THE NEWS __£__:ricL __^.lloerta_ Irri^a-tionist.

VOL XVI. [iETHBKIDGE, ALBERTA, N.W. T., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1900. NO. 5. A. EASTON & Co. DEALERS IN THE Sre vtt» l WE ARE STILL BUSY SELLING UAOl, tt-. Harness of all kinds A/ „.mM,\»00. n, Trunks and Valises '•?/ Cowboy Gloves and Mitts Tents and Wagon Covers AIL KIND. SADDLERY 8AB.WA&., Repairing promptly attended to. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Ordered work done on short notice Call and inspect our goods. New Year's Gifts. a Happy New Year. MUSIC. M,!lisS . NFaAI.K, Teacher of MUilc, Fence Posts. HARTIE8 requirlu*- tlr-ot O.-1__KM Cedar Kence Our Attraction G. W. ROBINSON & CO. I Poetfl -hnnlil oopply loo WILLIAM MeCURE, Fernie, B.C, for the Festive Season. CITY RESTAURANT Lean, J. Campbell, B. Hlscox, B. C. BEGIN. Prop. A. Slaffoid, W. Watson, L. Robson. OUR SCHOOLS. Clark. North Ward School. r'HESH OYSTKKS every MAIL TRAIN. STANDARD II.—P. Higinbotham, L. JUNIOR ML—J. Cain. I). Nimmons, Tabic lopplli . Paxman. A. Whitney. H. Ken, J. Green. W. Maxwell; .M also choice Confectioner)'. Faxtry and Freud Standing of Pupils for tlie R. Cavanah, 11. Mewhurn. ti. Brady, Caiu (absent.i Fruit*. T. Hopkins. S. Pimm, M. Clark, E. SENIOR IL S. Freestone, W. Wall- lllipni'led and DO-OOSti. ClgStS. Month of December. work. A. Roisaine. NEW YEAR Re.-d. M. Garden,, B. Elliott, M. Camp* JUNIOR II. VV. Ken, A. Graham. Below is ilu* report l>y standards oil" t_.ll, F. aMcBeth, J. Hardie, J. Me­ PART ii.— F. Joneiv J. Winchester. C. B. BOWMAN, the i-i tiding <>t pupils of the High and Kiilop, R. Sherlock. S. Davis. E Bark­ F. David; N. Link, ahso-nt. Puhhr Schools for the month of Decern* er. A. Davis, .1. Watson. L. Clark, R. PART L—(3).— 1. Nolan, E. Johnston, Fire and Life Insurance, ,M. Pimm, J. Graham. Freeman, L. PaxuiHti, M. Shorthouse, Real Estate Agent. her names in order of merit: PART I. (8).—R. Link and-C. Wat* HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT I. Pierce, M, McKay, R. Campbell, E. tnough, equal: N. Johnson, (j. Nolan.• STANDARD VI.I - ES.Henson. Fleetwood, L. Garbutt. H. MeKiilop. PART 1(1).—J. Vere, G. Pimm. M. Jones. L. Jones, E. Joones, H.Simmons, Lots for Sale in all parts oif the Town- STANDARD vn. A. Ripley. B. Moran, E. White. W. Oliver. G. site. VV. Simmons, E. Sunquist. J. Sebow, STANDAKO VI. -J. O'Hagan, L. Fleet­ Mitchell, M. White. S. Johnston. V. David. J. Robinson, J, Graham. Improved Properties tor Sale. wood, Fa. Whitney, fi. MeKiilop. N. STANDARD I. PART IL—VV. Kenni­ • Luis ton Sale near No. 3 Shaft. HAMPER No. 1. Kenniburgh, ES. Fiiscox. burgh. W. Johnson. F. Coultry, F. BANQUET. Agent for good Fire insurance Co'ys STANDARD Y. ES, Sloian. A. Wallace, Gilmour, S. Lowther, S. McDiarmid, F. Agent Confederation Life Ass'n. 1 box choice Figs J. Fraser, FI. Mewburn, H. Prater, K. Harvey. B. Davies. W. Stafford, A. d-lveii by "laj >>o *•••«• I,II ru to the ( «.uu- 1 box Bon Bons cll ot 1900 and « number or ltl*. Money to Loan Burnett, N. Oarhutt, li. Xitmiions, !, Hillis, M. Davis, Byron McKay. L. Mc­ Frieuds. 1 lb Mixed Nuts Link, A. MoNahb. Diarmid, F. (Mark, N. Fairhurst. N. under definite contract mortgages. 1 lb Table Raisins • PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Kirkham. ('. Dooley. A. Mitchell, B. On Friday evening last the Council ot 1 lb Fancy Biscuits (Ohnstie's) STANDARD rv, :\IOK.--F. O'Hngan, ("• ,\< fin t, 1>. Brady 1900 and a lew old frieuds, weio: entei Office in KoliiiiHonV llookntore. S. Bentley. I.. r'.iris, M. Fr.i-.ei. A. JUNIOR PART IL — F. Johnston, T. tained hy Dr. Mewburn. the retiring 61b Apples Niven, .1. McBeth, 0. Freeman, I. Niven. H. Higinbotham, F. R<>s«, c. .Mayor, at a banquet in the Lethhridge 1 bottle Port Wine Hardie, R. .tones, (i. Cole. Hotel. Coven were laid for twenty Walker. C. Paxman, VV. Fairhurst, A. anil the table was beautifully decorat­ 0 1 bottle Rye Whiskey, 7 years old STANDARD IV. JUNIOR.—B. Warren, Mewhurn. D. Shorthouse. 0. Cole, L. ed with white crysantheinums. Avery Fashionable Haircuttlng and Easy Shaving. S. Kirkham, R. Freeman, O. Davies, Naismith. H. Kenniburgh, B. Mac-nice dinuer was served, all the delica­ For $3.00. T. Fleetwood, W. Fleetwood, 0. Hys­ Donald, F. Brady, F. Reed. Part term cies of the season being provided and Good billiard aud Pool Tables in connection. sop. K. Fierce, A. Wallwork, H. Mun­ only, G. Rowe. Messrs. Henderson _t Downer are to be congratulated on the manner in which roe, VV. Garbutt. Present every dav PART l, CLASS L— A. Niven, A. Hen­ H TAYLOR, - Prop. in December: K. Jones, L. Paris, F. the repast was prepared and served. HAMPER No. 2. derson, F, Barker. W, Garbutt, A. After the inner man had been satisfied O'Hagan, S. Bentley. C Freeman, O. Johnston, J. Hyssop. M. McDonald, E. the following toasts were proposed ; Still doing Business in 1 box Figs Davies. A. WH 11 work, R. Pierce, H. 1 box Bonbons Morris, A. Davies, H. Wiley. F. Whit­ "The Queen" which was duly honored the Old Stand. Freeman, T. Fleetwood, B. Warren. ney. Pail term only. J. Brown, 1. '•Our Country" responded to by Dr. 6 lb Apples Not a late in December. Wallace. DeVeber, M. L. A., who reviewed the STANDARD HI. SENIOR.—J. Ross, F. situation since confederation and show­ 1 bottle Hudson Bay 7 year old Rye (LASS IL—.). Wallace. D. McDiarmid. ed that the past few years have been Frasar, E. Henderson. D. Hyssop. A. 1 bottle Pale Brandy H. Hamilton, G. Oliver, S. Hopkins. die most prosperous of its history. Best:: Assortment 1 bottle Port O'Hagan, J. aMcBeth, E. Henderson C. Sherlock, J. Oliver, E. Holmes. M. "Lethhridge, its past, present, aud P. McCullough, VV. Hyssop, A. Niven, Pierc->, J. Gardner, J. Hyssop. J. Mit­ future," reresponded to by Mr. W. OF 1 bottle Sherry O. Freeman, I. McBeth, C. Wallace, O. \ chell. A. Naismith, E. Campbell, E. Colpman, who went over the ground 6 Imported Cigars Stafford, 0. MacDonald, N. Hardy, T. Freestone, C. McNabb, M. Robertson, since the town was Hist started. He McNabb. E. Cole, R. Wylie, VV. Hop* told of its ups and downs and pictured A. Patterson, W. Clark. H. Williams, a very pleasant future for it when the For $4.00. kins. B. aVIcLean, M. aVIcCaugherty. Part land immediately surrounding it, STANDARD III, JUNIOR.—O.Cavanah, term only, S. Moran, .\. Stafford. brought under cultivation by the aid oi H. Henderson, U. Walker, L. Niven, CLASS HI. — D. Ritchie. T. Laurie, M. the Irrigation system, will be dotted HAMPER No. 3. G. Hea.on. L. Taylor. G. Hardie, D. Fleetwood, C. Curry, C. Fairhurst, E* with pleasant homes. Mr. Conybeare iu proposing the toast of "Our Host, PIPES 1 bottle Hudson Bay 7 year old Rye Robson, P. Walker, VV. Hyssop, E. Snowden, I Mitchell, E. Hutton, G. the Mayor." referred to him in most Fleetwood, J. McKay. G. Elliott. A. AT THK 1 bottle Pale or Dark Brandy McLeod, A. Neale. VV. Hiscox, R. Mc­ eulogistic terms, stating that although 1 bottle Port Wine Hardie, H. Taylor, A. Stafford, M. Kay, M. McCaugherty. Part term a very busy man in his profession ne Campbell, J. Davis, L. Cu.iry, F. Mc- jonly , F. Scott, B. Finnis, P. Walker had never lost an opportunity of ad­ 1 bottle Scotch Whiskey vancing the interests of the town. Hub Barber Shop 1 bottle Irish Whiskey During the past two years the busi­ ness of the Council v,as the most im­ 1 bottle Rum . £ portant of any previous vears aud the Between and Coast-Bar Nothing. work that bad fallen upon the Mayor IH^ELEADE.5P g had been unusually heavy, bul Dr. For $5.00. Mewburn had cheerfully given up the necessary time for perfoirning his See Prices HAMPER No. 4. duties. The Mayor replied in a very and he convinced. happy manner. He thought social 3 bottles Hudson Bay 7 year old Rye reunions were very beneficial to all. 1 bottle Sherry We used to have quite a number in the Big Slaughter. old days and he hoped to see more in 1 bottle Port Wine the future. "The Ladies" responded to by Messrs Stovall and Rohinsou, the A fine assortment to choose from tor 1 bottle Brandy Xmas Presents. latter proposing the toast of "The Lady 1 bottle John Dewar's Special Mayoress" which was drank enthus­ 1 box Cigars (25) iastically, the Mayor replying in a few words. The balance of the evening HI. G. SEAMAN 1 lb Table Raisins was spent in social converse and when 1 Box Bon bons it dispersed, at a little after twelve, all HAH THE 1 Box Figs were agreed that they had passed a LARGEST STOCK OP 1 lb Fancy Biscuits (Christie's) very pleasant evening. 6 bottles Ale PIPES, For $10.00. SO ALSO ARE PURE O-oAPt CREAM Or TARTAR POW0_*> TOBACCOS, DU _____iT_D SMOKERS' Our stock of Christmas Groceries! 15,000 S!™HS:32!^ Tlie omen, of 6RAN D JEWEL STOVES are our best advertiiera. If you * will be found strictly fresh: wish to learn of their merits, consult those who use them. SUNDRIES, Choice Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Shelled Walnuts Asa wood cook stove the 6RAND JEWEL outclasses all other stores to burn coal all you have to do is to change the linings. ever shown in this city. Shelled Almonds, Peels, Mince Meat, McLaren's THE CRAND JEWEL is fully guaranteed by the manufacturers, and W afTB-S-CAmA Cheese, C & B. Jams and Jellies if you don't like it after a fair trial you will get your money back. CREAM NOTICE: GRAND JEWEL COOKS ARE MADE IN FOUR SIZES, "-^MtSSSCSIChristmas Stockings, Confectionery SOLE MAKERS 'lo.iwo Ladle*. Safe.effeotual. Ladles ask BAKING your druggist for Cook's Cotton Keet Csm IooandS. Tak e no other, as all Mixtures, pills snd THE BURROW, STEWART & MILNE COMPANY, LIMITED, Imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, fl per box; No. 8,10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. ESUBLISNED 1884. HAMILTON, CANADA 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price aud two S-eent —FOR *_,_• "Jr.— Stamps. The Cook Company Windsor. Oat. POWDER pair He*, l and a sold and recommended by til Druggists tn Canada. Highest Honors. World's Fair ^wd.sous ^aa Shorts C- TXT. OrTl-J^ir - Oold Medal. Midwinter Fair No I anol No. 2 -odd in Lethbrielge by J. D Mif-inhothKin and Co., snd the Lerhbrld-re Dru-r A*.iil Bd.ioifr 1'iMvdi'ra containing N.B.—Orders delivered promptly. Telephone 31 j Lethbridge, Alta. Telephone 66. slum I ti.) are i ii i u i io ut tu health T********11*****' et._ .1 ****** ______Wishing you "A Happy New Year." 3^37- stool-.: of O-rooories is -vBx\y complete- Selected Valencia Raisins. Clark's Mince Meat in 51b. tins. REX Brand Hams and Pine Off-stalk Valencia Raisins. Bailey's Extract of Clams. Breakfast Bacon. Table Raisins in Cartons. Heinz & Co's Evaporated Horse Radish. Ram Lai Tea. Primrose Seeded Raisins. " Tomato Catsup. Mecca Coffee. Smyrna Raisins. English Club Pickles. Christie's Biscuits. Gleaned Currants. Taddy & Co's Tobaccos. Kuxjoy Currants in Mrs. Card's Tomato Chutney. packages. Aylmer Chicken Soup. McCormack's Biscuits and Confectionery. Batger's Sliced Peels. New Honey in lib. Pots. Schilling's Best Baking Powder. C. & B. Assorted Peels. Bowlby Bros' Canned Fruits. Oranges and Lemons. Cooking Figs. Table Pigs. Aylmer Canned Vegetables. Apples. Nuts. Shelled Almonds. Spanish Onions. Government Creamery Butter. NEW EVAPORATED FRUITS. Choice Eastern Butter in tubs and prints. CABBAGE, CARROTS, TURNIPS, Maple Syrup. Apricots, Peaches. Plums, Cranberries. BEETS, PARSNIPS, ONIONS. Pears, Prunes, Apples. Cole's Hot Blast Heating Stoves Best Brands of Cigars & Cigarettes.

C2sn<3rt___-1 Msrr StWlt, And at Fernie, B.C. n.w.¥,

1 111: Another socialistic failure has occurr­ hand, and those who could not get a i prafound thiukur" murmured Mr. V -^ -*^ ^ •**>«. •***;. -^ --V. -^ -**V • *«««, -^ -^a -^a • **V -^ ^ -^. •**»> ed. This time it is the Christian Com­ hand, patted the man', back. Indeed j Bennessey, as he absent mindedly put *r*r^'**'-a* •+*•+*••+**•**•**'•+*••+*•+*'•+*'+*•**•+*'.*••+*' Xctbb..oflc flews. monwealth Colony in .Muscogeecounty, I saw no less than five people patting a , Mr. Doaley's big plug into bin overcoat VI LKTHBUIDGK, ALBERTA. Georgia, [whose lands and improve­ man's back at one and the same time. pocket, "but yer conclooahun is wrang, ments were offered for sale last week. I heard one of the boys say to another, fiT Kenny's goneto win. (food avnin'." w SiibscrlptloM, $1.50 per annum in adfance The colony started out under very "Bill, tiiis is something awful, we will Contributed. w favorable circumstances and the first never get out alive." But your boys K. T. SAUNDERS & CO., PROPRIETOR-. PRESENTATION. year's experience was very encouiag- were pleased, their faces fairly beam­ f i:. HAQELL, MAX.XUKH. ing. So much so, indeed, that the ing. One of the fellows said to me, On .Monday afternoon, a committee ! FAREWEL w THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1900. original number of members—forty- "Well, 1 have heard of the Lancashire waited on Miss Angus, at the residence rose to over one hundred. Trouble Lads, but you are daisies." Well, the of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. R. to the 19th Century well pleased V ADVEBTMB OP1I ADVANTAGES. now commenced. About one-fifth of last I saw was troops and crowd inter­ Ripley, when a presentation ot silver- w The suggestion made at the last the members failed to do their proper mingled going down Chapel street, and mounted ebony manicure and dressing w meeting of the Town Council that share of work, and the majority voted some score or more hoisted on the cases was made, and the following with our business for the past something should he done in the way to expel them. The law was invoked shoulders of the populace. I never saw address read: T of advertising our town and district, and although the majority were sus­ such enthusiasm before in my life, or Dear Miss Angus:—With sincere re­ year, and especially the last few gret wi* have learned of your intention with a view to inducing settlement on tained in the courts, the dissensions ever expect to see the same again. w continued, and peace was no more. Liverpool went fairly hantic, but best of leaving the rolling prairies for your ths irrigated lands in the neighborhood olol home near the "many sounding months, and wish to thank our of the town, will, we think, meet with The operations of the second year were of all, it came straight from the heart, seas." 1 the most hearty approval of our citi­ marked by a loss greater thau the and the dear Canadian lads, God bless In almost all newly settled communi­ ties especially, those of the far West, many customers for their patron­ zens. After contributing 8130,000 to­ profits of the first year, and the colony em, felt and appreciated it. We w failed to meet its payments. This year Liverpudlians perhaps made fools of where the prevailing sentiment is not wards the irrigation project, with the in favor if godliness hut of laxity of age and wish one and all a Happy idea of rendering possible settlement was marked by still more serious ourselves for the time being, but any­ murals, it is hard enough to find those i in the country contiguous to Lethbridge, deficiencies, and a huge number of the how we don'i want to take anything who'll undertake a portion of Christian work, and more difficult still to secure and Prosperous New Year. $ it appears to us that it would be a most members abandoned the enterprise. back. An application for a receivership being those, who having assumed the duty unwise course to now sit dowu with Food Changed to Poison. are faithful in its fulfilment. Since w folded hands and wait for the develop­ granted, the property was put up to yoou have b . Higinbotiiam _. ( oo. wherever your lot may be cast, it will y able energy and money in making ^^'^'•^'•^'^•^•^•'^•^•^••^'^•^•^• *m'''^''^'^'^'^'^'^'*' i known the advantages which our dis­ "There is only one chance to save •— always be said of you: "She hath done MR, DOOLEY'S OPINION. what she could." Please accept these trict now offers to persons devoted to your life and that is through an opera­ small tokens of our regaid, not for agriculture, and if the Town Council tion" wore the startling words heard "Phat's yer a-pinyun av tli* contist their intrinsic worth, but as an evi­ and the citizens generally desire to see dence of our sincere ami loving ap­ by Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis. fr th' May-or's chare?" Inquired Mr. the lands in the immediate vicinity of from her doctor after vainly tried to preciation of your kindly, faithful and Hennessey. Mr. Dooley sat silent dur­ willing services. toe you a Picture to Frame ? the town brought under cultivation, cure her of a frightful case of stomach ing half a dozen vigorous puffs and Signed on behalf of the Sunday they should endeavor, collectively and - trouble and yellow jaundice. Call then said, "O'im awake, Hennessey, School, We have the largest line of individually, to bring the scheme to a stones had formed and she constantly an' o'i have been thinkin', Hennessey, J. D. HlOINBOTHAM, Supt., successful issue, by backing up the and the Christian Endeavor Society, Mouldings in town. grew worse. Then she began to use an' ahfter matoor contimplashun an' efforts being made by the Irrigation (Sgd.) E. N. HIOINBOTHAM, Pres. Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. dape absthractshun o'i hev arroived at Company either by issuing printed It'sa wonderful stomach, liver and kid­ th' condooshun that if Kenny is not He Says he was Tortured. HAVE YOU SBBN OUR matter on their own account or in con­ ney remedy. Cures dyspepsia, loss of ilicted—an' whoy shuddent he be dieted nection with the literature issued by appetite. Try it. Only 50c. Guaran­ "I suffered such pain from corns I Hennessey? answer me that; hasn't he could hardly walk, writes H. Robinson, the Company. Much can be done by teed. For sale by J. I). Higinbotham got th' bind ev ould O'ireland in 'im Hillsborough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Christmas Carvers? individual effort. Printed matter & Oo. that brings a man t' th' frunt ivery- Arnica Salve completely cured them." being readily available, every man in­ **» where ixcipt in O'ireland, fer outside Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, terested in the welfare and progress of cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. A BOUSING RECEPTION. th' ould sod Hennessy we kin bate th* Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. the town and district could do immi­ BRODIE & STAFFORD al '. Ul/ni or Liverpool Described tlio wur-rld at anythin' frum carryin' th Cure guaranteed bvJ. D. Higinbotham gration work on his own account by Manner in w li.< h tin Canadian hod t' dhraftin' a constitooshun; an' k Co. 25c. circulating the same amongst his Boj* Were Received 1 here. iviry town in Narth Ameriky has had' friends, wherever they might dwell. STIRLING MURMURS. The following letter has been received an O'irishtnan fr May-or, an' as o'i wus Possibly there aie reading rooms or by Sergt. B. H. Bolderson, from his sayin', Hennessey, uts me can-ded a- The unexpected death oof Mr. Henry public libraries iu the towns or villages uncle, Geo. Harris, of Liverpool, and pinyun that ef Kenny's nat ilicted on Schutt, which took place Dec. 16th, "WISH:IDI*TO- ITOTJ from which many of our citizens came, 1900, has cast a great gloom over this we have pleasure in printing it for the Monday nixt—for ivery wan knos he and a little literature sent to those settlement. Funeral services were benefit of our readers, as showing the wus ilicted accordin' to law on th' held over the remains, Tuesday, at 1 places occasionally would possibly be spontaniety and heartiness of the re­ tinth: aven th' man that counted im p.m., in the Meeting house. All the the means of awakening &n interest in speakers testified to the integrity of his ception ac orded the Canadian boys by out has learned' that Kenny wus la- our district and eventually lead to life and to his unfailing charity to the people of that city: gelly ilicted. Phat's that ye say? Ho, everyone. Special mention was made settlement here. But whatever is I send y voy to-day's mail yester­ Mr. Downarr ses Awliver wus mat-rally of the merciful kindness which hs done nnut be done quickly, if the town day's dailj Post. Two hundred and ilicted, does'e! An' phat's the duff- manifested to all the animal creation. is to reap any benefit during the com­ The sympathy of everyo'ne goes out to RESPECTFULLY YOURS, odd men uf the 2nd Canadian Regi­ rance bethune bein' lagally ilicted an' ing year, If it is desired to influence his bereaved wife. ment arrived here yesterday from the marally ilicted? Av coorse ye doaut agriculturists to come here next year, Mi. Mark Y. Cannon returned to his Transvaal, via London, and we were kno', Hennessey, an'soo'ill tel'ye. Uts the influence must be exerted before home here Tuesday night, bringing already to meet them. They met with this way, logelly is a substince an' a fact, with him his bride. SHERLOCK & HIGINBOTHAM. the work of spring is commenced and a splendid ovation right along from morally is .a sintinment an' s shaddy, We have a day school now in good another crop under way, otherwise faime St., Ranleagh St., Lord St., logelly ie a bone in a dogs mouth, running order, R. J. Gordon, C. E., such efforts would doubtless prove having taken charge for the winter Castle street to the Town Hall. Then marally is the shaddy au it in th' drink; abortive for that season. The NEWS is months. THK ULD ESTABLISHED they were wined and dined, aud the /a'/etlyis a roast av beef in frunt av ye, often in receipt of requests from per­ New houses are still going up in the NEW BAKERY. great event of the day followed, to wit: marally is a snioile frum th' cook at th' sons, principally residents of the Cni- town, notwithstanding the lateness of the whole force visited the Exchange ither ind av th' table—both are gud, the year. Stirling continues to grow. ted States, asking for copies of the News room. It was crowded by the Hennessy, but smoiles an' sintiment CITY BAKERY. The undersigned wishes to inform paper, as they intend making a move usual merchants and also gaily dressed an' matal posishuna wont put a man in TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF the residents oof Le.hbr.dg8 that he has and wish to get particulars of our dis­ opened a bakery at the west end of ladies, including your aunt and myself affice anny moai than they'll put LETHBRIDGE. trict, and in this connection we would S. R. BRADY, Prop. Redpath street, nnd solicits thepatrou- On the entry of the troops there was marry in his bones er mussels on his —__*—i— suggest that readers of the NEWS when Having been nominated to again con­ age of the public. one continued roar—not cheeis, but ar-rums; an' Kenny had th' roast beef test the seat for the Mayoralty for they are through with it, should mail Good Pure Bread delivered to Bread, huns and cakes delivered daily hoarse roaring. Then all hands sang av substince and law in his fa ver an' such numbers as coistain articles or 1!MI], I herewith solicit your vote and all parts of town. to all parts of towu. "The Maple Leaf," Where are the Boys phat does he do? T'show that he's a items of general interest about this influence on my behalf and promise if of the Old Brigade." "Soldiers of the |tro o son av th' ould sod an' ivenedy Wedding cakes made to order. district to people wham they believe elected to work for the best interests Buns, Cakes Queen," kc. Then the officer in com- I fer a scrap, he ses o'ill give up me lagal would be interested in the subjects. of our Town. Our goods for sale al J. \V. Kean's mand made a rattling speech and said posishun an' foight ye agin, he ses; an' Vours faithfully, and Pastry. store. The more widely our district and the nowhere had they had such a reception j Awliver who knew ut wus his only WM. OLIVER. WEDDING CAKES HADE TO ORDER. special offer being made by the Irriga­ as in Liverpool. He (the officer) then j chanst annyway ses. o'ill give up me tion Company to settlers on the irrigat­ came down stairs and the next thing | maral posishun an' go ye another Tenders Wanted. PALACE BAKER?. S. KEYES. ed lands hefare May 1st next is adver­ Shop, - opp. Fire Hall. he was being carried shoulder high, j round, he ses. O'i wont st hind on me tised, the more iuterest may we expect ENDERS will be received up io Dec. 31st, I tell you, John, we all had lumps in la-gality ses Kenny: tell wid me mar* T 1900, for the following improvements to to be awakened, with consequently Knox Church, LethbridKe. viz: Shingling our throats and water in our eyes. ality ses Awliver, an' BO they've both **2L Jg; Wooa'e PhoBpfcodint, beneficial results to our town in the Nrathaide of main building*: painting roof of fZ.' The Great English Remedy. Matrons kissed the boys, and maids bin in trainin' fer u wake, an' the bout Church, Vestry and Porch: HIKO for nio'tnllii THE CENTRAL Sold and recommended hy all immediate future. ceiling in interior of church. Contractors to likewise. Liverpool was let loose. Wei cums off on Munday nixt, an' as o'i say supply nil innterinls. Tendon maybe for the druggists ln Canada. Onlv rell- whole or pari of above work. Lowest or any Boot *_& Shoe Store. 7 „ J^able medicine discovered. Six It is to be hoped that the new Coun­ only had driblets of sick men before Hennessey, uts me can-oled and delib- / < -' ' -dS^mckages guaranteed tn cure all lender not necessarily accepted. For «|wciHca- "••:•. •*Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse passing through Liverpool, and were j rate a-pinyun ahfter dape an' matoor tiotu Apply to> i ho undersigned. cil will make this subject one of Uie Hy order of the board, Dec. 18th, 1900. orextt is, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To Bnt to be dealt with, as most intimate­ spoiling for a chance to show the Can- jcontimplashu n an' absthractshun — I . W. I1IC.IM. • I II . 'I Uo not forget R b.i_;*o>. opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Secretory. M price, OM package tl, elx, 15. One will jdease, ly affecting the interests of the town, of adian boys what Liverpool thought an' ye can take ut i'r phat uts wttrth— •t.1 WUl cure. Pamphlets free to any add ress. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ool* and the citizens should co-operate to them. Well I have not told, nor can I that ef K.'miy is nm ilicted on th' tirty- Useful Present their fullest ability in the endeavor tell JTOU half, but listen. On the troop* wuust—niar-rk me wui-nis Htms—oy __T Woods Pboepbodlne is sold in Lethbridge H. Hutchinson, lor Boy or Girl : by J. P Higinbotham & Co.and Ihe Lethbridge which will doubtless be made by the emerging from the Exchange News —ef Kenny is nat ilicted -whoy Wil 1 >rng (to. Council to induce settlement on our room all formation was lost, and owing hum Awliver Ess-quire wull be th' A Pair of Boots or Slippers. vacant lands. to carrying his rifle, each man had May-or fer th' ye-ar Nointeen wan! Subscribe tor the "News." only one hand free. There were half a That's phat." i Subscribe for ths NJCWS, Sl.eO ft y._.r. dozen people ready to grasp each .use's " Y.i a prafound thiukur, Dooley, a LETHBRIDGE. W. T. KB-WSOST. $1.60 par annum. THE LETIIBRIDGE NEWS UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT. ARROW SHOTO. DYSPEPSIA AND HEADACHE. BOOK A NO HEAR!. It's a Short Road *'u-.'u<-_ii<>io« For II Mother Gooae and Fired nt Random. Tliey Slny Yet III* For many a yo ar ho- grubbed amowj Thimble Party. An Elderly Lady Talis of H<*r Cure The stalls where antique tonei lie ptk>_. Their .Murk. Through the Uia of D-*. WllllainV from a cough to consumption. LETHBEIDGE. N..WT. in these times, when thimble parties Anol then llotie win n, tor a long, Every once in awhile yon mn ucross a I'nik 1'llln Alter ,0 ft. core oil Oilier He liouKlit Buiiie prise, lie ever aniil*d. are so often the means of entertain­ mail with a very Impressive voice who Remedi.* Hmi Fallrd. Stannic at titles, ott till eyes . Don't neglect a cough—take Slanted aloft witt: eager looks, The I'nili-Nsnr li 1 .men poll II nn-riii. ing. It behooves the hostess to incor­ doesn't amount to unythiug. Dyspepsia causes more genuine dis­ Aa if he stood in p_n>iJi«e lie was nppurently mi old man, wore porate Into the sewing meeting some- Every man that ^nes up a hack alley tress than most diseases that alllict 'Neath trees of knowledge huns with lurge spectacles and curried a small thing which will bring her visitors to­ is not necessarily a thief. He may be Shiloh's learning to ride a bicycle. mankind. In this country from one Bit tc bei. Across the salchel was lalocl- 80 lonff the reflex dull of ralf, gether and establish cordial relations. When a widower nets married, nearly cause or another its victims are num. Morocco, vellum, li' hi* lace; co;. ••professor Kcolol. t'hlcago." He en- GueSBing contests of various natures every otber widowei' is Interested. bored by the hundreds of thousands, That it is leathern now by half, Consumption teio'd tho* waiting room of a suburban And Time'n deep tooling we can trace. always prove Interesting, often mirth Hocking chairs would mot ho* of much and 1 hose afflicted always feel tired, station sml deposited the satchel care­ use if it were not for women who put worn out and miserable, und are sub­ Volumes grew human In 1:1*-* 'are. provoking, and usually have the de­ While he their forti' and semt.lance took, lessly near the ice cooler. Suddenly ia most of their time rocking. ject to lits of melancholy or i,l tem­ sired effect of enabling the guests to 1111 men stoool on the (.helving there Cure those near saw tlie satchel fall nnd Hardly any jokes are funny unless per without apparent cause. It is And in the armchair lulled u hook. In.•onl lhe sharp tinkle of breaKing become acquainted more quickly. tliey are on the other fellow. obvious Unit the human body, in or­ when your cold appears.- The But books and nr>n will tray and fade tr'ass. The old man picked up the glass following is a suggestion from The When a mnn nets to the age where he der to perform its functions, must bo keeps au accurate account of the time of properly noyrished, and this cannot AB Care's rude linger turns the page, und muttered exclamations of distress. Ladies' World which, if carried out in Or in some sunless chamber laid "ounce of prevention " is day, he has not much else left too do. be done when the food is improperly "To think I brought them all the way a proper spirit, wouid doubtless prove Tliey warp and mildew into age. AlKiut all the satisfaction some folks digested. Those who suffer from in­ The living leaves grow sear and wan, better than years of illness. from Himll," lie said. enjoyable. It i.s a "Mother Cioose ram­ have is that they arc not like other peo­ digestion should exer-ifio discretion as The back knows minv an ache and creek. " Words cannot express mytgratitude for the ••Whnt were they?" Inquired some ble:" ple. to diet, and only easily digested Till into limbo's flung, the man good Soon.oil's Consumption ('.