Mr. :McPHERSON. Will the Senator yield to me one moment 7 I Mr. KELLEY. It is a resolution distributing the President's mea-· wish to answer one position of the Senator from Delaware. sage and acc9mpanying documents to the several standing and. Mr. GARLAND. Very well; I will withhold the motion for a mo- special committees of the House. ment. . . d I The SPEAKER. The Chair understands that it is the resolution Mr. :McPHERSON. Before we depart from this question to- ay, usually presented at the beginning of each session of Congress. should like in this connection to call the attention of the Senate to Mr. KELLEY. I propose, on the conclusion of the call of States the position taken by the honorable. Senator from De~aware, [Mr. BAY­ to-day, to move to go into Committee of the Whole for the consider­ ARD,] in which he made a companson between,Uruted States bonds ation of this resolution. and British consols. The honorable Senator did 11ot undertake to The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read the title of the resolution. tell the Senate that the 3 per cent., or the annual yield to the creditor The Cle1·k read as follows : or holder of the bond derived from British consols, was subject to tax­ Resolution referring to the several standing aJld select committees of the House ation. It is well known that tb.e British Government are enga~ed in the rumo.al message of the President andaccampanying documents. troubles all over the world. They have serious trouble at therr own Mr. BELFORD. I desire t.o reserve all points of order on that res­ door in Ireland. They have extended possessions which it is neces­ olution. sary'for them to protect and defend. 'l'h.ey occupy a peculiar 7mo~t The SPEAKER. There being no objection, the r88olution will be position upon the map .of the wm;l~ nnd m the worlds history, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the there is no limit to wh1eh the BntlBh Government may tax the rev­ Union. enue derived from its bonds. They may tax the bonds so as not to leave the creditoc one single penny of the revenue, n.nd still those COIDIITTEE 0~ APPROPRIATIO~S. bonds approach par in the markets ~f Lo~don. The bonds of !~e Mr. IDSCOCK. I am directed by the Committee on Appropria­ United States m-e not subject to tax!l'twn, l' ederal, Stn.te, or ~~el­ tions to offer for immediate consideration the resolution which I pal. They n.re subject to no taxation whateve~,.and I sn.y 1~ 1B ex­ send to the desk. ceedingly unfaJJ.: te lll;ldertake to (_!Ompare the BntlBh consol With the The Clerk read as follows : American bond m pomt of value m the money markets of th~ world. Re8olved, Th.'l.t the Committee on .Appropriations and its sub·committees have Another position whic~ the Senat?r from Delawar~ takes 1t. seems leave to sit during the sessions of the House for the present session. to me is rather indefensible. I believe the true policy of this Gov­ There being no objection the resolution was considered and adopted. ernment is to fix a period at which the bond shall be paid, so as to Mr. HISCOCK moved to reeonsider the vote by which the resolu­ prevent this continued agitation in.Congress. 'Ve. have he!e a con­ tion was adopted; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be tinual aO'itation which disturbs busmess. The busmessaffarrs of the laid on the table. country~ all the industries of. the co~t:Y' are dependent up~n.its The latter motion was agreed to. financial condition and all the mdustrial mterests are to-day waiting ORDER OF BUSINESS. to know what achon Congress is going to take with respect to Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. I ask to present a resolution for refundinO' the national debt. Therefore, for one, I prefer thn.t there immediate consideration. should b~ a specific date fixed for the .redemp~on and. pn.yment of the bonds. Of course it would be entrrely optionaJ. With Congress Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan. I rise to a question of order. I submit that under the twenty-fourth rule oftheHousethefirstbllill­ after the expiration of ten years, when Con~ress would have the right under my amendment to x:edeem t?em, although it need n?t do it ness after the reading of the J oa.rnal to-day is the call of States; and liDtil the thirty years exprre. It 1s the lowest rate at which any no other business is now in order. Government has ever successfully floated its debt, and I believe it The SPEAKER. The gentleman from .Michigan [Mr. BURROWS] will be the pleasure of ConO'ress to allow any period of time between is right; and if the regular order is called for-- ten years, the date of redemption, an.d thirty ye~s, the d~te of Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan. I call for the regular order. payment, to continue the bonds as n. basiS or as secunty for natwnal­ Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. I am satisfied that my friend from hnnk circulation. Michigan will not object to the resolution if he hears it. Mr. GARLAND. I now move that the Senate proceed to the con­ The SPEAKER. The regular order being demanded, the call of sideration of executive business. States must proceed. The business which has been transacted thus Mr. VEST. :Mr. President--· . far has been by unanimous consent. The PRESIDENT pro tempo're. Does the Senator from .Arka,usas Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. I amsurethatmyfriend willhave yield to the Senator from Missouri T no objection to this resolution when he hears it. Mr. GARLAND. I do. The Senator from ~fissouri, I understand, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois must appeal to the House for unn.ninlous consent. .sim~y wishes to get the floor upon this question to spea,k upirwillrecognize the Sena.­ The SPEAKER. The regular order being demanded, the Chair, as required by the rules, ·Will now call the States and Territories in ~from Missouri as entitled to the floor when this subject comes up aga..in for discussion. · alphabetical order for the presentation of bills and joint resolutions .Mr. SHERMAN. I had hoped to r.each a vote to-day, but there for printing and reference. Under this call joint and concurrent does not seem to be a disposition on the part of Senators to do so. resolutions and memorials of State and Territorial Legislatures can They .do not seem to have their working-day habits on them yet. I be presented and appropriately referred; and resolutions of inquiry shall.not therefore, oppose the motion of the Senator from Arkansa.s. directed to heads of Executive Departments are in order for reference The PRESIDENT p1'o tempore. The question is on the motion of to the appropriate committees, which latter resolutions are to be the Senatnr from Arkansas to proceed to the consideration of execu­ reported to the House within one week. tive busin~. FEES OF STEAMBOAT INSPECTORiil. The motioa was a.greed to ; and the Sena.te proceeded to the con­ Mr. HERNDON introduced a bill (H. R. 2149) to amend section sideration of e.xecutive business. After eight minutes spent in exec­ 4458 of the Revised Statutes ofthe United States so as to reduce the utive session the doors were reopened, and (at two o'clock and fifty­ fees therein required to be paid by officers of steam vessels for cer­ eight minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned. tificates of license to the sum of fifty cents; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and or­ dered to be printed. ELEVATOR IN MOBILE CUSTOl\1-HOUSE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. HERNDON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2150) to appro­ priate $15,000 to erect an elevator in the custom-house at Mobile, l\IONDA.Y} January 9, 1882. Alabama; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be The House met a,t twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Rev. J. G. printed. BUTLER, D. D. The J ournnl of Thursdn.y last wa.s read and approved. WILL~I F. 1\f.ARTIN. Mr. HERNDON also introdooed a bill (H. R.. No. 2151) to pay REFERE..'TCE OF PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. 'Villiam F. Mn.rtin, of Mobile, Alabama, the value of one hundred Mr. KELLEY. By direction of the Committee on Ways a,nd Means, half boxes of tobacco illegally seized and sold by the collector of I ask 1ma,ninlous consent to present for reference to the Committee of internal revenue at New Orleans; which was read a first and secon(l the 'Vhole House on the state of the Union a resolutien distributing time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed.

tho President's annual message to the seve~al stan~g and special CLAUDE H. MASTE~. committees of the House. If consent be gtve:u. to this reference, I will, at the conclusion of the call of States to-day, or to-morrow Mr. HERNDON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2152) for tho relief & morning imm~ately after the reading of the Journal! m~ve ~t we of Claude H. Masten, surviving pa,rtner of tho firm. of LeVert Mas­ gQ into Comm1ttee of the Whole for the purpose of distnbutmg the ten, of Mobile, Alabama, and the children of Octavia LeVert, de­ message. ceased; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the introduction of the '!so­ mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. lution proposed by the gentleman from PennsylYania on beb 'f of PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HUNTSVILLE, ALABA:!\.IA. the Committee on Ways and MeansY Mr. WHEELER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2153) to provide for the ,Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan. What is itT erection of a public buildjng in the city of Hrutt.sville, State of Ala- 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 275

bamn.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Commit- and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and }leans, and tee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. ordered to :be printed. · JAMES A. PATTERSOX. TEA)l-PLOW ::\IACIIr.~RY FREE OF DUTY. Mr. WHEELER alsointroducedabill(H.R. No. 2154)fortherelief Mr. P .A.GE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2168) to admit free of of James A. Patterson; which was read a first and second time, duty steam-plow machinery adapted to the cultivation of the soil; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, a.nd ordered to be which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee printed. on Ways and l\Ieans, and ordered to be printed. DR. J. B. READ. AGRICULTURAL A...~D MECHA...""'ICAL COLLEGES. 1\fr. HEWITT, of Alabama, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2155) to Mr. P.A..GE al o introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2169) to amend an act authorize and require the Secretary of the Treasury to pay, out of approved July 2, 1862, entitled "An act donating lands to the several any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $75,000 t-o Dr. States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of J. B. Read, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to be accepted by him in full pay­ agriculture and the mechanic arts;" which was read a first and sec­ ment for his claim for the discovery and invention of the hard-metal ond time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered expansive-shell system which prepared the way for the use of cheap t-o be printed. cast-iron rifle-guns; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on .Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. RE..."T FOR uNITED STATES LAJ>.""D OFFICES. l\Ir. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2170) to authorize th& OWNERS OF THE STEAJ.'\IER JACKSON. Secretary of the Interior to make allowance for rent of Uuited. :Mr. OATES introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2156) for thereticfofcer­ States land offices; which was read a first and second time, referred tain owners of the steamer Jackson; which wad read a first and to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. HO:\IESTEAD SETTLERS. J. :u. HOBBS. :Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2171) for the relief of" Mr. GUNTER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2157) for the relief of homestead settlers on the public lands; which was read a first and J. 1\f. Hobbs; which was read a first and second time, referred, with second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and. the accompanying papers, to the Committee on Claims, and ordered ordered to be printed. to be printed. PDBLIC BUILDL'\GS AT ACRA:\IE~O, CALIFORNIA. L. A. l\IORRIS. Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2172) appropriating­ lli. CRAVENS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2158) for the relief of L. money for the purchase of a. site and erection of a. building for a A. Morris; which was read a first and second time, referred to the post-office and other Government offices in the city of Sacramento, Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be :printed. State of California; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to A.liE:XDMENT OF CONSTITUTION. be printed. Mr. CRAVENS also introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 67) LEGAL HOLIDAY. ubmitting proposed amendment to the Constitution, to be designated Mr. PAGE also introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 68) to· article 16 ; which was read a first and seeond time, referred to the make the anniversary of the discovery of America a legal holiday in Select Committee on Law respecting Election of President and Vice­ the District of Columbia; which was read a first and second time,. President, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Education and Labor, and ordered t() WILSO~ G. GRAY. be printed. Mr. CRAVENS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2159) for the relief E~""TRIES OF PCBLIC LANDS. of ·wilson G. Gray; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. PAGE nlso introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2173) for the relief or to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. certain settlers on the public lands, and to provide for the repayment. of certain fees, purchase-money, and commissions paid on void en­ WILLIAM M. liiDDLETO:N. tries of public lands; which was read a first and. second time, referred Mr. CRAVENS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2160) for there­ to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. lief of William :M. Middleton; which was read a. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to PUBLIC L~""DS ~ CALIFORNIA. be printed. 1\lr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2174) to authorize the. SURETIES OF JOIL~ 0. RAWLL"'S. State of California t-o select other lands in place of the sixteenth and Mr. PAGE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2161) for the relief of the thirty-sixth sections returned as mineral; which was read a first and sureties of the late John 0. Rawlins; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered ordered to be printed. to be printed. DUTY 0~ CERTAIN JUTE MACHINERY. DUTY O.Y PYRETHRUM FLOWERS, ETC. Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2175) instructing the Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2162) imposing a duty Secretary of the Trea-sury to admit free of duty certain jute machin­ of twenty-five cents per pound on pyrethrum flowers a.nd insect-pow­ ery for the use of the California State prison at San Quentin; which der manufactured therefrom imported into the United States; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways was rea-d a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordere(l to be printed. and Means, and ordered to be printed. :llALTh'DA THURSTON AND NA....""iCY LITTLETON. FEES Oil, REGISTERS AND RECEIVERS. Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2176) for the relief of llr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2163) in relation to Malinda Thurston and Nancy Littleton; which was rea-d a first and certain fees allowed registers andreceivers; which was read a first second time, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered and secon.d time, referred to the Committee on the Public !Jands, and ..to be printed. ordered to be printed. · CHRISTQPHER GREEN ~'D HUGH C. TR~OR.

SETTLERS u~ER THE DESERT-LA..~ ACT. Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2177) for the relief t>f Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2164) for the relief of Christopher Green and Hugh C. Trainor; which was read a first and settlers under the desert-land act; which was re..'td a first and second second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to printed. be pdnted. DR. C. E. PRICE. (H. R. MISSION INDIAN RESERVATION, CALIFO~"'A. Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill No. 2178) to authorize Dr. C. E. Price, of the United States Army, to receive the pay allowed :Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2165) to provide a res­ by law for discharging the duties of physician to the Hoopa Valley ervation forthe Mission Indians of Southern California; which was Indian reservation; which was rea-d a first and second time, referred read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Indian to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Affairs, and ordered to be printed. WILLIAM D. HALEY. Al!ENDMENT OF REVISED STATUTES. ~lr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2179) for the relief of :Mr. PAGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2166) to amend section William D. Haley; which was read a first and second time, referred 2851 of the Revised Statutes of the United States; also to a.mend sec­ to the. Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. tion 5 of an act entitled "An a-ct to amend the statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes," CHARLOTTE WEBSTER. approved June 10, 1880; which was read a first and second time, re­ Mr. PAGE also· i.JJ.troduced a bill (H. B. No. 2181) increasing the ferred to the Cemmittee on Ways and :Means, and ordered to be pension of Mrs. Charlotte Webster; which was read a first an~ printed. second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and A.>U:ENDliE~~ Oli' CUSTO).(S DUTIES. ordered- to be printed. Mr. P .AGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2167) to ame.nd exist­ FILL~ SO'GLE A~""D OTHERS. ing customs duties, and for other purposes; which was read a first Mr. ROSECRANS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2181) for the relief 276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE~ JANUARY 9,

