Introduction This table contains a summary of requirements that requiring authorities have sought to have ‘rolled-over’ with modification(s). It does not include requirements that have been rolled over without modification. It includes any changes to existing designations sought through the requiring authority’s formal (Schedule 1) roll-over notice and any subsequent amendments agreed between the requiring authority and the Council prior to 27 August 2014. For further detail please refer to the ‘roll-over notices’ included on this website, along with the planning maps and designation detail (including conditions) contained in Chapter 10 of the proposed Christchurch Replacement District Plan. Alternatively you can phone us on 941- 8999 (0800 800 169 for Banks Peninsula callers) or email us at
[email protected] with any queries. Chorus New Zealand Limited CCC Ref Notation / Site Name Purpose Location Nature of Any Modifications A1 Akaroa Exchange Telecommunication and Cnr Rue Jolie & Rue Balguriel Name change only (to Chorus Radio Communication New Zealand Limited) and Ancillary Purposes A2 Akaroa Radio Station as above L’Aube Hill Name change only (to Chorus New Zealand Limited) A3 Ataahua Exchange as above State Highway 75, Ataahua Name change only (to Chorus New Zealand Limited) A4 Avonhead Exchange as above 296 Yaldhurst Road Name change only (to Chorus New Zealand Limited) A5 Cashmere Radio as above Victoria Park Road Name change only (to Chorus Station New Zealand Limited) A6 Diamond Harbour as above Where Avenue Name change only