Walls Come Down for Women Leading Morning Shows

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Walls Come Down for Women Leading Morning Shows Weekly News Recap June 11-15, 2018 Walls Come Down For Women Leading Morning Shows. Scan the dial in just about any radio jumps in and is the giggle girl,” adds the case for L.A.’s “The Ellen K Morning market in America and you’ll hear a Brooke Ryan, co-host of “Two Girls and Show,” which holds the distinction as common theme: morning shows that a Guy” on Saga Communications hot the only FM morning show in radio’s two feature women either leading the AC “Mix 95.9” WMXZ Charleston, SC. largest markets that has a solo female charge – or sharing parity with their male “I always wanted to be a person with an namesake and is top rated in its target counterparts. While females have long opinion and be able to hold my own on a women 25-54 demo. played a part in morning radio, that role show.” Dynamic Extends Beyond Content Men and women sharing equal billing in morning radio isn’t a new phenomenon, The dynamic of having a strong female as although it is becoming part of a morning show expands beyond more common. Laurie what content and creativity they can bring DeYoung, morning host to a radio station. Sales staffs realize on iHeartMedia country the revenue opportunities that a female WPOC Baltimore (93.1), talent can bring to the table that her male has been at the forefront of this “trend” counterpart may not. “You can’t truly for more than three decades. DeYoung understand what women want, think and believes some of the gender bias in trust, unless you are a woman yourself,” radio is the result of unfair comparisons Fox says. Edwards believes his “Two between the sexes. “I do think women are Girls” bring in “every plastic surgeon in has evolved over the years from “giggle judged with a more critical lens than men,” the market… All the local endorsements girl” to “strong, female lead.” And the she says. Brooke Fox, we brought to the table were appealing” walls continue tumbling down. one-half of the Premiere to WMXZ, their current home. Networks-syndicated Some top-line examples of breakthrough “Brooke & Jubal” show, “For me because I’m a mom, I think there solo female namesake morning shows believes a primary reason is a double-advantage because anything are “The Ellen K Morning Show” at why there are so few females on the first from plastic surgery to kids braces… I’m iHeartMedia AC KOST Los Angeles mic is because, quite simply, they are endorsing both right now,” Brown adds. (103.5) and “DeDe in the Morning” on rarely given the chance to do so. “Women DeYoung adds, “As far as the advantages Service Broadcasting Corp. urban “K104” just aren’t thought of as morning show of being a woman in radio or any other KKDA-FM Dallas. Among major market lead hosts. I truly hope that’s changing,” business right now, in 2018, it’s just been shows with women in a co-lead position she says. Johnson believes “the walls an empowering year for all of us. I think are “Todd & Jayde in The Morning” at are breaking down.” Seeing successful many women are just beginning to find Cumulus Media hot AC WPLJ New York women leading morning shows will only their voice and starting to use it.” (95.5) and Fred & Angi on iHeartMedia help the cause. CHR “Kiss 103.5” WKSC-FM Chicago. Mike Edwards, the guy in Consultant Tracy Johnson tells Inside “Two Guys and a Girl,” adds, Radio that there is now more interest “Saying there can’t be a in females with a major presence on female-led morning show is morning radio “because it has taken like saying you can’t have a broadcasters in general a while to shake sitcom based on a woman. off the old stereotypes.” This old-school That’s just not true.” thinking put women “in this box, where we are not mature enough, or capable, Edwards and Ryan’s co-host to listen to other women, because we’re Tanya Brown agrees, saying, jealous?” asks Jayde Donovan of “Todd “In today’s society, I think a & Jade in the Morning.” “It minimizes us lot of women have enough in general.” confidence in themselves. If she is a strong woman “There is that idea of what a morning and she has a voice, I think show should be, with the guy hosting… absolutely she could run her normally two guys and the one girl that own show.” That is certainly Page 1 Weekly News Recap June 11-15, 2018 FCC Rejects LPFM Advocates’ Effort To Block Translators. Dozens of companies can breathe a sigh of relief after the FCC announced it is rejecting an attempt to block their translator applications by advocates for low-power FM. The Media Bureau has ruled that an objection filed last month against “all pending translator applications” was “overbroad,” since it targeted every translator, including some modification