~f Frank Soule and others; which wa{J read a first and second time, tion 4895 of the Revised Statutes of the United States; which was l'eferred to the· Committee on the Judiciary, and ordereS ~ LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFOR~~A. the war of 1812; which was read a first ancl second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 1\fr. PACHECO also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2184) to authorize the c.Taimants to certain lands in Los Angeles County, California, to SECTION 5175 REVISED STATUTES • .submit their claims to the United States district court for that State Mr. PHELPS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2199) to repeal a for adjudication; which was read a first and second time, referred to part of section 5175 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. and to provide for the circulation by national banking institutions E'RANCISCO SA.l.~CHEZ DE ESCAUDOX. of notes of a less denomination than 5; which was read a first and Mr. PACHECO also introduced a bill (H. R..No. 2185) for there- second time, referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency, 1lief of Francisco Sanchez de Escandon; which was read a first and and ordered to be printed. :second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be ATTORNEYS BEFORE DEPART.ME..'I'TS. printed. 1\fr. PHELPS (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2200) to CALvU GU~"'X. provide for the protection of attorneys doing business before the Pat­ :Mr. BERRY introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2186) granting a pension ent Office and the other bureaus and Departments of the Govern­ to Calvin Gunn; which was read a first and second time, referred to ment; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ [,he Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. mittee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. 1 WILLIAl\I l\1 ELROY. BOEHM BROTHERS. Mr. BERRY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 21 7) for the relief Mr. PHELPS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2'201) to refund a. of William McElroy i which was read a first and second time, re­ duplicate tax to Boekm Brothers, of Kew Yprk; which was read a ferred to the Comnuttee on Military Affair , and ordered to be first aml second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, printed. and ordered to be printed. CAPTAL~ S. D. GOODRICH. DOXATIOX OF CONDEM...'ffiD CANNON, ETC. Mr. BERRY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2L8) granting a pen­ Mr. PHELPS also iu~oduced a bill (H. R. No. 2'202) donating con­ sion to Captain S. D. Goodrich; which was read a fir t :md second demned cannon and cannon-balls to the Soldiers' Monument Associa­ time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be tion of Birmingham, Connecticut; which was read a first and sec­ printed. ond time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered SILVER BULLION PURCHASED BY TREASURY DEPARTMENT. to be printed. Mr. BELFORD submitted a resolution directing the Secretary of RECKNAGEL & CO. t.he Treasury to inform this House of the number of ounces of silver ~Ir . WAIT intn~duced a bill (H. R. No. 2'203) for the relief of Reck­ bullion purchased by the Treaaury Department each month, begin­ nagel & Co. ; which was read a first and second time, refecred to tho inS with March, 1878, down to and including December, 1881, the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. pnce paid for the same each month, and the number of standard sil­ ver dollars coined each month during the period specified herein; WEAVEH & STERRY. which was referred to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, nnd l\Ir. WAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2204) for the relief of Measures. Weaver & Sterry; which was read a first and second time, referred IGNACIO CHAVES, ET AL. to the Committee on 'Vays and Means, and ordered to be print-ed. Mr. BELFORD also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2189) for there­ 1\IARY J. GOSLEE. lief of Ignacio Chaves and others, their heirs and assignees; which l\Ir. 1\IARTIN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2205) granting a pension was read a first and second time; referred to the Committee on Pri­ to 1\Iary J. Go lee; which was read a first and second time, referred •tate Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. MINERAL LAl\'DS. RETIRED OFFICERS OF TRE NAVY. Mr. BELFORD also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2190) to amend l\1r. MARTIN also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2206) to correct an ~ section 2326 of the Revised Statutes, in regard to mineral lands; error in section 1588 of the Revised Statutes in reference to the pay which was read a first and second time, referred to the Commit­ of retired officers of the Navy; which was read a first and second Me on Mines and Mining, and ordered to be printed. time, referred t{) the Committee on the Revision of the Laws, and BUREAU OF MINES Al>."'D l\ITh"'NG ETC. erdered to be printed. 1 l\Ir. 1\IARTIN also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2207) to prevent Mr. BELFORD also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2191) to estab­ :lish a bureau of mines and mining, a bureau of manufactures, and a officers of the Navy from being kept on the retired list after the dis­ ;oureau of labor statistics, in the Interior Department, and to change ability for which they were placed there h..'l.s ceased; which wa.s read the designation of the existing bureau of statistics to the bureau of a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, .commerce; which was read a first and second time, referred to the and ordered to be printed. Committee on 1\finea and Mining, and ordered to be printed. FLORIDA Th'DIAN HOSTILITIES. PORT OF DF..LIVERY AT DENVER, COLORADO. Mr. DAVIDSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2208) granting bounty land to all persons who rendered military service in the suppression lli. BELFORD also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2192) to establish of Indian hostilities in the State of Florida between the year 1854 :a port of delivery at Denver, in the State of Colorado; which wa-s and the year 1M60; which was read a first and second time, referred ~read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, .:and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. DAIHEL CO:NNOLLY. LIFE-SAVING STATIO::N. Mr. MILES introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2193) granting a pension Mr. DAVIDSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2209) to establish to Daniel Connolly; which was read a first and second time, referred a life-saving and life-boat station at or near Cape San Blas, Calhoun to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. County, Florida; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. AUSTIN L. FRL."m:. T. JENKINS. Mr. MILES also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2194) granting a pen­ :sion to Austin L. Frink; which wa{J read a first and second time, Mr. DAVIDSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2210) for the relief :referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be of Cyprian T. Jenkins; which was read a first and second time, referred printed. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. DONATION OF CONDEl\flli..ED CAl'I~OX. PCBLIC BCILDIXG AT JACKSOI'I"VVLLE1 FLORIDA. Mr. PHELPS introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2195) donating condemned Mr. FINLEY in~oduced a bill (H. R. No. 2211) to provide for the ibronze cannon to the Soldiers' Monument Association of Birming­ erection of a public building in Jacksonville, in the State of Florida; iham, Connecticut; which was read a first and second time, referred which was read a first and second time~ referred to the Committee on to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. SECTION 4895 REVISED STATUTES. REDUCTION OF LETTER POSTAGE. Ml'. PHELPS also inboducecl a bill (H. R. No. 2196) to amend sec- :Mr. FINLEY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2212) to amend sec- 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 277 tion 3903 of the Revised Statutes so as to reduce letter-postage from PETER GALLAGHER. three to two cents; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. TOWNSHE~D, of illinois, (by request,) also introduced a bill to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, aml ordered to (H. R. No. 2223) for the relief of Peter Gallagher; which was read be printed. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and OGLETHORPE BARRACKS. ordered to be printed. Mr. BLACK introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2213) to authorize and JA.~S CALER. direct the sale of Oglethorpe Barmcks in the city of Savannah, State :Mr. TOWNSHE~D of Illinois, (by request,) also introduced :b bill of Georgia; which was read a first and second time, referred to the (H. R. No. 2224) for the relief of James Caler; which was read a first Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered printed. to be printed. THOliAS l\I. JO~S. SALMON n. COLBY. Mr. BUCHANAN introduced a b:i,ll (H. R. No. 2'.214) for the relief of Mr. TOWNSHE~'D, of Illinois, (by request,) also introduced a. bill Thomas M. Jones; which was read a first and second time, referred (H. R. No. 2'225) for the relief of Salmon B. Colby; which was read to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. , a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, CHATTAHOOCHIE RIVER. and ordered to be printed. lli. BUCHANAN also introduced a bill to appropriate $100,000 to PEXSIOXS. be expended in the removal of obstructions to navigation in the Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. Chattahoochie River, Geor~ia. 2226) to increase the rateofpensionofthose who have lost one limb The SPEAKER. That bill will go to the Committee on Commerce and are permanently and totally disabled from manual labor in the throucrh the petition-box. other to $50 per month; which was read a first and second time, Mr.BUCHANAN. I thought the Chair decided the other day that refened to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be the only way in which a bill could be brought before the House and printed. be printed was to present it in open House and have it referred to the WILLIA....'\1 :ll. WILSON. appropriate committee. Mr. CANNON (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2".227) for the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Georgia [:Mr. BUCHANA....~] is relief of ·william M. 'V ilson; which was read a first and second time, exactly 1ight; yet the House has a standing rule which requires that referred to the Committee on Invalitl Pensions, and ordered to be all billa relatin~ to the establishment of post-roads and to the im­ printed. provement of nvers and harbors shall go to their appropriate com­ E. J. CHILDERS. mittees through the petition-box. That is the requirement of clause 5, Rule XXI. In fact, such bills never get before the House in the :Mr. CANNON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. m8) for form of bills printed and numbered as do other bills; yet it is the the relief of E. J. Childers; which was read a first and second time~ fault of the rule relating to those two subjects. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. BUCHANAN. I want to refer the bill to the Committee on printed. Commerce. WILLIA....'\1 PURDUM. The SPEAKER. It will go there, as a matter of course, under the Mr. CANNON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"229) rule. for the relief of William Purdum; which was read a first and second ~IESSAGE FRO:U: THE SE~.A.TE. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to Ames age from the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of its clerks, in­ be printed. formed the House that the Senate had agreed to the resolution of the EDWA.RD ST.EVE:XS. House of Representatives concerning the memorial services of the :Mr. SHERWL.~ introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2230) for the relief of late President James A. Garfield. Edward Stevens; which was read a first and econd time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. F. WILBON. Mr. LEWIS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2215) for the relief of Joseph PA.Y OF EliPLOYES L~ GOVER..~~ PRL"'ITL.~G OFFICE. F. Wilson; which was read a first and second time, referred to the )1r. HAWK introduced a jointresolution (H. R. No. 69) authorizing Cemmittee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. the Public Printer to pay the employes of the Government Printing Office the pay deducted from them during the obsequies of the late ISHLER. President Garfield.; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. MOULTON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2216) for the relief of to the Committee on Public Printing, and ordered to be printed. Isaac Ishler; which was .read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. PURE V A.C~ VIRUS. l!Ir. SMITH, of Illinois, introducecl a bill (H. R. No. 2231) for the HE~RY BRO~. distribution of pure vaccine virus to the people; which was read a. Mr. MOULTON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 221i) grantino­ first and second time, referred to the Committee on Public Health, arrears of pension to Henry Brown; which was read a first ancl second and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to B. N. EWIXG. be printed. ELIZA J. CAMPBELL. Mr. SMITH, of Illinois, also introduced· a bill (H. R. No. 2232) for the relief of B. N. Ewing; which was read a first and second time,. Mr. MOULTON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2'.218) for there­ referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. lief of Eliza J. Campbell; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be HERMA....~ W. HIPPE...~. printed. Mr. SMITH, of Illinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2233) for SUITS COXCER..~G CORPOR.A.TIOXS. the relief of Herman W. Hippen; which was read a first and second Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois, introclnced a bill (H. R. No. 2'219) time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. to amend section 639, chapter 7, title 13 of the Revised Statutes, re­ JO~ BR..L'\ILEY. lating to suits concerning corporations; which was Tead a first and Mr. S~H, of Illinoi~ (by request,) also introduced a bill (H. R. second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered No. 2234) for the relief ot John Bramley· which was read a first ancl to be printed. second time, referred to the Committee on ifilitary .Affairs, and ordered DUTIES ON SALT, PRIXTING-P.A.PER ETC. 7 to be printed. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. J.A:IIES BUCHA....~~. 2220) to revise and amen.d sections 2503, 2504, and 2505 of title 33 of Mr. SMITH of illinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2235) for the Revised Statutes of the Unite<.l States by repealing the duty on the relief of James Buchanan; which was read a. first and second salt, printing-paper, type, &c.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and. ordered to time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be l)rint(}cl. be printed. CALVrn L. JD;'ICK. WYETT PARISH. )fr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. Mr. SMITH, of Illinois, also inti·oduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"236) 2221) granting a pension to Wyett Parish; which was read a :first and granting a pension to Calvin L. Knick; which was reacl a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions~ and ordered to second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and be printeu. ordered to be printed. DUTIES ON SUGARS. WlLLI.UI D. WEBll. lli. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois, (by request,) also introduced a bill Mr. SMITH, of Illinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2237) for (H. R. No. 2222) to amend section 2983 of the Revised Statutes of the relief of 'Villiam D. Webb; which was reafl a first and second the United States so that the duties paid upon sugaTs shall be as­ time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to· sessed upon the quantity uelivcred from instead of the quantity en­ be printed. · t ered into bonded warehouses; which was read a first and second WlLLJA.:\I T. KIRK. time, referred to the Com.ntittee on \Vays and Means, and ordere to )fr. S)!ITH, of lllinois, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2238) for be printed. the relief of William T. K.irk; which was read a. fir t aml second 278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9, time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pension , and ordered to SUSAN Y. ATWATER. . be printed. Mr. HE:NDERSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No.-2254) granting MESSAGE FllO?d THE PRESIDE~"T. a pension to Susan Y. Atwater; which was read a first and second .A ~essao-e in writing was received from the President, by Mr. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to PRUDEN, o~e of his secretaries. be printed. COURT OF APPEALS. H. H. BUCK. l\Ir. CALKINS (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2255) for Mr. P.A.YSO:N introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2239~ to establish a court the relief of R. H. Buck; which wa.s read a first and second time, of appeals; which wa~ ~ead a first and second ~e, referred to the referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be prmted. printed. SUFFRAGE IN THE TERRITORIES. HUMBLE. Mr. PAYSON also introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2240) to amen_d sec- Mr. :MATSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2256) granting a pension tion 1860 of the Revised Statutes, to ~e.r.regulate ~uffra~~ m ~e to Jacob Humble; which was read a first and second time, referred Territories, .and making polygamy a dlBability ~d disqualltlcatiOn to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. for office, &c.; which was read a first and second tJ;ne, referred to the ! T ,. Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be pnnted. BENJAMIN F. DOBSON. Mr. MATSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"257) granting ar­ Al\~J>l\IENT OF REVISED STATUTE . rears of pension to Benjamin F. Dobson; which was read a first and 1tlr. PAYSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2241) to amend sec­ second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and tion 985 of the Revised Statutes; which was read a first and second ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be RICHARD M. BAKER. printed. 1\IAJOR LOUIS J. SACRISTE. Mr.:rtl.A.TSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2258) grantin~ a pen­ sion to Richard M. Baker; which was read a first and second time, re­ Itlr. PAYSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2242) for an in­ ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. crease of pension to Major Louis J. Sac~te; which wa.s read a.first and second time referred to the Comnnttee on Invalid Pensions, FRANK 1\f. VOSS. and ordered to b~ printed. 1\Ir. l\I.A.TSON al o introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2259) grantmg a M. CHARLOTTE T. CLARK. pension to Frank Voss; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be ftlr. PAYSON also introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2"243)granting a pen­ printed. sion to Charlotte T. Clark; which was read a first and second time, THOMAS J. COFER. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. MATSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"260) granting a printed. pension to Thomas J. Cofer; which was read a first and second time, ALLEN HARPEU. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. PAYSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 22~) for the relief printed. of .A.llen Harper; which wa_s read a first and second ~e, referred to GIDEO:N WALKER. the Committee on War ClalUlS, and ordered to be prmted. l\Ir. MATSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2261) for the relief LUCRETIA :M. LARKIN. of the representatives of Gideon Walker, decea~ed; which was read l\Ir. PAYSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"245) granting a a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, pension to Lucretia M. Larkin; "'\_Vhich '"Yas rea~ a first and second and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid PensiOns, and ordered to RELIEF OF CERTAIN PRISONERS OF WAR. be printed. GILES GRil\IES. Mr. MATSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No: 2262) granting pen­ sions to prisoners of war; which was read a first and second time, Mr. PAYSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2246) granth~g a referred to the Select Commitj;ee on the PaymentofPensions, Bounty, pension to Giles Grimes; which was read a first and second trme, and Back Pay, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be -printed. PAY OF E:\IPLOYES BUREAU OF ENGRAVING .ll.~ PRINTING. BRIDGE ACROSS MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT KEITHSBURGH, ILLINOIS. Mr. MATSON also introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 70) to compensate the employes of the Bureau.of Engraving and Printing :Mr. MARSH introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2247) to authorize the con­ for lost time; which was read a first and second time, referred to the .struction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Keiths­ Committee on .Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. bur(J"h in the State of Illinois, and to establish it as a post-road; which was0r~ad a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Com­ ISAAC H. 1\IO:NTGOMERY. merce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. ORTH introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2263) granting a pension to Isaac H. Montgomery, of Tipton County, Indiana; which was read ILLINOIS .ll.J> 1\ITSSISSIPPI CA....~AL. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Mr. HENDERSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"248) to provide for sions, and ordered to be printed. the-constructi


..Joseph ; which was read a first and second time, referred to Indianapoli ," approved March 3, 1881; which was read a fi..rst and -the Committee on War Claims, and ordered t.o be printed. second time.

HIRAli A. BE...~FIELD. The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks that bill should be referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. COBB introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2271)forthe relief of Hiram Mr. PEELLE. The bill simply has reference to a change in the A. Benefield; which was read a first and second time, referred to the salary of an officer, and I have designated the Committee on Expend­ 'Committee on Military Affairs, an'd ordered to be printed. itures in the Treasury Department. JOHN BURKE. The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks it belongs to the Committee on Mr. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2272) for the relief of Commerce. John Burke; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Mr. KASSON. As it relates to expenditures in the collection of Committee on War_Claims, and ordered to be printed. revenue should it not go to the Committee on Ways and Means f SASSER SULLIVAN. Mr. PEELLE. The only change proposed by the bill is an increase of salary of the collector of the port of Indianapolis. Mr. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2'273) for the relief of The SPEAKER. The bill relates also to the application of another Sasser Sullivan; which was read a first and second time, referred to statute to the port of Indianapolis. In the opinion of the Clul.ir i\ the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. does not belong to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury WILLIAM L. DAY. Department. As the Chair is at present advised it thinks that it 1\Ir. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2274) granting a pen­ belongs clearly to the Committee on Commerce. ..sion to William L. Day; which was read a first and second time, The bill was accordingly referred to the Committee on Commerce, ~·eferred t.o the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be and ordered to be printed. printed. .A. _W. LEWIS. CUTLER S. DOBBINS. Mr. PEELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2289) for the relief Mr. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2275) granting a pen- of A. W. Lewis; which was read a first and second time~ referred to .sion to Cutler S. Dobbins; which was read a first and second time, the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be ROBERT PELKEY. printed. 1\Ir. STEELE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"290) for the relief of • WILLIAM c. FL~. Robert Pelkey; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2276) for the relief of the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. William C. Fine; which was read a first and second time, referred WILLIAM T. SEWARD. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordere~ to be printed. Mr. STEELE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2291) for the relief FELIX w. RUSHER. of William T. Seward; which was read a first and second time, 1\Ir. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"277) for the relief of referred to the Committee on 'Var Claims, and ordered to be printed. :Felix W. Rusher; which was read a first and second time, referred to i:he Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ELI M. R.AGER. Mr. STEELE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2292) for the relief JOH:N H. JACKSO:N. of Eli M. Ra~er; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2278) for the relief of to the CoDlilllttee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. .John H. Jackson; which was read a first and sesond time, referred ;to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered t.o be printed. LOSSES BY MORGAN RAID. 1\Ir. STOCKSLAGER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2293) to p~e MARY J. BOOKER. for the payment of claimants for property taken used, or destroyed in 1\Ir. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2279) fo1· the relief of the Morgan raid in the State of Indiana; which1 was read a first and l\Iary J. Booker; which was read a first and second time, referred to second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered ;the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. to be printed. THOMAS FERGUSON. Ui'DIANA WAR CLAD!. l\Ir. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"280) for the relief of Mr. STOCKSLAGER also presented a joint resolution (H. R. No-. "Thomas Ferguson; which was read a first and second time, referred 71) for establishment of claims from the State of Indiana embraced .to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. in the pr"ovisions of section 2, act of July 4, 1864, entitled "An act to restrict the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims and to provide ALFRED 1!'. PHILLIPS. for the payment of certain demands for quartermaster's stores and 1\Ir. COBB also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2'281) for the relief of subsistence supplies fumished to the Army of the United States;" ..Alfred F. Phillips; which was read a first and second time, referred which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. War Claims, and ordered to be printed.

FRANKLI:N P. nURGESS ET AL. JOHN GLE~. Mr. PIERCE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2282) granting a pension Mr. STOCKSLAGER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2294) grant­ "to Franklin P. Burgess, William Burgess, and Lydia A. Burgess; ing a pension to John Glenn; which was read a first and second time, which was read. a first andsecond time, referred to the Committee on referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. ELECTION OF PRESIDE...~T .Al\"'D VICE-PRESIDE~"'T. HAMILTON ELLI0T'l. Mr. l\IcCOID introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 72) propos­ 1\Ir. PIERCE also introdnced a bill (H. R. No. 2283) to rerate the ing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States in rela­ pension of Hamilton Elliott; which was read a first and second time, tion to the election of President and Vice-President and their suc­ ;referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be cessors for the unexpired term in case of their death, removal, or 'Printed. other constitutional disability; which was read a first and second time, JOH:N W. STOKETI. referred to the Select Committee on Law respecting Election of Presi­ Mr. PIERCE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2284) to increase the dent and Vice-President, and ordered to be printed. pension of John W. Stoker; which was read a first and second time, .referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered t.o be DES MOL"iES RAPIDS IMPROVE:ME:NT • :printed. Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"295) for the relief J.A.lldES H. 1t11NUTT. of certain employes on the work for the improvement of the Des 1\Ir. PIERCE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2285) to increase the Moines Rapids of the Mississippi River; which was read a first and pension of James H. MeN utt; which was read a first and second time, second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be .referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. HE:NRY SIMMONS. WASHINGTO:N .A.l.~D GEORGETOWN STEAM RAILWAY. Mr. 1\IcCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2"296) for the relief l\Ir. PIERCE (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No.· 2286) of Henry Simmons; which was read a first and second time, referred providing for the construction of the Washington and Georgetown to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. .Steam Railway; which was read a first and second time, referred to .A.MEl\'DMENT OF THE RULES. -the Committee on the District of Columbia, and ordered t.o be printed. 1\Ir. l\IcCOID also submitted a resolution proposing a new rule; ROBERT G. SMITHER. which was referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. PEELLE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2287) for the relief of KEOKUK COLLEGE OF PHYSICIA..."'\8 .AND SfJRGEOXS. Captain Robert G. Smith({r; which was read a first and second time, Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2297) for the relief ·referred to the Committee on Militru.·y Affairs, and erdered to be of the Colle~e of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa, and to printed. compensate 1t for loss of college and hospital buildings by fire while lNDIANAPOLlS1 I~"'DIANA. u.sed by the United States during the rebellion; which was read a ~h'. PEELLE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2288) to amend an first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and :act entitled "An act to establish a port of delivery at the city of ordered to be printed. 280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

