Our Attraction G. W. ROBINSON & CO. IH^ELEADE.5P£G ^Wd.Sous

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Our Attraction G. W. ROBINSON & CO. IH^ELEADE.5P£G ^Wd.Sous THE NEWS __£__:ricL __^.lloerta_ Irri^a-tionist. VOL XVI. [iETHBKIDGE, ALBERTA, N.W. T., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1900. NO. 5. A. EASTON & Co. DEALERS IN THE Sre vtt» l WE ARE STILL BUSY SELLING UAOl, tt-. Harness of all kinds A/ „.mM,\»00. n, Trunks and Valises '•?/ Cowboy Gloves and Mitts Tents and Wagon Covers AIL KIND. SADDLERY 8AB.WA&., Repairing promptly attended to. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Ordered work done on short notice Call and inspect our goods. New Year's Gifts. a Happy New Year. MUSIC. M,!lisS . NFaAI.K, Teacher of MUilc, Fence Posts. HARTIE8 requirlu*- tlr-ot O.-1__KM Cedar Kence Our Attraction G. W. ROBINSON & CO. I Poetfl -hnnlil oopply loo WILLIAM MeCURE, Fernie, B.C, for the Festive Season. CITY RESTAURANT Lean, J. Campbell, B. Hlscox, B. C. BEGIN. Prop. A. Slaffoid, W. Watson, L. Robson. OUR SCHOOLS. Clark. North Ward School. r'HESH OYSTKKS every MAIL TRAIN. STANDARD II.—P. Higinbotham, L. JUNIOR ML—J. Cain. I). Nimmons, Tabic lopplli <l with du- beat. Kinniburgh, I>. Paxman. A. Whitney. H. Ken, J. Green. W. Maxwell; .M also choice Confectioner)'. Faxtry and Freud Standing of Pupils for tlie R. Cavanah, 11. Mewhurn. ti. Brady, Caiu (absent.i Fruit*. T. Hopkins. S. Pimm, M. Clark, E. SENIOR IL S. Freestone, W. Wall- lllipni'led and DO-OOSti. ClgStS. Month of December. work. A. Roisaine. NEW YEAR Re.-d. M. Garden,, B. Elliott, M. Camp* JUNIOR II. VV. Ken, A. Graham. Below is ilu* report l>y standards oil" t_.ll, F. aMcBeth, J. Hardie, J. Me­ PART ii.— F. Joneiv J. Winchester. C. B. BOWMAN, the i-i tiding <>t pupils of the High and Kiilop, R. Sherlock. S. Davis. E Bark­ F. David; N. Link, ahso-nt. Puhhr Schools for the month of Decern* er. A. Davis, .1. Watson. L. Clark, R. PART L—(3).— 1. Nolan, E. Johnston, Fire and Life Insurance, ,M. Pimm, J. Graham. Freeman, L. PaxuiHti, M. Shorthouse, Real Estate Agent. her names in order of merit: PART I. (8).—R. Link and-C. Wat* HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT I. Pierce, M, McKay, R. Campbell, E. tnough, equal: N. Johnson, (j. Nolan.• STANDARD VI.I - ES.Henson. Fleetwood, L. Garbutt. H. MeKiilop. PART 1(1).—J. Vere, G. Pimm. M. Jones. L. Jones, E. Joones, H.Simmons, Lots for Sale in all parts oif the Town- STANDARD vn. A. Ripley. B. Moran, E. White. W. Oliver. G. site. VV. Simmons, E. Sunquist. J. Sebow, STANDAKO VI. -J. O'Hagan, L. Fleet­ Mitchell, M. White. S. Johnston. V. David. J. Robinson, J, Graham. Improved Properties tor Sale. wood, Fa. Whitney, fi. MeKiilop. N. STANDARD I. PART IL—VV. Kenni­ • Luis ton Sale near No. 3 Shaft. HAMPER No. 1. Kenniburgh, ES. Fiiscox. burgh. W. Johnson. F. Coultry, F. BANQUET. Agent for good Fire insurance Co'ys STANDARD Y. ES, Sloian. A. Wallace, Gilmour, S. Lowther, S. McDiarmid, F. Agent Confederation Life Ass'n. 1 box choice Figs J. Fraser, FI. Mewburn, H. Prater, K. Harvey. B. Davies. W. Stafford, A. d-lveii by "laj >>o *•••«• I,II ru to the ( «.uu- 1 box Bon Bons cll ot 1900 and « number or ltl*. Money to Loan Burnett, N. Oarhutt, li. Xitmiions, !, Hillis, M. Davis, Byron McKay. L. Mc­ Frieuds. 