The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples •••h.rt .... ' ••UbU... Mo ••r ...... ".0...... ltv•• Vol. /) No 216 •1"HA".8HU"O, 14TH JtJ ••, 1824. R".od at Ute Gen ... Po.II oa. _ a N'A '"i*' . !>rlce Jd •

• , • _e Rallnl,1 Lenganga!ane I. PI mo (Prunes) 3d ~ Blhnba. " , • Li hlometsoe ho thusa Babats'o. Phahlo Ii betere 'me Poreisi Ii fats'e ho feta Torong tse ling. TSE JEOANG TSA MEFUTA EOHLE LIETA TSA 'MAENE LI A'IELO\ KHUELI TSUEKERE T~E 3 .. .. ., TSA RUBBER T:.E NTSO LE TEE TSE TSUEU KOFI .. .. MAJONE TSE BITSOANG KITCHNER LIETA LE LICHUSI, TSA MALETI TSE NTSO LE SESEPA, SETENE I.E SA HO ITLHATSOA TSE soorHO KOAE, ENTLE HAHOLO E\ SEQHOTSA .. LE LICHUSI. TSE NTSO. SOOTHO LE TSE KOAE,SPRINGROK.HORSESHOE TSUEU. CREPE SALES L1S~ LE. LITO~IO. M ~IIANTA, MARAPO JUALO KOAE. I X L JACKAL BATTLE AX!;; J U \ L' I SIKARETE, FLAG KA H PAKETE MAHEKERE. LlJANA. TSA MEFUTA EOHLE PHAHLO SIKARETE. LOTUS. PROGRESS TSOHLE TSA BOKHAIIANE KA 3d PAKETE LlRI\KI LE TS\ SAE-;E SIKARETE. MEFUTA EMENG KAOFELA E , LlK\TlHA LE LlKEPISI RATOANG PORINTI E PUT::.UA LE TWILL KA 6d JARETE LE Lieta Ie Lichusi HO FETA. tsa N. ~. C. Satan.e ka. 15/- RE R£KISA PHAHLO TCOHlE HO B4BAT~O KA PO"EISI ETl ' S£·TLASE HAHOLO. IVXAH1TMO A L.ITOHO T~A N. H. C. RandJODlelD KlaSII 's K1d8& Twelhb :-tlrecl U:~rm'ltOD . liulSar Hid", Kno. ;:,treet KlmofooleJD Laa,lablte, MalO Reef Road. Clf. Coos LaoK' Mlue New Pnmroee. I Near \1.10 G"le Near Kleln'oDt 'o Compd Spnncheid. Second New PnmrQ8e Compollod Krakp"D, Ayeoue Wu Deep, Ne... clo Power Stre-tt1 & GardoerAyeoae }'~~t TOWDl'blP, I Wit LJeep CompoQod {;edold Sl~.d &64, Coocord 51""'t, Angelo Geduld E.lteoSloa T owosblp Simmer & J.u, Aloo •• de Au_ela HOlel. Spr'DIS Near Stromei' a: Jac:k Saocery Comet, I .. Malo "'vooue aecar SPflDjIa Near Comet WIDe Mia.




We are abo Ate1l" 10, GEM, 8.S.A ... ~ RALEIGH CYCLES CHANANIE BROS., 148, Commlilioner Street, lO pp. [IIPI,. Tb81lf.). PO In 815', JOY ,,,,NES8UKG


WRITING PADS RepteM!nt the Best Quality and Value Obtainal>~. FULL 100 SHEETS Ruled rith Marilin :: " " SUBSCJ,tIBE " " TO The Pad rith the Larl1esl Sale in the World. Umteteli wa Bantu 2 UMTETELI WA RANTU, JOHANNESRURG, 14TB JUNE, 1924

1\11 ComOlUnfcattOft. to be .ddf'USlrd to : ing 'conviction' of tbe delelta 'es of a nation aDd j-opardised ifs "."'.0.". Tbe Tembiliand Seat. ~. ' O 80_:4.,88 to the annu.1 meeling of the rulure. Tbis description exactly oI0HANNaSaU"G. "frican N alio".1 Congress tb.t lils the smug deb.ters of 110em­ -- The soffn1R'e of TraoskeisD N~tjves "Ih~ inter-SIS of the people of fontein, wb,) were concerned e.s P.bU.11ed Weekly. Is being so icitt"d by two mrmt-ers o( A frico will be well served if the for tbe nation's weHare than f(lr tbe Soutb Afrtc"o Part" neither of non-l!:uropean voters of Ihe the:r own cheap notoriety wben whom Is the official caDd d·te. Mr. SU1JIO&IP'tION RATES -(By POST) Province .hnuld vote snlidly for a tbey evolved the resnlution which Will Stuart, tbe sittlnrr m, mber. is a ODe Year ... .- 15/· change of Government". Could sbames the organisation they reo C ,. petowa barrister; Mr. A B Payo. 5, .. MoathJ ...... 7/6 anything more blatantly stu rid present. the rival C8Ddld~te. is a resident or Tbree Moaths ... 4/· Umt~h 9"d A memtu'r of tbe Cape I han this resolution be imAgined? Nnne of UB know wbat tbe Blrtb, Marriago, Death and Domestic ProvinciAiI Cooncil. Mr Payo bas the Notices, DOl to excoed all tiDes. will be io­ l, is a clear recommendation to S mth AfricRn Partv will do for SC"ltd support of tbe Europe~o sectloD serted ., • cbarKe of 2/6 for each aotH:e. Nalive voters to contribute to tbe the N alive peopl_ if it cnmeo again of tbe Tembuhlnd electoute, and his election of P.ct candidates; a to power, but it is certain that good 5t:tndiog with tbe Native voters IDa Uanlu. c.1l from CongrPss "ir.t.llectuols" whatever R Smuts Crovernmeot is evideoced by tbe fact tb~t III tbe Umltltll last election be lost the Sf'9t to Mr. 14th JUNE, 1824. to lie down a. d be trampled by may do will repreoent an advanc. StuRrt bv tbe Darrow mArl':in of elevea negrophobe statesmen; an invi. nn exisling conditions. The votes. Mr. Stoart is uopnpolpr pmonl' 181i,'n to tbe people to abanrion " >quOTe deal" may not emhrace tbe white rtsidtnfS of the Tr;lDskei. DOLTS IN COUNCIL, tbeir claim to privilege and to ex­ all tbat tbe Natives want or all and be relies ent.rely 00 tbe Native pres. apprnval of the Hertzog­ that tbev are immeriiRtely entitled vote for the r"'teotlon of bis seQt ia P Arhament. When first elected Mr. 10 a mood of gentle irony Gen· Creowdl plans for tbeir political to fPceive, but it is better to hasten Stuart was returned by a 6wtepio, eral Smuts Ollce referred ill alld industrial extinction. Tbe slowly than to be snbject to a majonty, but the resolt of the last P~rliamellt to the Native intel­ resolution marks the climax of Government pledged to a retro­ elt ctioa indIcates bis w9ning popularity lectuals, and we wrote to defend fourteen years of consislent wit. I(ressive Na,ive policy. and j,lostr9tes the advance made by those N .ti ves who had pursued lessnes., during which immoder. 1£ tbe Native votrrs permitted Mr. Payo in public favoor koowle