<•<•• has done Even folks who make n gooo! deal of And to the grave is borne the book. erne in the sympathetic crowd. Your guests are i imply invited to "a foods should be taken. But more mc, I had a chronic cuu_h—was in a danjjo-r- "Oerms!" fuss when they get married look very than this i.s roqulred-tho blood needs ous condition. cured the cough and thimble, from !. to ." Who knows; yon pile of ragged leaves saved me from consumption." "WhntV" common soon afterward. attention In order tha. tho stomach May, when some critic tir.ds it there, J. E. 8TURGIS, Niagara Falls. No intimation of ilu* game must be If there is a real hig chair in tho room. "Bacteria of n strnnge Brazilian fe­ may bo strengthened, and the secre­ Be gathered up like golden ihcavea given, as that would spoil the fun en­ every chump that comes in tries to tin of the gastric juices properly And garbed in beamy past compare. Shllnh'8 Coramiinptlon Cure IM gold by all ver." move it. E'en so, it anghi ot worth tie find tirely. carried om. Tho-re is no other medi­ druggliU in Cotnaoltt and United Htatfi at "Quick, man! ("rush them witb your Folks make presents o>f fountain pens Between its margins br.,ad and wMte. HA., OOc, SI.00 a buttle. In (ireat Ilritnln cine offered the public that will act foot!" Previous to their coming purchase to people who cannot write. Seine heavenly Qroiler ye' may bind at ll. Ad., '*-. 3d., and 4. (Ll. A printed so promptly ar.d effectively as Dr. goarantee goten with erery loottle. If vun "I can't, sir. They are now llonting two copies of Illustrated "Mother I>eaf men alway., seem to have a spe­ TV. b*x>kmau'8 soul in covers bright! Williams' pink Pills. Proof of this —George Beibel in Critic. are not natlnfled go tu your druggUt and get nreiiiiol in tbe air." Goose." Cut from one copy the best cial hankering to walk oin the railroad. y.urmoney back. A woman will use the potato masher is given it. he cose of Mrs. P, X. Tiio're was a moment of horror. Then known pictures, as "Little Tommy $100 REWARD. S100. to drive a nail rather than hunt the ham­ Doddridge, '.it. Sauveur, Que. in con­ Write for illustrated book on Consumption. Sent there was a rush, anil n little later the Tucker," "Little .lack Horner," "Bo o-ilbout cost to you. S. C. Wells ». Co., Toronto. mer. versation with u reporter, Mrs. Dod­ The readers of hia paper wni be pleased to old man was the only occupant of the Beep," "Little Boy Blue," "Jack and learn that th«-re Is at leu--t 1 ne olr' iidcl disease If it were not for an occasional senn- dridge said:—''For quite a number of Jill," "Jack Sprat and His Wife," that .eience has been ab'« 10 cure in ooll it* waiting room. A window was raised dnl, some folks would not seem to have* years 1 have been a t«*rri bl(* Buffer or stages, ami that 1- catarrh. Hall's Catarrh 'ure HER DIAGNOSIS WRONG. from tlie outside. "Tom, Tom." etc., and some of the less from dyspepsia, accompanied by the is th'-only posit v.cure known to the medical very much fun. fraternity. Co/arrh being a constitutional -i- "June rami* home today crying and familiar ones, as "Bah. Bah, Black r '•.lust let them out easy. Pete," cau- The height oof martyrdom for a farm* sick headaches that almost invaria­ x-aso', r'o-ojuiro-8 a coni-titut.innal ire_tm nt< said she was sure t.eorgo* noi longer tloned a voice. cr hoy is too wear collars anol cuffs om n bly come with this trouble. I suf­ Hall's 'ti'iorh Curoie taken Internally, acting Sheep." "A Dillar, a Dollar. rhe directly imoiii oho: blond and mucous surfaces of loved her with his whole heart. Antl .Mid the boigns professor obeyed. Woman Who Lived on Victuals and hot ol.iy. fered from terrible pains in the stom­ the system thereby destroying die foundation they've been married only two Pntchels. •.rips ami cases went through Every man has a grudge at some doc- ach, bloating and belching with wind. ifthedl ease, and'giving Ihe atient strength months." Drink." by building up the constitution aini a1-* st ng tbe window. After he had finished col­ tor for n hi;: bill he once charged him. All food seemed to disagree with me. "Lane's a goose. Anybody w)u> Free these pictures from all to>xt and When you and a man that sav- he is anol as a result of the trouble I was nature in doing iis work. Tin- proprietor, havo lecting the probRSor followed the so much faith in its c.rative powerathat they loioks at George knoows that his heart. mount them singly on uniform size Independent, yom wil! soon find that he very much run down, and at. times I oiTer One Hundred Dollars for any cose that it booty. His falsi- ,earil fell back in the is all right. Ji's his liver that's cardboard( using about 25. Number thinks that it pnyu better. was unable to do even light house­ fails to euro. Herd for IM of testimonials. room, but he did attempt to reclaim Address, F. .1. < HI-.XKV 6c Co., Toledo. 0. gone back on JaLo\" them and indicate these numbers In When a man heuins too olo th'mps of work. I am sure 1 tried a score of Bold by Druggists, Tfic. It. The arrival of their train prompted your second, undisturbed copy of which ho* is ashamed, ho* liko«s to as-o- different medicines, but without suc­ Hulls Family Fills are the best. t!ios«- oiutsido* to> venture in for their o'i'ite «i'h other 11:011 who have also rlonp There can be a difference of opinion on ".Mother (loose." cess, and as 1 am sixty years of age, most subjects, but there Is only one baggage. It bad vanished, and the After your guests have arrived and menu things. I had come to believe that it was T TE. opinion as to the reliability of Mother People who never get to bo> WOlth black beard told the tali*. beforo their little workbags are hopeless too expect a euro'. A friend Al the asylum we were muoh «le- Graves' Worm Exterminator, lc is hate, much think :ill who hoootn" v*M o,f hav •ure and effectual. brought out hang tlio*se pictures in who haol used Dr. Williams' Pink pressed by what we saw. '1 do it hy being Mtintry, l'ills with goooiol results, org'd me to various parts of one or two rooms and "A terrible fate, indeed! " he ex­ try this medicine, and my husband claimed. BRUTAL. give each a large card, containing the brought homo' a couple of boxes. Be­ "Less terrible, however " interpos­ Critfc—Yo-s, you'll have your name numbers up to 23, leaving generous MINARD'S LINIMENT Luniueriiian's Frieni fore they were finished, 1 fell much ed a tall, distinguished looking ma­ carved In marble somo- day. I was cured of Acnto Bronchitis by spaces opposite the numbers. Now better, and wo then gol another half The London school board is respon­ niac, "than a fete champetrel Oh, Poio-t—Oh, thank you, sir. MINARD'S LINIMENT. announce that they are to discover who dozen boxen, unol these have com­ v by all Holds!" Critic—No tha ti.s. It wi.l jt* i.i n. Bay of Islands. J M. Campbell. the piet tires represent nnd to write sible for the tuueatjon of a popula­ pletely restored my health, and I not tion more than double that of i>'ii- Upon inquiry wo learned that this cemetery. the verses belonging to each. They only feel better than I liave done for I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by lu.iK and Greece and larger than man had become mad through being may start at any point, taking care years, bul actually feel younger. I the husband of one socially am­ MINARD'S LINIMENT. that of Scotland. The children of The proprietor, of Piormelee'e Pills are to maintain a strict correspondence very cheerfully rccomn.end Dr. Wil­ bitious. Spriughill, N.S. Wm. Daniels. London outnumber tho* total popula­ constantly receiving letters similar to the between character and number. liams' Pink Pills to similar Bufferers. following, which explain, itself: Mr. John tion of any "European city except five. If your dealer does not keep these When sufficient time has bo-en given. Cucumbers and melons are " forbidden A. Beam, Waterloo. Ont., writes: "I never I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism Vh<* sum spent on elementary educa­ j),hs. they will be sent postpaid at Used any medicine that can equal Parmelee's collect papers ami appoint Judges. tion in London is equal to the entire fruit" to mnny per on- so constituted that by MINARD'S LINIMENT. 50 cents a boox. or six boxes foir th. least Indulgence is followed by attacks Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver and Kidney Albert Co., N. B. George Tingley. Needlework can now begin and may government expenses of either Den- s2.."><> by addressing tho I>r. Williams of chokra, dysentery, griping, etc, These Complaints, 'lhe relief experienced after using ihem was wonderful." As a safe fam­ continue until the lunch is announced, i ark, Norway or Sweden. Medicine Co., Brockville. Out. persona are not aware that they can indul_;o} to their heart's content if they have on h.ond ily medicire Parmelee's Vegetable Pills can width iu usually served at small ta­ be given in all cases requiring a cathartic. 1 a bottle of Dr. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, bles. WVrT P.AlMflP.1 Montreal. Free Bus. Am. CAM Fa BY IT HONESTLY. a medicine that will give immediate relief, aUlLo DALTIUKAIJ, p. t,..„, np. K.p.ji.OU em. Tlie Father—I never heard a young­ and is a sure cure for ull summer com­ If a woman has only three lines to A Styllnh MnrnliiK QoWH, plaints. HE SAW IT. ster howl like ihat boy of mine— 'pon •write ton a Bh_c. of note paper sho* A pretty morning gown is carried out my soul. I didn't. ...n't resist the temptation of writ­ in pale blue line flannel, bolero and Wife (at the 'theatre)—"The pro- Extrnd-Ml Charity. g**amme says tl._ play has a moral, The Grandfather—I never heard but ing two oof them on 'he side margins sleeves edged with black silk fancy one youngster beat him, John—that She was great upon the Tijis, Brass Band but I fail to sej it." ond signing L.f name upside upside was you when you were a baby. The Zulus and the Tuiks; Instruments, Drnmi, Uniforms, Ktc. down over the date. , Husband 'who paid S'd foor two For swarthy Kickaboothlana and yellow Tirabuk- seats)—"Oh, the moral's tho-re, all Why. John, you just about bawled us toothians EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND. right." out of house and home. Incessant were her works. Lowest prices ever qu'oted. File catalogue The crying of diildren in bed is ono* SOU Illustration* mailed free. Write as for auy* k nd (of sheet music. Win—"I'd live to know what it And ne'er a he.ithen savnje thing In Music or Muslo-al Instruments. is ?" Are you a sufferer with corns f If you Lacked petticoat or gown: are get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. Her charity extended from where the south pole WHaley Eoyce 6. Co., ^t-S',; vL. FOB AULD LANG SYNE. Husband—" A fool an ! Ills money It has never ueen known to fail. •.t.e soon par.o.1.' ' ended To where the »un went down. OXYDONOR. Ladies oof Canada . MOKE PEPPER. "Should oold acquaintance be for­ Misiro'ss—Marie. I must ask you to To famff AhyiAtnla (Trade Mark Registered November 34,1890.) She tends her homemade fro: reeeived more benefit than from using tlio'in you not only aid your LA "TOSGANA-" B§K^_-gSa ami India in the recenl unpleasant­ With an energy sublime. nytniiiK else. brother colonists, but you g<'t abso­ ness. The slogan was "help one an­ Dut at home in darkest Kngland Mrs. Gnguer. Winnipeg, says: I have used it lutely the best teas. Those of you other," and no one forgot tho' watch­ beneficially with my family whenever siok, The London Daily Mail Bays that The 0 ry she never hee.Js; aad it has cured me of eevere indigestion and la who drink given Japan teas havo- a word. You, laolio's oof Canada, havo' Though her listen die around her, no man yet h»l revelation in store if you make the the days of i.uo banjo aro' numbered grippe. In England and that that Instrument the power to wage a relentless war­ ever found her SuVdealers wnr.ted in every district. Address change. Blue Ribbon, Salada and fare on 1 he impure teas thai come in­ fay attention to their needs. Wm T. Gib-ins, Grain Kxo'han^e, Winnipeg. Monsoon packets may be had from will soon be included in the same -Tick Me Up. Send for H .ukietu of grateful reports. c-'itegory with lhe mouth organ and to your homes from China and Ja­ your grocer.—Colonist. pan, and at the same time assist tIK* accordian. The /it her will prob­ v your brother colonists who producd UNLIMITED, *+*»* +*-*«f-**.-+-«"f"e' A.». 4f*mi Accounted Foe, ably bo* tin* 'uvorite Instrument dur­ "Dliffkins seems to be a pretty s.'f- ing the coming winter. the pure (Vylon and India leas. If "Whnt so-ein- tn in* tbe uint'er with you drink Japan tea. try Salada, confidenl sort of fellow." himV" asko'il iho- ilnetor, approaching the MONEY. — * MOHMNf. GOWN OF r•'RKNCn KLAVXFL. Monsoon <>r Blue Ribbon packets of "Self-confident ! Why. he's p,oot liiNiole of tin* man who lay swathed iu To Loan on improved farms at cur- Stitching; vest, collar and inner sleeves Keen MINARD'S LINIMENT ill He HODS.. Ceylon and India to*as.—Colonist. more confidence in himself than ,. •o lll'l.'IL'CS. woman lias in he: family phy-e ian! r.nt rates. Write to "lie fouml the IM- lenk," pi plained the of white, With narrow black and white NA1-.KS, KOIilvsON A BLACK, Colored globe* in tho* windows nt Tin* world is not ruled by the so- nut >(-.—Chu au'oi Tribune. ribbons laid on. WINNIPEG, MAN. (,'lled rulers, but by lhe people who CAN RECOMMEND IT.—Mr. Enos Born- A large black bow and ends are placed hemists' shop-- were first displayed hy Xo Intcrt'o-rcnro, lie Moo.ish druggists oif Arabia and make the rulers. berry. Tuscarora. writes: "I am pleased to •••+ •••+•••• ••• 4-.-4 -.-4 ••••••••-• •»•••••-•••' on the left side. say that Di*. TIIOSIAS' ECLECTKIC OIL is all "I hope yom help ma all you can nlootu' spuln. that you claim it to be, as we have been rhe lionise." unit) May. Snails, by means oif an acid whi'h HOW TO CURE HEADACHE.—Some using it for years, both internally and exter­ Catholic Prayer &2__.-£rSi5! "Yo's. when she's titi*y," nnswcivol .Vin Fashions nml l-'nnrlt***.. people suffer untold misery day after day nally, and have always received benefit froun "I koop out of her way."— l'hilado Ipum Long suede gloves, a pretty fashion they exude, contrive to bore hob*-, in its uso. It la our family medicine, and I take alars, Religious 1'icturo'S Statuary, and Church ootid limestone. with Headache. There is rest neither day or Ornaments, Kdueational Works " ail orders re­ Vr^.-*. that is returning, are drawn up the niyht until tho nerves are all unstrung. The great pleasure in recommending it."' ceive prompt attention. D. &J. SaMer & CO.,_fOBt_e_J arm to meet the elbow sleeves. caur-o is generally a disordered stomach, nnd .*» Born I.Inr, 11 cure can be effected by using Parmelee's MODERN. ' Tall men wear trousers of the "peg MINARD'S LHIMENT is used Dy PHysicians. Married women ihould all "The hoy Mini -:iv- In- liles to pn to Vegetable Pills, containing Mandrake and "I would bo' your devoted servant top" variety, tapering toi a poiut at tlie Dandelion, Mr. Pinley, Wark. Lysander, know of Golden Seal, "The *|! I." snid tin in fed phllii_(i|iho-r, forever," he pleaded. Wife's Friend,' a certain •-I- .ere to Blow inioi n mnn lllill Will -nv shoe. lii r i:)ilid -he sv.iar iit vouV" asked Ml. exclaimed the youth. sufficient tor one ooonths For sonic years after my marring'' I treatment, addrsu OoldM Cloths foir men's fancy waistcoats pidge. Si", the bad boy. lived at Oil Harbor, a small place Baal Medical Co. TorooU», Why is the hoy had? come in dark green, blue, brown or "No. your honor, but she looked it."— Oot. and Winnipeg, tlu. about 20 miles from Kingston. One tor -ale >>v aU OrnaU**. Bo-cause of a pioiv-crb he once in black, with small silk figures in bright, Atlanta Const ll lit i<«n. day when a visit to my Kingston dress­ Jl honk. contrasting colors. In tlu* friendly in li unable too decide whether to buy maker was a necessity 1 ordered a What diil the prov-erh sny? teichaiige of men's and women's fash­ on' biro- a house, bear in mind lhat young negro boy to get upon the rum­ It -aiol. "Tho* goo. olio* .voiing"." ions mow goiin;" on thi'se fabrics are That is why tin* boy is not tak-inc BO. 11' i wn evils you should choose the ble ami drive mo. roi the town. bought frequently by women also for V^TvLv CIGAR, < •!i:;n-ces.—Chicago Post, hast. I paid my visit to the dressmaker, waistcoats to tailored gowu». and, receiving my frock, a light sum­ The "corseted" man is a fact of this TAKING THE REINS. mer thing, from her, I placed ir in the Miiiiiif.ii tin, .1 by THOS. LEE, Winnipeg. winter, which given assurance of the box beneath the buggy scat nnd drove shirt waist man ngalU next summer. Cnid. 2:07'''. has na Austrian two mile 0 n to my sister's, where I wo'iit in to This is the best value in a The "military corset" is the variety es­ record of 4:21 3*10. c.tcape the heated part of the day. giv­ -gNrV*«*V*^**^*-»* take out my crispy the cutters io Amsterdam, AND flow, or by many gores, sloped outward Haute to beat his own mark of 2:01 re­ muslin. I fouml. to my consternation, it and arc absolutely perfect. very sharply n little below the knee. sulted in inilo's in 2:0-"o'j and 2:0414< was a wet. sloppy mass. No rain had MATERIAL is a symptom of Kidney Coats are unmistakably the favorite Allerton this season has Iti new per fallen, and even then — You will find this and Disease. A well-known of the season, capes coining in a very formers to his credit, while 11 previously I turned too the boy: "Solomon, what •• doctor has said, " I never bail second, coats running the whole in the list have reduced their records. "I the world does this mean? How"— yet m.'ideapost-mortemex- hundreds of other styles gamut, from measuring the length of Cresceus, 2:0-1. recently trotted a mile •»Ut the look of utter helpless aniaze- Everything for the aininationinacaseof death ever the Toledo half mile track in 2:0014, illustrated in our new cata­ from Heart Disease with­ tin* figure to the Irrepressible bolero. mi'iit on his face stopped me. trotting the second quartet in 80% sec­ Printer. out finding the kidneys Sleevelets are confounding In their ••For', missus, it am queer, but not so onds. logue, a copy of which wereat fault." The Kidney changes ami subtleties, but obviously .nicer as what done happen to me. Me When Mydia Wilki's reduced her rec­ medicine which was first on the crusade on behalf of the bouftaut bought a opiattiir (l1.. d.) wort* of dat will be sent vou free. the market, most success­ ord to 2:0b'.. at Terre llautw recently, it sleeve has just begun. pretty t'ing oley calls 'ice' to bring ful for Heart Disease and mado' lho- seventh 2:10 performer for all Kidney Troubles, and An altogether unexpected craze has Baron Wilkes. liome nn s!, iw ma sister, sn I put him TORONTO TYPE most widely imitated is cropped Dp for chiso'ly veiled effQBlS. Cro'iisooto*. chestnut grlilin;*. driven hy :i olar wioi your dress to ko*o>p bin; safe. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1854. Thus, for a vest, gold tissue will be tlayden, has been wisniog all his races •in now bim gome for true, an how him relied with white chiffon or chine bro- ia Now England recently nnd has taken •ret out I diiiino wiol yoou sittin on him Dodd's caoles with a line silver tissuo*. a record of 2:22'.'.,. all de time:"-Harper's Magazine. LIMITED. Dull elephant t**ajr, which has r. From Bond. 2*04*4. has I"'''" styled the Ryrie Bros., touch of brown in it. harmonising well fnsto-st Canada bred pacer, but was real­ liens are the most cheerful o>f fowli 175 OWEN ST., WINNIPEG ly bred in Iowa and takeu to Canada be Yonge and Adelaide Sts., Kidney uiili opiaint dull tinsels and treasures \ei they brood n gooool deal. t fore ho- was a yoar oi!d. j*^r*^**»-*ArNr*>A-^AA^V*Ar *AA*--*tJ. of old lace, is one of the elusive col- Cresceus' Wonderful victories in U'CH) oors oof the season and adorable on the Every time i small boy go*ts a TORONTO. Pills have so stimulated the horse lovini: pub­ whiff o>f the oi.l.or arising froun tin rluht uci'sou. lic of Toleolo that it has been decided to k ichen he proceeds to get hungry. W. N. U. 304 built' a milt* track there next •_•»*--*•"» ^aaaaaa^^^^^^^aaa.—^^^A*aaaivff.aa^ TELEGRAMS CONDENSED. CANADA AND ABROAD. mjmmmmymmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmM u IT WAS A CLOSE SHAVE S. S. ALPHA F S o World's News in Condensed 1'i.i-tt.-_-i>l-_o. A Budget of Important New* Condensed o o (i Allow & ..-min Montreal, Dec. 10.—C. P. R. re­ London, Dec. 17.—Sir Thomas Lio- CLEattENT'S COMMAND HAD A iNAR* NINE OF HER CREW ARE WASHED (i ceipts for the week onding Dec. 14 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. ton says tho Prince of Wales will (i BANKERS AND RO*V ESCAPE. were (646,000; for the same week AWAY AND DROWNED. Emery Corisse, an 80-year-old resi- visit America during the cup races ti last year, 8662,000. d?nt of , fatally stabbed a next spring. ! BROKERS. ... | Companion during a quarrel. O Col. Legge's Exhibition of Bravery— Ottawa, Doc. 19.—Sir Louis Davies Twenty-live of the Crew Manage to Fully l.'i,000 men are on strike in Ottawa, Dec. 18.—Mr. George E. o 362 MAIN ST., WINNIPEG J authorizes a contradiction of the Swim Ashore With the Aid Antwerp, Belgium, including sailors, Foster sails for England on Wednes­ i\ Lord Salisbury Sounds a Note story that the government intends dooo-k laborers, and porters. day by tho Majestic, from New of Warning. starting a Canadian Lloyds. of a Line. York. He goes on private business. j | Stocks and bonds bought, sold and X Dr. Rykert, a young Canadian den­ ^ \ carried on margin, hinted X tist, wa.s sent from Paris to Holland London, Dec. 19.—At the inquest j v mining stocks carried • to do NOIUC work for President Kru­ Madrid, Dec. 18.—The German frig­ held on the body of Lady -Catherine ^f) {,£•{'£•&££•£• AT • f|#|#raaa-a.a-a *^ AT. *-•*••w £* Johiinncsbui-'j. lhe. 19.—Details of Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 18.—The ger. ate Gneisenau has foundered oil Mal­ v.L*.t.Vt.^,VV.r^TtlWC^.tVV(l^ Manners, the jury decided she com­ aga, 05 miles northeast of Gibraltar. the defeat of the British at Nooitged­ mitted suicide while insane. steamer Alpha foundered on a rock on Millionaire Cinlahy has paid **>__.">,- Private dispatches say that 40 per­ ** + *r>****£ + rXAe>Ar>**++ + *9 acht indicate '.hat Goat. Clement's en­ the east coast of Vancouver Island 000 ransom for the return of his son. sons were drowned. tire force had a narrow escape fram Vancouver, Dec. 19.—Joseph Mar­ and is a total wreck. The captain The abductors delivered the boy in capture. The Boer plans were splen­ tin, M, P. P., is in a low state of three engineers, the managing owner, Bafety. Copenhagen, Dec. 18.—Dr. Matson, didly laid. If the main British col­ health. and is now under medical 11 .(* purser and three seamen were Big storms are anVcting shipping professor of law in the University of treatment at St. Paul's hospital. along tin* coast of England and Ire­ umn had tarried a little longer there drowned. Copenhagen, has been appointed to land. Much anxiety is felt for cross- BROKERS, ETC., I Word was brought by the tug Czar, represent Denmark in th? inter­ Wi uld have Seen a complete success} Booneville, Md., Dec. 19.—John channel steamers. national court of arbitration at The for the BOOTS, who exposed them- which has just arrived from Union 4 Dominion Bank Building, Winnipeg n* Rolla, colored, was lynched hero- to­ Bay, Vancouver Island. It is the A $1,000,000 fire visited Hanover, Hague. uiuluamedly. yelling iuid wav­ night. He was an accomplice of 4 • most serious shipping fatality which Onl.. destroying the Knetchel fac­ J1 Money lent at lowest rates. 'P ing their anus. Their rushes were Henderson and Rowland, who were has occurred oil the coasl for Beveral tory, the largest furniture industry in Loudon, Dec. 18.—Lord Strathcona J1 Stocks and bonds bought and sold. {W hanged last night. Canada. will go to Aberdeen today to deliver 4> Railway and other farm lands in W only stemmed oy artillery. years. On Saturday night the steam­ ( Aher the British retreat the Boers ship Alpha, while proceeding to his inaugural address as lord rector 4e Manitob t aud N. W. T. for sale. J Fort William, Dec. 19.—Navigation 4* Maps und folders sent on applica- W hold a prayer meeting. Their hymns Union Bay for Coal prior to sailing FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21. of the university. This is the first is si ill open to this port and neither tion. 11 could be heard uy the retiring sol- for the Orient, ran ou Yellow Island Alderman Lareaii, of Montreal is time this honor has been conferred the bay at Port Arthur nor the river Gnlteoal from Lethbridge. m rt'o rs. All accounts indicate a heavy and became a total wreck. A gale dead. upon a Canadian. Prices quoted to all ruilway points. W at this place contains enough ice to Boer loss. of wind was blowing at the time, stop vessels from entering at pleas­ There is a serious grain freight S^^f^yvfW**^*-'^** Colonel Legge exhibited splendla- and heavy seas repeatedly swept over Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 17.-By air ure. blockade at Portland, Waine. bravery. He shot live Boers with the doomed steamer, sweeping away accident at the Beaver Brook dam, MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE. his revolver before he fell With three her captain, purser, managing owner The Dominion cabibet has decided which is boung built by the Bridgport bullets in his body. Philadelphia, Dec. 19.—Gus Ruhlin and six others of the crew. that Morrison shall hang at Regina. Hydraulic company five miles from Reported by Alloway & Chamkiou, last night at the Pennsylvania Ath- The seamen managed to swim Tlio* Coldbrook rolling mills, near here, ome man Was fatally and two d02 Main Street, Winnipeg. BOERS REPULSED. lletic club bested Peter Maher in one ashore with a line by which twenty- Si. John, Nf B., were destroyed by seriously injured. 2bti Cape Town, Dec. 19.—The BOOTH of the fastest lights between heavy live of the crew got on to the rock, lire. War Hagle . 105 102 who crossed thn Orange river into 'weights that has been seen for some where they Bpent the night. Early A number of houso'S at Beaver Falls, Berlin, Dec. is.—Solum Schapka, Molson's . 191 190 Cape Colony, west of Aliwal North, time. next morning the lighthouse keeper Pa., were wrecked hy a gas explo­ the woman who attempted to kill Toronto ...210 On Saturday, encountered the Cape! was able to render assistance to> the sion. Emperor William on November is by Merchants' . 100 ir>4 Rifles and Brabant's force, and were Washington, Dec. 19.—The senate shipwrecked men, who had spent the throwing a hatchet at him, has been Thomas Lennox and two daughters Payne . 86 75 forced to retire with loss. has reached an agreement to vole night on the rocky islet, over which definitely installed in an asylum for wero* killed by an express train near Miscellaneous, WOUNDED DOING WELL. on the Hay-Pauncefote treaty next so'as and spray repeatedly BWcpt. On Ihe insane at Bnslau. Thursday beginning with votes on Barrie, Out. Commercial cable . 173 170t/a London, Dec. 19.—Lord Kitchener. Sunday oTening a small coasting the acts at .'5 o'clock in the after­ Trooper Mulloy, the blind Cana­ Montreal Tel . 178 in a dispatch from Pretoria dated sloop hove in sight and by means of Rondon, Dec. 18.-The body of Lady 167% noon. the lighthouse keeper's boats the dian, will receive a pension from the [Catherine Manners, eldest daughter Rich. i*. Ont. Nav . 110 107 ft Dec. 17, reports that all the British City Pass. Ry shipwrecked crew were put aboard British government. of the Duke of Rutland, who has . 275 271 wounded In tlu* engagement at Nooit­ Halifax Ry 95 Rome, Dec. 19.—The Mcssagero as- and conveyed to Union Bay, a coal A definite system of government is been missing since Friday, was found . gedacht have arrived there and are Montreal (las . 20:. 202 serts that tho* King of Italy. Victor mining town about sixty miles north needed at once in China to prevent in a fish pond in the grounds of Bel- doing well. . 109 108 Emmanuel, has informed the premier, of Nanaimo. anti-foreign outbreaks. voir Castle yesterday. Toronto Ry NOTE OF WARNING. Signor Saracro, that the queen will Duluth Pre. 18 The drowned are: Capt. F. N. London, Dec. 19.—At the annual become a mother about, six months A deputation waited on Premier . 88 87% York, Vancouver; Sam Barber, man­ Berlin, Dec. 18.—After a most C. P. R., Montreal .... conference of the National Union of hence. Roiss to urge increased religious in­ aging owner; Purser Barbour, Engin­ stormy passage, during which sev­ c. p. R., London • 89?i the Conservative associations today,' struction in provincial schools. Money—Time 0-7 eers Matt'.'rson, Dunn and Murray; eral lives were lost, tho- sopiadron of Lord Salisbury, alluding to the war, Money—On call 6 Sheboygan, Wis., Dec. 10.—The im­ seamen Coscy and Sullivan, also an German warships commanded by said that if they wished to sustain mense plant of Zeshistsche & Sons, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 120. unknown stowaway, Prince Henry of Prussia, has arrived the empire and maintain the glory of tanners, was totally destroyed by A serious fire visited Blyth, Out. FOREIGN MONEY. Great Britain untarnished their ef­ Up to this morning the bodies oif at Kiel from Norway. Quoted by Alloway &. Champion, Are. The cause of the lire i.s un­ the. pursor. th(* manager and one sea­ Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., was ban- forts must not be s ackened until known. Loss ?180,000; fully in­ quetted in Winnipeg. Quebec, Dec. 18.-At a public meet­ 862 Main Street, Winnipeg. this great enterprise had been carried man had been recovered. The Alpha Reichmarks SO.."12% sured. was owned in Vancouver and had a Four new steamers will ply be­ ing of citizens a resolution was pass­ out, for on the issue thereof depend­ Austrian Gulden 39% cargo of 700 Ions of salted salmon tween Canada and Havre. ed asking the Dominion governmenl ed the glory and perpetuity of the Berlin. Dec. 19.—A dispatch ro- nat to carry out its announced inten- Holland Guilders 39 lumber and coal. The cargo was Cattle in the Boisscvain district!are, empire. ceived here from Pekin, Dec. 16, says lion of removing B Field Battery Francs 39 chiefly owned by Jim and Tamura. affected bv tuberculosis. Li Hung Chang is suffer ing from in­ Japanese merchants of this city. fro here to Kingston. Russian Roubles 50% BIG FIRE IN CLEVELAND. fluenza. The dispatch also denies A million dollar street car system Finnish Markkaa 18 Seattle, Dec. 18.