1 lb Mixed Nuts Link, A. MoNahb. Diarmid, F. (Mark, N. Fairhurst. N. under definite contract mortgages. 1 lb Table Raisins • PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Kirkham. ('. Dooley. A. Mitchell, B. On Friday evening last the Council ot 1 lb Fancy Biscuits (Ohnstie's) STANDARD rv, :\IOK.--F. O'Hngan, ("• ,\< fin t, 1>. Brady 1900 and a lew old frieuds, weio: entei Office in KoliiiiHonV llookntore. S. Bentley. I.. r'.iris, M. Fr.i-.ei. A. JUNIOR PART IL — F. Johnston, T. tained hy Dr. Mewburn. the retiring 61b Apples Niven, .1. McBeth, 0. Freeman, I. Niven. H. Higinbotham, F. R<>s«, c. .Mayor, at a banquet in the Lethhridge 1 bottle Port Wine Hardie, R. .tones, (i. Cole. Hotel. Coven were laid for twenty Walker. C. Paxman, VV. Fairhurst, A. anil the table was beautifully decorat­ 0 1 bottle Rye Whiskey, 7 years old STANDARD IV. JUNIOR.—B. Warren, Mewhurn. D. Shorthouse. 0. Cole, L. ed with white crysantheinums. Avery Fashionable Haircuttlng and Easy Shaving. S. Kirkham, R. Freeman, O. Davies, Naismith. H. Kenniburgh, B. Mac-nice dinuer was served, all the delica­ For $3.00. T. Fleetwood, W. Fleetwood, 0. Hys­ Donald, F. Brady, F. Reed. Part term cies of the season being provided and Good billiard aud Pool Tables in connection. sop. K. Fierce, A. Wallwork, H. Mun­ only, G. Rowe. Messrs. Henderson _t Downer are to be congratulated on the manner in which roe, VV. Garbutt. Present every dav PART l, CLASS L— A. Niven, A. Hen­ H TAYLOR, - Prop. in December: K. Jones, L. Paris, F. the repast was prepared and served. HAMPER No. 2. derson, F, Barker. W, Garbutt, A. After the inner man had been satisfied O'Hagan, S. Bentley. C Freeman, O. Johnston, J. Hyssop. M. McDonald, E. the following toasts were proposed ; Still doing Business in 1 box Figs Davies. A. WH 11 work, R. Pierce, H. 1 box Bonbons Morris, A. Davies, H. Wiley. F. Whit­ "The Queen" which was duly honored the Old Stand. Freeman, T. Fleetwood, B. Warren. ney. Pail term only. J. Brown, 1. '•Our Country" responded to by Dr. 6 lb Apples Not a late in December. Wallace. DeVeber, M. L. A., who reviewed the STANDARD HI. SENIOR.—J. Ross, F. situation since confederation and show­ 1 bottle Hudson Bay 7 year old Rye (LASS IL—.). Wallace. D. McDiarmid. ed that the past few years have been Frasar, E. Henderson. D. Hyssop. A. 1 bottle Pale Brandy H. Hamilton, G. Oliver, S. Hopkins. die most prosperous of its history. Best:: Assortment 1 bottle Port O'Hagan, J. aMcBeth, E. Henderson C. Sherlock, J. Oliver, E. Holmes. M. "Lethhridge, its past, present, aud P. McCullough, VV. Hyssop, A. Niven, Pierc->, J. Gardner, J. Hyssop. J. Mit­ future," reresponded to by Mr. W. OF 1 bottle Sherry O. Freeman, I. McBeth, C. Wallace, O. \ chell. A. Naismith, E. Campbell, E. Colpman, who went over the ground 6 Imported Cigars Stafford, 0. MacDonald, N. Hardy, T. Freestone, C. McNabb, M. Robertson, since the town was Hist started. He McNabb. E. Cole, R. Wylie, VV. Hop* told of its ups and downs and pictured A. Patterson, W. Clark. H. Williams, a very pleasant future for it when the For $4.00. kins. B. aVIcLean, M. aVIcCaugherty. Part land immediately surrounding it, STANDARD III, JUNIOR.