Congress and the Pdet. 6xl:'d " in tbt>se bard times to be .hle TO BE Bpi te of oppression aDd eoslavement. t .. go to I:Uoemfuotein, talk up and F .. r tbrougb tb. roll of .ge. Ibe f" rmulate 90 ruuch millchief at Doe Alriea n has bef D subjected to Doe or Here in the Cape Province we are • OR NOT TO BE. l.oe f- Hog. ol her form of slavrry, bot tbroughout 6gbtio~ like grim de.tb to opp0" But where WE're thn6 mythioal all lbis period of uo@ppalEabl e 811ft'.:ring the P.()~lb H bllch: man's bllter (BY R. V. SELOPE THE>IA.) he has not oo ly sorvived the debasing eoemy. It is led by G eo, ..1 H.r""g " cooJlrpIi"meo JI last January, F eb rn"r1 .od Much, whpn "I most siollie ilJ fiu eo ce of lbis iostitu i 10, but has "hose fulluwf'fs io 1913 SpOI sortd I b~ b'Qd, d I 8hould. ...d ,he b lack maD's "What is "aoted is a pf'opJe's also attAi ned to a position io the NativPe Land Act aud oraameuted it burdf' o b ... fore t.he Cape Penlu~ultlO g nvernmpot to role the c o u~try in thf' .fF.. ira of mankind which is giviog witb draFotic ampodmeats, the euf· 'rce N .tive W ... Suoiety, b f 're interests of the "hite man and to @aye lhoughtful men rt'st1e l!8 days and ment ""bert'of hounded the N.tives this CODotrf for wbite clvilisatioD."- sh!epless night. Cartied awtay from out of tbt-ir D.,ural environments io m e rub ~ r8 of Ptar1iameot in the Lobhy of the Huott e of A8~ f' mbly and alan Geopral H f' rlzog. the jungles of tbis ()IlOtiD ot I,f endless the country and drove lbem ~DtO tbe witb my pen io the daily prus of The Leadf' fII of the Pact do Dot suosbine aboot three huodrt d yeara town locatiC'ns. Further hiS latnt town? Why wt-re thpy so 0008· diseuis6 the fact in their opi .. ioo ago, aDd sold ioto slavery ifl the wilda policy is to O8tr.Cl8e the N al.lvt- s, plC0008 by their abseuee? W bf're tbe Baoto people have 00 riflht to live of America onder a Climate wbich waa deny them f'doc1t.ion and disfraucbtbe their lins, to enjoy lhe fruits of Ihpir not co ngenial to bis bultb, he thrived them io ,be Cape Province. were thf y berore tbe d 188010tion, while the battle was bot; and labour, and to contribute their fi bare tand multiplied Dotil to d.y he coo . Colooel Cr.. swell is Bnothpr P.ot to tbe ·gathering achie ... ement of the slitutel the ~raveat problem which leader. His mirosion in hfe i8 to drive wheoce came tbf' y to Bloemfnouio? I .m told Ibal Kimberley aDd homan tiCf'. 0 dy the otbtr day Mr. m. kps some while Amprbans curse every N atj.,e .and. coloured .man .... ut Tielman RoDs told an audit' oce of Lhe day wbf' n be laaded OD the soil Griq ualaod W t'st 'wpte a1l\0 reptf'spot of • job aud gl've It to a wbue mati. white people io tbis city tbat the of their cODntry. pot, tbe j ,iot policy is­ f'd at thi. mystt'ri01l8 cooference Native w·s oot aD asset tn the white For three baodred years the Baotu looreuM Nan"f'e T,.,xes aod 110 Nil But I have Dflt met a N .. ti ... e who w.s mao io this couolry, he was. cursE' . race has beeo 8tro ,!;! gling IIg .. inst great tive EdaoatioD; No laad f. r Natives there oS a delegate. All Ibe b_ckliog And the remedy by which Mr. Roos I dds, and b"s survivpd . 1t;8 the in ,be Ror.l Aress ; Nu jobs f ur wo. dODe by wbites. D,d tbey c.1I inleods tn cure this curse is s t' greJlIJ Baotu capacity f ~. r Slo ft' ring aod their DOD Euro~s08 io U r "an Cenhes tbis a "N ative CUDgrl SI ? " Alld tioo. Hie pro~ramme, and it. IS the wonderful tpntlOclty tbat hhve impelled So, bow ore tbey to Itve? on wbat aUlhority did anY"De bolo a pr" l?nmme of tbe p "ct, i!l to intero G eoenl H erlzog and bis c lJ llt-.gnes If ,be Pac, succe, ds \ wbich, God Native Congres8 io lbe absence of ell tbe Belotu people io Labour R 8E" rvOlfS to d t' vi se meeDS which have Dot been forbid I) wbat will becowe of U8? the presideDts aod St cretarlu? from whicb th, y would cume IIUt only Iried before in the bnpe th.t the Geo€ul S touts, 00 the other hllod, If aDyooe or any C oogress heM at to pi d urm mehi.l labour among the virility aad a@fl iwilalive powprs of we can talr. to, aDd inBlst 00 8U B10pmfoDteio ",ants to belp tbe- Pact Eorf1pe.n population. The lugical our ra ce would be delit.rnyed or amelioration of our adwiuedly uu ttl drivp th ... N .tives out (,f the U own, cnoclusioo of thiS rea8oniog is t.hat if cbecked. These meane are dlsenfraa. sati8factory CO lJ dlt.lUtJS. GelJt-ral Smuts let'm plene lhemselves for, Booner h ... re W f re no labour in tbis country chisement aDd segr. gation. hes appniuted a .Native .l\ fl Irs Com or I.ter~ i1. will pene them right. which the wbite mt ° were iocapable mission to "alcb our lutt:rt8l8. lIS The ooo-Europeao aS8f'cialioos IIf pprf.. rmiug the N.aive people G eneral Hertzog dO f' 8 not diflguise conference With os .t Prt:tutl. last in COI 'jO fI Ctiflll with ,be A . P. O . aDd woultl be kf' vt iu these int.eromeot. the f . ct th~t h'8 N 8livd pol cy is to 19U lhe . rule tbe coon try io the iOieresI8 of.. Septemb.. r 8tigmflt'zt:d by the N (I dve V tltera A~sociatioo hili VP c"mps to deteriorate an d re Iapse Into lJ Pact as "A Pubhc SCtllJd.l. d, finitely df'ciJt.'d to oppnse t.he Paot. blrb.ritlm, ultimately per b aps h f-c "m the white man, aud flav e it for white . ... R d civilis.,ion. There c .. o be DO doubt, Geoeral S!.Dute b""s vrtllOist' d U8 a Our vllt,8.,e fur the R A . P. '"~ polit'c"lIy fXlIDCt a8 did "Je redoctiou of the beavy Pull 'l'.x 00 Indiaos of Amf' f1c" and tbe Auslr .. li.n lhf' nfore, that h T .) be or DOt to be " 10 Griqualand West, oor candidateB TraD~"f'"al .N a"ives. 'l'h~ P ~c ' wauts hlacks who r f' sisted tbe i, flu. o ce of II the que8tion v.hicb cODlroots the .re- to DOUBLI!. it. W P8tera clvilitl ation aoo 8uccumhed whole of Bsotudom. While we can .. G en!;:,. I Smut8 introduced before Sir Dtlvitl Harri~, ~e8coD 6E'1d, '0 the economic couditioos created ~y stand the degrading forces of oppres· ,he dissululioD a BBI to r"hevt' th~ S 1r EruefllOppelJhpimff, KimbuJey t':1e adveoJt of the whitf> flCt' S io lh ... lr Si OD aDd f'llsl.vt'mpot it is possible tbat laud tensioD 10 tbe Or"o~ }I~r~ e SLtate, aDd Mr. !Scbolt•• f Barkly Weat. coootri.. 8. W e C"Doot as a r.ce h4 Id we might be unable to cope with Lhe e.peclally iD Tb.b. 'Ncbu. Tb. 'j bey .~ree with U8 tb.t even in our own against the conditionli of life {'conomic pressure Lhat would be Paci oppo.ed ,biB H,II. Blof'mfooteio • civili8~d N .. tive which the plaoting of Wester" bt. ught to bear upon conditions of The ComQ.listlioD is io favour oE hxp.yer ehould tbe ""ot«", alld civllisatioo io oor midst has cnsted lire io the "kr .. aI8 " which tbe Pact takiog N aLIve tduc.ti 0 UUt yf Ib~ oig. th., .1\ DOO iI.oropeaoB 8h"uld have ulliess we aSil imilate W t' stf' ro ideas prlJ posfB to b uild ft r Os wi e I it comes ~ardly bauds of tbe Pruvluclal C y uu· pehoola to educs.te tbeir cbildrt' D at and .dopt and the whilf'mao's iOl0 power. As the result, there· cil. Tbe S A.P i8 tu oywp •• hy witb ,b .. ir own bOmfi'8 .i,b.·ut. 8pndiog .. bern w,"ysordoing ,biagi , Itw " sth o u~hl f"re, we might the fate of the theprtj"ct. Tbe P .. ct. SL, UI. Y dt:fel.ld .11 tbe ••y to K,mherl .. ,., Ii.sulolaori 8' me time a~o th .. t our c "o 1act with H ottf' nlot aDd HusbmaD peoplU: ed 1be l,;uuoclld wltn lb~lr u,,~ sldt!d . ' d to r .. mote p " rt8 of tbe Cape in hournpeao civllil,..tion would be d t' ui Since 1912 we h8vf' 7' as a people, extrav»gauce wltb publi C fuude ac .d q01 #' 8t of elemlf' Dtary t>ducatioo. mental to our V P . y f-xi s leocf'; hut it strenuoDsly opposed lhe polICY of 6 t.iogiu~ tQw ,. rds J.'I." ~ v ~ E luo .. uOQ. MFELAND" WO ;.l YE FOR hAS been di tl covered Ihat w p .re 8 SE' grpgati(ln b, c8used we are firmly Our eleenoll lueeLlugs h .. ve lumt'· S A.P 00 JUNE 17 .b 1924 virile r"cf', cap.hle of looking lhe I coovinCf'd that it caonot be io the times . beeD eubjt- ctt'd tu pertllsteot wbite man in the face and of livill g io juterests of OUr race. A od we are beckliDg iu tbtl luterd 8 of ~U e P .. C t . SOL T. PL ....T.E. It is alit gtd 'htll at; B lot'tlJlvuteio Kimberl.y. last wet:"k. tbe N .. ,ive Ct.wgrt:tl8 uo • a oimouiSly advl .. ed. tbe N .UVt:8 to lit Vative. \Vht did .ote for tbe Pac'. Native Uplift in RhodeSIa. you p"y for that packet Pc-reuDally 1 bave been so busy of t.ect. , during vast. five years, figblln~ A t. tbe Misaionary Confprence which 2nd Native: 1 pa id 6d the bl .. cLt m.u's t r. D" I!;:s, wubuut. • .. t I.Sl week in S Jjll hnry, kb,· df'Bi., a Bo lo tbere is Dot much tea peDDy's wortb .... f arlU tl h " ce frum aoy in t. be packet I L i. all lIorubH tIl prolJoa ~ ls f',r N tl tl" .. ov1iff p .. per aud I eao', d r ink Coogr~18 ,b.t. 1 h .. d I1U time tu .. nd pr' 8rt'88 f .. oud r""dy bod DIl "' . pllper. atteod • N.liv" confereoce .t Bluem 01111 0 01:1 enpp' rt. Th ~ two In( st fODtein vI' altywlh,r o: • Is .. , I.~I wt" t.'k Int.. r · 8ring it ... u ,8 of d ... ll.tft Wf' r .. t hoile let Nathe: Well it III But l.m t eh.blY lI,f rCIi' d Ihat Mr. de. ling wllb f>x .. mptloDs from N bt, V­ your faol" fo r buying tbtLt .,o r~ 01 robbi. b. \\' hy h.w bud pr ~ 8 d ou ~. M . M"g.,b. , Mr. V R So/up_ N tive r .. i n tbf' doo't you d o .1 , do Tbem., Prttudt u, .ud S ecr. t. ~ ry vf Lt>~i 8 Iatl V6 Aa .. embl y. and bay the lpect81 k ind of t el a known &8 tbe N .UVtl (;!rt so r t' s~ .. ct.vely, A papf'r .... ith the U cnmie song " were Dot at B IUtwfvntelD latH wt.'t:k I tfP ~ of 1itle : o. Pr'J vlsIOII S for N"tivPA Mr. J . T. OUID t' de lIlod ,be Nalal o~ wlDg ,at '10m ood. r N ... tive Ittw " MAZAWATTEE EIeculive WI re lJvt thert" t co"tll1D.-d. lot t f se, 811 ,le m ll t t r. hp. m In arlo' Umt'l lt was lb.t lo S Na lfv· 8 2nd Hath'" : Wbere )leV. E MdulolDba, J, . ot of the do I buy t.b i. fumoulil ~cun'" clville d "nd .. doc"leo tbey Cape PrY.ll1clal Extcu\iVt', ''-8 lJot .. b aid b ~ fr,., .. d from the Itdm mel l of there. I I ,b .. bttbtbtl n C mwooHy. It w ~s pI in t MAZAWA TT:'::E Lut week. I saw of'arly an the ed Ollt tblt t Ibe I'tttnger hsy in \loi1h· Extcuti.e mt.'mbus of tbtl TraDs Jlt Ndiye: Ob I at t-oldlt'8 r dtbt't tb.n 10 graotio t<' tb .. any IItore. bot yon mue!...... 1 N auve Ct.togrns. 'j ht:y did uvt ~Jtlvi l t'wE'8 of EoropsHD law. Thf' a sk f Of It and 81;'e yoU 8t t. go to BI08ol!oo1elu. stlwg"8ti, n w~s th.t the d e~ r ft~ of t. be P BC Ir. ~ t a, OD der. 1S e "b" ldd ~re ftll "be Itofllk",eper Mr. W. Z F'DYODg, Ibe reapecl.d "X"UlIJLlOO be varied bccording doe.o't bombu.. you President lIf lht: Or.uge Frt: e StaLt' to tbt- qg htlc.tioos. with fome ovmUlon IL uff. ProviDel.~ UJlJgrt"18 WBa oat prt:sent Tbe fulluwiog resolution was pRs8ed ; Be l ore to ask tor Nor was biB St cretl:HY. In tbA OpiDi n of tbis Mi ~si o ' ary MAZAWATTEE Mr. J . L. Du"., ,be Ex Pre.ideD' COl far..- lIe" tbe N lt llve pe(lple (,f Aad all .. be ~ t Crt:lallt.'8 vf t.ile Sonlber u Rbod f- si" aboold b,.. II ore aDd lee yoo get it. Tbe S. A., Nahve Cllogr. SB wt're a bsetlt. "d~q.ttt Iy r pr6t1 eI1tf' d ~o onr LI>l(18< Da me il 00 every packet. Seeiug tllat. tbe PruvlI Clltl J!.xecl1 lalivtl A8s ~rolJly tban IS Ib ... c se ~ t Slye of tb~ OraDge Free Stale, wbt l presetlt. W .. are Ct n vil, ced tb -t it It" ooly fOllY miln irolD 8 ,ueDlfou ,""oold mblil:e f,' r c 11 te,lf m .. nt aDei teiD-tbe oltuftlrel ce vel 'UE' -'Rt r ... good jil:o.t' roment If III me H r""ge abeecl, who tbe dlckeos wa . tbere ? ment ollald be made wbereby You can now huy a hig 2oz. And on wbure aULburi'y do 1hE'J two EutOPf' lIOI, nominated by tbt! Cr, wo, 0 old d r ~ Qfl y r .. pr ... bind us to tb~ Pact, tb.t "hrU'fOlI8 ", Tea St"!Jt tb' 8t- polltic'Uy d UOJb p.olJl EI packet of Mazawatfee Expel 08 from tbe LOttlD al,d diafr .. n iu tb .. PHII.wt-ot of th .. Co lo, y. p • • • ch.Lse ua at thtl Cap , so lb ... Whit .. P W8 Cf 10 • • • 10 tblB m .. tt. mmeDd Ib • • • for 6d. • • • and Ct,I01lr.d \ I) people .11 De mo) botlet! of cbe Gov, rnDl,,"ot Ibe revel to plenty 1 arraOsemf'Dtl tbat bllt"" been m dtf S-. pel>1I1. mUll be .. Dicely tu gtlD,a euluoy. UMTETELI W A BANTU, JOHANNEBRURU, 14ror JUNE, 1924. OTHER r African National Congress. The Pact and the Natives. Tbe following reaolutioDS were p1ssed Mr. Ad.oeat. 8. B KitchiD, K .C .• Child's Best Laxative r!i at tbe reeeDt aODllal meetlDI( of tbe L bHlr omtfidatlll fir B.:iwbprley, The Afr'cao Natiooal CODlress at B oem. atrend~d ~t No U L"c~tion last San­ "California Syrup of Figs" fontl'in :- tI",y to .ddr;.lss tbe N .. tiVA ploctors. The e Qogress sporeci.tes tbe action Wi,b the o.odid.te were Mr. J Wills, pain of of tbe U 100 G'Jveromeot In suml"llon. \t POt Mr. 'du"ntk, N lionl:t.list oao. iOIl perlodlc'\l coofereoces of COIt:fs "'ad did .I~ for tbe B '80oIlJllfl:,·ld con8titu. represent .lives of tbe B -oto pttpulatloo enoy ( ..bos· ope.cb d 'd Mr. Kilchln for the purp()se of ascert"IDlog tbe more harm thin good) .nd a few otber sentlmeots of tbe Baotu people in re­ ElIrOpSItDs. Kitchin wa. ailia back's been terrible to-da., I Ab.. ~;"i ,et 00 at all." So say lbouunda «Rord to legISlAtive me:tsures .. treetlDg pr"ll-!nt. women who are troubled with the tbe Native p~op e of tbe UOiOD. Advocate KlichiD who .poke paiD of backache. Coo,fess. bo\ 'ever, C.:llts tbe II.tteotioo tbro'lgha liDterpr .. t~r rttoeived a w~rm Ooo't suUer-Sloao's Liaimen.t .m of tbe G ,veromeot to the ftlCl tbat tbe walcom*, and a good h".riog from tbe you relief io ao illstaDt. Por 40 years Ston's bas boe:o reL.ed cool reoccps as At present constituted p ·cke,1 Native m,.etilll' liS hA ootlin.. d by Ihousands to 11111 pa&a and are iocap ble of InsplrIDg tbe respect L .. bour aims. It w •• flotic8"ble hc.w_ welcome comfort. It Bod comm ,odio. tbo coandeace of tbe flv .. r I bit tbay WPf-t C .plt view. and penetrates without rubbio, and lostantly kill., pain of Bar'tu of South Arrlca. not tb-4 ",ipwi of the Tr~nllt'u1 and IACUCHE, lUMBAGO, Coolress urles, tberdore, tblt steps o F. S. wberlll Ihe two Pact leadf'rl SCLlTtCA, STIff Nus, 1IPRAlIIS, be h,keo to make facllttlrs for tbe b~iI from. The o.~didllte 'poke of . delay-tbe paln ma, develop B;ootu people, pertl)' throulb tbeir bu! pertlooa1 vil-ws on Nativ" mtttten loto something very serio\l.9 nut 'l PflDclp::r.1 Chiefs ,od p ... ru)' througtl hilllDtlmate lrnowlpdgA of Native 811' stop it notp with SIOOJl·I . tbeir existing pohtical. tDdustnal aad pir .. tiaos "pp"cillly in the mattfl,. of bod, pdllc tinn and tbe ja."'t adminis. ::?!;~:-"UU • I.NIF£ Ilrlcultural associ&tlons, to elect their ; • h.d own representatives to tbese cODfor. tration of justice in th .. C 'pe Coorh. and it left me helple.u- J W'U)I iW,g eaces H", •• ked bis bear,.n oot to be .fr"id hospital from "a,. 10 NO'fembet . .,;wI w-a.s The Congress. beiDI cODvioctd, after of Gen. H.-rtzog .. h~ ftolt lore he tamed out I.D-eunble. Sloan'. U;;;.. ;;:;;; ~ liven to me to ease the pai.Ja. ad I 14- years' experieoce, tbat tbe 000 - wool consti­ p.1. tod, fe\ crish c1l1 ld loves the plea ~n t t ISte BDd otber Doo-European commuDItles tbat G.,n. 8W.t9 Will the belt mbD io of" California Synlp of Figs, " and \I never of the couou)' in tbe Irl slaUve bndles thiloouotry. f;ul'\ to open tho bnwel", A leaspoollful is bigh y ioimlcal to the economic. io­ Mr. Monoll< who followed mid •• W-dl)' rn...y pre"ent a SICt.. child to-morrow. l bl. yOllr chcm i..l for gClluine " California dusma , educ .. tloaal. civil aDd political ft'w prt'limioMry remllorke sl,d epf>edily Syrup of FIJ.:S, ·· u. hidl h3." dlrf~ctlon.., for ioterests of tbe said papal at laos. ro ro08t"d eKpres8ioD' of illdigoetioD oabu,;s .. nd cluldn.:n ot :dl ~;';c" pnnted on solvts to lauoch forth a Vllorous cam wbpo he weot 00 to ..y tbat h Gt'o. WLlI,· 01 all ("hcmi .. t .. wd ,ttlre", ~ - <1.lld paigo for the removal of Ibe coloor bar 8m.fa will be tb"l fir. t to di.frao. 313 Mot her I Y(I'l mlht sa\ ., Cahfornia' ohille the N.'ivel. II or you may get ail Inlilatiou fig syrup_ 10 tbe Imperial Act coostilutiog tbe Penetri1tf!> UDIOD of Sou'b Arrica. . A ~oic ~ : uU,.. KOlt. (Y 00 are telliog without ------1 It was resolved to seek theca opl!!ra. 10'8) 'I I. B rta"g who h .. defioitely prep. red to cootiuue tbe strnggl(', for tiOD of all otber Doo.Europeao assocla' proml. d to distranob'se 01 . ., RlJbbin~ we have a olaim to the civilisat.ioo tioos, pohtlc~l. industria!. educatlooal Mr MODDik: .. GeD Smolll1 Over tbio~s that do Dot From the reports of tbe Provincial allow me space 10 your columas for a few re· allrd to thlOk Ibat .oy GoVetameDt "as not prone to err wbile we bold tbat ma.o il oot matter. Qae would bave thooght CODRresses it appears tbat the cyoical DluksOD wbat may be termed. "uoJ scrap of paper" addrrssed to e:u:b OOD ' EuropeaD ...-oter iofalhble. 'hat. at. tbis critical hllar when _ d.rk sbootiog d tbe B ... Dtu peop e in various in Beaufort West worded Ibos;­ We have read tbe Pact apeeebee wbieb cloud baogs OVl'f our beads tbose of paris of tbe couDtry is Slill beiol puc "Parlillmeotuy ElectiOD 19Z . ... Mr, E. H. do oothiog bllt. vlJi{1 tbe go .. d do De by ,br Louw, Nat ooalist Puty c.ndldate .... iII.ddress S. A P. Bat" bat. baa Pac' done to mt'ric:. Our meo wbo Ire io a positioo to tised aDder tbis, 8 Cbristlan Govero­ our Support? 00 the other baud the S.A.P. a meetiog of ooo · Europ~aos io tbe Towo ioBueoce Ind dirf'ct public opioion meDt· Coogress deSires to bri"g to the HaU on Sat. Juoe 14 at 7 30 p ro o Please USISt h .. s at.telllpted to mo'!"e in tbe ri,t:b& dlrecrloD. notice of tbe GOVf'fnmtDt Ibe fact that I Pat.ieoee is wb", we Deed ., tbll j.o.Cllare, would have coocenlrated tbeir energy th t f h h 10 makiog tbls knowo . ' Thea follows. Outcb " perpelr.. IUQ 0 sue wantOD S Ol. t ioterpret .tioo. of the &bove. wbicb to some of Swapping bonee in mid Itream il • danger­ and ability UPOD discQssing those iD~ of membrrs of a Jaw.abldlog race ODS thiog. D& IS as lood as gibbensb Accompaoyiog seeiog that thi. election is (rngb. wi'b issues of the electioos which vitally like tbe BOlli, witbout tbe autborttil!!s tb,!! "scrap of aaper" IS a circul.r from tbe locb momentous i'lioes, to the 000' Europe"D aff~cl the pohtio.l aDd eC l Domic life t .. kiDg tff ctlve measureS for tbe oro' .. Kimberle, and 8ea.coDS6eld Pact Commit· tee" .... blch COPtaios .a a.bort.hOD to vote voter io tbe Cal'e aDd flJ''''II'h .. ,.. it bebo.u of our race. But 88 it is, very little tectioD of tbe BaDta, cilia DO longer be Pact. re .s a o.tioo to play the ma.o and lend the AccordinlJ to tbecircolar. Geoeral Hertaog, S.A.P. back to pOIPI·er. If tlulre sre aoy is beiog done in this direction. toleratrd. amoog 01 who, baviDg beard tbe ."otiOllJ' Iostead there are angry outbursls in Aaotber resolotion arges tbe inBiction speaklDg at tbe NaiiODal Party Looveot1oo at Bloemfooteio ia Octob r 19!1 said ioter of t.he PdCCi 00 t.he Nl'lth'e questioll, arerea.17 *he columo8of.our newspapers of men of capital puoisbment 00 meo, wbite to a3cri6ce tbeir v9te to the PdO' tbto. we alia;- "Tbe Cllstoms of tbe coloured mao migh; •• well 8a, witb Aa'hooy ;.- who pl.ce self befure the iotereshl of or .bleck, f!Juad guilty of crimiDal8S' were tbose of tbe wblte maD aDd politically be must be takeo up b, tbe white .. 0 jndgmeDt! tboll art tI<:.4 ~ bntiah 'he race. Be this as it m.y, it is saalts OPOD womea. irrespective of race beasts, . or co nur. mao I, Wbere doe. tbe black m "l D come io ~ 0 ADd meD. have lost their re.loo. hoped Ihat t be Intelligent .od p." II Th ,t. wbereas the policy of tbe tbeo? meotioo is made of bim, My reason for -skiDg tblS is because tbis circular F. y, ST. LEO.a Pt...tT.lI£. leadere in the Cape will DO' fail Union GovUDmf"ot s Dce tbe ia8ulu­ is addres.sed 10 tbe DOD· (iaropeaos, Dot to Beaufort West. to poinl 10 tbe 1'oter8 Ibe w.y of ratloo of tb. Voioo 10 1910 bas h ••• tbe col outed mao alone, whose cause Geo. salvalion. ioimical to tbe best iotere~ts of the Hertzog IS cbamp~ol"g. tD hiS epeeeb be iDes 00. to sa,. "How Ibeo could we refuse • B .Olu populatioo aDd other DOD Euro tbem Ibe vote? Tbe Cape bas cr.nted iI." OTUKULULA YO. How IS it tbat it 00 ,DOW occurs 10 tbe Geoe U.Mr C. C. DanIa WU8 47 Bullalo peao commuDities of Ibis IPDd; ODd o 5AHTSf " patA F..-.!M eel' a • 1'6.1 tbat the coloared mao 10 tbe Free State • ( d' I I whl'reas .bls CODifess iu Jol" 1923. ..wleMA 0" 'U!RI4~A. Siraal, B Monll [asl Lon on) urn selwa p.ssed a vote of 00 cootideDce 10 most be graoted tbe voca HIS .w.i-eoiol 001, becomes eVident after bis crusb,ng defeat MORIANA 0" MAR,"A uba 'ranl8 .0 .. MlllaU" apo • Monti, G ' oeral Smuls os Miaist.r of Nativ. at tbe 1920 elections .1 itlo order to reple· --- lage Ipepa IInoka 'ulyanwa kuga uku- Aff",s, the Coo~ress therefor. feels oisb b,s "well nigb depleted !uores" that lUI. 1/8 '1I1bo II Pili It hll SISala kwengo I,eal. U.Mr Danga cODvioc,d th.t tb. I.ter.~'s of the Geo. Hertaog 60ds It DOW expedient to ,raat tbe Free Sl .. te colOD 'ed man tbe vote 1 EIiAlIIi 311. 'ull UDoku 'unl3awa a o"slnl ka Mr. people of Soutb Mllc • .... I be well A~aID speakiog at blS Cooltltueocy (Smith­ 0 ....80. 1M served If tbe non European voters of field) a montb later. b. laid. be bad 101' l.VJ::r• .A. H. TO~~ J. W. lurlz, I 41. PlllnOn Sireel, tb. C . p. ProviDc. sbould vote solidi}, )'ears &r'lvoceled ltelregatton. wbere NO _bite EJNDHLOv:INI, "At.u.. . _ _ _ __ for a chaDge of G ,verDmeot." mao would have" rlgbt to io.terfere. Fonoll, ~~'I LOn~:a. I he takes 8asuto)aod as .0 eaaruple. The example allord" clear proof of Ibe utter im­ [allIIn, menIAl loalt, .,111 • Funda "Umteteli wa Bantu" We hov. reltrred to tbe list reo pOSSibility of tbe segregatioo policy. Tbe npi U II 11111 II p•• II •• IItII. • _ ~ ;eo. • =zu.... ___ saluttoa ill our leadlDr articl •• coloured voter shOQld by aow be wide awake IP24. UIllTETELl WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 14TO JUNE,

