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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information INDEX AANZFTA (ASEAN–Australia– AHMM (ASEAN Ministers of New Zealand Free Trade Health), 37 Area), 66 AHRD (ASEAN Human Rights ACB (ASEAN Compliance Body), Declaration), 55, 112, 44 167 ACC (ASEAN Coordinating AIA (ASEAN Investment Area) and Council), 56–7, 88–92, 111, AIA Council, 26–8, 159 155, 175 AICHR (ASEAN ACMB (ASEAN Compliance Intergovernmental Monitoring Body), 79 Commission on Human ACT (ASEAN Consultation to Rights), 69, 167 Solve Trade and Investment AIPO (ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Issues), 44, 166 Organisation), 47 ADMM (ASEAN Defence ALAWMM (ASEAN Law Ministers’ Meeting), 39 Ministers’ Meeting), 37 AEC (ASEAN Economic ALMM (ASEAN Labour Ministers), Community), xxiii, xxvii, 44, 36 78, 108 AMAF (ASEAN Ministers of AECC (ASEAN Economic Agriculture and Forestry), Community Council), 52–7, 36 156 AMCA (ASEAN Ministers AEM (ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Responsible for Culture and Meeting), 19, 24–8, 80, 159 the Arts), 39 AFMM (ASEAN Finance Ministers’ AMM (ASEAN Ministerial Meeting), 38 Meeting), 16–40, 176 African Union, legal service AMME (ASEAN Ministerial observations from, 133, 135–6 Meeting on the AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) Environment), 37 and AFTA Council, 20, AMMin (ASEAN Ministerial 26–7, 31, 35, 82 Meeting on Minerals), 39 194 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based
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