AIDS in Asia: Face the Facts
AIDS in Asia: Face the facts Acknowledgements The members of the Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (MAP) Network, the grouping responsible for this report, are listed in Appen- dix 1. The MAP Network would like to thank several people who are not currently network members but who have contributed actively to this report. These people include: Jeanine Bardon, Robert Bennoun, Laxmi Bilas Acharya, Txema Calleja, Cheng Hehe, Cheng Feng, Don DeJarlais, Kimberley Fox, Chris Green, Sara Hersey, Robert Kelly, Lu Fan, Ian Macleod, Parvez Sazzad Mallick, Guy Morineau, Mitra Motamedi, Joyce Neil, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Graham Nielsen, Wiwat Peerapatana-pokin, Wiwat Rojanapithayakorn, Keith Sabin, Frits van Griensven, Wang Bin, Sharon Weir, Dewa Wirawan. The MAP Network would also like to thank the governments of Asia and their development partners for generously sharing national HIV and behavioural surveillance data for this report. A number of institutions support the MAP Network financially, including contribution to the preparation and printing of this report. They include UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, the Japanese Foundation for AIDS Prevention, the United States Agency for International Development, Family Health International and the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Their support does not imply that they endorse the contents of this report. The text and graphics of the report were prepared by Elizabeth Pisani. Tim Brown prepared Chapters 5 and 6. Hein Marais edited the text. Ganrawi Winitdhama and Karen Stanecki provided invaluable support throughout. AIDS in Asia:Executive The MAP Report Summary Chapter 1 1 Executive Summary AIDS in Asia: The MAP Report Executive The Asia-Pacific region is home to 60% of the 1 Recent, sharp rises in HIV among people world’s population and to 19% of the men, with identifiable risky behaviours Summary women and children living with HIV in 2004.
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