amiD' DaZI litttbonayo koh·mehftt a BI, em(ollteln "o.~ KtiDri loQJfo any. ,dsl"', ~m9' .. kw .. (tlnlt ~ ab .. Ylo,lrolo uka!h,._ 8 8t. Pblillpw' Ground, kwall. Elibuhlungu Kunene ust Arrived! II! oRo '15 p.m .... ~eml aw",dodlo. ~ NII:ol l,.ne I ....bll I. ' d • :' ImloNo. loblotlO: A. Al h·p, fa I I acll: ; A. Ool~. aba e b~rlt P. G.j nil, D. Mo 101, C, Z Fu. Isbanfl, M. D .•M. (0 IJttli. ) I ij S-m· a_m, J Mc~ 0, T Futflb.II .... A. Moebn. qolo mi. A O . Mgoql (All B.o k) SI'nali. J .. Nt.l 18{\loko Ddixlowe n g Q. Kbl'lll..Of. A M.llofljia.. u .. J D B1180. mqulo o"rubbnje .odlna kwe. Kaletlill akob. ",waSlm. fowpl )8 Fr.. s 0219 010 It Attbo &mawlok. 8 ate IIndlb¥lIg¥ nbk"o .b,r II .k,t.. wa Ubl,b. ellbl u.,ol4alib ~ I ~. koof'oe 10 0 qnlo. Al lbi."'e pak.·' Q 8ompp mpt', nm .. E 810an's dlalo ob.. "alma Ilw8Dgoko y.y.. i fflr. Yo"" ok.,0Yflmea"la-1 t IYltku &c "pnml,. kw". wllrdslillfl Ttt Nllo j.llt' Ibunls. Q IIdl ... LintmfH pf'ZU kWfI 40 loomble.IY" . ,.kapa ~o tl k .... w i.ol ,'g"kO. Konll" COLOURS t 81"ao·" h ... njwa DIFFERENT -atom) I bl:lok dhi.. iollB rbin.,. bOlllsl y. mi· yair" 100 ( ogok" g:l:,..,t8 I. tiD .. mdht.lll wayo w"fOiq"lo akllbaOlZti Ilz ... ofl"m .. w"ka Qlboaba oka. Moabo 0,0 kODw"tywfO k .. ~.bIH In~. ibM elide a'tldl~lo mkeal&-­ wi a A yell . _gl.job'uztt kwi forw rd Of' II fl' blltdblwtnga .,1- Ihl b. 10 IN AFRICA 1108 kowe NlConJ Oft aroblMba Illom. LARGEST STOCK 8<40b', I .. ombl .. ; " .... lil ... kwi mid fie ld ., q 1)10, tslnq_, RUIII.llze. wMDlkt'l" i Ail HI cit y gq ''''OllA wayi. me, Unyonge, Um... nql, nUla (.Ike FI'l'Ibeo.. • r yen8 w"Ji~i. " ... run..... nJ.lo-nJ.lo s to Match all Jerseus "dezeh.. totl8 Mo.bami w'"plntf. waDi. r ,.a .. q b'. ,. :raU za okolib",ie~_"lobl,,1 a Ii k t" l ~ I All BlulH }In.' BOO 1 S including Iltt k ••kora ha}ioq.ort. w8nilr. QT. ng"'t.eozlt Ir •.,f z ... mt.i z .... oog.1i 2tXX) pairs best FOOTBALL Fllt.. b "o ... wangf:loa ,..duma i pkvilillO; nq .. l,di "gok... oge 810ao's ,.. I. ylihuy .. High Leg white with McGregor Cap: ~ w"Yl k.bA I ktt Alii .... tiyaq"t im~1 ye Fr. e 8tlltt I It Wit yallq, J. Ma .. lo T. FaIt-ban", 110 J D wdhout HUtO Dg. mibl6 i~,dl ' lu; lomd alo Rubbin8 IIowubans. UJblf oj .... . Jlflkfl nl VCI ' a .. k ... ugeuzlI yl" rdrf'e, Dt mpl ye Frl"El 8t tp Liteng,s.a d Kemesi eo Zltolo D Salmons, ontelt lIDldl.. to ombl .. " Jo k,,10 ; um Ibliioliio. & 111 ogo 1J Ward Soutb Africa Box 1036. JOHANNESBURG. I b .. n 10 ubalt-ll:l all"" K' lfib k ... i I I" B o .. O)fonlelo fig mp,., I,. SW 1I ,lwl nge "p.lO eotie i:a.ol. III &iprwo .. b t .. • zi je '8'" frulls, pt. )lefum"na S 8@te k npt"itt. 1 C~oole y .. po b I.~iwl:l tb"l-ni io better form t.bie year t~aD ... , the cue ubi I M.wdokbll. •• ill I erbfllpa tra., for aD m, oe 1~ II· tat IIgf'od lt-lliDb fI'W'ltkal)oy u i I It , . .. r Th . si woqol,d. leI dawo koh~ dlah Satard.y altbuQvb be . leo by Uyeda1e by 36 I!(amee Br"k ..... o 1 20 gawept Owl IMIDLALO. Breyt~1J .detWo 11>0)11,,10 0)1 RlIg. 210 1, I b .. " pilly, all ebo~D. "aa, ot d~8rvlDg t!" "we fI O.uDlh.'a Ileodawo ngrll ay"dhala l etm .~w 01 II. defut ilt'r nanmd l 10 011" Ov' .', i d .. 11 IIUt. jik .. 1 Ip, odlz .. kwe ookafi kellIiD~" "81 Ie' rolling, the Fort zllomk Ie oselo (drln ) ,u~ ke g 1018 i 90 beD tbe hall Breyten vs. Brakpan. o.oluilivell:l Dli:okwhk' •• okaha 0 1 S .. Hllre men ""fOre tbe 6r.t. '0 brf'l-)[ a""ay, aod t-81). kodl.ltt.. O lusek .. ;8" " ~ Dt(Q "Y.". ntt kol"obb ... Ib mvo, Ityil..o i 1:. M 'a a lala (the Lo9eo!.le .matt. 11. llliel waa _wlwllly.k.1 t-miull Z ed1ohleyo i to 'en a 6lte'mpt jOlt at -- C ob e"gltlio~a ui:o)'lDyoka clI.lltd DP"O ... le I 1\ . Tbo>. "'ort. H"rf' meo relD .. iD~d e U@"lt. M 1t~oo iqubif'elle lie tl"aU, .. m tbe ... atart. AIIdlsateti SendlqDshile. IIdlfang-t. 0 Me Mbb ~ l~ k.weoz II "hutt. ,pell aDd tbe" followed Nurth K ItUIi e Molt~lIo. i AI , BltH'i( au.eklnG for holO otowele nie t ., Cb .. Il""RI'I n 1It..s,," cbange for uppo-i e Ilille . kwt wlDgi fl)ay. the Mblell,--Kflavume IIdltptp iotoeodi­ i O.nnib•• QDlhl , urubl II." kweYbko Ie y .. yi te"hril:'b The Luv d ~ le mell ~ot. tbt Clbarge aod w .... l" f et klloslm. a_ollq""dwit k .... yn om Dnft .... lobe hall w ... II, lome ele""r ,~ ..iog by yitsndeyo ogollo IIdl' ~ Dli P8D 'si .. u l:1Xll1" ToI_ •• Wltll uto. "ye owf•• obt:dliJIla Witl hntl kol ... tbeir Ir·.nt lioe being "1~Defllled. anrt a. a IUsbli il.lemvu. B f lodilli ikw .. le libl, le .. 41 by hoe f{Oal lor CAKIIANA. us I ... w, ye omell t,) un1im .. fe. ult. 01 tblt ao tad, hke kWliti 11: 011) ~Ii 'UJoku loknpel.. matob waa l5ecured Imm, dI8t.I"I, fullo"~ M .. lfeoo yaYI . l.ot' .. d"le kllli:a M",y nd .. tumel. Am .... Zlm'l (0.0' t;MU ' e i I l \ik" plt .. PI" iUK tbia tbe Loyedale mea be,t(aD t.o auder .. B,.kpao. bbOk yayip·,e. kWI fl y b If Ilibltls) 8 .... ,, 'lo( "y\.l koqwe­ t .. 11l l h If lIt.aod ODe "oother ll 81 ct vltlo!qob', .a Ilga abanta.. oda Wltk wt>lil!la 0,,(.11 we yon. ya!liklt I A R ,.klletlha 00 tbe ri8bt wi_a wal p111,.iog ookoh. oyiolooio. '. by S god I... a rD8~be".i liSe Akohl.lelti u8" mgql'"ll.'( so omble i All 81 ci: i"lq epleud.dly well 1I0pporsed Sihlaoo. Awnqah. well, ,., bile L .. beoftele 'S. O.u· ehomioi bako, a"una kwoo".ba 1t·0 .... 1. Ie wlIIg twa'. lewl 25 .f"m"l. tbe pllir JOmblniu8 OIl." United Colliery L T .O and Oxayu OD Lbe oppo ~ it.e fOld" wele beioS ukahz",a kan~et1i omga t "rut". aWl> t l uiboJe LT 0 , A 118aifU p .. UIBt kw ... aogelyiai. U kub. k. ak.b. "welt" walebt'd .... ry carefully by (tI",ir oppflDeou. kakuf k~ak6 oko; k. Wd IIbol1l"illS hi. ntooga r.ohb I.~w. Dbhuniul u J E. III, i p.keti 1e Cb.m~rlaio'l .i.bleb !tab twab. e .. t It.1 (t.b e. e (r" for""rd) lewa ok(l, 10 m "'" a . f .f1 cy ~ ho . a; whi.e Neb!! • • the oecztre tns ... ota Z~lItlom"O, od,ttl y.ko.sbo ubemlsb.. L.leogi.... 8~_0 kw",/i wabb bh but. yeoa, aweoZ m 8oi.6cco,I" lIud once he 'a"eeI, 01 m.WetD 18tJlo .. Ia a gauga ellJidl,,­ b.If, play~ iteodhlo,11I:" .kob~ b k.wiud."o wDke. bl~ "de by ,m lrt.1y b .. adlog Ito ball whiob waa ..eoa Ddlali ad fIllW». ' e nd.ti .ku IWtloi. joat JIb at. 10 be D ~ t.ted all ,be re~ul', f;mod loto. I Uoitt'd llli1l:I"te ALLOII 0 McoQt allqog by. b" p ort Har. meo The 6r!t, • 1 SOIlI t.o nil e)o}l_ekayo. N

UKWf:HZ'Et.A OKOKUBA IZICjIDI ZE PAKETI Z'E SISA ZE SAMPU~A ZE RASENTVISI NO MQWAVITO WE PLEMU (PRUNES).ESISANDUL'UKUZI TU!4~1.A KUWO ONKl: AMACjUMBI E SOUTH AFRICA-ZIBE NEXESHA ~OKUrIKELEt.A APO ZIVA KONA, FUTI UKWENZELA OKOKUBA ABANTSUNDU BONKE H<;A NCjOKO KUNOKWENZEKA BABE NAKO UKUTUMELA IMICAMANCjO VABO NCjO "PAU LO RWEBO" NCjO MQWAVITO WEZIQAMO .NETU, IMINI VOKUVA~WA KO "MNVADALA WO PAU LO RWEBO" VO~ULWE KUDE KUBEVI 30 KU JUNt, 192., Imlcamango ngo "Paa 10 Rwebo," 10 Mqwa· Yifya i Rasenfyisi no rito we Zlqamo mayillilelele ku Editor, Mqwayito we Plemu ( Prunes) " Umtetell," P,0, Box 4525, Johannesburg, UMQWAYITO Iluogaka dlull oIwe 30 ku June, 1924. Uzo Kwomelela. Zitshipu futi Zondla KUMBUlAN'! Ngapezuiu kune Lekese. .- : AZIWONI AMAZINYO. : : £30 oue M1VUlO ge a\l1 Evenkileni yakuni hiza eye £to ODD "Mcamzogo" OSHIYA , Sisa ipaketi ye Sampuia. malunDa no "Pau 10 R.abo," Tenga enkulu ipaketi Kupela yi 3d. Ama 28 IMIVUZO Yemali! EZETU. NAWE Ungaufumana Umvuzo. Irasenfyisi no Mqwayito we YITYA I RASENTYISI NO MQW A YITO RASENTYISI Plemu (Prunes) zinyulu zinempilo : : : WE PLEMU (PRUNES) : : : , • • • • • futi . • • • • • UKUZE UBENE MPILO, • : : ZIGXOTA UMTSHETSHA : : : Zihhetele kuna Mayeza. • • NGENTLA APA KB au BUNGAKO NCAM BOItlPAMBILI WE TYEYA. SfI<'UNA IBE NClUWF. OVELISA "UPAU LO ltWI!:BO" LOK.UNGENA KWESO SAZTNGE SIZE. ESITOLWENI SAKUNI BIZA IPAKETI YE SAMPULA YE SISA! UTENGE ENKULU IPAKETI NGE 3d. STOREKEEPERS: FOR FREE SAMPLES AND TRADE TERMS, PLEASE APPLY TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN DRIED FRUIT COMPANY LTD. Worcester, Cape Province. ' (Registered under the Co-opentive Societies Ac~ 1922),

by RllmonoBo Itbe lioD'e beart) wbile Blues pressieg aDd tbe ICOf8 sheet blank. lomdilio ubpDlima mica la, i f r rwlrds Maabyi aod 8M'd. defeatiPd very brilliantly, I AFTER. THE I"TEIitYAL np f.1I back Ie Alvane zi eolid, kwi Imidlalo. In "bill balf hath t oved.le aDd Fort. H .t. te I1cor~d the former AddinlZ 1 to the 6 'Bt g ... al NZ1I%o re·tarted aad the wUld bad dropped B Zlioi Iroqine i b ~ CY8 , KoBke i hR.lf im,e kaD~pko Q U"A 'WhIle 'the lattf'f SOOted for the fU,~ time. s'igbtly followed up work the leatber to the fCClre, Somlozi Mbleli.-Kauocede oodipe lsit.".... k ....lo Thu8 Lovedale WOb by 2 gO f,l_ to 1. IHues 25 0".8. tbe ",me became more rast wawa DgE"nia ~ , kote 8eLl08 .. l8 10 peP' lib Ntu, Qdifakele abdundi balo..-s.i· Tbe follo'lffiog is tke Log to date. Noml seot bls threes awa, IIIanaae r~peatedly ruioates iot" ka M"tJ'be, 0 Cbristil:lD, dlalo yab"otwaoa besllcula ,ue R&b4!-- P. D . L. W , Pta. elechng to break when It was certilioly more (i t'xprF88 y.l& Uolon) wabt'k1 i try L ••edale 2 0 0 2 4 Iadvantageous to pass oot to bls ..... ng Nozwe· THROWING CRICKKT BALL: lit Pri... J. ~ 0 1 1 2 ago tackled M,oao.wlth ball and all. wbere be -loon Irwa palt ke kona bk· ooya­ Kluleo. 100 )Ids. 2 ft, 2ad Pri~ Jo "Iwui. Healdt.o"Q. 98 yds. 1 It. 110, Fon Hue "J 0 '2 0 0 should baY., fed Ngc agea Wanderers tbrees >Nun Dll" mOyl, lIodwa yalutywa 8ya - I were ooable to avail tbemse ves of tbeir w.,.I.. Y b .. k l'l , i Bar.:heradorp ityiW8 LaKe JUMP: 1st Prize. S, JUi. 1. ft. II to ' • t OP ortuoities Jodwaoa. Nt ooga. Heba. 20d Pn1e, 0 Nqaodela. 10 ft, Nde a. Came througb tbe ruck aDd tested tbe 3-0. n ibiyioto ko Mokwen. lsibeto selrzwe e-lishusho SI5150 seRalli. borne ostodl.l.n who drove tbem t-ack to halr­ u T,P. HIGB JUMP: 1st Prize.), IO.non.. -tit. ofia. kodwa kook., okafa kuaeyeta I~llo, kwj· way. from whence tbe speedy Bloes forwards Lomdlalo, ubomh1e oogena ,..g1010 2ad Ptlte, S Jali. 4" 210. siso SPlui i,ua lelikA Woods Ellkulu Ie work tbe leather to tbe ".s.tors territory wbere Papolomente.. Liyeza elipiliSl. kamsinya. Abo IIlfdZWE', hayi ilakubuy. mai ka Roabe. 100 YAROS FLAT: tat Priae, f.. der' yevs) tbey made tbelr last effort to foree matters tbe J, Maycki, 24 SIIC 2nd Priz"" \1. Mot.n. kufooeka beye emapaodteni baagll'le hayi. CriP9 (rorD tbe supporters aDd pee,atort alike • • • • :ibiye ihhotile yalo eogxoweoi. 220 YARDS FLAT: ht Pri.. I. Gona ... .. Blues Blaes" 00 tbe opposi te ~lIde "Mba N~8 3Lt HAY, illto EO MlljediDa 30sec 20d Pnle. Jaoe Guoa .., lrd Pnae. J, Wobomi weneoe, Liteogiswa zikemisi oe"e­ Mbo M 10 Mbo" but wltbo,lt nail and tbe Holndriolr:8, Z888 Molteno .Isioge e Mfukeng okile k"inda.o coolte. 60.1.1 wbistle souDded With 00 s.ide &n.d eoded Stf'YD8burg ulr:nye kodl.h·l" kwalt1 PUTTINO THE 'Velca!': h' P,lle A in 8 pOlotless draw • NduilQ. 20ft 1io. 2.,d Pme. Kla.e. • Nllebti lea. Shav·. lBiq mo ei he yi J. • H. W. YAPFL.6.. "EEDLE RA CK 100 YARDS: ht Pria•• 'Y. Pon Elir..abetb. ~ ojntlf'88 dr"w, lIrnbl . wumbi 10 matoh Ndooyaola 28 sec. 20d hiLC. IL ,. !powl •• Oriental vs. Wanderers. • vopindw8 nQ"pambl icwe Final n~a 3rd Prl%\!:. A X~lo . 20d Aug. I R · fer •• ib,yigXlgn Ipo. 120 YARDS FL4T: 1st Pri2e, P. ADe", 2e sec 2nd Prir.e, S Jali. Jrd Prir.e. S. Tallaae. Tbe Waoderen (ootball clob (rom Grabams' Ezase Aliwal North. o • • , ECG KACE 100 YARDS: ht Po.a y, to.o, jouroeved to P . I!:., first and second Nge 31,1 May i Club yo.e Queeo •• Dijil.aa, 28 sec, 2nd Pr'ze V M•• 0lt:a • smols to ful61 tb~ir "nragemeots With the (Llvukutu town oyi BoO:.lo (R 'Sbj) ihiz ,kodi.i. "ELAT RACE 220 \'4RDII : ht PriM. J Oneo ai, 00 Saturday 241h M .. 1924 "I.'bere lase·Gqili). 'l"'yallpa i Sw ~ lIo~8, Y .. tyiwa i Gonnz&, 48 sec. 20d Prile, \f. Taewli. were aboot three tbouuod sp~talors Prior to - Qq •• nge 4-0 Drop kiCk by A. ONM: MILY. FLAT : lst Prin, S_ a_D. the :hlg game tbe seeood 6Cteeo lioed out ~t Ah.nto: U Miss Irene Mellla1im ~ 20d Pri~, 0 Nqalldcla 3 pm, ooder D. B Jacobs. aDd results 10 '«a ago (a Z,b,agel.) bom bl Alvane, Yooke ke lemilcqo yeDtel." fI,jt.a.b'aioi se a poiotleu draw, At 4.15 p .m. a rouod o( wail" ZibeleDi kw~ KomAnl oke wlJl~p ... • • e 0 bala clible ogombla owawl:uole lI.oeM .am .. cheenoR: ,reeted (he teams as tbe., took tbe neo ' 1I1.' .. 1" UfUOVR omteh... U Mra I Anlv('stt1e yAse Preshyt ri" D 31st May. l.. mllse a DO mtlDjua olt_piki ..oa obudala bawo buogapaulS! kWlmioyaka aOla­ ield uoder the cootrolol C. J Ngesi. a' Ganllo1uz I W88e Kimbtlrly nllpa ng ... Charea (If Afdlr •• yahaotw~Da b"Bikolo followa :-oneotal Mtati. ~capt.) Nkabalu.. 'oimbt ynmzi Wiles • m..,homi amabioi, No.wlIII~u. Matsheha, MSlmka. Nno, Mala., OJ. • , Ibiyt!Dkullll ko&ele n~ .. ndlela 61 g."RO D . TU05, HOARDau. kaoa T ~ b.sela. Mabl£ela, Rutu, Yanda, Mald- Into ka ~b."Vfll Q H 0., QYlnl\eltl.Dg~ IHL<>VINJ Baolnr.i ••e"in came the Ylshors beavy forwlrd 'd. r J K M vel itS" i 0 ip'.i n ye UDinl it'k .. Api, Dmt-b"to lie Mr. B AmoA, (A .... nto ibD)'J.QIwa Apa.) .-ashes sent tbem back ta mld6eld. Altbls atase I'· • B h d r Mr Sontflhi j o Mi .. M. Kh1ltllog baqinwe DgU heavy raJa commeoced ~hlch rendered 'V .. . ~. e Drll ~f8 I' p, Ozolulla.oda eloDl le1& Ukae&nUI,' the ban wetaad dlOlcuJtcobaedJe Botb packs Pre~ndent"fI UDlon y.a" B IrghprlJd rp R.~ J. JlOh80 I ,ram oakapl..lll Okata flatau,l. ~tlled do"o. ID sollle loose pia, Wanderere no Mr. D. Til Ilnreo Size komioi yom. CArrlrd pi y rittbt 00 tbe BJu~s 1I0e. wbere a ,nelo n~e 2.30 malanll. koq.le. J U Mr. Waller Lt!o n rd Meanyene LOVINI akuko • DU seneS cf despeule serums eOJued aDd B ue" S~co~d T",a1D8 'yue BI'I'~ DPyalap. \olae MfQooe oicw .. le Dgol"' 6 8ihih (oacb dowD, fast up ad dowa play {ollowed ., ' . BHALELA KU;­ A gokablwlO, 2 ka JODe okulihsngl8 _yeral ecru"s 10 quack $UCC"esslon a free to (.s oartatn r ' 11 ~rd ) yat11wa eyas mltn, Mr A. H. TODD, Endhlovl.l. ~W8 Bol~weyo ko yilte omtangi Odll[Ql. Blops lod touch at tbe YISltOrs 2S 8.J.g, From nIl1'l5-0, bflmba AhBDP, ORO 4: koqa Red Hili, Ne'al. .. tbrow 10 ,bo Blue. It ove despentely to biseae fl5~ Tarnellte "banla b -ngat' eyo walD. h,Dt8i Ndlelli ntle mf~nl opeD Lbe scor~, but the VI" ors deleoce proved . 1I.8mbi kukO no Pdr no Mrs Sha .. e abaye D.JO ,a.hia lelo. to good and balf··tuae was Slewleel Wllb the "10, • , UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 14TH JUNE, 1924. 7

