2019 Power Situation Report
2019 POWER SITUATION REPORT Peak Demand 15,581 MW Capacity Installed – 25,531 MW Dependable – 22,736 MW Available – 16,606 MW Electricity Sales and Consumption 106,041 GWh Newly Operational Installed Capacity 1,674 MW Gross Generation 106,041 GWh Power Project Capacity Committed – 5,767 MW Transmission Indicative – 42,815 MW Substation Capacity 36,436 MVA Line Length 20,079 ckt-km Distribution EC - 121 PIOU - 24 LGUOU - 5 MPC - 1 1 | DOE - EPIMB 2019 P o w e r D e m a n d a n d S u p p l y H i g h l i g h t s DEMAND Peak Demand 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - MW 11,344 Luzon 10,876 2,224 Visayas 2,053 2019 2018 2,013 Mindanao 1,853 Figure 1. 2018 vs. 2019 Peak Demand per Grid (in MW) The country’s total peak demand1 in 2019 was recorded at 15,581 MW, which is 799 MW or 5.4% higher than the 14,782 MW in 2018. As recorded by the System Operator, the Luzon grid contributed 11,344 MW or 72.8% of the total demand while Visayas and Mindanao contributed a share of 14.3% (2,224 MW) and 12.9% (2,013 MW), respectively. With reference to year 2018, the peak demand of Luzon increased by 468 MW or 4.3% while Visayas and Mindanao grew by 8.3% and 8.6%, respectively. ELECTRICITY SALES AND CONSUMPTION Residential 30,551,604 28,260,764 Commercial 25,475,850 24,016,270 28,193,978 Industrial 27,587,348 Others 2,896,602 2,752,719 Own-Use 8,929,107 2019 2018 8,141,036 Systems Loss 9,994,347 9,006,580 NOTE: *Includes Off-Grid Sales and Consumption (1.4% of the total sales and consumption) Numbers may not sum up to total due to rounding off.
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