J. B. HAWORTH. fiscal year ending June 30, 188'2; which was read a first and second Mr. }!eCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2298) for the relief time, referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to of .J.D. Haworth; which was read a first an.d second time, referred be printed. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be ,Printed. B~GE OVER THE MISSOURI RIVER. SOLDIERS' REUNIONS L~ IOWA. Mr. THOMPSON, af Iowa, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2313) authorizing the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Company to construct Mr. McCOID also introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 73) pro­ and maintain a railroad bridge over the Missouri River; which was viding for cannon, tents, and other camp equipments for soldiers' rea-d a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce~ reunions in Iowa; which was read a first and second time, referred and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. LA...'IID GRA...t.~T TO IOWA. BURLI:NGTON, IOWA. Mr. HEPBURN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2314) confirming the lli. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2299) relinquishing title of the State of Iowa to certain lands granted to said State by the title which still remains in the United States to all lots or por­ an act of Congress approved. May 12, 1864, and to authorize t.he dis­ tions of ground which lie within the limits of the present city of posal of the same; which was read a first and second time, referred Burlington, Iowa, to the said city of Burlington; which was read a to the Cgmmittee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. first and second time; referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. and ordered to be pnnted. . TARIFF AND INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS. SUPPRESSIOY OF POLYG~IY. Mr. KASSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2315) to provide for the Mr. McCOID also submitted the following resolution; which was appointment of a commission to investigate the question of the tariff referred to the Committee on Rules: and internal revenlile laws ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be L Re8olved by the H01L8e, Th:tt a. select committee of eleven be appointed, to be calledthe "Committee on Suppressionofthe CrimeofPolygamy," whosedutyitshall printed. be to devise means for the effectual enforcement of the laws against polygamy and CAPTAIN ~I. L. COURTNEY. for the better government of the Territo17 of Utah. Mr. KASSON also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2316) for the relief -tD! s!!tt!:?;~:!~r: ~:}!~J. \~ ~~d!o~~~legate from the said Territory of Captain M. L. Clilurtney, Twenty-fifth United States Infantry; 3. That no Delegate from said Territory- shall be admitted until Congress sh.'lll which was rea.d a first and second time, referred to the Committee declare such Territ~ry entitled thereto in the future. on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. HENRY SIMONS. M.ARY BULLARD. Mr. ~!eCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2300) for the relief of ~Ir. KASSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2317) for the reliei Henry Simons ; which was read a first and second time, referred to of Mary Bullard; which was read a first and second time, referred the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. PETER ENGELDINGER. REDE~fPTIO~ OF Th"TERNAL-REVENUE STAMPS. Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2301) for the relief of Mr. DEERING introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2318) repealing the Peter Engeldinger; which was read a first and second time, referred limitation of redemption of internal-revenue stamps by the Govern­ to the Committee on ·war Claims, and ordered to be printed. ment; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ RlCHARD MIDDLETON. mittee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2302) for the relief of CHABLES 0. OAKS. Richard Middleton; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. DEERING also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2319) granting a to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. pension to Charles 0. Oaks; which was read a first and second time, ELIZABETH J. SBIPSOY. referred to the Committee 011. Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2303) for the relief of printed. Elizabeth J. Simpson; which was read a first and second time, re­ TIE~RY S. :\IORGA...l~. ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered ta be printed. l\!r. DEERING also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2320) grant ing a ADA.:\! HL~. pension to Henry S. Morgan; which was read a first and second Mr, McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2304) for the relief of time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to. Hine; which was read a first and second time, referred to the be printed. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. JA.,IES A. GUTHRIE. S. T. 1\IARSHALL. Mr. DEERING also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2321) grantinrr arrears of pension to James A. Guthrie; which was read a first and Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2305) for the relief of second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and S. T. Marshall; which was read a first and second time, referred to ordered to be printed. the Committee on Claims, and o1·dered to be printed. S. B. CHASE. JOID{ o. V~"'DIGHAM. :Mr. DEERING also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 232-2) for the reliei Mr. :McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2306)fortherellef of of S. B. Chase; which was read a first and second time, referred to John 0. Vallandigham; which was read a first and second time, re- the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ELIAS D. BRID.'ER. J. G. GILLHA11I. Mr. CARPENTER introduced a bill (ll. R. No. 2323) for the reliei Mr. McCOID also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2307) for the relief of of Elias D. Bruner; which was read a fu·st and seconcl time, referred .J. G. Gillham; which was read a first and second time, referred to the to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. DRUSILLA H. sw.A.J.""GER. CHARLES P. SYKES A.J."'D JOHN CURREY. !-fr. CARPENTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2324) for th& Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Iowa, (by request,) introduced a bill (H. R. relief of Drusilla H. Swan~er; which was read a first and second No. 2308) to confirm the title to certain lands in the Territory of time, referred to the Comnuttee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Arizona to Charles P. Sykes and John Currey; which wasreadafirst JUDGMENT LIE...""S' UN"ITED STATES COURTS. and second time, referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, Mr. CARPENTER also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2325) in rela- and ordered to be printed. tion to liens of judgments of United States courts; which was read REED. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, :Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Iowa, (by request,) also intreduced a bill (H. and ordered to be printed. R. No. 2309) for the relief of Silas Reed; which was read a first and MO'RGAN EVERTS. second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and Ol"dered to be printed. Mr. CARPENTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2326) for the: EV A...~S, NICHOLS & CO. relief of Morgan Ever-ttl; which _was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Military .Aft"airs, and ordered to be­ Mr. l!,ARWELL, of Iowa, introduced a bill (H. No. 2310) for the R. printed. relief of Evans, Nichols & Co.; which was read a first and second GEORGE W. WICKWIRE. time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. CARPENTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2327).granting THOMAS S. BROOKS & CO. a pension to George W. Wickwire; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to Mr. FARWELL, of Iowa, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2311) be printed. for the relief of Thomas S. Brooks & Co., on account of cattle stolen JOSEPH R. BENJAMIN. by Indians ; w Mch was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be prin.ted. Mr. CARPENTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2328) grantina-; a pension to Joseph R. Benjamin; which was read a first and secona DEFIC~CY L~ D\"DIA...~ SERVICE. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to. Mr. THOMPSON, of Iowa, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2312) te be printed. appropriate money to meet deficiency in the Indian service for the Mr. CARPENTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2329) for th~ 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 281 relief of JosephR. Benjamin; which was read a first and second time, States; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com- referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. mittee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. W. W. NORRIS. W. H. WILLCOX. :Mr. CARPENTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2330) for the ~Ir. RYAN also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2346) for the relief or relief of W. W. Norris; which was read a first and second time, re- W. H. Willcox; which was read a first and second time, referred to ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Invalid Pension , and ordered to be printed.

GOVER..~ OR OF MILITARY PRISO~ AT FORT LEAVE..'nVORTH, KANSAS. RESTORATIO~ OF PRE-E~IPTIO~ RIGHTS. 1\Ir . .ANDERSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2331) to determine Mr. RYAN also introduced a bHl (H. R. No. 2347) to restore ex­ the local rank of the governor of the military prison at Fort Leaven­ hausted pre-emption and homestead rights; which was read a first worth, Kansas; which was read a first and second time, referrecl to and second time, referred to the Cemmittee on the Public Lands, and the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. LANDS FOR CEMETERY AT KIR~, KA....~SAS. W. G. RATIW~J:>. llr. ANDERSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2332) to donate Mr. RYAN also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2348) for the relief of" a cemetery site on the public lands to the city of Kirwin, in the State W. G. Raymond; which was read a first and secon.d time, referred to of Kansas; which was read a first and second time, referred to the the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. GEORGE J. WEBB. JO~ G. BA1\"'KS. ~Ir. RYA.l.~ also introduced a bill (H. R. No. ~/349) granting an in­ 1\Ir. ANDERSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2333) granting crea.se of pension to George J. Webb; 'vhich was read a :first and sec­ a pension to John G. Banks; which was read a first and second time, ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be to be printed. printed. GEORGE W. BAUS:MA...~. WILLIAM H. POWELL. ~lr. RYAN also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2350) to increa,se the­ 1\Ir. ANDERSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2334)forthe re­ pension of George W. Bausman; which was read a first and second lief of William H. Powell; which was read a first ancl second time, time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to. referred to the Committee on Claims, and orderecl to be printed. be printed. WILLIAM L. OROUCH. ~J:CHOLAS W. BARWITT. Mr. HASKELL introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2335) granting an 1\fr. RYAN also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2351) for the relief of" increase of pension to Nicholas W. Barnett; which was read a first William L. Crouch; which was read a first and second time. and second timez referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and The SPEAKER. The bill will be referred to the Committee on ordered to be prmted. Claims. JOSHUA PUCKETI. ~Ir. RYAN. I think it hould go to the Committee on Indian Affairs. The princi,eles which a.re involved and which should deter­ Mr. HASKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2.136) rrranting an mine whether the bill ought to pa.ss or not are such as ought to be­ increase of pension to Joshua Puckett; which was read a first and considered by the Committee on Indian Affairs. secoml time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and The SPEAKER. The bill will be so referred. ordered to be printed. The bill was referred to the Committee on Imlian Affairs, aJ:lll INDUSTIUAL L"STITUTE FOR PEOPLE 01!' COLOR. ordered to be 1ninted. llr. HASKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 233i) for the C. II. PORTER. relief of the Agricultural and Industrial Institute for people of color; ~Ir. KNOTT introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2352) for the relief of C. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee H. Porter; which was read a first antl second time, referred to the on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Committee on \Var Claims, ancl orderecl to bo printed. EUGE~""E B. ALLEN. J. W. BOWLL'G A~D J. S. GOLLADY. ~lr. fl!_SKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2338) for the ::\Ir. KNOTT also introducecl a bill (H. R. No. 2353) for the relief relief of Eugene B. Allen; which was 1·ead a first and second time, of J . .,v. Bowling and J. S. Gollady; which was read a first and referred to the Committee ou Indian Affairs, and ordered to be second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. printed. POWERS & 11.'EW:\IAN A...~D D. & B. POWERS. MARIA SELBY. ])Jr. HASKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2339) fOl' the ~Ir. Kl~OTT also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2354) for the relief­ relief of Powers & Newman and D. & B. Powers; which was read of 1\Iissl\Iaria Selby; which was read a :first and econd time, referred .a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, to tho Committee on War Claims, and orderetl to be printed. and ordered to be printed. STE.A:\I-VLSSELS 0~ OHIO RIVER. JOSEPH BOWERS. Mr. HASKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2340) granting a l[r. PHISTER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 23. he utes; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Select printed. Committee on the Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay, and I. J. DAVIS. ordered to be printed. ~Ir. HASKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2342) for the ARREARS OF PENSIO~S. relief of I. J. Davis; which was read a first and second time, referred ::\Ir. CALDWELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2357) to repeal to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be print.ed. an act for the payment of arreai'S of pensions, and for other purposes, WILLIAM C. 0 1BBIEN. approved January 25, 18i9, and known as chapter 23, United States ~Ir. HASKELL al o introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2343) for the Statutes at Large; which was read a first and second time, referred relief of William C. O'Brien; which was read a first and second time, to the Select Committee on the Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and refeiTed to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Back Pay, and ordered to be printed. MARY ALLEN. PATIEXCE BEATTY. ~Ir. HASKELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2344) granting a :Mr. WHITE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2358) for tho benefit or pension to Mary Allen ; which was read a first and second time, Patience Beatty; which was read a first and second time, referred to referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be the Committee on War Claims, and orderecl to be printed. printed. TABITHA BALL. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' REU1HO~, TOPEKA, KA....'\SAS. ~Ir. \VHITE also introclucecl a bill (H. R. No. 2359) granting a pen­ Mr. RYAN introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 74) authoriz­ sion to Tabitha Ball; which was read a first and second time, I'e­ ing the Secretary of War to supply artillery and camp equipage to ferred to the Gommittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered tQ b& the soldiers and sailors' reunion at Topeka, Kansas; which was read printed. a ftrst and second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, ROBERT BRY..L~T. and ordered to be Jlrinted. Mr. WHITE also iRtroduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2360) granting a. .A:\~J:>MENT OF REVISED STATUTES. pension to Robert Bryant; which was read a first and second time~ ::\Ir. RYA.t~ also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2345) to amend section referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensious, and ordered to be. 2'.l91 of chapter 5 of title 32 of the Revisecl Statutes of the United printed. 282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

BENJAML~ FRANKLIN . Lake Pontchartrain, 'to connect the northern shore of the lake with Mr. 'VHITE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2361) for the relief of the city of New Orleans fer the purpose of introducing water into Benjamin Franklin Amos; which was read a first and second time, the city. The only question involved in the bill is whether the navi­ Teferretl to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered t.o be gation of Lake Pontchartrain would be obstructed by the bill. printecl. The SPEAKER. On the statement of the gentleman that the bill MILTON L. DAVIS. raises the question of the navigation of Lake Pontchartrain, it will be referred to the Committee on Commerce. :Mr. WHITE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2362) for the relief of The bill was accordingly referred to the Committee on Commerce, .Milton L. Davis; which wa-s read a first and second time, referred to and ordered to be printed. · the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. LIGHT-HOUSE ON LAKE. PONTCHARTRAIN. MOORE JOHNSON. l't!r. ELLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2375) m:l.king an appro­ Mr. WHITE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2363) for the benefit priation to erect a light-house at Mandeville, on Lake Pontchartrain; of Moore Johnson; which was rea(l a first and second time, referred which was read a :firSt and second time, referred to the Committee .t.o the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. JAMES G. HOWARD. HEffiS OF D. E. TWIGGS. Mr. 'VHITE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2364) correcting the Mr. ELLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2376) for the relief of military muster in of James G. Howard; which was read a first and the heirs of D. E. Twiggs; which was read a first and second time, .second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. RESTORATION OF LU\"'DS TO FLORIDA PARISHES, LOUISIANA. YEAS AND NAYS ON APPROPRIATION BILLS. Mr. ROBE-RTSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2377) restoring to Mr. TURNER, of Kentucky. Dnring the Forty-sixth Congress I the Florida parishes of the State of Louisiana certain public lands as iutreduced a joint resolution similar to the one I now send to the compensation to the people thereof for lands disposed of by the .Clerk's desk, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States Government at the Montpelier and Greensbnrgh land United States. There was no report made upon it by the committee offiees in said State; which was read a first and second time, referred t o which it was referred. I now introduce a similar resolution and to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. hope we may have a report on it and a vote of the Honse, in which ca.se I have no doubt it will be passed. ?.USSISSIPPI LEVEE. The joint reselution(H. R. No. 75)proposing an amendment to the Mr. ROBERTSON also presented a joint resolution of the Legisla­ Constitution requiring yeas and nays on aJl appropriations exceed­ ture of Louisiana, urging the appropriation of 100,000 to repair and ing $10,000 was read a first and second time, referred to the Commit­ restore the levee in Southern Arkansas and Northern Louisiana; tee on Rules, and ordered to be printed. which was referred to the Committee on Levees and Impro>ements COM:I}IERCE ON NAVIGABLE WATERS. of the Mississippi River. ELVIRA KIDD. Mr. WILLIS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2365) for the benefit of -commerce on the lakes, rivers, gulfs, bays, sounds, inlets, bayous, and Mr. ROBERTSON (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. other navigable waters within the jurisdiction ofthe laws ofthe United 2378) for the benefit of Jrirs. Elvira Kidd ; which was read a first and .States; which was read a first and second timet referred to the Com­ second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and mittee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.. ordered to be printed. COMMON SCHOOLS. R.EDUCTION OF LETTER POSTAGE. Mr. DARRELL introduced a bill (H. R ..No. 2379) to aid in the es­ Mr. 'VILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2366) t-o reduce the tablishment and temporary support of common schools; which was :Postage on letters and letter matt-er to two cents for each half ounce read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Education ·or fraction thereof; which was read a first and second time, referred and Labor and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roa-ds, and ordered to be Mr. DARRELL also presented a joint resolution of the General As­ printed. sembly of the State of Louisiana in favor of a bill to aid in the estab­ CLARA L. PREUSS. lishment and temporary support of common sohools ; which was read lli. WILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2367) grantin~ a pen­ a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Education and .sion to Clara L. Preuss; which was read a first and second trme, re­ Labor, and ordered to be printed. ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. EDWIN E. SAUNDERS. THOMAS B. STRING. Mr. DARRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2380) for the re- lli. WILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2368) for the relief of lief of Edwin E. Saunders; which wa-s read a first and second time, 'Thomas B. String; which was read a first and second time, referred referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. OREGON SHORT LTh"'E RAILWAY COMP.Alt.ry. JOHN FINZER & BROTID:RS. lli. DARRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2381) creating the Mr. WILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2369) for the relief Oregon Short Line Railway Company a corporation in the Territories -of John Finzer & Brothers; which was read a first and second time, of Utah Idaho, and Wyoming, and for other purposes; which was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. read a fust and second time, referred to the Committee on Pacific GILBERT A. PHILIPS. Raih·oads, and ordered to be printed. Mr. WILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2370) granting a ID\TTRY OF RAILROAD L.Alo."'DS. pension to Gilbert A. Philips; which was read a first and second time, Mr. DARRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 238'2) to restore ll.'eferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be to public entry and homestead settlement certain public lands with- ;printed. drawn for railroad purposes; which was read a first and second A. J. GUTHRIE. time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to 1\Ir. WILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2371) for the benefit be printed. ()fA. J. Guthrie; which wa-s read a first and second time, referred to PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS. the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. DARRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2383) to abrogate WARREN ?.UTCHELL. the power of the executive officers of the United States in allowing 1-Ir. WILLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. ) for the relief indemnity locations or scrip for confirmed unsatisfied private-land 2372 claims under section 3 of the act of Congress approved J one 2, 1858, -of Warren Mitchell; whlch was read a first and second time, referred (United States Statutes at Large, volume 11, pages294 and295A. chap- to the Committee on War Claims, ancl ordered to be printed. ter 81,) and to vest that power in the courts of the United ~tates; HENRY WARE. which was read afirstandsecond time, referred to the Committee on lli. ELLIS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2373) for the relief of Henry Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed. Ware; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com- ?.USSISSIPPI LEVEES. mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. DARRELL also presented a joint resolution of the Legislature LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN. of the State of Louisiana in regard to certain levees in the States of 1\Ir. ELLIS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2374) granting to cer- Louisiana and Arkansas; which was referred to the Committee on .tain parties right of way over lands and waters of the United States; Levees and Improvements of tlle Missi ippi River, and ordered to be which was read a first and second time. printed. The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks this bill should go to the Com­ COMMITTEE ON VE:NTILATION OF THE HALL. mitt ee on the Public Lands. Mr. DARRELL also submitted the following resolution; which 1\ir. ELLIS. I think it should be referred to the Committee on was referred to the Committee on Rules: .Co:nunerce. Resolved, Th.at the following-named select committee b e appointed, with like The SPEAKER. It proposes to grant the right of way over lands powers and duties and to consiSt of the same number of members as in the Forty­ .of the United State . sixth Congress, namely, the Select Committee on the Ventilation of the Hall • Mr. ELLIS. I put in the word "lands" from ab.n.ndant caution. COMMOX SCHOOLS • ..l'he bill is to grant the right to lay aqueducts and conduits under Mr. GIBSON !)resented a joint resolution of the Legislature of the 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 283