- -- • RELIGION -AND-SOCIAL-SERVICE ~ --- -- 11!!1 ADAPTATIONS BY RE"V. RAY E PHiLliPS. am 6xioD, th-.t the M"stl"r speAk~ fret'ly Christian ,bought IS muvwg in tbis [t w·s a symbolic 00', foil of sigDi. What do we Moan bU 0'1 the subject, and then it is of t.he dlrectiuo; oot, I imagiof', beeaosp 60 'Oce a8 t.he wods shoW'. He ill SpiriL CO tDIOg io flltQff', "her H ts it gives a complete aDd 61al ex rea."y passin!? on tn tbem the Spirit the Holg spirit? Own boddy pr ~ 8eoce is wtthdril'Wll. I I olao ••ioD of tne mystery 01 lb. whICh bad bel?o His own, in order this resp"cL St. J lIhn'a Go~pel is io Spirit, but it accords so £.iLh tba.t the !'.me Spirit may cootiooe as BU b.rmooy wilh tb. lira. Ibree. ADd folly witb a gr•• t part of Ibe the .. SPirit. "R-ceive ys tbe Holy tbe position is in 00 wise altered if New Testament, aod bt'cluse it is Spirit." Dr. Moberl.y aay., "That RaY. John H. Glom, M.A., w. believe .bat St. J"bu'a Gospel of !loch immeoM practical valoe. IS not the action of Doe who by Durban. was written later the others, aod Dr. Morou. Dods iD ODe 01 bia prayer, woald iovoke upoo the'rn a i. regarded a. a G o.pel ioterfu.ed by later letters wrote to a corrnpondent! "plrh whioh is oot of, Or from, Him­ .. I' d' (The second or the serits of addresses .he musiDga of .be Apostl.. In Ihot am IDtere8te 10 your d,scoyery sell: [t ia tb. symboli.m ntb.r of delivered to a conference of Native MlDisters case AOme of the vtrbal phrasings of the ex.lted Christ, and tbere is one "ho woald traosFer to tbem tbe in ~.. ataJ duriog April). may be doe to HIS .bongb. aa mucb much to talk over io tbat direo,ioo. Yery Spirit which animates Himself - aB '0 Hia msmory, but Ibat will ooly [ doubt il we caD make macb of a yea, may be Slid to be Himself." , I belie.. a greal maoy people would sho" os that eveo later still there is persoo.1 Spirit iDterpoaed belweeD '1'0 b6 continued. fiod il dlffioull 10 give a .Ieu aoawer tbe same view of this vital matter. Cbrist and us " k) tbis q aetUlon. And y8~ in view of No elfurt is made to diatiDguiah be­ the extreme importaDce of the matter Dr Garvie "rote, " Tbe Iif. in Ibe • IweeD the ccmiog 01 tbe Spirit aDd Spirit is from the Tha as we saw in our last discassioD WI:: tb. comiog ag.tD 01 Cbrist. Contra.1 Men Who Mata Excusas, ougb. 10 be able 10 allllwer it very fellowBhip witb the I .. iag Cbrist. JOhD 14 : 16 wi.b 14: 18, aDd ChrIstian exp' tience does no' .nd deliaitely. BU .. D.ddy," said a little girl 10 her Jobo 14: 17 wi.h 15 :4 • canoot distinguieh between Christ aDd Ibe Spirit as Cbristian doc!riDe b .. Dean Charles R. Browa. fl,ber, "I 01.0 ooderataod what you [0 al\ tbese cbapten we get the forms, "[ will come He will tried to do. " meaD by Ibe Fatber aoJ the SUD, but H_" Lake 14: 12-24. I baveD'" aoy use for tbe Hdy Spirit." come,"-" we will comet-aDd tbey Dr. D oo oy baa said, "To b. a be. Tbere i. a fraoko•• B aboa. tbal wblob seem to meao sobstantially the same liever io Cbri.t aDd to have tbe Spi· rit are the •• m ...... The Tbere are two Borla io tbe world tbiog. Refer .1.0 to Mall. 28 : 20, other. migbt ..ell imi.ale. RefereDces DoctriDe of tbe Holy Spirit a. aD th. meD who do tbiogo and the m.~ to Ibe Huly Spont are more or lea. au:! Mark 16: 20, comparing .bem witb Acta 5 : 32, 16: 28. Tb.o re.d element in the E:cclesiastical doctrine wbo Ire a1wlYS ready witb loog ex" frequeDt bUI tbe idea iI•• lf iB of teo ao of the TriDity, goea far beyoDd tbi" planatioDS" to why .bey did DOt get ActB 16; 6, 7. Re.d .180 Revel .. hopele.aly vague Ibat if .•be,'. and fit beyoDd aDytbiDg wbicb Ihe .be .biogs daDe. Tbe world fraDkly ciOD 2 : 8, 18 aDd 2 : 7. were tied dOWQ to belDg expholt, New Tes.omeDt defioeB." And he prefers tbe 6rBt .ort-i. sa.ea Ih. tbey woald BarreDder lb. pbra.e aa Paul's laaguage is very sigoiSclot Idds, U we CItO tbiok of no presence bigbest honours for tbem and 8te~di1y in tbie connection. "Kuo" ye Dot," beiDg ralher meaoiogleBs. IDcldeulally of the Spirit excppt the spiritual prs pUIS tbe olber sort iDto tbe disc.rd. be saya to the Corinthiao@, "th., iD passing let me aa y tbat lobe use of sence of Uhrist Bimself. " It, is for every ODe to make up bis the word' gboat I is. There ye are. temple of God, and that mlDd as early a. pos.ible with which is DO 8ufficient reaaOD for 1t. 11 caD tbe Spirit of God d ..elletb iD Itev. H. Boy.l Senll, io hia book gronp he proposes to travel. only be used in a few connect.ioDs io you 2" (I Cor. a: 16 I, aDd again " N eyertbeleS8 we Belie.e, U speak.. Here is a short story told by the t.he l'few Testament, io othelli h i. to the same people, "Koow ya Dot ing of our obscure belief iD tbe Holy PriDce of Slory Tellera, who " impos.i ble. We cao't, fur justaooe that J eBua Chriat ia ia you 2" (II Spirit believes tbat we CliO gaio clear· maay tbiollS in parables," sbowing lall< about the GboB' 01 God, or Ibe Cor. 13 : 5 J. To the Gal.ti.ns He D'.B along tbe.a IiDes. H ...ys:" If Ihe folly oi attempling to p.lm 011 aD Holy GboBt 01 promi,e, aDd BO oa. wrote, ~'I live, yet DO longer I, hut tbe disciplea d"ei. uP"o aDY pa"icu- tbe world .be Bh01dy of excoseB iD B.sides the word coovey. a 10tally Chriat lireth io Me." (G.1. 2 20 J, I.r nsme for tbls possessing Spirit, pllce of the all wool of genuine wroog idEOa; it. bas a po~ul.r meaniog and a litde later in same letter be would they distioguish between the achievement. Be WIS bl?iog enter­ whicb i. bopele.aly bealde tbe m.r". makes it clear that to be Christ's and Spirit of God aDd Ibe Spirit 01 God taiDed iD Ibe bome of the ricb aDd The American edition of tbe R t: vl8ed 10 live by the Spirit are but two iD Chriat, aDd th. Spir;' of Cbrist 2 thia .... p.r. 01 Hi. I.ble enover. Versioo quite properly uses" Huly waya of .ayiDg tbe same .biDg (G.I I tbilJk Dot. "Ii hat was nearest satioo. He bad just iodicated io a Spiri'" 'broogbont. 5 : ~4. 25 J. Look at tbe very q oick to tbeir Ihonght w.a certainly tbi. vithl way tbe du.:- of tbe .trong 10 Well, DOW, "bat do we meaD by interchange of phrase in Romaos -th.t it w •• tbe Spirit of Cbri.t .be weak. "WbeD .bon makest a Holy Hpirit 2 II we are 10 take our 8 : 9 II. tbBot ponessed them. It is eviden' feast do Dot a1".y. invite yo Dr rich answer from t.he Ne" TestameDL tbere Could aoylhiug make cle.rer the from his writings tb., paul him neighbours who will naturally invite O.DDOI be mDch doubl a. 10 wh •• lba' pr.ctical identity of Ibe preseoce of ••If Ibongh. of tbe Spirit as the yon '8"in." Do Dot .I".ys iDvile aDB"er ahall be. II we approacb tbe Cbria. with tbe preseoce 01 the Spirit of Chri.t J"bo'B gospel too does tbo.e lObo alre.dy more thaD matter from the practical POID' of Spri. of Cbrist, of tbe ideDlity of Dot sE'parate Christ aDd the Spirit as eooogh to eat-invite the poor who view, tbe New Tea,.meot is e8seoLiaU, tbe preseDce 01 tbe Spirit of ChriBt two deville powers; 'he Holy Spirit or have less our beBI guide-a far, far better witb Ihe preseDce of the S pirit of God Comforter is the Spirit of the unseen 1:he situation at once beclme sOme­ gaide thaD tbe complicated systemS ~f wbo raised np Christ? Look also at Jesus." ADd Igain be 8IYS; "The what embarrassing. The people at tbought which of leD been bUll. Epbeai'Da 3 : 14 21. Tbere ia DOt 6rst difilciple8, when they m .. de a pic tb.t table were oot accDstomed to up upoo il. a transitioD from one tbing to another tDre io tbeir miDd. of tbe Spirit Ibat sacb talk. Tbere come ODe of 10 Ibe New Testament tbe refer· bere, but d ,lf.reDt waYB of expressiDg filled them, made no real separation those painfol 8ileoce8 which. some­ eDces to tbe Spirit abonDd, .Dd tbey tbe .ame thiDg. bet".eo tbe Holy Spirit and tbe Spi· times bef.1I • diDDer p.rly when clearly pre.eot to UB Dot a ay.tem of The same idea is seen in the ' rit of tbe uoseen bat present Christ•. 60methiog too real aod searcbing hlB tbougbt, carelnlly reaaoDed oat, bUI First Epialle of J obD. It was Contiaui,g he SIY@, historically been said. Tben one oftboaesmlliog an explanation of experieoce io mao.y written to enable tbe readf'rs to wbat bappened was somethiog like iodivldoals who are always ready \0 varied situations. The laogllage 18 realise more vividly the melniog of tbis. Time passed, and with the speak came to tbe relief of bis ho!t. always what. we call fluid; i\ is the Christian life, which is personal p ••• iDg of lime tbe CbriatiaDs beg.D H . 6 led up .Le .wkward gap iD the ch'Dgeable aDd D,t Iixed. '1 hat is fellowsbip witb tbe Iocltoate Christ, to theorize about the experieoce of conversatioo by saying. It Blessed is showo by the variety of terms used­ wbich is also DO less fellllwship witb tbe Spirit. WbeD tbia proc••• got be tb •••ball e •• bread in Ibe XiDg. sometimes Spirit merely, tbeo Holy tbe EterDal God. Tbis liCe ia tbe uoder way there grew up and dam of God. " Spirit, sometimes the Spiri' of Cbriet, .ctual preseDce of tbe SOD. He tbat bardened tbe idea 01 a Holy Spirit No .xceplioo C.D be takeo to tbis aDd agaiD the Spiril of God. Tbe batb Ihe SOD ba.h life ( I J ohD 6 : 12 I, sep_rable from Christ, and even st.temeot 18 a gel"eral propositioo. same spiritual experienoe is described and tbe Bure evidence of tbe reaHty aeparable from God. Agaiost tbe But tbe Master was DOt accustomed to now by ODe sort of term, now by of that life i8 the animating infiueoce generations passed, tbe convic,ioo tbat do busioees in tbe shallow waters of anothsr. Of coorse, the reason is of tbe Spirit. U H ereby koow we JfSDS is pffAonally prespnt to each be platitude. He at once launohed out that the writers Ite not moving in tbe that He abideth io UB by the Spirit lievi r hec_me more difficult, and in ioto the deE'p and Jet down hie oet for realms of pure thougbt, but in tbe very which He gave us (3 : 24). Campare thi$. difficulty W I n betook tbemseivel a draugbt of something vital. He varied ways of human experience. als0413. to tbe H"ly Spirit •• .cting aD be· told tbem a 1D00t unliKely story 01 a That f.ct is iovaluable to us because Of COOrSE", tbere 8re otber sayings half of the persooal Christ. Thus ricb man who made a great supper it enables all to bring our own pllC in the New T estament which do not the lioly Spirit; oame to be thought and inviteJ maoy goests. Tbe iovi. tieal needs IDd experiences and set fit flx_ctly ioto this idea, passages of as a separate diyioe power apart tations were all acce.pted apparently, .bem aloDgBide Iboae .1 tbe New to wblch a distinction is drawn be­ from God. bnt when tbe time came tbe gueBts Te.tameot, aDd get thereby tbe t"eeD tbe H .. ly Spirit aDd the L iviDg "I woold propose to you that it began to beg off with the most absurd gr•• ter belp io tbis difficDIt maUer. Christ. Bat it seems impossible so were good lor us to get back. from 80rt of excusE'S This is not tbe wa, Now wben we fxamine the puslges f'scape tbe convictioo that for practical tbis to the coovioLioD of \be first dis of tbe wor ld-it is DOl the way peo. wbere the preseoce and the workiog porposes io New Testament tlme8 tbe ciplel II pie ordinarily treat invitations to of .be Holy Spirit arc most defiDitely writers did identify them as St. Paul Such i. obviously tbe trend of great suppers or to the feast epokeo of, 'he one that sbods in ODe place f-xphritly lIffirms-" 'I be modern tbinken, aod I believe they of tbe killg's sao. ADd it was by OD' before aU else is the fMct that DO Lord is tbe Spirit," (II Cor. S : 17, are right. For.1I pr.ctical porpo!es tbis improbable picture of human deliberate e80rt at an is made to 18). -and these are what really matter. .. action ,b.t Christ so ugbt to aho" tbe diatiDgoisb betweeo tbe Holy Spiril I bave Dol by aDY mea.s fl,bauBted we m~y idf'n,ify togeth.,r tbe Holy fO lly of those who, hniog the privi .. aDd Cbrist Himself ID .be Go.pels the refereoces in which Panl speaks Spiri. aDd tbe li'iog Cbriat. (To Ipge 01 becomiDg lb. cbo.eo gueBt. of there i. soarcely a reference to the 01 tbe Spirit of Chriat oonvertibly 8um up 'be idea look .t St. J ohots God, r ef ole to c"lI.

Spirit " all; the Ii.iog, mOTiogt wilb Cbriat Hi",s.lf, aDd .Iso iD tb. Gospel 20:22). It wa. lb. Digbl Tbe i.,itatioD wa. aD aot of grocs. wor~iog Cbrisl fills all tb. piolure. eame w.y of God aDd tbe Spirit 01 ,Iter 'be relurreotioD, when the work IAny boneet ioyit.tioD is jOlt tbat. h i. ooly in tb. I.BI di.cours. of God. of the Inoarn,tion bad been oom The man wbo invites YOD to dinner J eB08, 00 tbe Dight before the Croci. It i. vory how mnob pl.ted, aDd He bre.thed on tbem. doe. DOt have to do it. H. doDO Dot

