Distribution-Invariant Risk Measures, Information, and Dynamic Consistency Stefan Weber¤ Humboldt-UniversitÄat zu Berlin November 24, 2003; this version March 11, 2005 Abstract In the ¯rst part of the article, we characterize distribution-invariant risk measures with convex acceptance and rejection sets on the level of distributions. It is shown that these risk measures are closely related to utility-based shortfall risk. In the second part of the paper, we provide an axiomatic characterization for distribution- invariant dynamic risk measures of terminal payments. We prove a representation theorem and investigate the relation to static risk measures. A key insight of the paper is that dynamic con- sistency and the notion of \measure convex sets of probability measures" are intimately related. This result implies that under weak conditions dynamically consistent dynamic risk measures can be represented by static utility-based shortfall risk. Key words: Distribution-invariant risk measures, shortfall risk, utility functions, dynamic risk measure, capital requirement, measure of risk, dynamic consistency, measure convexity JEL Classi¯cation: G18, G11, G28 Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation (2000): 91B16, 91B28, 91B30 ¤Institut fÄurMathematik, Humboldt-UniversitÄatzu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany, email
[email protected]. I would like to thank Hans FÄollmer,Kay Giesecke, Ulrich Horst, Sebastian Knaak and Alexander Schied for helpful discussions. I am grateful for useful comments of the associate editor and two anonymous referees. I acknowledge ¯nancial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft via Graduiertenkolleg 251 `Stochastische Prozesse und Probabilistische Analysis' and SFB 373 `Quanti¯kation und Simulation Äokonomischer Prozesse'. 1 1 Introduction Risk management and ¯nancial regulation relies on the proper assessment of the downside risk of ¯nancial positions.