Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek Partnership

Dydh : 22 mis Gortheren 2013, 10kh Date: 22 July 2013, 10am

Le: Stevel 2N:02, Lys Kernow, Truro Venue: Room 2N:02, County Hall, Truro


1. Diharasow ha diskleryans a les Apologies and declarations of interest.

2. Kovnotyansow Minutes

3. Materow ow sordya Matters Arising

4. Towlen oberi 2013-14 Work programme 2013-14

5. Towlenna Forward Planning

6. Derivadow Reports

6.1 Derivas Arhansek Financial report

6.2 Derivas an Dyghtyer Manager’s report

6.3 Derivas an Gesva Dhyghtya Management Board Report

6.4 Derivasow an Bagasow Oberi Working Group reports

6.5. Derivasow an eseli Member organisation reports

7. Negys aral

Any Other Business

8. Dydh an kuntelles nessa Date of next meeting

To be confirmed.

Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw provies gans Asran Kemenethow ha Governans Leal ha Konsel Kernow.

The Cornish Language Partnership is funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government and Cornwall County Council.

Minutes of the Cornish Language Partnership meeting held on Monday 22 nd July 2013 2013 from 10am-12.30pm in 2N:02, New County Hall, Truro

Present: Julian German (Chair) Peter Harvey, Maureen Pierce, Kesva an Tavas Kernewek Jan Lobb, Cussel an Tavaz Kernuak Ray Chubb, Agan Tavas Loveday Jenkin, Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek

Attending: Rael Harvey, Acquisition Group

Jenefer Lowe, Development Manager Sam Rogerson, Administrator

Action 1. Apologies and declarations of interest Nev Meek, Management group

Additional Council members still pending official appointment to the partnership.

Roger Holmes was no longer with the Cornwall Association of Local Councils (CALC) and therefore CALC had been approached about a replacement.

2. Minutes Partnership meeting Monday 11 th March 2013

The minutes of the Partnership meeting held on Monday 11 th March 2013 were agreed as a true and accurate record.

3. Matters Arising 3.6.3 EuroTalk

The EuroTalk app content was ready for translation; talks were currently in progress with the translation panel.

4. Work Programme

Member’s bilingual business cards were now JG available and were on an opt-in scheme. J German agreed to investigate take-up. It was noted that there were multiple ‘levels’ of Cornish available for members to choose from.


5.2 Manager’s report

Points raised:

The stand at the Royal Cornwall Show had not been a great success as the footfall was limited.

There was general agreement that the heritage tent at the Royal Cornwall Show was unsuitable for the MAGA stand and that a booking would not be made for 2014, unless a more central promotional stand location could be identified.

Alternatives would be examined in autumn when the JL to report price lists are released. once the situation is clear. 5.5 Agan Tavas

Regarding the literature award announced at the last meeting, it was noted that the closing date for the Agan Tavas award would be 1 st October 2013 and an award ceremony would be held in February 2014. The award would be for new pieces of literature and new translations.

6. Any Other Business

There was a query regarding the additional JL to contact Management Board appointment for Education. candidate Agreed JL to follow up again as no formal application had been received. It was agreed that the Partnership approved the application in principle, subject to receipt of a formal application.

4. Work Programme 2013/14

Corpus The SWF dictionary website JL to progress. ( ) was now being tested online and would be available publicly once the testing was complete. A press release would be going out at that time.

It was agreed not to have PDF updates as multiple versions would end up in common circulation.

The language pack for parish councils was being revised approval would be sought from the management board.

Communities A request was made that all reports from language groups to

2 the partnership are written and submitted ahead of the meeting, to be sent out with the agenda a week ahead of the Language meeting. Group representatives Promotion to be asked for MAGA stalls during 2013 had been cut down significantly. It formal reports was agreed that MAGA moves away from a sales focus at stands and works purely on targeted promotion. The JL to inform management board would be informed regarding this Management decision. Board

It was suggested, however, that the range of material available should be still made clear at promotional events – possibly through illustrations. It was noted that the Made in Cornwall event on Lemon Quay would probably not run as MAGA, but this would be discussed further with the language groups before the event.

It was agreed that the management board should have a clear view of project milestones, focusing on practicality when selecting targets. JL to inform Management Board Chair. 5. Forward Planning A management workshop planned to discuss the bid to government was to take place on Monday 29 th or Tuesday 30 th July.

3. Content A suggested amendment was to change ‘Localism’ to JL to devolution. implement

It was noted that a lack of governmental involvement had JL to finalise been identified during the COMEX (Committee of Experts) meeting. meeting held earlier in 2013. It was agreed that a meeting between the Partnership Chairman and DCLG (Department for Communities and Local Government) should be sought to take place informally ahead of the main bid.

It was requested that the official status of ‘An Kylgh Kernewek’ be reviewed with regard to the partnership. The partnership memorandum would be up for review soon, at which time the question could be raised.