State t>f Louisiana, in favor of the bill to aid in the establishment the relief of Charles Heitmiiller, of the District of Columbia; which and temporary support of. common schools; which was read a first was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War and second time, referred to the Committee on Education and Labor, Claims, and ordered to be printed. and ordered to be printed. OTHO HE~SO~. CONGRESSIONAL LffiRARY. ~1r. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2397) for Mr. GIBSON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2384) authorizing the relief of Otho Henson; which was read a first and second time, the constructio:n of a. building for the accommodation of the Congres­ referred to the Committee on War Claims, ~nd ordered to be printed. sional Library; which was read a first and secoRd time, referred to CATHARINE A. TALBURIT AD::'I:ITh""ISTRATRIX ETC. the Joint Select Committee on additional accolllmodations for the 7 7 Library of Congress, and ordered to be printed. _ 1r1r. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2398) for DUTIES ON SUGAR .AND MOLASSES. the relief of Catharine A. Talburtt, administratrix; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, ~1r. DINGLEY introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2385)repealinO'thednty and ordered to be printed. on sugar and molasses; which wa read a first and second time; re­ ferred to the Committee on 'Vays and Means, and ordered to be SWEENY, RITTENHOCSE, F ANT .1:; CO. printed. lli. URl\TER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2399) for the relief SALLIE CARROLL. of Sweeny, Rittenhouse, Fant & Co. ; which was read a first and ~1r. URNER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2386) for the relief of second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered Mrs. Sallie Carroll, executrix; which was read a first and second time, to be printed. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ~1M011."'IATED FERTILIZER COMP~'Y OF WASHINGTON, D. C. DANIEL S. LOY. ~1r. URl\TER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2400) for the relief Mr. URNER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2387) for the relief of of the Ammoniated Fertilizer Company of Wash1ngton, District of Daniel S. Loy; which was read a first and second time, referred to Columbia; which was read a first and second time, referred to the the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. SOUTHEllN MARYLAND RAILROAD COMPA1'."Y. ANl>.TE R. VOORHEES. ~1r. URJ."\TER al o introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2388) to authorize Mr. McLANE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2401) granting apensiou the Southern Maryland Railroad Company to extend a railroacl into to Anne R. Voorhees ; which was read a first and second time, referred and within the District of Columbia; which was ren,d a first and sec­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ()nd time. TITLE TO L;\XDS IN WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The. SPEAKER. \Vhat reference does the gentleman from Mary­ ~1r. McLANE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2402) to quiet title land indicate for this bill f to certain land in Washington, District of Columbia; which was Mr. URNER. The Committee on the District of Columbia. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Dis­ The SPEAKER. It would appear to the Chair that this bill should trict of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. ~o to the Committee on Railways and Canals; but the Chair may be m error, not having read the bill, and he will hear the gentleman JOHN M. l\:I7CLINTOCK. from Maryland. lli. McLANE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2403) for the relief Mr. URNER. My understanding of the bill is that it is simply for of John M. McClintock; which was read a first and second time, the purpose of enabling the Southern Maryland R3.ilroad Company referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be to extend a line of railroad through the District of Columbia, making printed. connection with another railroa-d. CAROLINE ALDRICH. The SPEAKER. Then it cannot be said that the matter belongs Mr. RUSSELL introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2404) for the relief of strictly and solely to the District of Columbia; if it did the Chatr CarolineAldrich; which was read a first and second time, referred to might give it another reference; but in the opinion of the Chair it the Committeo on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. belongs to the Committee on Railways and Canals. The bill was referred to the Committee on Railways and Can:Ms, MARGARET E. WARREN. and ordered to be printed. Mr. RUSSELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2405) for the relief GEORGE W. SPATES. of Margaret E. Warren; which was read. a first and second time, referre£1 to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be ~1r. URNER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2389) for the relief printed. of George W. Spates; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. NATIONAL :B~"KKNG ASSOCIATIONS. ~1r. CRAPO introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2406) to enable national SA1t1UEL CEAS. bankinl? associations to extend their corporate existence; which was }t1r. URNER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2390) for the relief read a nrst and second time, referred to the Committee on Banking · of Ceas; which was read a first and second time, referred to and Currency, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AT HELL GATE, NEW YORK. A. H. VOX LUETTWITZ. ~fl. CRAPO also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2407) making an Mr. URNER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2391) for the relief appropriation for the establishment of one or more electric lights at of A. H. Von Luettwitz; which was read a first and second time, Hell Gate, New York; which was read a first and second time, re­ referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ferrud to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. COURT OF CLAil\:IS. LAURA A. TUR1\"'ER. ~1r. URNER (by request) introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 76) to restore certain causes to the docket of the Court of Claims }t1r. CRAPO also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2408) to increase the and to provide for the hearing thereof; which was rea-d a first and pension of Laura A. Turner; which wa-s read a first and second time, second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be to be printed. printed. HENRY STELLO. APPOINTMENTS Al\""D PROl\:IOTIONS IN MARTh"'E CORPS. lli. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2392) for Mr. HARRIS, of Massachusetts, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2409) the relief of Henry Stello; which was read a first and second time, to establish and equalize the grades and regulate appointments and referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. promotions in the Marine Corps ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be C. F. F. ROSENTHALL. printed. :Mr. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. ~393) for BRITISH SCHOO~"'ER ALONZO. the relief of C. F. F. Rosenthal, of the District of Columbia; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Mr. RICE, of Massachusetts, (by request,) introduced a bill (H. R. Claims, and ordered to be printed. No. 2410) for the relief of the British registered schooner Alonzo; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee S. M. GOLDEN. on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. lli. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2394) for the relief of S. M. Golden; which was read a first and second time, ALEXA!\TDER H. FREEMA..,. referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2411) granting a pension to Alexander H. Freeman; which was read a first THOMAS BAYNE, GUARDIA..."i1 ETC. and second time1 referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and lli. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2395) for ordered to be prmted. the relief of Thomas Bayne, guardian of the heirs of William H. ADA L. HARRISON. Arnold; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ mittee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BURROWS, of :Michigan, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2412) granting a pension to Ada L. Har;rison; which. was re~d a first CHARLES HEI.TitiuLLER. and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Perunone., and Mr. URNER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2300) for ordered to be printed. 284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

DISCHARGE .AXD PAY OF CERT~ VOL~TEER SOLDIERS. HORACE BOUGHTO~ . .Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan, also introduced a bill (H. R . No. Mr. HORR also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2425) for the relief of 2413) to secure the discharge and pay of certain volunteer soldiers Horace Boughton; which was read a :first and second time, referred ef the war of the rebellion, and for other purposes; which was read to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on l\Iilitary Affairs, HARRIET PEAK. and ordered to be printed. Mr. HORR (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2426} BOUNTY OF VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. granting a pension to Harriet Peak; which was read a first and second Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan, also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered t() 2414) to amend the act of March 3, 18~, relating to the bounty of be printed. - volunteer soldiers; which was read a first and second time, referred JO~ ALGOE. to the Select Committee on the Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and ~Ir. SPAULDING introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2427) to increase the Back Pay, and orderecl to be printed. pension of John Algoe; which was read a. first and second time, re­ COLLECTORS OF I.NTER.~AL REVE.N'GE. ferred totheCommitteeoninvalidPensions, and ordered to be printed. l\Ir. BURROWS, of :Michigan, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. THOMAS WALSH & CO . 2415) to fix the term of office of collectors of internal revenue; which was read a. first aml second time, referred to the Committee on Ways lli. SPAULDL~G also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2428) for the and Means, and ordered to be printed. relief of Thomas Walsh & Co.; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee ou Claims, and ordered to be printed . .AME~TJ>;\IEXT 01:<' RULES. Mr. BURROWS, of Michiganl submitted the following resolutions; E. ;\I. .ADA...~S. which were severally read, and referred to the Committee on Rules: l\Ir. SPAULDING also introduced a bill for the relief of E. M. Resolved, That Rule XXI, clause 5, be amended so as to read as follows : Adams; which was read a :first and second time by its title. "All bills for improvements of rivers an(l harbors~ for the establishment or change Mr. SPAULDING. I ask that this bill bereferred to the Commit- of J?OSt-routes, and pension bills, shall be deliverea to the Clerk, as in the ca.se of tee on Military Affairs. • petitions and memorials, for reference to proper committees." The SPEAKER. To what does it relate 'I Resolved, That Ru1e XXXIV be amended as follows : By inserting after the word "Departments," in line 8, the words ''and bureaus.•· Mr. SPAULDING. It relates to the pay and allowances of an Resolved, Tnat Rille XLII be amended as follows: officer. By striking out all after the word ' ' Speaker," in line 4, and inserting in lieu The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks that such a bill properly goes thereof the words, "who shall lay such communications before the House for proper to the Committee on Claims. reference immediately after the approval of the Journal." Resolved, Tha.t RUle XXIII be amended by in erting after the word " propo­ Mr. SPAULDING. Bills of thi cla s J;ave hitherto gone to the sition," in clause 4, the following as an additional chuse, namely: Committee on Military Affairs. ''By fifteen members." The SPEAKER. Some of the bills have done so under the old ru1e. Resolved, That Ru1e XXI be amended by adding the following as an additional If a bill is for the purpose of correcting a. military record, the Chair clause, namely: ''Pension bills shall bereporledin groups of not less than ten names ea{lh, and as always holds it properly goes to the Committee on Military Affairs; f:tr as practicable they shall be divided into cl11.sses a(}cording to the rank and dis­ but if it makes an appropriation of money to pay for services during ability of the claimant, and shall be accompanied by a report setting forth the facts the war, it is classed as a claim and should go to the Committee on in each case included in any bill." Claims. R~olved, That Rule XXIV be amenrled as follows, namely: By striking out paragraph third of clan e 6 and inserting in lieu thereof the fol­ lli·. SPAULDING. This man was commissioned as an officer, but lowiD": not mustered in. He served for some time before bein(J' mustered, and ''Tllid, on Friday of each week, a.fterthe morning hour, it shall be first in order this bill relates to his }lay while so commissioned before being mus­ to entertain a motion that the House resol>e it.selfinto the Committee of the Whole House to consider business on the Private Calendar; and if this motion fail, then tered in. the House shall proceed to the consideration of business on the House Calendar." The SPEAKER. AI; this is an appropriation of money for services Resolved, That Rule XXVI be amended by striking out till after the word '' busi­ during the war it stands on the same footing as any other war claim. n~ss," in Hue 2, and inserting in lieu thereof the following, namely: The bill will be referred to the Committee on War Claims. "Except as provided in paragraph 3, clause G, Rille XXIV." EDGAR HUSOX. JO~ KAPPLE. Mr. \VILLITS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2416) for the relief of ~Ir. RICH (by request) int1·oduced a bill (H. R. No. 2429) granting Edgar Huson; which was read a, first and second time, referred to a pension to John Kapple; which was read a :first and second time, the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be­ printed. GEORGE II. LOSEY. E. M. ADA-~ n . lli. WILLITS also intTOduced n. bill (H. R. No. 2417) for there­ Mr. SPAULDING. I desire again to call the attention of the Chair lief of George H. Losey; which was 1·ead a. first and second time, to the bill for the relief of E . M. Adam . I think there is a misun­ refened to the Committee on 'Var Claims, and ordered to be printed. derstanding between the Speaker and myself. The bill hn,d better ELIAS B. BELL. be read. · Mr. WILLITS also introducecl a bill (H. R. No. 2418) granting a The SPEAKER. The bill will he read, and the gentleman from pension to Elias B. Bell; which was read a. :first and second time, Michigan will then be heard on the que tion of reference. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be The bill was read. It authorizes and directs the Secretary of tho r,rinted. Treasury to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap­ CLARA S. COLE :'ILL~. propriated, to Edward M. Adams, late of the 'l'wentieth Regiment of Mr. WILLITS a1 o introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2419) granting a Michigan Volunteer Infantry, the pay and allowances of a second pension to Clara S. Coleman ; which was read a first and second timo, lieutenantofinfantryfrom the23d day of April, 1864, to tho 12th day referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be of May, 1864, inclusive, and the pay :md allowances of a first lieu­ printed. tenant of infantry from the 12th day of May, 1864, to the 8th day o:f October, 1854, inclusive, deducting therefrom the pay he received in :\IORGA...~ THO:\fPSON. a lower rank during each of said periods. · Mr. HUBBELL introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2420) granting a pen~ The SPEAKER. AI; this is an important matter relating to the­ sion to Morgan Thompson; which was read a first and second time, proper reference of a bill, the Chair will direct the Clexk to read par- referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be agraphs 10 and 28 of Rule XI. - printed. The Clerk read as follows : OZRO ;\IORTO~. .All proposed legislation shall be referred to the committees n...w~!rl in the pre- Mr. HUBBELL al ointroduced a bill (H. R . No. 2421) for the relief ceding rule, as follows, namely: Subjects relating, Qf Ozro Morton; which was read a fust and second time, referred * * * * * * * t.o the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. 10. To the military establishment and the public defense, o1her than the appro-- priations for its support, to the Committee on Military Affuirs. TllO:\IAS CILL\ffiERS. * * * * * * * Mr. HUBBELL also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 242"2) for the relief to ~~e ~~~~:~~~~~oru~s~arin which the nited State has been en~aged,. of Thomas Chambers; which was rea-da:firstandsecond time, referred to tho Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. :2\Ir. McCOOK. I desire to state some little experience I ha\o had on the Committee on Military Affairs. The gentleman from Michi­ SECTIO~ 2599 REVISED STATUTES. gan [lli. SPAULDL,G] is altogether right in regard to tho character· Mr. HUBBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2423) to amend of the bills referred to that committee. section 2599 of the Revised Statutes; which was read a first and ~Ir . TOWNSH.El\TD, of illinois. I rise to a question of order. aecon(l timo, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. be printed. ~Ir. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. I make the point that debate is. LIGHT-HO"C'SE I.N LITTLE TRAVERSE BAY, )flCHIGA..~. not now in order. Mr. HORR introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2424) appropriating money The PEAKER. Debate is out of order after a motion for refer­ for tho erection of a light-hou e at Little Traverse Bay, Michigan; ence has been submitted to the House. But before such motion is. which was read a first and seconcl time, referred to the Committee on made the Chair might reconsider its own ruling on ihat subject, and Commeree, and ordered to be printed. as on former occasions is willing now to hear very brief discussion on 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 285 thE' question of reference, which members regard as quite important. establishment of the Government, and is not in any proper sense a The gentleman from illinois [Mr. TOWNSHEND] is right in his point war claim any more than the pay of every private soldier who car­ ()f order that debate is not in order on a motion to refer a bill under ried a musket and a cartridge-box- any more than the compensation this call. of every corporal that served in the war. These men, having be­ Mr. SP.A.ULDING. I ask leave to withdraw the bill. lono-ed to the military e tablishment, having served in conformity Mr. BROWNE. I (lesire to call the attention of the Speaker to a wit'h the military law, ask compensation for certain services; and all decision made on this very question in the Forty-sixth Congress. questions in regard to the construction of the law and their right to The SPEAKER. The Chair will hear the gentleman. payment are simply questions arising out of and connected immedi­ Mr. BRO~E. In that Congress there was referred to the Com­ ately with the military establishment. It appears to me that if this mittee on Military Affairs the claim of an officer whose household class of cases does not go to the Military Committee none can go there. tfnrnitnre had been destroye(l by a fire in military barracks. He The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman who introduces this bill de­ ..claimed that the loss was occasioned by the negligence of the Gov­ sire to be heard further on the question of its reference f ~rnment, and the bill proposed to make an appropriation from the Mr. SPAULDING. If the Chair holds that the bill should go to l'r.easury for the payment of damages occasioned by that fire. tho Committee on ·war Claims, I will withdraw the bill. The Committee oil. Military Affairs, as thegentlemanfromNewYork The SPEAKER. The Chair feels constrained to adhere to its former {1\h. McCOOK] will remember, decided over my protest tha,t it had no decision, that this bill should be referred to the Committee on War jurisdiction of that bill; that it ought to go, as is now indicated by Claims, because it is clearly a claim growino- out of the war. As the the Chair, to the Committee on War Claims. The committee sore­ Chair has frequently stated, all bills undertaking to correct the record porte

T. P. :U:ORSE. A.\IENDliEXT REVISED STATUTES. Mr. DUNNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2439) to correct 11-fr. CHALMERS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2456) to amend the military record ofT. P. Morse; which was read a first and second sections 3511, 3513, and 3516 of the Revised Statutes, in relation to time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to coinage ; which wa.s read a first and second time, referred to the be printed. Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, and ordered to be BASIL )10RELA..~D. printed. Mr. DUNNELL also introduced abill (H. R. No.2440)fortherelief REVIVAL OF THE CO:\D!ERCE OF THE U~UTED STATES. 6f Basil Moreland; which was read a first and second time, referred lli. CHALMERS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2457) to revive to the CommitteeonlndianA.ffairs, and ordered to be printed. the commerce of the United States; which wa-s read a first and sec­ WILLIAM L. SLOA..~. ond time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. ~Ir. DUNNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2441) granting a pension to William L. Sloan; which was read a first and second time, REPORT OF CO::\IMISSIO~"ER OF AGRICULTURE. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pension , and ordered to be 1\Ir. MONEY introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 77) providing printed. for printing additional copies of the present edition of the Report of MORTO~ STA..~CLIFF. the Commissioner of Agriculture; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Printing, and ordered to be lli. DUNNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2442) granting a pension to Morton Stancliff; which was read a first and secoml time, printed. referred to the Committee on Inv-alid Pensions, and ordered to be PAPER CffiCULATIOX. printed. ~Ir. BUCKNER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2458) to provide a ZACHEUS FCLLER. stable and uniform paper circulation, and for o.ther purposes; which was read a first and second time, refened to the Committee on Bank­ Mr. DUNNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2443) for the relief ing and Currency, and ordered to be printed. of Zacheus Fuller; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be ~rinted. COIN CERTIFICATES. ~fr. BUCKNER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2459) tq regnlat~ N. J. LOWTHIA.\1. the issue of coin certificates, and for other purposes; which was read Mr. DUNNELL also introd.uced a bill (H. R. No. 2444) granting a a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Banking and pension toN. J. Lowthiam; which was1·ead a first and second time, Currency, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. CONSTITUTIOX OF THE lTh"'l.TED STATES. EM?.IA JOH..~SO~. l\lr. BUClil.TER introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 78) to amend the Constitution ofthe United Stat-es; which was read a first ~Ir. DUNNELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2445) granting a pension to Emma Johnson; which was read a first and second time, and second time,-refe.rred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and refened to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, all(l ordered to be ordered to be printed. printed. CLAHIS BEFORE "UNITED STATES TREASURY ACCOUNTIXG OFFICERS. TRUSTEES MOUNT SAVAGE IRO~ CO:\IPA..~Y. Mr. BUC.Kl-tTER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. :M60) to authorize Mr. DUNNELL (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2446) the accounting officers of the Treasury to consider and pass upon cer­ for the relief of the trustees of the Mount Savage Iron Corupa.ny; tain claims now pending before them; which was read a first and sec­ which was Tead a first and second time, refened t6 the Committee on ond time~ referred to the Committee on \Var Claims, and ordered to be War Claims, and ordered to be printed. printed. · STEA~IER DE SOTO. X MBER, CAPITAL, ETC., OF NATIONAL BANKS. lll.·. DUNNELL (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2447) l\Ir. BUCKNER also introduced a resolution of inquiry a.s to the granting j nrisdiction and authority to the Ctmrt of Claims in the case number, amount of capital, and circulation of banks organized since of the steamer De Soto; which wa-s read a first and second time, re­ Jnly 1, 1881, and the number, capital, circulation, and character of ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. securities of banks whose charters expire within two years from Jan­ uary 1, 188-2; which was refened to the Committee. on Banking ALBERT FREITAG. and Currency. ~Ir. STRAIT introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2448) for the Telief of RESERVE FU~"'D OF lTh"'ITED STATES TREASURY. Albert :Freitag; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. ~fr. BUCKi~ER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2461) to regulate the 1·eserves in the United States TI·easury; which was read a firs1.o FIRST MTh"'1\"ESOTA MOUNTED RANGERS VOLlTh""TEERS. and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and Mr. STRAIT also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2449) for the relief ordered to be printed. of the First :Minnesota Mounted Rangers Volunteers; which wa,s read A)!ERICA..l'lf REGISTERS FOR FOREIGN-BUILT SHIPS. a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Payment ::\Ir. BUCKNER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2462) to amend of Pensions, Bounty, and :Jlack Pay, and ordered to be printed. section 4132 of the Revised Statutes, and to give American registry to PRE-El\IPTION OF PUBLIC LA."'iDS. foreign-built iron and steel vessels. lli. WASHBURN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2450) to repeal chap­ The SPEAKER. Wha.t reference does the gentleman from Mis- ter 4 of the Revised Statutes, relating to pre-emption of the public souri desire for this bill 7 · lands; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ Mr. BUCKNER. I suppose it should ga to the Committee on Com­ mittee on-the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. merce. Mr. KELLEY. Tha.t bill, ~Ir. Speaker, I think should go to the PETER T. SAFFORD. Committee on Ways and Means. llr. WASHBURN a.lso introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2451) granting The SPEAKER. The bill will be read. a pension to Peter T. Safford; which was read a first and second time, Mr. KELLEY. It relates directly to the revenue. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be The SPEAKER. The. Clerk will read the bill. printed. The bill was read at length. PUBLIC PRINTING A.:ND BL'iDIXG, ETC. Mr. KELLEY. That authorizes the importation, free of duty, of Mr. SINGLETON, of Mississippi, introduced a bill (H. R. No. whatever iTon, steel, brass, copper, or other manufactured article may 2452) to reduce the expense of the public printing and binding, and eRter into the construction of the class of ships described, free of for othe1· purposes; which was read a first and second time, referred duty. Other importers of these materials for the construction of ves­ to the Committee on Printing, and ordered to be printed. sels of similar character a.re required", under the law, to pay duty. I WILLIAM lii'GARRAHAN. think, at any rate, the bill should go t.o the Committee on Ways and Means, which committee is charged with the consideration of these llr. MANNING introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2453) for the relief of subjects. Certain it is that such bills have always heretofore had William McG~aban; which was read a first and second time, re­ their reference to that committee. ferred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be ~fr. BUCKl'.TER. :My impression was that the bill should go to the printed. · Committee on Commerce, although I have no special desire in refer­ . GEORGE C. HARPER. ence to the matter. Mr. MANNING (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2454) The SPEAKER. The Chair does not understand the gentleman for the relief of George C. Harper; which was read a first and second from Missouri as objecting to the reference to the Committee on Ways time,- referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be and Means. printed. Mr. BUCKNER. I have no objection to its reference to the Com­ PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, :NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI. mitt-ee on Ways and Means, if that be the proper reference. lfr. CHALMERS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2455) for the relief The bill was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee of the tTustees of the Protestant Orphan Asylum at Natchez, in the on Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. State of .Mississippi; which 'was read a first and second time, referred JOSEPH W. PARISH. to the Committee on War Claim, and ordered to be printed. Mr. VA...""{ HORN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2463) for the relief of 1882. CONGRESSION .A.L RECORD- HOUSE. 287