L-______~ ______I b UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, --- - 14TH JUNE, 1924 . --- "------_.-- . ------. --- ~------expeot to ~.t loylhing io roturD for witb tblt battle. -. But wb.D Ih. kin" "wh;ob tak,o at the .(,d leads on it-if be did he woold Dot be f-xt>fci" a tbe prilloner ",alii gon(>, and all to fortune. Ofnittf'd, all thf' v(ly"gP Ezase Loved a Ie. ing th. guc. of ho.pitality, h. w( .uld the loldif'r b~d to Bay for himself WaA uf Lhe lifo i. bouod io sballfl '" .od simply be duiog a liul. bualue •• with tllis, "As Lby eer'uot .as bosy bere in miseries" There is a time for (Ngo Mayl. you. If yoo sbould se otber M. L.n1l8, M. . N. Tya. in make for chancter of the bigb.... t loz,sb., D 8iyo beasts ore killed IDd tb. diDDer i. 00 tt'rdts the supreme DO 8. Ngenl. thiog weot un Bort SeiEe your cbaoce whh bo,b lb. lahl •• " All you bAV. 10 do i. doo.. • • • • As tby serveD I w.s busy here baods lod comp.1 it 10 yield the be .. 10 eDler ioto lb. full .ojnymenl of th. aDd tbere A'ambo: tTrohi. wo 11 koyo with • littl. of Ibis lod a it ... oet 10 briog. It i. tbe voic. I.. besl Ibll hiS beeo prepared for your little of tblt, 10 I tb. pri.on.r ny D~. abe ", • .1 It omlla Q "pa. X. • be WIS of Scriptur. lod of ,xperieDc. aDd of 81tBboyo COmtDg. set to guard escaped. elton' u.tuti iel .. om alO laba. Gorl, wbich says, "Now is the .ccept \ liroxis Th~ Iwe kol080ko. hlt,.U B.r. the iDvitatioD to the supper young mao in 8 military clmp p ... rJ time, now is the dlY of 81Ivatioo." " 8 10lt leleyo kw .. b pzjos liw8 ibe DIQ etand. II ••ym bol of thllt is tbere to be traiDed as a broad 8um soldier. If Do it DOW, for tomorrow may be too Dr. Heodt'rBon, ppahlwft mloal na nJra moos of 'he h. flil. iu that, Father in He.ven. He h. fail. 'rb. young lit•. o pi- (Mr. T. S pot.ll) 00 Mr. B. iovitee us ,II m.D io college at ,bis time to eoter ioto is Iher. to gilD tha, 10 thlt gre.1 dly .. h.u the Roo of Nlle.oda. Wd6ta t oma Im'tUngl lo.iog fello m.olal ..sbip .. ith Bim and eo aDd moral growth ..bioh Moo gatbers tb. n.tioDS before Him lowtni a Gqira M.doda Inmfo sitetl, joy lb. cb.Dges be.1 Ib.1 He 0.0 provide. a boy ioto I mao-if be aod separotes them a. • .h.pberd akoba oiy; slpiklaa klnJlllkalhela Com. foroll It tbat naokwenD, kungt'ojilio IbiDga .r. 00.. r.ady­ poiDI h. f.i1s. Th. boy iD lb. di.ides tb. sheep from the gOI'S, olmeda 818 IlllbiDg. prim.ry scbool ~Qul .po. Ibll beloDg 10 mau's bigh i. tbere for tblt die .ome people will be .tlnding ou tbr ., eat eatate, ciplin. IDd • • • • to the fu!J realization of developmeot wbich "iii right blDd. Tbey will b. p' •••••ed ., biB Owo pow fit bim for o N. T. A: !zip_la·m.ndll .,10' ers, aDd to the reoderioll the bllder duties which Ji(> ul Christian character. Thf' • y saw mbnto slhll4ogen~ kweyakwi Dyaol of th.t s ...ioe whioh .. ill mlk. b,m abe.d-if be get. by .. ilbout Iccom cb.Dce aod mid. tb. mos t of il. icawa e AI C8 ngombla we 11 nlE'mioi aD honoured and uaefal member of pltsbing th. purpose cf tho.e ADd tbey will bear th. word., "Come, mbi ,. Nlrom 'a foBe Rioi. society. It oDly Deed. tb. persooll y ...s b. go •• dOWD io defe.I, Kwab~beko ye blesaed of My Fltber. loberit tbe aip8ulp, u Prof. J ahlil VQ oahaoDmune locf'phnce and Tbis tb co operation of each ••o .... r J e.u. gave to KiDgdom prepared for yoa from tb. G N)okweul, O. R MoiklDgO., iDdlviduaL Aod that pious humbug B. B .• tb. Icceplloc. of .. bo altered hi, foundllioo oflbe ..orld. Ye did it uotO \l.II .dl_, S. E Mqlyi, A. J Ayllff, S . . Ib.t iDvihtioD platitude throogb tbe dedicatioo about the blessedaes, of eat Me." Other meo will be standiog B . N ' all. Uti omotQ yiya • R,oi _ of oDe'a ing OD powers to tbe bighest he seea breld io the Kio~dom of G od. ,be lefl haod withoul tblt Cbristi.o n~ () mbl" we 26 ka J~Hf' ayokQ90Dlt i CODititotes the Tn)' He .ald to tbose Pol.m.nte youD,llI, essence of Chria meo who l!Iat at meat oharacter which might have beeD .•imblopo. tiao cbaracter. .. lIh H,m, When aoy mao doee "How mucb do all these Ibeirs. Tb.y will.tand there, ff.. iog • • • • thlt the Uiver of tb. F.I.I brgio. trQths .bout religioo mean to to you? their eX-eCQees. "OUf pareots were 80 Ngombl. w. 2 kol.nYlO~ •••i~oos - feed bim "ith Are you takiog tbe B.eld from above yoor religion serious· etrid with UI wbeo we were cbildreo into 10 MolkaagoQ, Mqayi, NyoRa Ind to drink Iy? 19 with him HIS owo wiDe it anything more to you ,ban did we were turned against reli/irion. sixway. Idyasl ne rogs, li8iti Ily~ aew io lb. Kiogdom of • form of words OD yoar II:wiotlang&ni.o yelitlbala God, lips or • let We were mlde to go,) to church 80 mach e Boxeot. of gracefloll obs Ate .yabaya lamttdod'ok ... oj •• 10Yllty. co Tbey .11 with oDe co05eol or in the enjoy· -as if there were 00 hypocritf'S io the oJ410 ke meot of yoar oto zakan lIyanCQ[DB bego brgan to make excuse." The Bnt home comforto io ord.r world oUlOide of tb. Cburch .. here apo likon •. to serve God mao ,aid, "I b,ye bought. piece of io Hia Kiogdom? U 0 Ibey.t.oJ. "If ... bad ooderotood III • • • • lE'sS you grouDd, lod I most go aDd aee il; I are ready to put fint thing. tbe mi.erieB cooneoted with religion, Ab.voU: KwiDgqllogqol.l. firat aDd 8ubordlDIte yob •. pr.y thee have me excused. " ADO the lesser io we might have become Cbristiaoi"­ voti ebis8 Q 'Dce site j Lovedl'e mayi. terests to tbe d t' maDttB ngqs.H Iher Slid, "I blv. bought five yoke of charaoter loS if 00 ooe could ride 00 I ngemvlI. satom~la abtD1UDU08 lod tram of OxeD lod I must go aod try tbem I service, you are all hom bug •• " uDlil be ooderolood all the myslerie. S. E. Mq .qi, D. D. T. J.bavo, O. R. Th. man DO I pray tbee blve me excosed." ADd ..ho bougbt lb. piece of cODoected .. itb electricily. ADd io Ibat 0 D. Z.lo. KlneD. grouud m8d~da. kako • third ,aid, "I have married a could have po.tpooed hi. viait dlY Deitbe, God Dar abaota abaogal81iyo wife min "ill feel Iztprlogl z"motokari And therefore I caODot come. to it uDtii lb. Dex t day-it ..ould much symp"tby okoba mQandi " for those who uod.r tw ••o. H.I kwa Somgnd •• bave looked III th. more belutifollo take to make pa imoto Now, none of these ioterests is excu,es take the pl.ce of lhlanga. Ltm.nene ace eble him b.d he first discharged hi. duty ogafO evil-tb.yor. aU good. It i. higbly reanlt.. Tbe ..ord to tbem "ill be, abuya og.yo, equtyelwa yib'oyi yegws. by bei, g pre.eDI .1 tbe fe•• t 10 ..bicb de.irabl. that meD .hould OWD I.od, "Dpparl, ye did it 001 to M .... Dgql. Iyobay. k. Xl taDj.lo, b. had acc. pted aD iDvilltioo. Tbe Ind that far~er8 should purchase oxeo, Wben Lord Kitcbenor w•• io Egypl • • • • mao who weot to try biB .nd thlt yOUDg meo .boold marry yoke of OX~D one of bis subordioates clme to him I. Bolide : 0 obuy. wlfila. ombls migbt have hitohed them 10 wivea IDd b. devoled 10 them. It .... hi. cart to expllio ..hy I c.rtaiD order giveo Iu. Vltoliys apa, wandolelwa yinHqAle, aud hive driveo tbem 10 Ih kaoti Dot IS if one had aaid, "[ am planning •• opper. tb. day before bid Dot beeD corried DzakQ 'lIm.ble ngtlkweotomba. Th. mao .. bo had m.rried I Z ' 0 11. Y ~ qutywa to go out Ind gel druok that Digb.­ ..ife migb' out. Tbere any Dumber of lie imidllilo yalomb1a have brougbt her with him-if dmva kw~oteto DgO Mong8mf'li. I pray Ibe. have me excused I" Or sb. re ..ons, b... id, wby tbe Ihing'could lata was any lliod of I wife .Ylbllalek. Dgoltomaodl. ligobo, IS if aoother h.d said, the feaal would oot be dODe. Kitcbeoerl istened for "I have have beeo .11 tbe K.loltn slnalo Delo. Eyeaibloi iholld. • rraoged 10 .tell my n.ighbour. better for haviog tbre. minutes aod Ihen cut btm short fowla her lb. Dgomhl. w. 30. Iminl 1o" Ibl . In every case the Dltural, by slyiog, U k oar that night, therefore I Olonot come" reasons are excel ogenl zigi~8bl ngttpaodle .. bolesome intere.t of any oDe'. life Itwe Teools Or I. if a Ihird Slid, " I am lent. 10 flct, I tbiok tbey are .bout rtf.teb po .. .,i k",. Speo Bona had be.t be oat cot oul nor lopp.d T.O.oa to go oat and set another mao's off, tb. be.1 r.aso". I .ver beard. No .. Prog re ..i •• T.O, yab.lwa hut but brougbt io as part 00 fire; therefore I .hlll oot be of the 10101 go .nd do il lod report to m. lamar og.6 g.mes. Iber .... service to Ihe It was not a cause of bum'D ..ell · row moroiDg Ibll Ih. work is com • • • • serlE's of crimes which, led 10 the mor.1 f.ilur. of the meo plete." Wbeo Ih ••UD to •• Dext dlY Uke waplI"" n.y. omnln omhlD io Wben the.. meD i Biobop the .tory-it wos preoccupltioD refused Ibe the tbiDg was dODe. H ..... a mlo (Mr. Nyo"') .blmb. DO iovitltioo the opportunily S .. t>dYt babamhs with thiog. eOlirely legitimll. p •••ed . ..ho o.ver excu.ed himself Dor olbe.. n omlisel .. bay"kudJala lod The master of the 1 Nteoetya e Mtwaka. Zits ukuvbkala rigbt ..bich cro .. bouse, ..heo be lod h... ill go dowo iD history I. ded out tbat which recpived ItwPDdlbe zokobl those silly excase!, said to U Kitcbeoer of Khartoum, Dg6 18 Wli of supreme importance. tbe min sati Iraogaba beta i racqaets his Berv.oc, "Go oU~ ioto the highways who did tbings." bebpzilibele Her. iD Ih. slory Ihe good became -nqweleni. Bate noao bakafika ba· .Dd hedges aDd briog io Ibe poor, tb. It lb. enemy of the best. 10 reallif. Be ye, tb.refore, doers of Ibe klla ogebala, wanela ka, lome Ind Ihe bliod." Tbey would Word the cboice IS a rul. does Dot Ii. be_ aDd oot bearer. oDly deceiviDg U SOLJGOSO. uot be so occupied with tween the best lud Ibe ..or.t. If. tbeir laod, yourselves." " Not el'eryooe that tbeir oxeD and their bome comfurts m.o haa suuk to Ibal level wbere b. saitb unto Me, 'Lord, Lord'" sball thlt they ..auld be uDwilliDg to come. eDler Set. coosiders the wout as a p088iblA into the KiDgdom, but he thlt SOt.o "Let my bouse b. Riled witb guest. deetb cboice, the best iii 00 longer withiu Ihe will of My Father wbo i. but Dooe of tbose men who were io biB reaab. Men Irf conataotly chaos Heaven." "Him that overcometb IpJlIsa kODke oknDokopillsw.. bIdden .hall talle of my oopper." S.U iog bel weeD thiDg. whicb are good io I ..ill m.k. a pillar in tb. temple of pllise RmawakBemveai kokaba kooke The feasl ..eo I 00, but wltboullbos. My God Iheir .. oy ood tb.t belt lioe of , fl'. rt to go DO more out. ADd [ okuoy ••akaliolwe koyls.kala, men "bo had refu.ed tb. cIll, Tbe ..hicb b •• Ihe rigbllo con:mood 00.'. will wrile upoo him the of My door of opportuoity opeDa bul it lioal allegiloco. Tbe boy iD .chool do.. lJod to iodic.t. of "bal sort of .Iuff SET SOTO DOt .taDd forever open ....hen men h. i•• nd the olm. wbo maDages to Ie pISS "-be is oat of tha cily of My pas. by tbe door is .hut. Amafut& ayi oqaha. lotuilly oenl hom •. io di.grace-~ God to indicate wbere b. ia In d ...11, u d H ere is • short poem tbe lutbor coot,ots him.,lf wllh tb.I, leovlOg aDd I "ill writ. upon him My De .. puts tbese words 00 the lipe Wablz. komnlol veDkll. yakoDi, . tbe hillher level. of meol.l aud of bt8 n~m3." Bpiri· priocipal speaker, Dgatabati ato yimbi. 'oal dlioi.DCY uore. "hom he eill. Op· cbed ; the IiDe of portunity. • cooduet whicb does oOt. land a man io lyimfuneko kuwe i , . "Muter of homaD Mo.bIDY"Da oa lekhoo ••• il.OIl I the mlgistrate! court or 10 opeD destinies am I, nte'uoa kotSl ke molek.oe 08 SET SOT scandsl, but Dever gaioB 8 0th lome IDd fortune 00 my foot hae lu O anytbin ~ .etbuey. b. bloe bl ..orthy 10 be called ateps wait, tbuoy., eleog kotsi eo re bOlog ka eona Akako ata lookufeza nje Dgayo . tbe •• bov. failed by .1I0wiog th. [ ltoook unbidden ooc. at m.o's nq. f'lOtlgue hona lirapeog tn koranta ea Akako Dta lookollog9DIswa aeyo good to become Ibe enemy of tbe h'.1 g ate. k.jeno, eeol moebaoyaoa h Tumele i 2/- ozoz. Iq.,a .lik. to I. Her. in tbe B,bl. wa •••o ldl" I! . h epiog .. ake, if fea.tiog rilll •• t8uell" kutPli08 eo; 0 blokBbetse. Ke lObo iD the mIdst of a gr.11 baul.... s Befl re I turn away. lesi SET S OTO It tsi bo babo, I. bo mol , kID. oa hie. sent to guard ao importlnt prisoDl·r i. tbe bour offate." wbo h ad been Olptured. Tnot .... "Tber. io a tide io the ,1I.ira of = Fund; "UmteteU" Ku Mr. A. H. Todd, Endhlovlnl, bis partionllr buaioen meo," morally •• well I wa Bant~" in connection •• pbyoieally, _ = _ _ " _= __~ Red Hill, Natal, UMT1I:TELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 14TH JUNE, 1924. 9 ------Nge 6rlquala nd West ne Gechuanaland Province.

