ............................................................................... 18 Tier Environmental: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6AE January 2019 Project No : TE1143PRA1.0 Page No : ii of iv Stephanie Engineer: Dodd A PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE FORMER Date: 11/01/2019 POLICE STATION, BUCKLEY TABLES Table 2.1. Current Site Overview. .................................................................. 3 Table 3.1. Site History. .............................................................................. 4 Table 3.2. Geological Summary. .................................................................... 5 Table 3.3. Groundwater Occurrence and Abstraction. .......................................... 7 Table 3.4. Surface Water Features. ................................................................ 8 Table 3.5. Ecological Features. ..................................................................... 8 Table 3.6. Waste Management Activities. ......................................................... 8 Table 3.7. Other Potentially Contaminative Processes in the Locality. ...................... 9 Table 3.8. Radon Risk Status. ..................................................................... 10 Table 6.1. Preliminary Assessment of Potential Pollutant Linkages. ........................ 16 Tier Environmental: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6AE January 2019 Project No : TE1143PRA1.0 Page No : iii of iv Stephanie Engineer: Dodd A PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE FORMER Date: 11/01/2019 POLICE STATION, BUCKLEY APPENDICES APPENDIX A – FIGURES AND DRAWINGS .......................................................... 20 APPENDIX B – GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................................... 22 APPENDIX C – DEFINITION OF SOURCE PROTECTION ZONES AND GROUNDWATER VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS ..................................................................... 25 APPENDIX D – DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RISK ASSESSMENTS .................................................................................. 28 APPENDIX E – GROUNDSURE REPORT ............................................................... 1 APPENDIX F – COAL AUTHORITY REPORT ........................................................... 2 Tier Environmental: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6AE January 2019 Project No : TE1143PRA1.0 Page No : iv of iv Stephanie Engineer: Dodd A PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE FORMER Date: 11/01/2019 POLICE STATION, BUCKLEY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Tier Environmental was commissioned by Tier Consult to undertake a Preliminary Risk Assessment of the Former Buckley Police Station. The purpose of the investigation is to understand any impact on human health and waste classification that may affect a proposed development for mixed commercial and residential land uses. Site location The site is located at Mold Road, Buckley, CH7 2JB. Site history The earliest map dates back to 1869 where the Site is depicted as undeveloped. At this time the South Buckley Colliery is located 430m to the northwest as well as two coal shafts located 30m northeast and northwest of Site. The Site is developed into a Police Station in 1898 and redeveloped in 1959 with two additional outbuildings. The Colliery is redeveloped as South Buckley Bricks works in 1898 and again into school playing fields in 1963, with all associated shafts shown as pits. The two coal shafts located 30m to the north are depicted as being developed into residential property in 1974. An electricity substation is depicted 5m north from 1974 to present and multiple vehicle repair garages between 60m and 110m between 1961 and present. The majority of land surrounding Site is composed of residential and agricultural uses. Probable Ground Very limited Made Ground is anticipated at the Site associated with to historic redeveloped at the Site. conditions The Site is underlain but superficial deposits of Till (sandy clay with occasional gravels). Bedrock is shown to consist of the Etruria Formation (mudstone interbedded with sandstones) and the Pennine Middle Coal Measures on the northern boundary (mudstone interbedded with siltstone and sandstone). Ground stability According to the Coal Authority Report, a coal seam is located 139m directly beneath the Site. The coal seam is of 2m thickness and was last worked in 1908. Due to its depth and thickness it is unlikely that any associated void space would have an influence on the surface. The Site is not located within an area of probable shallow mine workings. Identified Potential Potential pollutant linkages have been identified associated with contaminants from potential on-site Pollutant Linkages Made Ground, an adjacent electricity substation (present pre-1986) and potential historical site usages associated with the on-site car park and outbuildings (garage) with receptors including the underlying Secondary A aquifer, site workers and future and adjacent site users. Additional Issues Basic radon protection measures are deemed necessary for this Site. Tier Environmental: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA3 6AE January 2019 Project No : TE1143PRA1.0 Page No : 1 of 19 Stephanie Engineer: Dodd A PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE FORMER Date: 11/01/2019 POLICE STATION, BUCKLEY 1. INTRODUCTION Tier Environmental was commissioned by Tier Consult to undertake a desk study and Phase I Preliminary Risk Assessment of land referred to as the Former Buckley Police Station, located at Mold Road, Buckley, CH7 2JB (the “Site”). Taking into account the planned future use of the Site, the objectives of this appraisal were: To determine the land use history from review of available historical documentation and maps. To establish the environmental setting of the Site. To determine the likely soil and groundwater conditions, including whether significant contamination could have resulted from past or current land use(s). To determine the potential risks posed by any ground contamination and provide recommendations on potential remedial measures to manage such risks. To determine the potential for risks posed to the Site from hazardous ground gases. To evaluate whether past mining or other extractive industries could have an influence on the Site.