-The Pacific Coast Cleveland, O., Dec. 19.-Fire .broke that tho* dowager empress i.s going to is in sight for Dawson. company's steamer City of Topeka is Rome, Dec. 18.—At the secret con­ Cheng 'lu. province of Sze Chun. WINNIPEG MARKETS. out early today in the extensive ashore on Linn canal with strong Several persons were injured in an sistory held today the pope appoint­ plant of the Brown Hoisting and prospects of becoming a total wreck. electris street car collision at Jim, ed a number of bishoips, Including Wheat—No. 1 hard, Fort William, St. Catharines, Dec. 17.-A man Conveying company, one of the larg­ There was no loss of life. r*Ind. Monsignor Ko-ano*. formerly rector of 77c. est manufacturing concerns in the named Samuel llallett, employed as Three persons were drowned in Ila- the Catholic University at Washing­ Flour—Lake of the Woods Five city, and at this hour it is believed a teamster by the Hendrie company, ta Lake, Copper Mountain district. ton to the diocese of Dubuque. Roses, $2.10; Patent, $1.95; Medora, has been missing since Thursday last. CANADIAN TEAM SECOND. $1.60; XXXX, $1.35; Ogilvie Milling all of the various buildings filled New York, Dec. IS.—Before nearly Mrs. Evans, Toronto, widow oof an It is feared he has fallen into the Frice. Utah, Dec. 18.—The small­ company's Hungarian, $2.10; Glenora with valuable patterns and machin­ 1.0,000 people, jammed into every ex-aldcrman, was killed by an elec­ raceway antl been drowned. pox situation in Eastern Utah is be­ Patent, $1.95; , $1.60, and ery will bo destroyed. Five out of available corner ol the great Madison tric car. Imperial XXXX $1.20 per sack of seven buildings used by the company coming most alarming. There are Salem. Mass., Dec. 19.—The Brit­ Square Garden, Harry Elkes, of There is a report that 200 Chris­ nearly a hundred cases at Scofield, 98 pounds. are in ashes, and property estimated Glens Palls, N.V., and Floyd McFar- tians wero* killed by Moslems in Turk­ ish schooner Oriol, from River He- while Winter quarters at Clear Creek Mill Feed—Bran, $12 per ton, bag­ to be worth 8500,000 was entirely bert, N.S., for Norwich, which was land, of San .lose, Cal., the American ish provinces. ged; shorts, $11 per ton. consumed. Eleven hundred work­ and Sunnyside, in tho* east end of driven ashore off Salem Willows in a team, won the six days' internation­ Carbon county, report numerous (.round Feed—Oat chop, $25 per men are thrown out of employment gale on Dec. .',, has broken up, and al bicycle race by a wheel's length WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ID. cases. ton; barley chop, $19; mixed barley as a result of the lire. all hope of saving her has been aban­ from Hums Pierce, of Boston, and Morocco) has settled the U. S. and oats, $23; corn chop, $20. doned. Archie McEachren, of Toronto, the claims. Fall River, Mass., Dec. 18.—An Oats—88 to 35c per bushel. BURNED TO DEATH. Canadian team. Caesar Simar. of Lord St rathcona '.was installed lord early morning fire here destroyed tho Barley—84 to 30c per bushel. Toronto, Dec. ID.—A small fire in Shamokin. Pa.. Dec. 19.—Twelve Paris, and .lean Gougoltz, of Monte- rector of Aberdeen university. St. .lames hotel, gutted tho; shoe Corn—43 to 41c per bushel. roy, the French team, were third, a Flax—$1.40 to $1.45 per bushol. a frame dwelling on Elizabeth street hundred men and boys of Natal col­ For a seat on the New York ex­ store of Police Commissioner Stanton liery, operated by the Shamokin lap away. The distance covered by Hay—Frosh baled is quoted at $7 early this morning brought out the change, 860,000 was paid. and the departmental store (of Quinn, lire brigade, and one of the first Coal company, struck today because the winners was 2,028 miles and 7 to $7.50 per ton on track here, and All the powers have accepted Great Woodland &. Co., ro'sulting in a loss things found by the firemen was the fifteen blacksmiths and carpenters laps, this being 101 miles and 7 laps oof 845,000; partially insured. loose hay is worth about the same Britain's new demand in China. dead and partly burned body of Mrs. had not been given the ten per cent behind the record of Miller and Wal­ figure. Oatmeal—$1.00 per sack of 80 Elizabeth Higgins, an old woman increase in wages. ler, mado* last year. • Tho* new blast furnace at Midland, Toronto, Dec. 18.—E. A. McDon­ pounds. who had lived there alone. The fire Out., was christened by Premier ald, the present mayor, contrary to Butter—Creamery—20c per pound. is supposed to have been tho result Kingston! Dec. 19.—John Kelly, an PARLIAMENT PROROGUED. Ross. general expectation, has decided to iv Butter—Dairy—Strictly fresh made of spontaneous combustion of a heap Almonte hotel keeper, has undergone London, Dec. 18.—Parliament was Complaints made in Britain against again a candidate, relying on the 15 to 16 in packages, and fresh rolls of rags in the corner of the house. an operation in Montreal hospital dismissed Saturday until the middle Canadian grain certificates will be general disposition manifested in the 15c. lately, in the cutting of a "V" shap­ of February with the reading of (he inquired into. past to give every mayor .*• second Cheese—0i/_ to 10*/ c per pound. ed piece, an inch or more in length, shortest of the Queen's speeches. It term. Mr. Oliver A. Howlami and 2 TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Paul Antoine, the French consul at Eggs—18c per dozen. from the point of his tongue. He was as follows: ex-Mayor John Shaw are alre.i ly def­ London, Dec. IS.—Lord Strathcona San Franrisco has died from injuries Vegetables—Potatoes, farmers' loads stood the operation without an an- "My Lords and Gentlemen :— indicted by himself. initely in the field, and th.'tv is a ru­ and Mount Royal, tho Canadian high asthetic. 40c per bushel; parsley, 20c; carrots commissioner, was installed today asi "I thank you for the liberal pro­ ('banning B. Barnes, the train rob­ mor that Mr. F. S. Spen.e. 'Mil also and beets, 35c per bushel; turnips 20c vision you bave made for the ex­ run. Lord Rector of Aberdeen university. Rat Portage, Dec. 19.—The C.P.R. ber, who held up the Chicago Limit­ per bushel; cabbage 30 to 00c per He mot with a demonstratively cor­ penses incurred by the operations of ed mail, committed suicide in a dozen; celery, 20 to 25c per dozen. west local struck a hand-car today my armies in South Africa and in Havana, Dec. 18.—Predictions are dial greeting from the students. near Scovil, on which were three Louisiana swamp. Dressed Meats-Beef, country dress­ China." freely made, especially among the ed, 4 to 4-/2C; city dressed, 5c to 6c; men. C. Noistrom, a Swede, was It is calculated that 10,000 farm­ Conservatives, that the Cuban consti­ London, D : •. 19.—Judgment for stags and rough beef, 4c to 4'^c; killed. The body was tak?n to Rat ers from the United States have ar­ tutional convention will break up in ,*.T,0 wa.s entered in the.. Queen's OVERDUE STEAMERS. veal, 5c to 7c; mutton, S'jc; lamb, Port ago*. The other two men were rived in Canada this year, bringing a wrangle over the question of suf­ bench of the division court yesterday New York, Dec. 18.—About thirty 10c; hogs, 0 to Otic. uninjured. Noistrom leaves a wife §7,000.000 in money and effects. frage. The eastern delegates and against the Duke of Manchester for steamships due yesterday had not Poultry—Dressed chickens 7 to 8c and family at Scovil. been reported late last night. The the Radicals from the western part v.ine and cigars, supplied by a city TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18. per IT); ducks 9 to 10c; geese, 9c to storms on the Atlantic and head of the island advocate giving the 10c; turkeys, It to ilie. merchant. Tho claim was unde­ Boston, Dec. 19.—The three-masted The steamer City of Toi>eka is winds an* detaining the Umbria from. blacks the right to vote. The con­ Hides—The market has been ac­ fended. schooner Joseph Eaton Junior, of ashore in Linn canal. Liverpool, the Champagne, from vention committee are also wrang­ tive, offerings being quite large. Barnstable, Captain Greenlaw, bound Havre, Victoria, from Gibraltar, Bul­ Li Hung Chang is suffering frorj ling as to the presidential qualifica­ Prices are steady at 6*,£c for frozen Hope, Ind., Dec. 19.—Kennedy's from New Yoirk for Rockland is be­ garia from Hamburg, Minno-haha influenza. tions and as to the form of govern­ hides, Hat rate, 5 pounds tare. Kips bank was burglarized early today by lieved to have foundered With all from London, Colorado from Hull, ment. same price as hides. Calf, real veal, three men who destroyed the vault hands. She W8S last seen on the Navigation is still open at F.-.rt and Rotterdam from Rotto-rdam. 7 to 9c. Deakin skibs, 25 to 35c with a heavy charge of nitro glycer­ Nantucket shoals, just prior to a ter­ William and Port Arthur. Some of tho* overdue fleet have been VETERANS DEAD. each. Sheepskins, 45c for fresh ine, and secured, it is believed, 815,- rific gale, on Dec. 4. She carried a Mr. Joseph Martin, M. P. P., is se­ out since the. last of November. Hamilton, Dor. 18.—Mr Joseph killed. OOO. They escaped and a posse of crew of six men all told. riously ill In a Vancouver hospital. citizens began at once to scour the Rymal, ex-M.P., died on Saturday. Wool—8 to 8V_c per pound for un­ Several Atlantic liners are delayed Ho had been ailing for several weeks. surrounding country. SCENE IN A METHODIST CHURCH. washed fleece and 12'/2c for washed. Halifax. Dec. 19.—Steps are being by storms, and are now days over- but was able to vote at the last el­ Tallow—4c per pound. taken by the temperance bodies of Toronto. Dec. 18.—Rev. .1. T. Mor­ dint. ection. Mr. Rymal was one of the Seneca Root—33 to 35c. Philadelphia, Doc. 19.—An assign- Halifax to introduce a prohibitory ris, the preacher at McCaul Street The steamship Alpha, of Vancouver ment was made today by James Mar­ moist. celebrated politicians Went- liquor law in the provincial legisla­ Methodist church, who last Sunday foundered on an island north of Na­ worth county ever produced. He was Members o>f congress in the L'nited tin 0. Co., dyers, to William II. Jack­ ture at the approaching session, charged with corruption in connec­ naimo. known far and wide for his ready States receive $5,000 a year, with son, dealer in chemicals. It is un­ Temp'.'rance people say they think tion with tho* contract for dog tags 8100 foor stationery and 20 cents per Charles Noistrom, a C. P. R. sec- wit. during his membership InLKP derstood the liabilties amount to this is an opportune time, for it will and who was charged openly with mile travelling expenses, tionnian, was killed by a C. P. R. fhe house of commons became a close $205,000, which may In* met after likely in* the last -.evasion of the legis­ speaking falsely toy members o>f tho* train east of Rat Portage. personal fraud of Sir John Macdon­ judicious liquidation of assets o. lature before dissolution, and a gen­ congregation present, especially by Tbe I'nnaiiin Hat. ald, though a life-long opponent of $300,000. et al election. E. C. Davenport, who challenged him Tho C. I'. _i. has decided to adopt "The cheapest straw hat to buy," that statesman politically. to prove his statement. Sunday electricity on their line between Ross­ said a man who owns a beauty, "is, Des Moines, lorna, Dec. 19.—An en- Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 19.—In spite night the preacher renewed his at. land and Robson. after all, a Panama, like this. Loo>k g ne, twelve .am and live men plung- tack and declared ho* would noot re­ 'I'he loss of life by the foundering London, Ont., Dec. 18,-Col. Rob- of th'- vigilance of the Dominion anol ert Lewis, ex-mayor, and one of Lon­ here." He took dowu his big white «. ! down a 50-fooi embankment ion civic authorities to keep out small­ tract a single sentence. I bo was of the French training frigate off tht; hat. which was creased down the mid­ the Chicago <•' Burlington railway again interrupted, this time toy W. coast of Spain is estimated at 186. don's most prominent citizens, died pox, two brothers named Saint, from oon Sat unlay after an illness oof so'v- dle like a pair of trousers, ami rolled it pear Murray. Iowa, yesterday morn­ Skagway, got, through the lines at H. Banfleld, who, has charge oif the The commander committed suicide. up tight; then he tossed it in the air. ing, .loihn Dosele was killed and four eral weeks. The late Col. Lewis Huntington anol are now in the pest department attacked at the city hall, With a cracking sound it spread open other men, names unknown, badly and who rose and told the pr,\icho*r was born in Quebec in 1S27. He house. Although Vancouver had MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. and fluttered down to the floor in its injured. A trestle gave way when was reared in Toronto, and in 1868 smallpox all around her she manng- he was not speaking the truth. Governor Green, of Toronto .ail, the train's vvignt was upon it. moved to London. In 1871 Colonel original shape, deep center crease und • oi by unceasing efforts to keep out is do'ad. Lewis was elected alderman, and all. "You could soak this hat for a Pan's. Bee. 18.—A robbery that disease for six months. It is now served until 1S7H, when he was ln-ars a ro'inarknble resemblance too Col. Robert Lewis, <>f 1 onion, Ont. week," he continued, "and iron it out Hamilton. Dec. L9.—One of tho. with us. chosen mayor, serving two to-rms. that perpetrated a few days ago at ie dead. flat afterward, but when you came to largest funerals ever seen in Barton Do ceased was enthusiastic in mili­ the museum at Greenwich hospital, Th<* British parliament was pro­ put it on again it would be just as you township was that oif the la'o* .los. Washington. Dee. 19.—It is said at tary affairs, joining tho* Highlander in England, has been committed at rogued Salurday. see it now. Rymal, o-x-M. P.. this afternoon. the navy department that a serious Rifle company in 1867, anol was tho* tin* Touhon museum, the thief ol>- Ilundro (Is of sympathizing friends at­ loss has been suffered by tho* navy The Garrison church, Halifax, was second to have command oof the 7th "Women In Mexico and roundabout taining Admiral Boudin's baton, tended, among them some of Ins old department, in the fire at tho* Nor­ do'stroyod by fire. battalion." succeeding Col. Yaylor all that region make the hats, using swords of honor, chronometer, med- time political opponents. Interment folk navy yard yesterday. The Senator power may become speaker and retiring in 1878. straw that has been selected wiih more took place in tlie cemetery on the money hiss is oif secondary Import­ als and orders. of t he senate. iMc than I could tell JT0U of. 'lhe art farm of deceased, services being held ance. Tho* fir»* destroyed valuable The Now South Wales wheat crop Ottawa. lVc. 18.—Mrs. Thomas nas been handed down in their families in the old Barton chusch. records that cannat bo- replaced anol TO BE SHOT CHRISTMAS DAY. estimate is 17,000,000 bushels. Murray, wife of Thomas Murray, M. from ome generation to another, and it many necessary plans whioh nm only Southington. Conn., Dec. 18.—News A "Jack the Hugger" scare is the P., Pontiac, died on Saturday at Is a secret art, unknown to any oilier New London. Conn.. Do-o-. 17 The IK* replaced at muoh expense oof t.inn* has reached ho*ro* in tho* form of an latest sensation. Pembroke. people in the won hi. anol money. no'w torpedo boal Bailey made the official communication from Gen. Mo- The financial loss of the Pun's ex­ "These women, living so far away fastest time om record for s United Arthur, that Lima Skinner, a formor position is placed at two million Toronto. Dec. 18.—LnchlanMcKel- from everything, are ignorant of the vessel on her preliminary trial Washington, Bee. 19.—Representa­ Southington boy, has looen sentenced franca. lar. head of the wholesale boot and fashions, ami that is why tho* hats trip at Newport, 1! I . last week, tive Ray. oif N'o-w Vork. today intro- io be shot in tete Philippines om shooo* linn of McKellar & Dallas, died Two negroes were hanged by a mob never change their Ugly shape. If they over a standard knot (6,08.1 feet). duced oi bill foor *iio* suppression (of Christmas day foor sleeping at his Saturday night somewhat suddenly were fashionably made, tin* demand The Bailey made the knot in exactly train robbery in tho* territories oof tli<* post (\licn on sentry duty. Thi-young in the jail yard at Rockport, Ind. at 49. ITi-art failuro* was the causo*. for them would lie enormous. As il is, one niinnto* and fifty-eight secondsafn United States and elsewhere. It pro- man is a member oif tho* 48rd Volun­ It is stated that, tin* Germans have ter thro-e trial-. Tho- official Speed |vides th" death penalty foor thorn teers, now stationed near Tacloban, entered upon a policy of extermin­ hatters travel through all lhat country Toronto, Dec. is.—Governor Green, and buy tliein up at Rood prio o s. run will bo* hold in Lontr Islanol guilty (of a "hold-up" in tho* caso- the Iaeyte. P.I. His father. Joihn P. ation in China. of tin* county fail, died yesterday af­ "The perfect P.ii'.iina hat eoists at Sound this woo*k. The boat will death oof any person on the tririn n- SkinnoT. who is 71 years old, is near­ Tho* body oof Lady Kalherino' Man­ ter a fo*w days' illness, aged 71. He have to make sxty knots in two BUltfoV In case no one is kilh'd tho* ly heartbroken by the news and hns ners, daughter of tne Duke of Rut­ had beo*n governor of the jail for .10 least .•?.'»<>. and if you should pay S50 foo*. hours to cover the requirements of penalty is hard labor from twenty to left for Washington to plead witb land, was found drowned in a fish years, nnd was before that for ten a big and unusually light one you the Contract of the government. thirty years. Tresidont McKinley for his son's life. pond. years governor of Chatham jail. would uot be getting stuck." of terrible pain, and a soft, rustling gaining their normal activity in ev­ nothing else, whilot now dashinj; color ef­ swish, as of something being dragged SUPERCEDES ETHER. ery respect. THE OLD ENGRAVERS. fects, daring "studies" in charcoal, fill over tho velvet carpet—nearer, nearer. The method has been employed by page after page. m m The positiou in the art world of the "What a fool I am to imagine such surgeons In Europe in many hundreds THEIR ART IN THE WORKING OF THE LATEST PAIN-RELIEVING METH­ of cases, with the greatest possible great engravers is quite beyond dispute. nonsense!" he muttered, turning to STEEL PLATES A LOST ONE. OD IN SURGICAL PRACTICE. j»ucce«, sinco; probably more than a There is no question of whether or uot FLORABEL'S the window to throw it open with thousand Bpinal cocainizations have there iB geueral interest in their manner one hand, holding the package of bills I oen mad.; for surgical purposes it- Downfall Was Bronchi .\:>out b> of work. in tlio other; but again he paused, The LOK_ of CoiiKcioutiicsM During; a Seri­ throughout th. world, with no seri­ The value of their engravings is fixed, tin* Introduction unol Perfection ••' and their service to the world is beyond LOVER listening intently. ous Operation — Injections Into the ous accident reported as a result of Photography—The Werk of Mullet By Laura Jean IAbbey. question. Were it not for Morghcn we The strange sound was more dis­ Spinal Canal Dolls the Sensibility anoi the operative procedure it.elf, it is Und Morn lieu. might bave bad no idea of the beauty of obvious that tho operation is, in nor­ tinct. He oould feel, intuitively, an­ the Knife 1. Applied Without a Ting. Twenty-live ojr mere years ago, when Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper." The mal ouud tion of lhe spina, and in true spirit of art has been nobly preserv­ m other's presence in the room. the lu nds of a care ul operator, prac­ Ait was noH spelled with a capital letter, m of DUoomfort- 'J he Injecting Syringe. Do so'if respecting citizen would have ven­ ed by such engravers and their followers, Leaving the midnight intruder in tical.y free from danger, and tbere is about their work a charm CHAPTER XXXVII. this position for a few moments, we Ether and chloroform for surgical tured to invite his friends into a "parlor" which fashion cannot affect. will return to Inez Clavering, whom operations prom so to be superseded not adorned with specimens of the alleg­ It was the most intense moment of APE IS BRITISH HERO. ed art of more or less Incompetent steel But these works are too high priced for we left lying unconscious in tho dim a large extent In the near future by the public to know much of them, and ev­ Inez Clavering's eventful life. Guy simpler methods. Instead of the dread engravers, "The Pilgrim's Progress," shadow of the trees. c;eu. Snyman li., 1 rutin d to Sound Alarm ••'1 he Guardian Angel." diminutive und ery year will Increase their value. For Livingston had turned and loft hor with which persons approach the op­ oil siege of Muf.klng, Acted an engraving, if it is to be perfect, must with those terrible words on Lis lips For long hours she lay there, with erating table, partly on account of irritating children offering loaves o_ Well Iiis Purl. biviid to preposterously grateful und rag­ be printed at the time the plate is made. —left her Btanding alone, speeohleBS, the night dew falling on her face and the fear of no< awakening from the Copies made after many years are. from on her long dark curling hair. ether, the biggest surgical operations Two '.o'n. Sn mans were conspicu­ ged "poor"—such works of art as the:;a tbe poiut of viow of the connoisseur, powerless, spellbound, in the chill, ous during the famous siege on' aMafe- adorned the walls *i' !)!) oat of every 1011 Then slowly tlie bewildered eyes Worthless, Again, many plates have been blue night. king. One s\ us a wily beer com­ houses. It was depressing from an artis­ retouched by some clumsy hand and thus Round hor the wind was whining opened. mander and the other was an Intelli- tic point of view, but this feeble imita­ "Where am I?" she murmured, ruined, or worse than ruined, since they and blustering. Overhead the stars (jenl ape. Tho Job of the llesh and tion testified*to the supremacy of the no>- still exist to give a false Impression of ble art of steel engraving, of whioh the were burning golden. The burnished struggling up to a sitting posture, but blood <.on. Mi;.man was to> force the tbe work of a true artist. The engrav­ a terrible pain in her ankle caused (•a l.-.nt laden-Powell to surrender masters were an inspired few. The en­ clouds had gone. No sign of any ing! for which art lovers seek must be her to cry aloud, and from a wound lho town a d his sor ly harassed graved atrocities huvu vanished from the those made at the time of the making of human figure — man or ghost—was walls, and along with them the truly on her temple, caused by falling •. a rs a. thai of h.s missing-link the plate. Since then* are no nmre en­ near. Only the fir trees stretching beautiful specimens of the art have against the sharp stones, the blood namesake was to> keep th* town ini- gravers and the woirk oif tho* masters is down the desolate avenue, and at the xiso'd of the legitime of the daily grown to> In* less and less highly prized, in the course of nature becoming more was flowing profusely. far end, in the dimness, the high, bombardment, 'lhe original General except hy the couuoisseur. Steel engrav­ perishable with every year. .Vie may odi ing has come to ho* one of the lost arts. white moon shining over the sleeping The widow's cap, and the dark spec­ Miyni: n la el I ) ju'io nplish lis task. tain an idea of the value to the artist of the counterfeit did. For this reason, In a few years till its followers will have* tbese few great works. flowers. tacles which haol concealed her iden­ "(Ien. Mi*, man. the ape, on-, as passed away, and the good engravings With a weird cry, Inez sprnng for­ tity so well, had fallen off, but Bhe uow extant will even more distinctly he- never heeded, never missed them. Somo jocularly dubbed "Gen. ward. Never, no, never would she .'nunan II.," is now a British hero. come merely Interesting subjects foir the A Donlotfnl Compliment. lend herself to such a scheme as Liv* "Where am I? How came I here? collector rather thuu foir the admiration lie I fondly i—I like you so much. See, Every da,, for over tli •<• * months of the many. KUgstou proposed. She bad not sunk And what is the matter with me?" Gen. rnymun, tho Hoer, tra'nod his even Fldo and the borse there like you! She—Oh, yes; «ll dumb animals like so low as that. She woulol warn Max sho* moaned, pressing her hands to her '.uii.s oin ii,' iittl town of Mafeking, Steel engravers have not yet found throbbing temples, me. Forrester. Sometltves tho bombardment began at their occupation gnu* entirely. Tho* diylight, sometimes the opening shot She moved forward quickly toward Like a flash, suspended memory re- mi n who once engraved pictures of ambi* was held b ck until a tei breakfast. tiouis size and scope IIOJW toil—such of It was Thucydide's opinion that "tj the house, but in her excitement turn­ turneol to her, and all that hnd hap­ know a thing aud not to express il is oi. pened forced its way through her be­ Bi t tho hour matt i red not to tho them as are left- over th«- olo'tails of ed aside from fhe path. Her foot ore. as if he knew It aot." wildered brain. faithful .-1 i <*. who had been trained to I i'.nk notes. It is the one living branch of caught in tiie entangling vines, and protect thr garrison i.nd the hand.ul steel engraving, nne worthy enough in its A CREDIT MAN'S ESCAPE. she was thrown violently on her face, How long had she been there tin- of Inhabitants, I fe was ever on 11 • • way, for the work is beautiful, but one conscious? Was it midnight yet? v» lii< h will never will the adtulrotlou once where sho lay motionless, like one a'ert. The in tanl s:nol o \\ as si o>n .lie Incident TlinJ Led III m to Couu. Had Livingston come. and. not find­ showered om huge copies of gro-at pic­ stricken dead. to arise iron the Doc:' batt ' os the (crtn.nii n \'.e. Order. ing her there, put his terrible threat ape .i- .m an elevated s affoldlng or tures. To the general public the figure An hour passed by, and in accord­ "a. credit man has many strange ex­ into execution? tower sav*. and kn<*w that huge shelh rather than the design of a bank note is ance with his promise, Guy Living­ v. ir • ah mt to ! our into : he toe. n od Importance, ami few stop to mite the periences," said a gentleman wbo for­ ston returned; but, much to his sur­ As these thoughts flashed through delica*y of tin* lines, the grace of the merly occupied that position with u large INJ1XT1.V. SOLUTION INTO SPINAL CANAL. And sometimes I efore lho report of prise and anger, Inez Clavering was her brain the dock in the adjacent tin- cannon was heard the alarm was composition, all engraved, very likely, jobbing house. "Chance will play lu ci Steeple struck "one." will be performed with the patient with loving care by some old man whose bis hanols in all suits oif curious ways, not there. :-o.n i"l This consisted oif a school- and often he will feel as if I'po violence With a desperate cry, she tried to able to converse with those abooit, house lei removed from its accus- pride in his art remains, although the He did not see tlie unconscious him, and yet unconscious of the cut glory of it has gone forever. had directly interposed to savo him from figure that lay so white and cold in raise herself to her feet, but the ex­ tonus homo and erected iloso by the some swindler. of the knife. ape's lo ilo) t. This branch of engraving has reached the dense shadow of tlie firs, cruciating pain of the effort almost "I remember a remarkable incident that For many years past small opera­ Tho town i eople nnol the garrison a higher development in America than '•She is not here," he muttered, made her swoon. tions have boeti performed by lujoct- any where else. The delicacy of the work occurred tbe first year I was in Ibe busi­ with a fierce imprecation. "By that "I will retrieve the past bv at least iHg solutions at the diseased point, is Miini'tiino's extreme and gives an idea ness. We had a customer in a good sized interior towu who bad been trading with I am to understand she will not aid one good action," she murmured, try­ but in large surgical procedures ether of the standing of the artist in the olays or chloroform have been required. when his skill was put to higher uses. us for a long time nud enjoye'd tbe entire me in this scheme. Would she dare ing to drag herself .Award the house. confidence of the house. One day in May Only Heaven knew how she acomp- Apart from the BtrugglcS which usu­ The old men an? growing fewer every betray me to Forrester?" he mused, year. For the Bpecial profession oif bank* be paiol us a visit and placed a very large lished it, the pain was so intense. ally accompany ether and similar with darkening brow. "There is no substances, and the after sickne*ss, uoite engraving young men are being order, going, in fact, to tbe extreme limit trusting a woman in an affair of this Only the suppressed moans that came ihfs. methods of total auestbesia are trained to take their places, but foor the of bis credit. lie explained its unusual size by saying that be was about to en­ kind. But it's a golden bit of luck from the wbite lips now and then re­ not devoid of danger to life. broader work, as it used to be cairied on, vealed her terrible agony. there will be no successors. The old en­ large his establishment, that he bad al­ that occurs to a fellow only once in a The new method, which is a marked lowed his stock to run dowu preparatory With bated breath she crept past triumph of medical science, deprives gravers are the last of their ancient lifetime. No one shall stand between guild. G 1 with tbem the art of sto-o-l en- to making a big splurge to wipe o>ut a me and the contents of thut safe." the library, across the loug, dim cor­ the tissues of the body of their s.nsi- rival establishment und, in short, told bilitv during surgical procedures uy graving as it relates to large pictures Again he turned on his heel, and ridors, to the room where little Flo will die. such a plausible story tbat 1 at ouce ap­ lay, dreaming in all her childish in­ means of injections of a solution of proved the account. cnutiously approached tho house. corah e into the hjiM.ce surrounding But, narrow as is their field, it is inter­ nocence uiooii her little white bed. esting to linj that those old artists recog­ "That afternoon a young mau from a All was silent within. Without tho spinal cord. The largest opora- furnishing store dropped in and asked Striving with mighty effort to over­ tio\s. such ns upon the abdomen tf nize one another's work by th*- minute there was only tiie sound of tlie night details of the bank note or stock certifi­ whether Captain . mentioning tba wind stirring the leaves, and the dis­ come the swooning dizziness that tumors, extensive incisions of hotieS merchant's name, hail left the city. T and joints of the lower limbs, and cate. Much of it is done by geometric tant chiming of some far off clock threatened to overcome her, step by lathe in the bauds of apprentices, but the am sorry.' he remarked when he learned Step o- made her way through the e.en the amputation on' en. portion that he had gone. 