SOUTHOE & MIDLOE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on WEDNESDAY 2 December 2020 It is On Line Meeting only at 7.30pm

Present A Marnes (AM) Chairman, Dick Saw (DS), A Kiley (AK), John Taylor (JT), S Mitchel (SM), R Horsman (RH) Parish Councillors Ms R. Mimiene (RM), Clerk Angela Ellmer, Chairman of the VH Management Committee P Downes, County Cllr H Masson, HDC Cllr 1 member of the public

Please note that Parish Council did not record the meeting and therefore there will be no upload onto the Parish Council website. If public wishes to attend any online meeting, please contact the Clerk providing your name, email address and contact number by emailing to [email protected] at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

2020/21 12/132 To Receive Apologies and Reasons for Non Attendance 12/132.1 No apologies received from Cllr A Ramply.

12/133 Declarations of Interest for Members (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) 12/133.1 None.

12/134 Coronavirus, update Meetings are being held on line till further notice.

12/135 District and County Councillors Reports Verbal update by CC Cllr PD.

Cllrs JT, SM and DS joined the meeting

Verbal update by HDC Cllr HM.

CC Cllr PD left the meeting

Meeting was closed for the members of the public to raise any issues

12/136 Open Forum – For all members of the public and press present No issues raised.

Meeting was re-opened

12/137 To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4 November 2020 Amended Minute includes the CC Cllr PD comment re The Ouse valley Trust. Proposal Proposed by Cllr AK, seconded by Cllr RH, all in favour, and it was RESOLVED that Minutes are Carried approved with the above amendment. It was agreed that the Minutes will be signed at the next face to face meeting of the PC.

Cllr SM joined the meeting.

12/138 Matters arising from those Minutes None.

12/139 A1 Matters. Link Road. Southoe to footpath/cycleway feasibility: PC are waiting for the report and the study to see whether a new path was feasible. Cllr AM contacted H.E. re the update on the proposed footpath, A1 south was resurfaced. Potholes along Bell Lane were reported to Highways by Cllr AM.

12/140 Planning. Local Plan.

Signed for and on behalf of Southoe & Midloe Parish Council…………….…………………..2020 CHAIRMAN Page 1 of 5 CAA are proposing to change the holding loop for planes that use Luton. It looks like the proposed loop will be directly over us at Southoe Paxton. Buckden, Brampton, please see the link here: Changes to London Luton Airport Arrivals - The Civil Aviation Authority and Airspace Change sponsors - Citizen Space 5 Feb 2021 final date for comments. Everyone can make comments and email local MP.

12/141 Southoe Common Barns Wind Farm, update No update.

12/142 Finance 12/142.1 To note Cashbook as at 31 Oct 2020, Current and Business Reserve accounts Bank and Cashbook balances: • Current acc bank balance was £2,358.88 • Business Reserve acc bank balance was £37,580.99 Noted by PC. New banking system re authorizing accounts at Natwest is being introduced. Cllr AM will investigate the options.

12/142.2 HDC sent a letter and accompanying documents relating to the opportunity for PC to seek funding from District Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) fund. HDC will be running two rounds per year going forward. The next opportunity to apply will be early in the new financial year for 2021. If there is no ready to scheme to go, it is not worth applying.

12/142.3 To consider Budget and Precept for 2021/22 3% rise in Precept was agreed at the last meeting. To agree the final figure for Budget and Precept 2021/22 It was agreed that Budget for 2021/22 is £14,288.50 and Precept for 2021.22 is £13,005 including 3% increase since last year. There was no increase for the last three years. It was agreed to cover the difference using the PC reserves. Proposal Proposed by Cllr JT, seconded by Cllr AK, all in favour, and it was RESOLVED that Budget for Carried 2021/22 is £14,288.50 and Precept for 2021/22 is £13,005.00 (Note: The precept figure is rounded)

12/142.4 To Consider support to Magpas Air Ambulance as per letter received Residents are advised to make donations directly, contact no 01480 371 060 or contact be email [email protected]

12/142.5 To Approve 2 December 2020 payments:

To note: A chq for £100.00 as approved at Nov meeting (towards the Christmas tree) to be raised to Southoe PCC when the new chq book arrives. Invoice from Archangel received for £92.16 for the Preparation and Brief re Conservation Specialist. Proposal Proposed by Cllr AM, seconded by Cllr JT, all in favour, and it was RESOLVED that the above Carried payments are to be made including the payment to Archangel Architects.

