A W A R D ● W I N N I N G jmillers.com 934-6200 Gulf Breeze ● Pensacola ● Destin 50¢ YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER June 19, 2008 Questions 5 With Coaches Tiger Point Park gets appropriation ■ County approves advisory Tiger Point Park improvement plan rec- Breeze garnered plenty of attention committee request for $81,000 ommended by the recently formed from locals concerned about the condi- Advisory Committee at its June 10 tions of nearby parks, specifically Tiger BY SCOTT PAGE meeting. Point Park. Gulf Breeze News “The Tiger Point Sports Association Phase 1 will address the critical Second page
[email protected] (TPSA) Board, via the TPSA Growth needs of Tiger Point Park that should be in a series and Planning Committee, drafted the made immediately. 1C1C The first fruit of the District 5 three-phase plan,” said Shane Player, “We’re calling this phase ‘Turf, Trash Recreation Advisory Committee’s labor President of TPSA. and Trailer,’ “ said Werner, a committee has been born to the tune of more than TPSA Growth and Planning mem- member representing Tiger Point Sports PAG E 1D $81,000. bers include Tom Dorsey, Mike Werner, Association. On Thursday, June 12, the Santa Donnie Wilson and Player. Specifically, Phase 1 entails re-grad- Scott Page/Gulf Breeze News Rosa County Commission appropriated The Recreation Advisory Committee ing, drainage improvements and Cracked sidewalks pose hazards to ■ Work of $81,426 for Phase 1 of a three-phase meeting at the Andrews Institute in Gulf See TIGER POINT, Page 2A6 visitors of deteriorating Tiger Point Park.