(Ngil Rev. J. G. Matshiqi), • Barkly West. lZWa n a I ·}IotioDol --CUDgr.B. ka 1923 • Bloemfonteio, yaOlk" lomya1e1o wo • koho u N o •• ls omkulu u Mr Tbeml ••e .me me intlaogaoiBo yokod I baoiu I abap.ti be Koogrpgi YAse Kolooi Ilaoye nab.cell be Provillce eyi Gri Kumapepa e odolo zabape. W e9~ De Bechuaoaland; aze "aullng_ ad lootlaog_oilo ayoogamele ekwokuti ki bodldi abadume nge Orange Scon •• nge tI namhlanje- X' 1 oguku o.namhl" .baDto baw. I~bla saba_ ngati saou UMIEMISl WIBUru Olm·IUI ba~e ' aeluyi r uJi. bba~ajiroli n~ngoaa: IIje intwaoa zouke esizi boo~y~ kudl~ta Dgomh~o . p.kall kWa~",?lD 'Ol.Lbaogo w. moll oweoz.we y. I a i'1r A. H. Todd. Endhlorini, zlvela VOtaOl 1 ao feb'liroa DlIlI,ta "8'01•• three signs did Mosea Him. and worketh righteous· • , Upokamila ... b"I.I. kokulu u Mr. give men to show that 'G"koJie. 0&'0 . B.nj\o)o oh.'-OI18_ he was ness, is acceptable to (or, bol.1l10 Gilaoo ...oiti: "Ndiy.vuya kakalo truly God's representative? 10mloDgn .. K.,Jol 010 I 0>1 •• accepted with) Him ?" u~o lomkete a)i DdiyilumeoeDja leDtllog8oieo eZlma . o .,ero Y.ltem .. Xoee, ot yokuba ikomlculu , likpli, am.OJIDo l".b.voti abaD8uoda, be ANSWER SIMPLY. AVOID COMMENT. yindawo · yok.p.pal. oel,wo. Okokob. onte •• oi"". oiogomelelo k.kulu, oiq.l .. ioto "d. Db.rubeno Domb'('Ipe ol~n. bani. eiuDgil.,o kokulu, beluoga olum.oyo ------·1 mandle abuogqine Jiba •• hob" DO hreOB beluDflaoweOWI luziblang •• BIBLE QUERIES 811 kWIS p 1 b mllndl... iplom. kweU Disel. pabli zoo ... izilbili z. E.BI No.2. mbl"po lod ... 1,,.1.. lhoy. knsiblka Gri'l0.l.... d. Ndizi ... odiqioi.... ile 110 otsondo ko R"I.meote oge olEeko • Okokab•• gomhla ..a 17 k. J 00. 1924 I attach my answers to the queries published s4ke kaf"na 01 rana ... I, Elm ,nzioi. hi. yooke i.oti youlauodu .Iapa ku TBuio in "Umteteli" aola I be UOIlO s Ii "loleta r'gp mpacallo YOYDtel. mDa." of June 14, 1924. 818 'U H orw .. dli .. ltantlkap-twa Dje 1 g.b"paookil .. yo." K"It,~ D"t'&ioIlGa W .yisbiy. ~ame ______ioti'Dg.oioo. Ayibo _ . ______ngokab. obabo ob. RalumPDbl bobo ag. 8.. bt:Dxa iotlan£aoiao kuwo bu Kr.stf1, b .. ti OoowtlO .. "Ie l\f~ ngo­ lomcimbi weluoau mbauab em,kuvotel"e looa Address ______.______._. ______oisi owati tokar.oj ..... 01 kwa .. ngumzi ODl8uodo, em"t'oi kokoocoma II" w ·Iata "bMnye "8' BI'Op .. eaid, "!fdi. okokiliu ogamahala amable abooiswe )avoYtlll:llb. ndiog.. t oi 0 .. bel." Ucnata Dgumfo k. Gilooo, 80kuliodelak. olluundu '-1C ' 81m ewbl Dmlu1I8Q eoga. No answers will aittombi }l.y.... Looto" oitukoba a Cbalrmao .blolr.omi~e isi be accepted unless accompanied by kangttt .. m.b8Di It''Nabo Ibll' g I .. okollul a b b gqibo BlJkub. w, oke omvoti ootauodu this ...iC4Dg& Coupon. kllb ,oi. ese'. eb,Ulro I bole. da. Ko. wo9otel. yea a kocele u Cis .. o. obe· o~el ziwa alHul katad ... oglOW"'. ooga­ ogeko n:u kaxoI"o ogokulooga kuk. t mbe wo'o e'lg-ait.. mbile l'j1e 1 8i. Mr. Gilson, ok.· kaha ake eoze ilizwi O:urauula Lotshlsa UkWakWB. Ulaulo lwaba Ntsundu. lib' ~Iile aJore IlIl(bl.zo leta kodwa PtZU kwaso e8i8i~q i bo j aku be evooys· aktltolZI loto ok.,Jihi Dultolll .. Jalla It ... Iwe ngusi Hlalo OLe: " Masiog.· ~g~ zi .... jJ nw, k Wllllje nl(OllQD8 Itunga.. EliIizwe ogxami-mzi ""ko"eln ukuzibopelela, Ama.lla amablnl I liM-SUI apellsa og"-nxa yobotYE'hi balo 1ize 8JZ. luto OO6lllhl ,daawa kung Dziwa Ie aisu sOllke izilwe Bawo OlO ku,. amfo k. Gil.on, kobo ku ooke amlo. ku.oga j'lIlgwt! litO. M.. I'yeke UIDOIakal8 wamiDlal, 81D1blnl. b"le Eoyall1swHni ouke amat II.tukljh OIr:Om,UI" sigs: oeko 00 Mr. Charla. I!:d ..ard T, dd ktra E'Cllap .. pe_ um01amll lrIOinbow) lIy"bonwa kwel1 1,1 .tIl g"'Olluto .t-Ola )"11. . M,.iyeke ozigq .. tsileyo, hlf'ze .buoise ubucbule lizwct. K\I ullIll x ••u"ooa omota 000 .wga npz, ailwfI oYflnM IOkUWIIOB "Sel_t_ iaivosn • . s!DJe obuogappzulu kubo bUka Mr. Gilsoo, kw~kwe mQfU apetwe iuku".li enlzilli Wr it ", eoe .. HoodA, m Mq koy OgOkWhh ukil~yo kwe kube .1Iofjl .. ko •• , ,, ,bn allal •• .ikobh,. uk"j ko k .. isig'libo ahe 211uye il.lswe Jita mld..l618 yo "ak '.eBi (tUllY'" izill~h ogoba, mblaombl us r.i yas .. Afrik,. ZO og .. p odl" kwam.a"",i oba­ leDZlle DO Mr. Gilsuo. Ew.uwl"oJeni kwake oiko. Ea s8 Make 8i"ave omblobo nOIl,m .. l90aIl8 ukwI-zo "g:l<:tIU omutu ODt8uodo .. K.lotli lirakQli akole omabioi lamac"l. .. mlullgu oseb .. nza llkomoillts.. l. SlllIodtll" ttm cebu silf'oZO ke eletu zeolshol.hi ... o I, .. ntlonze Yltsho bas- lie. .1 '8" rraosV8aD Oul80oda ay .. lle,wa lok .eei"•• il.. Moo (Mji) nd,fomeo. Dzise i Z w.Bgl( kwa"gJllo. Awako &kauawo 8m , fQ .. k .... liloo.. ImistllJel Ii. Atlanta ug~lo eOt-ma Kola D"ma. Tsbayinll e lJ.kaVDml Qkll~t)jAwB am.dlala amakulu kwioteto yakf', eittlmbiso IljH oeytlza .. 1~Dz"lwe qka­ nl(emfayo IlaW8 L"wo. Uwntu onlsonda .IgQmlotD oogllZAnge int&iogiselo yaks kwi N ali1'o Land oop... .Ib 011: 1D1tUJg" ngcileodlela ela· akHna· . I01f' ZiowokJOlll lIutenga .. tid I pI lit "alld Itma Knill tul,daDi IOlj:quodo yabttnto Dlzollallwa. Aot ayiodeoolisaoga, kanti oe N IHive Ddeley" :- ttgudlaua r,g.maolila I 8b~ lungu X & ukokokt'la. KOktlh.oi ngemia beoll Urban Areas ACL DtAbo odamt8Dd. I- Nd gqiba imioYRka emibini," kn ­ kut6tWil ogothal!1 IWflh IiIWK IIgebt'. loalO "u .. ndelwl:i ia)l8l'lh"l II y .. ou nga. bolo. kakutu, kUlDbul fabo u Mr L de Villifrs. w 8i .. ni, ote Abelu 65, tooga Itotlwe ogo u Lw" bautu b~zi. tJMlltU U~Q ' at. oe, j411~J!O lSiluro mota ogo bt.Zo Goldswith r".d, B It RlnF, C.P-, I uluuo~o ,t.,.u'u dl l .. ul~" kodw. X8 ~.t~lwa DR' b .. . oyea .. U tlil .go h Mbjibuye," • aye DiDa loSiktok ... lih,'jda .. ,II; wt'lkw ..... llle07.8 bo~uogo Tumi okukub. OboOIU ota. kutelwa omhll sa Yflldwa. U18. . g awel'~ DI1h.OY'y ka into 1"),0. Kwttqltltt oje lsilllDd \'oltaba ob.. iu b.teDg. imiblobo fealeoi Lw. ltlltl AIIY~ alu IW8ii Jizwe 101 ... e. d di. Kuht. I Illeug ~ UISo It'Da oni I . ZO·· &byiba. lie nd8 d .. ICllla (ouk'" It.lbo~o b m 1 n d.olopu, kub. wedulopu uhu­ "81 attl 0IUP8111t'. "b~llJhl .. p~ bt'l"ul ye. NI.)ev.utt' NllabulJ ... a 1 xw ... xwe fSlllYSS"llloodtt o ,.kupel. ObOD'O NdtlDdll'gtt tt.banlsoodu b .. be obanteoodo bellgen. bebey. Oil ku.,owla e odoko DIi!!f'IIXd BA 110 Irl'b koablya yokurdu 10 Of-ZW ', e81J8 x k ..... ~ .. aogll mltgezollo& Mlddledrtrt. amakay. abo hazokuxio8oa IPI", okotsbI8'Y'" NtI"ya kOjl/Qll8 amhlflp" aben'landa kob. OhX' I ale epa ezMlulopioi, kokule uhunumz_o& ndicit. 81 d", im · 1i ng .. m ~ yez.t lIodw8 eUlt .. tweni h .. fllta umlf1D!j_ f'l iti • lot. kobo, boogOTumi ookub.,eheDlelo D' t(l ind"wo t.oohu bltVu aaYb Ilba· QlIJIl foye bltf_B'" Luwi DIlOluhlol 0 SUbSCl'lbf ito obo",blope, omblopa .diDge ioio.ko. mbi IlglOkanye. alaolo Iw~b, Nt.-oodu :_RQlulieli. fIImtpUn "'.., Leole'O yok, mzi aodiyin mo., u Inti 'I ' S~ y"m y.yiee YODAksls Jlkelstp,O bin,..t, P rh.m-IIt, Ump ti· .,..,,,tll abo tiDO b.olouodo aoiuamb1abo k~kQbi _. Dql\ a kwam llkolioga i Z)t[D' ewa B_OI", Iel:!be L bam8u"do, Bnll, k .. otl uuko lUlllotyi, 0,101.11. lino"o, soy. liy.od. kokulu. Ullu I.deli odls ,odol' lIkll. ASllir,,,U illkoai 11'" qoba f1@:"YO libo. da kub I 'oa Dikel".. 10 ".Iu Iloog.lo lokuteogo s d m 8 ello ntla " tt ll 8'~O zi ' ,je f'8Ibo"j N a ua Hohlola? s,m"i Doku -"a• .,l • ad" tllbo IJdab't'lele. ija oku',a J\.IlDli Doko lowo)Jompf'ke og... &idolopioi ib,kuk.. ood'Bw, ko oogaselllom Nguko!~ · ll1 od'qohe og.. Zam .s b .. , e8wos: .. buk, aw X ' lllI Na mbl .. ba we'D mzi ootsuudu. Sefuba N 11'110 Bnk yloyihlllill y"ost' Ily"fa UO"QU~O II. akuba IJbolA Ut>tt Jivlti wak, w.. oMumtl o ...tet;I.,.. oge Book; .. sa hao se yokoDced. ,.s'polis .. cW io k I IIHul,dol o.kottq,bii yo. Imp to IIpatwe 1I14yO Oluuto BoMoko? .balimi olitsOJodo (A/liriculturol Load B.ok) kWelw iq -ga IS8lbiui. Ng. ko kt-, udi yvkob~ alJe oenkoal ezinft' .. Na Malsoafo oti .... od'y.h.... b. Daoto yukub. b1llellt i Z m Buk kubll kUllg_@. oon. ogtb Y" bUlle Tulti imb.. ngele ulluh. obaolBUoda booc.d... oga Baoki, IIali op.kol d" 1"'lIi flit ... slyiuk .. oi." II, g .. 111l FaDllewba amutu ( mhlov". a hao a Phe/a Hantle? kod ..o ....yibe ,od... i b.oki yabu. Own kopuQlelcl. kUO~b.80Itoa kw~ 0 l ..... a.. aalOlO 001800 10 USI· Z ,w B k 810 uUYlt"l!C"oi OrOKe oollam"pollsol auba IkATAZO Mzi ... kowe&u ngumpuoga wo 0 Itwelt we, oawo allgH Iombq ' webon" eei.:!tlilMlbl .. t!a IIOIlrt'g.tioD 10 (ukohlalwo " 01'If "m"tomha, izHoo'-", 1zl· .. mndyor.. k .. b. Kc ona moriana 0 bub./e hD leta tah.wguta .. sali o~uba omnlQ b mblOpe). 'OfoBi 101 d I tS,ty' fe .. ilt-yv 0011101 dll absam .. emeflg ka theko u 2/- lebenke­ QtS nye iloklJt II Etootlouz,e awell~uwti zi uOYlukoei ooug.. fI'" 81 Qu.olaOIilO kO. lel,g la heno kapa u rorneta Iatloag'Dioo Iflmvaco fI- yohlukeoe kuko .m.­ kokt;\oeoaiwa I g ,mabl mvo. I Z ,01 yaltt!. Ne Nault! elipPY1slt i.e E.VDfILvVINI. go.. oyi 63 .m.. ob. okuf.k ... Sok "OfOUY811'h jloogt! kllkilio UlSel:! It I ogomou D8~wille l .. yo koba kolt emq,ulwioi ... b. Toti. IOI.bukumo lt~p:J;1j8 .. ni \cAmeinYb Dokuhl"wt. aW8· mv .. tu ttpetwe og.. yo oOlsondo 11080. IKATAZO • i.kolu .po ko T.olo. IUII.og.oioo uXt"t •• , ukutl'h. "8 .wli 0 Util.g .. wbozi, wh·to .pdl" IiIlpolill.. Qja. Uti likawtt • kogxotll 10lloogo kal' l!Cela l"mapo)ist amota. He tHO';,."Q 00 elen, CHI ""',", 11.0 zoloblobu siyo'lolo uku.ibno. liDa .p• z" rnm .. ua .. uJt· .alL ..... ullt kOl,a U AZI okuba babats'o• to T80Io. .. mtsip. oi DOO\o ...,lIlIe Sinqtl oo"uoya Ityiolollil'. lk .· Dl!Ctl 181tO .. p~ .. ailoobloolo!u kuo .. n .. , tim .. mVIt Jeto Xli aWllw .. tu I s lb,.oial' abQllto Lomboo h wu D~oIlOIJdJ'ora IKATAZO 0801u8il. okOli. TiDO q",LlU'h. Ungllb, ZA ohl.. lt! ug."p""dt~ kWIl .mawawo i 'I kowebl eba Tel j,oi iVOLi yootsot.ldu "Wtt Z .m-Buk. !funytu.wa ·ZI amlin Silyi i N tnle .. llmllqw.,li Ol~ cbu toO" Ke mUNana uQ, ,,/tt6IK. lit ".,.,I:I«J/O !"Id iliad. Ie kombh,p' , i~qila k"'y.b. 0881" lItOIWt!1J1 D plO ,111 6J lk' II)8 t lwplito tlllv.-lWe 1118Yo iYbltlle .. o lsuakelB-·e bono btJlx,u'• . oe ISlttlmpU' . • R I III .) 1. 8d .Inlfum· ott.! gil IIw.ko l8bIope kUIU '.'10, Ie ,7uO J. 2d Slall u.. .." . , illgumll eu:_ IDlSO II 01 oal,g" IU lSI all· fEll lUll 3s. 9J. (NOIoY ... ot< 6c1. IlIltbWVU UUlZ' ontfl'Dod' ay~1iI", I. MAC. M,U:I'II'.U1B. lika R dUllieot Mr A. H To.Jd-Bndhlovinl. .. ) 4, 3.1. Z m BOk I "'ge lilia,' ,hl... li yon., Taoio. .Mt:diOlutll 8o ,p )OUII yl 1•• Igbq.. Ngct mpeltw' tlili.J_yo, Red Hill. Natal UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 14TH JUNE, 192 •• I I -' --- Izitauwa e Bhungeni. MARUSHULA Sahluke Plna Tina ku Pi~sa em"ka'II&Dg e. SECHABA e tete plt.lla ttoble bakeog sa 0Jooko. R pbekola l eh~ Kayin? Ma I loblo maleag Ie 'meJ eog. Ke mori&na oa pele U ·Jeoeoe Smute Dgoku gxeb oj. 08 orOOko Tbeko.ea koom&Da eleooBoe ke Willa e p .. lamE'ote wacap.zela izifu 1/9, ka poao tb&f'O ./9 he aupileog 91 (Ylmbongikazl Nonlsizi MgqweUo). UMTIY .... LUSt :-Ooa ke 0& aofgba Ie mit Iyela Elilungileyo Ncam SIZ", odis'" .akw. N,o, &abbala si, 08 6efuba It bobluliaaog Ie ae R .. IKboyi I \h·Afrikt 0310 ke ivumba &'08ela a baotsulld u abafoodlleyo DO bobloliaaog mall. Ha Q romela 2d re 0 Ukukulula Isisu so Mntwa"a talelelel. iDgqoodo ebb.dlileyo yab" rometa bo~lo lo ea lampote. Tbeko e. L inokiu I flw AnYf ,k, .. yomlambo moriaoa ooa ke 2/9. ka pOlO 3/3 S bluka pina tinA ko K .. ym .bebo 101.. lzi~qibo zeDkoml. ezi -Bo~lolo e kholo 4/6, ka poso 5/6.- I b I Loknp·.ll:J oR"nj plmbi lin Yehnva debgo .. Kongre'; y. B.olo e J1 UYIPIOI loio e ete e n6 ga pezulu. N l~ rt f'! De Cbi I. IilC ngemitombo BloemfoDtein aiLsbo k"ltaodabozeka lJ Jenene Hprlzog Gcacale yeoa. N.mgo nama Kola, M"ma, B,080a be. o~okabo inqobelll imhlombulule a [,.j logo y"lto ko "Keta" Abaotsu Nln, boyo Aboalo bey.kuf. Dgeox. ndu 0 kuha "Dcediu ukuqobela pa Ulihh"dobh.da njqngtl Karin Aeivi IIgtodaba 8il)00a ngarneblo yo~uly.k.lo elili ogooy.k • . m b iii kweyabo iudewo." Diu'" keto" . tmf'lDdl) kndWI yona iyaq'Q"I& libe lib·ib·idl. ubuvuva obuk.IOZ. .,iluqoodi indlela eluy. koqlltywa Neogooyama yobumoyam, i"laqama. ul.vo I.. eb. mblope,-olovo oluYI ogayo kWI"je ngokaha a Jpocoo d' Pon~om .. ngokwFlokomo 87igl[WlYlb oi oqDbo yempumelelo ka Nlu. engaqoD I ; slye eiqioisek. ukoti Kal)a uogpo"dl .. lo oilhmadl_gDsba K ..epelil.yo iveki sile ...bu boo' h ukt' to" ngE'ka H.tsoro iodlel'llu- Ng ti spa uliramDcwR l1'8t'1 msilli ? ubl.lDmko bo Nkoml. yom Afrika n"kweozeka. KoloDyolo 0 JeoeDe NO '.cO 0 Lukanyo lW bza koeid 'ikiel. Hertzog utembis, llogf'OI kukweoza ; E~le 0 Q "oco bokDti makous.. e I Afrikl Ylldalplw8 wenR. ka NtQ iqel. o"uaye iloaga eli.imiBolo uku k dWI ke OB PDfl ko linga ukopumezi Intsu'[o lIda idtt.lwQ m~l. oko kop."oy,swe emoboleai y' iOjUDJlO yake Iisike litsb ihb"yi, kub. Nliako oko iyi Kllnlnl 'awe KomI.. Ib,lulooo oluageooolo oa Itwanje ogokuba leo'o iDlleoa 1/010 54si lolako lele N~ilosi. K"nl"sl, t No.oblt. omntwaoa pili olonga imicimbi yaba ntsuodu kweDzekll. nkokob. woyisile oy. ko \1'sokarn kAma pf'za kweoyanieo uq'lnjelwe akayiodl", ebativa, uya~u • • yjDf!'e qutYWI Dg4bu pati, iyaqooda oy,ozelt-ka okuqubl ubuillngisa. Ute Ufane OZ oz~ on~ase osmlomo 'a .. da ob"rnnandi be .. C,lif.lroia kala Ire i, jODgO yoluDiuzi .pl', Daku te Dgokuee mlblleni .Iti ioto yoko- Ir ,hasa i npato ij ea neogcingo Syrop of Figs," ylye lngaposisi 1l~11' b.:aiqondl okokobl .yikweuzek4. ioto qlta eyi L\ kulu- \thuso oy.ka IUDgi8a 'daodiyokd ndltkuc.z. ndobiodeka. Co lo \8 isisu. Ngoku meszl ngecspe Iflt i nlmbla uoqaoda akogala tom. JokOb. i Palamente ezaJo oa IIgokupelelt:yo imicirnbi yaba N,eu Unazo oempaWQ Ijhuz'imvelapi ntanll ogolDso. b .. p.,i obuogco1i.e koogoko iaqubo odu, ylye ioteto yake eee StelieD S ·yingowe ne? NROlca ongflmtiki IpS? yo)oayolo luqut>.k.yo ol{oka. Kuc. bosch isalatisa iodlela ayakaluogisa Andi-capinda ndifsh;lo Dje odttehllo Ku mksm;si wakftoi biza eyooe eile okollubl imiteto ey.ko pumelelisa ogayo. B'II amfhlo kide od.ridlboD~. u C .. lifornia Syrop of Figs," floemiya- 1,,10 ogentsloll oR.b .. rtwane ogo!lQ8hi. okanyo ikoliee 0 NID iy.koqot .. o Umdibloiso wo DeshonaIi ne leba UnjAngondwpndwe namhhnjeeAfrit ... yans ellhicitt'llwe e"'botileoi. KOlo ogame qela okusbiyaoa kwawo; kw. ujollge okuciDezela Uoto. Ukub" ::)}8 nbota am .. bllJi zonkA i Kpmi'lj nA sUoto, 2/ oe 3/3. ye,ooko eiog.caciselwa ogenqubo y f.' buyisile koloDfU!O itemba Hlal)a ill'bak'ba lilo ilWA loyihl0 MHmtt I Yiti lie .Iifor"ia" bleze oni. Sepi ogoku Nto seqioisekil. okokob. n~ako Ntu. Ukwoyisw. kokll GeDe Losi @ivi\lioyas-,yo imisbologu. 'twe umfciDe kiso we nciadi yekiwaoe. emdibaDiso we He-sbon.1i oe L .. b'. rat Smuts oeqela kulalifu I08izi Gqaba kuhe md'''a, Md.ka we Afrika eoibu8"eoi nviotsbab.J"lo ku N tu D" bokw_yi kubo booke Ahaolsoodu ~jengo Mos~s .. pnma e Jipets • • • lokomlo y.m' A frob Epel. isi". ye p ~ k .. ti ko MlnYloo. Aballtsuoda e Kllwoyek' okoboz, oltm@o i Arrika , . mil oeogcloga zlmalulJgu ogamaDyt: Koluoi Plot8l 1"".lowo Umbuso bo lei Bivivinya 88YO imi~lJologa Ikaya Liyafumaneka. y.,eka amaodll e komili epete lawo hlutw. iluogplo ablDalo D~oku, baye X. odllapoiDtliziy', ibublQnga meloago, BOYO ogokoogob, abaot8uodo kwpzinye i Koloni bey a Slyi It-Ii yokokwoOla hilwe Selrnlixflsha ixoxwa ioto yokokaba "o_c.I." womoeipt:ko kupelelwa nalelo tel jilnl banalo I Nambtaoje sest'ltot. k .. knd81a Ilhanteonda ablllQAOdl\wo, lomcimbi, 10 ~ 1800du ukD kolol.k. no 112ok·o. Oluhlobo lwabaoto oloyalell Si:lginywayo I Vomlloi I Siy~vamtt I nxo][wa fIImapepeni oglb8otwaol boo kDpomelel •. okokoba maku "votwe oqi ukuba Ewe I 8 ! c flz llwa, b AOd"wo ng '!ndawo. Umei_ Kanai Doko, isim8og1 eside s.nga· truguqolwe" walucaza 0 • mbi wokafollyanwa nokooga foma. pesola, • kolr.obona· kwab.tuoywa Prioce Arthur of Coonaught Dgnkuai npki komhl .. ba - ik8Y9, ohlkfoDwe Isifundo Esilungileyo. kakutu kloga ngolrobl\ a!laseko "wi nkomf. rooyab y. Kongr.o, u ooqaoguo lobu baoxa " lWlb.ti mfODf'ko yokokot)a kangl citwi yam' Arrika okoba" amaloogtdo ,ba· h"k .. kele i.izwe babe beseoz.lkllisa. Pombi komhlek.zi e Bloemfoaleio i:l:flsba )tocalwa. Ke kaloko te mzi nlD bo .. Afrik•• y.koqo.y ... koku Leoe.zelo kaoye if.oel. izite~i zase kogwe'ywe enye iok· wana abali abelo wllkoweto, impi yakwa KAy akola hie xa .booOli .baage mblop. b.s. liloemft)nt~io .. zite atako katalela ijong~ o~ofomana "iklYI" e1iyakoba yi \ nieb~ star) .ma roogh, nlZO iny.· Kolooi beookD VOl. q ... b. ukub. ukosiod. kweaizwe uk.talel. ukodu 1.. layo, apo ayakofa umnto slale obao uga ezintatu use beoze Dzima kweli Umbu80 ibe ogomoye." Ugxw"lo mil kw.zo iziqu X!I. bezi seoza i8igqibO loogo bokogqib ~ l. exolile. ebashiy. ogoa ..o i All Kule xoo. i 10butloW'a ogaba kudwa lukuua olu t'silihlazo kwibaudla abamele 1001. ahantwlna hake bSDlleng"bo ooompa­ All B'. ck yodumo I ..e Zose ng0lw.zo kwosi sigqibu? Ngumyolelu A.kl1k:o "a"iy" kuti ill'o aye.kweotoe blan.J. f'sitnbeoi; lompi t e iYlquba R'''Olioi (A C.M.) isiy. e B.leoi kon~ " qondwa. nje nga.banye. B,mbi, oc.cUeyo wokokuba abavu" ,.be ntSU hva yon. u Ntu yi Sepi xa ite yao~eoa, 10kodl.l. ipahlwe Kush.kozi njeagesiqelo sabaotn bakoti, bdlihelo oda mab.oyale amalonga e .Nt'sbool k ,dw. koqioisekile ukoti Umbuso k .. amabini seY l v"tiswe ezemidfalo. kusbuUl3yeli ifltoblakalo og1mcimbi Ii-Leb'a; isimemo seZl "fuodlswa I Srouts Dokuba wenze. ipio" ioto iy. Kwati gqi okew'na etile yati nllotsi oqatyw.. yo bangena c':)ho libhetele 2 0 ' Koogresi sokati mlltulalwe cambl kuba liny.telo eliy' plmbili kwimeko imp .. ta il)xibe i aod yellow ezi "bbbf\ka lona plmbi knmr.i ogokabhe. lale .. baotu baoyatelwe ziu'llbaba zi zaogoku. "Ubuluogisa u (I",abute. otangweoi yalsha 80yibetl ogeotooga kisf>lelfo ekohfucnanslli itaya. Ita Nan eziee Mbu8weol j isimemo 80 mh, •• yo) okooye oboo~e gqibi kooke Beku s3Dduia ukaboko ioto eoknla kaotl Ibomteto sebembooile bamtata kuha omzi mlwoyeke ukulwd. eml okufuowa ngu N to okuuye kooke yeotlaagaoiso yawo lomcimbl ekwatl ugwetyelwe esisigwebo sioge otla Inogt"lo ntsbatyalaliswe ogumdibauisu o· Qogamalungelo ab.iaoeleyo kool kayo kwsgalelwa ikula elraamasbami imb.Dei zi kawosi kuba oallO ka H.t80ro-Kreaweli upallgwe ivo'l o2j ,ku, kudwi kukwaobetele uknquba orn~blaotl epooti ag~leyo mlol YDdwa. block .nd yellow, i Ori.olal R F C. i acioywe emisebeor.ioi. ESl sigqioo Dgaplodle kocuog::uma kunokllba N,oka fUtl, Dgapaodle kwe malaDa coloor yi block aDd yellow, Ie idl.le liIiboniea iaipumo emveni kweslJuwl pantsi ko M buso ozimiaele ukucioe ezlogeoa iveki zoake eziaga atlaou ipo" Iw. yi All Block yodurno. shumi. mat,ioi 0;al0 D;alo; ogo eliuane Jobusuku oboug~oa ny.og., zel. u Ntu. Dli. Mgqibelo we 7 kwepezutn kufike eta· ekul,xPBk. ebokus,ke kudu'yulekwe Ok"kob. abavoli AbRalsoodu Community Hall. Bloemfontein. aye1we. aRa Mr. Daniel Time xa sivayo. kll b.yek. b.l.hl. ki .... loluc ... olobl ... ukate'l kubizwe amamVuogo g Monday. Tuesday & Wednesday I was. Rabula e KO IODI. eaga makula ogokub. booke abaclnglyo, abamuy. yo lwo yi KODgreai, imhlodezelo aba June 30, July 1 & 2 at 8 p.m. amabioi amosbumi m.o. aD.poot, ma D~hlmblope. kapele kubo ukuu, aungelwa ogayo ogama oeabonah­ GOlOU~EU AMERICU 81IS ,OPE. ez,o'andat. iyonko efika ogeveki- mba inkokeli neojuogo zaleokundla I ~b l iyakubl. faoel. ; futi kwabo -D,r,cl f"om Ohictrql'l. Ill. US A.- Akuva~gaoto i Ng;,le nqubo ku,aCB' k. tHo eyiyeyokuqal • . hRnokoti baland ~ le icebo lobotauwa With Sol. PlaatJ'e's Travelogues. ca kuto okokub~ I,yafuma ~.ka ,kaya, Ng.poadl. kokoQ~.mtoodi k uko "votela uisbiotsbo Mhoso ,. si alttako DamaOCIOQDe amat~Ddabuzo; hW ProD ' amme ev'ru Evening. abas,blebelayo ba,i seyise mawakeoi 11 Jeoeoe Smote, uka:ntiya okud.lw," ogapioda fJj"J iaiyalo aika Dr. Rubu Tlang 10 bone Madireng Je Tlhabologo ea lemall, saye siwu lQweaelela impumelelo kukuqooda okokubl Ibanto kuye. il jll hnll psitl Oatsuoda ovotel. i Pact Baocho ba Ko Moseja! ngo JI"Dkokeli ye Neabooali oe Leo'a lDak,booe bleze aogaze ab' avote. Admission 1/_ R'S8"~d seals 1/6. oama'amS'nq" umzi wAkowel. kul.oto· Nilama08 kubeojato. kupela Xa kupe'we u N tu. U Advance BookingattbeCafes. Opea 7.30p.m. Keoeoe Creswell uoqul. iaitixo saba • - Ch./drcn 8 Mutmes M 'md'IY aud Isisa SIIIBZI SIDI!Dgozl, kodwa si oga sebenzi .bamblopf'. ekolwa oka TVedn"d 'Y at 4 JO Noadannlxle Ie Umtetell n Dye ezenza ok01,..yo, okDkuba i S.fa ' Y90g",a. 1 Cbarnberlaia's Colic aod Admission ,. Tu,k,.y" Grewn Ups 11- DI8rrboea Remf'dy seyike yaayaola fib pombili kup.lo u ku V OLET M. PLAATJE, lmnrpsuio. Vanklle tZllapa iD~aqubolo vafeza kwiDdy.akltya eZllitoba zesi SISQ nlbhalele kwl ookoqf's hwa abeluDgu bod",. emise P.O. Sox 88 , Rantolo Castle. Llteolti.,w8 naplos. Waaihoek. Bloemfontein. apeD en I. • O~uk.ululayo Of.UKul '1.llayo Kako OTUKULULAYO omoye Omoog fe.l. OTUKULU LAYO 00 kupela ufuae eveokileni ,ako. teDg u batle lebel ke'eDK la beuo :: :: :: Kodwa FUNA ...... :; :: : ~ Empa BATLA :: :: :: , O~uKululayo Of.uK'1.llula 12 U\1TETELI W A' BANTU, JOR ANNESBURG, 14TH JUNE, IP24. lsa Malsleou. lsamalso a mpa. ==== I. Mongolii oa Rona. TMhanl e tpog eo ke ratlog b('lre kp NINGANiGCATSHWA e b 'lhil:l9 kt-l ... llunll (PI bl h~ II b •• lO If! Kablnlo ~II b () ipileteo ba MoreoA tet .. h WI BilOtll" Ie ho hC'lhle lIa lI:a ra. Joang Kbf'this8 fj abl, >teoe Mat8i~og tang bn a. o,lm.. la eo ke bOD1'IDg al .. NGEMVITI EZITSHIPU. k. hore m"rena po • lef~ liwhomo t~ .. leletsi h . S ch"t.a 8a Letoolho. M're· 'De ka bo 01.. ipile ho no ho BK .. blololt Ilk e m CJ holn mofa Moren", Lnolb .Ii, AKUKO OBUSE TYESINI. f'803 ke I. khutlll J. L ritle. Mot-ott oa Motbl"i .'" L ... kb"tla II S Ch 1b .. 0 ilfll I bae MelPk"'lIg a lefe likbnmo tae peli AI8f'tSIl" I I fla ble ul(ll ~ o bo s rtt· Ie Monaht-ng Ie Rho.rabla, b. he b. letall ml£uts .. n,. la h' qobiBIt marena KUPELA TSHAYANI ENJE tlnhe til lotil g B tbo ba bh Ot8f1~ liknlsi, 'm~ btl tihlel ... jOlle m .. lao .homo &tbomo, mol litO oa bontl ba it.. elltstl e eketsf a lie b ra ba hae kamoo b. bltDeld mfoq' e. h) batlll h, sbolo ,k .. ba hODang hu lok .. I •. m"t1ung Ie hI) haDR h. M. reua Db T .. ba FlO ie tO~: 'M080Dg 03 Morena FLAG Lerihe a ba bite,.. Cbto 111:. hi 10 ea Ie· G .. ora V, bona Ie b tbo ba bilsoang khotla 18 L~ribe e foilo "teut', hlele b • Ii ". ffictlr," 'mFl bOI a Ie m&Bole Ie m.· ablln h, bo 811 q qiet-ha M,famabhl. poletla, b" I fficpr e ka h.. I. mls tie -Mallbot.. teo 8 Ir; p. a DnA II tletle, mot .. bo k ~plt m p h·s, lI:a phoso (ffieer to e '8 Od bite. Mora Ott. Kbt'tbil'a 0 teng tllt .. hloloa ahe eon a e molaw e s .. og ea DBOg II ieoe kll mhteh"og oa bae ma"olfll. J olle 010010 Lesotbo maroona BeDIi II 8&le mor. bOlng E •• ho hh• . 1ft matooa II:~ Ii ' ffiear batho ka mlso· hile boobola b" b Dg bo qoo Dg Mo lA 8 b()Da. J"llb taba e bubloko ke re08 JU"Dg k. 300 ea huko, ho 80 bo bore 000. m s Ie Rna a B .. solho b. a lill g t8to~rOf' tse hI) eeo., Ii nts8 Ii 8e· 'aetflo" ke Ii I ffieer te,. o('lna 11:" pb"so bet~1t lit bl ta .. u . ebH. h n 1t-1"lo. ooua m~B uJe b.'llIobn Ka 2 JaDe itt. 'Moe("lg hI') blok"betse Ie Ii tlfficer bll be kll bo ts'oKn!>; toloko ea kb.le e8 'Mlst-ter t", oa ka eo 181t-lei bb mlOfntfiana a I alho, MItSHn Abia Mot .. amlti 'we a palo8 It·ba muole loa a lia hans tBfllo po ka ka I .. 3 Ra tseli~a bll otlo pa MOlss. ho t8'"ba mollo 1.- teog 8- .1 ahlololl mai kl te't'ny~hf'lo eo Ie ba 'MU8u k", huthoe a b" noFl tltaln; joale 8-IS' be. toloko e Deng e teeh" bo fetoleS ml long k~ k a? Ba f"Dt .kbatio (II T .. u .. lo· ngnJo It" Sekhooa pple ha De b. re bo hi ohe. b.tho kE'l H .. pe ka fel bltr. ba Nt..-'afi!a ekl ba boll:bnba ba .. a hooe totsi eoa a k rIa " ...... -.-.., nca U'NrTel:I TOaACCO ' b. r .. ktt kulei · ... a morah Olot eo mOlbo b h okKng moo 8 ka bal. b ... cos I'OVTHI. LTD.. tUCC',..., TQ Joele Nts'ua ho kct ... teo" OJats'f"liso ling teng. B elt'-tfli b. mlort-03 ba e I __ D. • H 0. "'u..a. • likbomo tse h bang 4 i al. b. ~Nfl)"""" t8ej13 ba n~1 g If' ts'olnelo 'me ba b. ( , jtee I. S8 ea taBblea moreoa Oil baua 8 pbf>tha ts'uanelo I'll ka "bl.. lott eReng lob. eo [[,( ,hi I i OOK oa m fnts~nH. a b ,tho a Mote'eare 08 h("lelea kB III 3 h::t fela mlowets""g fl.. lni (bo taliwallJog Ii ba el bolokoa Mufa Ahia MOls.w loi Bramo tSf' mlUlph,nl( tlt"io, Ii 8""e tsa BONA SEFI. 'Mlts· tt~r"h Ie Ii. foslri Ie mlopol. s 1- blol .. lo~ ho Jlbt'lhl latolo I ho bblo­ bolbo b. M. b. De b. 1- t ng. lue moldaH ka me~hoa Ell hie. PHELO HA BO·REKOE Moroti Mflts" mal a Ie ten,,", b rou IJ .. MOLULA-KBOTLA. tetellsa ka bllr .. m . fo 0 itst' o ta'oar@l80e Jibe hobl:l 0 ita to khodpll CHIPI. litulung hit a 8e a Ie m",kb1'ltbtlflF, mo· • SA 'MOOKO o ruti a bolelil he .r ... mofu 0 kile ~ ho·'s Colic .od Dilrrhoe. heloa ka tsa lef tsttl bbholo. Remedy 0 taplsirse m"hlaba If> ma­ TSUBANG FEELA ETJENA bloko" mangol. b.holo, 'me 0 pb.!i • sitse bl bengata bo feta moriaoa ofe k"pa ofe 00 eebelisoang. 0 rekieo. lauao'a Talaoa ha Alia. boble. FLAG. B~bali bRO f'lenff B.potbo klipa be • bsl6ng B.. sotbl) ba tla utloieis. lenlsne lena Ie ka holimo bore nH Ie rpng. Ilja e Boholaoa ha e Lorna. Leotene lpn", Ie hniloe ke moblallk nit ea b.bateto. Ka mab.k" loa ke fll ea l,it8/lltng Mr. E. N .. Is"n M"k"", lloa mao" bore th.b e. S. A. P. ba. lsa lBrlb8. MODgoli ebl! moo. bo okeDyetea (Bon. q'phe"g I. 13) Pella Lp80tbfl. Mr. Mttkoah. 0 fib lilt' I@emakae p.mpillg ea moifu ke hla role b. re b fooo D.h.. S A. P. koano Wa la 5 Pbl pj ,np bot .. u bon.­ ko blse malkutlo aka I akt'Dg sa kbelbo ke Dtia e lomaog e SI btobolf', ba ban. .1 Leribe • be • I. ai.e>_ Mabalane moo a OHUg a He bo bok .. lh, Mol.lolalo ke hore lefuf. Ie leoll ko­ ell litho '8a P.relamt"Dte~. Kopanu• t.kelso ea bore mOlho e mOls'o a k. blseb.. tei b otlK m( eebtlteiog 01 8etokl'l. Ha ke nl8e ke hltma ke booa bore fumana sebak.oyaDa ba tseba bob.op hare 'me moo Idufa Ie leng tt'ng b. boo o re temo e bi le wpe I qlo t8eo tea b · hi ho se k. sitoang ho tsnel1• letho Ie leUe Ie ko sebet._bao!!'. K .. habo 'Ole bo atitR mpbo!tl, I aileoll! bl b.bate'o b. t~'ohile bo bobola ba se toale Dabl el eooa, emp. sfcbaba b.~1 I. 100.lefuf. I.b. lei bo MoIlp<> kboarit8tt ba lem .. tee m "rao b.holo b"p OeD. lierozog Ie 1.:01 Cr.swell b. ha oe bloko Dab. se k. Isoel& pele Ii mpe. H. ke omane, ke mp' ke boa. mbbllnyats1 Ii buoil a e. fi Ij'ell .. og bo re b. II. kbaob.DY. m.kboo. Ie SPO eleDg 'nete feela. Le bOHa bl ke­ 'me cbe ba teng ha tl ~ ke b .. olost< b.Lals'o I~fals' ... ng leDa Ie mtS be soaog ? hlohise maikutlo • ko ke ••• ,e· ka IirotoAos, h. m .. le .. tei • mlbeli b"Otl tsil'g Ie ho .m' h. tb.k. ea Kbpa e8 A BRA>! M OTSOAN E . chobaoyaol sa b. Mol.po bobolo b. ba boo" bl 8111 (0, k hi "utloan'tt, t hn'" habats'o hlCJhlo tea bOUlUl vote) J ub'DDeoburg. SODa, bot .. bl Mo.boeoboe ke Le­ b. aile." ElDp. h,"'e sfch,ba I (h I" Juale baehpele ba rona ka ho ts'oba [B. S. A. P. b. blile b. nls_ b. I, Isif', MOI&po, M.8uphl, 1Maj .. ra Ie M.r. Makol:lltt 0 re ee tsietsing emps. ls'... ,yeho eu ha sitae bo boo. ee se mafolofulo jualoka b, Nationaliste M( hllnlllnA POOH 0 pOlilt'le M..... rD. baeD& Bttoo ke bolt-&sevg mlbilaO • chabel.g sa rl nil, ha ra bloke Iitok~10 ho bt'ha baDals'o lei.ts'eug Ie letle. moo 0 booeog b, Mr. Albert J . D bOD I ke bo Dllo &bolo. Leloie Dllo­ tea ho bout" r~ bll ka v.b. eo re pbe~ M, n~olli oa roo I 0 bollie Ie lipuo ts" Jdgul WA Ie uletso HH B.m' 08 • 0 r~ tb.· kholoDg ,. hie 0 hlokile OgOID'. e laug bo e008 Ie balla ba ruoa Ie lBoble kbHbo babolo batbe bo bUI bo beltlng bo UIIDIt burt" e el ",bala, M 0- motonl, horena ba f. Dtloaneng. ISA looa. a.ele ka bo amobuo. me Ihsl-MoDgoli]. sehetsl Ott mubll'Iklna el 01 kp 00 bn M"I.po olIo khulo"g e. ble 0 bile Je 8t b .. tsi ht. rooa ke makbooa ra bdtleb80g moth"lI: .. ( . ssk~ oa 0 rob.lla Josef-,. foof.l. boreD. b. fet,11 he> borokn, ea mor .. o e tl. ha Ie FI .. volo nue re amlSbuua eool Ie k j no 'M u • moeo'ae Jona.haoe 01 ntlo ea 'm'ae. Ke 8eo esh,lI:o kOmpE"DPng a" FiI.jchl SOllg oa Geo. Smutp, batpe ba ho Pehi Ka lilemo tse letaog masbome I ma­ kuno mnDa, 'mFl re ut UK bore m("lDOK mvlao 0 slreletnog bore batb.lS'O ba • I • rAro ho tsebiloe JUDlthloe ele eena enna 0 ss qbl'ba k .. s .. ,tbahla ef> flPbolo; se ke b. aWl/huo. D'etlebelsi ke rna POLo-TsEDlSO-NTJA -Ke ko \1 oreoa oa L~ ri be. Lttsie II Mo~ b!lblBDklD~ bao "seog aena Ie bon,,- h kbooa. Rtl LI. 've re leltkoe kll bo b. b .. l~tlt8Qe lEe Stt m08ofut8o oa bani, m"so.hi a mabolo Ie kilo pel a e robe shof'shee Ie sboele 10 mo teeb. j ".lo. ngAta 'm~ bo hoim. b(lbatoe Ie b. fe 'm's bllna ba bonR htt h, pplaelo bl h.lf'llg ke tsebisaog Basia bobla Ie me Lfrotholi 0 sb,ele I mo tseb. jo.lo. Itlt-koa jualo b. rp n8 moo re Itl. ke til ~h lei. tl.lo. Ke moo h. mOl hlb, tsn .. lle ba'moho Ie babadi bore mOD~ Lelsie 1& Lnotholi Ie ebf'tele Ie m. I08Dg te'Ig, woo re ka pheiang l6ug Ie h:oltt Ie hI .liall. If>r .. IA bat'. BAt(,k •• ; 01. bilso leo Ie q.I.D!! 0 ilhobllels, tseb. j •• 10. K'j nn ho hi, bile Faroe.. h Ie baoa b. rooa ruri. K. mt'hlelJg tl(.hell:lng hu takA m 8e ptsi mohaen" morenpDe' bmtiong ba Saturday 31st sakaDg I Iseb. JonatbeDP, 'me ke k. ISA 1 Ie Jo'huDyelilse mOls'uats'oe. Ka pna moblomoDI! puso u, G~ller.1 May 1924. K. mora b .. kala h. ".ko httka I. haE" mt'lerl·ft're e blJllbi leng eo tltoll lea' nliu.", b",r~ nit e juaog Ht'rlzog eka re hl.lJieetaa tbusu 'rurl p teleI8"n.. Ke moradi 08 Rubert Leribp, Be enteOf'Dg ke Letsie Ie mo' Leoolbo. b.heao re &eD~bile ke bo b lila rt: R,,".mt.ko Ntj. oa sh·ff 81 Ceolral f'o'ae Molapo SI lumellol ke Lpro~ • lelt k. loe ke m. huru m" pol.siog .- Native tlr,spllal, Moddpr~ee, BeooDi. tholi Ie mora haf" Letaie se fetohile, XI bE>ke e ielile!"'g ra ne re tRFlhiel'l 0' • Haele 0, o. Smul. ke lem~e'J. • , h N goaoa eno., I I lemo Ii 8, 0 ile a o. se f .. totsoe 'me ea kel80 eo babhli bot ogu .DaIlS.f,a nA Mr. Rob rt b. tloa moo a tomt'ug teog wo 0 It • lengolp , bo tluha m'Jo bo 080 ho k'" mpf .. r fere f .. pl. mona Lerlbe• Ntjl 101&8 8 Ie bob II ' ko bla M"t ... u .. le. hal.teli ba hlle. Ke tla bl. bin ma f .. tohile U 'me otho ke er"la e Dkhama " Ke ka m"pu~bi b~ re boelat rs t8ehls~ h"k. MBe DJllIkae mah"pi Ie Geoeral kejsno, jcslek_bl p .. hi ua el~ eo boos Modimo 0 Isedise blog k. eeD. boble Smutp, ha ale me .se E ooa to lirilptlng t.a .. oa, bord eault ogu."a f'0 \J BAllA MORIANA kh-"b&'88 W8kboua a muse bure a 01 1001 el m.hlolBoleDg, • Morena 0 mo 1.lIlt~ klS 1. 31 Moh'~ ...... "..... " ~ ...e-III ,e'elele kHlt'O are e D\le ke o.hl! •• Banta. .. M"ric noog. Nrllt'1S ogul"a PDO" 0 mom, ROBERT NTJA, hauS B ... nolli DJoeabetsin2 'mp r 1111 ea temo. Empl tOul e Itholo Mr ENx:.HL,OVINI Ie \dodderbee, [1,..tOO ba Pbdlo&oa alOD) Ie eenl k ... eebele ~I tie mo hllbareen". Mal.o 0 kilt" a hoa Kolone a re bit U Uo Q tsebe 00 flltlng moriau 0 aepUH' Sf 0 kttj .. no Be tltt ribehl pelo e. baa Ie baLe 0 ba bltl. olh., .. re nab. bit e e, ; • lefu leba ele lefug 1111 'IIU1&1l'· hona tj"kong eo 8 LtSf'l g a l .. k", bo manoa em"ng 080 S. A. P . 0 tsoa bUb Kotlo ea lPlats'e Ie cbesanr: .ke b'oUo la pbelisl teona tatoO ISf' s~ng II tl .r"pong t'DI'f!oe mOD" Tf'rlt.Def'f.l& b m:oli empa mafo oble aDa Ie , onan. Da Dona, ENDHLOVINI hase DURBAN I.. ts la matt ke sa Wood ne Ii siuoe ka 'm'~ 18 Da. A Moumo u ro "regr"g"sio .•" bl tka l be,bul uab~ ~lIong ~e ta'elise 'me h ru. Ie 1f'la'o Ie :it-bolo sa PopDrDmente. Ke mOrlan. 0 pbeh· Blal., ,a bo lema tcoUOI!) e Ua oda ka hi song k~pele. BaD bo batlt"bang ba tsuet5e phl hame la tlube bOliw'a ntlo ea NrjM, bAblt~'o bou hang. Geo. Smult­ mlllntie ba ser.obe b. bloke bDtlolo ea OODa be hopole borA Ml rana 0 h,ula sao M mekolleog. Ke mopbolo~i oa 'oete 0& boPbelo. loropong Verete 0 rt' ho ka elS_ Deng 8 ba blimile SU111., sea Id aeDIi 8 8t1 !'. Se rt'kisoa ke batsoaki Ie mabeokele bakeog hila hure olh. e. b. Zolu _be D.b. tsoble . ••tang. UMTETELI W A BANTU, .JOHANNESBURG, 14TH ,JUNE, 1924. 13

