Dance Umbrella's Gala 2020 Coming to the Hales
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A1 FOR THE WEEK OF | FEB. 27-MARCH 4, 2020 THE WORLD SOUTH COAST BEAT SOUTH COAST | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2020 FEBRUARY THURSDAY, ‘Peter and the Wolf’ Dance Umbrella’s Gala 2020 coming to the Hales Center on Saturday A2 | SOUTH COA S T BEAT | T HUR S DAY, FE DAY, B RUARY 27, 2020 RUARY CONTRIBUTED PHOTO BY MIKE SLASKA Left: Shirley Kintner, Josie Reid, Aymée Pedder, Tammy Foxworthy and Marcia Marchant in Little Theatre on the Bay’s musical- comedy “Nunsensations: The Nunsense Vegas Revue” under the direction of Stiles Gunn. The show, which runs Feb. 20-March 1, is a fundraiser for the Liberty Theatre’s ongoing restoration efforts. ‘Nunsensations’ sequel concludes at Liberty Theatre LAUREN NEGRETE Robert Anne and Josie Reid LISA PHILLIPS PHOTOGRAPHY COOS BAY — The nuns as Sister Mary Annette, also ‘Peter and the Wolf’ Dance Umbrella’s Gala 2020 coming to the Hales Center are back and they’re headed known as Sister Amnesia and to Vegas. her puppet. The sign was fab- The Liberty Theatre Resto- ricated by Dino Coolen. Dance Umbrella to perform ration Committee along with “With the five of them they Three Rivers Casino and Re- are all very dedicated, they are sort announce the upcoming all doing this for the theater’s restoration fundraiser, musi- restoration, so they all know ‘Peter and the Wolf’ for Gala 2020 cal-comedy event “Nunsen- how important it is to make it sations: The Nunsense Vegas a good show,” Gunn said. Third graders from across the South Coast invited to Educational Outreach Revue” under the direction of The show’s expenses are Stiles Gunn. covered thanks to a gener- JILLIAN WARD and the wolf,” said Audra Geving, people can attend.” The show features the same ous donation from the Con- The World DUSCO board member. “After- Those two schools were Coos Bay five nuns from the 2016 pro- federated Tribes of the Coos, COOS BAY — Dance Umbrella for wards there is a question and answer, School District’s Madison and Blos- duction of “Nunsense,” also Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw South Coast Oregon is holding its which is the best part, and the kids som Gulch. directed by Gunn, who said Indians in the form of a 100% annual Educational Outreach pro- ask amazing questions.” “Not every child gets a chance to after four years it is very rare sponsorship. duction this week for local third- In the past, students have mostly see a live performance, so it’s impor- to have the same cast mem- All proceeds from ticket graders. asked the dancers about their cos- tant to bring this specifically for that bers but it made his job easier sales will be used for Phase Third-graders from North Bend, tumes. Geving said students wonder age group,” Geving said. by the actor’s commitment to 5, which focuses on stage Coquille, Reedsport and Coos Bay where the other dancers are, if they On Saturday, Feb. 29, at 4 p.m., their characters and dedica- lighting and sound improve- school districts are attending the are hiding backstage, since the per- the public is invited as DUSCO pres- tion to the theater. ments for attendees with performance of “Peter and the Wolf” formers change costumes so quickly ents its Gala 2020 featuring “Peter “The characters came back hearing aids. It’s part of the on Thursday, Feb. 27, at Southwest- between scenes and students don’t and the Wolf” at the Hales Center, to them,” Gunn said, a current theater’s multi-phase resto- ern Oregon Community College’s always realize they are the same 1988 Newmark Ave., performed by Portland resident traveling to ration project. Hales Center for the Performing people. Ballet Pacific of Dance Umbrella the South Coast on the week- It’s a comedy-musical Arts. The two performances are at Last year, Geving said the morn- for South Coast Oregon, with guest end. “They learned all the event with fun chaos, hi- 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. After the per- ing performance saw around 400 performances by the Eugene Ballet music with Aymée Pedder, larious duets, audience par- formance, students will be given a students attend while the afternoon Youth and Vancouver City Ballet. I spent three full weekends, ticipation and nuns in a place buy-one get-one-free coupon to show saw 350 students. When asked Tickets: Adults $18 in advance, 6-8 hour day rehearsals with they shouldn’t be: “Sin City.” attend the Saturday performance. if the same amount might attend this $20 at the door; youths 12 and under choreography and blocking.” The show runs Thursday, Guest dance companies for the year, she pointed out that “an inter- $15 in advance, $17 at the door, avail- The actresses behind the Feb. 20, through