GNU/ Administration - Support #388 Installing ZFS on Arch Linux with GRUB 05/06/2014 09:25 AM - Daniel Curtis

Status: Closed Start date: 05/06/2014 Priority: High Due date: Assignee: Daniel Curtis % Done: 100% Category: Estimated time: 4.00 hours Target version: Spent time: 9.00 hours Description ZFS is an advanced filesystem created by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) and released for OpenSolaris in November 2005. Features of ZFS include: pooled storage (integrated volume management -- zpool), Copy-on-write, snapshots, data integrity verification and automatic repair (scrubbing), RAID-Z, a maximum 16 Exabyte file size, and a maximum 256 Zettabyte volume size. ZFS is licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL).

Described as "The last word in filesystems" ZFS is stable, fast, secure, and future-proof. Being licensed under the GPL incompatible CDDL, it is not possible for ZFS to be distributed along with the . This requirement, however, does not prevent a native Linux kernel module from being developed and distributed by a third party, as is the case with (ZOL).

This is a guide to show how to install a root ZFS installation, begin by downloading and booting off of a recent Arch Linux ISO.

Adding the repository and install ZFS

The maintainer of ZFS on Arch has a signed repository that you can add to the /etc/pacman.conf.

Add the [demz-repo-archiso] repo:

vi /etc/pacman.conf

And add the following to the end:

[demz-repo-archiso] Server =$repo/$arch

Now repo key needs to be received and locally signed:

pacman-key -r 0EE7A126 pacman-key --lsign-key 0EE7A126

Now update the repository information:

pacman -Sy

Its time to install ZFS:

pacman -S zfs

Load the ZFS kernel module:

modprobe zfs

09/30/2021 1/9 Check to see that the module was loaded:

lsmod | grep zfs

Preparing the system

Open cfdisk:

cfdisk /dev/sda

Erase all partitions, create a small partition for the bootloader, then add the primary partition for ZFS

[Delete] (all partitions) [New] primary 512 [Bootable] (make sure to have sda1 selected) (Select Free Space) [New] primary (Rest of the HD space) [Type] BF [Write] yes [Quit]

NOTE: If using a USB drive, then skip creating the 512MB partition and use the whole drive.

Format the boot partition

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1

Setting up the ZFS filesystem

Create the zpool:

zpool create zroot /dev/disk/by-id/id-to-partition

WARNING: Always use id names when working with ZFS, otherwise import errors will occur.

Create necessary filesystems If so desired, sub-filesystem mount points such as /home and /root can be created with the following commands:

zfs create zroot/home -o mountpoint=/home zfs create zroot/root -o mountpoint=/root

NOTE: That if you want to use other datasets for system directories (/var or /etc included) your system will not boot unless they are listed in /etc/fstab! We will address that at the appropriate time in this tutorial.

Swap partition

ZFS does not allow the use swapfiles, but it is possible to use a ZFS volume as swap partition. It is important to set the ZVOL block size to match the system page size; for x86 and x86_64 systems that is 4k.

09/30/2021 2/9 Create a 2 GB (or whatever is required) ZFS volume:

zfs create -V 2G -b 4K zroot/swap

Initialize and enable the volume as a swap partition:

mkswap /dev/zvol/zroot/swap swapon /dev/zvol/zroot/swap

Make sure to unmount all ZFS filesystems before rebooting the machine, otherwise any ZFS pools will refuse to be imported:

zfs umount -a

Configure the root filesystem

First, set the mount point of the root filesystem:

zfs set mountpoint=/ zroot

1. and optionally, any sub-filesystems:

zfs set mountpoint=/home zroot/home zfs set mountpoint=/root zroot/root

2. and if you have seperate datasets for system directories (ie /var or /usr)

zfs set mountpoint=legacy zroot/usr zfs set mountpoint=legacy zroot/var

3. Then put them in /etc/fstab:

vi /etc/fstab

4. and add the following:

zroot/usr /usr zfs defaults,noatime 0 0 zroot/var /var zfs defaults,noatime 0 0

Set the bootfs property on the descendant root filesystem so the boot loader knows where to find the operating system.

zpool set bootfs=zroot zroot

Turn off swap, if enabled:

swapoff -a

Export the pool:

zpool export zroot

09/30/2021 3/9 WARNING: Do not skip this, otherwise you will be required to use -f when importing your pools. This unloads the imported pool. NOTE: This might fail if you added a swap partition above. Need to turn it off with the swapoff command.