Joseph ,V, Parish; which was read a first and second time, referred time, referred to the Committee on Inva.lid Pensions, and ordered to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. to be printed. Al\1IDH>MENT 01<' RULES. A. 0. SIPLE. Mr. VANHORN also submitted the following proposed amendments Mr. BURROWS, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2479} to the rules; which were read and referred to the Committee on Rules: for the relief of A. 0. Siple; which was read a first and second time, · Amend Rnle X by inserting after ''Levees and Improvement of the Mississippi referred to the Committee on Claims, and 6rdered t() be printed. River, t{) consist of eleven members," the following: "On the Permanentlmprove­ :MARY B.A.KER. ment of the Mississippi River and its Tributaries, to consist of eleven members." .Also amend Rnle XI by inserting after clause 21 the following clause: Mr. BURROWS, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2480} ··To the improvement of the Mississippi River and its tributmies : to the Com­ granting a pension to Mrs. :Mary Baker; which was read a. first and mittee on the Permanent Improvement oftheMississippiRiver and its Tributaries." second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and SECTION 4693 REVISED STATUTES. ordered to be printed. ~ir. RICE, of Missouri, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2464) to amend DICEY BOBBITT. section 4693 of the Revised Statutes of the United States; which was ~Ir. BURROWS, of Missouri, a.ls~ introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2481) 1·ead a first and second time, referred to the Select Committee on for the relief of Dicey Bobbitt; which was read a. first and second t he Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay, and ordered to be time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. printed. :NICHOLAS MOY. MARIA E. WARFIELD. l\Ir. BURROWS, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 248'2) :MT. RICE, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. No.2465)forthe granting a pension to Nicholas Moy; which was read a first and relief of Maria E. Warfield; which was rea.d a first and second time, second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. ordered to be printed. E~DfA A. PORCH. JOHN SEAMANS, JR. ~Ir. RICE, ofMissomi, also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2466)forthe ~Ir. BURROWS, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2483) relief of Mrs. Emma A. Porch; which wa rea.d a first and second for the relief of John Seamans, jr.; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to. printed. be printed. 1 HE~""RY :M GOWA:N. CO:NTAGIOUS DISEASES OF DO::IIESTIC Al>."f!l\iALS. lli. RICE, of l\Iis ouri, also introuuced a bill (H. R. No. 2467) for Mr. "BURROWS, of Missouri, also introduced a. joint resolution the relief of Henry :McGowan; which was Tea.d a. :til'st and second time, (H. R. No. 79) providino- for the publication of 50,000 additional referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. copies of special report No. 34 of the Commissioner of Agriculture, SALES OF STA.l,IPS, ETC. contagious diseases of domestic anim..'tls; which was read a. first all(l Mr. RICE, of Missouri, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2468) to second time. amend section 9, title 34 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, The SPEAKER. That will be referred to the Committee on relating to stamp taxes on specific objects; which was read a first P1inting. and second time, referred to the Committee on W a.ys and l\Ieans, and Mr. BURROWS, of }-Iissouri. I would like to have it referred to· ordered to be printed. the Committee on Agriculture. :NATIO:NAL BAXK::DIG. The SPEAKER. Under the rule, the Chair thinks it very clearly belongs to the Committee on Printing, which committee has juris­ )ir. RICE, of Missouri, also introuuced a bill (H. R. No. 2469) to diction of all matters relatino- to the printing of documents. amend section 5171, chapter:! of title 62 of the Revised Statutes of The resolution was accor~gly 1·eferred to the Committee on. t he United States; which was read a first and second time, referred to Printing, und ordered to be printed. the Committee on Banking and Currency, and ordered to be printed. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. PER:NETTA HENDLEY. Mr. FORD introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2470) for the relief of Per­ A me acre from the Senate by :Mr. SYMPSON, one of its clerks,. netta Hendley; which was read a first and second time, referred to iuformed the House that the Senate had passed without amendment the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. a, joint resolution of the House of the following title: A joint resolution (H. R. No. 66) extending the thanks of the peo­ ZELORA CRUl\IPACKER. ple of the United States t.o his highness the Khedive of Egypt for :Mr. FORD also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2471) rerating the the gift of an ancient obelisk. pension of Zelora. Crumpacker ; which was read a. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to BRIDGE OVER THE 1\llSSOURI RIVER. be printed. Mr. CLARK in.trodnced a bill (H. R. No. 2484) authorizing the JACOB 1\IARTIN. construction of a bridge over the Missouri River at or near Hamburg, Missouri; which was read a, first and second time, refeiTed to the Com­ Mr. FORD also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2472) granting a. pen­ mittee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. sion to Jacob Martin; which was read a first and second time, re­ ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be SAMUEL BUNCH. printed. Ml.·. CLARK also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2485) for the relief of ALA.BA.l\14- CLAIMS COIDfiSSIO:N. Samuel Bunch; which was read a. first and second time, referred. to Mr. FORD (by request) also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2473) for the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. reviving and continuing the court of commissioners of Alabama. ISAAC C. MATHEWS. claims, and for the distribution of the unappropriated moneys of the Geneva award; which was read a first and second time, referred to !lr. CLARK also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2486) for the relief the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. of Isaac C. Mathews; which was read a. first a,nd second time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered t() be printed. WILLIA...."U SA~RS. LEWIS HEMBREE. l'Ir. HASELTINE btroduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2474)'for the relief Mr. BLAND .introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2487) for the relief of of William Sayers; which was rea{]. a first and second time, referred Lewis Hembree,; which was read a first and second time, referred to t o the Committee 0:1 Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. JACOB R. M'FARREN. Mr. HASELTINE also introduced a. bill(H.R.No.2475) granting a RECORDS OF I.Al\"'D OFFICES IN l\IISSOURI. pension to Jacob R. McFarren; which was rea.d a. first and second Mr. ALLEN introduced a. ,bill (H. R. No. 2488) authorizing the time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to archives of the several land offices in the State of Missouri to be be printed. delivered to said State whenever said offices shall be closed and dis­ DADE COUNTY, 1\IISSOURI. continued; which wru~ read a. first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. ~Ir. HASELTINE (by request) also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2476) for the relief of the county of Dade, in the State of Missouri; BRANCH ML~T AT LOUIS, l\IISSOURI. which was read a. first and second time, referred to the Committee on 11Ir. ALLEN also introducod. a. bill (H. R. No. 2489) to establish a. War Claims, and ordered to be printed. branch mint of the United States at Saint Louis, Missouri; ,..,.hich EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES. was read a. first and second time, referred to the Committee on Coin­ :Mr. HASELTINE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2477) to equal­ age, Weights, and Measures, and ordered to be printed. ize the bounties of soldiers who served in the late war for the Union; NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Select Com­ :Mr. CASSIDY introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2490) to restore to the mittee on Payment of Pensions, Bouncy, and Back Pay, and ordered public domain the lands granted to the Northern Pacific Railroad to be printed. Company because of its failure to comply with its charter and th~ AUSTIN :N. M'GINDLEY. act of Congress making said grant of land; which was read a. first Mr. DURROWS, of Missouri, introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2478) for and second time, referred to the Committee on Pacific Railroads, and the reliof of Austin N. McGindley; which was rea.d a. first and second ordered to be printed. :288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

.Al\"NA :M:. 1\lARSHALL. SURVEY OF HARBOR . OF ROUSE'S POTh"T • Mr. CASSIDY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2491) for the relief Mr. HAMMOND, of New York introduced 3 bill (H. R. No. 2507) ·-of Anna M. Marshall; which was read a first and second time, re­ for the survey of the harbor of Rouse's Point, on Lake Champlain, ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be State of New York, for the purpose of the constl:uction of break­ printed. wa.ters; which was read a first and second time, referred to the EUGENE B. RAIL .Al\""1> OTHERS. Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. CASSIDY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 249"2) for the relief St::RVEY OF HARBOR OF PORT HENRY. ·of Eugene B. Rail and others; which was read a first and second Mr. HAMMOl'\TD, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. -time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be 2508) for the survey of the harbor of Port Henry, on Lake Cham­ printed. plain, State of New York, for the purpose of the construction of break­ EFFICIENCY OF THE NAYY. waters; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ Mr. BRIGGS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2493) to promote the effi­ mittee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. -ciency of the Nav-y; which was read a first and second time, I'eferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. l\llLITARY RESERYATIOX AT PLATTSBURGH, 1\'EW YORK. MT. HAJ\fMOND, of New Y01·k, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. JOHN C. WHITE. 2509) for the Secretary of 'Var to sell such portion of the military Mr. BRIGGS (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2494) reser\ation at Plattsburgh, New York, as is not required for military for the relief of John C. White; which was read a first and second purposes; which was read a first and second time, referred t.o the time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Committee on l\Iilitary Affairs, and ordered to be printed.

JOSEPH 1\. SKELTOX. LEGAL REPRE E~"TATIVES OF PillRRE AYOTI' • .Mr. VALENTINE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2495) granting a Mr. HilfMO.J\ID, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. 11. No. -pension to Joseph W. Skelton; which was read a first and second 2510) for the relief of the legal representatives of Captain Pierre -time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pension , and ordered to Ayott; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ .be printed. mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. CHARLES ELISON. WARREN S. 811-IITH. Mr. VALENTINE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2496) granting ..an increase of pension to Charles Elison; which was read a first and Mr. HilillOND, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. No . .secund time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and 2511) for the relief of WarrenS. Smith; which was read a first and -ordered to be printed. second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. l\IA.JOR D. WILLLUIS. JAMES B. BARNEY. Mr. VALENTINE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2497) restoring Mr. HAMMOND, of New York, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. -to the pension-roll the name of Major D. Williams; which was read 2512) granting a pension to James R. Barney; which was read a a first and second time, referred t.o the Committee on Invalid Pen­ first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ sions, and ordered to be printed. sions, and ordered to be printed. FORT HAHTSUFF 1\IILITARY RESERYATIOX. PHELAN. 1\Ir. VALENTINE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2498) providing Mr. ROBINSON, of New York, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2513) ·for the sale of the lands lately occupied as a mili~

~"NA M. THOMAS. DOROTHEA BOT~""ER. Mr. BREWER (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2503) Mr. HARDY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2518) granting a .granting a pension to Anna M. Thomas; which was read a first and pension to Dorothea Bothner ; which was read a first and second second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and time, referreu to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and oruered to -ordered to be printed. be printed. ABRAl\1 COLLEY. 1:;'}\"JTED STATES DISTRICT COURT, ~"EW YORK. Mr. illSCOCK introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2519) to amend the Mr. BREWER (by request) also inil:oduced a bill (H. R. No. 2504) Revised Statutes, fixing the times ancl places for holding terms of tho to increase the pension of Abram Colley; which was read a first and district court in the northern district of New York; which was read .second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, ordered to be printed. and ordered to be printeu. FRANCES A. RAWSOX. BARKER, WILLIA...'-18 & BANGS ~""I> OTIIERS. ?tlr. ·wEST introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2505) for the relief of Frances A. Rawson; which was read a first and second time, referred to the .J\Ir. HISCOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2520) for the relief Committee on Paten:ts, and ordered to be printed. of Barker, Williams & Bangs, Barker & Williams, W. W. and E. T. Williams, and W. W. Williams.; which was read a first aml second TAX OX BANKS. time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be Mr. FLOWER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2506) to abolish the tax printed. <)n banks, and fer other purposes; which was read 3 first and second RE:\IISSION OF DUTIES ON ~"EW TESTAMENT. timo, referred to the Committee on Wa.ys and Means, and ordered. to Mr. HISCOCK also introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 80) ,be printed. in behalf of the American Company of Revisers of theNew Testament 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 289 for return and remission of duties: which was read a first and second izing Nehemiah Osburn to sue in the Court of Claims for balance time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to alleged to bo due for building Baltimore court-house; which was read be printed. a fust and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and PUBLIC BUILDING, SYRACUSE, l'I'"EW YORK. ordered to be printed. Mr. ffiSCOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2521) to provide M. D. TITSWORTH. for the erection of a public building in the city of Syracuse, New Mr. SKINNER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2536) for the relief of York; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Com­ M.D. Titsworth; which was read a first and second time, referred mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. AMENDMID\"T OF REVISED STATUTES. WILLIAM T. BROWN. Mr. HISCOCK also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2522) to amend the Mr. PRESCOTT introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2537) granting a pen­ Revised Statutes, fixing the time and place of holding terms of the sion to William T. Brown; which was read. a first and second time, cirCuit court in the northern district of New York; which wa-s read referred to the Committee ou Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, printed. and ordered to be printed. .JURISDICTIOX OF JUSTICES OF PEACE, DISTRICT OF COLUl\:IBIA. BRITISH VESSEL BORROWDALE. 1.Ir. RICHARDSON, of New York, introduced a bill (H. R. No. Mr. BLISS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2523) granting an American 2538) to extend the jurisdiction of justices of the peace in the Dis­ register to the British vessel Borrowdale; which was read a first and trict of Columbia, and to regulate the proceedings before them ; second time, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committeo to be printed. on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. STEPHE..."'{ A. M 1CARTY. SUBLETTING UNITED STATES MAIL CONTRACTS. Mr. BLISS (by request) also introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 81) authorizing the President of the United States to reappoint Mr. VANCE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2539) to prevent t.he sub­ Stephen A. McCarty a lieutenant-commander in the Navy; which letting of contracts for c:trrying the United States mails; which was was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Naval read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the Post- .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Office and Post-Roa-ds, and ordered to he printed. , ALICE J, BENNIT. J. H. GREENE. Mr. BLISS aJ.so introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2524) for the relief of Mr. VANCE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2540) for the relief Alice J. Bennit; which was read a first and second time, referred to of J. H. Greene; which was read a first and second time, referred t~ the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. CAREY B. PEPPER. SAl\IUEL H. FLEl\lMIXG. Mr. JACOBS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2525) to reimburse Carey Mr. VANCE also introduced n. bill (H. R. No. 2541) for the relief B. Pepper, postmaster at Oneonta, New York, for postal stamps and of Samuel H. Flemming; which was read a first and second time, postal funds stolen from his office; which was read a first aud second referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. UNITED STATES CQURT-HOUSE, ETC., STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. MARGARET MAYHAM. Mr. ARMFIELD introdueed a bill (H. R. No. 2542) to provide for Mr. JACOBS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2526) granting a the erection of a building for a United States court-house and post­ pension to Margaret Mayham; which was read a first and second office in the city of Statesville, in the State of North Cn.rolinu.; time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to which wa read a first and second time, referred to the Committ.ee be printed. on Public Buil~gs and Grounds, !l.Ild ordered to be printed. DWIGHT B. BAKER. PUBLIC B~L.~GS AT NEW BERl\~ 1 NORTH CAROLIXA. Mr. BEACH introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2527) for the relief of Mr. HUBBS introduced a bill (H. R. N9. 2543) to provide for the ::Pwight B. Baker; which was read a first and second time, referred erection of a public building in the city of New Berne, in the State to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. of North Carolina; which was read a first and second time, referred JOH...~ LAPOLT. to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to }lr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2528) to increase the be printed. 1.9ension of John Lapolt; which wa-s read a first and second time, MARll\~ HOSPITAL AT NEW BER.."'ffi1 NORTH CAROLINA. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. HUBBS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2544) to provide for printed. the establishment of a marine hospital at New Berne, North Carolinn.; PORT 01!' E....~RY AT 1\~WBURGH, NEW YORK. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee. Mr. BEACH also jntroduced a bill (H. R. No. 2529) to constitute on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. · Newburgh, in the State of New York, a port of entry and delivery; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on SAMUEL BAKER. Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mr. NEAL introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2545) granting an increase THOMAS CRARY. of pension to Samuel Baker; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2530) for the relief printed. o: l'homas Crary; which wa-s read a first and second -Mme, referred WILLIAl\1 F. WILLIS. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. NEAL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2546) for tho relief of AUGUSTUS B. GOODALE. Willi~tm F. Willis; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. BEACH also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2531) for tho relief to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. of Augustus B. Goodale; which was re·ad a first and second time, CAROLINE PATTEN. referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Mr. NEAL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2547) for the relief of ALONZO SNYDER. Caroline Patten, administratrix; which was read a first and second Mr. WADSWORTH introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2532) for the rc- time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to he lief of Alonzo Snyder; which was read a. first and second time, re- printed. ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. CO:NSULAR SERVICE. GEORGE A. PIERCE. Mr. NEAL also submitted a resolution of inquiry to the Secretary Mr. WADSWORTH also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2533) for the of State relative to appointments to andrem6vaJ.s from the consular relief of George A. Pierce; which was read a first and second time, service of the United States since the 4th da.y of March, 1877; which :referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to bo printed. was referred to the Select Committee on Reform in the Civil Service.