cbel .. tA e 08at 0YI:tOB .. a lip mpiri ho Pbnpu 'me kA h lOB ra tla otloa Ht l+ b't' lItaba lsa lBrlbB. tbo" ltil el' ntl tI cO"le htWIl obo Ie l!;tve Haele blik .. o't ea b .. r.. ba 11: 'rena nkt'Il". H" bo "N'O nlloab81~ bure n" J ,0RthanA ha hn .. e'o elBoe I .. tho 'm,:. KENG HA LE .IAHA ? (Ie 101.0111 at ROIl). WlIUn 00 0 bl bi l.. jOltng Ie bore 0 e ... ke ke bnoft moo q bit e tla ba teng bat-Ie Ob I MaRIAN· IEOHLw 'e ~HAHLO 'FSA honoa 0 e'e lIt'k .. le b"bolo. Rtt mooa m ,.. q "B tars ba a Rlto laelo" bo ea .OKHII.BANe U 'FHItJOTSUe 8ol'bel,. Morena L .. te'oala kit ts'enye booa 8eo More"a os Leribe 8 eA f'lfI.r'l~ B.ono Q j.o 0 tsobil. bafung I H. b .. lo enMo t' kana k .. l\B, hl:tr'K I~na litehft lDtl-b8pi Ie hHra bl ha .. aa IQtlDg Ohn lEe bOlel- Q jtt.o oa ba Zalo fe wpl re Ii lat8ens bNmp ... hek,nlt tsa liob .. l .. te. hlp, r M rMpellft khotsn fe .. la ronlt m fa. bokla Q j U oa Les u tbo-OI ~no ko a n e KOllua blie~ aa bl)omo bll BesOlbo ba ta,olt 8 h .. Hoh·po. L ·l li lI:e la maug, ~1tDe 8ti klltmg 8.1 '08 8& qbaqba ma· OytllBt obelete en .. ea IJpMompiri e BAbp .. Ie ~tBoS JOSl.g ? Kh It eo I ~euk~ltl k .bobltl L ~sotbo Bil albinYA haoaoR mebl ... ng i>D', bobttne boj-t fI oe liBeie Cleo bo bolot"Jo,ng lIobel~te bo t\ l~ la'tope m oblc1mong he .bl kOlief'lso L.o kall .. bo bile t .. ng E.a f>a palD_ Et.ea hore eho molRo oa ot10 ea bao taotla sa t\a Ii boh.. Seuolloaoe eeo 86 bo boloka Chamherlain'a Colic .od teohlltl al+; -oo ba re n .. Ie otloi1 ~ bore piri e j~o't Ie 11: ... la'otlle 'm~ walt bona Diarrhoea Romedye I. malok • 89 SbOl:'IStl Dlitl mtloDeng moO 89 neng se tb,. s mang .. t ~ a aenyt• heine baholo is,tsoto teug. Kajeuo 81" tsoh,l .. L r be. a.. b,k" I. ta'oele. &1t-blt'og enlt ke Ie khatba~o taD mal.. Se rekieoa Boe1ung boo e tla taoba t-Ie I~ B loe b Hogbh, ha 1l ll010R ea M080lbo e cb.le hoble. 11 (29 Motls't'auon@) h l.qhaqhlloe botboe bo ob £l l~ Ie oht>lete e kana· kana • nt ~ le a mabt:'U Hiuta" III MesP'f8. .... pl1mpirl. Ke Ii.ell.t ao08"8 mor'a Morum Broa. Ltd. I. I. A. R aa & Co. Custerlon. R", Ua Je Deo. rori. P"le· Lllaba lsa LBribe. Le booo.og p, l. b,.e I. qbqbil. k. tl pele mongbali. E. Folkey, la ltorGw (M.tlt8oa litol"o~) h. tsatei Ie • • • • (Ie Mongolii 01 Bona.) .chablt Ie qbllqblloe wuq ... llg et 8et .. ra'a Kamora nako ~ t~l~la re a8 re $liUour ind PrIOI.,. 8e Sl"holo. If!,) no bo Vebtltliloe hR'''· Stl bone maqosa Ii mortlOflnR Malsi. Maq088 8 Matti, og a eale tflog 1196 (.,aol-e) tee P., U tei fldu8ter~. a \ eog k . j no a bOf'ts'\ 8, teDIl ko". toaDO ha Mo'ap ', 'me h. ~B'O bona bale ho Be bo ',Jabl j '. ho {ulDall~hile ma. no Lerlhe. Ke Morflna Lech"e-t bore a lIli kboth·ltt neog bee tamoo 40' 45 Cullloan Bulldlogs, Mala .1. oto a b.tbo ba &Il bang balle ba neng Matete (toloko ea 'M08isi), S· rgt'aot lit"b. Ii otattng Ii boobhallfo bo Ibs.ta. ba Ie teng mOft'ron! 00 Sa bangltta J ,mee Lil-/bapang 08 M.tlero 8 b_keDg rala k.llteng. R'i oe re tBeb'se bab.1I ~ob.nn ••burll. ba ba talllD~ Ie l8D! O~ t1ISt'IS8 h .> rd ka 8" 'M08lid Ie Mortooa Mohl .. bli L hie hore 8 sa ll~ ka 10liog ho sa bonts's la lek'bO\Ja r",moo UJ~no · n. a neng a Ie M"fok& S .. bi i s"batrlog @a MUrI"OA. Mor"'o8 Mots'osne mot~t 0 00 e 8.leog momtb..loe 11l18~h 8 a n~ toteog t'mplt< e·mob 10. Mtqoaa aDa bo utloabltla a 0 kopa 'me mareDa a Uatsits60a ko· 8oo1l"'o4I.Df. A'"COUt BooU 8 tUs.. Dore ke ieoto 16 Moe, tbo (tira b ra a tllIe kit b"a la m~mo,.a po fa bae bore ntltt'ee, Moreol\ Jooa. t'nda«CIOUl. TJadna Papa-. Pen-o PrwuLai. libel. B ... ho Qoa ka bare bo 1t5 geok"le Morena fl a L ·ribe bo tl. bona kamoo th De M mofd oona. Kaj no milq088 ao trcO'o 8a.U1c. IQdl1D 1Gb, Rubber stamp, ho tuWalJ~hllld burt! bo St'ohllne m ke. a b ~ bang ba,. ba hee ba neng bli f,,· a ~ barllle bo teoa boua 8eo Mut8'oPDe StaUoaery of aU dtsCriptlOQ' 8lDa 80 ho keogolug cbl:ltlte bo oona larS8e m.t ... j JIUleO~ fIoa b OOR t R mareoa a et1 flloavg lie nblt'sa bskeng la mo. )'flqbblDtO'. 11141 5u""on' Requhllu ha ho Dt~ bo rtla:iso, (all box,",e) 'mid 1.. bl) tla b " oa moo ho (uoarlg Moreoa tt'lbo (Ishlt. re e. tsebe h are oa mokboa re ulloa bors e ne el~ cbeleh·nYliua Mo 8' eue mott-bo k", lotill'l Ie Morena ono lie oa S.. aotbo k p. ke 08 m. fata dI sa lit. t~uyaQ& Ie hsekee"peLts'e ts" bo Mtosupba J 0 aa • • • • panfl k pelf' bo Mod"'lei 0'" 'Mueisi e el ka uabaDg. Mohlomong marena Ha mokboei 0 Be ollila, mots'eare­ m ocb.('1r. Foo rd) 'me ba ph"toe Isa looa a fapao8ng Ie mpbo eo a e faoaog ka otat'lie a mp-.og a rStita bubolo b~ ka ho fopob. kamoo I,kbotl. I. boo nyaDa oa bOIl' S!' h .. Dtlosbelli hor~ bo tbomo, hot b,loa Ie maogolo a Mor"n8 Deng bleng • ee a sebetse k. nepo; qh.qbllo. lov.Dk.lola b. Roo. (Pbirt ~be mona Lerib.., hor~ loti loble II " Iii oa L "flbe i8 m to rena 8 h .. e bt hm's eml" b.s. kamebl. ho joolo. ea M. .. nka). La looa Ie qb qbllotl j • lip .. h o taa b ~ ra ba. bae. KJlmoroo h, b.e(Jost'h) ltib ja m.r,,08 8 itse li e la H. bo taliogo. lil.b. tee ~ btloeng leka lit. Motao.otoeng alt bo pebatlo. l.m91l01l0~ hore m ~ rafO eC'lhla e ka ea J'Dbtb"ne. Morena Mots'oene ha 8 h& Hg.lt1l1fO 18e p~ll ts .. feo&t"re tee k6- pbetboa P,teeng ba T.o, 'me maqosa tM~Me loti b"kaka ng, 0 tBt''''a b rena bli k. pele, bo hliogoa motbo hore oa ke moran. TaD! ho pakt"blle h ~ otla h r ra (~antl~ bo Ml")reoa L"ol' eea ea np.D~ a L"ri 11 e. 0 fap Ot:! h old Ie StO m.reoa ~a bnehang j"aog mlbepi Ie bOhna senok0608 sao baBf< Q .. jtlo ke 'mampho Itola) hamm, bo h~ M ,reoa Oli Lpnbe .. mabolo Ie 'Mgaiai b(t ee rometaeng me baeb•• lamBooa bore ha babo lEoro kamoo .. l&eng tt. boroU .. lib.ara tsa b. ea Pltof:\ng. 1's-t teng ,,,. utlOM it ml>qrle" a booa bo tla 8a boua k Jauo ke motbo ea 'neng. oYlt8e liketeo 18a L"rlb,", 'me puouyao-t eos e .. Morena fenst re eo, atbo eo m l:o mpara 08 Mo. hhthle Ii eba mpe b bolo bB M r ~ na morena oa hap, beag eba mOlbo eo o. MOls'oene ho bon,baJa e qakile tntqo­ §Otho a neng a lire lI:e a e teeba. Le J .o8lbane a bolela b, r~ ba bo a b o oblolo.. Moblomoog k. ba ell, a batla a uUoi8ia8 p~l .e lo ena e8 tang bo fumaoflbile hore h o 8 chilos bonoe motebo 00 a 0 fang Morenl M 1 lekbotla b. ets.og kelso eo., 'me eona m&ke880B a cbelste ba mpd h fu.wanoa ts'ol'loe boo tie ba e'o b lOa Ie weteb!) +-0 K .ts·oene; 'me bo booab ll~ b .. ntle Dtho ena ke eona e re baketseog boi· ho e~ ~tbo ka bo oolla 'me ba ho ee'o • A bore leb.tole ent8rog m uqoSd ho bona f"nR' bera ba b .. e hooa k,.moo kit pilelso bo boog.t. bona bo aoo!! bo fomanoe letbo Ie eieo tantle ho lioo­ l ,til g. M"qoea a I,.tola a re ba a ea bQ ea booa metejolina eo )fllr .. o. tloto teaeoe tse {uluaDO OR' ba Motena .. laf'1 a joalo Be loting _ ea b o ea boo Jon.lhalle a e eteeteeog bara bb hte 81tisitae lekhotl. la Moreoa e mobolo ntof'og tee DeDg Ii faoyebiloe oo"i" g na motebo 03 !lorena M Its'nAoe f .. ple kalutiug e b.J e ka pai8 , no ea bon"lt1 bo lso.l. pele ko b.k. I. bong... ba ea )e"~lIkele IroO Is ba Pblrt ea M.. oka f' Si>O~ Jip .. bo la, bau h. M Ir t' 08 Ju Hor"Ub Mottl·o+,;oe. a.els 'netA ke booa. Ernpa taeo. k. Ii.ele. ' me lIa pll lllibala h re ke looa Ie bu· lotlng ba"s8". T.bit ti-i qaka b ure bltebli joti lobltl Ja h" M ,Iopo ele • • • • taoeog pel. bo I. Motaoootoeog. teeba j () ale 1 H. bet1a bo ngaU ,noa 18 Morena JOD5tbane b!t bo fumaoehe Ke mpil. k. kbelobela tabeol!' eD. • • • • I ~ h oj a banna ba L · riba ba ee eottalle bole letbo Ie ka Wo tblbelaog bore a ka mokhoa 010 aeta'oaots'ofeela. Teb. Ntbo e makataaog ke hore IAvenkele bore moreoa 08 bHot 8 mpe a luroF-lIt' r.toe ka 1000. bo bara ba bae bao a taba ko bore boj. buikar.belo bo 00 la hot M(J t8 aot06og Ie 8halimttoe Ie 8e ',uoang ka m:.. q"fla bo ea supi8a Mo ratang bo bara 1008 Li sa eme joalo bo Je Lf'Dg bo mereoa ekabe eba bOl'mo ts8 pbaao es motebo bu More a Mo­ I.. 'Mos J baga 16 h loa moo Ie· ts'"eoe motpbo. B. beng ba .,ld8,. ba litab, Is. Leribe b. bo oj >0 •• ts'oene. 0 se a balaetse ba r" tsebe palf'8~ Ie lebel ~ Qg teug emp' b. Ie" ka b ·l re kaha ele mODa bn ea lamelltlJoe H'pe b,j.l.fDfa b. I. eo p.k.Dg ta. bor!"! D8 mliCeaa a mabolo a tla ka la ntioa ho pab.da ba f ... uett:re kava b.keDg s" Utaelo mab.pi Itt b .. r!'4 b" renK pelaelo eo ea bae; etsoe ba e5'o p he mareo. mderefere eDB e lubiJeDR' se. Ie bo bO lla lest.'Ji Ia mollp 0 DOOg 0 me rrO' hojlt bn ka romf-1I08 ho M»· tbl"e hkflblolo tsa oooa maren8 ao booa 0 t> ols'ua aatl:log t ba bo fom"· tltltai 03 'Kusisi b) botaa bor ~ na t1elo k" loting, e lecg I·tbo eo re DIsen&, re e (Boo. q.~beog la 12) noe Iitb.leo~Da CBe D(oIata Isa wallo. tSI m.reOlt 8 mHb nl o h rl"og m ob !'4 pt Ie makaletse bo mue08 bore aa a s cbetsa Le ha Pblrl ea Maote fanet .. re e peba lip ... bo teB bird b. III .r eos Jonalbtnf> jo.sog kaoqeol ea M ts'oeoe ba ba tliloeug Ir~ e tltlimltneng le m .. tlo a ka loting. -'1nr .. na (lito L ribe a roml sitoa bo pbetblsisa hk"b 010 tseo ha Ii Set. SOt.o mapole8:t (Pulice Hdrracks~, 'me Ie teog mor'a bltoe Tomo, MJolh .. (kB lE"qos )It' eotseDg bohm'Q bae. Re be re bopole bo fowauoe Ihat80aoa tee ngata teiS Mob.'oan (kit l .. qnsa) 'm" flPna a pha bore moblomoDg ke koko bo maIen:l a .mac'-eae. B ... ptI h" re S& fose kE" khe· lela bo Moth,tai oa ':u:osisi Hlol 8P A phekola eng k.p. eng e k. pile­ m .. bolo kamoo ba tsebaOI pallo ea bar, tlo la bone ksjeno II-vaokele lit ha M.o­ bo tl~ utl>s bsotle 8eo t-Ienll helo foe A phekotse likete k. empa leba bOle joalo koko ba e kbolo tsoantoeng Ie qbaqhoa ka 800.8 s .. bo. m~rflna 8 mpa a famaoa Mutlotai 08 morao ho hloleho ea meriana e bo lDolao 0 bos,jog secbaba. Hooa ke pflbo lleDB ba e lie esale I,. O~Itc'se ')(usiai a Ie sio. meng.ta. pelaelo ea be Lenbe (W.IIo). L. m.lim.b· h.bulo 1.'.0' • • • • M.,eo~ 1\ B.e\ll hll te melil gosoa, H kele 1eoa t Cbe ba re !seoe. Ntjli tea a te b tl teohte. A bile .. tti If:>tany ... ·MU80 Ii 8' oetee m ukboalbi>og 'me h. ka lotlolir 'me a bone S60 • 86 su .... isi. ! 'S • bo MobalHI .. 1i Ilvp8pl', a& bure b. :re tsebe il(Jrfl' na ha fumano'ng kaba t8080g hnre ke moteho 0 fuang M&fura 8. , a f 8e. ·'Kb08i ba e teDe mO lopo. H moblomoutJ Ii nkile m"bt Ii oeele oa M .reoa )(OtS'0808. Hit ho f'8'O be , He re aa fOSd Il"ele ltlna Ie Da Ie mole· A balle benkeleng la heno emp. u here lie kdllre e entaeog nth J ena, k') PflOO p. k~ng tSIl bonK Ie M ·rena oa ktlne oa 10Da ta s~lIbooe g. B oa L riba Ie Motl.ISi Olt ')f0818i Ifli ){orenl1 seke ua lumda ho nka setsoanlSO • Peala e~ eka Unokoau6 tGeo Ii aa fg btlrt:! Horana be a f at' (The KIDg ~ maooa ra taoe re robola boro!io ba .M:ofl~'o .. nFo bo utlo>t b. rtl Olt 0 IIbol SD kt­ se .ele. e~ollot. err~. Ho msj hlapi let:!le 11:0 , kbotBo. BeD' 88 fil lBns, fAt'>l. mashaoo a 86 It • • • • nue. iptlts. a rf:lng ba a IIbolSD fumoo ke 'oete bob.De moreDa oa booa E b8.tleh8. k8. sebele ho uena ha a sebetae letho k.otle ho m& Maane Mr.hoboog ha Khethisa bo ra t8fobil ~ 1 g 8l1.le pf'ls hore a kA ke 8 .s E T .s 0 'I' <> ehf~ t.·.enlrtle lot Messrs. Coster ba kbut80 k"ha mort na eo .. Ie meharo too. a bae. Seo metoo. a bae a mo ton &. 00 (~18·o .. I.) mots' .. ere OB rna. a 8. b.,polel", be I aog. H. ra Is be eleliLaeog bore a se etse, ke seo aLia Ha ho letho Ie phethang tie k. eona. mphe61.. Hu utluab .. l. bore h .... fole 'oete hJb~ be Ii billa h. It 8e elsa 'me a eme k. al loa. Eena 0 moliBa. t, H. ho letho Ie k. lek.nngoang Ie nB e m080eu 08 le"ellk~le It!O 0 oa hi tAhMas baotls klOnqeng sa maqos ... sal a morao hkeletso ta. b.Lbo ba kbe eona. Romel. 2/· u tie u lumane t.sitBO~ k- mong Il h.e L ~ IB·U81. bo Uti B21bn ba L"'ribe b. ss be bile ba aOQ thiloeog ke secbaba bo mo eletea. Ho e kholo ea kOpilQ6 Ie et-n. HI lee Ha tea moeebe Ie I, pel .. e)o lIa 00n6 11& b. kit. 1a m .. tu. rooa M.beoaDa babo joalo. .Ihelelsi taj CIa boo a, ba b la ba Mor .. oa L -eia[oo mao ea 000" b.PSdl", a tibia lIoano. ba k. slela. kemoo ba rataog Ie k. Moltlpo molt.h08i oa mo fib ela b ore Emp. cbp, tsen k9 lip",lltolo fet'b ra .sOTO moo eleog te'oaoelo ea boo. bo elels. 1e'Y9I1k ... lela Ie ell obt. A kbutta 'm" k" lie ra Ii ldott-lia bat, k",'ng fl"ela Ii emp. morena b. sa rate • ka beDe ke • rcm .. lla. ho blaba mullbl si ho mOl 'S bonts'ct. moo moea 0 f.)kelang nq\. '0 Mr. A H. Todd. Endhlovini, a bae Blotse. L"gellt~le 1f'0 Ie oheld tt1n2. Kop .. no ea mMqou Ie mtlreua a I~tao tea boo. I ikelsalsa k.moo bo Red Hill, Natal. lor. t... bo ea phuoyoh. letho ..It. Ie , Lo .. be botho. ke e. Mood.b. I. 2 rataog oon.. B",se tlo.elo ea mare U\fTETELI WI.. BANTU, == .TORANNESRURG, 14TH JUNE, 1924 Eyona Elunge Kakulu I LOOKout foryourFINGERS When Shoving Truckl and loading or off· loading rocke. If Sigareti yi Progress you do get hurt, have the injury attended to properly and as soon as pussible. Tshaya I "PROGRESS" Usindise Imali I PIECE OF HAlO IS lOT MUCH GOOD TO ANYBODY. Wonwahe Futi Upi/e kade PROGRESS ni Iminwo gonu 3d. Xa nlquba inaolovanl nilayilha YI Tiki nokuba nltula amatye. Nge lill nge Wakwenzakala sukela emayezeni kwa ngoko. 10 10 Isandla Esisis hunqu Aslnar eado lakUbanina. 3d. Ke Teke Ha DUe ka Dbolang Menoana ea lona 10 10 Ha II terempa la laela kapa Ie PROGRESS laolla Maloe. Se Ha u ka Is'cha u .tsua kolsi phallela lokileng haholo d,hlareng hang hang . Tsoho Ie Sekutu Hale­ Sikarete ke Progress batlehe leilo mang Tsuha "PROGRESS" 1ula. u Bahalle Chelete, u Iketle Hape u Phele Ha/elel e