Finally, re-import the pool:

zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id -R /mnt zroot

NOTE: -d is not the actual device id, but the /dev/by-id directory containing the symbolic links.

If there is an error in this step, you can export the pool to redo the command. The ZFS filesystem is now ready to use.

Be sure to bring the zpool.cache file into your new system. This is required later for the ZFS daemon to start.

mkdir -p /mnt/etc/zfs cp /etc/zfs/zpool.cache /mnt/etc/zfs/zpool.cache

1. If you don't have /etc/zfs/zpool.cache, create it:

zpool set cachefile=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache zroot

Installing Arch

Start by mounting the boot partition

mkdir /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot

NOTE: If using a USB drive for a bootloader mount it to /mnt/boot instead.

Now change the repository to demz-repo-core

vi /etc/pacman.conf

And change [demz-repo-archiso] to the following

[demz-repo-core] Server =$repo/$arch

Then install the base system

pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel grub openssh zfs

Generate the fstab for filesystems, use:

genfstab -U -p /mnt | grep boot >> /mnt/etc/fstab

Edit the /etc/fstab. If you chose to create datasets for system directories, keep them in this fstab!

vi /mnt/etc/fstab

Comment out the lines for the /, /root, and /home mountpoints, rather than deleting them. You may need those UUIDs later

09/30/2021 4/9 if something goes wrong. Anyone who just stuck with the guide's directions can delete everything except for the swap file and the boot/EFI partition. It seems convention to replace the swap's uuid with /dev/zvol/zroot/swap. Edit /mnt/etc/fstab to ensure the swap partition is mounted at boot:

vi /mnt/etc/fstab

/dev/zvol/zroot/swap none swap defaults 0 0

Setup the initial environment:

arch-chroot /mnt

Set a root password


Set a hostname

echo "archzfs" > /etc/hostname

Set a local time

ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime

Set a local language by uncommenting en_US.UTF-8 in /etc/locale.gen, then running:


Set a wired network connection

cp /etc/netctl/examples/ethernet-dhcp /etc/netctl/wired netctl enable wired

Set SSH to start at boot

systemctl enable sshd.service

Install yaourt

Setup the bootloader and

When creating the initial ramdisk, first edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and add zfsbeforefilesystems. Also, move keyboard hook beforezfs so you can type in console if something goes wrong. You may also remove fsck (if you are not using Ext3 or Ext4). Your HOOKS line should look something like this:

HOOKS="base autodetect modconf block keyboard zfs filesystems"

Regenerate the initramfs with the command:

mkinitcpio -p linux

Install and configure GRUB

09/30/2021 5/9 Install GRUB to the primary hard drive:

grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck --debug /dev/sda

Edit GRUB to boot off of the zroot pool grub-mkconfig does not properly detect the ZFS filesystem, so it is necessary to edit grub.cfg manually.

Edit the GRUB config:


Add or modify it similar to the following

set timeout=2 set default=0

# (0) Arch Linux menuentry "Arch Linux" { set root=(hd0,msdos1) linux /vmlinuz-linux zfs=zroot rw initrd /initramfs-linux.img }

If you did not create a separate /boot participation, kernel and initrd paths have to be in the following format:



linux //boot/vmlinuz-linux zfs=zroot rw initrd //boot/initramfs-linux.img

Finish the setup process

Exit the chroot environment:


Unmount all ZFS mount points:

zfs umount -a

Unmount the bootloader partition:

umount /mnt/boot

Export the zpool:

zpool export zroot

09/30/2021 6/9 Reboot:


After the first boot

If everything went fine up to this point, your system will boot. Once. For your system to be able to reboot without issues, you need to enable the to auto mount the pools and set the hostid.

