Directions to Albatross House from Airport ()

This document consists of two pages

Distance: About 50 km; Travelling time: Around one hour.

Please note that check in is between 12h00 and 18h00 or earlier by arrangement. Please confirm time of arrival by calling or sending SMS Text message to +27 (0) 82 3636 449

Check out by 10h30 on day of departure. 37 Victory Way, Tel: +27 (0)21 786 5906 Simon's Kloof, Mobile: +27 (0)82 3636 449 Simon's Town. Latitude: 34° 11' 746 S, Longitude: 18° 25' 702 E

Leave the airport and take the N2 towards Cape Town.

Ignore the signs that direct you to Muizenberg via the M4 or .

Continue on the N2 until you get very close to the side of and you have to either go left to Muizenberg or right to Cape Town. Follow the that takes you towards Muizenberg past Kirstenbosch, through the suburbs of Newlands, Claremont and Bishop’s Court. Continue along this road and it eventually becomes a freeway. Continue to the end of the freeway and turn left towards Muizenberg. Continue for a short while until you get to a T-junction. Turn right at the traffic light and go on towards Muizenberg. Keep going straight through Muizenberg towards St James, and .

Continue through Fish Hoek in a southerly direction with the sea () on your left. Continue to a three-way traffic light at Glencairn. Continue south towards Simon’s Town. Pass Dixies restaurant on your right. Continue to next three-way traffic light keeping to the left hand lane. Continue south, pass the naval battery on your left. Keep left – (the road to the right goes to Scarborough via Red Hill). Continue on next page The road becomes double – Pass a long row of white apartments with red and blue balconies on your right. Enter Simon’s Town – pass the Simon’s Town railway station on your left, pass a road that turns left to Long Beach. Drive slowly; pass Admiralty House on your left. (You will see a sign pointing to the right - ‘alternative route to via Scenic Route’.) Move to the right hand lane. Cross over the oncoming traffic and veer immediately left up a ramp lined with palm trees called Soldiers Way for about 50 meters, continuing in the direction you have just come. Follow the B&B signs. Turn first right into Arsenal road; continue 50 meters past the tennis and basket ball courts on your left, turn immediately left into Cornwall. Follow B&B signs. Cornwall becomes Runciman drive. (Ignore Victoria road on your left) Continue along a curving road to a three way stop, and keep going straight ahead. The road curves to the left and right. Slow down. On your right you will see two large white entrance pillars to Simon’s Kloof with blue and white sailing ships on them. Turn right between the two pillars into Nelson road; follow the road up the steep hill, and turn right into Horatio road; up another steep hill. Here you will see the Albatross House, and other B&B signs. Go up the steep hill and turn right at the top. You will see a large white house with no ‘4 Victory Way’ in front of you. Take the highest road up to your right. This is Victory Way. Continue almost to the end of Victory Way where you will see the Albatross House sign at a yellow house. Park in front of the garage in order to check in, and to be allocated a parking space.

Welcome to Albatross House

Note: If you missed the turn off near Admiralty House, and you find yourself in the town and the main road, keep driving through town, passing the Quayside hotel and Jubilee square lined with palm trees on your left. Continue past the police station on your left and some long stone walls. After you see a sign to Martello Rd on to the left, go slow, and turn right into Runciman Drive (just after the old cemetery). Continue past some old apartments on your left. Continue past Flagship Way on your right, and a large double story house on your left. Slow down. Just after the house you turn left through the two large white pillars showing the entrance to Simon’s Kloof. Follow the signs to Albatross House as above.