BOT~'"IC GARDE.!.~. APPOINTMENTS, ETC., IN POS'l'-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. 1.Ir. McCOOK introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 8'2) to place Mr. NEAL also submitted a resolution of inquiry relative to ap­ the establishment known a-s the Botanic Garden under control of pointments, promotions, and removals in the Post-Office Depn.rtment the Department of Agriculture; which ·was read a first and second since March 4, 1881; which was referred to the Select Committee on time, referred to the Joint Committee on the Library, and ordered Reform in the Civil Service. to be printed. CHARLES P. WANXALL. CONSOLIDATION OF RAILROAD COl\lPANIES. Mr. NEAL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2548) for the relief of Mr. VAN VOORHIS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2534) to author­ Charles P. Wannall; which was read a first and second time, referred ize the consolidation of railroad companies in the Territories of the to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. United States; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee onRailwaysand Canals, and ordered to be printed. JAMES 1\1. SINCLAIR. Mr. GEDDES introduced a bill (H. R. No. 254.9) granting a pension NEHEMIAH OSBURN. to James M. Sinclair; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. VAN VOORHIS also introduc.ed a bill (H. R. No. 2535) auth~r- to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordere~ to be printed. XIII- 19 290 CONG:&ESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

SAMUEL M. REESE. the pension of Roeert BiTch; which was read a first and second time, Mr. GEDDES also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2550) granting a referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be pension to Samuel :M. Reese ; which was read a first and second time, printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be WILLIAM KL.'{G. printed. :Mr. McKINLEY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2566) granting a. S.A..RAH COLES. pension to William King, formerly of Company D, Thirty-second Mr. GEDDES also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2551) granting a Ohio Volunteers; which was read a first and second time, referred tO> pension to Mrs. Sarah Coles; which was read a first and second time, the Cominittee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to he FRANCIS M. COX. .}llinted. l\h. McKINLEY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2567) granting a. DO~ATION OF CO:r-.""DEMNED CANXO~. pension to Francis l\I. Cox; which was read a. first and second time,. Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2552) to referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be­ donate condemned cannon to the Soldiers and Sailors' Association of printed. Bellaire, Ohio; which was read a first and secoml time, referre(l to JiU.""E llLACJGIER. the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. ::\11'. }!OREY introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2568) granting a pension ZEP~"IAH CRUBAUGH. to J :me Blackmer; which was reaEl a. first and second time, referred Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2553) to the Committee on Invali(l Pensions, and ordered to be printed. !!rantincr a pension to Crubaugh; which was read a fir t PROMOTIONS L'{ THE ARMY. ~d secgnd time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pen ions, an1l ::\1r. :MOREY al o introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2569) to re!!Ula.te ordered to be printed. promotion in ancl to increa e the efficiency of the Army of the United LOUIS GROVER:\IA.'{. States; which was read a fir t and second time, referred to the Com­ Mr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2554) Inittee on l\Iilitary Affair , and ordered to be printed. granting a pension to Louis Groverman; which wad read a first nnd WILLLUI 1\IADE~. second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, ancl lli. MOREY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2570) for the relief of ordered to be printed. William l\Iaden; which was read a first and second time, referred to MARY J. DOUGLA S. the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. }Jr. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2555) CLA.RK ELDRED. granting a pension to Ma1·y J. Dougla ; which was read a first:.~ .ncl second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and 1\Ir.l\IcCLURE introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2571) granting a bounty­ ordered to be printed. land warrant and n. pension to Clark Eldred; which was read a first n. ALLEN M1COR.."\IACK. and econd time, referred to the Committee on Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay, and ordered to be printed. lli. UPDEGRAFF, of Ohio, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2556) granting a pension to R. Allen McCormack; which was read a fir t CUSTOM-HOUSE AT PORT~""D, OREGO~. and second time, referred to the Cominittee on Invalid Pensions, :tnd Mr. GEORGE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2572) providing for the .ordered to be printed. construction of a custom-house ancl bonded warehouse at Portland, COML\IISSIO~D OFFICERS ~ YOLU)ITEER SERVICE. Oregon; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ Mr. ATHERTON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2557) for the recog­ Inittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. nition of the services of commissioned officers in the volunteer serv­ MILITARY WAGON-ROAD IN WASHTI\GTO~ ~""I> OREGOX. ice who ~ere discharged from or LIEUTENA...."'IT GEORGE A. REESE. JOHN :\I. BACON. :Ur. SCRANTON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2598) for the Mr. GEORGE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2581) for the relief relief of George A. Reese; which was read a fiTst and second time, of John :U. Bacon; which was read a first and second time, referred referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. WILLIA.l\:1 BEISTEL. NATIONAL BA....~G ASSOCIATIONS. 1\Ir. WISE, of Pennsylvania, inti·odnced a bill (H. R. No. 2599) · Mr. HARDENBERGH introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2582) to enable granting a pension to William Beistel; which was read a first and National Banking Associations to extend their corporate existence; second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and or­ which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committeo dered to be printed. on Banking and Currency, and ordered to be printed. HERMON n. TYSO:X. AUGUSTUS D. SAYLOR. Mr. 'VISE, of Pennsylvania, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2600) }h·. GODSHALK introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2583) for the relief of granting a pension to Hermon R. Tyson; which was read a first and Au~tus D. Saylor; which wasreadafirstandsecond time, referred second time, referred to the Committeo on Invalid Pensions, and to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. • ordered to be printed.

POST-ROUTES, ETC. FRANCIS V.L~ SWARTTAUX. 1\Ir. BINGHAM introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2584) extending the 1\h·. WISE, of Pennsylvania, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2601) provisions of sections 5 and 6 of an act establishing post-routes, and granting an increase of pension to Francis Van Swarttaun, Penn­ for other purposes; which was read a first and second time, referred sylvania Volunteers ; which was read a first and second time, referred t~ the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Road."!, and ordered to to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. be printed. JOHN M. GREGORY. MAJOR LUCIE...."i L. DAWSON. llr. BINGHAM also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2585) for the relief ltlr. WISE, of Pennsylvania, also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 260"2) of Major Lucien L. Dawson; which was read a first and second time, for the relief of John M. Gregory ; which was read a first and second referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be time, referred to the Committee on CL.'tims, and ordered to be printed. printed. GRA...."'IT OF CERTAL."i PUBLIC L.U.'D • ISAAC H. 1\IARKS ~'I> SA1\IUEL STO~. Mr. O'NEILL introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2603) granting publi(} llr. BINGHAM (by reque t) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. lands for the relief of certain citizens of the United States; which 2586) for the relief of Isaac H. Marks and Samuel Stone; which was was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on the. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Indian Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Affairs, and ordered to be printed. NICHOLAS 1\IARSHALL. THOMAS P. WOLLASTON. ~lr. O'NEILL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2604) for the relief' llr. BINGHAM (by request) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2587) of Nicholas Marshall; which was read a first and second time, for the relief of Thomas P. Wollaston; which was read a first and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and ordered to be, second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. printed. IIEIRS OF JACOB CRA..'\IER. PACIFIC TELEGRAPH LL~. 1\Ir. O'NEILL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2605) for the relief" ~Ir. BINGHAM(byrequest) also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2588) of the heirs of Jacob Cramor; which was read a :first and second time,. for the purchase of the Pacific Telegraph Line; which was read a referred to the Committee on Privato Land Claims, and ordered t() first and second time, referred to the Committee on Pacific Railroads, be printed. and ordered to be printed. SARAH C. HAIG.

J. H. HAl\BIO~"D. :Ur. O'NEILL also introduce(} a bill (H. R. No. 2606) granting n. 1\ir. BINGHAM also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2589) for there­ pension to Mrs. Sarah C. Haig; which was read a first and second lief of J. H. Hammond; which wa..s read a first and second time, timo, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to referre(l to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. be printecl. ELIZABETH • 1\I, FINLEY. SOPHIA A. 1\IORGA.."i. Mr. O'NEILL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2607) granting a ~Ir. HINGHili also introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2590) granting an pension to Mrs. Elizabeth S. M. Finley; which was read a first 'lnd increase of pension to Mrs. Sophia A. Morgan; which was read a second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, ordered to be printed. and ordered to be printed. ELECTIO:YS FOR PRESIDENT .L"iD VICE-l'RESIDE..."iT. MARIAH BETTS. 1\Ir. BELTZHOOVER introduced a joint resolution (H. R. No. 84) Mr. C~){PBELL introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2591) granting a proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States o:f pension to Mariah Betts; which was read a first and second time, America. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. The SPEAKER. What is the subject of the joint resolution Y Mr. BELTZHOOVER. It relates to the election of President and! MARY E. MURRAY'. Vice-President. 1\Ir. CAMPBELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2592) granting a The SPEAKER. This joint resolution should then be referred to pension to Mary E. Murray; which was read a first and second time, the Committee on the Law relating to the Election of President and referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be Vice-President. printed. Mr. BELTZHOOVER. The same joint resolution was offered in 0. E. GLEASON. the last Congress, and was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1\Ir. WATSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2593) for the relief of The SPEAKER. The Chair has examined the subject, and while· 0. E. Gleason; which was read a first and second time, referred to there may have been a single bill, or probably two or three, in the· the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. last Congress which were referred as the gentleman suggests, yet this: class of bills has uniformly been referred, both in that Congress and. PUBLIC BUILDING, SCRA-"iTON, PENNSYLV.Al\"'A.. in the present one up to this time, to this Committee on theElectiem. Mr. SCRANTON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2594) for a public of President and Vice-President. building at Scranto~, Pennsylvania; which was read a first and sec­ 1\lr. BELTZHOOVER. It has been heretofore referred tothe Com­ ond time, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, mittee on the Judiciary, but I have no particular preference as to and ordered to be printed. the committee. If the reference which the Chair specifies is the JOHN TORREY Al\'D OTHERS. proper one I shall not object. 1\Ir. SCRANTON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2595) for there­ The joint resolution was read a first and second time, referred to lief of John Torrey, Edward W. Weston, and Charles T. Weston; the Select Committee on Law respecting Election of President and which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee Vice-President,~and ordered to be printed. on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. .A..'IOS C. WERTZ. S. E. BRYANT. 1\Ir. BELTZHOOVER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2608) granting Mr. SCRANTON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2596) for there­ a. pension to Amos C. Wertz; which was read a first and second time, lief of S. E. Bryant; which was read afirstandsecond time, referred referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be to the Committee on Cla.im.s, and ordered to be printed. printed. ·war n. w. noss. FIRST LIEUTENANT GEORGE A. REESE. 1\Ir. BELTZHOOVE.R also introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2609) for Mr. SCRANTON also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2597) for there- the relief of R. W. Ross; which wns read a first and second time,. 292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

. referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be a pension to John Adams; which was read a first and second time, . printed. · referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be JABEZ BURCHARD. printed. 1\Ir. HARMER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2610) for the relief of Al<.""N STUCHELL. J abez Burchard; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. MOSGROVE also· introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2627) for the the Committee on Naval .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. reliefofA.nnStuchell; which wasreadafirst and second time, referred EDW.ARD SHIELDS .Ali."D OTHERS. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. HARMER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2611) for the relief of WIDOW AND HEIRS OF THOMAS H. REYNOLDS. Edward Shields and others; which was read a first and second time, Mr. MOSGROVE al o introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2628) for the referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be relief of the widow and heirs of Thomas H. Reynolds, decea d; printed. which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee GEORGE .A. JAEGER. on War Claim , and ordered to be printed. Mr. HARMER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2612) for the relief ELECTION OF SENATORS. of George A.. Jaeger; which was read a first and second time, referred Mr. BAYNE introduced a joint re olution (H. R. No. 85) propo ing to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. an amendment to the Constitution of the United States in relation ANDREW J. PUTMAN. tcJ the election of Senator ; which was read a first and second time, 1\fr. W A.LKER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2613) granting a pen­ referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. sion to Andrew J. Putman; which was re3.d a first and second time, WATER UPPLY OF WASHIXGTON. referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BARR introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2629) to increase the water JAMES R. MASOX. supply of the city of'\Vu hington; which was read a first and ec­ ond time, referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia, and Mr. W A.LKER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2614) granting a ordered to be printed. pension to...James R. Mason; which was read a first and second time, referred to the

ALEXANDER KE:l\~'"EDY, SR. ornment of the United States; which was read n, first and second time, Mr. HOUK also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2674) for the relief of referred to the Committee on 'Vays and Means, and ordered to be .Alexander Kennedy, 81'.; which was read a first and second time, ·printed. l'eferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered tobe printed. COLO~'"EL s. K. N. PATIOX. JOHN HE~RY. Mr. PETTIBONE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2693) for the relief of Mr. HOUK also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2675) for the relief of ColonelS. K. N. Patton; which was read a fir t and second time, ra­ John Henry; which was read a first and econd time, referred to the ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. w. T. PRITCHETT. ROAD TO NATIOXAL CE:\IETE.RY, NEAR ~IEMPIDS. Mr. PETTIBOl\TE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2694) granting a Mr. MOORE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2676) to construct a pension toW. T. Pritchett; which wa read a first and econd time, macadamized road from Memphis to the national cemetery; which referred to the Committee on Invalid Pension , and ordered to he wa.s read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Mill- printed. tary Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Al\"DREW J. 1\IARSHALL. EDUCATIOX OF COLORED RACE. 1\Ir. PETTIBONE also introduced'a bill (H. R. No. 2695) granting an increa e of pension to Andrew J. Marshall; which wa read a fir t Mr. MOORE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2677) to encourage and second time, referred to the Committee on In>alid Pensions, and and aid the education of the colored race in the sev6l."al States and ordered to be printed. Territories; which was read a :first and second time, referred to the J. H. PA.Th7ER. Committee on Education and Labor, and ordered to be printed. 1\Ir.PETTIBONEalsointroduceda bill(H. R. No. 2696) for the relief IMPROVED COTTOX-GIN. of J. H. Painter; which was read a :first and second time, referred to Mr. MOORE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2678) to provide for the Committee on Military Affair, and ordered to be printed. the extension of letters patent for an improvement upon the Eclipse cotton:.gin; which was read a first and second time, referred to the HARRIETT W. H.ACKLETT. Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. Mr. PETTIBONE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2697) for there­ lief of Hariett W. Shacklett; which was read a :first and second time, TREADWELL s. AYRES. referred to the Committee on War Claim, and ordered to be printed. Mr. MOORE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2679) for the relief of Treadwell S. Ayres ; which was read a. first and second time, referre(l TREATY WITH MEXICO. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered t~ be printed. Mr. WHITTHORNE introduced a joint. resolution (H. R. No. ) SALLY JARRATT. to authorize a treaty with the Republic of Mexico to promote and facilitate reciprocal and liberal commercial relations between the Mr. MOORE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2680) for the relief of people of the said republic and the United States, and to secure pro­ 1\Irs. Sally Jarratt, executrix; which was 1·ead a first and second tection to capital and labor of citizens of the United States which may time, r eferred to the Committee on W m· Claims, and ordered to be be invested and employed in opening railway communications in said printeu. 1 republic and through its territory to the Pacific coast; which was LUCTh'DA M GUIRE. read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Foreign 1\Ir. MOORE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2681) for the relief Affairs, ancl ordered to be printed.

to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. CUM1\1INGS1 DOYLE k CO. AND DOYLE &:; CO. Mr. DIBRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2688) for the relief 1\Ir. HOUSE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2704) for the relief of of Asa Faulkner; which was read a first and second time, referred Cummings, Doyle & Co. and Doyle & Co.; which was read a first and to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to .be printed. second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered B. B. TAYLOR. to be printed. Mr. DIBRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2689) for the relief A .• H. BUCHANAN. 'Of B. B. Taylor; which was read a first and second time, referred to Mr. HOUSE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2705) for the relief the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. of the estate of A. H. Buchanan, deceased; which was read a first and ELLEN W. P. CARTER. second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered Mr. DIBRELL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2690) granting to be printed. .arrears of pension to Ellen W. P. Carter; which was read a :first and STERLING T. AUSTIX• second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and 1\Ir. BLANCHARD (by request) introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2706) ordered to be printed. for the relief of the representatives of Sterling T. Austin, tleceased, LUCTh'DA BA.LLINGTON. late of Louisiana; which wa.s read a first and second time, referred 1\Ir. DIBRELL also introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2691)forthe"reliefof to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Lucinda Ballington; which was read a first and second time, referred PROTECTION OF RIGHTS OF CEnT~ SETTLERS. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. 1\Ir. BLANCHARD also presented a concurrent resolution of the TAXES DUE THE GOVER~'ME~~ OF THE lThJ:TED STATES. General Assembly of Louisiana, urging the protection of the rights Mr. McMILLIN introduced a hill (H. R. No. 2692) to regulate the of settlers on lands included within grants to railroads; which was manner of making and collecting assessments of taxes due the Go>- referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 295

COMMON SCHOOLS IN LOUISIANA. · ADVA.."\CES TO UXITED STATES BY 1\IARYLA....."'fl> AND VIRGThLA. Mr. BLANCHARD also presented a concurrent resoluti'on of the Mr. FULKERSON introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2722) to providn ·General Assembly of Louisiana, urging the pa-ssage of the bill to aid for paying certain advances made to the United States by the States in the establishment and temporary support of common schools on of Maryland and Virginia; which was read a first and second time, the l)asis of illiteracy; which was referred to the Committee on Edu­ referred to the Committee on W a~· Claims, and ordered to be printed. ICation an. 2746)to confirm title to cer­ tain private land-grants in Arizona Ter~itory; w~ch was read a ~st Mr. MORRISO~ also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2757) for there­ and second time, refened to the Committee on Pnvate Land Clauns, lief of Peter Muller; which was read a first and second time, referred and ordered to be printed. to the Committee on Military .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. D. C. THOMAS. DAVID WALDO & CO. J..Ir. PETTIGREW introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2747) for the relief Mr. VAN HORN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2758) for the relief of of D. C. Thomas; which was read a first n,nd second time, referred to David Waldo & Co.; which was read a fir t and second time, referred the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. to the Committ-ee on Clailns, and ordered to be printed. Th"'DIAN RESERVATIO~, SIOUX DAKOTA. LAW OF ~SANITY~ CllDIL.~AL . CASE • Mr. PETTIGREW also introduced a bill (H. R . No. 2248) to author­ Mr. SPRINGER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2759) defining the law ize the survey of that portion of the ~ioux Indian reservation. in the of insanity in criminal cases; which was read a first and second Territory of Dakota lying west of B1g Stone Lake, and making an time, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordexed t<1 be appropriation therefor ; which was read a first and second trme, printed. referred to the Committee on Indian .Affair , and 'Ordered to be printed. STE..~OGRAPHEP.S FOR JUDGE OF UPREME COURT. FORT RICE MILITARY RESERVATIO~, DAKOTA. Mr. SPRINGER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2760) authorizing Mr. PETTIGREW also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2749.) vacating the employment of stenographers by the justices of the Supreme the Fort Rice military reservation in the Territory ofDakota; which Court of the United States; which was read a first and second time, was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on l\Iili­ referred to the Committee on thcJmliciary, and ordered to be printed. tary Affairs, and ordered to be printed. GEORGE C. lll'FARLA.ND.

~IARY COLLL~ . 1\Ir. SPRINGER al o introduced a bill (H. R . No. 27G1) granting an honorable discharge to George C. McFarland; which was read a first Mr. AINSLIE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2750) granting an in­ and econd time, referred to the Committee on Military .Affairs, and crease of pension to 1\Irs. Mary Coli~; which wa:> read a_first and ordered to be printed. second time, re~erred to the Comnnttee on Invalid PensiOns, and ordered to be pnnted. AR....'\0 vo . 1\Ir. SPRINGER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2762) for there­ OFFICERS OF THE ARMY. lief of .A.rno Voss; which was read a. first and second time, refened t~ Mr. MAGINNIS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2751) relating to offi­ the Committee on War CL'lims, and ordered to be printed. cers of the Army ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on 1\filitary .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. GEORGE BA.I.~CROFT . 1\fr. SPRINGER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2763) for the relief WATER SUPPLY L~ THE TERRITORIES. of George Bancroft; w ¥?h was re~d a first and second tim~, referred Mr. BRENTS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2752) to approve an act to the Committee on Military .A.ffarrs, and ordered to be prmted. of the Legislative Assembly of Washington Ten;itory entitled "An act authorizing cities, incorporated town , and villages to proVIde for DAN1EL B. SillTH. a supply of water," approved December 1, ~881; which was _rea~ a 1\Ir. SPRINGER also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2764) granting first and second time, referred to the Comnnttee on the Temtones, arrears of pension to Daniel H. Smith; which was read a fi.TSt and and ordered to be printed. second time, refened to t.he Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The SPEAKER. If there be no objection, the Chair will now rec­ CHIRIQUI COALIXG STA.TIO~S . og:njze for the introduction of bills gentlemen who for any cause have llr. SPRINGER also submitted the following resolution of inquiry;. n~t had that opportunity. which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs: There was no objection. Resolved That the Secretary of the Navy be requested, if not incompatible with the public interests, to transmit to this House all papers and correspo~d~nce in the­ E~TRIES U}.'DER HO:\IESTEAD LAWS. Department relative to the Chiriqui coaling stations b.nd the appropnation for the­ purchase thereof; and that the Secret~ be reque!lted to continue to withhold all lli. HOLMAN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2753) limiting entries payments for such coaling stations UDtil further legislation by Congre s on the cf public lands to actual settlers under the homestead laws; which subject. 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE.