'The captain placed striking the hour of eleven. of the le_\ may ne doue without the touch of the true artist is perceptible to ehild's room, guided by the dim Iiis brother, just as it is possible to de­ an order with us for a couple of suits of Thare was a light in Max Forres patient feeling the slightest pain, and er's room. He must wait n little. moonlight, to the door of the little tect in a moment the style of a painter. extra heavy underwear and was anxious still permit him to preserve his rea­ to have them delivered next week. I parlor beyond which communicated ; There is always infinite pathos about It was quite nn hour beforo* the soning facult os. A few days s noe wanted to tell him that we'd have to send with Max Forrester's apartments. the idea oof tUe world's losing anything house was wrapped in a mantle of a man was operated upon for heir a, beautiful it possessed. It docs not north for the goods,' be added, 'and they darkness, and quiet reigned. Then She meant to knock upon it, arouse at the Jefferson Hospital, after matter whether or not there has come may be delayed.' Livingston, tbo trusted servant, tool: him, and warm him of the attempt at "sji.nil anesthesia," as the new GEN*. EX. MAX, APE WAll HMIO). something to take its place—the sadness "That incident set me to thinking. a latch key from his pocket, inserted robbery which was to be made that method is called, and its pro- alike were ever on the qui vivo for is there. As u matter of fact steel en­ There might be a thousand perfectly nat­ gress—whioh lasted for over half an it in the lock, and the outer door night. As she touched the door, to the soi nd of il.e hell. They placed graving has passed away because some­ ural and innocent explanations of the hour — he not only felt no pain, but their fate entirely in the hands of order, yet it certainly carried tho infer­ swung noiselessly back on its hinges. her terror and dismay it yielded to thing as satisfactory and far cheaper this sagacious animal. Before the bas been discovered. Photography is ence that our friend was contemplating Stealthily he crossed the dark, the slight pressure. He must have =C_3QK> tin 1 ng sounds were h ard Ma'eking a good enough substitute for the inl'erioi an early trip to a cooler climate, and— shadowy corridors, until he stood be­ been there before her. Great God! looked muoh the same as any other work which was so familiar a quarter of well, I had a strong premonition, or what­ fore the door of the small parlor con­ had the robbery already taken place? town s irroundod by earthworks, its a century ago. The rage for etching ever you choose to call it. that something nected with Mr. Forreslo*r's Bleeping As she crossed the threshold a sight sho. s were open. its people were also) helped to overthrow steel engrav­ wrong lurked In the background. The BTRIVOE FOR IXJECTIVO sou; TION*. more 1 thought about it the nmre un­ apartment, and in which was the iron met her gaze that froze the blood in conversed freely with the surgeons sir. liii.; about as quietly and uncon­ ing froai its position of security, but the downfall was brought about cbielly by easy I became. It seemed absurd ta safe. her veins, and made her heart almost present. cernedly as if om a holiday. The ringi. g of t'.f bell ehanged all this. tin* invention of photography. The plates turn down an old friend anol lose a band* It was securely fastened from the stop beating. The new method has been brought Boine sale simply because be had ordered to its stage of perfection by the leneath tho lown, under the Btree.8 engraved by really goiod workers cost a inside, and very deliberately the mid­ She saw the safe door standing open end under the hous s. wero* subter­ large sum of money and an uuioiuut of some heavy underwear, and I knew 1 painstaking labors of Professor Tuf- was risking severe censure, if not my night marauder set to work to un­ and the figure of a man kneeling be­ fieT of Paris, World-wide notoriety ranean tonne's of all shapes and time disproportionate even to the high fasten it. fore it. Sizes. They wore quickly prepared price. Mul Ier spent sis years in perfect­ situation itself, but before nighl 1 coun­ has followed the operations of this termanded his purchases and uotitied Inn. At last he stood within the room. The light from a chink in tho dark surgeon, which were performed last [hues of refuge. The boll was the ing his "Sistine Madonna," aud the price piiid for it rewarded his time at a lo*ss by wire tbat we had decioh'ol to trim oom* Heavy velvet curtains shut out tho lantern fell upon his hands, and in Bummer during the progress of the signal for everyone to se*k one of tlnse covers, The ape gave the alarm rate than that of au ordinary dry goods credit lines for Ibe summer and wei. gleam of the dark lantern he carried one of them she saw a large package medical congress in Paris. It was a sorry that we could Dot oblige him. surprise to the surgeon to be able to and everyone scampered. clerk oif today. from tho sleeping occupant of the of bank notes Max Forrester had but .Such works were, indeed, a labor of "He sent back a furious letter and convei se with the patient during the .Many lives were undoubtedly saved chamber beyond. that day drawn from the Bank of love, and to them tbere attached a senti­ placed bis order with an opposition firm, progress of major operations, the pa­ through the watchfulness of this wbo accepted bim gladly. My IHISH*. It was a long and laborious work England. hoary "Cen. Snyman." and when the mental Interest that can never cling th nt all the while evincing not the around the photograph which has driven looked pretty black when tliey bo'ind Ilie opening the iron safe, for the com­ She tried to scream out—to utter a slightest indication of pain and even sice was raisetl he was the recipient story, but they changed tho'ir expression of many lienors. Later he was the engraving from the field. Au ordina­ bination of the lock, as he had under­ wild, piercing cry, but the sound died being unable to tell where the knife ry pliotographei—lhat is, a mau with uo early in .lum-. when tbe worthy o-nptnin stood it, seemed incorrect. Other away in her throat was being applied. brought to London, where he 'Vas suddenly disappeared aftou- luriiinu every­ shown to admiring crowds from the spo'cial artistic inspiration—can produce means bad to be resorted to, and great She clung to the casement, her In carrying out this method of the beautiful work which hangs in the thing In* had Iuto cash, .hist HS I luiol an­ "spinal an sthesia." the patient is windows of a ' ew Oxford strct ani­ ticipated, he beaded for a cooler o'liiutoe. caution exercised. The clock in an strangling breath coming and going mal de'l(*r. Ths life was not ugiee- place of those once honored copies of plated in a s tt ng position. After great pictures. Of course, steel engrav­ Wlio'ti last heard fo-nui, be wa. rufli.nllug adjacent tower struck one just as tho in fitful gasps. thorough and careful antiseptic pre­ ube to him, however, and he was in Manitoba." henvy iron door flew back noiselessly ings are still hoiught ami sold anol still A desperate resolution came to her. cautions have been taken he is in­ bou ht ly E. H. Bostock for S_!i>'> bang iu tho- houses of artistic people, but on its hinges. The power of speech seemed to have structed to loo-ml forward, and the ami given a good home in the Scot­ tiniso' who buy are iu the main collectors. tish zoo at Glasgow. There ho now In Tnrtnry onions. leeks and garlic The first drawer, which was rifled left hor. but she would make her way needle of a smull syringe is inserted The general public no longer looks at the nre regarded ns perfumes. A Tartar in a single moment, contained only to where the man stood and grapple through the skin and mi s.les of the holds d.ily receptions and seems to old time favorites. To take up soime vol­ appreciate his honors as keenly as a lndy will make herself agreeable by a broken flower, a small kid glove, a with him. The noise of the scuffle back until its point enters into the ume of a good art journal of 25 years ago space surrounding the spinal cord. A human being. and compare it with recent issues is to rubbing n piece of freshly cut onion on woman's picture set in a superb pearl wonld arose Max Forrester, and she Tho storio'S of "Gen. Snyniun's" ox- her hands nnd over her countenance. few drops of the spinal fluid escapes, ; meet a forcible reminder of the way in and ebony frame, and a lock of golden might prevent the robbery at the last and then the required quantity of co­ p'o ts were doulted n some quarters which taste has changed. A quarter of a hair. moment, perhaps. caine solution is slowly injected. The at first, bul later all skepticism was century ago) the pages of such volumes More than 1,000 kinds of rubber Livingston tossed them aside and Slowly she dropped on her Knees, needle is then quickly withdrawn and remoxed by tho statements of several were tilled with steel engravings and •bees are made in tbe United States. opened the next. A quantity of pap­ dragging herself slowly, softly, de­ the site of the puncture covered with residents of Mafeking during the ers and other documents were there, a Bteril cloth. In from four to '20 f ie re and by assurances f om South spite her horrible pain, toward the African tra\e'iers that apes are fre­ of value to tlie owner only. man kneeling before the safe. One minutes, if the puncture has been successful, the patient has lost all quently trailed in that country to olo Patiently, one by one, each reeep- moment more, and she would be so ail sorts of manual labor. Ono* case tnelo was gone through; but the large near him she could clutch the bund is cited where an ape operates the DR. CHASE'S HELP package of bank notes, the bag of gold that held the bills; then nothing but signals on a rail o id. and the Forrester diamonds, which death should break her hold. were known to be kept here, were not Priiea loir Long-Time Servant!. TO THE WORKERS. to be found; a muttered imprecation JTO BE CONTINUED.] Prizes to servants who har Canadians are workers. Sonne from of the body. fearfully around him, but no form The San .lose track is snid to be one forty-six \ears; a nurse 7_! ,\iurs of Bo'Co'ssity. others froom ambit inn. Mrs n. \v. Cronsberry, ins Rich­ sprang out from the dark shadows; of the best in the California Circuit ace. who. had b en forty-two years Borne to provide foir self, others for mond street west, Toronto, Out., in ono family; a maid of all Work, the daily bread of those dependent siato'S ; — reassured, he began his search anew, The fastest quarter trotted in 1000 1 w.-s in ii:"JS:;, and should be credited to 77 years of ape. whose record was upon them. All alike fail when tho "My daughter, who sews in a white thinking that he had probably over­ forty-one years, and a cook, kit 'hen- system weakens and health givi s way Cresccus. goods manufuctor*,. pot completely looked it in his haste. mnid ami a maid of all wor';. who to disease. The strain of work is on run doown by the steady confinement This happened to bo the case. In Sixty-three pacers entered the 2:10 haol each stayed ;n ome place thirty- tlio' minils of Home, on lhe bodies of and close attention required at her one of the small compartments to tho list in'o. Ton years ago tbere were nine '.I'i'.IS. others, but the nourishing oif both work. HIT nerves were so exhaust­ left lie found the coveted prize. only three in that list. ir* in the nerve*s and blood. ed, and she was so weak and debilit­ Who'ii tin* mind refuses to concen­ ated lhat she had to gi\o' up work In an instant he grasped tho large Captain Spins trotted a mile hi 2:1.1*d Sa«l rtrsnii of Police Snapletcn*. at UpxtingH. Mich., lowering the track trate in thought, when the brain entirely, and wa.s almost a victim o>f package of bank notes. The London papers record the death record full live seoonds. tires and aches, when Bleepless nights ner\ ous pros! ration. Hark! What was that sound? Still of Julius Lipinan. ni knamed "Leath­ are followed bj days oof langour antl 'lie.,ring of I'r. Chase's Nerve Food clutching bis booty, he leaned breath­ During the apple carnival at Leaven* er Apron," a cobbler, who in 1SHP discouragement, when tho" heart pal­ she began to use it. nnd Was bi'ne- lessly forward, peering into the the worth. Kan., tut*.ing races were held fell under s ispicio n of being "Jack pitates, i lu* stomach weakens and liieo! from the verj lirst. It proved darkness beyond; then cautiously on the asphalt pavement. the Riprer." He Buti-fed tho> police thero* are pains antl aches of la-art an excellent remedy in restoring her of Iris Innor nre but the stigma nev drew the slide from the dark lantern, Kleotrite is the sire of seven new per- SECTION* OF FIMXK. SHO (WIXO WHERE I N.i EC and body. I'r Chase will help you by to health and strength, Vftcr having formers In looo. the fastest being Inia TKoN IS MADE ir left him. Hi- business gradimll* •leans of his Serve Pood, the great­ usi'ii four boxes, she is now at work flashing its rays on the velvet curtains liO'loU the Bit * oof th" puncture. buies her recovery to the use of I'r. ing apartment. No face peered lire-. He died of neglert anol semi- Without deadening iho- nerves, Chase's Serve Food." Eye See. 2:10, and The Abbot -:<••'•' j. The effect oof i he Inject ion upon the forth from them. He wns safe en­ st;.r\ at ion. without stimulating the heart to The strengthening and building are the four geldings that have held Spinal anol other n erven affected by ough from that quarter. None of tlie over-action, l»r. chase's Nerve Food power o>f I'r Chase's Serve Food is the world's trotting record. the solution has Urn shown i*i a servants were likely to be prowling large number of ca« es to) be devoid of *. f..r the Kent Oole. gradually nnd certainly reconstructs most extraordinary. From week to William C. Hamilton. Roxborough, the li.-suo-s wasted by overwork ami about at that hour. dancer. E-X'x rinient s upon the lower A prize of £500 will be offered hy week new vigor ami enerj*-, are aoiol- i'a., has a promising trotter. f> years either at time of diso*aso-. The quality o>f the blood is jiol to the system, until health ami vi­ Very intently he listened. Was it animals prove that Sir William Eyn- for the b,st ode in enriched, the nerves are revitalized, ohl. by Election, which .1. It. Serrill has months afterward tality is again restored. oO cents a only his fancy, or was the sound re­ tion or many commemoration of the new Common­ and the new and strengthening tide box, at all dealers, or l'dmanson, Btepped a trial mile lu 2:13 over the the nerve struct arcs are unatTe.ted. re­ wealth of Australia. peated again? So like a hushed moan B.ltuout track. communicates itself to every muscle ' Dates i*. Co... loronto. NEWS IN BRIEF. FROM BOTH HEMISPHERES. WIRE AND CABLE. a. E FIRE li..ll)l.\li »ES KNOX Telegrams and Cablegrams Condensed. Important NtwN Condensed Into Itrief New and Old World'* News Comden.ed. Pftraogrftplifl. Hong Kong, Dec. 20.—The C.P.It. CAUSES 81,000,000 DAMAGE AT Tort Said, Dec. 22.—The United 8ENERAL HANDS OF BOERS CROSS BRITISH COMMANDER (JIVES DP Winnipeg, Dec. 21.—The right of SS. Empress of ,1apan left here at Slates battleship Kentucky arrived] PURSUIT OF THK WILY 110. R. noon today for Vancouver. llANOVKK, ONTARIO. here at S a.m., today. THE ORANGE RIVER. way is being pushed ahead rapidly for Ihe electric railway between here New York, Dec. 20.—A seat on the Kingston. IV. 22.—Wm. J. Welch. and Selkirk. Total lesUruction of Kuechtel Furni­ He is Now Threatening Winbpr&— stock exchange was sold today for of St. Catharines, has been appoint­ Heavy Cannonading Heard Near Km- (50,000, the highest price on recotd. Oakville, Der. 21.—Fire early (his ture Factory and .Many ed professor of modern languages ab gersdorp—Clfment Engaging Raiding in (ape Colony— Regiopolis college. morning in Henry Wilson's si ore on Other buildings. Delarey. Dig Rati le Imminent. Wont real, Dec. 20.—Mr. Joseph Al- Colborne street did SMO.OOO damage phonse Ouhnet, puisne judge of tbe Washington 1 «.c. 21.—The Hay- before it was checked. supreme court died this morning, ut. Piuncefote treaty as amended by the the age of 55 years. Ha was a na­ Hanover, Ont., Dec. 22-The Kuech­ foreign relations • o'liiuit tee was rati­ Cape Colony, Dec. 21.—The invas­ Ottawa, Dec. 21.—Albert Hudson, London, Dec. 20.—It is reported tive of St. Eusta'ihe. fied by the senate yesterday. Tho an ex railway engineer and Identified tel furniture factory, the largest fur­ ion of Cape Colony is spreading. It this afternoon that General Knox ha.** niture factory in Canada, has gone vote was 53 to 18. with labor interests, got one year Montreal, Dec. 20.—Roy, Liberal, is reported that tbe Boers have oc­ imprisonment today for forgery. been forced to abandon the pursuit/ up in smoke. \t b o'clock yesterday has been elected in St. Johns, Que­ Winnipeg. Dec. 22.—The employees cupied Coh'sburg, South of Philippo- of General Be Wet owing to the sit­ morning the factory was discovered bec, by SO majority, instead of of tlu* C. P. R. have been notified to lis, antl near the Orango River Col­ Toronto, Dec. 21.-At the conven­ uation created in (Jape Colony by L'lleureux, as announced on election on tire and in a few minutes cloud, of make out a full record of their work tion of West York Liberals yester­ ony frontier. The people here are the Boers crossing lhe Orange river. day, (he judge having ruled out a smoke and dames of lire leaped in with the company since their engage­ day. W. .1. Hill. W.P.P.. was re-nom­ number of votes. every direction. The factory cover- ment and forward it to head offices. much disturbed. A mixed force of inated as candidate for the loglsla-1 It is said that 3,000 republicans eel about two acres and not a wall 1,000 men was despatched north yes­ ture. have entered Cape Colsny and that a Crawford, Neb., Bee. 19.-Baptiste is left standing. About ten million Ottawa, Dec. 22.—The manufac­ terday evening. considerable number have reached wi.s today shot and killed by James ture of paper was commenced In tiie Quebec. Dec. 21.—Mr. R. Turner, Phillipslown. I'he ivp >rt adds lhat Ciirnler, tin* famous Indian scout, feat of lumber in the yard and the HEAVY CANNONADING HEARD. M. L. ('., has received a cablegram E. B. Eddy company's new mills at De Wet, with about 1,500 men, is Magnus Wood, manager of a saloon, saw mill were saved. The cause of Hull last week, less than eight London. Dec. 21.—A special from from his son. Major Turner, sitting tiie lire, i.s unknown. The amount of northwest of Ladyoraatl, and Ibat di i ing a disouco over a bar bill. months after tlu* destructive flro Johannesburg, dated Bee. 20, says that he is returning to Canada via Wood was arrested. • be loss and the insurance Is not there. that heavy cannonading was heard England. an attack on .Vinh.-rg is moment ur- ily expected. known definitely at present, as both this morning north of Krugersdorp. Pittsburg, Dec. 20.—The marriage, Air. Daniel Knechtel, the head of the Montreal, Dec. L!0.—Alderman La- Philadelphia. Dec. 21.—'The estab­ RAIDING IN GAPE COLONY. As cabled yesterday, from l.rugoT.s- of a white man to a colored woman firm, and Mr. J. S. Knechtel, the reaii. president, of the Butchers' asso­ lishment of the Franklin-Baker com­ London, Dec 20.— The Boers havo yesterday caused a good sized riot, ciation, died this morning of pneu­ dorp, Transvaal, a pitched battle pany, manufacturers of Bhredded co­ raided Cape Colony at two separate secretary and treasurer, are in To­ was then Imminent between the Brit­ in Lower Alleglmfcy today and may monia. His name has been promin­ coanut , was badly hamaged by lire points, one hundred miles distant," yet result in the death or serious in­ ronto. ently associated with the recent in­ ish under General Clements, who had last night. Loss. 0150,000. The lire spread to the adjoining; says the Cape 'Town correspondent of juries to the principal. vestigation into the city market been reinforced, and the Boers under tho* Daily Mail. "One commando ud- buildings, and the following places scandal. Ceneral Delarey. Liverpool, Dec. 21.—-The Cunard nero' completely consumed: The vanced upon Phillips town between Clinton, Ont., Dec. 20.—Fire in KITCHENER IS HOPEFUL. liner Saxon ia brought (,,000 turkeys Colesburg to Kimberley. The other, Blyth last night destroyed Hamil­ Knechtel furniture factory, Greiutz- Ottawa, Dec. 22.—Trooper Mallow fromi America, most, of them from ner Furniture company and undertak­ London. Dec. 121.—The following supposed too bo* Herezog's commando, ton's drug and fancy store, the Can­ Winchester, received information from dispatch bus been receivo'd from Gen. Canada. On its last trip the ship crossed the Orango' river between adian Express and the (!. N. W. tele­ ing establishment* P. Poehlman and the war office that he is to reeei c brought 2-1,000 barrels of turkeys. t.nipany, Hour and feed; B. F. Ah- Kitchener, dated, Pretoria, Wednes­ Odondalstroom and Dethulie, north­ graph offices, Smith's jewelry store, from the British government ,t | eli­ day, Dec. li): west of Burghersdorp, its objective a furniture store and tho Mason ho­ v ns. hardware; Graff and Weppler, New York, Dec. 21.—Janus J. Jef­ {.uierol dry goods: W. Rolloff. pho­ sion of two shillings and six |M)aco "A party of Boers, estimated at apparently being Craddock. tel were all burned. {ier day. from 500 to 800, has crossed the fries anil Ous Ruhlin today signed ar­ "Gen. MacDonald is engaging the tographer; II. Maureer, blacksmith ticles of agreement to box 20 rounds, and carriage works: Charles Doepel, Orange river at Rhenoster Hock. A invaders, who have no guns, twenty New York, Bee. 20 —A cable leo-s- Londoni Dec. 2:2.—Considerable ac­ second band is reported to havo* Marquis of Queensbury rules, at the miles west of Burghersdorp. The lat­ sago^ has been received at tlm ortico* Hour gnd feed. The total loss is Saeningfest hall, Cincinnati, on Feb. li.ought to be about #1.000,000. tivity is now manifested at Alder- crossed near Sand Drift. They have est, no'ws is lhat they are being slow­ of the National Asphalt company shot. A large draft of mounted been followed. 1 have sent a consid­ 15 next. ly forced back to the Orange nver, from Its agent in Venezuela, which Mr. Pepler, one of the Knechtel will be ready to start for South Af­ where a warm reception is being pre­ inmpany's partner's, was very badly erable body of mounted men who aro' announces that a revolution bas rica January o, while others have getting around them. The Boers from London. Dec. 21.—A dispatch lo the pared for them." broken out in that count rv. No de­ burned and it s feared several lives been notified to hold themselves in Daily Express from Vienna reports are lost, as tlie men who wen* seen Rhenoster Iloo'k are being followed BIG BATTLE IMMINENT. tails were contained in the message. readiness for the same destination. closely from Venterstadt, which they recent Moslem excesses against the going into tin* building have not Christian population in the central Krugersdorp, Dec. 20.-A pitched been seen since. One boy had a bro­ left at tl o'clock yesterday evening, battle is Imminent between tho' Brit­ New Orleans, La., Bee. 20--W'ith a Windsor. Dec. 22.—Ceo. Bliss, lo­ going in the direction of Steynburg. provinces of Turkey, where 200 gaping wound in the back and an­ ken leg. The town has no proper cal agent of lhe Singer Sewing ma­ Christians have been killed. ish under General Clements, wbo has (ire fighting appliances and Wulker- The import ant points on the rail­ been reinforced, and the Boers under other in the left wrist, inflicted by chine company, was arrested yester­ way and the neighborhood are well the police, Chatming B. Barnes, train lon kindly sent their hook and lad- day on a charge of embezzlement, London, Dec. 21.—Ambassador Ceneral Delarey. ol. r company *o help. Palmerston guard', d. 1 hope the band will soon robber, drew the keen edge of a hunt­ Tin* district manager of t hi' company be driven north again." Choate denies the report that ho- is LOSSES AT NOOITGEDACHT. ing knife across his throat in a end Chesley also offered to send their about to resign his post, which, he i•ugiiies. Tlio' \ illage of Neustadt claimed that Bliss was over $400 London, Dec. 120.-'The British hisses swamp near (his city and ended bis short in his accounts. He was lei says, is based on tiie belief that the Kent up their hand fire engine, which N. P. OPERATORS. at Nooitgedacht, according to the of­ career. out on bail. death of his partner, Charles ( . Beo- ficial accounts, were 82 killed and ol ol good work n saving the lumber. St. Paul. Dec. 21.—The grievance mati. would necessitate his ro't urn to lo was a calm 'light or the whole committee of the Nortnern Pacific wounded, with 4 1 missing ami still Montreal, Bee. 20.—'The govern­ town woulol have been wiped out. Ottawa. Doc 2.'.—At a meeting of law practice. unaccounted for. ment having refused to oiler any re­ tho- cabinet jesttrday an order-in- telegraph opo-rators, consisting of ward for the arrest of Thos. .'. Chis- Daniel Lvnechtel has spent a life eight members, and beaded by Ceo. council was pa-'t c allowing the law Chicago). Dec. 21.—'The committee EDWARD A. CUDAHY KIDNAPPED. holin, the absconding manager of tin* i mil- in building' up the factory and to take its co'l" e in tho' case of Mor­ Hampton, of Tacoma, Wash., is in representing the engineers, firemen 1 Omaha, Nob., D.o. 20.-Det.ectives Cold Storage and Freezing company, *i was a magnificent structure filled rison, who m .foii'd a family at St. Paul, and has presented tin new and conductors ami trainmen of the the Butter and Cheese association has With the latest fachinery and in Moosomin. _iMirison will there­ schedule for tlie Northern Pacific road Santa Fo' railway system declared to>- are scouring ".lis c ty a:.d the mr- decided to offer one and has already alvitit four nours nothing wa.s left fore, be hanged om the date set for to the officials of the company. It night that they would not advise a rounding counry fer BOtt'.o Until of collected $425. but a mass oif ('Tumbling walls. Over 'iis execution provides for a toui per cent increase strike in sympathy with the tele­ Edward A. Cudahy, Jr., 1 .'.-•.ear-old 200 men are thrown out of employ­ in the wages of oiiorators in large graph operators. son of the rich packer, Edward A. St. Petersburg, Dec. 20.—The Ne~ ment by the ire. As soon as Mr. St. Paul, Do!'. 22,—Local press cities, or a raise of $5 a month. In Cudahy. The boy left Ins homo lost Kn chtel heard H. the lire in Toron­ voyo Vremya observes that there aro feeders went out on strike yesterday the outside towns an increase of New Yo>rk. Dec 21.—'The customs evening with some books whi- h he evidences of discontent in all the to he hired a ip-icial train, and is because emplovis refused lo open a from $5 to 815 a month i.s asked, authorities have receivo'd at tlie ap­ presented to a boy friend, the son of expected home some time tonight. armies, including the German, with contract which had yet three years according to the hardships these op­ praiser's storo's for appraisement a C. B. Dust in, living (only a tew blocks Field Marshall Yon W'aldersee's bru­ to run and to grant 10 per cent in­ erators endure. Some of the latter black pearl from Londpn weighing distant. This was the last seen of tality. The paper supports the de­ WILL LAM) AT HALIFAX. crease. As a io. ult. the offices havo* act as ticket agents, baggage mas­ l(').r> grains and valued at about 815,- him. mand that each army act henceforth Montreal. Dec. 122.—The steamer all been eleclared oopom and the strike ters, station agents and go-no*ral util­ The following letter has since been on its own responsibility. 000. It is said to loe the largest received by Mr. Cudahy: Lako* Champlain, from Liverpool, furnishes about .100 vacancies. ity men. The night, operators in St. pearl ever imported into this coun­ "Mr. E. A. Cudahy-Y*cmr son is Bossland, B. C, Dec. 20.—The full having on board men of tho* first Paul and similar places work eight, try- safe. We have him « nd will take contingent under Col. Otter, passed New York. Dec. 22.-The steamship hours antl thirty minutes, with thir­ Boston. Dec. 121.—Geo. McFadden, returns of the Yale-Cariboo election Majestic now on her way from lien* good can* of bim and will return bun are as follows: Galliher, Liberal, Cape Race, Newfoundland, inward, at ty minutes for luncheon. The of New York, and Patsy Sweeney, of to you in consideration of the pay­ •.•o.ross the Atlantic, carries tho- larg- new schedule asks that the work­ 8,115; Foley, Labor, 2,0bH: McKane, 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Manoho'ster, N.H., fought one of the ment of $25,008. We mean business. r « st mail that ever left this port on a ing time be reduced to eight fastest battles in Boston for years Conservative, 2,. >9f". Calliher's ma­ All are well. The vessel should vessel, The Majestic will not arrivo* Signed, JACK." jority over Foley is 457, and over reach Halifax on Saturday night, hours straight including tlio* half hour last night. Both men wore full of The remainder the police refuse to on the other side until the day after for luncheon. 'The day operators, McKane 520, while Foley has 68 and considering the bad weather that Christmas, but she carries 2..'{iis bags energy at the end of the fifteenth disclose a.s they say it relates to the votes moro' than McKane. has been experienced lately, she has who now work nine hours and a naif round, so that no othor decision but. place where tho' money is to be left of mail anol 111 sacks containing L8,- ask for a day of nine hours and 40 made a remarkably good run. VilO registered letters, a draw could lie given. Patsy Haley and wliero th'- kidnappers are to minuto's within that, lime for dinner. leave the boy in case Mr. Cudahy San Francisco, Dec. 19.—Paul An- The Elder Dempster company have was ihe referee. toine, tin' French consul, who on receivo'd an order from tin* militia Tliey wish tt> be placed on the same complies with their terms. Cavite, Dec. 22.