Sun. March 1. outreach include the Eugene Ballet esting thing happened.” able at or at the door. habits Aymée Pedder as Sis- Showtimes are 7 p.m. Youth and Vancouver City Ballet. “So last year we had two schools ter Mary Leo, Shirley Kintner Thursday through Saturday, “(Students) get to see the dancers unable to afford to attend,” she said. Reporter Jillian Ward can be reached as Sister Mary Hubert, Mar- with Sunday matinees at do the performance of ‘Peter and “This year, the Waterfall Clinic has at 541-269-1222, ext. 235, or by email cia Marchant as Sister Mary 2 p.m. the Wolf,’ which is the classic story sponsored those two schools who at [email protected]. Fol- Regina-Mother Superior, Get your tickets now by with the little boy Peter, the hunter couldn’t make it last year. That way low her on Twitter: @JE_Wardwriter. Tammy Foxworthy as Sister visiting A3 | OCMA to unveil 2020 T OCMA brings three Winter EA B T H COAS Fest events to Bay Area festival art at Winter Fest T OU COOS BAY — The Oregon being released to a marine tavius is working the slide S Coast Music Association garden at Cape Arago last while Tucker provides the | COOS BAY — The Oregon Aaron announces its 2020 Festi- year, he returned to Sun- “oomph” to give the trom- Coast Music Association Johnson val art image presentation set Bay this year to play bone its signature sound. announces its 2020 Winter at the Winter Fest musi- with some new friends More information about Fest schedule of musical cal events, Feb. 28, 29 and from the deep. Tucker, a all events, tickets and lo- events and learning oppor- March 1. The Festival Art tiger rockfish, is comple- cations visit http://www. tunities. The OCMA has or- Image was created by local menting Octavius’ cello ganized three events for the artist Susan Chambers. The performance by playing or contact the office via last weekend of February following provides details the trombone. Lacking phone: 541-267-0938 or (including the first day of about the image: fins long enough to reach email staff@oregoncoast- March) to celebrate music Octavius is back! After the trombone slide, Oc- 27, 2020 FEBRUARY THURSDAY, education and enrichment. Each of the events high- lights the importance of Trinity Alps Chamber Players return to Bandon music education and men- toring and celebrates cre- BANDON —The Trinity “Shifting Balance,” an eve- examples of duos. ative musical experiences Alps Chamber Players re- ning of music and storytell- Scarfe and Akert have in live audiences. These turn to the Oregon coast on ing, featuring works for cello performed together since events will be partnered Sunday, March 8, to pres- and piano by Beethoven, 2007, and have a long history with the special revealing ent a concert at 2 p.m. at Schumann, Rachmaninoff of concerts across the United of the Festival’s Art Image the Sprague Community and Chopin. States, Canada and Europe. for 2020. Theater, 1202 11th St. SW in Listeners will hear the The program is free and Friday, Feb. 28, 9:30- Bandon. shifting balance between the open to the public, but all are 11:30 a.m. — Education Pianist Ian Scarfe and instruments, as they show- encouraged to make a dona- Workshop. Two Oregon cellist Charles Akert will case a variety of classical, tion to support this deserv- based performers and edu- present a program entitled romantic and contemporary ing organization. cators and members of the Association’s Festival Or- chestra: Violists Michelle (Shelly) Mathewson and Sharon Eng who perform as Madrona Viola Duo will Join us in lead an educational work- shop for area students at son and Eng have exten- Phil Robson and bassist welcoming Marshfield High School Au- sive experience in string Dave Captein to provide this ditorium on Friday, Feb. 28. performance and educa- special musical benefit. The event is coordi- tion and perform in venues Johnson, based in New nated with North Bend and throughout North America York City, performs in the Wanda Newsome, Marshfield schools. This and abroad. Their duo has commercial and classical opportunity is part of the developed a noteworthy music worlds and is one of DNP, FNP-C, APRN youth outreach programs reputation playing a wide a new generation of main- of OCMA. The musicians range of music spanning stream jazz musicians to will provide an interactive Bach, Bartok and Beatles to embrace older styles of performance and discus- Ysaye and Zipolli. Tickets jazz and the great American Meet & Greet sion for the students. OC- ($40 members; $50 non- songbook. MA’s mission is to involve, members) for the benefit The Sunday afternoon Wednesday, March 25, 2020 enrich and inspire the com- are available at the associa- concert includes a special munity by providing quality tion office or on the OCMA hosted catered reception.