AJ\IEND::\IENT OF RULES. the House dming the last session, but by some misadventure it failed Mr. DE MOTTE submitted the following resolution; which was in the Sena.te. I ask, therefore, that it be now taken up and con­ read, a.nd referred to the Committee on Rules: sidered. 1\lr. KELLEY. I withdra.w the objection after the statement or Resolved, Thata committee of eleven members, withlikeprivilegesandpowersas the Committee on Commerce, be appointed by the Speaker, to be known as the the gentleman from New York. "Committee on Inland Fares and Freights," to which all matters relating to the The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. regulation of interstate commerce shall be referred. . The Clerk read as follows : JACOB B. KING. Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, (the Senate CO'nC1J,rTing,) That 12,{)()()1> copies of the eulogies delivered in the House of Representatives upon the late Fer­ ~fi·. TOWNSHEND, of illinois, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2765) nando Wood, of New York, be printed, 8,000 for the use of the House of Representa­ for the relief of Jacob B. King; which was read a. :first and second tives and 4,000 for the use of the Senate; and that the Secretary of the Treasury have time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed a portrait of Mr. Wood to n.ccompany the same; and for the purpose or.· defraying the ex-pense of procuring the said portrait, the sum of $500, or· so much.. printed. thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of :my A.ME1\"DMENT OF RULES. money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of illinois, a.lso submitted the following reso­ :Mr. COX, of New York. That is the usual form. lution; which was 1·ead, a.ndreferred to the Committee on Rules: The SPEAKER. The Cha.ir hears no objection to the present con-­ Resolved, That no private bill shall be printed unless it has been reported back sidera.tion of the resolution. by the committee to which it has been referred with recommendations for its passage. Mr. WILSON. Will the gentleman from New York allow me to­ PETER C. DE GRAFF. say one word f The division of the number to be printed gives to Mr. WILLITS introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 2766) for the relief of each Senator a. much la.rger number than to the members of the House. Peter C. De Gra.ff; which was read a :first and second time, referred Mr. COX, of New York. It gives the House 8,000 copies and the­ to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Sena.te 4,000 copies. ESTATE OF JOHN SHIRLEY, DECEASED. Mr. KELLEY. The Senators from my St:tte represent twenty-seven Mr. GUNTER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2767) for the relief of districts each, while we each represent one district. the estate of John Shirley, deceased; which was read a :first and The SPEAKER. The Chair suggests that the resolution be made­ econd time, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered joint instea.d of concurrent, :tS it appropriates money. to be printed. 1\Ir. COX, of New York. I have no objection to that. The joint resolution (H. R. No. 89) to print the eul~es delivered LOUlS VOL:rn. in the House of Representatives on the late Fernando wood was read. Mr. LINDSEY introduced a. bill (H. R. No. 276!;) for the relief of a. first and second time, engrossed, read a third time, and passed. Louis Volin; which wa read a :first and second time, referred to the Mr. COX, of New York, moved to reconsider the vote by which the· Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. joint resolution was passed; and also mo"\\ed that the motion to recon­ THOliAS S. HOPKINS. sider be laid on the table. Mr. LINDSEY also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2769) to exempt The latter motion was agreed to. Thomas S. Hopkins, late a private in Company C, Sixteenth Maine ORDER OF BUSTh~SS. Volunteers, from the limitation prescribed by section 2 of the act of Mr. KELLEY. I now move to dispensewith themorninghourasa, March 3, 1879, on account of mental incapacity, and to increase his preliminary to movingthattheHousegointo Committeeofthe Whole pension ; w bich was read a. :first and second time, referred to the on the state of the Union to consider the resglution distributing the­ Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. President's message. REBECCA WRIGHT. The SPEAKER. The business of the morning hour would be the ~ Mr. CRAVENS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2770) for the relief of call of committees for reports. To dispense with it requires a two-· Rebecca Wright; which was read a. first and second time, referred thirds vote. to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. The question being taken, the motion to dispense with the morn-· WILLIAM F. SEWARD. ing hom was agreed to, (two-thirds voting in favor thereof.) Mr. STEELE by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. No. DISTRIBUTION OF PRESIDExr'S MESSAGE. 2771) for the rellef of William F. Seward ; w bich was 1·ead a first and 1\Ir. KELLEY. I now move that the House resolve itself into the second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union for the purpose of· to be printed. considering the resolution reported by the Committee on Ways and FARMERS rn SOUTH OF AFRICA. l\Ieans distributing the Pre ident's message. Mr. HILLpresenteda.jointresolutionoftheLe~islatureoftheSta.te The motion was agreed to. of New Jersey, in relation to the struggle of tne Dutch farmers in The House accordingly 1·esolved itself into the Committee of the-· the south of .Africa to maintain their independence; which was re­ Whole on the state of the Union, (Mr. HISCOCK in the chair.) . ferred to t.he Committee on Foreign .Affairs. The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union to consider the resolution providing for the distri-· EULOGIES 0~ THE LATE FEfu~A..."'IDO WOOD. bution of the President's me age. The Clerk will report the resolu­ Mr. COX, of New York. I a k permission at this time to offer the tion. following concurrent resolution in relation to printing the eulogies The Clerk read as follows: on my late colleague, Mr. Wood. Resolved, That so much of the annual message of the President and the docn-· • The SPEAKER. ·what action does the gentleman from New York menta that accompany it as relates to the death of James A. Garfield1.late Presi­ desire'! dent of the United States, be referred t.o the JointSelectCommittoo on tJleGarfield. Memorial: Mr. COX, of New York. I a k considemtion for it at the present That o much as relates to refunding the public debt, to the national finances, to• time. the abolition of internal-revenue taxes~ rand to the issue of silver certificates,] be­ :Mr. KELLEY. I shall ha.ve to object to tha.t, and rise forthepur­ referTed to the Committee on Ways ana Means. pose of asking that the Honse resolve itself into the Committee of the That so much as relates to the appropriation and expenditure of public moneys be referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Whole House on the tate of the Union to receive and consider the That so much as relate to the courts of the United States and to the suppres11ion.. resolution reporte«l from the Committee on Ways and :Means in rela­ of polygamy be r·eferre

.Agriculture, and to ~e agricultural development of the conntry, be referred to Mr. BUCKNER. I cannot understand how these certificates are a the Committee on A~culture. · . . . public debt. The Governm-ent gives its obligations for debts due by That so much as relates to the construction of a buildmg for the Library of h G t t · di 'd Is · oCongress be referred to the Joint Select Committee on additional accommodations t e overnmen 0 m V1 ua · for the Congressional Library. Mr. KASSON. How can it be a private debt, if it is owed by the That 80 much as relates to the promotion of general education be referrerl to the Government T .All the public debt is owed chiefly to individuals; 'Committee on Education and Labor. the bonds of the United States are owed to individuals. However, That so much as relates to the payment of arrearages of J?ensions and of bounty thi · · nl d be refei:red to the Select Committee on the Payment of PensiOns, Bounty, and Back s 1S rmportant 0 Y as a prece ent. p Mr. BUCKNER. These certificates are simply certificates of so ~lb.at so much as relates to the early completion of public buildings in the city of much coin held by the Govermuent. Wa hington be referred to the Committee on Public Buildings aud Grounds. Mr KASSO.,.._T And consequent! 1't 1· a obl' t' f th U 'ted That so much as relates to the ascertainment and declaration of the vote for Pres- · .~,, · Y s n Iga lOll 0 e n1 idential electors be referred to the Select Committee on Election of President and State and of nobody el e. Vice-President. . Mr. R..A:NDALL. It is true that these certificates are in the nature That so much as relates to the prevention of the introduction of contagiOus anrl of a pnblic debt, but it is a public debt of an exceptional character. .infectious diseases from foreign countries or from one State to another pe referred The same line of ar0'ument that the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. ·KAS­ ·to the Select Committee on Public Health. 0 That so much as relates to the publication of trade report collected by the De- sox] employs a to these certificates would apply to greenbacks ns partment of State be referred to the Joint Committee on Printin"'. w ell. Yet it has always been held that bills relating to the green- That so much a relates to the reclamation and improvement o'f marshes on the back circulation of the country should go to the Committee on Bank- Potomac River in frontofWa hington, to the improvement of the public re erva- · d C ;tion south of the executi>e mansion, to the erection of a free bridge across the mg an nrrency · Potomac River near Georgetown, to the deficiency in the supply of water in 'Vash- Mr. KASSON. Will the gentleman allow me to ask if that is the ington, to the removal of steam-railwa_y J.i?.esfrom the s:urface of the streets of that more recent action of this House Y Formerly, in the time ofThad­ ter certificates shall be referre~ which they repre ent is a ba is of circulation, and that is the object to the Committee on Way and Means. It occurs to me that that l.S of these certificates. .Although the Secretary of the Treasury ha .an improper reference. suggested the repeal of the law authorizing the issue of these silver The e silver certificate were authorized under the act of 1878, certificates, if I read his report correctly, yet I believe they have known, I believe, as the Bland bill, a ~ill which provided f~r the been esteemed so highly that they have absolutely been purchased -coiRaO'e of the sih-er dollar.• These certificate take thepl:we m the ofthe Government with gold. They are therefore strictly currency. coun-b:y of the actual circulation of the coin. I think under the rules :1'\Ir. ROBE SON. I think this thing can be made clear in a moment . .and according to every principle that question should go to the Com- By the rules adopted at the last session, (and what I now state will mittee on Coinairtue of its charge of the it these silver certificates. They are convenient for use; and nearly public obligations of the United States has charge of this matter, every bill relating to the subject of coinage has contained some pro­ its duty being to provide the ways and means for paying every pub- vision in regard to the issue of certificates of this kind. I say it has 'J.ic obligation. been the universal practice to refer all these s11bjects to the Com- 1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 299 mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures; and certainly it would P. Wright; which was read a first and second time, referred to the be bad policy now to separate the proposition relating to certificates Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. from the proposition relating to coinage. Both should go together. EXTE~SION OF THE 1\ITh"T AT ·PHILADELPHIA. Mr. COX, of New York. .Allow me to ask the ~entleman from what .committee the bill providing for the issue of silver certificates was Mr. O'NEILL introduced a bill(H. R. No. 2773)forthe extension.of reportedf the area of the Mint at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and for greater Mr. BLANIJ. The bill wa originally reported from the Committee security of the same; which was read a first and second tim'1 referred on Mines and Mining. But the bill as it became a law came from the to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, ana ordered .Senate. As it pa,ssed the House it contained nothing in relation to to be printed . the silver certificates. It was returned from the Senate with a pro­ OLIVE STEPHE...~SOX. vision ofthis kind, and in that form was passed here. But there were l\Ir. WADSWORTH introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2774) granting a bills referred t.o the Committee on Mines and Mining and reported pension to Olive Stephenson; which was read a first and second which contained provisions of this kind. · time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be l\Ir. COX, ofNew York. I asked the question ofmy honorable friend p·rinted. from Missouri [l\Ir. BLil.""D] for the purpose of showing to the House APPO:U ~TME:ST ON COMMITTEE. how multifru.·ious, how complicated the e references happenecl to be. The SPEAKER announced the appointment of l\Ir. REED, of Maine 'There is no rule by which to abide in referring matters to committees to fill the vacancy on the Committee on Rules occasioned by th~ where the committees have kindred relations, except the disposition resignation of Mr. 0RTH. eral Whenever questions of this kind are raised in the House you can­ weeks mu~t necessarily elapse before they can be classified and examined,' and the· not determine them by any rule; they can only be determined by the actuall~ttmg take place. If, _therefore, Congress shall be of the opinion that a wir:;h of the House. Men who favor a project are not likely to send it change m tlie law 1s needed, 1t may, I presume, be made immediately a~gabl e.. to an unfriendly committee; we do not send thelambtothewolf; we CHESTER A . .AR R. end a subject to that committee which will be kindly disposed to­ ExECUTIVE ::MANSION, Januarrj 6, 1882. ward it. So on this occasion I shall vote for the amendment of my l\Ir. SPRINGER. . I would like to have the accompanyin()' commu- friend from Colorado, [Mr. BELFORD, 1believing that the silver inter­ nication read. o est is very well cared for by him. The SPEAKER. The communication will be referred to the Com­ Mr. BUCKNER. I move to amend the amendment by striking out mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads and printed. "Coinage, Weights, and Measures," and inserting "Banking and Cur­ Mr. REAGAN. Is it to appear in the RECORD, and are the docu­ rency." ments accompanying the message which has been read to be printed The CHAIRMAN. The question will be first taken on the amend­ for the information of the House Y ment of the gentleman from Missouri [Mr. BucKA~R] to the amend... ~Ir. MILLS. Would it not be well, if that is to go before the Com­ ment of the gen.tleman from Colorado. nnttee .on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, to give that committee Mr. BURROWS. Let the amendment be read: authority from the House to report at any time f The President The Clerk read as follows~ seems to contemplate that some hasty action may be necessary.

Strike out the words "Coinage, Weights, and Measun=.s," and insert "Banking The SPEAKER. The committee will doubtless have the privile()'e0 Sl.Ild Currency." and the :power to report it at any time. The Chairman was proceeding to put the question on the amend­ Mr.l\ULLS. They have not the power to report at any time under ment of l\h·. BUCJQ,"ER, when the rules. · Mr. McKINLEY said: Will the Chair please state the question The SPEAKER. The House will doubtless agree to give the com­ again Y mittee that power for this purpose. . · Mr. ROBESON. A great many gentlemen do not understand the l\Ir. SPARKS. As I understand it, the accompanying documents ·effect of this vote. will not be printed in the RECORD unless by order of the House. The CHAIRl\l.AN. The question is now upon the amendment of the The SPEAKER. They will be printed for the use of members in ,gentleman from Missouri, providing for a reference to the Committee the usual manner, but not printed in the RECORD. .on Banking and Currency. rhe amendment of the gentleman from Mr. SPARKS. That was my understanding-that they would not ·Colorado provided for a reference to the Committee on Coinage, be printed in the RECORD. Weights, and Measures. The vote now being taken is upon the amend­ The SPEAKER. The accompanying papers will not be printed in ment of the gentleman from Missouri, referring this portion of the the RECORD. message to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Mr. RANDALL. I think the communication from the Postmaster­ The amendment of Mr. BuCin\'ER was agreed to; there being ayes General had better be read. 106, noes 45. Mr. SPRINGER. The communication from the Postmaster-Gen­ The question recurring on the amendment as amended; it was eral is a. very lengthy one and is the report of special counsel of the .agreed to. Post-Office-Inspectors Tidball and Shallcross-in reference to straw The resolution as amended was then adopted. bids. It is already printed, I see, and the order for printing it will Mr. KELLEY. I move that the committee now rise and report not be required. This is a pamphlet, which is a public document, I the resolution to the House. presume. The motion was agreed to. 'Fhe SP~AKER. The Chair was under the impression that it was The committee accordingly rose; and the Speaker having resumed pnnted Slillply for the use of the Post-Office Departmen~ and that it the chair, l\Ir. HiscocK reported that the Committee of the Whole could not be supplied to the members of the House. That printin()' House on the state of the Union, having had under consideration the is only for the use of the Department. o .annual message of the President of the United States, had directed ~Ir. SPRINGER. It contains e~ghty-five printed pages, and ifnot pnnted for the use of the House, It should be, of course, as a public him to report with an amendment a resolution providin()'0 for the Tefer ence of the same, and recommend its adoption. document. The question being taken on the amendment reported from the Mr. RANDALL. It is a very important subject. This is one of the Committee of the Whole, it was agreed to. a~encies by which the Government has been deprived of a great deal The resolution as amended was then adopted. of money improperly. Mr. KELLEY moved to reconsider thevotebywhich the resolution Mr. MILLS. The President of the United States in making this was adopted; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on communication to the House announces to them that, on the 7th of the table. this month. bids were opened, but that it will ta.ke some time to The latter motion wa3 agreed to. examine them. In the mean time-a.nd it is going to be a short mean time-Congress may desire to make some change about how these J. P. WRIGHT. contracts are to be awarded. Now, then, how is it possible for us to 1\h·. TUCKER introduced a bill (H. RLNo. 27i2) for the relief of J. act in this short time unless this House give the Committee au the 300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

Post-Office and Post-Roads the authority to report at any time-to­ Mr. ROBESON. I move that the Hou e do now adjourn. morrow, if necessary'¥ The motion; was agr ed to; and accordingly (at five o'clock and Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Tilinois. ·well, they can report to-morrow. twenty minutes p. m.) the House a-djourned. Committees ru-e called e-very day in the morning hour. Mr. :MILLS. They cannot report at any time. Other committees may obtain the floor. PETITIONS, ETC. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of illinois. No other committees have any The following memorials, petitions, and other papers were laid on business ready, and it is not likely that they will be deprived ofthe the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: power to report when the committees are called. By 1\!r. ALLEN: The petitioR of the Mis ouri Historical Society, for Mr. 1\llLLS. Unless some other committee gets in before them. the publication of a. synoptical catalogue of all documents issued by The SPEAKER. The Chan: has no doubt the House will hear the the Government-to the Committee on Printing. committee at. any time jt, is ready to report. By 1\lr. ANDERSON: The petition of citizens of Logan County, :Mr. BLOUNT. I can see no objection to the proposition of the gen­ Kansas, praying for a pension for John G. Banks-to the Committee tleman from Texas at all. Even if' the committee can report their on Invalid Pensions. conclusions to the House, they are not nece sarily acted on, and the By 1\lr. ATKINS: Papers relating to the claim •f John H. Ed­ gentleman from Texas has rightly referred to the importance of speedy wards, of Tennessee-to the Committee on Military Affairs. action. The President has said in his me age to the House the By Mr. BARBOUR: The petition of James Gibbons, for exemption former Po tmaster-Geueral ba-s seen fit to make the communication from taxation of pro-perty n8w used by the of Wa.sh­ to him upon which his message is basedi and if any action is to be in~n, District of Columbia-to the Committee on the District of had at all it must be had promptly or it 1s utterly useless. Coltunbia. The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman from Texas submit a motion By 1\lr. BELFORD: Papers relating to the claim of George F. that the Committee on t.he Post-Office and Post-Roads, to which this Brott-to the Committee on 1{a val Affairs. message and accompanying documents have been referred, shall have By Mr. BELTZHOOVER: Papers relating to the claim of Edmond leave to report on this subject at any tilne Wolfe and others for compensation for property destroyed by fire by Mr. MILLS. Yes, sir; I make that motion. order of United States military authorities-to the Committee on The motion was agreed to. War Claims. · :Mr. MILLS moved to reconsider the vote by which the motion was Also, papers relating to the pension claim of Thomas N. Rothrock ngree(l to; and aJ o moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on -to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the tahle. By Mr. BLACK : A bill for an appropriation for the completion of The latter motion was aO"reed to. improvements ofthe harbor of Brunswick, Georgia-to the Committee 1\lr. RA.l~DALL. What has become of the proposition to print f on Commerce. l\fr. ROBESON. I move this House do now adjourn. Also, a. bill for an appropriation for the completion of the river The SPEAKER.. It will be printccl a.s a document, and not in the and harbor improvements of the port of Savannah, Georgia-to the RECORD. same committee. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. 'Vhy not let it be printed in the Also, a bill to appropriate $50,000 for the improvement of the .Alta­ RECORDf maha River, in the State of Georgia-to the same committee. The SPEAKER. 'rhe Chair will ask lmanimous consent to print AI o, a bill to appropriate $30,000 for the improvement of naviga­ the document in the RECORD. tion through the Romerly Marshes, in the State of Georgia-to the Mr. BURROWS, of Michigan. 'Vhat document, Mr. Speaker f sa,me committee. The SPEAKER. The document to which reference is made in the By Mr. BLISS: The petition of Patrick Smith, for an increase of message. Isthereobjection to printing theaccompanying document pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. in the RECORD f By Mr. BRENTS: Papers relating to the cl:llin of F. Prosh and Several members objected. B. F. McElroy, for compensation for bindin_$. the statutes of the CO~TESTED-ELECTIO~ CASES. Legislature of Washington Territory-to the \Jommittee on Claims. The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent_, laid before the House ad­ By 1\lr. BREWER: Eight petitions of members of the Life-Sa-ving ditional evidence in the contested-election case of Cook t'B. Cutt , Service, for increa e of pay-to the Committee on Commerce. Rixth district of Iowa; which was referred to the Committee on By 1\fr. DRIGGS: Memorial of David Webster, of Concord, New Elections. Hampshire, for payment of fees clue him as ~1 witnes before the The SPEAKER also, by unanimous consent, lahl before the House Committee on Expenditures in the ·war Department-to tho Com­ addit.ional evidence and papers relating to the contest of ·wither­ mittee on Claims. . spoon vs. Davidson, second Congressional district of Florida; whieh By ~fT. BUCHANAN: The petition of G. A. D. Dozier and others, were referred to the Committee on Elections. relative to interstate commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. By 1\lr. J. C. BURROWS: Five petitions of citizens of Michigan, LEAVE OF ABS~CE. relative to interstate commerce-to the same committee. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as follows: By ~fr. CANDLER: Tho petition of Julia Austin, of East Cam­ To 1\lr. ·wARD, for two days, on account of important busine . bridge, Massachusett , for compensation for the accidental neath To Mr. Knm, for six: days, on account of important bnsines . ' of her husband at Charlestonnavy-yard-to the Committee on Naval JASPER I Oli. Affairs. On motion of Mr. DIBRELL, by unanimous con ent, leave was given By ~Ir. CA.J.."\TNON: The petition of Standiford Brothers and others, t.o witbdn11w from the files of the House the petition and accompany­ for the modification and amendment of internal-revenue laws-to ing papers of Jasper Isom, Third Tennessee Cavalry, for a pension. the Committee on Ways and Means. tbere being no adverse report thereon. ' Also~ the petition of Eli Wiley and others, that extra compensation be paiu Samuel Wil on for carrying mails-to the Committee on POLYG.A...~. Clailns. Mr. THOMAS. I a..<;\ unanimous consent that there be pTinted in By Mr. CASWELL: The petition of Samuel Clark and13 others, the RECORD the joint resolution which I introduced to-day, and and of E. Hart and 65 others, citizens of Wi cousin, relating to which was referred to the Committee on the Jucliciary, proposing an interstate commerce-to the Comlnittee on Commerce. amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By }fT. CHACE: The petition of J. A. Hazanl and others, for in­ There was no objection. crease of pay to men employed in the Life-Saving Service-to the same The joint resolo.tion is as follows: committet\. J"oint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of t.he Unitecl States. By l\fr. CHALMERS: Papers relating to the claim of Lewis D. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatiuesof the United States of America Allen, of Adams County, Mississippi-to the Committee on \Var in Congress assembled-, (two-thi·rds of each House concurring therein,) That the follow­ Claims. ing amendment to the Constitution of the United States be, and is hereby, pro­ posed to the Legislatures of tho several States: Also, papers relating to the claim of J.. ouisa S. Bo bo, by Charles ARTICLE-. G. Bobo, administrator-to the Committee on War Claims. First. Neither bigamy, polygamy, nor the having or po essing of more than one Also, the petition of the National Cotton Planters' Association, in legal husband or one le~al w1fe at the same time, by any resident, inhabitant, or favor of making the Commissioner of Agriculture a . Cabinet officer­ citizen of or within the unite