—Fifteen troopers footing as railroad clerks, who work Friday last attempted suicide by department to liave the troops on of the Fourth cavalry, anil live of London, Dec. 21.—Mrs. 'Thomas Mc- shooting himself in the head on ac- the Lake Champlain land at Halifax, nine hours, with half a day off on FRENCH GUN SECRETS. tin' crew were landed from the gun­ Cormick, wife of ome of London's Paris, Dec. 20.—The French gov­ eoiini of the threat of his wife, and all arrangements made at St. boat Basco yesterday, at Lfmbanes, Saturday. best kixowti business men, died siid- whom In" had married clandestinely, John are cancelled. The vessel Is ernment has given the most emphatic to expose their alliance, died lust, Cavite province, anil surprised SO olenly about noon, at the family res­ denial to those Fronch papers which duo al Halifax at 9 o'clock o.n Sat­ insurgents. A sharp skirmish for TWO BAYS' BATTLE. idence, Grand avenue. South London. night at the French hospital. urday night, and will disembark al half an hour ensued anol thirteen In­ Washington. Dec. 21 .-'The state de­ Mrs. McCoriuick haol been ailing for tried to) involve the American em­ _ a. m. o>u Sunliay. surgents were killed : twelve rifles partment has receivo'd a cablegram some time past, but was at church bassy iii ihi- Paris disclosures in con­ nection with the l'nited Stales war Vancouver, Dec 20.—Miss Lizzie were captured, and a largo' amount from the United Stato's charge d'af­ twice om Sunday, and on Monday at­ Kerns, formerly a lighthouse keeper "WOMAN'S TERRIBLE SECRET. of stores destroyed, with a loss of faires, Beaupre, at Bogota, stating tended th'' funeral of C"l. Lewis. deparl nt's knowledge of French in this city, but recently following New York, Dec. 21.—A dispatch one soldier wounded. that a great battle has beo-n fought gun secrets. It has done this by of­ the same business in San Francisco, from London says: An extraordinary iit Girardcl point. Magdelene river, Pekin, Dec. 21.—At the meeting t>f fering the Croiss of Legion of Honor has received word from her sister, story of a woman's terrible secret New Vork. Dec. _.'l2.-l'. T. Bedfor', Colombia, which lasted two days and ihe foreign ministers this evening io Lieut, W. S. Sims, the former Uni­ Jane, in Montreal, thai an ohl goui- has been wired froun Ostend to tho* oi the Stundard Oil Co., confirms the resulted in a decisive victory for the everything in regard to the terms of ted Stato's naval attache at Paris, t leu i.i ii has died leaving them a large Daily Mail. Some seven years ago ,-eport that several large capitalist government. It is reported that 600 the joint note wen- agreed, including whom La Bresse described as the share in his fortune, which is said to three Belgian workmen were tried identified wiih thai corporation ar.i were killeol ami many hundreds the British modifications. 'The min­ person guilty of disclosing tin' gun exo'co'ol a million. and found guilty of having commit­ about to organize a 83,000,000 glu- wounded. Other victories by the isters refuse to disclose anything in secrets. ted a series of crimes, among them oose company to operate a largo government forces of the utmost im­ connection with tho- matter, believing New York; Deo-. 12(1.— _ir Wilfrid the murder of an elderly woman at, plant, at Shady Sitle, N..I.. independ- portance have been announced. 'The thai th" home governments should ELECTRIC CAR VICTIM. Laurier. premier o>f Canatla, accom­ J Jaut tin ond. i ni of thr Crlltcosc Sugar Refining government is celebrating the victor­ give the particulars to the public, 'Toronto, Dec. 20. —Mrs. Alice Evans panied by his wife .mil a patty of company, or any other company. The ies ami considers itself greatly an elderly lady, widow of tho- late friends, aro" here. "In' premier is Although they pleaded their ignor­ new planl is to have a capacity of strengl hened, Toronto, Doc, 21.—At a meel Ing Aid. O. M. Evans, was killed this here for a few days' iv.*t ar.d Inci­ ance until the las:, one of them was 20,000 bushels of corn a day, and of iho civic committee to invest ig ale afternoon by an electric car. She had dentally to obi some Chri.-Jtmaa ^Jtots- sentenced to imprisonment for lifo*. th's may be doub. 'ol later. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, the affairs of the 'Toronto Industi ial been down town buying Christmas [ ing. Last, evening ilw party ul- and tho- other i wn were guillotined. Madrid, Dec. iil—'Tho* cabinel coun­ exhibition, Exhibition Manager I lili gifts, and, getting off a car at the lended a theatre part /. Now a woman named Soumagre has Madrid. Dec. 22. — During tho dis­ cil has decided to present to Lhe said .1. O. 'Thorne told him over the corner of Queen and Corter streets, just denounced her husband, who she cussion in the senate of the royal chamber the project oi the Bale I i telephone he hail mo complaints to near Inr home on Grange avenue, New Orleans, Dec. 20.—A man says, committed the crime. She is message announcing the marriage in th'- United Stato's oif Cagayan island make. Thorne retorted: '"'That is passed o,nt from behind tho car ami answering the description of one' oif said to be quite sain- and thi* author­ thi' near future of tie- Princess of and other islands ol the Philippine a lii-." It is shown that 99.i I 1 I immediately in front, of a car going tbe gang who held up th. Chicago ities arc investigating her charge. Austria, heiress presumptive to> the group. dead-heads wen' admitted at th ast the opposite direction she was run Limited on the Illinois Central o\ii!- throne, with Prince Charles, second o'.xbibit ion. over, the o-ar passing over both legs. way, last Tuesday night, in the sub­ GAMBLERS' DEN AFLOAT. son of the Count of Caserta. Senor Potsdam, Dec. 21.—Councillor o1. 'Tin' injured lady was taken to an urbs of tin' citv was found deaol near London, Dec. 21.—Englishmen, fond Ortega, a republican, raised a storm Commerce Sanden, recently a direc- Llndon, Dec. 21.—The British emergency hospital in a dying con­ tho* scene of ihe hold-up. The wounds of -ami),trig are delighted over the of protest by recalling tho- conspiracy tor of tin* Prussian Hypotheken Ak- steamer Sometrhill, from Newport dition, passing aw.ty within the hour. givo'ii him in a running fight with tho* news thai a syndicate has been form­ of the Bourbon princes againsl other t ini bank, was arrested this morn­ News, Dec. I, for Ipswich, passed the polico- had provi d fatal. ed ui buy an obsolete Atlantic liner Bourbon royalists, which In- feared ing and confined in the Moabil prison Lizard tooolay, having in tow the FRAN<'()-CA\AI>IAN LINE. and lit her up as a miniature Monte this inareiage would have a tendency Red Star line Bteamer Westernland, Montreal, Dec. 20.—Manager I'oin- Washington, Bee. 20.—A message Carlo Casino. The promoters propose to renew. Amidst insults from all Pittsburg. Pa.. Die 21 .—An explo­ Captain Ehoff, whioh bail sailed irom olroin, of the French-Canadian steam­ from United States Consul Gummery to moor her off tho- English coast, parts of tin- house the speaker was sion o)f natural gas at Beaver Falls. Anrwerp, Dec. IT,, for New Yo>rk. ship line, has goone to Paris to ar­ at Tangiers. informs (he stato* de­ just outside the three-mile limit and called 'o order. Ba.. today wrecked a number of 'Tlie Westernland haol hist her pro­ partment that the Moorisn govern­ range wiih tin' directors to put. on ment had so'ttled the claim of the run a big game. A place in tho Eng­ houses and seriously injured several peller ami the Somerhill was towing four new steamers, as the govern­ lish channel, just off Brighton, has New York, Dec. 21.—There is a persons. The explosion was caused her to Southampton. United statos. foir Indemnity on ac­ menl has decided to pay a subsidy of count of tin* murder of Marcus Esza- been chosen. Launches will run back penny famine in tho Western States by a leak in t he main. $.",0.(1(10 a year for live years for a and the Philadelphia mini is work­ Manila. Dec. 20.—Lieut. Herbert R. gui, a naturalized citizen in Morocco, and forth to meet London trains. fortnightly service from Havre to> last spring. Ti,'' cost of t Ii** ship and tho* outfit, ing overtime in an effort tot meet tlt«' Omaha. Neb., Dec. 21.—Twenty- Evans, of the 141li volunteer Infantry Montreal and Quebec in the summer demand. By working the force un­ five thousand dollars in gold was regiment, with 50 men attacked Dec ting is estimated at $250,000, while til 10 o'clock at night, the superin­ and a monthly Bervice in the winti'r London, Die. 20.—Mr. (loo. Gos­ more than that will be subscribed to paid by Edward A. Cudahy, the mil­ 12. several hundred riflemen antl 50 toi Halifax and St. John. The sub­ tendent is abb' to so'iid out 800,000 lionaire packer, as a ransom for his insurgents armed with rifles occupy­ chen, who was lord of tho- admiral­ the stake bank. The boat will be a pennies a day ; and it is possible sidy was made valid some time ago ty in Ihe late cabinet, was gazetted son Edward Cudahy. .lr.. who was ing an entrenched position at Tonox- by thr government, but had never floating iioito'l as well as a gambling that, he may break tlio- record by- abducted by a gang oif kidnappers today Viscount Goschen of Hawke- resort. Igan, islanol of (Vim. 'Tin- Americans been paid before. reaching the million mark. There is last Tuesday night. had thro'o; men wounded and the en­ hurst. and Sir Matthew White Ridley always a large demand for cents dur­ who was home secretary in the late emy lost, twelve men killed and many ELECTRIC CARS COLLIDE. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 20.—Capital­ ing th'' Christmas season, ami this Antwerp, Dec. 21.—If is now esti­ wounded. ministry, was gazetted Yiscount Bid. ists believe Dawson City has come to year the demand is greater than ever. mated that there air 13,000 men on Indianapolis, Dec. 20—In a head ley, who is also Baron Wensleydab-. (•ml collision today between two elec­ stay. The announcement that, theJ Fourteen pro'sses are turning out. strike including coal porters and sail­ 'The Hague, Dei'. 21.—Baron Yon Alaska Commercial company will put the coins, and to expedite matters ers. Mt>st of tho imported laborers tric cars on tho* Greenfield and In- Montreal, DOT. 20.—Yere Gould, Oldenailler, minister of tho* Nether­ dianapolis interurban line near .Hm. in machine shops anol :>o>at. building fhe blanks are bought by weight have been induced to ioiin the unions. lands in London, has notilio'ol the whose wife conducts a plain dress­ plants haol hardly gotten cold who'fi from a brass factory in Waterbury, Ind., Emory Scott and John Olaus- making establishment, received wo>rol The Red star line ofncia.s have offo-r- British government that, as the Neth­ eo-k. motormen, WOTO> fatally Co. ned. the proposal of the Alaskan Explora­ Conn., whence they are shipped to "oi men special terms hoping to *-et erlands was no party to the frontier this morning that he bad fallen heir tion company to build a million dol­ the mint by the carload. Six passi-ngo-rs were badly hurt. 'J IK* to the titb'. oif baron and valuable es­ tin- steamer Nederland loaded int inn' dispute between Great Britain ami cars weero running at a high r.Co* cl lar street oar system came to the London, Dor. 21.—An old resident to sail Sat unlay. Venezuela, the governmenl of the tates in Ireland, near the Killarney front. in the Transvaal, now in London, re­ speed and the heavy fog prevented Lak(os region The title dates buck Netherlands cannot consider itsodf the motormen from '(vioig each (.(her lates how he passed through the en- St. John. Dec. 21.—The Coldbrook bound by tho* decision of the Paris (o Henry VII., when (hi' bearer of PEAVEY'S NEW LINE. i my's country with £200 in gold, rolling mills, four miles from tin* city arbitration award demarcating the the name was mayor of Cork. Minneapolis, Dec. 19.—Frank ff. which tho- Doors never succeeded in one of the oldest established in the Anglo-Dutch front Ier. St. Petersburg, Dec. 20.—Discuss­ Feavey, the well-known grain eleva­ detecting. .. Afti-r spending somo* province was burned last night. It ing the Nicaraguan canal the Nev- Fargo, N. D . Dec. 2(> -Lornie Tim- tor capitalist, is (organizing with a months o>n his mine, cut ofT froom tln- belonged to the Coldbrook Iron ami I.a Valetta, Malta, Dec. 21.— Em­ oye Vremya says Russia is not. InteT- mons fell dead lasl night while skat­ number o>f lake capitalists, a steam­ world. lu- determined to say good­ Steel company. Loss 8100,000. peror William has telegraphed to* ested in the matter, but sides with ing. Ib" was l,"i years ohl, and ship company to operate on the gr.vrt bye to the Boers. So> ho* beat Ci.00 Yico'-Aolmiral Sir .lohn Fisher, com­ America. heart failure was assigni-d ns tho* lakos. Mr. Peavey admitted today worth of gold into clasps and clampf* Amsterdam, Doc. 21.—Mr. Kruger mander-in-chief of ihe British Medit­ cause oif death. His physical condi­ and nailed them on to his box. He attended a crowded meeting today in erranean station, sincerely thanking Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 20—TiV tion is said to have bet*n remarkable ibat contracts have ho-o*n closed ior daubed the whoib* with thick paint the N'eitiwe Ko'rk. 'Tin' speakets de- Earl o>f Hopetown, gono-rnoor-gcnoral the construction of four lure-'- 'reign*- him for his offer to send assistance in thnt his ho*nr( was on the ripht. and set out on his journey. Although clared Great Britain bad sold her io> thi' Gneisenau. His majesty an­ oif lhe (Commonwealth of Australia, side oust end of tho- left sido'. Ho* re­ ers a' Cleveland at u o'ost oif (1,500 - I his boox was frequently searched tho- birthright for a handful of goold. and swered: "Your action shoows onco* has requested Mr. William .Lohn Lj no­ cently made an effort tt> join (ho* Y'. 000 They will run between Duluth mi' clasps, anil th'* adventurer nt that the continental poowers would more that sailors an* comrades the ot ho- premier of New South Wales) to M. C. A. gymnasium class, but was rnd Buffalo), carrying grain, on- an) length lariob'tl with his treasure om forever bo'ar the branol of Cain u.ib-ss world over, and I hat blooal is foirm tho* first federal ministry. Mr. not permitted to do so ^x-cause of go neral freight. I saf«' ground. they intervened in South Africa. thicker than water." Lyme is considering the proposition. the location of his heart. a—— ^plil I I THE LITTLE GAME OF WAR. and busy places, arid the Improvement which the principal points have just C. F. P. CONYBEARE, (J.C. in the appearance of all of them is very been mentioned, it may be said that it Following is Mr, Owen A. Sinily's Atlantic marked.' is the great cattle and sheep country of Barrister, Solicitor, etc., $ nm HY poem, "The Little Game of War," Lethbridge was always a railway (.'anada. It is the land of the chinook, which he recited sb effectively on the LBTHBEIDOE, - ALBERTA. town, and bad the advantage of dii o a share in the wholesale trade of the a quagmire in which millions of good BARRISTER, Cambroman—Dominion Line Dec. 18 Willi sodger boys fer counters an ter stakes a EXCURSION Vancouver—Dominion Line Dec. _» cpuntry'a fame. Kootenay, towards which its United money was lost, is now one of the best TO Dominion—Dominion Line Jan. 12 Tho' HonBlanti plays it well, between th' post money makers in Canada. ADVOCATE, SOLICITOR, ETC., From Halifax States railway' connection is a greal Lake Champlain—Beaver Line Der;. 2. an you .ui i,i<\ help. Situated on the level, dry, bare Hut there is already in prospect the LETHBREDGE, ALTA. Lake Megantie—Beaver Line Jan. 8 She never 'as th' choice of w'ere th' bloomin' development of an industry which will — From New York game'a ter be. piailie, three hundred Ieet above the Oflice: Hill Mock. THE EAST Friesland American Line Dec 19 river, there was no beauty to attract enable much more money to he made St. laouis—American Line Dec. 26 We've fort th' Prsnob hi FragRie land, we've Southwark-Red Star Lino Dec 19 whopped tli' Don in Spain, from an equal area of land than 1 or retain population. Willi the con­ Westernland—Rod Star Line Dec. 26 We'veliased the Hear in Ftoosher, an oun llok can now be made out of cat­ tt. C. McClure, L.D.S., D.n.s., Campania—Cunard Line Dec. 2H im there again. struction eif tbe great St. Mary's Irri­ Etruria-Cunard Line Jan 5 We've I IM1 lus H-OI a game er I wogal'ln' b'on Rome- gation canal, so that the water of the tle. As has already been indicated Majestic-White St**ir Line Dec. 19 DENTIST. Oceanic—White Star Line Dec. 20 w'ere's aroiinol, river which formerly pissed three there an* certain eccentricities of the $50 Sardinian—Allan State Line Dec. 8 But ev'ry time we play, hit's on the h'ollier Office: Hill Block, Lethbridge, Alta. State Nebraska—Allan State Line Dee. l.'i feller's ground. hundred I'cet below now tuns in deal climate which to the farmer tell heavily Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. TO Cabin, $12.50, $50, $60, $70, $80 and upwards We ca wn't refuse a ohallenge w'en we're naked streams along the sides of i in- residence against the region as a grain growing Intermediate, $32.50 and upwards. to take a'and. Will be at Pinoher (reek, Dec. 10th to 15th. Steerage, |22.;«0 and upwards. No matter w'at tli' rules may be, no matter and business streets and around (be country but do not tell equally against MONTREAL, TORONTO, cattle. Possibly dry weather in sum­ Passengers ticketed through to al points iu w'en; ih' land. public square, there will eome fhe and all \uiiuU West thereof. Great Britain or Ireland, and at speciolly low From the Tropica to the H'Arctic*, we're unite mer and cold weather and storms in NORTH STAR LODGE rates to all parts of the European continent. content to roam. planting of trees, the cultivation oil Prepaid passages arranged from all point.. But'aven't for a long time art a little game at dowels and gardens, and generally the the early fall are the chances which No. 41, ... K. * A.M.. (..I...M. Apply to the nearest Steamship or Railway 'ome. beautifying of the town and the utili. the farmer takes on grain—spring Ticket Agent, Kor llie' Ihey li'olt'cn 'as a h.eye on .I'Kngluiid's Regular Meeting in Oddfellows'Hall. Second J. KIRKPATRICK. grain. I.xperiments which have been Monday in the Month. Full attendance re- sanoly ihore, lizing of what was formerly waste o|iie> al Mafekin,' that would 'ave bin today the is probably one of -A.. O. TT. a prize, prospect of the money being secured. Meets in Oddfellows'Hall first and PELHAM NURSERY. But loafln' round tli' laager seemed to be about thr best wheat growing sections of the third Thursday In each month at 8 air. B. T. Gait, manager of lie' <'<>al their size. United States. Our foothills country p.m. Visiting brethren cordially k Hallway Company, took 111«- matter welcome. Well we've played the game to soot 'em, the may yet go through the like experi­ rules WUS all their own, up, and succeeded in enlisting the John AkhcrofL it. W. Reed, MR. J. REED They chose the time an' place to play, an' they ence. C. R. Seel. chuoked the fust stone. necessary capital in tbo- enterprise, and •*» Tluv .bowed us i/ery plainly they wu/. spoilin' after two year's arduous labor the fer a fight i SCHOOL BOARD. Is Sole Agent for Lethbridge, They've 'ad a jolly idin,' and it serves the water of the St. Mary's was last fall beggars right. turned into a channel, which carried it The full Board was present at a ' and will be calling at every house in the Now Kruger'. an theoontlnonga-aeektn'change Special meeting held an Wednesday ofn'alr, out of the valley, through a range of district during the winter to solicit An' likes the climate so. I ear. e thinks er lolling hills, and out on lo the level Dec. 12th. stayin there. prairie, where it conld be used to give Miss Grisbach, teacher at North "R.eaV. &s\aU ^.q*.Tv\. orders for spring planting. Cronje's at St. 'Klena an' I'd like ter make a bet, life and growth and luxuriance, where Ward Scoool attended the meeting and Shop and Office: That soon'ell'ave for company that slippery befoie there was only the short buffalo requested the Board to protect her Opposite I.oi li Ini dm- New*. De Wet. from the annoyance of Mr. and Mrs. Bin i,u:ro>'s a lesson to be learnt from this lawst grass of l he great plains. From the gameo. hours, intake of the ditch on the easl ban). of C. IL Harding. niie that's bin a big surprise to h'all th the St. Mary's some miles above Card- Barford- Ripley.—That the Solicitor furrin powers. St. Mary's River Railway be instructed to write a letter to Mr. challenge to th' Hon now will never be stem, to Stirling, where il crosses lie' track of the Great Palls and Canada C. II. Hauling stating that a complaint itn- same, Commencing Wednesday, November 28th, sini'i' the Ivanycroo an' Beaver 'ave learnt ter railway, the distance is some sixty lias been made to the Board that Mr. play the game. miles-, with a branch MOMIC 20 miles in and aMrs. Harding have been in the 1900, trains will run as follows : Canadians at Paardoborg tort all the world at largo length to Lethbridge. Nol Ibe least habit of annoying the teacher and in­ GOING NORTH. Th' Empire's latest lesson w'en tliey made their remarkable thing about this ditch or terfering with the work of the North GOING SOUTH. gallant charge, canal is that it carries the water of the Ward School, and to notify them tha Monday, Wednesday Monday, Wednesday And wrote in words of blood an' (ire that 'e may in the event of any further complaints and Friday. reaol who runs; St. Mary's, a branch "of tbe Saskatche­ and Friday, il VOI INSULT THE MOTHER YOU wan, across tlie divide and empties its being made by the teacher, proceed­ MUST ANSWER TO THE SOaVS." ings will be taken against them accord H.00 Iv I illiliritlt.1- ar 4.50 p.m. surplus water into a coulee which is it Saw Death NearOWE. N A. SMII.V. 9.20 »« " ....Stirlhig • 3.30 " tributary to the Missouri. The water ing to law without any further notice. .< 10.00 •• " II rami lo > .. 2.50 " "It often made uiy heart ache,' which left tbe mountains in a channel —Carried. .. 10.55 " .. Magrath . 2.10 " writes L. C. Oveistreet, of Elgin, Tenn. destined for Hudson's Bay is directed Bariord- McBeth.-Tbat the follow 12.05 p.m. ar Spring Coulee Iv 1.15 p.m. "to hear my wife cough until it seemed across the height of land and finds its ing accounts be approved for payment: her weak and sore lungs would collapse. way into the Gulf of Mexico. Brodie k Stafford, $1.90; Lethbridge Cartage Co., $6.50; H. Mossip, $3; C. Good doctors said she was so far gone In connection with the construction Hyssop, ->7: Lethbridge Cartage Co., with consumption that no medicine or of the ditch was a colonization scheme, $3.25; Union Bank of Canada, $859.65; ALBERTA RAILWAY & COAL COMPANY earthly help could save her, but a friend whereby settlers from Utah with a Robert Sage, $10; also salaries for AND recommended Dr. King's New Discov­ practical knowledge of irrigation were teachers and caretaker for the month ery and persistent use of this excellent offered inducements to work on the of DPC.—Carried. GREAT FALLS & CANADA RAILWAY CO'Y. remedy saved her life." It's absolutely ditch and at the same time acquire guaranteed tor coughs, colds, bronchi­ hind for cultivation. As a result two tis, asthma ami all throat, chest and new towns have been established: ISla- Subscribe for the "flews," CO_N"I_)_-i!_->rS---3-D JOI-tSTT TIME T__3k__BX___S. lung diseases. BOo and $1.0(1 at J. D. grath, on the ditch 20 miles southwest IS EFFECT, JUNE 11th, 1900. r Higinbotham A Uo. Trial bottles free. ot Lethbridge on the trail to Cardston, and Sterling on the Great Falls and LOVE Going South. Going North. AS OTHERS SEE IS. Canada railway, aboul IS mile, south­ aMilos No. 1. No. 3. Miles No. -. No. 4. east of Lethbridge. The new towns Lives only in the present. Nature throws a glamor around youth and maiden, se from Paratieiig-r. Panaeuger. from Pansenger. Passenger. The Edmonton Bulletin Toll- ol Ilu* are about twenty miles apart, and the MTATlONa. STATIONS. that although they saw misery and mar­ K.'i i.i Prosir-M. Heine; Made by jLetlib'idge Tuesday, country between is all irrigable. At riage walking hand in hand in every Great Kails Tuesday, Southern Albert**. Thursday and both settlements considerable crop was home iu the world they would fondly Daily. Thurt-day >i*id Daily. Saturday. Saturday. sown during the past season, and al­ believe that they The Edmonton Bulletin recently I could marry and published a lengthy article dealing with though the water was not turned into defy misery. •21 * 1.0 lat-ilii.t'i.l:.!' ... dep. 10.45 p.m. 200.0 Kresi Pnllu... dep. 10.00 a.m. the progress being made by Southern the ditch in time to be of service tbe Young women 181.0 Stirling 11.50 " 198.0 Wlllard " 10.0 " Alberta, and we make the following yields at Magrath were good. At Stir­ should bt taught to prepare for mar­ lli-2.5 Tyrrell**. Vahe " 12.45 a m. 188.0 Vaugban 10.40 •' excerpts as being of more immediate ling, being further east, there was less riage. They should 158.5 It 0 01 II (..01 1.00 " 179.0 Steel " 11.05 " interest to residents of this district. : rainfall than at Magrath and the crops understand how to 117.11 1.35 " 163.0 Clark'* spur 11.45 " This Western Canada is so big that did not do as well. Bul with the wat­ preserve their mih River .... [womanly health 12.05 p.m. people living iu one part are apt to er available, as it will be next season, 134.0 « on lit. i arr. 2.15 " 157.0 •CalllM {££ through the func- 12.20 " both settlements are confident of com­ Intern'l bound. \ know very little about what is going on I changes of 134.0 Sweet «.r««- I dep. 2.40 " 147.0 Brady 12.55 " in other parts. Progress in Northern plete success for the fill nre. Of course maternity. Doctor Kevin " 3.20 ' 133.3 Pondera " 1.30 " Alberta bas been so rapid during the the matter is still in its experimental Pierce's Favorite stage, but when a year or two ot suc­ Prescription is the l««M-k> Spring* " 4.00 " 114.8 Conrad " 2.25 " pnst two or three years thn' we are apt most effective med- to imagine ibat other parts of the cess has demonstrated the advantage fixer. 4.40 " i arr. 2.56 " I icine for the pre­ Nbelby .inn. 104.0 Shelby inn. country must be standing still because of irrigation, it is confidently expected servation of wom­ \dep. 5.10 " Uep. 3.1o " anly health and the we are going ahead sa rapidly. This is that population and cultivation will in- j 3.56 '• cure of womanly 85.2 Conrad " 5.40 " 91.0 Bocky Spring* " a mistake. All parts of the wesl from crease rapidly in whal was until last diseases. It regu- 66.7 Pondera " «.25 " 78.0 Kevin " 4.30 " Ibe Great Lakes to the Pacific are pro­ year an uninhabited region. llates the perieds, Brady " 7.00 " 86.0 Sweet Uraaa i arr. -.06 •' gressing as never before. In no part In connection with the canal scheme dries enfeebling ao Intern'l bound. { diains, heals in- outside of Northern Alberta is this 13.0 Collin* " 7.30 " 66.0 Coutta Idep. 6.20 " the (rait company has projected a rail- j tlaiiunat ion and progress more marked than in the way to follow the canal from Stilling! I ulceration, and 37.0 Clark** Spnr .. 7.45 " 93.0 milk River.... -JJ.S •' more southerly part of Sent hern Al­ cures female weak- westerly. This road was completed to 21.0 Steel " 8.30 " 41.5 Brunton •.86 " berta. Four yean ago the Macleod Spring Coulee, thirty miles from Stir­ ^ ^J ness. It prepares ^**" the womanly or- 12.0 \ an tell aii " 8.65 " 37.5 Tyrrell** Lake 0.M " and Lethbridge districts were isolated ling last tall, and it is expected that it and backward. The two chief lowns inisra for maternity and makes the to Ulllard 9.25 " 19.0 Stirling " Mu " will be completed 2. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left om Sunday for Nova KKV. W. KIPI.IV BKAI B.A.. Rector. Scotia, on a visit, to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS: Matins at tl a.m. Mi* pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. Mrs. Sanders, wife of Insp, Sanders, No. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner received at this office and contains the a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. H. Dent ley came down from Eer­ tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wagi i bednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. -Uaxander, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 200 head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is Tbe Salvation Army Christinas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. Tbe hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gon« east ior paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with tbe many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Hound inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used as an office by tbe Cartage is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this wo»k, No alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coming down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when nol in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few bin kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and the Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Rev. Mi- afterwards torn off Rnd replaced with door closes over a rubber 1 im, with the Hamilton, of Cardston. left last nigbt one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, olieol proof. The shelves also are of polish­ ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests Miss J. McLeay was a passenger on in tho- Gait Hospital, Dec. ltttb. 1000, having succumbed to an operation per* and may be adjusted Ul the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinel complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. cost $112 here, and the Iollowiug do­ Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ nations have been applied toward pay­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation (of the skillful and untiring ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $2.">: F. A. Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by lhe physicians and Downer (wager, Downei _. Anderson), the hall. The Parable of the Pounds nurses in her husband's behalf; and $10; P. la. Naismith, (wager, Naismith 7_Ave S^vWvd^e Co-o\.. 3\.ss\i, 2A& also for the great kindness and sym­ will be the subject of the Hible study k Downei) $5.00: Mrs. Thos. McNabb, pathy shown by them to herself in her $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70. ou Sunday morning. _ad bereavement. PHOITE -4G i- Vim i^xntra-i lt. Avigv-Stin.'.- Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova KKV. W. Kihi.iv BKAI B.A.. Rector. Hcotia, on a visit to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matinsal tl a.m. Miss M. Angu-, late dry goods clerk Simdiiy School at '6p.m . ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's Our Dress Goods, Silks, Etvonsouar at 8 i>.m. and Popular Prices. Celobration of the Holy Communion '• traiu for her old home in Nova Scotia. 1st Sunday in tin* Month at ll a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, at s a.m. Caretaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays-Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., with ad style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladies) meets fortnlghtl) plications toE. N. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 3.3t) p.m., at the Rectory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisms at the times appointed by the Book >>t Mr. J. rt. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday ovenlngs at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Waltharn move­ been relieved of his duties hy the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: ment, tfl5.00 . WESLEY CHURCH, LETH_.1-11X.-E. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Scrriccs at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday School and Uible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading. Weanes* complete range of every special movement, only $20 to day, 8 p.m. down from Macleod for the holidays 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Inspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and i-itorf will DO The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to KMK) tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, This is considered very satisfactory, T. JACKSON WRAY. Pastor. seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ and Import! )d China ware. This Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football hoys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas day. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse hoys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Business men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to he themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Neils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EEU7, U, I k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist anil Expert Watchmaker Just received. Graduate Refract ioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day Merchant Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse in town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could liave held the May­ Christinas and New Vear or's chair without the coining election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine shop. Christmas Goods. T. Drown. __S*Mr______-----B__BB______--_____-___-___------i Mr. Alex. W. McKay ancl Mist Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er! Be .lane Robertson, were married on BOXED PEBFUMERY-An immense Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS Christmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets milkers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dressing Cases, Shaving and Hanlcnre Of the to of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony and Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glassware-, about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -,*.., c-rri./.-0 Austrian Ooods, kc. kc. i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbiidge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutcli or t'ini.liMl. Creek. l •• i>id Hon If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. 1 •• Old Sherry PBIGBS BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whiakej Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless . opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy -- B. Crichton & SOB, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. pected tube placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars the middle ni January, and promises to CD-TIT Telephone tO. Nlgll. Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for .5,50, NEW CHEESES. The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. 1J>00. nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next i •• Soagrain "Old Times' I •• Very old Port PRIME FED LOCAL TOPICS. year. 1 - Very did Sherry i •**• Brandy NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. INTERESTING ITIOIS .OATHEBED A mountain "panther'" is said to be i " Dewar's 8ootch BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has i Jamaica Rum A IN VARIOUS PLACES UV OI K "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. BEAUTIPUL STOCK OF M"Wwklj supply of our famed U. I'Olt roll I \ I. STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ I '• si Rem! • 'larol Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy and Prosperous New Vear tern and the other with a dinner pail! 10 Imported ('Igars Those who have the management of JAPANESE : CHINA to you. affairs in hand for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for 2:0,00, LAMB. .mi. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on New Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make the affair a most en joy- I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. successful issue. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. X. S.. on Sunday night. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. decorated with evergreens and holly in i alephone 48. Capt. Deane spent Christinas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his tamily.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite past imt* on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of our Try M. Q, Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei has a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, the 111t_rl.t frost-s have markably well by the choir. been sufficient to put ;t sheet uf ice on A slight flurryjfof snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running Lbe water mas night. The baseball [benedicts apparently preferred spending Christmas day "in from the irrigation ditches Into de­ Make your good resolutions for the 1 pressions near the town, giving an ex­ th' buzzoms uv tber famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this new century. Dooley would say, for only one turned healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match on Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to recieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres­ viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and byterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and H. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christmas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and W. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics he- Election for Mayor from !> a, m. to b There was a total lack of excitement, sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperatures It is presumed, from the limited their candidature. for the pa9t week is 381 and the mini­ number of the Company's employees Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine mum average 28°, fied with having himself defeated Mr. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another IIIHII to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does eame trick. Unfair!—Advt. ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethbridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 41,00(1. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stockers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 5,(100 have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tu.key ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorned the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bir. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C, and is spending a holiday selves iu avc:> creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. greati} pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. Mrs. Sanders, wife of fr.sp. Sanders, No. 4 of the Labor Gazette has heen vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last received at this office and contains the latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. II. Dent ley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wagi > bednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Alaxandei, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 2oo head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found Dear his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in the was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Boston has gon« east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der, " from lloor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab* doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used a.s an office by the Cartage is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, No alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coming down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when nol in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few bin kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and tbe Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mi- afterwards torn off and replaced with door closes over a rubber rim, with the Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl night OIK* of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also an* of polish- ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests Miss J. McLeay was s passenger on iii the Gait Hospital, Dec. Ifith. 1!»00, having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted to the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. Th** cabinel complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. cost $112 here, and the Iollowiug do* Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ nations have been applied toward pay­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $S6\ F. A. Mr. White's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by lhe physicians and Downer (wager, Downei . (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova KKV. W. RIDLEY BKAI B.A., Rector. Scotia, on a visit to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matins al It a.m. Bliss M. Angus, late dry goods clerk Smidny School at 'd p.m. ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's Our Dress Goods, Silks, Etvonsouar at 8 tun. and Popular Prices. Celebration of the Holy Communion I train for her old home in Nova Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at 11 a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, at 8 a.m. Curetaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays—Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., with ad style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladies) meets fortnlghtl) plications to E. N. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.30 p.m., at the Rectory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisms at the times appointed by the BOOK >>t Mr. .1. K. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Friday evenings at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Waltham move­ been relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: ment.- tfl 5.00. WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBR1HUE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Services: at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday School and Uible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came special movement, only $20 to Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading. WSdnes* down from Macleod for the holidays complete range of every day, 8 p.m. 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Inspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and i-itorc will DC The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to KMK) tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, This is considered very satisfactory, T. JACKSON WRAY, Pastor. and Import! )d China ware. This seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football boys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse boys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Husiness men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Xeils V. Hansen was fined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EELL7, _.0„ S, k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist ami Expert Watchmaker Just received. Graduate HcfraclioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day Merchant Tailor. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. A. MACDONALD. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse iu town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christinas and New Vear or's chair without the coining election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Brown. _B_**"*"M------S______B______--_____-___-__"----_--S Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er ine .lane Robertson, were married on BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS BOXED PERFUMERY-An immense Christmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN assortment frotn all the leading the eeremoi • taking place at tlie resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dressing Caso**, Shaving und Hanicare Of the to of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony untl Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glassware-, about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -,*.., c-rri./.-0 Austrian Ooods, Ac, kc i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutcli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek. l •• old port 1 •• Old Sherry l'lilCES BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whisk.) Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless . I •• si Rem I Claret varlot opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Blackberry Brandy pected tube placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars -- I P. Crichton & Son, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. the middle oi January, and promises to Telephone 19, Nigbt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for S.,50, NEW CHEESES. CD-TIT The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club i •• Hoaffram "Old Times' NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next I •• Very old Port LOCAL TOPICS. year. i - Very Old Sherry PRIME FED A mountain "panther'' i-* said to be i •**• Brandy NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. INTERESTING in 'is .OATHEBED i " Dewar's Scotch BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has i Jamaica Rum A IN VARIOUS PLACES UV OI K "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. BEAUTIPUL STOCK OF M"Wwklj supply of our famed I-i I'Olt I OKI iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ i '• si Rem! • 'larel Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous New Vear tern and the other with a dinner pail! 10 Imported ('Igan Those who have the management of JAPANESE : CHINA to you. affairs in band for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for 2:0,00, LAMB. .fill. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on Xew Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make tbe affair a most en joy- I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. aide one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. successful'\ WALLACE & MIRON, Props. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. Telephone No. 1. X. S.. on Sunday night. The English Church was very nicely decorated with evergreens and holly in i alephone 48. Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his lamily.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite past imt* on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of our Try M. Q, Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei has a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, the tn_cht frost-s have markably well by the choir. been sufficient to put ;t sheet of ice on A slight Hurryjof snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running Lbe water mas night. The baseball [benedicts apparently preferred spending Christmas day "in from the irrigation ditches Into de­ Make your good resolutions for the 1 pressions near the town, giving an ex­ th' buzzoms uv tber famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this new century. Dooley would say, for only one turned healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match on Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres­ viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and byterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christinas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and W. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics be­ Election for Mayor from !» a, m. to b There was a total lack of excitement, sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperatures It is presumed, from the limited their candidature. for the pa.t week is 381 and the mini­ number of the Company's employees Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine mum average 28°, fied with having himself defeated Mr. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another mnn to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does eame trick. Unfair!—Advt. ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethbridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 41,00(1. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stockers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes aud vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 6,000 have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tu.key ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorned the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bir. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C., and is spending a holiday selves iu avc:> creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. greatly pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. Mrs. Sanders, wife of fr.sp. Sanders, Xo. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner received at this office and contains the a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. II. Dent ley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;• 'I -'.atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wagi i bednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sln*i iff Mr. J. S. T. _Uu.a_.der, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 200 head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated hides, some Mrs. HcKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in the was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gone east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The first-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, Ac. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about So'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five Ieet high, Street, used a.s an office by the Cartage is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this wi»k, Xo alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coming down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few bin kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and tbe Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mi- afterwards torn off Rnd replaced with door closes over a rubber rim, with the Hamilton, of Cardston. left last night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also an* of polish­ ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests Miss J. McLeay was s passenger on in the Gait Hospital, Dec. lttth. 1!»00, having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted to the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. Th** cabinet complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. cost $112 here, and the Iollowiug do­ Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ nations have la-en applied toward pay­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $S6\ F. A. Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by the physicians and Downer (wager, Downei fr, Anderson), the hall. The Parable of the Pounds nurses in her husband's behalf; and $10; P. la. Naismith, (wager, Naismith 7_Ave S^vWvd^e Co-o\.. 3\.ss\i, 2A& also for the great kindness and sym­ will l»e the subject of the Hible study k Downei) $5.00: Mrs. Thos. McNabb, pathy shown by them to herself in her $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70. ou Sunday morning. _ad bereavement. PHOITE -4G i- vim i^xntra-. lt. Avigv-Stin.'.- Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova RBV. W. RtOtKV Hm B.A.. Rector. Scotia, on H visit to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matinsal 11 a.m. Miss M. Angu-, late dry goods clerk Smidny Sohool at y p.m. ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's Our Dress Goods, Silks, Etvonsouar at 8 tun. and Popular Prices. Celebration of the Holy Communion '• traiu for her old home in Nova Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at 11 a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, at S a.m. Caretaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays—Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., wlthad' style and value. We in­ dress. State Balary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild oi St. Monica (Ladies) meets fortnlghtl) plications to E. N. Higinbotham, Sccty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.80 p.m., at the Iteetory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisms at the times appointed by the Book >>t Mr. .1. I{. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday evenings at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine VValtham move­ been relieved of his duties hy the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: ment, tfl 5.00. WESLEY CHURCH, LETHI_1.-1X.-E. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Services at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday Sohool and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came Prayer Meeting and Bible Beading, wednes* complete range of every special movement, only $20 to day, 8 p.m. down from Macleod for the holidays 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Tnspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and i-itorc will DC The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to 1000 tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, This is considered very satisfactory, T. JACKSON WRAY. Pastor. seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ and Import! )d China ware. This Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football boys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse hoys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Business men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Neils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EEU7, _.0„ S, k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Expert Wiitchuiukar Just received. Graduate HcfraclioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day Merchant Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse iu town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christinas and New Vear or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Brown. ___ia«""______s___s______-____Bi__i___-___-__i Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er ine .lane Robertson, were married on BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS BOXED PEBFUMERY-An immense ('hristmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dre-dttg Case**, Shaving and Hanlcare Of the to of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony und Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glajteware-, about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -a*.- c-rri./.-0 Austrian Ooods, kc. kc i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutfli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek, l •• old Hon 1 •• Old Sherry PBIGBS BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whisk.) Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless . opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy pected to be placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars -- I P. Crichton & Son, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. the middle oi January, and promises to Telephone 19. NIgtil Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. CD-TIT The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thur>duv, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club i •• Seagram "Old Times' NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next I •• Very old Port LOCAL TOPICS. year. 1 - Very did Sherry PRIME FED A mountain "panther" is said to be i •**• Brandy NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. INTERESTING ITIOIS .OATHEBED i " Dewar's Scotch BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has i Jamaica Rum A IN VARIOUS PLACES BY Ol H "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. BEAUTIPUL STOCK OF M"Wwklj supply of our famed Hi I'Olt I OKI iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ I '• si Rem! • 'larol Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous New Vear tern and the other with a dinner pail! 10 Imported ('Igars Those who have the management of JAPANESE : CHINA to you. affairs in hand for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for .10,00, LAMB. .fill. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on New Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make tbe affair a most enjoy­ I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. successful issue. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. X. S.. on Sunday night. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. decorated with evergreens and holly in i alephone 48. Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his family.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite pastime on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of our Try M. Gh Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei has a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, tlie nigbt frost-s have markably well by the choir. been sufficient to put a sheet uf ice on A slight flurryJbf snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running Lbe water mas night. The baseball [benedicts apparently preferred spending Christmas day "in from the irrigation ditches Into de­ Make your good resolutions for the 1 pressions near the town, giving an ex­ th' buzzoms uv tber famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this new century. Dooley would say, for only one turned out to play in the married vs. single healthy recreation. NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for? match on Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres­ viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and byterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christmas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and \V. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics he- Election for Mayor from 0 a, m. to b There was a total lack of excitement, sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperature, Tt is presumed, from the limited their candidature. for the pa9t week is 381 and the mini­ number of the Company's employees Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine fied with having himself defeated Mr. mum average 28°. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another man to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does eame trick. Fnfair!—Advt. ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethhridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 47,000. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stockers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 5,000 have found Robt. Nivee, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tu.key ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorned the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bar. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C, and is spending a holiday selves iu avc:> creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. rjreatiy pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. No. 4 of the Labor Gazette has heen vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of insp. Sanders, a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last received at this office and contains the latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. H. Bentley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;• 'I -'.atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wag( • bednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. _U_t*_a_lder, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 200 head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated hides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in the was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gon« east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der," from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the (.alt Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used a.s an office hy the Cartage Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, No alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments (•'lining down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few bin kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and tbe Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mr- afterwards torn off Rnd replaced with door closes over • rubber rim, with the THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also are of polish­ tfias J. McLeay was • passenger on in the (ialt" Hospital, Dec. Ifith. 1000, ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests having succumbed to an operation per­ ami may be adjusted to the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinet complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ cost $112 here, and the iollowiug do­ "The passing century" will He Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring nations have been applied toward pay­ Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by the physicians and ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $S6\ F. A. nurses in her husband's behalf; and Downer (wager, Downei . (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova RBV. W. RIDLEY BKAI B.A., Rector. Scotia, on a visit to her old home, Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matins al tl a.m. Miss M. Angus, late dry goods clerk Siindny Sohool at y p.m. ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's Our Dress Goods, Silks, Etvonsouar at 8 tun. and Popular Prices. Celebration of the Holy Communion '• train for her old home in Nova Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at 11 a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, al S a.m. Curetaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays—Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., with ad style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladies) meets tortnightl) plications toE. N. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.80 p.m., at the lleotory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisms at the times appointed by the Book >>t Mr. .'. K. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday evenings at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Waltham move­ heen relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: ment.- tfl5.00 . WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBRllMJE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Scr rices at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday Sohool and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came special movement, only $20 to Prayor Meeting and Bible Heading, wednes* down from Macleod for the holidays complete range of every day, 8 p.m. 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Inspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and i-itorf will DC The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to 1000 tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, T. JACKSON WRAY. Pastor. This is considered very satisfactory, and Import! )d China ware. This seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football boys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse hoys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Business men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Neils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. _.U7, U, l k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Kxporl Wiitchuiuker Just received. Graduate Refract ioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day __v__erc_nar_.t Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse iu town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christinas and New Vear or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Drown. ___iaB*a______BBB__S______S______--____-BR Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er ine .lane Robertson, were married on BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS BOXED PEBFUMERY-An immense Christmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dresslttg Case**, Shaving und Manicure Of the lo of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony und Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glassware) about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -,*.., c-rri./.-0 Austrian Ooods, Ac, Ac. i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethhridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutfli or t'ini.liMl. Creek, l •• old Port If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. 1 •• Old Sherry l'lilCES BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whiakej Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless . opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy pected tube placed on the hoards about in Domestic cigars -- B. Crichton & SOB, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. the middle oi January, and promises to Telephone 19. N!gttt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. CD-TIT The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club i •• -toagram "Old Times' NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next I •• Very old Port LOCAL TOPICS. year. l - Very (Hd Sherry PRIME FED i •**• Brandy NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. I1.TBBESTING ill 'h .OATHBBED A mountain "panther'" i-* said to be i " Dewar's Sootcb BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has i Jamaica Rum , 1 A IN VARIOUS PLACES UV OI K "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. _3_-_:_^_.T_JT I_= T-JI_ STOCK OF M-weekly supply of our famed Hi I'Olt I OKI iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ I '• si Rem! • larel Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous New Vear tern and the other with a dinner pail! L0 Imported ('Igars Those who have the management of JAPANESE : CHINA to you. affairs in hand for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for .10.00, LAMB. .fill. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on New Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make tlie affair a most enjoy­ I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. successful issue. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. X. S.. on Sunday night. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. decorated with evergreens and holly in i alephone 48. Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town bouor of the great Christmas festival. with his family.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite pastime on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of our Try M. Gh Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei has a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, heing rendered re­ not been cold, the nigbt frost-s have markably well by the choir. been sufficient to put a sheet uf ice on A slight flurryjfof snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running Lbe water mas night. The baseball |benedicts apparently from the irrigation ditches Into de­ preferred spending Christmas day "in Make your good resolutions for the 1 pressions near the town, giving an ex­ th' buzzoms uv tber fomleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity of indulging in this new century. Dooley would say, for only one turned healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match nn Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres- viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and hyterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christmas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and W. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics he- Election for Mayor from 9 a, m. to b There was a total lack of excitement, sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperatures It is presumed, from the limited their candidature. for the pa.t week is 381 and the mini­ number of the Company's employees Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at tbe mine fied with having himself defeated .Mr. mum average 28°. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another mnn to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does eame trick. Fnfair!—Advt. ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethbridge district. The matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 47,000. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stackers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 5,000 have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Ileal Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tmkey ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commie- Ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorr.ed the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bar. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C., and is spending a holiday selves iu a ver*/ creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. f-reali> pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. No. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of Insp. Sanders, a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last received at this office and contains the latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. H. Dent ley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair WOg( • hednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Alaxaiidei, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 200 head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Boston has gon« east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The first-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gall Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feet high, Street, used as an office hy the Cartage Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, No alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coining down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few tun kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and the Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mi- afterwards torn off Rnd replaced with door closes over B rubber rim, with the THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. Hamilton, of Cardston. left last night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also are of polish­ Miss J. McLeay was • passenger on iii the Gait Hospital, Dec. 10th. 1000, ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted to the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinet complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ cost $112 bere. and the following do­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring nations bave been applied toward pay­ Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by the physicians and ment: Mrs. Neale's class.•>. $2.">: F. A. nurses in her husband's behalf; and Downer (wager. Downei _. Anderson), the hall. The Parable of the Pounds also for the great kindness and sym­ $10; P. la. Naismith, (wager, Naismith 7_>\ve ieWvWvd^ Co-o\_. SVSSTI, 2A& will be the subject of tlie Hible study pathy shown by them to herself in her k Downei) $5.00: Mrs. Thos. McNabb, ou Sunday morning. _ad lH*reavement. $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport. $31.70.^rE -s=e i- vim i^xnira-i lt. Avigv-Stin.'.- Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova RBV. W. RtOtKV BKAI H.A.. Rector. Scotia, on a visit to her old home, Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matinsal tl a.m. Mi*s M. Angus, late dry goods clerk Sundny Sohool at y p.m. ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's Our Dress Goods, Silks, Bransons* at 8 tun. and Popular Prices. Celebration of the Holy Communion '• train tor her old home in Nova Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at 11 a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, al S a.m. Caretaket wanted for Knox church. at 7.30 p.m.. with ad style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladle.) meet, fortnlghtl) plications to E. N. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.80 p.m., at the Weetory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisma at the times appointed by the Book >>t Mr. J. K. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday ovetllngfl at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Walthani move­ heen relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: ment.- tfl 5.00. WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBRllMJE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Services: at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday Sohool and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came special movement, only $20 to Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading, Wadnes* down from Macleod for the holidays complete range of every day, 8 p.m. 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Tnspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and i-itorc will DC The daily output of coal from the erate prices. Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. mines ranges from N50 to KMK) tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, The Parsonage is next door to the Church. This is considered very satisfactory, and Import! )d China ware. This T. JACKSON WBAY. Pastor. seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football boys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse hoys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Husiness men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Xeils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EELL7, U, I k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Kxporl Wiitchuiaker Just received. Graduate HcfraclioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day __v__erc_nar_.t Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse iu town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christmas and New Vear or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had lie chosen to do so.— a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Brown. ___*-*•-*""______-___--__------_-_*______-• Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er ine .lane Robertson, were married on BOXED PERFUMERY-An immense Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS ('hristmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dressing Cases, Shaving and Hanlcare Of the to of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony untl Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (Jlass, Bohemian Glasewarej about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -,*.., CTnwcc Austrian Ooods, kc. kc i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethhridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutfli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek. l •• old Port 1 •• Old Sherry PBIGBS BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whlskej Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless . opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I •• si Reml Claret varlot I " Blackberry Brandy -- B. Crichton & SOB, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. pected tube placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars the middle oi January, and promises to CD-TIT Telephone 19. N!gttt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Tluir>day, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next I •• Seagram "Old Times' I •• Very old Port PRIME FED LOCAL TOPICS. year. i - Very Old Sherry A mountain "panther'' i-* said to be i •**• Brandy NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. INTERESTING ill 'h .OATHEBED i " Dewar's Sootcfa BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has i Jamaica Rum , 1 A IN VARIOUS PLACES UV OI K "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. _3_-_:_^_.T_JT I_= Tjri_ STOCK OF M"Wwklj supply of our famed Hi I'Olt I OKI iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ I '• si Rem! • larol Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous New Vear tern and the other with a dinner pail! L0 Ipiported <'igars Those who have the management of JAPANESE : CHINA to you. affairs in hand for the dance to he giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for .10,00, LAMB. .fill. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on Xew Year's These are ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make the affair a most enjoy­ I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, successful issue. Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. X. S.. on Sunday night. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. decorated with evergreens and holly in i alephone 48. Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his family.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite past inn* on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of our Try M. Q, Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei has a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, the night frosts have markably well hy the choir. been sufficient to put ;i .heel uf ice on A slight Hurryjof snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running Lbe water mas night. The baseball |benedicts apparently from the irrigation ditches Into de­ preferred spending Christmas day "in Make your good resolutions for the 1 pressions near the town, giving an ex­ th' buzzoms uv tber famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this new century. Dooley would say, for only one turned healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match on Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres- viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and hyterian Review is to hand, it is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christinas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and \V. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics he- Election for Mayor from !» a, m. to b There was a total lack of excitement, sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperatures it is presumed, from the limited their candidature. for the pa.t week is 381 and the mini­ number of the Company's employees Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine fied with having himself defeated Mr. mum average 28°. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another mnn to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does eame trick. Tnfair!—Advt. ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethbridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoha and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 41,00(1. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stocker! have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 5,(XKJ have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the houndary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tu.key ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. li. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorned the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bir. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C, and is spending a holiday selves iu a very creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. f-reati> pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. Xo. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of fr.sp. Sanders, a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last received at this office and contains the latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases. Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. H. Dent ley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wage • hedules on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Alaxatider, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 2oo head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found Dear his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gon« east for paper decoration-, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from tloor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about So'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used a.s an office hy the Cartage is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in wbite. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, Xo alarm was Bounded, the hlaze being repository of the surgical instruments coming down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature materia., when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few bin kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and tbe Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mr- afterwards torn off Rnd replaced with door closes over s rubber rim, with the Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl nigbt one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also are of polish­ ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests Miss J. McLeay was a passenger on iii the Gait Hospital, Dec. lttth. 1!HX), having sncciimhed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted Ul the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinel complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. cost $112 bere. and the following do* Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ nations have been applied toward pay­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $S6\ F. A. Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by the physicians and Downer (wager, Downei \ve ieWvWvd^ Co-o\_. SVSSTI, 2A& also for the great kindness and sym­ will he the subject of the Hi hie ft ud y k Downer) $5.00: Mrs. Thos. McNabb, pathy shown by them to herself in her $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70. ou Sunday morning. _ad bereavement.^rE -s=e i- vim i^xnira-i lt. Avxguatin.'-- Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova RBV. W. RtotKV BKAI B.A., Rector. Scotia, on a visit to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matins al tt a.m. Miss M. Angus, late dry goods clerk Suudiiy School at y ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's s Our Dress Goods, Silks, Etvonsonar at - iun. and Popular Prices. Celebration of the Holy Communion '• train for her old home in Xovn Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at ll a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, at 8 a.m. Caretaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays—Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., wlthad' style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Nov., for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladies) meets fortnight!) plications to ES. X. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.80 p.m., at the Reotory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisms at the times appointed by the Book 'it Mr. .'. K. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday evenings at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Walthani move­ been relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: ment, tfl 5.00. WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBR11WE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Services at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday School and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading. Wednes* complete range of every special movement, only $20 to day, 8 p.m. down from Macleod for the holidays 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Tnspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and Wtor*- will DC The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to KMK) tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, This is considered very satisfactory, T. JACKSON WRAY. Pastor. and Import! )d China ware. This seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ self inside one of our Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football boys were on the Square Holiday Presents. having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse boys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Husiness men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Xeils V. Hansen was fined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for being drunk J. C. EELL7, U, I k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Expert Wiitchuiukar Just received. Graduate HcfraclioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day __v__erc_nar_.t Tailor. Telephone 25. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse iu town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christinas and New Year or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Brown. _BSW___------SB______S______--____-__B__-_____-_-i Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er i ae .lane Robertson, were married on BOXED PERFUMERY-An immense Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS ('hristmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets milkers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Drestfus; Case**, Shaving ami Hanlcore Of the to of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony ami Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glasewarej A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -a*.- CTnwcc about one-third came from the districts i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Austrian Ooods, Ac, Ac. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbiidge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutfli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek, l •• old Port 1 •• Old Sherry Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless . PBIGBS BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whiske. opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy -- I P. Crichton & Son, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. pected to be placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars the middle oi January, and promises to CD-TIT Telephone 19. N!gttt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club NEW JAMS. American DxbibittoD at Buffalo next I •• -loagnun "Old Times' I •• Very old Port PRIME FED LOCAL TOPICS. year. 1 - Very (Hd Sherry i •**• Brandy A mountain "panther'' is said to be NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. I1.TBBESTING ill 'h .OATHBBED i " Dewar's Scotch BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has IN VARIOUS PLACES UV OI K i Jamaica Rum , 1 A "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. _3_-_:_^_.T_JT I_= T-JI_ STOCK OF M"Wee__lj supply of our famed m I'oit i om iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ I '• si Rem! • 'larol Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous N.w Vear tern and the other with a dinner pail! 10 Imported ('Igars Those who have the management of to you. JAPANESE : CHINA affairs in hand for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for .10.00, LAMB. VHII. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on Xew Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make the affair a most enjoy­ I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, successful issue. Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. X. S.. on Sunday night. i alephone 48. decorated with evergreens and holly in Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his family.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite pastime on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of our Try M. Q, Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei ha* a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, tlie night frosts have markably well by the choir. been sufficient to put a .heel uf ice on A slight flurryjfof snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running the water The baseball |benedicts apparently mas night. from the irrigation ditches Into de­ preferred spending Christmas day "in pressions near the town, giving an ex­ Make your good resolutions for the th' buzzoms uv tber1 famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this Dooley would say, for only one turned new century. healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match on Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everyhody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres­ viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and byterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christinas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and W. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics be­ There was a total lack of excitement, Election for Mayor from !> a, m. to b sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperature, It is presumed, from the limited their candidature. number of the Company's employees for the pa9t week is 381 and the mini­ Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine fied with having himself defeated Mr. mum average 28°. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another man to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ eame trick. Fnfair!—Advt. inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethhridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, hest and cheapest assortment of ies is about 41,00(1. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stockers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 5,(XKJ have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tu.key ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorr.ed the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bar. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C, and is spending a holiday selves iu a VCTy creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. f-reatiy pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of fr.sp. Sanders, Xo. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been received at this office and contains the a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases. Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. H. Dent ley came down from Fer­ tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;• d -tatlstical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ns on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wag( • hedules on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Alazander, of Fsrnie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 2IH) head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Xanaiino, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gon« east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used a.s an office by the Cartage is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, Xo alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments (•'lining down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few but kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and the Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mi- afterwards torn off Rnd replaced with door closes over a rubber rim, with the THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also are of polish- ed plate glass, are set upon rubber rests Mis.s J. McLeay was • passenger on iii the Gait Hospital, Dec. lttth. 1!HX), having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted Ul the size ol the Monday night's train, being bound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinel complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ cost $112 here, and the iollowiug do­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring nations have been applied toward pay­ Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by the physicians and ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $26j F. A. nurses in her husband's behalf; and Downer (wager, Downei \ve ieWvWvd^ Co-o\_. SVSSTI, 2A& also for the great kindness and sym­ $10; P. la. Naismith, (wager, Naismith will be tbe subject of the Hible study pathy shown by them to herself in her k Downer) $5.00; Mrs. Thos. McNabb, ou Sunday morning. _ad bereavement. $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70.^rE -s=e i- vim i^xntra-. lt. Avxgviatin.'-- Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova Rsv. W. RIDLEY BKAI H.A.. Rector. Scotia, on a visit to her old home, Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS: Matins al tl a.m. Miss M. Angu-, late dry goods clerk Sunnily Sohool at y p.m. ot the Co-op., lefl on Monday night's Our Dress Goods, Silks, Etvonsouar at 8 iun. and Popular Prices. Celebration of tin* Holy Communion ! train for her old home in Nova Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at 11 a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, al K a.m. Caretaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays—Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., wlthad' style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladies) meets fortnlghtl) plications to E. N. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.80 p.m., at the Itoetory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisma at the times appointed by the Book >>t Mr. .'