• Noted as an agenda point for the next partnership JL meeting.

It was noted that the term ‘Promotion’ might be inappropriate in terms of the status of Cornish. Suggestions were made that ‘visibility’ would be better.

6.1 Financial report The Management Board was currently examining the draft

3 budget in order to agree a viable profile.

• Requested an adjustment from ‘CCC’ to ‘CC’ in the JL income notes.

• The SLA process was under way.

• The partnership would receive the role profiles for the two new posts within MAGA with the minutes.

Concerns were raised over the premises retained by MAGA within . It was confirmed that the plan was for MAGA to move into the main County Hall in due course.

The higher revised budget for print was queried. It was noted that there was a refresh of all marketing material planned, including new banners and promotional material as well as the newsletters now being charged for within CC.

6.2 Manager’s report 2. Education

The higher education modules written for Cornwall College were paid work and MAGA would be receiving income from the project.

Concerns were raised with the MSM (Movyans Skolyow JL to arrange Meythrin) model, a report on the use of Cornish within the for report to be preschool sector was requested. written

6.3 Management board Gaps on the board had been identified within education and marketing.

There was a concern raised that, at least in the run-up to the JL to inform bid submission, the management meetings were moved Chair of back to monthly intervals. This would be suggested to the Management chair of the management board. Board

6.4 Working group reports Status

The NPLD (Network for the Promotion of Linguistic Diversity) would be watched very closely due to the lack of input from the group. It was noted that the benefits apart from general membership were debatable.

It was requested that when the 1000 th bilingual street SG to monitor translation is hit there could be some publicity.

There were concerns over a letter published in the Western JG / JL to Morning News regarding the perceived costs of bilingual investigate. street signage in Cornwall.


Acquisition It was noted that Skol Uhel 2013 had been cancelled due to JL, SR a small take-up with late advertising identified as a problem, along with the date in August. Future events aimed at 2 nd - 3rd grade Cornish learners could perhaps focus on single days. The Tregedna 2013 meeting was oversubscribed during the February event. MAGA Education officers were investigating the possibility of hosting a 2 nd Tregedna weekend in East Cornwall.

A calendar of Cornish language events was planned so that JL, SR intensive courses, weekends etc. could be advertised well in advance. Dates for Skol Uhel and Tregedna 2014, both East and West SR venues should be booked as a matter of priority.

It was noted that acquisition was grateful to Sam Rogerson for taking minutes for the Acquisition group.

It was agreed that where possible, reports from Working WG Chairs to groups should be written. note.

6.5 Member organisation reports Gorsedh

The Gorsedh was unlikely to book a place at the heritage tent in future years at Royal Cornwall Show after concerns were raised at the earlier Gorsedh Council meeting.

Kesva The Kesva was about to publish a book on the place names of Penryn with a few amendments left to finalise.

The Kesva had noted a drop in the number of learners taking 1st Grade exams but a notable increase in take-up for 4 th Grade. There was also a noticeable drop in 1 st Grade students, the official results would be released in August ‘13.

There was a request asking what content people would like to see at the upcoming Teachers Day.

Cussel The online course ‘Desky Kernowek’ written by Dan Prohaska was now available along with a website designed by Kevin Philp based on the book ‘Practical Modern Cornish’ by Richard Gendall. A SWF late website was also in development.

A phrase book written by Neil Kennedy would be published after the results of the SWF review are published later in 2013.


Agan Tavas The Porthcurno telegraph museum event was announced as a success.

Concerns were raised that Kowethas Cup would overlap with the Michael Palmer award set-up by Agan Tavas. It was confirmed that the Kowethas Cup was a category for published material within Holyer , whereas the Palmer Cup was for both unpublished and published material outside of Holyer an Gof.

Kowethas It was announced that the Kowethas Cup had been awarded to Gwariow Mus by John Parker and ‘Ple’ma Spot’ had won the Cornish Language books for Children.

The Kowethas was working in partnership with Penguin books to translate another ‘Spot’ book with a planned release before Christmas at Waterstones in Truro.

The Lanivet project had met with great success at the various events run in the area. Community development officer Peter Burton was searching for funding to continue his post.

The Kowethas was now managing the Kesva book stocks not held by Tormark.

Future Kowethas events would be posted to the Kowethas Facebook page.

It was requested that MAGA keeps aware of the Kowethas Facebook page and shares the posts and vice versa.

The 2014 Pennseythun was confirmed for the 4 th , 5 th and 6 th April.

Kick-start Kernewek The beginners’ day was agreed for Saturday 21 st September SR to arrange as a pilot day at a venue tbc. venue

MAGA Conference Provisional dates for the MAGA conference were agreed for JL either 9 th / 23 rd November 2013. The management board would be consulted on the conference programme.

Learn Cornish Now posters would be distributed plus online JL, SR advertising through Facebook and Twitter.

10. Date of next meeting Thursday 3 rd October 10am, Meeting Room, Old County Hall