Bowdoin Alumnus Volume 1 (1927)

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Bowdoin Alumnus Volume 1 (1927) Bowdoin College Bowdoin Digital Commons Bowdoin Alumni Magazines Special Collections and Archives 1-1-1927 Bowdoin Alumnus Volume 1 (1927) Bowdoin College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowdoin College, "Bowdoin Alumnus Volume 1 (1927)" (1927). Bowdoin Alumni Magazines. 1. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and Archives at Bowdoin Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bowdoin Alumni Magazines by an authorized administrator of Bowdoin Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 5? * 1 TF~T F* BOWDOIN ALUMNUS JUNE 1927 Volume 1 No. 1 'vy « - f v ''-*f „._' : ft :r •3 I^V -% - . KcwR BBBBBBbBBI ;:•-. -" IIP v Jm\ \2£m** r v nl Bl '' BBr . "V IB Bi ' w* Br - " ' Bl l k BPfil ' JbBhB t /SflflBBl ^Bki mm ht HDPbi SSI jH -11 B0I HbBmI BBI ' 1 J -^>' **»r£dl PC "^ '•*"' ''* " r ' ' ' **3 ' •'..:'•'''* If*' .-S^^fi^ B^^ bKS.. - THE BOWDOIN ALUMNUS Published by Bowdoin Publishing Company, Brunswick. Maine, four times during the college year. Subscription price, for Alumnus and Orient, $2.50 a year. Application for entry as second class mail matter applied for. Austin H. MacCormrk '15. Editor J. Rayner Whipple '28, Managing Editor Clarence H. Johnson '28, Business Manager ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD Arthur G. Staples '82 John Clair Minot '96 Robert D. Leigh '14 William M. Emery '89 Wallace M. Powers '04 Dwight H. Sayward '16 Wilmot B. Mitchell '90 Philip W. Meserye 'ii Edward B. Ham '22 Walter F. Whittier '2J SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT The New History of Bowdoin BY Dr. Louis C. Hatch '95 On Sale at Commencement Mail orders should be sent to Loring, Short & Harmon Portland, Maine Price - $5.00 per copy Contents:—Founding of Bowdoin; general narrative by administrations; long-service professors, their character and work; the faculty; scholarship and prizes; Commence- ments and student celebrations; religious life; social life, including old and new societies and fraternities; student extra-curricular activities; the campus and buildings; athletics; the Medical School; etc. About 500 pages. Thoroughly illustrated and bound in brown library buckram. VOLUME ONE NUMBER ONE THE BOWDOIN ALUMNUS Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine June, 1927 INTRODUCING THE ALUMNUS magazine quarterly. They will be better in- In the Bowdoin family of publications formed than graduates of most colleges on there is venerable age and vigorous youth. current news of the College and the The Bugle celebrates its 70th birthday next Alumnus can serve more truly as an alumni year; the Orient, first published in 1871, is publication. 56 years old; the Quill, youngest of all, is This combination has been effected partly 30 years old this year. The Bear Skin, a because it is believed that every alumnus precocious infant which was never popular should see the undergraduate paper reg- with its elders, died of malnutrition a few ularly to keep in touch with the Bowdoin weeks ago and is mourned by few. With of today, and partly because the Alumnus this issue of the Bowdoin Alumnus, an in- could probably not be established at the troductory copy of which is being sent to present time without the financial support all academic and medical graduates, we pre- of the Bowdoin Publishing Company, pub- sent the new baby of the family. lishers of the Orient and the Quill. The Alumnus will be published quarterly. The advisory editorial board includes ten It is not designed to be solely a news maga- alumni, two of whom are faculty members, zine, a literary quarterly, a journal of and one opinion, an instrument of propaganda, a undergraduate, soon to be an petty gossip sheet or a funny paper. It may alumnus. The alumni are Arthur G. Staples '82, perhaps be a little of all these. Its form editor of the Lewiston Journal, William and contents may differ widely in the future M. Emery '89, for many years editor of the from those of the first issue. It is to be, in Fall River News and now on the editorial short, what the alumni wish it to be, and is staff of the Boston Transcript, John Clair to be shaped by the will of those for whom Minot '96, literary editor of the Boston Her- it is primarily intended, the alumni. The ald, Wallace M. Powers '04 of the Tran- editors will be glad to receive suggestions, script, Prof. Robert D. Leigh '14 of Wil- criticisms and contributions from readers liams, Dwight H. Sayward '16 of Portland, and will reserve only the right to weigh Bela W. Norton '18 of New York, former what is sent in, according to their