. Ft. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday evenings at 8. spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Walthani move­ been relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ment, tfl 5.00. ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBRllMJE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Scr rices at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday Sohool and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came special movement, only $20 to Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading, waanes* down from Macleod for the holidays complete range of every day, 8 p.m. 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and weie the guests of Tnspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Scats arc free. Strangers and i-itorc will be The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to 1000 tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, T. JACKSON WRAY, Pastor. This is considered very satisfactory, and Import! )d China ware. This seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football boys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse hoys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Business men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Xeils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EEU7, U, I k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Kxporl Watchmaker Just received. Graduate Refract ion tot. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day __v__erc_nar_.t Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every night while in charge of a horse iu town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christinas and New Year or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Brown. ___SB___------B______B______-_-__-___B______-_S. Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER _ CO.'S er ine .lane Robertson, were married on BOXED PEBFUMERY-An immense Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS Christmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dressing Case**, Shaving and Hanlcare Of the lo of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony uml Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glaseware-, about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTIW«c -,*.., c-rri./.-0 Austrian Ooods, kc. kc i Hoi He Walker'. Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutfli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek, l •• old Port 1 •• Old Sherry l'lilCES BIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whiskej Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless • opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy pected tube placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars -- I P. Crichton & Son, Prop*. J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. the middle oi January, and promises to Telephone ill. N!gttt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. CD-TIT The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next I •• -taagrain "Old Times' I •• Very old Port PRIME FED LOCAL TOPICS. year. 1 - Very (Hd Sherry A mountain "panther'' i-* said to be i •**• Brandy NEW PICKLES. | HUTTOS. INTERESTING in 'is .OATHEBED i " Dewar's 8ootch BKEFj F0RK & roaming about North Ward, and has i Jamaica Rum , 1 A IN VARIOUS PLACES UV OI K "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy -A. _3_-_:_^_.T_JT I_= T-JI_ STOCK OF M"Wee__lj supply of our famed Hi I'Olt I OKI iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ i '• si Rem! • larol Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous New Year tern and the other with a dinner pail! L0 Imported ('Igars Those who have the management of JAPANESE : CHINA to you. affairs in hand for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for .10.00, LAMB. VHII. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on Xew Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make tbe affair a most enjoy- I not include Freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. successful issue. Mrs. A. McLean left .or Stellarton, Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. X. S.. on Sunday night. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. decorated with evergreens and holly in i alephone 48. Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his family.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite pastime on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of unr Try M. Q, Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei ha* a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, tlie night frosts have markably well by the choir. been sufficient to put a .heel uf ice on A .light flurryfbf snow fell on Christ- the lakes formed by running Lbe water mas night. The baseball |benedicts apparently from the irrigation ditches Into de­ preferred spending Christmas day "in Make your good resolutions for the 1 pressions near the town, giving an ex­ th' buzzoms uv tber famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this new century. Dooley would say, for only one turned healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match nn Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of .Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres­ viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and byterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christmas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and W. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics he- Election for Mayor from !> a, m. to b There was a total lack of excitement, sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperature, It is presumed, from the limited their candidature. for the pa9t week is 381 and the mini­ number of the Company's employees Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine fied with having himself defeated Mr. mum average 28°. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige o^ "OeT^ 3\_ccE\.\a_\Ae &'vfos The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another man to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does eame trick. Fnfair!—Advt. ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethhridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 47,000. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stockers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 6,000 have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mr*. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tu.key ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorr.ed the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bir. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C, and is spending a holiday selves iu a very creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. f-reati> pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. Xo. 4 of the Labor Gazette has heen vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of insp. Sanders, a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last received at this office and contains the latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. H. Bentley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wag( • hedules on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Aiazaoder, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 2IH) head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment, was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gone east for paper decoration-, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab­ doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used a.s an office by the Cartage Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in wbite. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, Xo alarm was sounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coming down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few bin kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and the Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mi- afterwards torn off and replaced with door closes over a rubber rim, with the THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also are of polish­ Miss J. McLeay was s passenger on in the Gait Hospital, Dec. lttth. 1000, ed plate glass, are set upon robber rests having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted Ul the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinel complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ cost $112 here, and the Iollowiug do­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring nations have been applied toward pay­ Mr. White s subject Sunday evening at efforts made by the physicians and ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $26j F. A. Downer (wager, Downei . 3Vss\i, 2A& also for the great kindness and sym­ $10; P. la. Naismith, (wager, Naismith will t»e the subject of the Bible study pathy shown hy them to herself in her k Downer) $5.00; Mrs. Thos. McNabb, ou Sunday morning. _ad bereavement. $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70. PHOITE -4G i- vim ituann*— It. Avig-ustin.'S Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova RBV. W. RtOtKV BKAI H.A.. Rector. Hcotta, on a visit to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matinsal tl a.m. Mi*>t Mr. .1. K. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday evenings at B, spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Walthani move­ been relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ment, tfl 5.00. ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBR11WE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Services at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday Sohool and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came special movement, only $20 to Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading. Wednes­ down from Macleod for the holidays complete range of every day, 8 p.m. 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Inspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Seats are free. Strangers and i-itorc will DC The daily output of coal from the erate prices. Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. mines ranges from N50 to 1000 tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, The Parsonage is next door to the Church. This is considered very satisfactory, and Import! )d China ware. This T. JACKSON WRAY, Pastor. seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football hoys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse boys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Business men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a carried in Lethbridge. with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. sacted this year. "Fit." Xeils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EEU7, U, I k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. Pi. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Kxporl Watchmaker Just received. Graduate HcfraclioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day Hiv^ercliant Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for heing drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every niurlit while in charge of a horse in town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christinas and New Vear or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences has been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Drown. SSBSBBBBSBBBa-"***SBSBSBBBa**""""SBBBSBBBBBBBBBI Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER & CO.'S er i ae .lane Robertson, were married on BOXED PERFUMERY-An immense Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS Christmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at tlie resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dressing Case**, Shaving and Hanicnre Of the to of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony und Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTiiurc -mo ernure Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glaseware-, about one-third came from the districts i Hoi He Walker's Ryo. Austrian Ooods, kc. kc Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutcli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek. l •• old Port 1 •• Old Sherry PBIGBS RIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whiakej Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless • opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy y- I P. Crichton & Son, Prop*. pected to be placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. the middle ni January, and promises to Telephone 19, Nigbt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. orrir The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next i •• Seagram "Old Times' I •• Very old Port PRIME FED LOCAL TOPICS. year. 1 - Very (Hd Sherry i •**• Brandy A mountain "panther" i-* said to be NEW PICKLES. | BKEFj F0RK & HUTTOS. INTERESTING in 'is .GATHERED i " Dewar's Sootcb roaming about North Ward, and has IN VAHIOIS PLACES BV OI H i Jamaica Rum A "attacked" two persons, one ot whom i •• Blackberry Brandy .A. BE^-TUTir-CJI- STOCK! OF M"*wwkly supply of our famed Hi I'Olt I OKI iL STAFF. :: " Calgary Export Lager is said to have stood it oif with a lan­ l '• si liemi < larol tern and the other with a dinner pail! Cambridge Pork Sausage**. A Happy anil Prosperous New Year 10 Imported ('Igars Those who have the management of to you. JAPANESE : CHINA affairs in hand for the dance to be giv­ 12 Bottles and 10 Cigars for 2:0,00, LAMB. Vflll. VENISON, FISH AND POULTRY Vote for Kenny.—Advt. en by the Baseball Club on Xew Year's These arc ('ash Prices and do fn their season. Eve are doing everything in their Mr. C. A. Magrath left on Friday on power to make tbe affair a most enjoy- I not include freight or express a trip to the east. able one, and everything points to a j charges to destination. WALLACE & MIRON, Props. Mrs. A. McLean left for Stellarton, successful'\ Fred. W. Downer & Co. SHERLOCK, FREEMAN & GO. The English Church was very nicely Telephone No. 1. X. S.. on Sunday night. i alephone 48. decorated with evergreens and holly in Capt. Deane spent Christmas in town honor of the great Christmas festival. with his family.' The services on both Sunday and Skating was a favorite pastime on Christmas were fully choral, and the Xmas day with a large number of unr TryM. G, Seaman when you want carols were very pleasing features of residents. Although the weathei ha* a Christmas present for your friends. the the services, being rendered re­ not been cold, tlie night frosts have been sufficient to put a sheet uf ice on A slight Hurryjof snow fell on Christ- markably well by the choir. the lakes formed by running the water The baseball |benedicts apparently mas night. from the irrigation ditches Into de­ preferred spending Christmas day "in pressions near the town, giving an ex­ Make your good resolutions for the th' buzzoms uv tber1 famleys," as Mr. cellent opportunity ol indulging in this Dooley would say, for only one turned new century. healthy recreation. 1 out to play in the married vs. single NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Who are you going to vote for!* match on Xmas morning. A practice The Returning Officer sat at the Fire Kenny, of course.—Advt. game was indulged in for about an ball on Monday last to retrieve nomina­ hour. tions for the vacant office of Mayor. We have anticipated your many wants, and have Everybody says, "Wright, the jew­ The nominees were the same as pre­ eler, must repair my watch." The Christmas number of the Pres­ viously—Messrs. Oliver and Kenny. placed upon our counters many beautiful and byterian Review is to hand. It is a Mr. Oliver was nominated by F. H. useful articles suitable for presents. Presbyterian and English Church splendid issue of 52 pages, well illustrat­ Mewhurn and R. E. Sherlock and aMr. Christmas Trees to-day, ed, and contains a large amount of in­ Kenny by H. Scott and W. Hardy. teresting reading on general topics he- There was a total lack of excitement, Election for Mayor from !> a, m. to b sides articles dealing with spiritual and the candidates did not consider it p.m., on Monday next. matters. necessary to address those present on The average maximum temperatures It is presumed, from the limited their candidature. number of the Company's employees for the past week is 381 and the mini­ Mr. Oliver's nominator is not satis­ who put in an appearance at the mine fied with having himself defeated Mr. mum average 28°. on Wednesday morning, that a large Kenny, but he must lend the prestige The Minister of Justice has appoint­ number must have indulged too freely of his name to another man to dw the in the "glass that cheers but does ed Mr. C. J. Atkinson Crown Prosecu­ eame trick. Fnfair!—Advt. inebriate," with the usual after effects" tor for the Lethbridge district. Ths matron of the Gait Hospital The number of cattle shipped this acknowledges the following donations M. G. Seaman handles and sells the year from Manitoba and the Territor­ with thanks: Mrs. T. McNabb, one Fancy Silk Waists, best and cheapest assortment of ies is about 41,00(1. This number rep­ turkey; Mrs. (Jeo. Houk, one turkey; smokers' articles. resents beef cattle. Some 25,000 head Mrs. Robt. Naysmith, $10; Mrs. Davis, Fancy Velvet Waists, of stackers have been sent west to the two bags potatoes and vegetables; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill left town on ranges and about 5,000 have found Robt. Nives, Sr., fruit cake, short Fancy Silks by the yard, Monday night on a visit to Clinton, their way across the boundary to the bread and mince pies; Dr. ancl Mrs. Ont. south. Mewburn, rocking chair; City Meat Handkerchiefs, Fans, Gloves, Market, two turkeys; Mr. Wallwork, Mr. F. W. Downer and daughter The Methodist Church Christmas Tree entertainment on Monday even­ one tmkey ; Sherlock Freeman k Co., Children's Dresses, leave on Satuiday night on a visit to ing was a great success. The building case of oranges, one of apples and Kn gland. was nicely decked with evergreens and holly ; Northwest Jobbing & Commis- ion Co., one case oranges; Mr. H. Ben­ Toques, Hoods, Caps, Mitts. Mr. T. L. Davies came down from two well-laden trees adorned the plat­ form. The children acquitted them­ tley, one case oranges: Bir. J. D. Hig­ Moyie, B.C., and is spending a holiday selves iu a very creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. f-reati> pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of insp. Sanders, Xo. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been received at this office and contains the a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China, Vases, Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer Ir. II. Dent ley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wagi i bednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Aiazander, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 200 head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf tertainment, was well patronized and IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gon« east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der," from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The liist-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This can- doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used as an office by the Cartage Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this week, Xo alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coining down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few but kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and the Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mi- afterwards torn off find replaced with door closes over a rubber rim, with the THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also are of polish­ ed plate glass, are set upon robberrests Miss J. McLeay was s passenger on iii the Gait Hospital, Dec. Ifith. 1000, having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted Ul the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. The cabinel complete, ber parents' home at Watford, Ont. Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ cost $112 here, and the Iollowiug do­ "The passing century" will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring nations have been applied toward pay­ Mr. White's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by Ihe physicians and ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $26; F. iv. nurses in her husband's behalf; and Downer (wager, Downei . 3V&s\i, £A& also for the great kindness and sym­ •rill bs tbe subject of the Bible study pathy shown hy them to herself in her k Downer) $5.00: Mrs. Thos. McNabb, on Sunday morning. sad bereavement. $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70. PHOITE -4G i< vim i^xntr*. It. Avig-ustin.'S Oh rch, Mrs. !>. (.. McKay and two youngest children, left on Sunday for Nova RBV. W. RtOtKV BKAI H.A.. Rector. Hcotia, on H visit to her old home. Ladies: The Popular Store Specials SUNDAYS :- Matins al tl a.m. Mi*.m. and Popular Prices. Celebration of the Holy Communion '• train tor her old home in Nova, Scotia. 1st Sunday in the Month at ll a.m. etc., are unexcelled in for Xmas Ol her Sundays, al 8 a.m. Caretaket wanted for Knox church. Wednesdays—Kvensong at 7.30 p.m., wlthad' style and value. We in­ dress. State salary expected and address ap­ Now, for New Year's Shopping, Guild of St. Monica (Ladies) meets fortnight!) plications toE. N. Higinbotham, Secty. vite your inspection. on Tuesday, at 8.80 p.m., at the Rectory. we are offering the balance of our Baptisms at the times appointed by the Book >>t Mr..'. K. Thompson, homestead in­ 14k tilled Ladies' Watches, fitted Common Prayer. Choir Practice on Kriday evenings at 8, spector for the Calgary district, has with genuine Walthani move­ heen relieved of his duties by the Min­ Glassware on Bargain Table at ment, tfl5.00 . ister of the Interior. Gentlemen: WESLEY CHURCH, LETHBR11WE. Kenny was legally elected on the Cost Price to clear. Sunday Services at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tenth instant.—Advt. We are showing a very 14k solid gold, fitted with our Sunday Sohool and Bible Class, 3.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mathews came special movement, only $20 to Prayer Meeting and Bible Heading. wadtlW* down from Macleod for the holidays complete range of every day, 8 p.m. 125 each. E. L. of C. F... Friday. 8.00 p.m. and were the guests of Tnspector thing the fine "Tailor Ladies' Aid every other Wednesday, as an­ Casey. LADIES' BLOUSES nounced. Trade" demands, at mod­ Scats are free. Strangers and i-itorc will DO The daily output of coal from the Call and get our Special Prices on welcomed. erate prices. The Parsonage is next door to the Church. mines ranges from N50 to 1000 tons. At greatly reduced prices. Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, T. JACKSON WRAY, Pastor. This is considered very satisfactory, and Import! )d China ware. This seeing that but one shift is employed. When you find your­ Also a lot of DRY GOODS at prices that will be is a grand opportunity to secure The football hoys were on the Square self inside one of our having a friendly kick on Xmas dav. "Made to Order" suits sure to clear them, such as Holiday Presents. Another Lot of Some of the lacrosse hoys were also or overcoats, if your joy taking exercise. Window Curtains, We carry the largest stock of solid Business men of all callings express does not cause hysterics Cold Jewelry ever known to be themselves as extremely well pleased you are sure to have a with the amount of holiday trade tran­ Table Covers, &c. carried in Lethbridge. sacted this year. "Fit." Neils V. Hansen was lined $1 and costs, and Thos. Houghton and Ed. Wilson $2 and costs for heing drunk J. C. EEU7, U, I k. WRIGHT. and disorderly this week. A. SOtiTHARD, Eye Specialist and Kxporl Watchmaker Just received. Graduate Refract ioniHt. and .lewder. John Kelly, a rancher, was to-day Hiv^ercliant Tailor. A. MACDONALD. fined $1 and costs for being drunk, Telephone 25. Sign of the large Gold Watch. Store open every niurlit while in charge of a horse in town, by this week. Insp. Casey. LETHBRIDGE *Mr. Kenny could have held the May­ Christmas and New Vear or's chair without the coming election L. & d. McLeay. had he chosen to do so.—a\dvt. "A Happy and Prosperous New Year to von." Another of Rev. Mr. Hornby's resi­ FOUNDRY dences lias been completed and is now HAMPERS being furnished for occupancy, by Mr. and Machine Shop. Christmas Goods. T. Drown. "••SBBBJ*raSHHBHSBSSBBBSSaSSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSB Mr. Alex. W. McKay and Miss Rath­ FRED. W. DOWNER & CO.'S er ine .lane Robertson, were married on BOXED PEBFUMERY-An immense Liquor Store, SPECIALTIES IN BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS ('hristmas eve by Rev. 0. MeKiilop, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. assortment from all the leading the ceremoi • taking place at the resi­ Corner Redpath & Round Streets makers, from 10c. to $1. Candies and French and German Chryttalized dence of tl de's father. Lethbridge Alta. General Repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Dressing Case**, Shaving ami Honlcnre Of the lo of 17,000 beef cattle ship­ Fruits aud Manufacturing Machinery. Sets, Toilet Bottles, Ebony und Silver ped from Manitoba and the Territories, Hamper XTo. 1 Sets, Cut (ilass, Bohemian Glassware-, about one-third came from the districts A great assortment of Chocolates and Colored rACTiiurc -mo ernure Austrian Ooods, kc. kc i Hoi He Walker's Ryo. Icings; also Colored Sugars CASTINGS FOR STOVES. of Lethbridge. Medicine Hat and Maple i •• Old Brandy. M'ork in tlio Itoutcli or t'ini.liMl. If you wish something dainty—ccme and see. Creek. l •• old Port 1 •• Old Sherry PBIGBS RIGHT. Rehearsals for the "Gipsy Queen's i •• Scotch Whiakej Sweet Pickles, Sauces and ' Chutnies In endless • opera are in full swing, and it is ex­ I " Sl Rem I Clarel varlot I " Blackberry Brandy y- I P. Crichton & Son, Prop*. pected tube placed on the boards about in Domestic cigars J. D. HIGINBOTHAM & CO. the middle oi January, and promises to Telephone ill. Nigbt Bell. be a big success. 1 Bottles and 10 Cigars for UN, NEW CHEESES. orrir The American Government is mak­ ing a special issue of stamps, of six de­ Hamper XTo. 2 MEAT MARKET. Thursday, December 27. r.KH). nominations, to commemorate the Pan- I Bottle, Walker's Canadian Club NEW JAMS. American exhibition at Buffalo next i •• Soagram "Ol creditable style and inbotham, crokinole board. in town. greatly pleased the audience. Percy de Wolf, a settler from the GENTS' TIES, MUFFLERS, SLIPPERS. No. 4 of the Labor Gazette has been vicinity of Cardston, and Jack Wagner Mrs. Sanders, wife of insp. Sanders, a Macleod half breed, are at present a* left for her home at Maple Creek last received at this office and contains the latest info; mation regarding the state waiting trial for cattle stealing in week. of the labor market in different por­ Helena, Montana. De Wolf has been Fancy China. Vases. Lamps. operating a butcher store all summer ,fr. II. Dent ley came down from Fer- tions of th' dominion, and numerous articles ;. 'I -'atistical tables, besides in the little mining town of Swift ie on Saturday and spent the holiday fair wagi i bednles on Government Current, and as he was seldom known with his family. contracts. to buy cattle, suspicions as to his methods were aroused, and the sheriff Mr. J. S. T. Alexander, of Fernie, Under the present water by-law it got on his track. Investigations show­ came down to spend his holidays with costs your cow $25 to take a drink from ed that he had stolen nearly 200 head the ditch. Vote for Kenny and free old friends in town. of cattle. The sheriff found near his drinks for the cow.—Advt. shop a number of mutilated bides, some Mrs. McKechnie, of Nanaimo, is The Salvation Army Christmas en­ bearing Canadian brands. De Wolf IN GROCERIES:-- visiting her parents here, Mr. and tertainment was well patronized and was at once arrested and Wagner, who Mrs. J. L. Russell. passed off very successfully. The hall is supposed to have had a hand in Ihe was decorated with evergreens and matter, was discovered hiding in the Mr. A. Easton has gone east for paper decorations, and a "Jacob's Lad­ cellar of a settler's shack just south of We have every requisite. about a month, on a visit to his old der,'' from floor to ceiling was laden the boundary line. They are now both home at St. Mary's, Ont. with the many gifts for presentation. in durance vile. The children acquitted themselves well The first-class spreads provided by The trustees of the Gait Hospital The best—absolutely the best—is our motto. in the dialogues, kc. have just installed a new Instrument the hotels were well patronized, and On Saturday morning about S o'clock Cabinet in the Institution. This cab- doubtless much enjoyed. the roof of the building on Round inet, which stands over five feel high, Street, used a.s an office by the Cartage Messrs J. Hicks and T. II. Whitney, is built of glass and iron and is beauti­ Co. caught fire from the stove pipe. fully enamelled in white. It is the of Macleod, visited town this w<»k, No alarm was Bounded, the blaze being repository of the surgical instruments coining down by trail. extinguished by the application of a and ligature material, when not in use. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING few but kets of water. The roof was All the glass is set in rubber, and tbe Mrs. Hamilton, wife of Kev. Mr- afterwards torn off and replaced with door closes over a rubber rim, with the THIS WEEK TILL 9 O'OLOCK. Hamilton, of Cardston. left lasl night one of shingles. object of making it dust and moisture on a visit to Toronto. Mr. Henry Schutt, of Stirling, died proof. The shelves also an* of polish­ Miss J. McLeay was s passenger on iii the (ialt" Hospital, Dec. lttth. 1000, ed plate glass, are set upon robberrests having succumbed to an operation per­ and may be adjusted to the size ol the Monday night's train, being hound for formed for strangulated hernia. Mrs. instruments. Th** cabinel complete, her parents' home at Watford, Ont. Schutt desires to express her keen ap­ cost $112 here, and the Iollowiug do­ "The passing century'' will he Hev. preciation of the skillful and untiring nations have been applied toward pay­ Mr. While's subject Sunday evening at efforts made by Ihe physicians and ment: Mrs. Neale's classes, $26; F. iv. Downer (wager, Downei . 3V&s\i, £A& also for the great kindness and sym­ $10; P. I.. Naismith, (wager, Naismith will be tbe subject of the Bible study pathy shown by them to herself in her k Downer) $5.00: Mis. Thos. McNabb, on Sunday morning. u&d bereavement. $7.50; Estate Miss Davenport, $31.70. PHOITE -4G