applications that didn’t qualify as new translators under federal law. Prometheus Radio Project, Common Frequency, and the Center for International Media Action filed informal objections against 994 translator applications, arguing the FCC has ignored the Local Community Radio Act requirement that LPFMs and FM translators be treated the same with an equal apportionment of spectrum to both services in all markets. Audio Division chief Albert Shuldiner said the petition from the three LPFM advocacy groups in some cases failed to explain why allowing the translators would be inconsistent with the public interest. In other cases, Shuldiner wrote the House Advances Proposal To Hike Pirate Radio Fines. groups failed to offer even a “cursory explanation” as to why The House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology the translator applications should be dismissed. “We reject unanimously voted to advance a bill that would hike pirate radio objectors’ conclusion that equality of status as secondary penalties to as much as $2 million. The proposed Preventing services necessarily implies that the Commission must ensure Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act or “PIRATE” Act that all remaining available spectrum is equally apportioned (H.R. 5709) would allow the FCC to fine someone who “willfully among FM translators, FM boosters, and LPFM stations,” he and knowingly” operates an unlicensed radio station up to wrote. FULL STORY $100,000 for each day they’re on the air—up to a maximum $2 million per incident. That’s well above the current maximum News/Talk, CHR Top Listening On Smart Speakers. fine, which is $19,246 per day for each violation or each day, The latest Webcast Metrics from Triton Digital show that news/ up to a statutory maximum of $144,344. Not only would the talk and CHR were the most-listened-to formats on smart pirates themselves be subject to stiff fines, so would landlords speakers throughout the month of March. News/talk is the and any business providing “physical goods or services” to most-listened format accounting for 34% of streamed audio the unlicensed station. That would include not just a place to on smart speakers, followed by CHR (12%), country (8%) and house the station but also financial assistance – an indirect sports (6%). Modern AC saw the largest gain in Average Active deterrent aimed at advertisers buying time on some of the Sessions (AAS), with a 16.34% increase (Mon-Fri, 6am-7pm) more sophisticated pirate stations. The bill has won bipartisan over February 2018. Total weekday listening (Mon-Fri, 6am- support by being positioned as a public safety measure – not 8pm) remains steady at 6 million AAS in March and is just only because pirate stations have the potential to interrupt over 5 million AAS for the total week. The peak of weekday Emergency Alert System distribution, but also to expose the streaming listening for March occurred at 2pm, with weekend public to harmful RF radiation from unlicensed tower sites. And peaks happening at 1pm – the same findings from the February supporters also pointed out that minority owned stations are report. Meanwhile, after launching Amazon Alexa skills for disproportionately affected since most pirates are located in 300 of its 446 local radio stations last December, Cumulus is urban areas. The PIRATE Act has the backing of several state seeing significant smart speaker streaming audience growth. broadcast associations, the NABOB, as well as the NAB. The In September 2017, 2% of Cumulus’ streaming audience bill now moves on to the full House Energy and Commerce came from smart speakers. As of April 2018, smart speakers Committee for a vote. FULL STORY represent an astonishing 11% of the Cumulus streaming audience.FULL STORY Pew: NPR Sees Dramatic Listener Gains Year Over Year. National Public Radio has seen a dramatic increase in listeners Salem Offers Peek Into Its Unorthodox Revenue Mix. year over year. The top 20 NPR-affiliated public radio stations Salem Media Group offered a more granular look into its had on average a total weekly audience of 11 million in revenue mix and the cross-promotional strategy underpinning 2017, up from 10 million in 2016, according to new data from its growth during the Gabelli conference Pew Research Center’s “State of the News Media” report. in New York. While radio accounts Here’s Pew’s three-year trend: listening totaled 8,724,100 for three of every four dollars Salem in 2015 before spiking to10,212,600 in 2016 and continuing puts on the books, it has developed to grow to 11,210,500 in 2017. This includes listeners of substantial businesses in digital media NPR programming as well as original or other syndicated and booMN,Yk publishing.
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