Buy "ELTRACO" Goods FROM YOUR Xa uluna \8epU nyanzel8 okokuba umDlnlveuklle altU.DlKe olu blobolwe Sap&.. ungavumi ukuqutyelwa ukuba uhLge enyt (OLD 'BUll SOlP. OkL.OIB STOREK EEPER TU~lTS. IUPIU UlLOW, "ell" ILUI I TUTU. KUMBULA EYENENE LONKE (XESHA 'VALONOOLOZA Blank.... Prints. Calicoes, QuillS, REMEMBER -+ KADUNGAS, LUSTRE, CLIMAX and VictORIA RUGS, THE BEST ~ Flannlllllttlls, Nalnsooks, Shirts. Cambrics, IS -+ UNDERWEAR, VESTS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, HOSE, and FANCY Whto yru r~qolfP ALWay. * MIl'll' '0.11' opllll GOODS. ,OilY ,torekefllpl'Jr\llg THE CHEAPEST *' ,00 witb I hfl fnl1oW'\lltl aD" tlo DOt. he p~rOllIl"led Call at our warehouse when t.() t.r" ADY oLber in Johannesbura. Write for GOLO WATtR SOAP Samples and Prices anytime OtLMORt rAsLtrs SUPtRS YELLOW, OGtAN SLJt Our LeHer Order Department will buy lor TARTAN. OUNTRY STOREKEEPERS IUlt the lime al II they cIIi at the Ilore.

WrIte today


B. 11 bad. ae&~ pbehello bore WOOl( a lebenkele a u nehe mo I ~~pa_ u b80f boqoll