12/143 Risk Register, reviewed at Oct PC Trees need to be risk assessed in winter. This will be discussed under Play Area Agenda item .

Signed for and on behalf of Southoe & Midloe Parish Council…………….…………………..2020 CHAIRMAN Page 2 of 5 12/144 Parish Council Website: updated by Cllr R Horsman PC website is: Cllr RH reported that the website is up to date. The HDC sent info re Bin collection over Christmas period which will be uploaded onto the website. RH

12/145 The Defibrillator for Southoe & Midloe Village All working.

12/146 Village Security & Policing Matters PC were informed that we might be losing our local PSCO.

12/147 Highways Matters

12/147.1 LCWIP for Southoe (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan), Cllr A Marnes Discussed under the Agenda item A1. 12/147.2 Streetlights: 2 streetlights issues at the Playing Fields (both are affected by trees growing through them) and Trees issues at the Playing Field: The contractor has been to look at the play area lamps. They can take them on and will send a quote, but won’t do any work to them until the ground is firmer next year if PC like their quote. They would have to change the bulbs but the circuits should be ok.

12/147.3 Traffic along Lees Lane and the village – The feedback received after the letter to the village re speeding and parking was delivered to all the households, Cllrs A Marnes and D Saw to report PC thanked the residents who responded to the letter. Cllr JT will collate the responses and will draft a proposal based on the feedback received from the village. JT

12/148 Village Grass cutting issues and Footpaths issues in the village Nothing to report.

12/149 Play Area & Playing Field 12/149.1 Play Area Lease and issues A copy of the lease found. Cllr AM reported that the lease for the PC to rent the play area was for 21years, that term is up next year on 10 July 2021. The new lease needs to be negotiated. It was agreed to apply for the Community Asset. Cllr AM agreed to investigate the process. AM Proposal Proposed by Cllr RH, seconded by Cllr JT, all in favour, and it was RESOLVED that PC applies Carried for the PA to be the Asset of Community Value.

12/149.2 Monthly and Yearly Play Area’s Risk Assessment: Monthly play area’s equipment inspection was carried out by the volunteer who reported tonight that all is ok. It was also reported that the bin at PA is overflowing with litter. Cllr AM will sort that out. AM Play Area trees: The current contractor assessed the trees and reported back that he cannot attend these trees. PC need other contractors. Get new quotes.

12/149.3 Play Area equipment / funding: Update by Cllr R Horsman No update.

12/149.4 Two picnic benches (one for Playing Fields and one for the Play Area) now ordered 2 benches were ordered and chased re delivery last week.

12/149.5 Consider registering the land under ‘The Community Right to Bid’ which would mean that it is listed by the local authority as an asset of community value. This right is part of the Localism Act. As discussed under Agenda item12/149.1.

12/149.6 Parking in the village/ by the Playing Fields gate Cllr RH reported that 5 x A3 size signs (metal) will cost £100.00 + VAT. Location to be agreed. RH It was agreed to proceed. Proposal Proposed by Cllr RH, seconded by Cllr JT, all in favour, and it was RESOLVED that PC Carried purchases the signs for £100.00

12/149.7 Rabbit issue on the Playing Fields The contact with Savills issued, no further response received. AM

Signed for and on behalf of Southoe & Midloe Parish Council…………….…………………..2020 CHAIRMAN Page 3 of 5 12/149.8 Hedge cutting at Southoe play area: Quote from HDC for £550.00 received, Cllr A Marnes to report The works have been carried by HDC. Awaiting the Invoice.

12/150 Village Hall The new Electricity contract with edf energy signed. PC now need to create an account and report the meter readings quarterly. AM, Clerk

12/151 Village Matters Finger Post – A photo of the finger post will be shared with PC.