By GEORGE R. DAVIS: The resolutions of the Chicago Board of . caloosa and Fayette Counties, Alabama, for the establishment of a Trade, urging the increase of compensation of keepers and employes postal route-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads .. of the Life-Saving Service-to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. IDSCOCK: The petition of citizens of New York, for the Also, the joint resolution of the Legislature of Michigan, praying passaze of a law giving a bounty to the soldiers of the late war of the Congress to provide for laying and maintaining a telegraphic cable rebellion-to the Committee on Military Affairs. betwMn Manitou Islands and the mainland of Michigan-to the same Also, a petition for the removal of tax on banks and bank deposits- committee. to the Oommittee on Ways and Means. Also, the petition of 203 letter-carriers of Chicago, for increase of Also, the petition ofthe American Company of Revisers of theNew salary-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Testament, for return and remission of duties-to the same com- Also, the petition of Mary Ann Murphy, for a pension-to the Com- mittee. mittee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. HOGE: The petition of J. P. Anvil and other , citizens of By Mr. DAWES : The petition of 600 citizens of Hannibal, Mis- Barbour County, West Virginia, relative to interstate commerce-to so uri, and of 20 citizens of Orlando, Florida, relative to alleged combi- the Committee on Commerce. nation between railroad companies and the Standard Oil Company- By Mr. HOLMAN: The petition of 258citizens of Indiana, relating to the Committee on Commerce. to interstate commerce-to the same committee. · By Mr. DEERING: The petitio~ of S. B. C~ase, f~r compensation By Mr. HORR: The petition of citizens of Bay City, Michigan, for services rendered and expense rncurred while register of the land for repeal of bank ta:x:e -to the Committee on Ways and Means. office at Osao-e, Iowa-to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. HOUK: Paper relating to the claim of Peter Targarona- By Mr. DEUSTER: The petition of William B. Whiting, for a pen- to the Committee on Claims. sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, memorial of bankers and business men of Memphis, Tennes- Also, the resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Milwaukee, see, for repeal of bank taxes-to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ Wisconsin, relating to the organization of the Signal Service-to the rency. Committee on Commerce. Also, the petition of Mary E. Buchanan, administratrix of estate of Also, the resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Milwaukee, E. H. Childress, deceased, (by Thomas Chadwell, administrator,) of Wiconsin, relating to the compensation of keepers of life-saving star- Cummings, Doyle & Co. and Doyle & Co., and of Duncan Marr, for tiona-to the same committee. compensation for property ta"ken and used by the United States A1so, the petition of H. Wehausen and others, citizens of Cedar- Army during the late rebellion-to the Committee on War Claims. burgh, Wisconsin, praying for relief from evil effects resulting from By Mr. HUMPHREYS: Memorial from Charles Seymour and others formation of syndicates of grain speculators, &c.-to the same com- in opposition to the adoption of the French metric system-to the mittee. Committee on Coinage, Weights, and :Measure . Also, the petitions of keepers of life-saving stations, for relief-to By Mr. JADWIN: The petition of B. E. James and 300 others, citi- the same committee. zeus of Pennsylvania, relative to interstate commerce-to the Com- Also, the joint resolution of the Legislature of :Michigan, recom- mittee on Commerce. mending the laying and maintenance of telegraphic cable between By Mr. JOYCE: The petition of Mary C. Sellick, for a pension- Manitou Islands and the mainland of :Michigan-to the same com- to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. mittee. By Mr. KNOrr: The petition of Samuel S. Hodges, for a pension- By Mr. DffiBLE: The petition of General C. I. Walker and other to the same committee. members of the National Guards AsRociation of the United States, Also, the petition of Mrs. Henrietta L. King, for relief-to the Com- for amendments of laws relating to militia-to the Committee on the mittee on the District of Columbia. Militia. By Mr. LEWIS: Paper relating to the claim of Joseph F. Nelson- By Mr. DIBRELL: The petition of A. M. Cate, W. T. Cate, T. L. to the Committee on Private Land Claims. Cate, and others, for compensation for services during the late rebell- By Mr. LINDSEY: The petition of Charles Gleason and 102 others ion-to the Committee on War Claims. and of Harvey Ripley and 76 others, citizens of :Maine; relative to AI o, the petition of Marsellus Martin, for relief-to the Committee interstate commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. on Military Affairs. By Mr. MARTIN: The petition of J. H. Adams and others, citi- By :Mr. DUNNELL: The petition of H. R. Barnard and 66 others zens of Delaware, relative to interstate commerce-to the same com­ and of L. F. McGibbon and 130 others, citizens of Minnesota, in mittee. favor of the passage of a law regulating commerce between the Also, the petition of Mary J. Goslee, for a pension-to the Com- States-to the Committee on Commerce. mittee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of 80 citizens of Detroit, Michigan, in favor of Also, the petition of Franklin Temple, for relief-to the Committee increasing the efficiency of the life-saving service-to the same com- on Accounts. mittee. By Mr. McCOOK: The petition of Mrs. E. A. Farr, of New York, Also, the petition of Delia E. Grommond, for a pension-to the for relief-to the Committee on 'Var Claims. Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of Gustav Henze, of New York City, to investi- Also, the petition of Margaret J. :McCrichett and of Augustus gate and adopt his system of compound armor for men-of-war and Sprague, for relief-to the Committee on War Claims. coa-st defense-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr. ELLIS: The petition of Mrs. Anastasea E. Fish-to the By 1\fr. McKENZIE: Papers relating to the claim of L. C. Chat- Committee on Claims. ham, for pay as a recrniUng officer in the military service of the Also, papers relating to the claim of Cora A. Slocumb,IdaA. Rich- United States-to the Committee on War Claims. ardson, and Caroline A. Urquhart-to the Committee on War By Mr. MOORE: Papers relating to the claim of Augustus F. Bon- Claims. ner, of Raleigh, Shelby County, Tennessee-to the same committee. By Mr. EVINS: Papers relating to the claim of Lacon R. Tillman- Also, the petition of Mary E. Lucas, for relief-to the same com- to the Committee on Claims. mittee. By Mr. S. S.FARWELL: MemorialoftheBoardofTradeofDaven- Also,papersreL'ttingtotheclaimofMaryE. McKinney, of Memphis, port, in relation to the Hennepin Canal-to the Committee on Com- Tennessee, for compensation for property taken and used by the merce. United States Army during the late rebellion-to the same commit­ By Mr. FISHER: Papers relating to the claim of J. W. Butler for tee. pay for services as an employe of the United States secret service- By Mr. MOREY: The petition of 400 citizens of Butler County, to the Committee on War Claims. Ohio, fortheremovalofcertaintaxesonnationalandprivate banks- By Mr. FULKERSON: The petition of Henry A. Hudson, for a to the Committee on Ways and Means. pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of Colonel Worthington, for an increase of pen- By Mr. GEDDES : The petition of Jacob Shively and 96 others, sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. citizens of Morrow and Richland Counties, Ohio, relating to inter- By Mr. MORRISON: Papers relatin~ to the pension claim. of George state commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. W. Long-to the Committee on Invalid PensiOns. By Mr. GUENTHER: Papers relating to the claim of Sarah M. By Mr. MULDROW: Papers relating to the claim of Captain J. Thomas-to the Committee on War Claims. H. Estes-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. JOHN HAMMOND: Papers relating to the claim of General By Mr. PAGE: The petition of the Chamber of Commerce of San Alvord-to the Committee on Milita-ry Affairs. Francisco, California, relating to construction of a revenue-cutter By Mr. HATCH: The petition of 140 citizens of Lewis County for the Alaska waters, and refative to certain obstructions of navi­ and of 80 citizens of Marion County, Missouri, for the enactment of gation-to the Committee on Commerce . .a law to prevent extortions and discriminations in passenger and Also, the resolutions of the Merchants' Exchange and of the Board freight rates by railroad corporations-to the Committee on Com- of Trade of San Francisco, California, relating to the United States merce. Signal Service-to the same committee. By 1\fr. HAWK: Papers to accompany Honse bill No. 2143-to the Also, papers relating to tlte duties on sulphur-to the Committee Committee on the Militia.. on Ways and Means. By Mr. G. W. HEWITT : The petition of R. S. Bottoms and others, By Mr. PEELLE : The petition ofcitizens of Indiana, for the repeal for the establishment of a postal route between Allen's Factory and of the law imposing taxes on banks and stamps on bank checks­ Pearce's Mills, Marion County, Alabama-to the Committee on the to the same committee. Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. PETTffiONE : The petition of A. J. Marshall, for an increase Also, the petition of A. A. Chesnutt and others, citizens of Tus- of pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 9,

. Also, papers relating to the claim of J. H. Painter-to the Com­ venders of patents and patent rights-severally to the Committee on mittee on Military Affairs. Patents. Also, papers relating to the claim of Colonel S. K. N. Patton-to Also, three petitions of citizens of Ohio, in fa.vor of the enactment the same committee. of a law imposing a tax on iucomes-tQ the Committee on Ways and By Mr. PHELPS: The petition of Calvin Durand, for relief-to the Means. Committee on 'Vays and Means. Also, four petitions relating to interstate commerce-to the Com­ By Mr. PfiSTER: Abillforthe continuationofthe improvement mittee on Commerce. ef the Big Sandy River-to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. THOMAS: Papers relating to the claim of Rear-Admiral Also, a bill for the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio JohnL. 'Vordenandthe officersandcrewofthe United States steamer River-to the same committee. Monitor who participated in the action with the rebel iron-cla-d Mer­ By 1\Ir. RAY: Theresolutionsofsympathy with Ireland passed by rimac in 1862-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. the ~eneral court of New Hampshire-to the Committee on Foreign By Mr. P. B. THOMPSON: The petition of citizens of Pulaski A.ffarrs. County, Kentucky, for an appropriation for the improvement of the By 1\Ir. RITCHIE : Seven petitions from the members of the Ohio Cumberland River-to the Committee on Commerce. bar for the pa age of the bill authorizing the holding of three terms Also, papers relating to the claims of George H. Dobyns; of the MOO.­ each year of the United States district and circuit courts at Toledo, ison Female Institute of Richmond, Kentucky; of Joseph Falconor, in the western division of the northern district of Ohio-to the Com­ of Patrick Hill; of JohnS. Kendrick, executor of Amanda F. Gog­ mittee on the Judiciary. ger, deceased; of Julia A. Reed, of Benjamin W. Sloan, of Sord,. Also, the petition of Melvin M. Boothman and others, citizens of and of Sarah Wells, for compensationforpropertytakenand used by 1Villiams County, Ohio, for increa-se and equalization ofpensions-to the United States Army during the late rebellion-severally to the the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on War Claims. Also, the petition of C. M. Clark and 54 other , citizens of Stryker, Also, two petitions of citizens of Kentucky, relative to interstate Williams County, and S. W. W. Shumaker and 32 others, citizens of commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. Wood County, Ohio, relative to interstate commerce-to the Com­ By Mi. AMOS TOWNSEND: The petition of ship-owners and ship­ mittee on Commerce. masters of Cleveland, Ohio, for increase of salary for keepers of life­ Also, the petition or' Darwin Smith, of Toledo, Ohio, for relief-to saTin" stations-to the same committee. the Committee on 'Var Claims. By }Ir. TUCKER: Papers relating to the claim of Charles W. But­ Also, the petition of George Strain, for relief-to the Committee on ton to be reimbursed for the cost of advertising property levied on Claims. by the collector of internal revenue of the :fifth district of Virginiar­ By :ur. ROSECRA..L'ffi: Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce re­ to the Committee on Claims. lating to harbor defenses in San Francisco-to the Committee on Also, papers relating to the claim of Folkes and Winston and others, Military Affairs. citizens of Lynchburgh, Virginiar-to the Committee on War Claims. Also, the petitio::: of the Geographical Society of the Pacific, for an Also, papers relating to the claim of W. S. Kimball & Co. and other appropriation for United States coast and geodetic survey of Alaskar­ tobacco manufacturers-to the Committee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on Appropriations. AI o, papers relating to the bill (H. R. No. 1785) providing for the Also, papers relating to the claim of Major G. W. Candee-to the erection of a public building at Lynchburgh, Virginia-to the Com­ Committee on Military Affairs. mittee on Public Buildings and Ground . Also, the petition of Mrs. Peter A. Cassidy, for compensation for Also, papers relating to the claim of :Moses Lacy for pay for build­ machine invented by her late husband-to the Committee on Patents. ing used and occupied by the United Sta_tes military authorities-to Also, the petition of Cyrus C. Clark, for relief-to the Committee the Committee on War Claim . on the Judiciary. Also, the petition of J. H. Rives, of Virginia, for pay for expenses Also, the petition of B. T. Kirby, for relief-to the Committee on incurred in collecting public revenues-to the Committee on Way~ :Military Affairs. and Means. Also, papers relating to the claim of Redmond Tulley-to the s:une Also, papers relative to the claim of J aqueline M. Wood asking to committee. be relieved from further responsibility for an alleged deficit in his Also, papers relating to the claim of Charles J. Whiting-to the accounts as stamp clerk-to the same committee. same committee. By Mr. UPSON: The petition of F. Daley, for an increase Aloo, papers relating to the claim of Mrs. S. A. Wright-to the of pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on Patents. By Mr. URNER: The petition of George Calvert, for relief-to the Also, papers relating to the claim of Frank D. Yates and others­ Committee on War Claims. to the Committee on Claims. Also, the petition of Mrs. Margaret R. Coloney, for an increase of By Mr. RUSSELL: The petition of George W. Cluff, for reimburse­ pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ment for property captured from him by a hostile tribe of Indians­ Also, the petition of A. H. Von Luettwitz, for relief-to the Com­ to the Committee on Claims. mittee on Military Affairs. Also, the petition of James O'Grady for removal of charge of de­ By Mr. VAN AERNAM: Papers relating to the claim of John R. sertion, and payment of back pay-to the Committee on the Payment Bond-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay. Also, papers relating to the claim of John A. Whitall-to the Com­ Also, the petition of Samuel D. Shipley, late lieutenant-colonel mittee on Claims. Thirtieth Massachusetts Volunteers, for restoration of rank and ad­ By Mr. VANCE: Papers relating to the claim of Sam H. Flem­ justment of pension-to the same committee. ming-to the same committee. Also, the petition of Florence Sullivan, for increase of pension-to Also, the petition of James H. Green, for payment for carrying the Committee on Invalid Pensions. United States mails-to the same committee. By Mr. RYAN: Papers relating to the claim of Thomas H. Sow­ Also, papers relating to the claim of James and Noah Roberts-to ard-to the Committee on Military Affairs. the same committee. By 1\Ir. SHULTZ: The petition of citizens of Greenville, Ohio, re­ By 1\Ir. WADSWORTH: The petition of citizens of Yates County, lating to interstate commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. New York, relative to interstate commerce-to the Committee on By Mr. D. C. SMITH: A bill for an appropriation for the com­ Commerce. pletion of the improvement of the Illinois River-to the same com­ By Mr. WASHBURN: The petition of W. C. Van Doren and othe~ mittee. praying for the enactment of a law to pension survivors of rebel im­ By Mr. SPEER: The petition ofJames V. Smith, for a postal route­ prisonment-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. WELLBORN: The petition of W. E. Staples and others,. By ~Ir. STEELE: The petition of Benjamin F. Burkett and 500 citizens of Texas, relating to interstate commerce-to the Committee others, citizens of Jay County, Indiana, relative to interstate com­ on Commerce. merce-to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. WEST: The petitions of citizens of Saratoga County, New By Mr. STEPHENS: Papers relating to the claim of Bernard Rice­ York, for therepealofthetax on banks and stamps on bank-checks­ to the Committee on War Claims. to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Also, papers relating to the cla).m of William Wheeler Hubbell­ By Mr. C. G. WILLIAMS: Papers relating to the National Associ­ to the Committee on Patents. ation for the Relief of Destitute Colored Women and Children-to the By Mr. STOCKSLAGER: The petition of certain citizens, relating Committee on Appropriations. to interstate commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. By 1\fr. WILLIS: Papers relative to the claim of A. J. Guthrie­ By 1\Ir. STONE : Papers relating to the claim of the heirs of Nich­ to the Committee on Claims. olas and Marc A. Fouquet for services in the Revolutionary war-to By 1\Ir. WILLITS: The petition of J. E. Gibbs and 79 citizens of the Committee on Claims. Michigan, for legislation relative to interstate commerce-to the By Mr. TAYLOR: Four petitions, praying that the Commissioner Committee on Commerce. of Agriculture be made a Cabinet officer-to the Committee on Agri­ Also, the petition of Sarah E. Shade, for a pension-to the Com­ culture. mittee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of Benton Armstrong, for an increase of pension­ By Mr. GEORGE D. WISE: ThepetitionofW. A. Courtney, agentoi to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Clyde line of stea.mers, for refunding of fees alleged to have been. Also, four petitions of citizens ofOhio, for the enactment of a law illegally collected by the custom-house officers-to the Committee Oil> t;o protect innocent purchasers against the impositions of fraudulent Ways and :Means.