best col- city editor of a New York daily, and Ed- lective judgment. ward B. Ham '22, now a Rhodes Scholar at Almost all colleges of standing have Oxford. The faculty members are Prof. alumni quarterlies, which try to furnish Wilmot B. Mitchell '90 and Prof. Philip W. campus news as well as matters of purely Meserve 'n. The undergraduate is Wal- alumni interest. For a time, at least, the ter F. Whittier '27, who has recently re- Alumnus will differ from other quarterlies tired as editor of the Orient. in this respect : the subscription price will The Alumnus is edited by the alumni sec- cover both the Orient and the Alumnus. retary, Austin H. MacCormick '15. J. Ray- Subscribers will therefore get the campus ner Whipple '28, former managing editor newspaper week by week and the alumni of the Orient, is managing editor. [ The Boivdoin Alumnus Classes Plan Reunions --122nd Commencement The baccalaureate address by President three living members. Rev. Ebenezer Bean Sills on Sunday, June 19, will mark the be- of Urbana, 111., the oldest alumnus in point ginning of Commencement Week. Tuesday of years, is a member of this class. The will be Class Day, Wednesday Alumni Day, Class of 1857 and the Class of 1862, which and Thursday, June 23, Commencement also has three members, may not be repre- Day. sented at Commencement, and the attend- Special features of the Commencement ance from 1867 and 1872 is likely to be program, copies of which have been sent to slight. Of the fifteen members of 1857, all the alumni, are the Dedicatory Recital 1862, 1867 and 1872, seven live in the middle on the new Chapel organ at 3 P. M. on West or far West, and only three in New Wednesday, June 22, and the Memorial Ser- England. vice for the late President Hyde at 6 P. M. 1877 on Wednesday in the Chapel. Mr. Samuel A. Melcher of Brunswick is The special committee of the Alumni making the local arrangements for the re- Council which has Alumni Day in charge union of the Fifty Year Class. None of the is headed by Roland E. Clark '01 of Port- class officers are alive and no secretary has land. There will probably be no variation been elected since the death of the beloved from the usual program of Wednesday of John Chapman. Among the members of the Commencement Week, but the committee class is Hon. William T. Cobb, former Gov- hopes to make things more pleasant for the ernor of Maine and now Vice-President of non-reunion classes by providing headquar- the Board of Trustees of the College. ters for the "Class of 1794" in one of the 1882 fraternity houses. The headquarters when Of the thirteen members of 1882 eleven chosen will be marked by a conspicuous live in New England and a large attendance sign. The shore dinner and sing will again is expected. Professor Moody is making be held at 6.30 P.M. on Wednesday, near arrangements for the reunion, with head- the Observatory if the weather is fair, or quarters of the class at the College Dining in the Gymnasium if it is stormy. Club, 15 Cleaveland Street. The annual baseball game will be between 1887 the 'varsity and the 1922 'varsity, which in- No headquarters have been chosen for cluded three of the best pitchers Bowdoin the Forty Year Class, as responses have has had in recent years : Captain "Pete" been coming in slowly to John V. Lane of Flinn, Fred Walker, and Rupert Johnson. Augusta, the unofficial secretary of the Among other well known members of the class since the death of C. B. Burleigh. team were the Morrcll brothers. Austin Cary and Freeman Dearth were the Competition at Commencement for the first to express their intention to return. Snow Reunion Trophy promises to be brisk, 1892 with several of the younger classes register- No news has been received of the reunion ing larger numbers than usual and the older plans of 1892, seventeen of whose twenty- classes showing their usual high percentages one members live in New England. The of returning members. The oldest living class claims among its members the speaker alumnus in point of class, Mr. Daniel and the chaplain of the Massachusetts Crosby of the Class of 1855, *s not expected House of Representatives. to be present, as he lives in Topeka, Kansas. 1897 The oldest reunion class, T857, has on br The Thirty Year Class will have its head- [2] The Bozcdoin Alumnus ] quarters in 17 Maine Hall. Reuel W. Smith home of one of its members, Professor Noel of Auburn has been one of the active mem- C. Little, on College Street. The class din- bers of the class in arranging for the re- ner will be at Mrs. Witherby's, Dingley's union. The class has fifty-two members. Island, on Wednesday evening.
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