12/152 Training, Police and Crime Commissioner Hunts Cllr briefing: presentations and report, Cllr D Kiley Cllr AK presented the report. Cllr AK forwarded ‘minutes’ and scam awareness presentation from the 10/11/20 Cambs PCC brief. His own comments /assessment to value of this brief below: 1. Brief, presentation plus Q& A session well worth attending. Cllr AK strongly feel future events should be actively supported by the PC. 2. Much focus was directed towards speeding management and scam awareness. The latter providing useful contacts along with a call for support and engagement. If possible can the PC comeback as to whether PC local Nextdoor Southoe & Midloe “body” has such contact based upon scam circulations relayed to our village? 3. The meeting was widely supported by circa 20+ delegates incl. the mayor of . 4. Cllr AK was a little disappointed as to the scope of capture of the attached brief. He took some 4 ½ pages for hand written notes which are far from complete as he believed (after my questioning) notes/minutes would be more comprehensive. Cllr AK will try to summarise any notes he took but these will not be for general circulation to the public as he cannot commit to accuracy. Note that our local police inspector, police community officer and rep. for Camb Constabulary presentations were VERBAL -no detail verbal content has been forwarded. 5. The Mayor asked about the proposal to close the St Neots police enquiry desk – Cllr AK thinks a proposal maybe that it amalgamated into a single emergency serves desk 6. WRT to speeding management – Cllr AK is sure supporting material is worth a further look at specifically avenues for enquiring re: electronic signs or other PC engagement for speed watch sessions. PC thanked Cllr AK for the detailed report.

12/153 Ground testing west side of A1 It could be testing for gravel. There is an active consultation re Minerals & Waste, which chairman suggested all Cllrs look into and AM comment. Cllr AM will circulate the web address.

12/154 Community Hub project, Cllr R Horsman to report Cllr RH reported that there is a lot of planning going on, more applications for funding. The Hub took RH over the Christmas tree project.

12/155 Church & Burial Matters 12/155.1 Lych gate and Church Wall, update by Cllr D Saw Cllr JT report circulated. Cllr JT stated that the existing pillar is cracked. The issue is the weight of the gates pulling it down. It was agreed to purchase materials to fill in the gaps after the bricks been pulled out for the inspection. Proposal Proposed by Cllr JT, seconded by Cllr DS, all in favour, and it was RESOLVED that the Carried expenditure of approximately £20 is agreed to be spent onto the materials to fill in the gaps in the wall after the bricks been pulled out for the inspection. Cllr AM will arrange the purchase of AM the materials required.

With respect to costs the WHITE STRUCTURAL CONSULTING LIMITED are satisfied with the split of the amount of £462.50 and £215.50 for the Tower and gate respectively the Engineer surveys both areas on the same day. The site visit is scheduled for 11.00am on the 7 December 2020. By the time the Engineer visits the site, the removal of a few bricks to allow a more detailed inspection PC of the gate support will be arranged.

12/156 Christmas Tree in Churchyard, as PC agreed to support the project and grant a donation towards the Christmas tree The Hub took over this project, please Agenda item 12/154.

Signed for and on behalf of Southoe & Midloe Parish Council…………….…………………..2020 CHAIRMAN Page 4 of 5 12/157 Correspondence – Clerk reported that there is no outstanding correspondence. CambsACRE informed PC that they are pleased to say that they conducted the prize draw relating to the feedback provided on this year’s Local Councils Conference 2020 and Cllr AM was the winner. Cllr AM won £75 worth of training from CAPALC for the council towards courses or events run by CAPALC. Cllrs are invited to view the training session via the link below and report to the Clerk: All

12/158 Councillors’ Questions No questions raised.

12/159 Date of the Next Meeting: The Parish Council Meeting date – 6 January 2021 at 7.30pm on Zoom

Meeting finished at 9.36pm

These minutes are considered draft until ratified at the Parish Council meeting

Due to the Coronavirus the Government has issued the regulations that gives local authorities greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings, including allowing members to attend remotely, and for public and press access to those meetings. The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 came into force on 4 April. They apply to local authority meetings that are required to be held, or held, before 7 May 2021. The Regulations were made by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020(1) and paragraph 36(1)(b) of Schedule 6 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011(2).

Signed for and on behalf of Southoe & Midloe Parish Council…………….…………………..2020 CHAIRMAN Page 5 of 5