For each pool you want automatically mounted execute:

zpool set cachefile=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache

Enable the target with :

systemctl enable

When running ZFS on root, the machine's hostid will not be available at the time of mounting the root filesystem. There are two solutions to this. You can either place your spl hostid in the kernel parameters in your boot loader. For example, adding spl.spl_hostid=0x00bab10c, to get your number use the hostid command.

The other, and suggested, solution is to make sure that there is a hostid in /etc/hostid, and then regenerate the initramfs image. Which will copy the hostid into the initramfs image. To do write the hostid file safely you need to use a small C program:

#include #include #include

int main() { int res; res = sethostid(gethostid()); if (res != 0) { switch (errno) { case EACCES: fprintf(stderr, "Error! No permission to write the" " file used to store the host ID.\n" "Are you root?\n"); break; case EPERM: fprintf(stderr, "Error! The calling process's effective" " user or group ID is not the same as" " its corresponding real ID.\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error.\n"); } return 1; } return 0; }

Copy it, save it as writehostid.c and compile it with:

gcc -o writehostid writehostid.c

Finally execute it and regenerate the initramfs image:

09/30/2021 7/9 ./writehostid mkinitcpio -p linux

You can now delete the two files writehostid.c and writehostid. Your system should work and reboot properly now.

Encryption in ZFS on linux

ZFS on linux does not support encryption directly, but zpools can be created in dm-crypt block devices. Since the zpool is created on the plain-text abstraction it is possible to have the data encrypted while having all the advantages of ZFS like deduplication, compression, and data robustness. dm-crypt, possibly via LUKS, creates devices in /dev/mapper and their name is fixed. So you just need to change zpool create commands to point to that names. The idea is configuring the system to create the /dev/mapper block devices and import the zpools from there. Since zpools can be created in multiple devices (, mirroring, striping, ...), it is important all the devices are encrypted otherwise the protection might be partially lost.

For example, an encrypted zpool can be created using plain dm-crypt (without LUKS) with:

cryptsetup --hash=sha512 --cipher=twofish-xts-plain64 --offset=0 --key-file=/dev/sdZ --key-siz e=512 open --type=plain /dev/sdX encrypted zpool create zroot /dev/mapper/encrypted

In the case of a root filesystem pool, the mkinicpio.conf HOOKS line will enable the keyboard for the password, create the devices, and load the pools. It will contain something like:

HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard encrypt zfs filesystems"

Since the /dev/mapper/encrypted name is fixed no import errors will occur.

Creating encrypted zpools works fine. But if you need encrypted directories, for example to protect your users' homes, ZFS loses some functionality.

ZFS will see the encrypted data, not the plain-text abstraction, so compression and deduplication will not work. The reason is that encrypted data has always high entropy making compression ineffective and even from the same input you get different output (thanks to salting) making deduplication impossible. To reduce the unnecessary overhead it is possible to create a sub-filesystem for each encrypted directory and use eCryptfs on it.

For example to have an encrypted home:

zfs create -o compression=off -o dedup=off -o mountpoint=/home/ / useradd -m passwd ecryptfs-migrate-home -u

NOTE: The two passwords, encryption and login, must be the same


History #1 - 05/06/2014 12:41 PM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated

#2 - 08/29/2014 02:36 PM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated

09/30/2021 8/9 #3 - 08/30/2014 11:01 AM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated - % Done changed from 40 to 60

#4 - 08/30/2014 11:49 AM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated

#5 - 08/30/2014 01:39 PM - Daniel Curtis - Subject changed from Installing ZFS on Arch to Installing ZFS on Arch Linux with GRUB - Description updated

#6 - 08/30/2014 01:58 PM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated

#7 - 08/31/2014 08:26 AM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated - Status changed from In Progress to Resolved - % Done changed from 60 to 90

#8 - 08/31/2014 11:59 AM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated - % Done changed from 90 to 100

#9 - 11/03/2014 01:02 PM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated - Status changed from Resolved to Closed

#10 - 07/15/2016 07:47 PM - Daniel Curtis - Description updated

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