—O.Cavanah, term only, S. Moran, .\. Stafford. brought under cultivation by the aid oi H. Henderson, U. Walker, L. Niven, CLASS HI. — D. Ritchie. T. Laurie, M. the Irrigation system, will be dotted HAMPER No. 3. G. Hea.on. L. Taylor. G. Hardie, D. Fleetwood, C. Curry, C. Fairhurst, E* with pleasant homes. Mr. Conybeare iu proposing the toast of "Our Host, PIPES 1 bottle Hudson Bay 7 year old Rye Robson, P. Walker, VV. Hyssop, E. Snowden, I Mitchell, E. Hutton, G. the Mayor." referred to him in most Fleetwood, J. McKay. G. Elliott. A. AT THK 1 bottle Pale or Dark Brandy McLeod, A. Neale. VV. Hiscox, R. Mc­ eulogistic terms, stating that although 1 bottle Port Wine Hardie, H. Taylor, A. Stafford, M. Kay, M. McCaugherty. Part term a very busy man in his profession ne Campbell, J. Davis, L. Cu.iry, F. Mc- jonly , F. Scott, B. Finnis, P. Walker had never lost an opportunity of ad­ 1 bottle Scotch Whiskey vancing the interests of the town. Hub Barber Shop 1 bottle Irish Whiskey During the past two years the busi­ ness of the Council v,as the most im­ 1 bottle Rum . £ portant of any previous vears aud the Between Winnipeg and Coast-Bar Nothing. work that bad fallen upon the Mayor IH^ELEADE.5P g had been unusually heavy, bul Dr. For $5.00. Mewburn had cheerfully given up the necessary time for perfoirning his See Prices HAMPER No. 4. duties. The Mayor replied in a very and he convinced. happy manner. He thought social 3 bottles Hudson Bay 7 year old Rye reunions were very beneficial to all. 1 bottle Sherry We used to have quite a number in the Big Slaughter. old days and he hoped to see more in 1 bottle Port Wine the future. "The Ladies" responded to by Messrs Stovall and Rohinsou, the A fine assortment to choose from tor 1 bottle Brandy Xmas Presents. latter proposing the toast of "The Lady 1 bottle John Dewar's Special Mayoress" which was drank enthus­ 1 box Cigars (25) iastically, the Mayor replying in a few words. The balance of the evening HI. G. SEAMAN 1 lb Table Raisins was spent in social converse and when 1 Box Bon bons it dispersed, at a little after twelve, all HAH THE 1 Box Figs were agreed that they had passed a LARGEST STOCK OP 1 lb Fancy Biscuits (Christie's) very pleasant evening. 6 bottles Ale PIPES, For $10.00. SO ALSO ARE PURE O-oAPt CREAM Or TARTAR POW0_*> TOBACCOS, DU _____iT_D SMOKERS' Our stock of Christmas Groceries! 15,000 S!™HS:32!^ Tlie omen, of 6RAN D JEWEL STOVES are our best advertiiera. If you * will be found strictly fresh: wish to learn of their merits, consult those who use them. SUNDRIES, Choice Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Shelled Walnuts Asa wood cook stove the 6RAND JEWEL outclasses all other stores to burn coal all you have to do is to change the linings.
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